84-877 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council y/�, �y/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. v �-� " � BLUE - MAVOR � ounc 'l Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the attached letter be sent to Mr. Thomas T. Feeney of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development outlining the city's Affirmative Action plan for compliance with UDAG eligibility requirements. COUfVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �" Fletcher L Drew J In Favor Masanz Nicosla scnetb.F--� _�__ Against BY Tedesco Wilsoa� Adopted by Council: Date �VL � 3 198� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa-s b Coun il t BY sy A►pproved by 14avor: Date Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council BY PLIBLI�F#EU J U L 21 1984 sy p��suan� �ot�ecti ne6s�f�nofut�ie CityeCha�ter. i � � � � J �� ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � OFFICF. OF TFIF, CITY COIINCIL y ....,.• '-,i �.......... .� •".!w�' � --z - a, l ''�� �'S .: VICTOR J. TEDESCO SUSAN VANNELLI Councilman Legislative Aide June 26, 1984 Mr. Thomas T. Feeney, Manager U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Minneapolis St. Paul Area Office, Region V 220 Second Street South Bridge Place Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 _ Dear Mr. Feeney: Thank you for attending the City Council Finance meeting on June 15, 1984s and further clarifying the issues contained in your letter of February 10. for the past several months we have been actively working to develop an effective affirmative action program for Saint Paul . The willing�ess of both you and Linda Henning to meet with us has been greatly appreciated. After many lengthy discussions, we have developed a plan which we believe will exceed the Department of Housing and Urban Development's significant progress test. The plan is directed at making more minorities el.igible for appointment. The principal action would be a Civil Service rule change which would increase the number of certified eligibies that a department head may consider when hiring. The change would expand the current eligibies for appointment from the top three to the top twenty. This will have a considerable impact on our selection process. As a result of this change, on approximately two-thirds of our testing lists, all passing candidates . would be eligible for appointment. On the remaining one-third of our lists, the expanded certification will mean a very significant increase in the percentage of passing individuals from which hiring could take place. In addition to this expanded certification, we believe that an aggressive recruitment and training program must be irr�lemented by the administration to ensure that there is a continued increase in the number of minorities finishing in the top twenty. The Council has made a financial commitment to allow for the funding of a Recruitment and Training Office under the direction of the administration. , Attached you will find copies of the resolutions passed by the Council . tn addition, the Council has adopted a lengthy affirmative action policy document which lays out the individual responsibilities of our program. CIT`Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SA[NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5506 ' •,�,� � � � We recognize that the varying proposals have been somewhat controversial and are aware of some opposition to these plans. One can be sure that whichever plan would have been adopted, there would have been some dissension. However, we are very confident that this program will be successful in meeting HUD's significant progress test. further, we believe that it is in everyone's interest that the program succeed. In addition to the advances to be made under this new hiring plan, we will be making significant progress in our Fire Department. As you know, because of problems with past Civil Service testing, we have entered into a voluntary agreement to hire 12 additional minority fire fighters during the next two years. This action will dramatically increase our minority proportion of new hirees. Again, thank you for bringing..this matter to our attention, and in particular, for the time and patience to work with us for an effective solution. Sincerely, r .,.,�3,r . - �„ �. ,r.�,; � ���� /� .:.✓ � 'W V I CTOR J.� TEDESC� ' ' City Council President VJT/jfc Attachments ������ � � � � � ��77 'PSMENiO�, • � U.8.��Deparbrant of Housfng and Urban D�robpmeM 3WQ, �o Minneapolis-St Paul OiRce,Region V _, � � 220 Second Street,South�.�/� �''•,NDEVEs� M1nn@epOIIS�MIRABSGte 5�J`�Vl ��R ���R ��`i�vFSl�ts.�Y�:i� � �j +Z-4 • ... oArE �- ab-sy � � /° 1 � �k -��. . � COUNCt�; PRESIt��NT �'- �4�,������ :.-� June 25, 1984 --� J U N 2 5 �g8q�, :-e z- COUt�lCILMAN � � VICTOP, 1. TEDESCQ 9 Victor J. Tedesco, President �� �. ` St. Paul Citq Gouncil / iti�f--__i f` � 'l 7th floor, City Hall � � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Tedesco: Our office has received a copq of the actions the council took last Thursday, June 21, 1984. We realize that this was a committee action requiring the approval of the full council - currentlq scheduled to meet on Tuesday, June 26. Because of proposed changes in the eivil service regulations there is also a process which require public heariags. So that qou will be able to concentrate on the issues and not be distracted by our timing deadlines, we think a two week egtension to Julq 9, 1984 would be appropriate. Sincerely, ,�"�""��� Tho�:s T. Feeney Ma.nager, S , . ` '�=�r-��� ��-�� -f� a ,., � , CITY OF ►�S'AINZ` PAUL L� S�"� _ OFFIC� OF TAF. CITY COIINCIL �� ` •�\�\\N�N n�� - � 6 � VICTOR J. TEDESCO SUSAN VANNELLI Councilman Legislative Aide June 26, 1984 Mr. Thomas T. Feeney, Manager U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Minneapolis St. Paul Area Office, Region V 220 Second Street South Bridge Place Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Dear Mr. Feeney: Thank you for attending the, City Council Finance meeting on June 15, 1984, and further clarifying the issues contained in your letter of February 10. for the past several months we have been actively working to develop an effective affirmative action program for Saint Paul . The willingness of both you and Linda Henning to meet with us has been greatly appreciated. After many lengthy discussions, we have developed a plan which we believe will exceed the Department of Housing and Urban Development's significant progress test. The plan is directed at making more minorities eligible for appointment. The principal action would be a Civil Service rule change which would increase the number of certified eligibles that a department head may consider when hiring. The change would expand the current eligibles for appointment from the top three to the top twenty. This will have a considerable impact on our selection process. �s a result of this change, on approximately two-thirds of our testing lists, all passing candidates . would be eligible for appointment. On the remaining one-third of our lists, the expanded certification will mean a very significant increase in the percentage of passing individuals from which hiring could take place. In addition to this expanded certification, we believe that an aggressive recruitment and training program must be implemented by the administration to ensure that there is a continued increase in the number of minorities finishing in the top twenty. The Council has made a financial cortmitment to allow for the funding of a Recruitment and Training Office under the direction of the administration. Attached you will find copies of the resolutions passed by the Council . In addition, the Council has adopted a lengthy affirmative action policy document which lays out the individual responsibilities of our program. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5506 .��r, . , ' � ���/��'j � . We recognize that the varying proposals have been somewhat controversial and are aware of some opposition to these plans. One can be sure that whichever pian would have been adopted, there would have been some dissension. However, we are very confident that this program wili be successful in meeting HUD's significant progress test. Further, we believe that it is in everyone's interest that the program succeed. In addition to the advances to be made under this new hiring plan, we will be making significant progress in our Fire Department. As you know, because of problems with past Civil Service testing, we have entered into a voluntary agreement to hire 14 additional minority fire fighters during the next two years. This action will dramatically increase our minority proportion of new hirees. Again, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and in particular, for the time and patience to work with us for an effective solution. Sincerely, ` ���� /4���� ` ' � VICTOR J. TEDE City Council President VJT/jfc Attachments � �' 4 � �� . f�f CITY OF SAINT PAUL �.:.... OFFICE OF THF CITY COIINCIL �aon�ane ��i VICTOR J. TEDESCO SUSAN VANNELLI Councilman Legislative Aide June 26, 1984 Mr. Thomas T, heeney, Manager U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Minneapolis St. Paul Area Office, Region V 220 Second 5treet South Bridge Place Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Dear Mr. Feeney: Thank you for attending the City Council Finance meeting on June 15, 1984, and further clarifying the issues contained in your letter of February 10. for the past severai months we have been actively working to develop an effective affirmative action program for Saint Paul . The witlingness of both you and Linda Henning to meet with us has been greatly appreciated. After many lengthy discussions, we have developed a plan which we believe will exceed the Department of Nousing and Urban Development's significant progress test. The plan is directed at making more minorities eligible for appointment. The principal action would be a Civil Service rule change which would increase the number of certified eligibles that a department head may consider when hiring. The change would expand the current eligibles for appointment from the top three to the top twenty. This will have a considerable impact on our selection process. As a resuit of this change, on approximately two-thirds of our testing lists, all passing candidates . would be eligibie for appointment. On the remaining one-third of our tists, the expanded certification will mean a very significant increase in the percentage of passing individuals from which hiring could take place. In addition to this expanded certification, we believe that an aggressive recruitment and training program must be irnplemented by the administration to ensure that there is a continued increase in the number of minorities finishing in the top twenty. The Council has made a financial commitment to allow for the funding of a Recruitment and Training Office under the direction of the administration. Attached you will find copies of the resolutions passed by the Council . In addition, the Council has adopted a iengthy affirmative action policy document which lays out the individual responsibilities of our program. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5506 �O ✓ � • ;�� ��' 77 � We recognize that the varying proposals have been somewhat controversial and are aware of some opposition to these plans. One can be sure that whichever plan would have been adopted, there would have been some dissension. However, we are very confident that this program wili be successful in meeting HUD's significant progress test. Further, we believe that it is in everyone's interest that the program succeed. In addition to the advances to be made under this new hiring plan, we wiil be making significant progress in our Fire Department. As you know, because of problems with past Civil Service testing, we have entered into a voluntary agreement to hire 12 additional minority fire fighters during the next two years. This action will dramatically increase our minority proportion of new hirees. Again, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and in particular, for the time and patience to work with us for an effective solution. Sincerety, ! �� /r��� � � VICTOR J. 7EDE City Councit President VJ�T/jfc Attachments