84-1121 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANRRY - DEPARTMENT t BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO• � — //�/ � � '� Council Resolution Presented By _� � Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Philip R. Hillman made application to the Planning Commission for Special Condition Use permits for community residen- tial facilities and for a modification of the 1,320 feet minimum distance required between zoning lots used for community residential facilities for properties located at 383 Colborne, 397 Colborne and 386 Duke Street in the eity of Saint Paul, Minnesota;_ and WHEREAS, following public hearing with notice to affected property owners the Planning Commission on March 9, 1984 denied the request for modification of the minimum spacing requirement for community residential facilities and therefore denied the Special Condition Use permits for the above described property; and WHEREAS, Philip R. Hillman has appea�ed the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council and the City Council follow- ing hearings held for that purpose on Apri1 l2, 1984 and July 24, 1984 did find and determine that it was in the public interest to modify the minimum distance spacing requirements for community resi- dential facilities for the above described properties subject to following specified conditions which were agreeable to the applicant; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that the decision of the Planning Commission is reversed, and the Council hereby grants the modification of the minimum spacing require- ment of 1, 320 feet for community residential facilities as specified in Section 60.423 (3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the community residential facilities located at 383 Colborne, 397 Colborne and 386 Duke Street, the modification of the minimum spacing requirements for such community residential facilities be and are hereby made expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �re'"' In Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approv d y City Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy t�pproved by �Navor: Date _ Appr Mayor for Su mis ' to By B - PUBLISNED SEP - 1 i9$4 WHITE — CITV CIERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council /y /' CANs\Ry — DEPARTMENT File NO.-----[, �/• �/ BLUE — MAYOR • � ` � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (1) That the Special Condition Use permits hereby granted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall continue in force and effect only so long as the community residential facilities are operated by Family Style Homes, Inc. and that if the property or operation of the community facilities is no longer operated by Family Style Homes, Inc. , then these permits shall expire without any further action required by the City. (2) Family Style of St. Paul , Inc. shall agree to work with governmental officials and the community in timely implementation of the disbursal law (Chapter 167 Laws of 1984) when the Ramsey County plan is in place. (3) Family Style of St. Paul , Inc. agrees to whichever of the following two stipulations occurs first in time: (a) Upon implementation of the disbursal law referenced above the City may revoke the three permits under consideration and �ranted hereby. (b) If the disbursal law has not been implemented by October 1 , 1988, the three permits hereby granted shall terminate as of that date. (4) Family Style of St. Paul , Inc. agrees to include two representatives from the immediate neighborhood of the facility on its Rule 36, Category II, Advisory Committee. (5) Family Style of St. Paul , Inc. and the West Seventh Street Federation agree that the agreement effected in February, 1984 restricting the number of residents at Family Style to 175 and the number of properties to 24 is now in effect and is binding. Be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Philip R. Hillman, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. - _ 2 _ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays �►• Drew ��Y� �_ In Favor Masanz Nicosia ser+s�bd �__ A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilss� Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 1 �$� Form Approv y City Attorn Certified a• • Counc' . cr ar BY By, � AUG 2 3 1984 Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council Ap e by lVlavor: — g - By Pu�t��� S E P _ 1 1984 wr+1TE - C�TV CL-ERK (Ret to Jerome Se(]al after adontion1 councii p �J PI�?VK - FINANCE � UT�I�I � �+ r / CANARY - DEPAitTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �J i^�I ` 0l'JE -MAYOR File NO. 4 �// � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Philip R. Hillman made application to the Planning Comm�ssion for Special Condition Use permits for community residen- tial facilities and for a modification of the 1,320 feet minimum distance required between zoning lots used for community residential facilities_ for properties located at 383 Colborne, 397 Colborne and 386 Duke Street in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota;_ and WHEREAS, following public hearing with notice to affected property owners the Planning Commission on March 9, 1984 denied the request for modification of the minimum spacing requirement for community residential facilities and therefore denied the Special Condition Use permits for the above described property; and _ WHEREAS, Philip R. Hillman has appealed the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council and the City Council follow- ing hearings held for that purpose on April 12, 1984 and July 24, 3984 did find and determine that it was in the public interest to modify the minimum distance spacing requirements for community resi- dential facilities for the above described properties subject to following specified conditions which were agreeable to the applicant; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that the decision of the Planning Commission is reversed, and the Council hereby grants the modification of the minimum spacing require- ment of 1,320 feet for community residential facilities as specified in Section 60.423 (3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the community residential facilities located at 383 Colborne, 397 Colborne and 386 Duke Street, the modification of the minimum spacing requirements for such community residential facilities be and are hereby made expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fi�tcher Drew In Favor Mssanz Nlcosia scnetbe� __ Against BY Tsdesco � Wilson Form Approv d y City Attorn y Adopted by Councit: Date Certi[ied Passed by Councii Secretary � BY B� Approved by Mavor: Date Approve Mayor for Su mission to Council By — By WHITE - C�TV CLERK P�NrC - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT I, Council CANARV - D�PARTMENT L� 1 � OI.UE - MAYOR � [-I1C NO. � ��� � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (1) That the Special Condition Use permits hereby granted by the Council of the City of Sa�nt Paul shall continue in force and effect only so long as the cor�nunity residential facilities are operated by Family Style Homes, Inc. and that if the property or operation of the community facilities is no longer operated by Family Style Homes, Inc. , then these permits shall expire without any further action required by the City. (2) Family Style of St. Pau1 , Inc. shall agree to work with gover.nmental officials and the community in timely implementation of the disbursal law (Chapter 167 Laws of 1984) when the Ramsey County plan is in place. (3) Family Style of St. Paul , Inc. agrees to whichever of the following two - stipulations occurs first in time: (a) Upon implementation of the disbursal law referenced above the City may revoke the three permits under consideration and granted hereby. (b) If the disbursal law has not been implemented by October 1 , 1988, the three permits hereby granted shall terminate as of that date. (4) Family Style .of St. Paul , Inc. agrees to include two representatives from the immediate neighborhood of the facility on its Rule 36, Category II; Advisory Corroni�tee. (5) Family Style of St. Paul , Inc. and the West Seventh Street Federation agree that the agreement effected in February, 1984 restricting the numb.er of residents at Family Style to 175 and the number of properties to 24 is now in effect and is binding. Be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of�this resolution to Philip R. Hillman, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. , - 2 - COUI�CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Flstchsr °fe'" In Favor Macanz Nicosta Scheibei A gai n s t BY Tedecco . Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv y City Attotn Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . � � • � (� ��/l�zl ��°t� °'m CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � � �� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ��1111 tlttt ro `� "�� �� � v' DIVISION OF PLANNING . � +,a+ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 12, 1984 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55105 RE: Zoning Files 9457, 9460, 9461 - Hillman City Council Hearing: April 19, 1984 PURPOSE: Appeal Planning Commission denial of Special Condition Use Permits for community residential f acilities at 383 and 397 Colborne and 386 Duke Street. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Deny (14-0) ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Approve (4-0) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny SUPPORT: West Seventh Street Federation, letter from Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, petition with 77 signatures. OPPOSITION: None Dear Sir: This matter first came before the Zoning Comnittee of the Planning Commission on October 6, 1983. At that time the applicant requested that it be laid over until November 17. At that meeting, the new operators of the facilities, Family Style, Inc., requested an additional layover until March 1 , 1984. At the March 1 meeting, the original staff report was reviewed with a recoRUnendation for denial because the minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet from other f acilities was not met. It was explained that these facilities currently consist of 24 homes, 21 of which are legally nonconforming and not a part of this case and 3 which had been established illegally. Family Style presented an agreement that had been signed by the West Seventh Street Federation and Family Style agreeing that the population of all 24 homes would not exceed the current number of 175 and that the permits would expire if Family Style lost the lease to these three buildings. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 4 to 0 to recomnend approval of the permits as follows: 383 Colborne for no more than 10 residents; 397 Colborne for no more than 6 residents; and 386 Duke for no more than 6 residents, all subject to the additional condition that a restriction be placed on the deeds of each of these properties, stating that in the event Family Style Homes, Inc. no longer operates the f acility, the permit will expire. . , . • � (� �/- i/�/ � , Albert Olson, City Clerk Page 2 On March 9, 1984, the Planning Comnission considered the Zoning Corrmittee's decision. After much discussion, reflected in the attached minutes, the Planning Comnission voted down the Committee's recorrmendation, 4 to 10. The Commission then voted 14 to 0 to deny the permits. On March 22, 1984 an appeal of the Planning Corrmission's decision was filed. The appeal is based on the following: (1 ) the use is existing; (2) denying the permits would disrupt the lives of the residents; (3) the permits had the support of the West Seventh Street Federation; and (4) that modifying the distance requirement would create hardship, would not impair the intent of the condition, would be consistent with community welfare and reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. This matter is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 19, 1984. Please let me know by April 18 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, . ������t,c� � Patricia N. James City Planner PNJ/mb attachments ' __ ";:.,.:�, �_ . , ���- -'��l , � �.. ����*T �•� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� : o a • DEPA T ENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ����j�1°� ; DIVISION OF PLANNING � �o 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ,•.. 612-292-1577 GEORGE UTIMER M11YOR April 12, 1984 . Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55105 RE: Zoning Files 9457, 9460, 9461 - Hillman City Council Hearing: April 19, 1984 PURPOSE: Appeal Planning Commission denial of Special Condition Use Permits for community residential f acilities at 383 and 397 Colborne and 386 Duke Street. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Deny (14-0) ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Approve (4-0) STAFF RECOPIMENDATION: Deny SUPPORT: West Seventh Street Federation, letter f rom Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, petition with 77 signatures. OPPOSITION: None Dear Sir: This matter first came before the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on October 6, 1983. At that time the applicant requested that it be laid over until November 17. At that meeting, the new operators of the facilities, Family Style, Inc., requested an additional layover until March 1 , 1984. At the March 1 meeting, the original staff report was reviewed with a recommendation for denial because the minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet from other facilities was not met. It was explained that these facilities currently consist of 24 homes, 21 of which are legally nonconforming and not a part of this case and 3 which had been established illegally. Family Style presented an agreement that had been signed by the West Seventh Street Federation and Family Style agreeing that the population of all 24 homes would not exceed the current number of 175 and that the permits would expire if Family Style lost the lease to these three buildings. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 4 to O to recommend approval of the permits as follows: 383 Colborne for no more than 10 residents; 397 Colborne for no more than 6 residents; and 386 Duke for no more than 6 residents, all subject to the additional condition that a restriction be placed on the deeds of each of these properties, stating that in the event Family Style Homes, Inc. no longer operates the f acility, the permit will expire. . w � � /{,,,, . /�" / /�r ��-t-��< �c � �'�—rl�� July 24, 1984 Motion regarding granting of three special use permits to Family Style of St. Paul, Inc. for p roperties at 383 and 397 Colborne and 386 Duke Streets. To grant said permits with the following conditions: 1. Family Style of St. Paul, Inc. , agrees to work with governmental officials and the community in timely implementation of the dis- persal law (S.F. 1628, Chap. 167) when the Ramsey County plan is in plaee�. 2. Family Style of St. Paul, Inc. , agrees to whichever of the following two stipulations occurs first in time: a) Upon i�lementation of the dispersal law referenced above, the city may recall the three permits under consideration for review. b) if the dispersal law has not been implemented by October 1, 1988, the three permits in question shall terminate on that date. 3. Family Style of St. Paul, Inc. y� agrees to include two representatives from the immediate neighborhood of the facility on its Board of Directors. 4. Family Style of St. Paul, Inc. , and the West Seventh Street Federation agree that the agreement effected in February, 1984, restricting the number of residents at Family Style to 175, and the number of properties to 24, is in effect and binding. . � � � � � ��/-ila� APPLI�ATION FOR APPEAL "" - • �{°-' ZONING O�FICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT P,AUL � ,,a� .� ;> . ,1 Fi le � ;�- .-., . _ ,_ . ---�— F .... . . �/� 1,,,.� � ; � _ -� APpiicat�ion Fe� $ -��,'-� .�' �c' ._ ._ � ,_ . _... _,-, .; � � Tentative Hear�ng Date Application is hereby made for an Appeal to the City Council under the provisions of Chapter b4, Section 2p6 , Paragraph of the Zoning Code to appeal a decision made by the Board of Zoning Appeals X Planning Commission on March 9 � 1�4 • Zoning Administrator (date of decision) Planning Administrator Other A. APPELLANT Name Phi 7 ip R. Hillman - Famil�v_St��l e of St� paulDaytime phone831-3071 Address 4900 9 Niile Creek Parkway, Bloornington, MN Z�P ���e 55431 B. DECISION BEING APPEALED Zoning file name philip R. Hillman Zoning File �945? Property Address/Location 383 Colborne ;St. Lega1 description Lot 14 , Block 3 and 10 feet of Lot 20, _Block 3 C. GROUNC� �GR APFEAL �Us:: addit;ena� shee+s �if n�cess,°•��.) (Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official , or an error in faet, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commissian.) G,�p �tta�-hPd �i-a�-Pm n �K.� J ? If you have any questions, please contact: � �� . ��t���tX�X�x���f�� St. Paul Zoning Office Attorney for Family Style 1100 City Hall Annex � � 25 West Fourth Street � z� �.�= l Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Da e C1ty agent (298-4154) � �_� ` 9/82 � t � ���� ����� �� ���� ���� Appl.icant' s Signature , . . - �' �y-//�/ _ _ _ ��� , , . : � r� .... APPL�CATION FOR APPEAL ZOPJING OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SA1NT PAUL ,r �� ;, �; ,� -.,� , , �.::: , Fi le � � ����� Application Fee $ � � � Tentative Nearing Date Application is hereby made for an Appeal to the City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 206 , Paragraph of the Zoning Code to appeal a decision made by the Board of Zoning Appeals X Planning Commission on March 9, , 19 84. Zoning Administrator (date of decision} Planning Administrator Other. A. APPELLANT , Name philip R. Hillman - Family Style of St. Paul Daytime phone 8�I-3071 Address 4900 9 Mile Creek Parkway, Bloomington, MN Zip Code 5543I B. DECISION BEING APPEALED Zoning fi le name_�hilip R. Hillman Zoning Fi le � 9460 Property Addr2ss/Location 397 Colborne � Legal description Lot 16, Block 3 _ �. GROUNGS F'vR F,P?EAL (Use additioiial snaets if necessar�y. ) (Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.) See attached statement. If you have any questions, please contact: � '.�� ' �����I�k�X���k��� � St. Pau 1 Zon i ng Of f i ce Attorney f or Fami ly Style 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Stree� 3 ��,�/��� ���� Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Da e City agent (298-4154) � � /� g/82 --�-�7�! �/I �,C�-�.�e.� , � ���.�� �t�� �� ��� �� Applicant' s Signa�ure c ' � � � � � �"�;a����� ����..� �y� . �� , _ C,:�.eh � ` �� . 'APPLI�ATION FOR APPEAL � �"°' d `�� ��� ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ���a� ': . '�^ ' Fi le � - � �� ,;.,.�. �'' . ,i'i <� __ �•. , . _ .. � APPlication Fee ;$ I%��� - - - ` ;' ' a'°.:. .. Tentative Hearir�g Date Application is hereby made for an Appeal to the Cit Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 206 , Paragraph f the Zoning Code to appeal a decision made by the Board of Zoning Appeals X Planning Commission on , 19�. _ Zoning Administrator (da�e of decision) Planning Administrator Other � A. APPELLANT Name Philip R. Hillman — Family Style of St. Paul Daytime phone R�1_���1 Address 490U 9 N�Iile Creek Parkway, Blvomington, MN Zip Code 55431 B. DECISION BEING APPEALED Zoning fi le name Philip x. Hillman Zoning Fi le # A4�� Property Address/Location 386 Duke St. Legal description Lot 7, Block 3 C. GROI'FJ[�� F�R P,PPEAI. !i.)se additional sh�e}s if nece�sary. ) (Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative ofificial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.) See attached statement � � � /�/� � If you have any questions, please contact: L:-�-�C a-�-��c��, ��:�x�x����"� St. Paul Zoning Office Attorney for Family style 1100 City Hall Annex ,p 25 West Fourth Street ��7���� �t��-� Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Date City agent (298-4154) � � ' � 9/82 Applican s Signature i � . . . � � �- ��i�a� � j ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR APPEAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ZONING FILE NO. 9461 C. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL. l . Facility is currently bea.ng used for same purposes as has been denied by the Planning Coznmission. 2 . Continuation of service of board and care for the mentally handicapped individuals currently living in the fa cilit y is necessary to prevent disruption in the life style, proper board and care of these individuals. 3 . Denial of the application would be a hardship to these residents and the applicant and contrary to public interest. 4 . Support for this application has been received from the W'est Seventh Federation, Inc. , which is a non-profit Minnesota Corporation , whose pu.rpose is the lessening of the burdens of government, lessening neighborhood tensions, comc�ating communit� deterioration , supporting general district planning , and providing communication betterment. 5 . Refusal by the pl.anning coinmission to modify conditions if strict adhzrence would unreasonably limit otherwise lawf u 1 us e w i 11 , i n th i s appl ication, c�eate exceptional undue hardship to facility residents and applicant , as modification would not impair the intent of the condition , and modification will be consistent with community welfare. 6 . Gr.antina the application: would not be inconsi.stent with the health , moraZs, and general wel�are of the community , and with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. 7 . For any and all grounds previously submitted in either written or verbal presentation to the various governmental agencies involved. � ����� �� �� �.� ! ♦;Yy' , /J . �:� '��� , ���/ //�/ C[TY OF SA1NT ?�'�UL �R� y � o ,� "'. �� ' DEPA�TMENT OF PLANNit\'G AI4D ECOI��M[C DEVELQPJ�iENT ''a ,,;�?��;jy�j� �� � DIV{StO�i �F PLAt�3yING ,� ^ 25�Y�st Fourth Street,Saini Pau�,Mi�nesota,55102 �ee� 612-292-f 577 GEORGE�LATIMER . MAYOR I . tfarch 12, 198� � � Philip R. Nillman � _ 4500 9 P�ii 1 e Creek Par�cviay ' 6loomington, P�1innesota 55437 Zon i n F i 1 e #�9�57 �9450 and �94Ei 1 - Hi 11mar � RE: g � ( Dear ��ir. Hi llman: � On ��lovzmber 17, 1983 the Zoning Com�ittee of the planRing Co.�issian nelc3 a publ_ic hearing on your request for Special Condition E1s� Per;nits tor conaauri-ity residEntial faciliti�s for mentally i3? adults a� {c�e follo:rzr�g locations: 383 Col6orne; 397 Colborne; and "3F6 C�uk2 S�reet. At that hearing, the Car:�ittee a�as informed: tha�t Fanily Sty1e, Ir��. :;o�_il�t he operating th� entire facility under a lease agre�siren�t. At the ctose of t�e hearing, tne Cor,►mittee vo�ed to lay t�e ma�ter aver t� i-�arcn 1 , 7��4, �in order �or Family Style to ��orlc ���ith the 1�;. 7th Street F��eration. ' On hiarch 1 , 1984 tFe Zon i ng Cor,��i ttee agai n cans i�lered �hese Sp4ci al Conc+itien Use Permits. Representatives of Family Styte, Inc. explain�d the lease agreem2nt and an agree��n� be�H�een the t�l. 7th Fedzratio:t and F�ily Style, Inc. At the close of the hearirg, the Commit�ee �eo�ed 4 �o Q to approve the Special Condition Use Permit at 3�� �olbornz for na tnare �nan ten residents, and permits for 397 Col�orne and 38o Du<e for no more �t�an six r�sidents, s��bject to the conui±ion that � restric�ion �e ftiTe�� on eact� � property cfeed stating tnat in the event that Fanily Sty�e Eto�es, Inc. n� . longer operates these f acilities, the permits viill expire_ On March 9, 1984 tne Planning Com��ission considered tfze Zanin� Cor��itt�e's - recammendation. At that meeting, they discussed th� inLent of th� dzstance requirement, the number of facilities existing in the area, anG tn2 Planning Cor��►ission's role in locatirg communi�y residertial -€acilities. iyloti ons to appruve eacii of these permi ts as reco:���ende� �y �ne Zcni ng - . Corrami�tee f ai 1 e� on votes of 4 to 10. 7he P 1 anni r�g Corr:�i ssi on then voted 14 to 0 to deny the Special Condition l�se Permits base� on the findfngs ire the staff report. You�° S�ecial Condition Use Permits are here5y denied_ 'fou f�ave 15 days fro� the date letter is mailed to app°al the decisiorr to the City Council . The fee for tlie appeal i s Sl"!0 per permi t. If you aris:► ta app�al a1 j thr�2 permits, ttie fee ti�;ould be S510. � ; i i I __ . . :. . . , ... _. .._._._..�.�.a...�..... _;.�:w_...�„�..�w.. • � � � ��/-//�/ , � - If you have any further questicr,s, you may call rne. Sincerely, . �--- �Q�_..h�i..�., �?-�.�'/:� Patricia W. James City Planner PyJ/r�b � cc: tw'endy Lare � t•!. 7th Street Federation � _ Family Style, Inc. � Larry Brzins�i ���a71�d �iarCh 1C,. 19�� - _ J .�-�'- � i , �,/= �y-�/°�/ i 1 SAINT PAUL PLt�NitiING COMMISSIO:�; � 25 \Ves t Fotirth Street St. Paul, i`vlinnesota 55102 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of St. PauI was h�Id a� Friday, March 9, 1984 at 9:00 a,m. in the Department of Planning and Economic DeveIo{��ment Conference Room on the 15th floor of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth S�reet, S�t. Paul, Minnesota 55102.� � COMMISSIONERS Mmes. McLaughlin, Summers, T'racy, Treichel, Zi man PRESENT: Messrs. Anderson, Christenson, Ferderer, Galles, ndihar, Lanegran, Luna, McDoneli, Pangal, Park, Van Hoef COMMISSIONERS Mmes. Morton ABSENT: Messrs. Brown, HoraK, Levy I ALSO PRESEN'f: Jerry Segal, City Attorney's Office; Katy LindAlad, Riverfront Office; Allen Lovejoy, Chuck McGuire, Pat 7ames, DonRa Mci�iea!!y, � Debbie Munkberg and Laurie Kaplan of the Planning Division. I. 51�UEARING IN NEW PLANNIIVG COMMISSION MEMBERS - City Clerk Mr. Al Olson, City Clerk, swore in the new Planning Commission. IT. RENnARKS BY MAYOR LATIIvIER Mayor Latimer.addressed the new Planning Commission. He said the Planning Corrtmission is an expression of the kind of community shaping we have to offer in St. Paul. bC�hat the Planning Commission has done in the past has been v�ry impartant and L�hat you do in the future will be equally important. Mayor Latimer told the Commission that the Planning Cammission job is tt�e most sou�ht after position of aIl citizen groups in St. Paul. Outside of the elected positions for City r:ov�r.il ar� A9ayor, th�s ;osition �iv�� you z b�-t±er f^el for th-� who�e or ^ur ci;-y :�:ar, ar.; other position. He told the Planning Commission that they �vill be invoived in areas of tremendo�.is agreement, cooperation and excitement as well as controversy and friction, which is part of democracy. He said their recommendations are honored and he bases his recommendations on the Planning Commissions recommendations an ove:whelmictg number of times. His view is shaped by the Commission's view. - r Inclosing, he said no one should be timid, feel overwhelmed or frightened by this. It�s the best expression of democracy he knows. �- � III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Summers made a motion to approve the Minutes of the February ?_4, 198� Ptanning Commission Meeting as submitted. Mr. McDoneli seconded the motion. The motion for approval carried with a unanimous voice vote. i . � i - ! I . . - 4 - � �U-�/a( , Dxscussion: �,�s, Summers said the neiohbors are active!� su�porting the petitioner. Sne also stated that about one-h�'� �!oc� a�vay it is zoned S-2. She said these fac�ors made he: comfortable allowing t:z�> Ri;i-2. N�r. And�rson asked if tnz �3oa;d of Zoning Appeals wiii go over the issue we are dealing with today? Mr. La�egt��n explained that the Pldnning Commissian decision is a recommendation to the City Council, not the Board oi Zoning Appeals. Ms. Reichert explained that the Planning Commission onty has so much time to act � on this rezoning request. She explained that the Ptanning Commission is only - making a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has jurisdiction regarding rezonings. Mr. Galies explained that the City Council uses the Planning Commission recommendation as a tool for their decision-making. He stated that it is important for the Planning Commission to make the right decision. Ms. McLaughlin asked if the owner could change after being granted the rezor�ing. Ms. Reichert said the Pianning Commission is making a decision on the Iand use, � not the owner. Mr. Christenson asked if he could have more than 3 units. Mr. Pangal exp!ained that because of the size of his lot, he is restricted to 3 uniis on1y. Motion: The motion �vas approved with a roll call vote of 9-7. KEVI�I LAUBACH (FENDER MENDER, INC.) (��9520)r Change of titonconforming Use Perrnit to allow auto bo y repair shop in the rear of t e building at I326-I330 Grand Avenue. Motion: Mr. Pangal made a motion to deny t�e request. �Vis. Surnmers seconded the motion. The motion for denial was approv°d with a rotl call vote of 16-0. PHILIP R. HILLMAN (��9457): Special Condition Use Perrnit for a eorr�muRity resid�ntial facility for 7 or more mentally ill adults. Property located at 383 Colborn�. Motion: Mr. Pangal made a motion to ap�rove subiect to the condition ��at the maximum number of residents b� limited to 10 and tt�at a deed restriction be filed stating tha�t in the event that Family Style Homes, Inc., no �onger operates the faciizty, the permit will expire. Ms. Summers seconded the motion. Discussion: Mr. Lanegran explained that this was an attempt to come to an agreement between the n�ighborhood, the State, city staff and other interested parties to save some aspect of the neighborhood. 'lVe hav� this situation bec�use of the State's policy to deinstitutionalize mentally ill peopte witho�.�t providing adequate alternative housing for them. This has brought peopie Iike Mr. Hillman into the business, for profit. R�Ir. Hillman has sold his business to Family Style Services, and they are negotiating the purchase of the property. Althou�h Mr. Hillrnan is applying for the permit, it is contingent upon Family Style Services maintaining the operation. That's a very important distinction because if Far�ily Style Services goes out of busin�ss, this permit expiras. It is a Special Condit��n Use °ermit and the Planning Commission has the authority to put this resiriction on. • Y Mr. Ferderer asked if they met the standards for care. �llr. Lan�gran said they do meet State standards. i / . .. ; � ��/�� 1 h�lr. Pangal read a letter ir� support of the homes ��o�-n i1,-i.r. Levine; Commiss�one: of , , the Department of P�b�:c Welfare. The lette; strongty urges th� E'Ia�ning Co:�mission to approve t��e Special Condition tJse .'�rmit for Family Style H��:nes. �Ir. Lanegan asked h1s. Betry Uioran to explain �:�e guarantee they have irom Family Style Services, Inc. Si�e explained that they ha�e a written agreem�nt that the population will be kept at 175. The other issu� the neighbor.hood is concerne� about is to make sure Mr. Hillman doesn't get these homes. I Ms. McLaughlin expressed concern that we now have a state �institution in tne. middle of the city. She said the homes should be spread thraug out the city, not grouped together. Mr. Christenson asked what would happen if we don�t grant �he permit? �1r. _ Lanegran said the homes would either be sold or leased to someone eIse. Mr. Van Hoef stated that approving the permits would onty inc�ease tS�e value of these homes while the owner is negotiating their sale. � � Mr. Pangal pointed out that the written agreement Iimits the number of clients in the area to 175 and it will get Mr. Hillman out of the area. Motion: ?he motion to approve failed with a roll call vote of ►�-IQ. PHILIP R. HILLMAN (f�9461): Special Condition Use Permit for a community resid�ntial acility or or ewer menta ly ill adults. Property located at 38b Duke. Motion: Mr. Pangal made a motion to approve subject to the condition that the maximurri number of residents be limited to 6 and that a deed restriction be filed stating that in the event that Family Style Homes, Inc. no longer operat�s the facility, the permit will expire. Ms. Summers seconded the motion. Motion for approval fai:�d with a roll call vote of �-10. PHII.IP R. HILLMAN (��9460): Special Condition Use Permit for a community residenti�I ac �ty or or more menta y ill adults. Property located at 397 Colborne. ?�Aoti�n: Mr. Pangal rnac'e a motion to approve subject to tf►e condition that the maximum number of residents be limited to 6 and that a deed restriction be fil.d statzng that in the event that Family Style Homes, Inc. no tonger operates the facility, the permit will exQire. Ms. Summers seconded the motion. The mo�[ion for approval failed�vith a roll call vote of 4-10. Mr. Segal pointed out that the Planning Commission shauld take formai action to deny the permits based on findings of fact. Motion: Ms. Summers moved denial of the permits based on the findings in the staff reports. Mr. Pangal seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a unanimaus voiee vote. IX. OLD BUSINESS None X. NE�'U BUSINESS Ms. Reichert announced that there will be a Zoning Committee me�ting on Thursday, March 15, at 3:30. She told the committee they will be notified. ! � i i , I . _ � . . - 6 - � , �,� �,y-!/a� �;ir. Pangal moved that Prls. Summers remain on th° Board of Zoning �poeals. Mr. Park seconded the motion. The motion pas�ed with a unani.mous voice vote. XI. ADJOURNI�4ENT Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Submitted by: Approved by: Peggy A. Reichert St. Paul Planning Commission Deputy Director for Planning March 23, 1984 � - -�- �v� ������ � ..-�� ' (��.. ;-� ;�-;- `=�� : ��.� � BROWN AND MYHRE �����,� , r�`f ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' �-:r,; 3801 WEST 50rH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 554f0-2074 '�'%�---.. ., . _ . e����� h. . -� (612) 927-8837 � ' �`+•`:: HOSMc?, A. BRO�YN � EARL J. MYHRE NarC 5 � 19��Z Jerry Sigal, Esq. , Office of the City Attorney - Rm. 647 Ci�y Hall S� . Paul, I✓1N 55102 � In Re : Family St��le Inc./Phi?ip R. Hillman f � . . � Deax� Ifr. Sigal: . i I enclose a copy of a iully executed Declaration c.�hich I propose to have fi�e3 for recoru in the Ransey County Recorder �s O��ice to satisfy the requirement of your oifice and that of the Planning Off ice Department concerning the o�erat ion of the residential croup occu�ancy facility on Duke Street by r^amily S�y1e Inc. Will you kindly contact me by p�one in 'the event you or others in your department or the planning department �ti�ish to have so me chanaes made in the document before f iling. Yours truly, ' EJt•i:b ��� � Encl. " . ��C/� cc: Philip R. Hillman i . � i � i i � ! - . � . - � �����i . , , AiCL�."-•i�.Cct �"�:: :::�::;r.S?.:�c:�:�� �M�I.�.P a.. �`IL.�i,l,.�, f�e o:.�er of �Iae fa'�.l.awi�'t� �.=��_��d T��� es��t� :si�u��E� in the Cit� of St. Fa�:., �o�-��y of I�:.,r�Y, �tr.:e uf �"i�aesa�a, c?�se�3.�e� �s fcll�:as, ta-���: . i.��s 7, �6, a::a 194 �:�.cs�k �f St?nG� �rt,::� Fcc_�e}•s St��- �i�i�icm ef t� �Jest h.�If o�' I��Lk I�, �tinct�, £srv�r:-t �a t,.��.►;::cy's ��i►c�i�:�.c3r� �� St. F�au.I. �a?so }����� a� 3�5 .�ui:e �tr•���, �37 f��u��, �.c ��� i.o:�o�ne, z�es�et::�+���+} iu�t;:5 �`�:�;:P:', in ,o.�.sz��:etacm nf a �p�ci�l �a�sd�t:a-a�. �e �rrr�ifi :ss:z�d a�t to �c :�.ss;.�� t�yi t�� Cits� of �t.Pa� �ntf��.i��g �f�e ���e-deseribed res� es��fie ttz:ci :�►il� S:y;� .ia'c. , �:s l���c� �e��ai �►de� �a�.� �ith tl� fe� ac��,} �or �c.c��as�s c�f a�ratic��c c�f a r�sf.ci�.:ti�l �►.�p �t�a�ey fa�cility ort t� se.:.d �ro�rt� � es3n$�et.i.� wit�: #.ts operatic�x �izereo� �nn ec�j4�f�i� pro,�rtiess (��r�;t����'� t��at upon �:� ���nt of �'t� tew;n�iatic�re esf :h� les��cald i.��rest ��.d b�� F..=��fly S�yle Ixie. „ or fQr �h�t�ver re�r.n th2 operstian by F�milv S��rl�: Z�c. c� its r�s���t3�1 ��� occu���y fatii:.�t�� cr �?�� .c3escrib�d �rE:aises c�ases, ti� s��c��� ea^�iitigr�al us� �rTi.� �i:a�.� 2�so eeas� �d tc�tr:y.Y��re, ���* ft�ti�x, �C#ti�`�JY:�€.E�:� t:xst th� s�ci.sl �.�e ��te� � e�zsi.aer�ti.�:� h�reof s�iall r�t �r;;s�* ti� �r�ttee c�cao to ex�e�-i� �yc>:.� t:� i.-�tfT��st c�' ���Sy Stv�e Ir�. a� tt� oea�rst�r �f a �e�p aceccp�.x�cy f'aciI.i�y on th� �r,r.:i�es. ��tec�: t��rch 5, 1��34. i P.hii�p R. F�iZI.�s . . �ee Cwrer . ,�."i'i�i:,• v� i 1:G�'?K::SO il. j } SS: � C:s��i�'Y G�' �'CP�3 � . . Z"�C �C��CpOiarl�j �s�rc�rienY w�.s �c�c-,ac�le��d befcre rr� �this Sth �.�y _cf .-��:��,� I��4. by PJ-�iZag :. �f ilL�:.��, fee ovan�r. ��tiiZ'� Yt�:.��, He�-�:epiri CGL�i�s �M� �:y car�:►ission Expires: I� ���. �}�f n+x.�+r� `� � ' `� ,�jl�t'fr�ILitJ LS i 1 i�.� � ji�'1 .�l..L r��1 r �t j�.,l . Li:..."�. �l. �":j!:;a."C� i',�'tQIi1G"yJ L'l� �+w� . � r� �� ���� . . :JGL•; �'iE:� �L.�ia :::.=�-��:��so3.��;e t.' SStsIO . . . __ � �/-j_- �/�//�/ , , P�1IrI�T�S OF TfIE ZONIP:G C0�•1���ITTEE IP; CITY COUNCIL CHA��.oERS, ST. PAlJL, �1IPdP�iESOTR Oft ��ARCH Z, t984 - PRESEi�JT: t1me. Summers; t�1essrs. Levy, Lanegran and Pangat af the Zoning Camanittee; t�,r. Segal , Assistant City Attorrrey; P�1s. Lane of the Division of Housing & BuiZding Code Division; _ i�ts. Beseman, Ms. James and ��r. McGuire af the Planning Qivision - Staf f. ABSEfdT: f•ime. Karns; P�tessrs. Armstead and Bryan. The meeting �vas chaired by Joseph Pangal , Vice-Chairman. PHILIP R. NILLi�1AN (�9457, ;9460, n9461 ) : Speci a1 Condi tion Use Permi ts for community residential facilities for mentally i1� auults for property located at 383 Colborne, 397 Coloorne and 386 Duke Street. The applicant a�as present. 7here �ras no oppositior� prese�� at the near-ing. ��ls. James showed slides of the site and revie�ved the s�aff report crith a recommendution �or denial . A letter from the Departmen� af Publtc �lelfare and a petition signed by 77 neighbors ;��ere received in support_ Philip �filaur�e, attorney represen�ing Family Style Ho�es, Inc., explained that they are in the process of negotiating the purchase af all 24 properties from t�tr. Nillman. The business is totally operated and dzrected by James Janecek. ♦ _ P�r. Hillman $tated that he has no interest in the pro�erties oth?r �han tfiat he is th� fee owner. The uusiness has been sold and t�ay are very close to a sales ayre2ment. Mr. V i 1 aume r�eNor�t�ci �hat they F�ave en'cer•ed i��to an ac�r2Emer��. «i tFi �ci�e l�'. Seventh Street Federation. They support the permits �•rith the understanding that if Family Sty12 Homes were to transfer the business to a third party or to Hillman, the permits �•rould b� revo[c�d_ James Janecek, 280 N. Smith, explained the program and ho,r the t�omes �iere operated. 'He stated that there is going to be a �ovemznt gr adually F�here - more people with cFironic mer,tal illness 4rill not be in an institutionat � setting. � Betty f•IorGn, +rJ. Seventh Street Federation, stated that tney :�ant tne population of the f acility to stay under 200. She requested that the permits be issued just to Farrily Style Homes. i4r, Segal reported tnat the Planning Co�miss�ion cauld deter��r�e tnat . licensing as intended by t��e code r�eans the ayency to r�hich the license vlas issued by the State. E4earing no further testi:�ony, Ptr. Pangal closed �he public Ftzarir�g portion of thz r�eeting. i . . � - � I �� � y`���� . � Philip R. Hillman (;94�7, #;9460, �9461 ) Page 2 � There ti•ras discussion on the impact of the facility on tf�e re�st of the - neighborhood, and whether or not -the Corrmittee cauld tie the} Special Condition Use Permit just to one oper�ator. Mr. Sec�a7 statec� that ar� - - alternative might be to place restrictive covenants on the eeds . stipulating that the permits �vould expire ashen Eamily Sty1e leaves_ ,�9457 - hir. Lanegra.n moved approval subject to the canditio ti�at �he maximum number of residents be limited to 10 and that a dee restriction be - filed stating that in the event that Family Style Eto�es, In�. no longer operates the facility, the permit t�ill expire. f�r. Levy se ionded �ne motion, which passed on a roll call vote of 4 to Q. � � �946fl - Mr. Lanegran moved approval subject to the con�i.tion �hat the - maximum number of residents be limited to 6 and that a de�d restr�ctian b� filed stating that in the event that Family Styte Hor�s, Inc. no �onger . operates the facility, the perrnit ►�rill expire. �4r. Levy second�d the - motion, u�rhich passed on a roll call vote o-P 4 to 0. �9461 - htr. Lanegran moved approval subject ta the c�ndi�ion that the � maxirnum number of residents be limited to 6 and tnat a deed restriction �i� filed stating that in the event that Family Sty1e Fto:res, Inc. no tonger operates the facility, the permit will expire. E�Ir. Levy secon�ed the _ motion, which passed on a roll call vote of 4 to 0. Submitted by: Approved by: " ..°.�� r .. {� ^�=-� �_,� ��t;.,4,_ ._.! i�' ���--- <�.� -�---� , %- � � Patricia N. James t " James Bryan, Chairman - �.� � i i I . . � ; � �y��a� � .� ' AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT , dated this �� day of February , 1984, is entered into betvreen Family Style Homes , Inc. of I740 Doctors Professional Building , St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 , �a Minnesota _ � corporation organized to provide health care f br mentally handicapped individuals and the West Seventh Federati�n , Inc . , of 265 Oneida , St . Paul , Minnesota 55102, a non-prof�t t4innesota 1 corporation organized to provide communications t� area residents and support district planning. WHEREAS , �Family Style Homes , Inc . , provides board and care at its facilities for mentally handicapped indivdivals ; and WHEREAS , Family Style Homes , Inc . , has entered into a lease agreement for twenty-four ( 24) properties in the City of St. Pau1 with Philip Robert Hillman , the owner of the property; and WHERERS , Philip Robert Hillman currently provides board and car�e to mentally handicapped individuals at these locations , some of which hold Special Condition Use Permits in order to comply with zoning requirement ; and WHEREAS , Family Style Homes , Inc. , wishes to continue the service of board and care currently provided by Philip Robert Hillman at 386 Duke , 383 Colborne and 397 Colborne ; and j ' � � I I . � ������ . , 41HEREAS , a Special Condition Use Permi � is required by the City of St . Paul in order to continue such services at these three locations ; and WHEREAS , Philip Robert Hillman , as owner of 386 Duke , 383 Colborne and 397 Colborne , applied on August 30 , 1983 , for a Special Condition Use Permit for the above-listed premises ; and WHEREAS , the West Seventh Federation , Inc . , is a non-profit Minnesota co�poration , whose purpose is the lessening of the burdens of government , lessening neighborho^d tensions , combating community deterioration , supporting general district planning , and providing communication resources support �or community .__ betterment ; and � WHEREAS , that prior to this agreement the• West Seventh Federation , Inc . , has not supported the granting of a SpeciaT Condition Use Permit , . and WHEREAS , the failure to grant an extension of the Special Condition Use Fermit would disrupt the care and 11f estyle of the current handicapped residents of these three homes ; and WHEREAS , this disruption would be a hardship to these residents and contrary to the public interest ; t � , � � _ � � �y ii�� . , WHEREFORE , the above-mentioned parties agree that : 1 . They are supportive to the request for an Pxtension of the Special Condition Use Permit for 38� Duke , 383 Colborne , and 397 Coiborne ; � _ � 2. Upon Family Style Homes , Inc. , losing its ease rights to the above-described property, that the Speciat Use . Condition Permit should be revoked ; and � . 3. Family Style Homes , Inc , agrees not to pl �ce any more residents in its twenty-four ( 24 ) homes� other than according to supervised living facility criteria (Department of Health ) . At the present time, this -is approximately one-hundred-seventy-five ( 175 } residents . Further, Family Style Homes , Inc . also agrees no� to purchase any more homes for resident living . within one-thousand-three-hundred (1300) feet of Family Style Homes , Inc. WEST SEVENTH FEDERATION , INC. FAMILY STYLE HOMES , II�C. g y; da. / //. �4' B y : Its : �� �.Si� Its • ; I - � i i � � :� • '.. �4FiF.y7•,q�. . �.' �y,.�� ,.�o.,,,��._., l g-:.: Q1G (''�/� ` '� l. ,� �/� yYi >-�;�:. //A- <! l/� ,,.�. t �'�il v� . f `����� �.:v�i;��.........�i}�y'� � . -:.d.l!CH!. . STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE CENTENNIAL OFFICE BUILDING GENERAL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155 INFORMATION 612/296-6177 P�EASE REPIY TO February 27, 1984 City of St. Paul Zoning Committee c/o James Bryan, Chair 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, t�linnesota 55102 � Dear Committee r4embers: I am writing to urge your approval of the Special Condition Use Permit being sought for threr properties located at 386 D•�ke, 383 Colborne and 397 Colborne. Tk:is recom- mendation is being made to you with the understanding that the owner of the properties, Robert Hillman, is making the application on behalf of Family Style Homes, Inc. , lessees of the complex formerly known as Homestead Homes. Family Style Homes appears to have made considerable progress toward meeting the program �tand��rds for Rule 36. The three properties in question are an int�gral part of the program design/clustering of buildings because of their physical condition and proximity to the center of the complex. We therefore view issuance of a Special Condition Use Permit as a way of maintaining program integrity and continuity. Under terms of the lease sole responsibility for operation of the comp].ex as a facility for the care and treatment of adult mentally ill persons rests with Fa*nily Style Homes. It is our understanding that the Hillmans have agreed that neither themselves nor any r�la�ive ay blood or rnar�i��e �,ill be invo]:ve3 in any w�y in the day to cay aperat_.�:� of the facility. Further, it is the De�artment's position that granting of the Special Condition Use permit would not, for Rule 36 licensure purposes, vest AZr. Hillman with any future rights. In closing, let me re-state my view that an affirmative response would help in. our continuing effort to ensure that the residents of Family Style Homes receive the be st possible care and treatment in an abuse free, fire safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your interest in this matter. �• Sincerely, � • LEONARD W. LEVINE - COh1MISSIONER - JB:cm ' AN EQUAL OPP�RTUNITY EMPLOYFR OPW-825 (12-83) • � Minneapolis Star & Tribune, February 21 , i984 � �' �� /(C� ' • � ' ■ � Famitystyle Homes has abou� 1T2 Legis���c�r� �lstylle ho�mesiwithinia tbree-�1 ck ■ '�'" '� •' � ' . area. As residents become mo�e In- ��� � Ve��� . dependent they can move ►nto units with four people llving on one�floor ' � • of an "independent living° h+ouse, O� �a���� ' buying and cooking theIr own�food y:'�',: . and doing their own houseke 'ping, ���� .,-the visitors were toid. � ���~�O�°�': Both places�visited yesterday are tn ■ the process oi qualifytng for what is r�ientali �„ �` �own as a Rule 36 license. Rule 36 . �'� : sets standards for staffing and +'men- By Sam New}und tal health grogramming. I Staff Wrlter . . ,At Pursuit Homefel, 50 beds in hatf Three Minnesota legislators got con- of one building are set aside for the trasting glimpses Monday of two mentally itl. Twin Citfes halfway hot�.ses for thE Marjorie Wheriey. residential pro- mentally ill. , . .. , • - � ='• : gram consuitant for Hennepja Coun- At Familystyle Homes, 398 Duke St., tY. told t8e visitors at Pursuit that St. Paul, they saw small, cheerfully , an incredible,raslstance ,.to the up- fuFnished home-llke units fashioned �ding;of�such•-faciltt�es persists irom former single-famtly houses. , among stattmembers,neighborhood ::; i-,;�% `-- -. _ At Pursuit Hometel� 1918 Park Av. Tour � � S.,tt�ey saw a cluster of old intercon- nected butldings which the owners -�p��p��� ' =1S are struggiing to convert to a com- P�!S , . . fortable residence.despite.an aging, � ` instituUonal iook. - • B�uPs and tht patleats themselves. f-: • _. Patients end workers resist chan ' The legtslators,`. accompaaled,•by.. ` �triey salQ; opgoslti�n to condl- aldes and by.other p.ublic employees. �o�� � and.officials� are members'of;the � P����s that a{lovr the es- Health,D�eltare anA�^.qrrect+o:is suh-"� .�blishmeat and r.ontinuanr_+s v1 the comrreittee of the Aouse,Approprla-" f�cltitles In resfdentia! neighbor- tlons Committee.':,�• . ..`hoods 1s,••dery high." . , - - , i. . ,, - The state�welfare`�department hest �But brfnging�old facflltles up to 11- ask�d the`Leglslature. for.,;2.9.mil�� . ��jng standardsUsually means less ilon to upgrade and license addition-' crowding and sma{ler capaclty, she al community facilities'for the men- ` �d.New placq tnust be esiabllshed tally ill: Prevlous sess[ons:have ap-' �� ���� j10°i oi clienb is !n- proved S15 mIlllon for.:this purpose,. ��Dig w�Ue the nnmber of beds!s but it's been used up or;spoken for. . Q���� • . Gov. Rudy Perplch is expected to. ��� �iting legblatars were Reps. ' announce today his recommenda- � wm�8► DFI-'St Paut. tQe sn� tions for mental healt6• and other commlttee chair Lee Greenfi�ld, supplemental approprfations. . D�•Minneapolls. and Gaylin Dett - Ouden.IR-Prtnsburg. Wynla'said she expects the subcom- �rrifttee to support a ;1.4 mflllon ap� propriation,the amount Perpich was reported ready to recommend. The money probably shouid be used for � new factllries. sDe said� not to np� ' grade otd ones. Fxfsting places have �ad plenty ot tlme ta spply for licen- sure,she sa[d. i I I I � "Family Living is Healthy Livirtg" � � � � ��,�ia� � ���G ���? FAMILYSTYLE H�MES o c 3 ,. •�• • 24 RESIDENCES 8 61LlING OFFICES �� �L���� 398 DUKE STREET "'� -�-- .a ST. PAUL,MN 55102 =' i�,,z � ' ' - G �FFRIENO�� �-612-29�-2612 = _-- �_' �^n; ROGER VALENTINE, R.N., M.A. � ' � ?• t`';'�� Administrator/Program Director �"°"` �- 3 ROSANNE SLAVIK, L.P.N. , ' � a '" --- Support Services Oirector j � - '�:'`;�` LaDONNA CONROY February 28, 1984 Asst.Support Services Dir. St. Paul City Zoning Committee Members City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, :�3N 55IO2 Dear Members: Enclosed please find the results of our FAMILYSTYLE HOMES' neighborhood petition con— cerning the zoning of the three structures. We canvassed the immediake neighborhood around FAMILYSTYLE HOMES and also canvassed approximately a six block area across west seventh street. We presented a flyer and an invitation to �upport our efforts by signature. In doing so, we accumulated 77 signatures of west seventh street neighbors who supported our efforts related to the zoning issue. SLncere�y , �,'�,'�� �-.��-��_—=�- , Roger Valentine, R.N. ,M.A. Administrator/Program Director RV/prm A DIVISION OF FAMILY STYLE OF ST. PAUL, INC. CORPORATE ADDRESS: 740 DOCTORS PROFESSIONAL BUILD{NG, ST. PAUL, MN 55102 1-612-227-1917 PRESIDENT, JAMES JANECEK, M.D. ' � �Y�//�� � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZONING To: Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of Planning District 9 FIL E N 0. 9457 , P A G E 9460, 9461 P U R P 0 S E Appeal of Planning Commission denial of Special Condition Use Permit for community residential facilities. L 0 C A T I 0 N 383 Colborne St. (4Jest side between Jefferson & Palace) 397 Colborne St. (West side between Jefferson & Palace) 386 Duke St. (East side between Jefferson & Palace) PETITIONER PHILIP R. HILLMAN H E p►RIN G Thursday, April �9, 1984 �o:oo a.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (patricia James) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, 5t. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal Descriptions: Lot 19 & 10 Lot 20, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Notice sent April 6, 1984 . - . . � �� �%%a/ F,�� T. PAUL CITY COUNCIL ��� � 3 �3k� IC HEAR ING N OTI G�TY �. CE S T��R�'M������ Z 0 N I N G To: Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of Planning District 9 FIL E N 0. 9457, PAGE 9460, 9461 PURPOSE Appeal of Planning Commission denial of Special Condition Use Permit for community residential facilities. LOCATION 383 Colborne St. (4Jest side between Jefferson & Palace) 397 Colborne St. (West side between Jefferson & Palace) 386 Duke St. (East side between Jefferson & Palace) PETITIONER pHILIP R. HILLMAN HEARII�tG Thursday, April �9, 1984 lo:oo a.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Patricia James) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal Descriptions: Lot 19 & 10 Lot 20, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Notice aent April 6, 1984 . �� ��//�l . , PETITION ; � � � � The goal of FAMILYSTYLE Fi�MES is to create a safe, haalthy �and caring environment for people to relearn the skills of family living. In order to achieve this goal we ask for your �support at th'e upcoming i council meeting where the zoning of our facilities will be discusSed. In return we offer these thoughts. * The 24 homes comprising our facility will be properly maintained. * The number of residents per home will not exceed that; deemed proper • w by the appropriate zoning agency. ( * We will maintain a proportionate number of support st�aff. * Our rules, such as no alcohol or chemicals allowed, wtill be strictly enforced. * Through our policies, goals and actions we have made commitment to each other, our family and our community. * We will continue our involvement in the Neighborhood �ouncil. f With each of us doing our part, we can look forward ta livi�ng and working together with mutua2 respect. By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and support this petition. We also urge you to attend tne zoning committee meetii�►g to be held on March 1, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. in the, 3rd floor Council Chambers of the Court House, downtown St. Paul. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Si natu Address � � �, , � L �-� � �.i - - -- � -�� - j ` � i .�.� i �- z� (,�-�-: , �— . � s � ��r - � , .�"L�:� /�,�w�1E� / ��i�� / '�`�� f <c.7" � '�� r. .� 7c'�F ��., /�'.�' _., _ � , , . � � _ J - / � �' * 0 � /� 7 Gv, 7 , � � � !D'� � ~ " - Z _ .�� . � � : J � � , � �, �. . r'l'��.��.,�. ��C-��2 � .,��" j SlIJ.__1�_�,�r.ft � ; � , �.,... _..._ . .. � _ � _, _ ___...__�__. __. ..._._ . ._ . __. --- . __....� , .�... . - . � �� ������ , , PETITION The goal of FAMILYSTYLE HOMES is to create a safe, healthy and caring environment for people to relearn the skills of family living. In order to achieve this goal we ask for your support at th e upcoming council meeting where the zoning of our facilities will be discussed. In return we offer these thoughts. * The 24 homes comprising our facility will be proper2y maintained. * The number of residents per home will not exceed that deemed proper by the appropriate zoning agency. ' * We will maintain a proportionate number of support staff. * Our rules, such as no alcohol or chemicals allowed, will be strictly enforced. * Through our policies, goals and actions we have made a commitment to each other, our family and our community. * We will continue our involvement in the Neighborhood C ouncil. With each of us doing our part, we can look forward to living and working together with mutual respect. By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and support this petition. We also urge you to attend the zoning committee meeting to be held on March 1 , 1984 at 3:30 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Council Chambers of the Court House, downtown St. Paul. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Si nature Address : ` G �' � `^ ,�~�-� _ �4 � , � NJ Wj � �r i �. , � � ` '.' ' Z- � ' �- � �"` �,. , i��� � Z-,,C % > >, �_ ' _ � :��t --=— ` � ' `� � S' }�l 7 � � � ��, , � � " ' � �_e � � c�z�c. �J . _._: _ _ __-_ _ _.. _�._... . _____.__ ._�_. ,,. ,_ _ _ _ ...��_ ^.._ . ._ ..:._.��..,�,......,� . , � . �� _ . ......_ .;�:�,r . � � � ��_�i.�� PETI'f LON . , � I ; The goal of FAMILYSTYLE NOI�S is to create a safe, healthy and caring � environment for people to relearn the skills of family living. � In order to achieve this goal we ask for your support at the upcoming council meeting where the zoning of our facilities will be discus$ed. In return we offer these thoughts. I * The 24 homes comprising our facility will be properiy maintained. * The number of residents per home will not exceed that deemed proper by the appropriate zoning agency. * We will maintain a proportionate number of support st ff. * Our rules, such as no alcohol or chemicals allowed, w 11 be strictly enforced. * Through our policies, goals and actions we have made commitment to each other, our family and our community. * We will continue our involvement in the Ideighborhood ouncil. With each of us doing our part, we can look forward to livipg and working togettier wi[h mutual respect. � By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and support this petition. We also urge you to artend the zoning committee meeting to be held on March 1, 1984 at 3:30 p.m, in the 3rd floor Council Chambers of the Court House, downtown St. Paul. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Si nature Address ,� `` Z'�- � . �--c) � o . - .a ,5 � t �"` �i')�yL ij • , �1%Q,� � " J � . i 'I � �• ' � ' � `� �a ` . �? ..___.. L� �.' , .. .� 5 s � n1 �G�. �l �y ����2►�-�,• ,� �-c.c.�'- /i�n. i J/6 a /� . � 3� �Zk .��r/``G--�� L- s S6� �v 3 �� - j��-- � � � � � , � � -�. s�t �� - � - - .,,. � �, y �_. � � �� ' -� �� .� , ` ^�• '�f-�,-y, p, i � � � --._._ _ ___��_._,_T _ _ .._ .__.._,, _ . .____--�- ........__ . ... _....�....� ...�.....�n� .r..-�, �..car�...-.�..t�v�.,n.-.: .�-.r.-�q :'^ae�" : _.. ... . ..� �s�veitw-:+r.+ �j :J . . . . . . " ' '.:'RT"E !Le ..:. � .. . . .. . . . . . . - . . � . - - . Ur�:T-. ✓" , , � � � �'���/-//.�/ PETITION The goal ,of FAMILYSTYLE H0;•SES is to create a safe, healthy and caring environment for people to relearn the skills of family living. In order to achieve this goal we ask for your support at th e upcoming council meeting where the zoning of our facilities will be discussed. In return we offer these thoughts. * The 24 homes comprising our facility will be properly maintained. * The number of residents per home will not exceed that deemed proper by the appropriate zoning agency. k We will maintain a proportionate number of support staff. * Our rules, such as no alcohol or chemicals allowed, will be strictly enforced. * Through our policies, goals and actions we have made a commitment to each other, our family and our community. * We will continue our involvement in the Neighborhood Council. With each of us doing our part, we can look forward to living and working togeCher with mutual respect. By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and support this petition. We also urge you to attend the zoning committee meeting to be held on March 1, 1984 at 3:30 p.m, in the 3rd floor Council Chambers of the Court House, downtown St. Paul. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sionature Address _ _ ____ , C �i�? i :�;_ .�, ::r��; , ` � o� ��/ �"'- � % A �%� /�.�<—� , ; ;;s:t..�`.� ,.�� . ----�—�' 1 �v►� �_,,,�_.� 1 '�i'+ �:=� ��, �j� �, , '�'' �� �. J�'"��.1 1 ,��i��l��� � ������ - ' ��o i �v � -f. � 1 . 1- ,�.��,c. � ' U Q /� / !.c/, �h c�. - r, 0��Z G� 7 . '_� � �°"�. �,�- � � � r ;'� ,ti y � Q � - � � l � . .. ' / � ". - , ' . . , • . � � ,�. . r �f � g /�f �`. ��..'_ / / f , + �. � / � �� i, � � �L �_ .A -yr�.. f t �G � l�I�-ict� ' (� � (� �'1 0 �- 'Nt< . \�� `' ��a` 1l,,. J?- ->— %'r, �— r �'i�'��}22 v��-r--•-�...� � 7.S �G��'`-'-<�-_J�n� � -. .. ..___: _,_._. ,�_ ._ .,:.. .__ . _ ._ : _, _ . . . .. . - - - . -..� - -,� . ..., ., _. . .._ __ .__ _. .._w. ,_. .,t „ . . . _ • . _,.... .n.,?a;-. � � ��/�//�/ PETITION I The goal of FAMILYSTYLE HOMES is to create a saEe, healthy �nd caring environment for people to relearn the skills of family living. � In order to achieve this goal we ask for your support at the upcoming council meeting where the zoning of our facilities will be discus�ed. In return we offer these thoughts. * The 24 homes comprising our facility wi11 be properly maintained. � The number of residents per home will not exceed that deemed proper by the appropriate zoning agency. j * We will maintain a proportionate number of support st�ff. * Our rules, such as no alcohol or chemicals allowed, w111 be strictly enforced. * Through our policies, goals and actions we have made commitment to each other, our family and our community. * We will continue our involvement in the Neighborhood (�ouncil. � � With each of us doing our part, we can look forward to livi�ig and working together with mutual respect. By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and support this ?etition. We alse urge you to attend the zoning coaur.i�tee meeting to be held on March 1, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor Council Chambers of the Court House, down[own St. Paul. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Si nature Address , . ,3 3 •'y�l!'�� �/�!c-7/,'/t' E/►'i ✓t � � /�a�—�--��s������ � •---� . � Ir'��'S./ � . ._ __._�� �°��� S�� ,__ __._ � � � �� � �.��. �' ` / . a . � � � I i _ _. _ _. _:..__..�,.�.�._�..__..:.,... . .___.._. ..,._.._...�_ ._..,.,.,. ......__..,„�_,.-...<-.-.�..ti.�,P„�.. _--� -•.T-.,._.,�,.e�}.�=��. �� .� ... _ .- +e:�._. � . .�..�� � �.. ' � . . ' }.. '. . . .. . .. . �. .- . .. , �. '� .. . . ' �.1.sx:7 ! , i � � � � �° -��/'//�/ ' ° PETITION _ �- - . The goal of FAMILYSTYLE HOMES is to create a safe, healthy and caring environment for people to relearn the skills of family living.. In order to achieve this goal we ask for your support at the upcoming cauncil meeting where the zoning of our facilities will be discussed. In return we offer these thoughts. * The 24 homes comprising our facility will be properly maintained. * The number of residents per home will not exceed that deemed proper by the appropriate zoning agency. * We will maintain a proportionate number of support staff. * Our rules, such as no alcohol or chemicals allowed, will be strictly enforced. * Through our policies, goals and actions we have made a commitment to each other, our family and our community. * We will continue our involvement in the Neighborhood Coun�il. With each of us doing our part, we can look forward to living and working together with mutual respect. By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and support this petition. We also urge you to attend the zoning committee meeting to be held on March 1, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor Council Chambers of the Court House, downtown St. Paul. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Si nature Address � �h N) � 0 4�l/ � � � c �h _ `, . . � ����-���� PETITION • . : i The goal of FAMILYSTYLE HO*�S is to create a safe, healthy �nd caring environment for people to relearn the skills of family Iiving. � i In order to achieve this goal we ask for your support at the upcoming council meeting where the zoning of our facilities will be discus$ed. I In return we offer these thoughts. * The 24 homes comprising aur facility will be properly maintained. * The number of residents per home will not exceed that deemed proper by the appropriate zoning agency. � We will maintain a proportionate number of support st�ff. * Our rules, such as no alcohol or chemicals allowed, will be strictly enforced. * Through our policies, goals and actions we have made commitment to each other, our family and our community. * We will continue our involvement in the Neighborhood ouncil. With each of us doing our part, we can look forward to living and working � together with mutual respect. ' By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and support this petit:on. We also urge you to attend the zoning committee meeting to be held on March 1, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor Council Chambers of the Court House, downtown St. Paul. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Si nature Address 1 � t ` ,� • o S� , �exrn or� /c �� �� ' ��, ., ��Y / ��-�� , �/�i`7 6�'�c� �v,. � �,�!��_�����-�-- � — � i i i r..%'��:' . ..„.�,. .. ... .. ._...._,_.. . _.-'^. ,--'^'..._, ___,..........,_ .._.-.,.... ._.._..r.. __-•.- . - `_. ". . �-}_ . ���.+,..�...,-?c?ay;s,ar�...—.�xa+��,*�rrs��� ,...,... .. . - .,..;...-. .. �... _ .. ..,..,.-. �:�... _ � COP�MUNITY RESIDE�JTIAL FACILITIES � 7 Bremer House 27 Homestead Homes: �7'7 , �%' �� //O�� � . 35�,364,3�b7,368,370�382,388,390,395,399,403 Duke St 28 Homestead 497 Palace Ave. � 398 Duke St. 387,381,375,339,3392 Colborne St. 496 Jefferson Ave. , 333 Oneida St. B AY I c� ;1 ST. • Fi ; �e c�`' � . e:,�yy O,Qo�oo'� {> j ',. . ° � �:�io'o o° ,0 4,0 ���{ �; ;ol o':o ° : ��!O �� ! ; ^ � � J� �' O � , p- � { �j ,�. i � � P�I�I � l_L 1_l O _!LLJ L � (� ,V�v��-� ' _� F ti, :� .--o �=-o { j I I , � � ' m i I (-'��T-(T ° - '� �-' tt � � � ' v� I :;. s�, ,:o �_ �_ i �_`-o-_ q io 0 oio�o.a o,c • o 1 o�Q�o;o 0 0'0 0�0 0 'a o�a o• r � ^�. r� . �-y:/�-� o --o T � ; ''\..f,o t�or-_°�-_ I 4 --o- ARBOR I {F � �,� i < +; p_ o �o 0000' o�oo oo; 000� o- p.q , , . � � , -+ - I �+ pH-1 l_i_llJ � ; es°,=- y o o _1_i�1 < --1- �_�"'�___O .'bj < • �� •-'_O_ _ ��T� . � _-O� � � � � i�� . . - A < � =4 a° p o�000ao'�o¢ o 000�oo b o ' c�`P �b'00000'¢' f � _J --�- �SC EQLA S T. . � --:�--� ,Q-- o ` .� a 4 + ° 'o,o�oo'ao•o I0 0 ' �__ e a o h , o 0 0 0 0l0 0 0 0- ��__�l._ _1� �' ! 5_., O O � 3 � Q O �` � � S 1 �.� �---, �: _ ° -- o- M " �� � -o- � , ! �j i� c: <_ � < ~� � �I 1 L " � , 4 0�°' o p �aEo' �'oro� o� m 1��:i s ` I — DALY S T. 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Y.. __ _ , ' . i� _". _ ...' �.— -�"_ .. . y � ,\ ` �d + ` �� � �'..�..--� �..: .... _�� , �_ .._� .�,,... v.r_..... zn r. . . . .. .. .. . .... . .. ... .. . . . .... _.._—. . _ . .' ' . . . '. ..,r-., m. - , ..... .. .. � � -� s.s._Z �'F...... . , �_��/-/%�% ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT � _____________________________ � FILE # 9457 l . APPLICANT: PHILIP R. HILLMAN DATE OF HEARING: 10/20/83 1 2. CLASSIFICATION: Special Condition Use 3. LOCATION: 383 Colborne (West side between Jefferson and Palace) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19, 10' of Lot 20, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subdivision 5. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sectiqns 60.423(3); � 64.300(4) 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 10/19/83 BY Patri!cia N. James - ----------------------- -------------------- A. PURPOSE: Special Condition Use Permit for a community residenti 1 f acility for seven or more mentally ill adults. B. PARCEL SIZE: 50' (Colborne) x 125' = 6,250 square feet. � - C. EXISTING LAND USE: Single f amily home converted to duplex. � D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Low density residential (RT-1) East: Low density residential ; school district administration building (RT-1, OS-1) South: Low density residential ; railraod (RT-1; I-2) West: Low density residential ; Homestead (RT-1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 60.423(3) states: "A community residential facility serving seven or more facility residents subject to the following conditions: (a) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling unless the community residential facility occupies the entire structure. (b) It does not serve more than 16 facility residents except that structures des i�ne� or newly �ui 1 t s�eci f i cal ly fcr greater ;.�.pac i�y may al i ow a yr�«tzr number provided that all other conditions of special condition use are met. (c) The minimum lot size for community residential facilites is that prescribed for a one-family dwelling plus 300 square feet for each facility resident over and above six residents. In addition, community residential f acilities serving more than 16 residents shall meet the requirements for height, yard setback, and maximum percent of lot occupied by main building setforth in chapter 61 . (d) A minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet will be required between zoning lots used for community residential f acilities excluding foster homes. (e) There shall be one off-street parking space for every two f acility residents. (f) Permission for a Special Condition Use applies to the community residential facility only as long as licensing, purpose, size, or location do not change." Section 64.300(4) states: "The planning commission, after public hearing, may modify any or all special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful u�e of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional ; undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure, provided that such mo�ification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and i ' consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the comnunity and is c nsistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of Se;tion 61 .100 through 61 .105 and 62.103 shall remain in force and effect and _s�iall not be superseded or waived by any such modifcation of a specified special condition." } i . �=��/i��� . , PHILIP R. HILLMAN (#9457) : Page 2 F. FINDINGS: l . Applicant has been operating a community residentiaT f acility at this . location since 1981 and needs to obtain a Special Condition Use Permit to continue the use. Five conditions must be met. 2. The entire sturcture will be used for the facility meeting the first condition. 3. Applicant does not state the maximum number of residents propased. This structure does not appear to be designed for more ti�an 16 residents. � 4. With a lot area of 6,250. sq. ft., t#��een residents would be permitted under the third condition. l 5. There are � other facilities operated by the aqplica�ft� in the immediate vicinity. In addition, Bremer House, operated by Reentry Services, is approximately 860 feet away. The fourth condition is not met. 6. The Planning Commission may modify conditions if strict adherence to them would unreasonably limit lawful use and would create exceptional undue hardship, and if the modification would not impair the intent of the condition, and would be consistent with corrmunity welf are. 7. In this case, strict application of the condition would not appear to result in hardship to the applicant since he has many other legally. nonconforming houses in the area. 8. The intent of the condition is to prevent concentration of corrmunity residential f acilities. Since there already is a concentration of f acilities in the area, the modification could not be granted without impairing this intent. 9. Because of the large number of f acilities in the area, granting the modification would appear to be inconsistent with the health, morals, and general welf are of the corrmunity, and with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. 10. Since the exact number of residents proposed is not known, the number of parking spaces cannot be determined. G. STAFF RECOMMENDN"fTON: Based on findings 5 tnrough 9, staff recommends denial of t e Specia Con ition Use Permit. � 1 , '. .. _-, , .�_ _. � . , i ._.. �� .._ - , ` /J` �f'(�—/r�o�� r � � ., � . � �i �� ����``,�i.� f `� -...�.__.,...�,..._.,._..,.,,,_�-....... �_. �f .�, h ; . - .. . .l , .� N � � � .. -. • �• 1 :�� E�� �°1_� �1��-!- � � . , , F , � � . i � � • ' � _ � -.. �. . '__ . ....__' � ' � �.�_�Y___._ _.__.__.-�_._�---��1 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL C4NDI"1'ION USE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY � File 4� ; appiicatfon Fee $��S�`�'"` .�� �� Tentative Hearing Date /U Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: i Application is hereby made for a Special Condition Use Permit under the pr�visions of Chapter (,p , Section �a 3 , Paragraph � , of th� Zoning Code to operate a � ` � ^ � � ., . •� � �• /I�LOQ ._.. A. APPLICANT Name ��//�-/�' � J-��G-G.�a,��/ Phone Daytime) �3/- 3� 7�_ Address y�0 �j �/GF �/Y �"�Y'�U"/� �,L�'o i�i�ti�icv Zip , .SSY37 Property interest of Applicant (Owner, contract purchaser, etc.) �!ti/��/c�' _ Name of owner (if different) _ B. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Address/Location �3� 3 �t3.�:z�t7�rti'�� � Legal Description: Lot Ty Block ��` Add. ,f T/Z�St��i � �!'1'�t,S:�Y.r" •���i-����f.��� l� /GT �/C-�� c�Q ..J �%�yJViti t� 1l�,�//GISc,� �-�'� %�l��fi� Present Zoning d`��- / Lot Size .�'�� X %���_ . ��, r ., . t�.•, - ,[-a r /3 � P.�1t T c f= tio r am w,E.�'� ,'' � r PL.�.�<7��-- �i�� r y�i �� o� r�>,� C. SPECIAL COl`dDITICJNS E��jPU TF�c. Y�i Explain how you will meet each of the Special Conditions. Attach supportin� materials (diagrams, site plan, letters of support, etc.) .C„�rFit s o.c sc'/,�0•��-2% . ��Oit/ .lJ'.�/ Fo�! �v 2.S � /51o.Pit� F!/G:G% TGfr_' u/�J"T `7 x%� �S`i . /��ElJi���l T�d ,./� �'�L yv S� �' /�ITo ip.�l�.�Y .L/�i°�' Y �?EI fr.�it/. _ /� � �' Sy —O / -� ---_, __ —e�'..'"f---+'!:� "`�S � � .. ..r.�xw�<...f����.+,.+L [1'�>c:� - If you have any questions, please contact: (��;�� ; !� i:�3? Saint Paul Zoning Office 1100 City Hall Annex Y:•� :,:: ,-� , , i'_ 25 West Fourth Street �' " ' i � � � � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� � -� - �- `- '� ""�'" "�`'�`� 4102 (298-4154) . 1/1/82 _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ .._. _ __ __._._.�_. _ --- .--- -- �--_ _ � f . � . i � . , , i � - i ' � : ,;-,-��..._, • , . . .. - - �f � ' . � . ,. - . . y � �.a _ � . � - . .; �. . . _ . _ . s >,�_ ,,�„ �_ ,t:."h5. . .. � . . .. - � .:.... . - . ..'. . .g�-� R'}r . _ o � _ . . � , ° . ° � � . ,�. �` . :� ` � ��`���?/ . a� �-� � � o . .. -� .,�:. . _.� . � � - ,.- :, o ' � LA� 5T. : . ,. . . . .� . . � . . �� _, ° � � ��. . - ° � . � � _ AOMI►vtST Q " �• > • ' �►� Q . ' . .. , . � . _= � , O O . .y. ., � .�� *: . . . :� � .' 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LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ,6, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey Addition 5. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sections 60.423(3); 64.300(4) 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 10/19/83 BY Patricia N. James I ____________________________________________________________________�--__________________- ____________________________________________________________________�_-_______-__________ A. PURPOSE: Special Condition Use Permit for a comnunity residenti 1 f acility for seven or more mentally ill adults. B. PARCEL SIZE: 40' (Colborne) 'x 125' = 5,000 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Single f amily home converted to duplex. � I D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: � North: Low density residential (RT-1) East: Low density residential (RT-1) South: Low density residential ; railraod (RT-1; I-2) West: Low density residential ; Homestead (RT-1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 60.423(3) states: "A community residential f acility serving seven or more f acility residents subject to the following conditions: (a) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling uniess the community residential facility occupies the entire structure. (b) It does not serve more than 16 facility residents except that structures designed or newly built specifically for greater capacity may allow a greater number provided that all other conditions of special condition use are met. (c) The minimum lot size for community residential f acilites is that prescribed for a one-family dwelling plus 300 square feet for each f acility resident over and above six residents. In addition, community residential f acilities serving more than 16 residents shall meet the requirements for height, yard setback, and ma�cimum percent of lot occupied by main building setforth in chapter 61 . (d) A minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet will be required between zoning lots used for community residential facilities excluding foster homes. (e) There shall be one off-street •parking space for every two facility residents. (f) Permission for a Special Condition Use applies to the community residential facility only as long as licensing, purpose, size, or location do not change.° Section 64.300(4) states: "The planning commission, after public hearing, may modify any or all special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure, provided that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and i's consistent with health, morals and general welf are of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of Section 61 .100 through 61 .105 and 62.103 shall remain in force and effect and �s�all not be superseded or waived by any such modifcation of a specified speci;al condition:� i i .- _.... _, _ ._ - ____. . .________.__ __ �.�_.�, .___._�.___....._.._.,.._ _ _�._�-:,--....�.�...�.:,,,,r-----�-�� „ �:.•. : . . _ _ , ,_. ; , . -�� � . . � ' ���///a/ PHILIP R. HILLMAN (#9460) : Page 2 F. FINDINGS: 1 . Applicant has been operating a community residential f acility at this location since 1981 and needs to obtain a Special Condition Use Permit to continue the use. Five conditions must be met. 2. The entire sturcture will be used for the facility meeting the first condition. 3. Applicant does not state the maximum number of residents proposed. This structure does not appear to be designed for more than 16 residents. . 4. With a lot area of 5,000 sq. ft., ��e residents would be permitted under the third condition. 2� 5. There are 2f1 other facilities operated by the ap�li��rit in the immediate - vicinity. In addition, Bremer House, operated by Reentry Services, is approximately 900 feet away. The fourth condition is not met. 6. The Planning Commission may modify conditions if strict adherence to them v�rould unreasonably limit lawful use and would create exceptional undue hardship, and if the modification would not impair the intent of the condition, and would be consistent with community welf are. 7. In this case, strict application of the condition would not appear to result in hardship to the applicant since he has many other legally r�onconforming houses in the area. 8. The intent of the condition is to prevent concentration of community residential f acilities. Since there already is a concentration of facilities in the area, the modification could not be granted without impairing this intent. 9. Because of the large number of facilities in the area, granting the modification would appear to be inconsistent with the health, morals, and general welfare of the comnunity, arid with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. 10. Since the exact number of residents proposed is not known, the number of parking spaces cannot be determined. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 5 through 9, staff recommends denial of the Special Con ition Use Permit. _. . , . _ _ __ _ ., . _ - �- .. . . . _ _. ._ _..:,...�..�_ __ ___.___�_T,.._.. y: � - . . . . . . . .- . .. . . ."^"""^:t..:_' e� • :�` ' _ _._ _ _ . , _ . . _ _ . r�� . . . . _ � � �T Y . ...r.�._.���.�_..�.r. -. .. . . . . . _.. ....e._.n�v�^+�w�aa���_�__ '�..� . •' ...v��_ . ,- _: 9'�G 6 . , ; _ - : _ _ APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONDITION USE �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY � . ; File �� � � � � , r ``f� , Application Fee $ i )?�s� � � (�i , -, , � ; T ,1 � ` �� ° Tentative Hearing Date _���/�4� �;� - . �' r,� �` � _ ���`L ` ' Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: Application is hereby made for a Special Condition Use Permit under the prdvisions of Chapter � (1 , Section � �3 , Paragraph � , of th Zoning Cocle to operate a v �' �S� �; ` A. APPLICANT Name P��/L�.P ✓P J�/�.�>�/.� Phone { aytime) �'3/-�v7/ Address ��Do � it��L.E �°%'F�/� �ircu';� Zip ! �-�y�� Property interest of Applicant (Owner, contract purchaser, etc.) G'Kii'.�.�=2 Name of owner (if different) B. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Address/Location ��'� (D p L ��2 ili��'=� Legal Description: Lot J� Block 3 Add. ..�i/?r�o.c- � �i��s"�.=:� Present Zoning dP �- / Lot Size � J( /.Z,� / 7"����i�(�. �; OJ�� �� —r G SPECIAL CONDITIONS Explain how you will meet each of the Special Conditions. Attach supporting materials (diagram�, �i*e plan, letters of su�port, �tc.) ���`'�� _�fTi���,4�+r.r �•ri.� �fo/�!£ r=!lc,c.Y �"/f� 1,G���'i '� �4 �Si- J���l= /�.�lT/vs� ' .�lG`f'o .S'/� _F �4Tlo/�.fv� Y 1-�/2 > �o�/�ti �PSf- o��� ..�- .. ..�,�.�..---T--� ;,� �'s', , ' ...s�~`3.s�'-s.r.!'i ,�.T ,'�..c.v i..w� If you have any questions, please contact: "� -i Saint Paul Zoning Office �E�� �' � ��'�? 1100 City Hall Annex - 25 West Fourth Street : • � - r��•� - "� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ _ ,_ . _ .-- ��"'��='-'-• 41�2 (298-4154) 1/1/82 __ _ _.__ _ _ __ _ _-,.__.__ . F._.. .-- - _ ` i ---- . ; � � I - . i I . . ':. 1 . , � � . . . . � _ . . � . . .. +. . . • • _ :. � . ... � -,'�" .�•.:�-�� , A i¢ V a V �.1 4..1 � V ,�Y � , ' . � . . � . ..c?�'. ._ , � � . � { ���'J,rl�GY I ,�„� �/ .. ' ' ' " �'•' . -�'.''" `_ � . _ �.p,Y � S�'. .. . � c� � � - . � , : � � � � . , . . �. � - � :� r _ . a � '. 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ZOP�ING COMy1ITTEE STAFF REPORT ; _____________________________ i FItE � 9451 ; 1 . APPLICANT: PHILIP R. HILLMAN DATE OF HE�RING: 10/20/83 2. CLASSIFICATION: Special Condition Use � 3. LOCATION: 386 puke (East side between Jefferson and Palace} 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey Addition 5. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Secti¢n 60.413(5) 64.300(4) 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 10/19/83 BY Patr cia N. James A. PURPOSE: Special Condition Use Permit for a corrrnunity residenti 1 f acility for six or fewer mentally ill adults. B. PARCEL SIZE: 40' (Duke Street) x 125' = 5,000 square f eet. � C. EXISTING LAND USE: Single family dwelling. ! D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Low to medium derisity residential (R"f-1) East: Low density residential (RT-1) South: Low density residential ; Homestead (RT-1) West: Low density residential (RT-1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 60.413(5) states: "Corrmunity residential aci i ies serving six or fewer facility residents, excluding foster homes, subject to the condition that a minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet will be required between zoning lots used for community residential f acilities, again excluding foster homes.° � Section 64.300(4) states: "The planning corrrnission, after public hearing, may modify any or all special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonabiy limit or prevent otherwise lawful use af a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure, provided that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is cansistent with health, morals and general welf are of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of Sectiocr 61 .100 through 61 .105 and 62.103 shall remain in force and effect and shall : not be superseded or waived by any such modifcation of a specified speciaT eondition." F. FINDINGS: 1 . Applicant has been operating a comnunity residential f acility at this location and needs to obtain a Special Condition Use Permit to continue the use. One condition must be met. 2l 2. There are �20 other facilities operated by the applicant in the immediate vicinity. In addition, Bremer House, operated by Reentry Services is approximately 750 feet away. The condition is not met. 3. The Planning Commission may modify conditions if strict adherence would unreasonably limit otherwise lawful use and would create exeeptional undue hardship, and if the modification would not impair the intent; of the condition, and would be consistent with comnunity welf are. ! i 4. In this case, strict application of the condition would not a:ppear to result in hardship to the applicant since he has many other legally g�onconforming homes in the area. ! 5. The intent of the condition is �o prevent concentrations of corrmunity residential f acilities. Since there is already a concentratipn af facilities in the area, the modification could not be granted without impairing this intent. . .__. _ _ _., __...__...__._. . _. . ...___ .,._.�... ____.._. --� ,_.,._, „�T__._..� __.�_w.�.....�..�, ,�_,.• - �,, _ . , _ . . . . � , � � (J�- ��!/��/ „ . PHILIP R. HILLMAN (#9461 ) Page 2 6. Because of the large number of facilities in the area, granting the modification would appear to be inconsistent with the health, marals, and general welfare of the comnunity, and with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Bas�d on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends denial of the Special Candition Use Permit. � � i i _ - � ; : . . _ � � i � . _ : ,_ ' "� - �y//�/ ; ,. .� 1 , . , , . � ,�. �, � _. . . .. t- � , . _� � , � ,;, k . � ; � � ��� ��y , �., j ; , �.� . . ---, ___ _ _ i � ��_________.___�_�._.._.._, ' APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONDITIOtV USE ~� �y CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY ��� File �� � Application Fee $�35� ���` �� � Tentative Hearing Date _ Number of Lots or Siae of Parcel: Application is hereby made for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Chapter �v , Section �j/� 3 , Paragraph / , of the Zoning Code to operate a �c �!�- s —�'���..�� ��.��.�s;c�,�.T-�� ��.� �a c � ����..� �v4�'- �z.J�2 I A. APPLICANT Name �'f��Gi.� �� �/LC �>/��r/ _ Phone (Daytime) �3f-�d7/ _ Address � �/�/Oc� � �LIl�,E �'-/�r�✓` i'�a•T/1'' -�v�li���ip �-!`�/3� Property interest of Applicant (Owner, contract purchaser, etc.� �4G!/.•r��it. ,f c�vzi�"�a.�f,,� Name of owner (if different) ����?�,�„�.r,�.=�� B. PROPER'TY DESCRIPTION Address/Location ,���� />�f�j�',� Si� Legal Description: Lot � Block ,j Add. -�Ti�sdti �1 �'�;�;,�i •�Tv� Present Zoning�� -/ Lot Size y��' �l /�� l ���tti,t-' S,Q� % Bj; G SPECIAL CONDITIONS Fxplain how ��ou will meet each of the Special Gonditions. Attach supporting materia!s (diagrams, site plan, letters of support, etc.) f"�C�2/ /�i,U r G�f�U.�' /f.ti�J ,f/Ur'r�"�/�.C.�i r/�.� LU i�f'j '�,c. . .Si, f�"L�,�iL'/� T.�c�� . /�L s�,, S�G � 1'Tm 2 ti� r L-•4�'�y C�' ��SY�r� cYJ`/- C7�.S'.� .�-�r�,.;.�.,� �r»#�; �=�;:.��5�,3`L %... , If you have any questions, piease contact: � Saint Paul Zoning Office �,4.�i � `} '�='? 1100 City Hall Annex ry ,., . __: 25 West Fourth Street �� ''�� {-=�� '� ` ``�� ' ` " -- 4 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ ;_ :. :'� L'-' ' �`•`�` - 4102 (298-4154) 1/1/82 6 � f k �, ., ... . . . � y. * . . ' . � . � ' • .� �� • . '_ � . . . .�. �,...._� .� • . � — v • . � 1,,r �✓ ''�' � • . ! ' 1. ' . ' f . ' .. �. � _�._ � � � . ,� o �� ' .� . � ��y ���/ . - � � � . � � - � �-.. � � � � �AY � 5�. �� � �� . � � � � � � �Q. � . � . � � ��. . � � . �� ' � � � ,, . '. ' O ,� A�MIRI; ' �- � .�_ _ �1 �. � - , . . t' R � ' . � � � , a � ' k . -. � � �. � ♦R O � � . . . . _ � . , . . 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MAP NO. � SAi�7 �''.�Jl. ?°i�:��l�i�iG ��3��� - ° °a' �1,�CA�� �� .�,,. _...� .. .:. . _ _ _ . __ _ ___. __ __ _. _ __..____.___._._�...,,„,.,...,. __..._.�_ - _ _ ._.___r.__.. _ ....., T._._ __----_—_____._____. ---_,�_.e.__.�..�,��......_,�....�.,,..x.._.�..�...m. -- ._...:_.,�..,...r._ ,,...m.,.,,�.,�_...-- _� �_��-�rar %��af�,� NiENTAL HEALTH CLI�IiCS � Z af Minr�esota, P ,A. �=:�� ' CORPORATE OFFICES \�`Y-���_ 740 Doctors Professional Building 280 North Smith Avenue ��MORE 8 BETTER MENTAL St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 +EALTH CARE AT LESS COST" 1 -612-227-2144(24 Hour Cell Number) 1 -612-227-4555(24 Hr. Pt Helpline) M E M O R A N D U M - TO: - - - - - - - - James Janecek, M.�. Councilman Victor Tedesco Pat James Medical Directa City Council President Zoning Section of Planning �+.i uV�,��, oh.c., `.v.P. Office of the City Council and Economic Department Dir.ot PSychological Sero�cea �th Floor City Hall Room 1101, City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 25 West 4th Street Mike Sirian St. Paul� MN 55102 Ken Nimlos, nn.�. Assistant Recorder Phil Villaume Dir.of Inpatient Services or Designate City Clerk Attorney at Law City Hall, Room 386 Highland Park Office nnatt vacna,C.C.D.P. St. Paul, MN 55102 1338 Bayard Avenue Dir.ot Alcohol Services S t. P aul, MN 5 5116 Philip R. Hillman 4900 Nine Mile Creek Parkway Bloomington, MN 55437 Board of Directors Family Style of St. Paul, Inc. FROM: James Janecek, M.D. DA�'E: 22 May 1984 REGARDING: ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLI� HBARING NOTICS ZONING, TUSSDAY, 05/19/84, 10 :00 A.M. I wish to advise all concerned it will be impossible for me to make this meeting. 4'r'�iie i ��cc�g�iize �4r. Hiilmaci is the peiiiioner, of course, we nave been the ones pursuing this matter. Further� while we were able to make the initial public hearing without much difficulty, it will be hard for us to coordinate since this is so close to the Memorial Dav weekend. Under these circumstances, I respectfully request a continuance for a week or two, or at the convenience of the ,City Council. I would appreciate be advised in this matter so I can make arrangements. If there are any problems, please call me directly at 227-2144. James Ja c , M.D. JJ:-cs _- -- _ _ _ _ __ . PAUL MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC NEW BRIGHTON MENTAL HEAITH CLINIC STILLWATER MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 3 Doctors Professional Bui�ding 721 Fifth Avenue Northwest New Briflhton,Minnesota 55112 92/ So.Citseley St. ;North Smith Avenue St Paul,Minneaota 55702 , Telephonea:(8t2)838-9177 (812)227-2144(24 Hour Call Numbsr) SdHwatsr,Minnssota 5508't ephona:(612)227-2144(24 Hour Call Number) Telsphonss:(812)139-5860 , (612�227-2144(2�Hax CsM Numbsrl ;' ., ' �i=�%-i��i �- . �. , � �� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUB� IC HEARING NOTICE � / ZONING � . � To: Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of Planning District 9 FIL E N O. 9457, PAGE 9460, 9461 P U R P O S E Appeal of Planning Corrrnission denial of Special Condition Use Rermit for community residential facilities. L 0 C A T I 0 N 383 Col borne St. (�lest s i de between Jefferson & Pal ace) 397 Colborne St. (West side between Jefferson & Palace) 386 Duke St. (East side between Jefferson & Palace) PETITIONER pHILIP R. HILLMAN H E A RI N G T�esday, May �9, 1934 � 10:0o A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House . QUESTIONS 2oning 298-415L (Patricia James) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic -- Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Leqal Descriptions: Lot 19 & 10 Lot 20, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subc}� Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. ��� � Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. ^`��� ,� � ?�' ti ��o �y �� ���'� \� O �. � Notice sent May 1B, 1984 � � ��_���i�� �;��f�� MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS � . o . , Z of Minnesota, P .A. p • a o - CORPORATE OFFICES \� 740 Doctors Professional Building �� � 280 North Smith Avenue "MORE 8 BETTER MENTAL St. PBUI, Minnesota 55102 HEALTH CARE AT LESS COST" 1 -612-227-2144(24 Hour Cell Number) 1 -612-227-4555(24 Hr. Pt Helpline) ,lames Janecek, nn.�. May 25, 1984 Medical Director sara Hunter,Ph.D., �.C.P. Mike Sirian Dir.of Psychological Services Assistant Recorder City Hall, Room 386 Ken Nimlos,M.D. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dir.of Inpatient Services Dear Mr. Sirian: Matt Vacha,C.C.D.P. �ir.of Alcohol Services This is to confirm that there will not be a meeting on Tuesday, May 29 , 1984. Mos sincerely yo �, , Jam J ecek, M.D. JJ:cs �5 � � cr�/v�.��c,��`,P � w� � C� � , ' ���C-vi'`-c/� C�/2�/ � �- �`�'w� l,,/.�.2_P � ��� �' � � ����` � �4 0�" �� � �-- / ST.PAUL MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC NEW BRIGHTON MENTAL HEALTH CLIN�C STILLWATER MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 519 Doctors Professional Building 721 Fitth Avenue Northwest New Brighton,Minnesota 55112 921 So.Greeley St. 280 North Smkh Avenue St.Paul,Mi�nesota 55102 Telephones:(612)636-9177 (612)227-2144(24 Hour Call Number) SNllwater,Minnesota 55082 Telephone:(612)227-2144(24 Hour Call Number) Telephones:(612)439-5660 (612)227-2144(24 Hour Call Number) To � `� � — Tlma %a 3 �j weQe ouT M � � ��� � -a� s�y nma coae a,�,�r � � �.�asE cau. CALL�1L1�'1f0lE WJLL CALi.AC,AtN v�aodrsTOS�irou ur�nir �N�Yo�a cac� �na8� �-. ope�.mr �'��!� � � �M:M�lpx -----, ____ _ - �.�-_ •- �� : ""°`"T:�. .�,��n����� /� �/��; �i�Z ! � �. �`'� � ci/ �i/ ��r ,�' C./ !�. ��� %--� ��-� � __-- .� G .�f, � ,��d�� ,� �� ��� �,,,.- � G� � �. � ��d ' -� J��` �� � � � : �I`s�'G,� �y. ��'` � � � � G Z (rw �� 1b 1 r � � ,� � �f t� � . ('�"" ����/�/ ���. � %,�� ���; � MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS �� � r�� � �Z of Minnesota, P.A. � o :: o ���,�,�, - - CORPORATE OFFICES �Y; �� 740 Doctors Professional Building • /' 280 North Smith Avenue �O � �[' ��MORE 3 BETTER MENTAL St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� iEALTH CARE AT LESS COST" 1 -612-227-2144(24 Hour Call Number) � 1 -612-227-4555(24 Hr. Pt Helpline) M E M O R A N D U M • TO: - - - - - - - - ��`Councilman Victor Tedesco � Pat James City Council President ZonEng Section of Planning . Office of the City Council and Economic Department Sara Huntes.P�,.Q., �.C.P. �th Floor Cit Hall Room 1101. Cit Hall Annex 'On.o/PsyehdOplC�l Ssrvips y y . St. Paul, MN 55102 25 West 4th Street Mike Sirian St. Paul� MN 55102 Ken Nimbs.M.o. Assistant Recorder Phil Villaume � a►.oi i�p.�»m sarv�o.s or Designate City Clerk Attorney at Law � City Hall� Room 386 Highland Park Office nnen vacna.C.C.O.P. St. Paul, MN 55102 1338 Bayard Avenue Dir.oi Abohd Services • St. Paul, MN 55116 • Philip R. Hillman 4900 Nine Mile Creek Parkway � Bloomington, MN 55437 Board of Directors � Family Style of St. Paul, - Inc. FROM: James Janecek� hf.D. DA�'E: 22 May 1984 REGARDING: ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICB ZONING, TUESDAY, 05/.19/84 . 10 :00 A.M. � I wish to advise all concerned it� will be impossible for me to make this meeting. �i �'�hile I recog�ize D4r. Hillman is the petitioner, of course, we have been the ones pursuing this matter. Further, while we were able to make the initial public hearing without much difficulty. it will be hard for us to coordinate since this is so close to the Memorial Day weekend. Under these circumstances, I respectfully request a continuance for a week or two. o at the convenience of the City Council. I would appreciate be advised in this matter so I can make rangements. If there are any problems� please call me directly at 227-2144. � , � � James Ja c Pd.D. ` ` ����`���� ' 7 — JJ:cs - - C� - / �_� - - � �'�--P�"�.� � � _ . PAUL MENTAI.HEALTH CLINIC NEW BRIGHTON MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC STILLWATER MEN AL HEALTH CLINIC 1 pocto��Professwnai Buildmp 721 Fifth Avenue Northwest New B�ifl�ton,Minnesota 55112 921 So.Greeley SL ! �.an' Sm.�Av�nw St Peut.M�nnssotn 55102 Te�ephones (612)636-9177 (612)227-2141(2! Fa�r Crll Numbsr) SNllr+atsr, Minnesoti 55082 e;^.�r.w ff t?r 227-?�at(24 Hpur CaU Number) Telephonss (612)439-5660 �—� (612)?27•214J(2� Hou�Caa NumDsr) .,, _ �.� `� ����U�.,' \_9Y,s�\orr'„ � � =..` 9���/%� � �' ,�e- ,��nr aN . � Q � CJ� U1 � "Q (D N 70 Q- Q -� � Z � N � Z � T � ^ � O C .T, S 1 . PQUL `i �. W n T n O -n � PUBLIC HEA ` D c � � Z _ � Z 01 � �` � N � m O � � � n , u� m � cn O � To: Property owners withir� 350' ; Representatives of Planning District 9 W � � �. rn � PUR�OSE � � Appeal of Planning Cor '� n Permit for community r � '� � N � O rh rn w A N LOCATION 383 Colborne st. (4Jest 397 Colborne St. (West 386 Duke St. (East side PETITIONER pHILIP R. HILLMAN � H E A R I N G 7uesday, �u�y », 1984 Citv Council Chambers, 3: Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (patric � Contact the Zoning Sectio Development Department, R 25 W. 4th Street, St. Pau Legal Descriptions: Lot 19 & 10 Lot 20, BTock 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Notice sent JuIV 6, lyti4 , . , , A ;. ,. ��i �����: ; . . . . . . . � . R .�� � � .. �,��y/- �. � � � . , . . . i . . . ,�� . . . , . . , . .� . � ... . . . . . � �(:� .. . � � �� . . .. � . . ' . . . . . � . . � .. . - �:.. , � � . . ' . ! " . . . . . i �� �. , . . . . . � . , . � _ � , . A � .. . I. . . ., .. ' . , . . . - ; � .. . _ .,,� _ � � � ' , � .� � , � . : ' � . i �� .. . � � . ' .. . . � . . � i . . . , . . .I .. . . .. ...� , � � � � . - . .. � � . , � . .� � � i. , . . . . � . . _ . . .. , . .. , . , . . i . . . . . • . ... �� � I . . . /� , . . � � . . , . , ' .. . . . , . . . . . . . . � i . . � . � .. . , . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . � . ' . ' , . . . � . . � . . � � .. . . . � . .. . .. .. ,� . � . ' . ... . / , . . � � , . ' . - � . , i . . . . . � , . . . � - . . , - ... . . . . . - � . . . ' . - . , . . .. . . . ... . . . . _ . . . � � .1 . � 5,:-� ' .. � ..`'. . , . � . . , - � , � • � . ..� . .. . ,5- , - .,' �May�`, 31, �9�4 � " I ' � . _ � . � ' `. _ , � i � _ :; � � � . . . . _ _ . . , � . , _ . � � I � Planriing �tafi�. Zaaing 3e¢tiaa � , , : :�.leb� Flt�►�. . � - , .` 'f 1� �d��- ,, -.. �= , ';;r C1tp`Hitll Atf,u�7c , `;" ; � . � , - ���'� . �D�ayt. S�r_*: , { , . Y �; - '-�: ` , i ' . At. today�� ��t� Cauncfl n�ting �,,a�o�lot� Mas edoptsd to r.eschedul,a fx� , _ ' , `l�i►esx�., .� ne��:S9th to �Tii�sedt�. ��y I7, 19�4►�, ,a pu�lic hesring o� thee �; ;- �p��..of �'h�lig�$11�tt�' to�an �t�ott af ths Piana�sig C�iasion deniai = . _ of S�p�i�;si� Co�►dition Use P�it�,l�or P�ops�ty et 383 �d 397 Eolbarae a�8 � ' ' � 3$6 T�ti�a��Rt,�rsst. ;tit�.l gou, plea�,p�t�v3ds;:th� groper ,�otificatiot► �o . , , _. �t;.p��tY.,��� 'ss� raqu#.,r4d t�y i1�Mr. . � ; , - • � Qe}�r rtru�.�r"�+ours, ; '"'; � ' . ,�;�r�� ` ` _ �. , � , , : ,'� �,1�.bart'�. 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', ��, � , `�� � � , � � ,cir�� Bs13.;Ana�c � . , . . - . � � Dsar �is'�; \ j.. . , '. i Y �he Citq Cau�-i� will hold a Pul�,fc hoar an Tuudaf, Ju� 19_. 1984 , ! ` , . � ; , at; tt» �ts$ular. City Cou�rcii me�C�ng to .conaidar the aPReal� ,of; Phiii^p . _ ' ' � B31Iman to aa sctiosi of the�'Pl�nin� Cumnteaipo .deaial of Spscial, , ,� �oudltion Uas Permi`t la�c pr,ope��; at 383 aud 3A7 Cclbora� a�d 3$6,Auke f, -� �treet. Wiil ��;ploase provi�t�"the prQPer aotitication t�a pra�+�r�Y � . � c�atrs �s r�equi�rsd bg �ar. �l � _ _ ! . �. � " _ , { Dei�'y truly �ouri� � j � ', - \ .. � , ; ; . ` � _ - , ' , - . \ ' ' � - �11b�ur,t B. O.l�aci . � . � , . • . ! '' � C�ty�Clsrk � ` ` ' _ " r - . ' � . . . .. � � . _ � . - . � , � A�Ui th 'F ; _ � ' ,. i - ` f , ' . _` � ' ! • � _ , , _ - . �; . , , . , ,:, � � �� ,_ � � , , , i i _ � , ` f, , :;. , , _ ' � . - _ ' � � � i. � . �� � ,� � � � � � � � � , �j (_ � ; _ , � '_ � � �' � � � ' � � � � � ^ ; . . _ ,< : � , . .� � � '" i ' , . � _ ; • _ - ; . r i • - , ' " . . . ; I . , , . :,;. , , ' - �� • ' � . . , �: ` i. �' . I , � , , . , , � _ � 4 ' ,� y , , � ' • . . ,. . � I. " ' '� � y �, , ''�-'. • . ; � , � . . , __ . <'t., � , �.�.�. .. . , � � � � . . � �y//�1 r �' , ' ' ST. PA�1L CITY COUNCIL PUB� IC HEARING NOTICE ZONING � ' �-� � �/ y To: Property owners within 350' ; — Representatives of Planning District 9 FIL E N 0. 9457, P A G E 9460, 9461 P U R P O S E Appeal of Planning Commission denial of Special Condition Use . Rermit for community residential facilities. l.0 C A T I 0 N 383 Colborne St. (4Jest side between Jefferson & Palace) 397 Colborne St. (West side between Jefferson & Palace) 386 Duke St. (East side between Jefferson & Palace) PETITIONER PHILIP R. HILLMAN H E A R I N G Tuesday, May 29i 1984 10:00 A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-415d (patricia James) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Legal Descriptions: Lot 19 & 10 Lot 20, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Sub� Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. y,�ti � Lot 7 , Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. ,��� ��,�' ~ A � : �' �1 .�'�o �y �� ���'� �� O �� � Notice aent May 1£3, 1984 . ' , � . � ' � � ������//°2/ � - . � • �_ �� . �?•� �� � , �.. � � c� ro �e� � M ���LF 1� T"�e °V �1. ot ,>�� . �'j��• 4 � � V� � �� � �F A� �e � �-�= � Ce���NF4 %mbe� �-4.,/� ���S Wq y��S�y�V PL e���en�on � �U �<<�t MQ�O9e q�RNf p ybtrq UAG�iy�. �N ��� � �± �) ���� i�., _'°J� �.�,t� � �- i �—�`� � 1� ��0�--� ,=j���� '_,..� ��" ^� � � � /�/ - � .�s �. ��a�� � ��`D pverato� ` � � �y0 23.p� , 23�� Sps�, ?gp S�TPqp • �aSPgNSEa,._ . ;�J • , `� �^ � � �. ' �� ,.� �_ J - A � , � � " L/ 1 ,., �,� . � - � �' � �. . . � �� , � _ � �--�, : .. �� � � � � � �y 2s_ ,�n. , �- � " � �'� � � � � �- � , � � �� `�, , ` r` � . ' ` � �" �C_, �� �� � r,., �'� ` �� �� ^ �� 1�� � � � � � S � �( �`� �` \�' � � � �' �� � . � ' h - . (`� �r �.`� � rp � . \ � \ -__ 1 . 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Pt Helpline) M E M O R A N D U M - TO: - - - - - - - - James Janecek,M.�. Councilman Victor Tedesco � Pat James Medical DkeCta City Council President Zoning Section of Planning . � Office of the City Council and Economic Department ara Huncer, Ph.o..�.C.P. �th Floor Cit Hall Room 1101. Cit Hall Annex o�..ot P:yanaop�u�serv+o.s Y Y St. Paul. MN 55102 25 West 4th Street Mike Sirian St. Paul, MN 55102 Ken Nimlos,M.n. Assistant Recorder Phil Villaume Oir.of Inpetient Senices or Designate City Clerk Attorney at Law City Hall� Room 386 Highland Park Office Matt Vacha,C.C.D.P. St. Paul, MN 55102 1338 Bayard Avenue o+r.ot��ona serr;cea . S t. Paul, MN 55116 Philip R. Hillman 4900 Nine Mile Creek Parkway Bloomington. MN 55437 Board of Directors Family Style of St. Paul, Inc. FROM: James Janecek, I�f.D. DA�'E: 22 May 1984 REGARDING: ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICB ZONING. TUfiSDAY, 05/19/84 , 10 :00 A.M. I wish to advise all concerned it� will be impossible for me to make this meeting. While I recog�ize A4r. Hillman is the petitioner. of course. we have been the ones pursuing this matter. Further, while we were able to make the initial public hearing without much difficulty� it will be hard for us to coordinate since this is so close to the Memorial Day weekend. Under these circumstances, I respectfully request a continuance for a week or two, o at the convenience of the .City Council. I would appreciate be advised in this matter so I can make rangements. If there are any problems, please call me directly at 227-2144. � �James Ja c , M.D. JJ:-cs - _ �� - l'`Z_--�--��, � . PAUL MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC NEW BRIGHTON MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC STILLWATER MEN AL HEALTH CLINIC 3 Doctas Protesslonal Buildinfl 721 Fitth Avenue Northwest New Briflhton,Minnesota 55112 92/ So.Greeley St )Nortn Smith Avenue St. Paul,Minnesote 55102 Telephonas:(812)638-9177 (612)227-2144(24 Hour Call Number) Stlliwatsr,Minnesota 55082 epho�e (612)227-2144(24 Hour Call Number) Telephones:(612)439-5660 , (612)227-2141(21 Hour Csll NumDsra ti �°. ' � , ��. � _ ,' . . - . . 1 � _ Y. . A . . ' . l �%1 ��l,�� . ' I ' . . . � . � � . . . . . . � �� � . .. . � I 7[' . .. . , � - .. . . , . . . � . . .� .,� � . . .. . . . �. . . . . . , . . • , -�.� �. . ., �. . .. .. . . . � .. ' . .... : ,I � . . � . , . . . � . . . . . . _ . i � . , ., . . . � - . , . . . .. .. . � � ' � . ' . . . ' .. ., . . . ' . � . . � . - . � . .. . � .. ,. � . � . . - � ' \ . . . '. . . � ' . , . , . ' . . . / � . . �. . :. . �.� .. . . . , . . .. - .. - � . � . � ':.��, .. ' � . : . � . . i . . �. . . . - . 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H�3;],m�ti` to a:-da:�f.ftf� o� tha Pls�nning � ' � � Coriro�iesian. for� property aC '�$3� � 3517 �C+�►�ra� 3t. ,aa�d 38b Du1�.St. ^ , � �-, , � . , - ` _ ; : � ; ;� De�r Sir;. , ` ,', , � _ , The City f.�suncil recoaa�dered it��actia�a �#. �ta.�►'22, 1984 �ure� a . - � heaxing�date Eor tb� abave-te�e#�wd was` r�# �os May 2'�, :3984 and ` � ,rer�4t tlu hearing dsta Co June �'� �15T8a s#td°1i�t�►' s 'directive �hax sta#t , . ' r. ,�nd ottt nec�ssaly �Qt3Ces� . :; p " ,.' �. :�. - � _ : The aE�ipn Nas taksa ,bY. thi �Cit�'Counc�.l ,�C �,�s �1Kag 24, 19�4 meeting. , v t: � Vszy tru�;�+.yovre, � � _• , , . : , � r .. . � ' . �'; . ;; , • , . � , ; ' ' : �, � , . j � . . , - •Alb+art B. Oleon " , •: City Clark = ' . ' r,; ;;�_ - ,� . . I ` _ � , - I�S:Lh - . , , �; - J .. � . � . . � . � . .� . . t , . � � . , � i: - r . . . . .. . . � . -.._ -. . �. , - . - . -. . � . 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Muy 2$, 198d� � � _ . . . ,. : � .. . - , � . � �� - � ��i4� . t . . � . � . - } . .. ' . . . � . ' ' .\. . � � � � � � � , ..1 . . -�:�.. \ �laita�ug.�taff, Zoni�g S�ctioa , , - � llth, Floor ' �;-:,, _ , � - i , � , C�ty .�9a1.1 Aaae� . �, � � , : , , . , . � . � . . R$s `H�ar ing ot;Philip �. 83I�io�aa to a';dg�.�ioa of the Plaunis�g . . . , , ' Co�is�3on f,or pzopertq lit 383 & �97►�����borae. St. and:386,+Duka 3t: , � � . , ... - . . . F�.Y.. . � � . • � � � � . . , . Dear 3ir: , ; , � . � . ^ - : , �he��abrnte-rQterenced �as��l,aid}.�v�x to t�Y 29, 1984 auQ �►ith a .direlctivi� = , . u that staaEt> send' ou�t neceeeaz���otice�s. ' _ 1 '• � . - - � . , The_ action was�ta�n by tbt C�tY Coetacil a�C.its M�y�"$2, 19� meeti�. . . -. :s Vlly t7f1113► YO�I=8� ' � . , , . _ . . � . , , Albert B. Oleon ;' , -. ' K . � 1 . . .. . . . . . - ' City C�.erk � � ; ; , �, � , � �iS:th " ,� ; , .. . ., . . ` • ; , , , � . .. . .,ti : ; ;; : � . . 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F R O M � C o m m i t r e e O h C ITY DEVELOPMENT AND 'I'RANSPORTATION C N A I R Councilman Bob Fletcher Appeal of Philip R. Hillman to a decision of the Planning Commission for property at 383 and 397 Colborne Street and 386 Duke Street. At its meeting of Ma.y 15, 1984, the City Development Corrm►ittee approved a motion that the above matter be referred to the ' � full City Council without Coirm�ittee recorrnnendation, that the � public hearing be held on May 29, and that staff send out _ necessary notices. ,� , � � � �. cn-< �.,. . ��� a`� '�I"" ' :u,.� '� C_?3 !�� � � � T.� {,f'� � �o � X� � � QC) L CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .�..„ . - ���i��> ���°°°�^����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL >=�`�°'TT °-;i,, - ' '"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -� ,-, �� :e a: =;� i i i�" �� ,, � _ ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK �;, ; a,,,,imR••����''` 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR �EC������' April 19, 1984 APR 2 01984 CUUNCIL,�AAN KUBERT FLETCHER Councilman Robert Fletcher Chairman City Development & Transportation Comm. Room 722, City Hall Dear Councilman Fletcher: The City Council today laid over the public hearing on the appeal of Philip R. Hillman to a decision of the Planning Commission for property at 383 and 397 Colborne Street and 386 Duke Street and the matter was referred to the City Development and Transportation Committee. truly rs, Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th cc: Planning Staff, Zoning Section . . .�, .. . . . . . . ' �� i . , .� .. r . ,:� •. � . . • J ..� . . �. . :�. :. �� � .. � �� ., ������,. , i � �. � . . � < . .�r , - : . � . � , � ' � � " - ��i' t ' �� t� . � . � � 1 ; : F, ` � � `.. ' � , ' . .. , - . - f. � . i , . - , . . . � . , :a . � : ' I �F ;� ' ;i A . € � C, , , ! . , , �; �: , � �4 . 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LOCATION 383 Colborne St. (4Jest side between Jefferson & Palace) 397 Colborne St. (West side between Jefferson & Palace) 386 Duke St. (East side between Jefferson & Palace) PETITIONER PHILIP R. HILLMAN HEARING --- . .. ;_ _ _ �0:00 A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hal1 - Court House Q U E S TIO N S zoning 298-4154 (patricia James) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Nall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Leqal Descriptions: Lot 19 & 10 Lot 20, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot .16, Block 3, Stinson & Ramsey Subd. Lot 7, Block 3, Stfnsan & Ramsey Subd. . Notice stnt July 6, 1984 rr x _ � "" ,a P ;,a�� t;' �(. ' x e ��,"�r a� '�' a.. :;fEs' #� � N '� � � � fl�i 3. ,� 1 ,r . ,.y �h:c � Y_� s �. � '��3p�1 � � -f - :% � }�. �I � r 1 i � � i✓ � ` e ;� ,� .�" . c. 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