00-1192Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORIGIN Preseated By L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Ret'erred To Co�ttce: Date 1 WHEREA5, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services method of charging 2 local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges, the Saint Paul City Council, pussuant to Section 3 77.07 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code, adopted Resolution CF. 260524 on January 23, 1973 (Chapter 4 A-7 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC); and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WIIEREA5, The Metropolitan Council - Environmenta] Services has increased the unit charges for the year 2001 from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 per unit and for the year 2002 from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 per unit; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted 7anuary 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit chazge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 per unit for the year 2001 and from $1,150.00 to $1,200 per unit for the year 2002; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Requested by Deput�nent of: Technoloav & Manaeement Services Adopted by Council: Date Q v__ � o i � � o c7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary a ` � . i� �_�_��- ! �'vi � r�/ Approved by Mayor: Date By: (sacres.wpd) �� Council File # oo -��1� Green sneet # � ° �19g u By: �.i�G�C..��V�����(. , lY���G D'uector � ,�_1' Form Approved by City Attomey By: �� �WcvVS�--+ (( � � O o Approved�or Sub/E���to Council By: L4E� s ' � ?� 'Public Hearin Date =12/�/00 00 -��-tid. T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� ���vZ�po Green Sheet Number: 104792 EP11t1MElHT DIItECl'OR C1TY COUNCII. ntaM Person and Pltone Nomber: (�[ //� 1 1TYATTORNEY "�;� CLERH Roxanna Flink I 1/X 266-8858 p�I�TCIAL SERVICES DIIL 2 � CH & MGT. SVC. D �?� J Y' YOR(ORASS7STANT) 3 OiJNCII,RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'[7RE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the increase for the Sewer Service Availability Charge (SAC) from 1,100.00 to $1,150.00 beginning January 1, 2001 and from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 begianing January 1, 2002. efer to Green Sheet No. 104791 to Ratify the SAC Charge. COM�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/fum ever worked under a conhzct for this deparlment? YES NO PI,ANNING COMMISSION A STAFF . Has t6is personMuw ever been a CiTy employee? YES NO CIVD. SERV[CE COMMLSSION . Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO cm commrrr�e current City employee? E lain all YES answers on a s azate sheet and attach. IATING PROBLEM� ISSiJE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who� What� When, Where, Why?): etter from tha Matropolitan Council - Environmental Services informing overnment ageacies of the nem SAC Charge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 for 2001 nd from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 for 2002. he full SAC is paid by the builder or property owner. Therefore, passing the increased cha.rge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Latter from MCES attached.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: he increase in SAC Unit Charges for the new year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of aiat Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City approxianataly $43,600.00 if the same number of SAC Charges are made as in 2001 and $43,600 for 2002. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Increase of $50.00 per Sac Charge for 2001 aad $50.#%O,��r ,Sac�h�rge for 2002 o the builder or property owner. (�P ° a � ��� '�`i:;:J r' ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �\.' ity absorbs the increase of approximatel P ��� ��� y$87,200�00 over 2 years (2001 and 2002). OTAL AMOZINT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVEN[JE BIJDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsomtce: Sewer Service Entarprise' Ac'rl�rj'Ywn�ER: 260-22209-6301 Fund �a'Q!l61C"".�+ �°Q£33i'G�? �O , ic i ANCIAI,INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) a,�na :i 3 LU�Io Oct�27-00 03:54P \� 651 266 6234 P.O1 L' Db�lZ /'YGtt.2��+2 � Metropolitan Council oo -���a Working for Y f?egion, P lanning for the Future Octol�cr 3, 2000 �� SUI3JEC1': ALL CITY I�IANAGERS R£CEI V�� ��j 2 4 2000 CtTy �L�Rb; 200! & 2002 SI3RVICL- AVAILABILITY CHARGL (SAC) RATE ll�c Metropolitan Council has establishcd [hc SAC rates for the next Iwo }•cars. Effcctive Januan• 1, Z001, thc SAC ratc «�ill bc $1,150 for all communitics. Effcctivc lanuary 1, 2002, thc SAC rate ���i11 bc $ i,2U0 for all contmuni[ics. Your communiry collecis SAC as users connect to the metropolitan sewer system foz the fiTSt time or as a user's potential or peak se�vage incrcases. The SAC funds collected pay for a portion of the dcbt scrvicc incurted to expand and improve se�ver facilities. These facilities provide the sewer callcclion and trcatment service s[ipulated for your community in the Metropolitan Council's comprchensivc sc���cr plan. The SAC rale [o be charged by the community is the rate in effect at thc timc of pa}�nent regardless of �vhen thc permitting prceess began. Tf yov have any financial questions, please fcel free to contact me at {651) 602-1196. For SAC prcecdural qucstions, please contact Sandra Selby at (651) 602-1118 or read the SAC procedure manual on our web site at �vw�v.metrocouncil.orglenvironmendrates&billinp,isac.hvn. Your cooperation is greatly apprcciatcd. Sinccrc(r, � ����� Jason �V;ncic MCES Financc hlanagcr cc. S3uitding lnspcc[ions Dcpartmcnc ,���- k�ss 23� 1?a>� Fillh Sirrct 51. P.�ui. Mume�uta SSIOb 1626 16511 602-1000 Eae 602-1550 TDDJ7IY 291-090� M�tro 4do Cine 602-]8 .,, r.......i n.�.�.,n„uun Enwtovrr Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORIGIN Preseated By L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Ret'erred To Co�ttce: Date 1 WHEREA5, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services method of charging 2 local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges, the Saint Paul City Council, pussuant to Section 3 77.07 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code, adopted Resolution CF. 260524 on January 23, 1973 (Chapter 4 A-7 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC); and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WIIEREA5, The Metropolitan Council - Environmenta] Services has increased the unit charges for the year 2001 from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 per unit and for the year 2002 from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 per unit; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted 7anuary 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit chazge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 per unit for the year 2001 and from $1,150.00 to $1,200 per unit for the year 2002; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Requested by Deput�nent of: Technoloav & Manaeement Services Adopted by Council: Date Q v__ � o � � o c7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary a ` � . i� �_�_��- ! �'vi � r�/ Approved by Mayor: Date By: (sacres.wpd) �� Council File # oo -��1� Green sneet # � ° �19g u By: �.i�G�C..��V�����(. , lY���G D'uector � ,�_1' Form Approved by City Attomey By: �� �WcvVS�--+ (( � � O o Approved�or Sub/E���to Council By: L4E� s ' � ?� 'Public Hearin Date =12/�/00 00 -��-tid. T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� ���vZ�po Green Sheet Number: 104792 EP11t1MElHT DIItECl'OR C1TY COUNCII. ntaM Person and Pltone Nomber: (�[ //� 1 1TYATTORNEY "�;� CLERH Roxanna Flink I 1/X 266-8858 p�I�TCIAL SERVICES DIIL 2 � CH & MGT. SVC. D �?� J Y' YOR(ORASS7STANT) 3 OiJNCII,RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'[7RE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the increase for the Sewer Service Availability Charge (SAC) from 1,100.00 to $1,150.00 beginning January 1, 2001 and from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 begianing January 1, 2002. efer to Green Sheet No. 104791 to Ratify the SAC Charge. COM�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/fum ever worked under a conhzct for this deparlment? YES NO PI,ANNING COMMISSION A STAFF . Has t6is personMuw ever been a CiTy employee? YES NO CIVD. SERV[CE COMMLSSION . Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO cm commrrr�e current City employee? E lain all YES answers on a s azate sheet and attach. IATING PROBLEM� ISSiJE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who� What� When, Where, Why?): etter from tha Matropolitan Council - Environmental Services informing overnment ageacies of the nem SAC Charge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 for 2001 nd from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 for 2002. he full SAC is paid by the builder or property owner. Therefore, passing the increased cha.rge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Latter from MCES attached.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: he increase in SAC Unit Charges for the new year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of aiat Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City approxianataly $43,600.00 if the same number of SAC Charges are made as in 2001 and $43,600 for 2002. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Increase of $50.00 per Sac Charge for 2001 aad $50.#%O,��r ,Sac�h�rge for 2002 o the builder or property owner. (�P ° a � ��� '�`i:;:J r' ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �\.' ity absorbs the increase of approximatel P ��� ��� y$87,200�00 over 2 years (2001 and 2002). OTAL AMOZINT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVEN[JE BIJDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsomtce: Sewer Service Entarprise' Ac'rl�rj'Ywn�ER: 260-22209-6301 Fund �a'Q!l61C"".�+ �°Q£33i'G�? �O , ic i ANCIAI,INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) a,�na :i 3 LU�Io Oct�27-00 03:54P \� 651 266 6234 P.O1 L' Db�lZ /'YGtt.2��+2 � Metropolitan Council oo -���a Working for Y f?egion, P lanning for the Future Octol�cr 3, 2000 �� SUI3JEC1': ALL CITY I�IANAGERS R£CEI V�� ��j 2 4 2000 CtTy �L�Rb; 200! & 2002 SI3RVICL- AVAILABILITY CHARGL (SAC) RATE ll�c Metropolitan Council has establishcd [hc SAC rates for the next Iwo }•cars. Effcctive Januan• 1, Z001, thc SAC ratc «�ill bc $1,150 for all communitics. Effcctivc lanuary 1, 2002, thc SAC rate ���i11 bc $ i,2U0 for all contmuni[ics. Your communiry collecis SAC as users connect to the metropolitan sewer system foz the fiTSt time or as a user's potential or peak se�vage incrcases. The SAC funds collected pay for a portion of the dcbt scrvicc incurted to expand and improve se�ver facilities. These facilities provide the sewer callcclion and trcatment service s[ipulated for your community in the Metropolitan Council's comprchensivc sc���cr plan. The SAC rale [o be charged by the community is the rate in effect at thc timc of pa}�nent regardless of �vhen thc permitting prceess began. Tf yov have any financial questions, please fcel free to contact me at {651) 602-1196. For SAC prcecdural qucstions, please contact Sandra Selby at (651) 602-1118 or read the SAC procedure manual on our web site at �vw�v.metrocouncil.orglenvironmendrates&billinp,isac.hvn. Your cooperation is greatly apprcciatcd. Sinccrc(r, � ����� Jason �V;ncic MCES Financc hlanagcr cc. S3uitding lnspcc[ions Dcpartmcnc ,���- k�ss 23� 1?a>� Fillh Sirrct 51. P.�ui. Mume�uta SSIOb 1626 16511 602-1000 Eae 602-1550 TDDJ7IY 291-090� M�tro 4do Cine 602-]8 .,, r.......i n.�.�.,n„uun Enwtovrr Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORIGIN Preseated By L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Ret'erred To Co�ttce: Date 1 WHEREA5, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services method of charging 2 local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges, the Saint Paul City Council, pussuant to Section 3 77.07 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code, adopted Resolution CF. 260524 on January 23, 1973 (Chapter 4 A-7 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC); and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WIIEREA5, The Metropolitan Council - Environmenta] Services has increased the unit charges for the year 2001 from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 per unit and for the year 2002 from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 per unit; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted 7anuary 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit chazge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 per unit for the year 2001 and from $1,150.00 to $1,200 per unit for the year 2002; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Requested by Deput�nent of: Technoloav & Manaeement Services Adopted by Council: Date Q v__ � o � � o c7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary a ` � . i� �_�_��- ! �'vi � r�/ Approved by Mayor: Date By: (sacres.wpd) �� Council File # oo -��1� Green sneet # � ° �19g u By: �.i�G�C..��V�����(. , lY���G D'uector � ,�_1' Form Approved by City Attomey By: �� �WcvVS�--+ (( � � O o Approved�or Sub/E���to Council By: L4E� s ' � ?� 'Public Hearin Date =12/�/00 00 -��-tid. T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� ���vZ�po Green Sheet Number: 104792 EP11t1MElHT DIItECl'OR C1TY COUNCII. ntaM Person and Pltone Nomber: (�[ //� 1 1TYATTORNEY "�;� CLERH Roxanna Flink I 1/X 266-8858 p�I�TCIAL SERVICES DIIL 2 � CH & MGT. SVC. D �?� J Y' YOR(ORASS7STANT) 3 OiJNCII,RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'[7RE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the increase for the Sewer Service Availability Charge (SAC) from 1,100.00 to $1,150.00 beginning January 1, 2001 and from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 begianing January 1, 2002. efer to Green Sheet No. 104791 to Ratify the SAC Charge. COM�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/fum ever worked under a conhzct for this deparlment? YES NO PI,ANNING COMMISSION A STAFF . Has t6is personMuw ever been a CiTy employee? YES NO CIVD. SERV[CE COMMLSSION . Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO cm commrrr�e current City employee? E lain all YES answers on a s azate sheet and attach. IATING PROBLEM� ISSiJE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who� What� When, Where, Why?): etter from tha Matropolitan Council - Environmental Services informing overnment ageacies of the nem SAC Charge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 for 2001 nd from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 for 2002. he full SAC is paid by the builder or property owner. Therefore, passing the increased cha.rge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Latter from MCES attached.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: he increase in SAC Unit Charges for the new year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of aiat Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City approxianataly $43,600.00 if the same number of SAC Charges are made as in 2001 and $43,600 for 2002. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Increase of $50.00 per Sac Charge for 2001 aad $50.#%O,��r ,Sac�h�rge for 2002 o the builder or property owner. (�P ° a � ��� '�`i:;:J r' ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �\.' ity absorbs the increase of approximatel P ��� ��� y$87,200�00 over 2 years (2001 and 2002). OTAL AMOZINT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVEN[JE BIJDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsomtce: Sewer Service Entarprise' Ac'rl�rj'Ywn�ER: 260-22209-6301 Fund �a'Q!l61C"".�+ �°Q£33i'G�? �O , ic i ANCIAI,INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) a,�na :i 3 LU�Io Oct�27-00 03:54P \� 651 266 6234 P.O1 L' Db�lZ /'YGtt.2��+2 � Metropolitan Council oo -���a Working for Y f?egion, P lanning for the Future Octol�cr 3, 2000 �� SUI3JEC1': ALL CITY I�IANAGERS R£CEI V�� ��j 2 4 2000 CtTy �L�Rb; 200! & 2002 SI3RVICL- AVAILABILITY CHARGL (SAC) RATE ll�c Metropolitan Council has establishcd [hc SAC rates for the next Iwo }•cars. Effcctive Januan• 1, Z001, thc SAC ratc «�ill bc $1,150 for all communitics. Effcctivc lanuary 1, 2002, thc SAC rate ���i11 bc $ i,2U0 for all contmuni[ics. Your communiry collecis SAC as users connect to the metropolitan sewer system foz the fiTSt time or as a user's potential or peak se�vage incrcases. The SAC funds collected pay for a portion of the dcbt scrvicc incurted to expand and improve se�ver facilities. These facilities provide the sewer callcclion and trcatment service s[ipulated for your community in the Metropolitan Council's comprchensivc sc���cr plan. The SAC rale [o be charged by the community is the rate in effect at thc timc of pa}�nent regardless of �vhen thc permitting prceess began. Tf yov have any financial questions, please fcel free to contact me at {651) 602-1196. For SAC prcecdural qucstions, please contact Sandra Selby at (651) 602-1118 or read the SAC procedure manual on our web site at �vw�v.metrocouncil.orglenvironmendrates&billinp,isac.hvn. Your cooperation is greatly apprcciatcd. Sinccrc(r, � ����� Jason �V;ncic MCES Financc hlanagcr cc. S3uitding lnspcc[ions Dcpartmcnc ,���- k�ss 23� 1?a>� Fillh Sirrct 51. P.�ui. Mume�uta SSIOb 1626 16511 602-1000 Eae 602-1550 TDDJ7IY 291-090� M�tro 4do Cine 602-]8 .,, r.......i n.�.�.,n„uun Enwtovrr