84-1128 M�NITE - C�TV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE CO11flC11 CANqRV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF �SAINT PAUL File NO. � � BLUE -MAVOR Ordindnce Ordinance N0. Presented By ��r�.y`�k�� �eferred To ���"I��.0 Committee: Date ���~v � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07. 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1984 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Chanbes Budget 126 PED Operations Fund 36021-3699 National Endowment for the Arts— $23,705 $21 ,425 45, 130 New Works Design Charrette SPENDING PLAN ' 126 D Operations Fund 36021-219 New Works Design Charrette— $19,976 $12,825 $32,801 Design Competition 36021-251 Transportation —0— 950 950 36021-252 Lodging, Meals, Etc. —0— 675 675 36021-242 Event Printing —0— 1,000 1 ,000 36021-246 Photography —0— 1,250 1 ,250 36021-269 Insurance —0— 225 225 36021-367 Display Panels —0- 1 , 500 1, 500 36021-369 Supplies and Materials —0— 3,000 3,000 $21 ,425 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1984 Budget. Ap r to funding: Approval Recommended: �_ inance Director Bud et 'r tor COUNCILMEN Requested by D artment of: Yeas Nays �PL.`lW�l ��e,,,, In F'avor Masanz � Nicosfa A gai n s t By r6aba{b�al Tedesco aAfflsen AUG 2 3 1984 Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date / Certified a s Cou cil re BY fC� By � App v by Mayor: Date AUG 2 7 198 Appr ayor for Sub io to Co cil B B PUBLISHED SEP - 1 1984 f� � � F��r��' ��,. _ DEPAR�`t�tENt�> Thomas P. Mever rONTACT 292-1577. ext. 225 PHONE .�+ � �� Za s4 oarE 1 �� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi Number for Routin Or�r C11 All L a �ions for oral Si nature : ' partment Director . 2 ity Attorney 5 Director of Management/Mayor 3 Finance and Management Services Director ' - 6 City Clerk 4 Budget Director �Ihat Will be Achieved by Taking Act�io� n on th,e Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Budget will be amended to provide for the �eceipt of the National Endowment for the Arts grant for the purpose of sponsori� a desi�n competition as part of its New Works/St. Paul project. � Financial , Budgetary and Personnel ,Impacts Mttci�ated: See above. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nt�nber Charged ar Credited: i� 126 PED Operations Fund 36021�219 36021-251 36021-252 36021-242 36021-3699 36021+246 36021-269 36021-367 36021-369 Attachments (List and N w�er all Mt�tachments) : 1. Council Resolution 4. NEA Signature Authorization 2. New Works Design Charrette 5. NEA Civil Rights Compliance Budget for NEA Grant 6. NEA Labor Standard's Compliance 3. Request for Advance DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolutiam Required? Resolution Required? Yes ��--No Yes x No Insurance Require�d? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Attact�ad? Revision of October, 1982 f SPP RPVPM'CP SidP fc►r �Instructions) �. �y � --- .... .��• ......c.�.�1. J� �a.. .c�.v�.J • } ii. .�'. �^� / `/ �::' ! �i;�s ,:. � �T11.l�Liri �� Jl�Rri �!x�.�.Y �l�lJ�"`i�L � (J �� 20 ������;�:.wls��� •L . �� .._f..:.;r.c�•:�I�e,. . �., -jF� � ' d a f e : August 16, 1984 �a,�;'`�' ��� . - CO i1/I MtTT�E � E P O RT TO = Sqtn� Pau t City Cou�cit �R�I� � C O j'�[�j�r�'Q� Q h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT F� PERSONNE L � � � C H A I R James Scheibel ' � � . l. Approval of minutes from meeting heZd July 26, I984���� � _ " 2. Resolution amending the 1984 CIB budget and transferring $13,000 from Co in ent � Reserve - SpeciEied to Executive AdminisGration - Personnel OFfice . , � 3. Reeolution approving $ZOO,OOd Federal National I�Soregage Associatioa securities � as collaceral to protect de ,� ublic funds of the City of St. Paul vith ' . � . Capital Bank, (Finance) • , . • 4. Resolution approving securities as Iisted as collateral to protect deposits � public funds of the City of Saint Paul with��•�-,-�-- � 4 ° • � ---=-y�.• (Finance) � 5. Resolution approving an agreement c�ith [he County of [Jashington whereby [he City ��. �q � ' vi21 prov3de tuberculosis testing and subsequent reimbursement_ • (Comnunity Servtces��«,+�,VV� -�....,,,..._� 6. Resolution accepting the financial pledge of [he FYiends of the Library and • . expressing appreciation and thanks for the generous commitmen[ b same to improve the City's library system. (Community Serv:tces��l� y �.w.,.�- 7. Resolution approving an agreement vith the University of Ptinnesota whereb ttee Cit'� � �wi11 receive the services of Dr. Leon Sa[ran, M.4. (Community Services) � ' . �*..,ari=;,�:, _,� . 8. Resolution approving additions to'[he 1984 budget and appropriating $21;425 to the Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED 0 erations Fund-National Endocment for the Arts-New Works Design Charrette. (PED) � 9. Resolution approv3ng acceptance of a $SO,OOO grant from the National Endoc.rment fo= the Arts to sponsor a national design compe[ition for the World Trade Cen[er Plaza (Block 22) (PED ) �V� _10. Resolution approving.acceptance oE a $21,425 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to sponsor the Nev Works/St. Paul des�gn eompetition as part of [he NPp- �� supported renovation of the warehouse at 255 }:ellogg into artis[ studio/housing_ (PED) " 11. Reaolution appzoving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $I0�9&7 to the Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED 0 erations Fund-Economics of Amenity_ Fee to Partners for Livable Ylaces. (PED) �, ; 12. Reeolution approv3ng additions to the 1984 budget. and.appropriating $90,000 to the Financing and to the Spending Plan9 of Lake OverEloas-Secaer Rental. (Public T;ozi:s) 13. Resolution amending the 1984 CIB budget and tzansferring $64 000 P�ro�m activicies as listed to Public i7orks Con[ingency-MSA. (Public Nork 14. Resolution approving additions to �he 1984 budget and approprEatin � the Financing a�d e Spending Plans of Traffic. Signal 6 Lig1i[sRg2r,aintensnce. (Public Horks) 15, Resolution app mving establishment of a Citizens' Commission to review the public • . fiqancing practices used by the S[. Paul IIRA and the St. Paul Yort AuChorlty .1ND setting forch i[s membership and mandate.(includes industrial development bond, tax increment financing, general obligatio bo mmun - � and Capital Improvement budget practices). �e.lo meat IIlock Crant . ._. _.._._.A_�..'-��-_.�.__ "-•.-.�__ -- . . . _ ,"�' : �-•--•- --�-- - - • """'^_"'.-^-�--...__.____.._.._.._ ... . .._��;:.:--- - ----------•--_