Cou c 'l Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the
attached Affirmative Action policy.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Fletcher �
Drew [n Favor
sche�be� � __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
JUL — � �98�} Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified P•:s d Council e BY
� � JUL 1 1 1gg� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
61ppro�ed;�y ;4lavor: Date
� 1.,[ " �
By � BY
-- PUBLIS�Ep ,!U l� � 1 1984
� �-- �� �
. July 5., 1984
- _ � � l� �y�7�
Equal Employment Opportunity Folicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Affirmative Action Prograr,i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A. Goals . . . . �: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
B. Accountability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Of f ice of the Mayor . . . . . . . .� . . . . . . 2
2. Affirmative Action Advisory Cor,�mittee . . . . . . . 2
3. Director of Human Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4. Department Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5. Director of Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
� C. Contract Cor,ipliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
D. Grievance Procedare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
E.�..�issemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1. I nternal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2. External. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il
y ?/5/84
. • �a7 a ��
The City of Saint Paul recognizes the essential right of all employees
and job applicants to be recruited, hired, trained, and promoted in aIl job
classifications within the City without regard to race, creed, religion, sex,
color, national origin or ancestry, far,ulial status, age, disability, marital
status or status with� regard to public assistance, except in cases where sex or
physical ability is a bona fide occupational qualification.
POLICY: The City of Saint Paul recognizes its obligation and declares-its
policy to take affirmative action to ensure that all personnel actions ancl
programs shall be administered by the City of Saint Paul without regard to
race, creed, religion, sex, color, national origin or ancestry, familial
status, age, disability, marital status or status with regard to public
assistance, except in cases where sex or physical ability is a bona fide
occupational qualification.
PURPOSE: It is the purpose of the Affirmative Action Program to ensure that
Equal Employnent Opportunity (EEO) becomes a reality, and that all personnel
actions and programs are administered by the City of Saint Paul witY► a view to
remedying and elimi.nating the cumulative effects of past discrimination agai.nst
wonen, minorities, and handicapped persons (taken together, termed "protected
class pe�sons") .
A. Goals
Based on the estir�ated percentage of protected class persons in the
local labor force, the City of Saint Paul shall establish its employment
goals as follows:
1. Future i�¢nediate hiring should be reflective of the outside work force
and meet or exceed the following levels established for protected
' protected class representation.
13� minority hirees
_ 32$ f�nale hirees
8� haridicapped.
2. 'Ihe city work force sh�uld be t,otally reflective of the outside wark
. force within seven years.
- 2 -
B. Accountability
1. The Mayor
The t�iayor is responsible for the ir,tplementation and administration of
th�s Affirnative Action Progran and for ensuring adherence to the
policies adopted by City Council hereinabove declared. Department and
Office Directors' efforts on behalf of the Affirr.�tive Action Pro�
gran shall be included as part of the t�layor's performance evalua-
ation in determining meri�. increases.
The Mayor shall resolve differences between the appointing o�ficer
or disciplining official and the Director of Hur,�an Rights in instances
of disagreement regarding hiring or disciplinary decisions,
respectively. The Director of Hurtian Rights shall inform affected
parties of such decisions.
2. Affirr,iative Action Advisory Corimittee (AAAC)
�dith the assistance as it shall require of the Director of Hur.ian
Rights, the Person�el Director and the directors of City officzs
and departnents, the AAAC shall recorunenc� goals, tinetables and
actions for iripier�entation of th� Affirnative Action Program.
Such recommenda'�ions shall be made to the tiayor for his review
____s__m .,.� and subsequent recor¢nendation to City Council.
The AA.�,C shall report to the City Council on M a y 1, 19II5 and
M a y l, 1986 regarding the City's progress in securing protected
class er,iployees under the Affirr,iative Action program.
3. Director of Human Rights
The Director of Human Rights, or his designee, shall attend all
meetings of the Affirr.�tive Action Advisory Cor�mitte� and provide
staff support to the Committee and shall prepare for the Conmittee
such reports and recorrmendations to the Mayor as necessary. _
The Director of Human Rights shall be accountaale to the Mayor for
monitoring the Affirmative Action Program on a day-to-day basis. Such
responsibilities shall include, but not be lir�ited to:
a. Designing and implenenting audit and reporting systems that will: �
� •
- . �r- gy g��
- 3 -
(1) Measure the effectiveness of the City's Affirmative Action
Prograri, including determining progress toward the achieve�-
r�ent of the program's goals and objectives.
(2) Indicate need for remedial action.
b. Analyzing personnel records for purposes of evaluating the impact
of the following transactions upon Affirmative Action Prograri
objectives: hires, transfers, promotions, demotions, layoffs,
leaves, and terminations.
c. Monitoring applications for City jobs to assess representation
of minority, female, and handicanped er.►ployees throughout the
stages of the selection process.
d. Submitting semi-annual reports to the t4ayor for the periods of
January 1 - June 30, and July 1 - December 31. These reports:
(1) Review each department's progress toward affirmative action
goals and include a statistical s � , ry of minorities, women,
and handicapped employees.
(2) Include an update on City governr:►ent's progress toward
- ------ affirmative action goals.
e. Assisting department and office directors in the developrient
and iriplementation of individual aff irrbative action prograr�s
in their agencies. .
f. Advising department and office directors of the latest develvp-
ments in Equal Employment Opportunity laws, guidelines, and
g. Identifying problem areas and assisting department and office
directors in arriving at solutions.
h. Monitoring and evaluating all hiring decisions and clisciplinary
actions involving protectec7 class eriployees.
(1) With regard to hiring, the Director of Human Rights shall
review certified lists containing pro�ected class candi-
dates and shall recomnend action to be taken by the
appointing officer. If the appointing officer disagrees
with the recorrmendation, he/she shall discuss it with the
Director of Human Rights. If agreement cannot be reached,
the Director of Hunan Rights with the affected de1.�artrtent/
office director shall bring the issue to the Mayor ior
7/5/84 .
. . , • .
- 4 -
(2) With respect• ta disciplinary action to be taken against
protected class employees, the disciplining official shall
infori� the Director of Hur,�an Rights of any such action
i. Conducting exit interviews with protected class employees to
ascertain their reasons for leaving the City service.
4. Department and Office Directors
a. Directors shall be responsible for the submission and i�gleraenta-
tion of an annual departmental affirr;tative action prograr:i.
Departmental prograr,�s shall be submitted to the mayor and should
include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Identifying vacancies and potential vacancies (openings,
terminations, retirements) in the department.
(2) Stating steps which the department plans to take to -
improve protected class representation in underrepresented
position classifications.
(3) Reviewing and updating department career ladders wit'n
` �'---- assistance from the Personnel Director's staff. Upciating
may involve restructuring jobs, evaluating minimun quali-
fications to r�atch job responsibilities, and develotiing
entry level or advanced positions.
(4) Informing the departrtent's protected class employees of
career ladder opportunities and advising them regarding
career advancement in the department.
(5) Providing for participation by the departr�ent's protected
class ertployees in the City's training program.
(6) Comr�unicating the departmental and City affirmative action
prograr,is to department employees.
(7) Reviewing semi-annually progress toward realization of affirrna-
tive action goals and prepa�ing a brief report based upvn the
review. The report shall be subm.itted to the Director of
Hur�an Rights and to the Affirmative Action Advisory Co� ,ittee.
(8) Evaluating supervisors and managers on affirnative action
efforts and achievements and basing pronotions and nzrit
increases, in part, upon such evaluation.
, �O �a ��
- 5 -
b. Directors shall notify the Personnel Office of anticipated
vacancies as soon as they r,iay be reasonably anticipated so that
Personnel Office recruitment staff can develop pools of
protected class persons.
c. Directors shall inform managers and supervisors that they are
responsible for iriplementation of the Affirnative Action
Program, and that promotion and merit increases depend in part
upon their perfornance of those responsibilities.
d. Directors shall ensure compliance with the departr.ient's affirma-
tive action cor►ununication and reporting functions. Specifically
these functions shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Preparing the department's annual affirr�ative action program.
(2) Identifying anticipated job vacancies and reporting then
immediately to the Personnel Office.
(3) Reporting semi-annually on the department's progress in
regard to the affirmative action program.
------ --�--- (4) Supplying reasons for all changes in protected class
personnel status (terminations, transfers, leaves,
demotions, promotions) to the Dire�tor of Hur,tian Rights.
(5) Informing the Director of Human Rights of any disciplinarg
action taken against protected class er,�ployees and any
conter,tplated discharges before the discharge occurs.
(6) Receiving from the Human Rights Departnent and disser�ina-
ting information on Equal Employment Opportunity regula-
(7) Assisting in conducting training sessions and recruitment
activities for the department. Directors shall assign de-
partr�ent volunteer employees, when requested by the r4ayor,
to assist in the the recruitment and training of protected
class candidates and others.
(8) Posting training opportunities annour►cements on depart-
ment, division, and iield location bulletin boards.
(9) Ensuring that interview and work sites in the department
are accessible to handicapped applicants ana employees.
- 6 -
(10) Maintaining communication with emnloyees and supervisors
to learn of any affirmative action related complaints
and concerns and following through on any oi these natters
in a tinely fashion.
.5. Director of Personnel
The Director of Personnel, or his designee, shall attend all
meetings of the Affirmative Action Advisory Co� .ittee and shal�
provide such information to the AAAC as it shall require. The
Director shall receive, and implement with the Mayor's concurrence
a.nsofar as feasible the recoranendations of the AAAC with respect to
the Director's responsibilities as set forth below.
With respect to affirmative action, the Director of Personnel, in
consultation with the Director of Hurian Rights and the Affirmative
Action Advisory Conmi.ttee, shall be responsible for the following
activities, consistent with the Equal Enployment Opportunity
Commission Guidelines on Er,r�loyee Selection Procedures, as
a. Recruitment of pro�ected class persons to City service,
especially in those positions wnere under-representation
occurs. The� recruitment effort will be carried out within
� �-� �' the City of Saint Paul, and in snecial cases, within the seven
county rietro area or beyond. These activities will be
accortplished by the Affirmative Action Section with assistance
from affected clepartment and office directors. This progran
will include: •
(1) V�orking with the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee and
comnunity organizations which have direct contact with
protected cla5s persons.
(2) Communicating the Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirr.ta-
tive Action Policy to public and private agencies or �
groups, and to individual applicants.
. (3) Advertising in local print and broadcast media which serve
protected class people,
(4) Identifying sources of protected class applicants.
(5) Visiting and disseminating er,zployment and training
information to groups o�hos� membership is predor�inately
protected class persons.
(6) Developing recruitment literature specifically for
protectec] class persons,
-- . . . . �r- �y-���
- � -
(7) Sending all City job postings to interested protected
class agencies, groups, and individuals.
(B) Developing and maintaining a protected class applicant
(9) Seeking the assistance of agencies and riedia which serve
protected class persons.
� (10) Providing career counseling to protected class er�Q].ayees.
(I1) Soliciting the assistance of department and office direct-
ors in recruitment of protected class persons.
� � b. Hur,tian relations training to educate and inform managers and
supervisors regarding protec�ed class interests and Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action qoals and guidelines. This
program shall-
(1) Provide all supervisory em�loyees with a handbook which
will contain applicable Equal Employrient Opportunity laws,
regulations, guidelines, and policies.
�.____ (2) Provide human relations training to nanagers and super-
visors to help improve their relationships with protected
c�ass persons.
(3) Educate nanagers and supervisors to the special needs .
of the handicapped.
(4) Inform managers and supervisors of their obligations under
various Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirr�ative Action laws
and guidelines, e.g., with respect to sexual harrassment.
c. Applicant and employee assistance and training to ensure
employment opportunities and career development for protected
class people.
For applicants, this program shall:
(1) Disseminate information abou� pre-test trainir.g conducted
by coruaunity agencies.
(2) Inform post-high school students about Urban Corps intern
employnent opportunities.
(3) Inform protected class job applicants about the selection
process and pror.ational opportunities.
(4) Coordinate pre-test tutoring for protected class candidates
and others.
_ . __.
- 8 -
For employees, this program shall:
(5) Iclentify training needs of protected class er.r�loyees.
(6) Refer er.iployees to educational programs for the development �
of job-related skills.
(7) Pay tuition costs for satisfactory completion of job-related
educational course work.
(8) Provide workshops and ser�inars for personal and career
(9) Encourage protected class er�ployees to participate in all
training programs relevant to their career developnent.
(10) Train appointing officers on how to intervi�w with respect
to affirmative action.
(11) Counsel protected class persons regarding promotional
opportunities, training needs, and career advance:aent.
_--- (12) Providing interpreters, readers, and other special acco�•n~ao- �
dations to enable handicapped persons to co.mpete in the
testing process.
d. Test evaluation/validation, to ensure that tests relate to job
performance and duties. This program wiil:
(1) Iclentify significant qualification criteria for each job
(2) Elir�inate qualification criteria havinq no significant
relationship to job performance.
(3) Review job specifications periodically to ensure that the
in£ormation is accurate, current, and job-related.
Specifications regarding height, age, education, and
experience will be scrutinized to prevent artificial
barXiers to employrient. .
(4) Identify and propose changes to Civil Service Rules to
allow more flexibility in selection procedure.
(5) Inform interviewers and test examiners of the Equal
Opportunity Policy/Affirnative Action Prograr,i of the City.
' " � ' ��'f����p
. �
- 9 -
(6) Inform oral board r,iembers of interviewing responsibilities
and guidelines with respect to affirmative action.
(7) Ensure protected class representation on oral boards.
(8) Locate and document prob].ems in the selection process
which result in c]iscrimination against protected class
e. Personnel records maintenance and access on behalf of both the
Human Rights Department and other City del~�.artments and offiees,
including regular cora�unication to both of data regarding
protected class employees and applican�s.
f. Serving as a resource for and giving appropriate support to the
Affirnative Action Advisory Corunittee and to the Director of
Hunan Rights.
C. Contract Compliance
The City of Saint Paul shall ensure that City contractors and sub-
contractors, in the niring of eriployees for the per-formance of work
- -° required by the City, shall not by reason of race, cre�d, religion,
color, sex, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, marital
status or status with regard to public assistance, discriru.nate
against any person who is qualified and available to perforn the
work to which the employnent relates. Such program shall include,
but not be limited to:
1. Including in contracts/subcontracts notice of nondiscrinination
and affirrtiative practices as stipulated in the Rules Governing
Affirmative Requirements in Employment pro:nulgated by the Saint
Paul Human Rights Commission (Purchasing Division of Finance and
Manager,ient Services) .
2. Notifying prospective bidders of the City's Equal Employtnent Oppor-
tunity/Affirnative Action requirenents as they relate to contract
compliance (Purchasing Division of Finance and Management Services} ,
3. Incorporating the City's Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative
Action policy statement into every contract entered into by the City
of Saint Paul (Purchasing Division of Finance and P�tanager�ent Services} .
4. Taking affirnative steps to foster equal opportunity for sr,tiall
businesses and businesses owned or controlled by women, minorities,
or handicapped persons. These steps shall include (Purchasing
Division of Finance and rianagenent Servicesj:
- 10 -
a. Encouraging such businesses to subnit bids and quotations to
the City of Saint Paul.
b. Settin� aside a portion of the City's contracts for the purchase
of services and rtaterials from such businesses�.
c. Establishing goals for the award of contracts to such businesses.
d. Verifying the size and ownership qualifications of such businesses,
maintaining a register of these firms and keeping records rea,arding
contract awards to them, including type of work, number, and dollar
value of contracts awarded.
e. Distributing to prime contractors and project managers a current
list of local female, minority, and handicapped owned firms which
supply goods and services that r�ay bz used by the City.
5. Evaluating and monitoring of contractors' anc] vendors'affirmative
action programs, which includes reviewing payroll records, recruit-
ment efforts, and employment policies and practices (Departr,ient of
Hurtian Rights) . �
6. Taking rer:iedial action with respect to contractors and subcontractors
who fail to comply with the City's affirmative action requirements $
�^ �` (Depar�ment of Hur�an Rights) .
D. Grievance Procedure
Any en�ployee who feels that he/she has been treated in violation of the
Affirmative Action Program r�ay file a cor:�plaint with the Hurzan Rights
Departnent. The employee will be interviewed by a ner,�ber of the Affirrta-
tive Action staff and will be asked to sign a statement of complaint.
The signed statement will be reviewed by the Director of Human Rights
to determin� whether or not the issue falls within tne scope of the
Affirmative Action Prograr,i.
If the case involves a possible violation of the Affirmative Action
Prograr�, it is assigned to an investigator who will collect testiriony,
documents, and data necessary for a complete analysis of the issues
raised in the complaint.
Should the evidence indicate that reasonabl.e groun�s exist to believe
a violation of the Affirr,iative Action Prograr.i as occurred, the Director
of Hunan Rights will attempt to resolve the dispute through conciliation.
If no settlement is achieved at this stage, the matter will be referred
to the t�ayor for final deternination.
. �
—_ . . . ��g�f�-�7�
— �� —
E. Dissemination
1. Internal. �
The following steps shall be taken to inform all employees of the
City of Saint Paul's Affirr,iative Action Program. �
a. The Personnel Office shall supply each City employee with a copy
of this Affirriative Action Prograr�.
b. The Personnel Office shall incorporate Equal Er�loyrient Oppor-
tunity/Affirmative Action Policy and a description of the Affirma-
tive Action Program in all erTployee handbooks, policy rianuals,
and other appropriate publications.
c. The Director of Hur:�an Rights shall communicate all Equal En�oloyr:ient
Opportunity guideline and regulation changes to department and
office directors. Directors will be responsible for com�runicating
current information to clepartr�ent eripl.oyees.
d. Department and office directors shall post affirmative acti.on
palicies and statements on all depa.rtment, division, and field
office bulletin boards. The Personnel Office shall distribute
City job announcements to all employees on a rionthly basis.
2. External.
The following steps shall be taken to inform the cor:�;iunity of the
City of Saint Paul's Affirmative Action Prograri:
a. The Personnel Office shall maintain a mailing list of co� ► ity
groups which serve protected class persons in order to keep ther►
informed of City job openings on a r.�onthly basis.
b. The Hunan Rights Department shall distribute copies of the Affirma-
tive Action Progrart, and be available to explain the program,
to all interested groups and organizations.
c. The Personnel Office shall include an Equal E�ploynent Oppor-
tunity/Affirrtiative Action Police stater�ent on all job announcer�ents
and recruiting notices.
d. The Personnel Office shall advertise non-pronotional job openings
in publicati.ons which serve protected class persons.
e. The Purchasing Division of the Department of Finance and r,anage--
ment Services shall provide all bidders and vendors of goods and
services seeking business with the City with copies of the 32ules
Governing Affirmative Requirements in Eriployment.
��"" 4 � �
Council Resolution 6/26/84
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that e City of Saint Paul does hereby
adopt the attached Affirmative Actio policy; and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the attach letter be sent to
Mr. Thanas T. Feeney of the U. S. Depart nt of Housing and Urban
Development outlining the city's Affirmati e Action plan for
compliance with UDAG eligibility requiremen
Yeas Na s Requested by Department of: �,
Fletcher Y `�
Drew IR F8V0[
scheibet __ A gai n s t BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY
�lpproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
' � 1l
• � ' Pd �1 r r
Cr ; ( . �
� �G�-- � ����
� - __. - -
. July 5., 1984
• • ' , . �� � f'' �/ T'
r ' .
Equal Employr�ent Opportunity Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Affirmative Action Prograr.i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A. Goals . . . . �: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
B. Accountability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Of f ice of the Mayor . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . 2
�2. Affirmative Action Advisory Cor,unittee . . . . . . . ' 2
3. Director of Human Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4. Departr�ent Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5. Director of Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
C. Contract Cor,r�liance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
D. Grievance Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
� _ _ E,,.D�ssemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
l. Internal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2. External. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
" 7/5/84
� � . . � : � , � � � �r ���7�
r .
The City of Saint Paul reoognizes the essential right of all employees
and job applicants to be recruited, hired, trained, and promoted in aIl job
classifications within the City without regard to race, creed, religion, sex,
color, national origin or ancestry, familial status, age, disability, marital
� status or status with� regard to public assistance, except in cases where sex or
physical ability is a bona fide occupational qualification.
POLICY: The City of Saint Paul recognizes its obligation and declares-its
policy to take affirmative action to ensure that all personnel actions and
programs shall be administered by the City of Saint Paul without regard to
race, creed, religion, sex, color, national origin or ancestry, familial
status, age, disability, marital status or status with regard to public
assistance, except in cases where sex or physical ability is a bona fide
occupational qualification.
PURPOSE: It is the purpose of the Affirmative Action Program to �nsure that
Equal Employnent Opportunity (EEO) becomes a reality, anc� that all personnel
ac�ions and programs are administered by the City of Saint Paul with a view to
remedying and eliminating the cumulative effects of past discrimination against
wonen, minorities, and handicapped persons (taken together, termed "protec�ed
class persons") .
[ -- --- ------
A. Goals
Based on the estir�ated percentage of protected class persons in the
local labor force, the City of Saint Paul shall establish its employment
goals as follows:
1. Fut�are immediate hiring should be reflective of the outside work force
and meet or exceed the following levels established for protected
� protected class representation.
13$ minority hirees
_ 32$ female hixees
8$ handicapped.
2. �e city work force should be t�otally reflective of the outside work
. force witivn seven years.
. . � � �� �y_�� . .
r .
� � - i -
B. Accountability
1. The Mayor
The May�r is responsible for the ir,iplementation and administration of
this Affirnative Action Progran and for ensuring aclherence to the
policies a8opted by City Council hereinabove declared. Department and
Office Directors' efforts on behalf of the Affi.rr.�ative Action Pro-
gran shall be included as part of the t�layor's performance evalua-
ation in determining merit increases.
The Mayor shall resolve differences between the appointing officer
or disciplining official and the Director of Hur,ran Rights in instances
of disagreement regarding hiring or disciplinary decisions,
respectively. The Director of Human Rights shall inform affected
parties of such decisions.
2. Affirr.�ative Action Advisory Cornnittee (AAAC)
With the assistance as it shall require of the Director of Hur.�an
Rights, the Personx�el Director and the directors of City offices
and departments, the AAAC shall recorunend goals, tinetables and
actions for iripler�entation of th� Affirnative Action Program.
Such recormenda�ions shall be made to the t�zayor for his reviec�
s __.,_ .._._
and subsequent recorunendation to City Council.
The AA.�C shall report to the City Council on M a y l, 19a5 and
M �a-.y l, 1986 regarding the City's progress in securing protected
class er►ployees under the Affirr,iative Action program.
3. Director of Human Rights
The Director of Human Rights, or his designee, shall attend all
meetings of the Affirr,�ative Action Advisory Cor¢nitte� and provide
staff support to the Comanittee and shall prepare for the Corimittee
such reports and recor�nendations to the Mayor as necessary. _
The Director of Hur�an Rights shall be accountable to the Nlayor for
rionitoring the Affirmative Action Program on a day-to-day basis. Such
responsibilities shall include, but not be linited to:
a. Designing and impler,wnting audit and reporting systems that will:
. �,� � �. , � G� ��-���
- 3 -
(1) Measure the effectiveness of the City's Affirmative Action
Progran, including deterr.iining progress toward the achieve-
� r�ent of the program's goals and objectives.
(2) Indicate need for remedial action.
b. Analyzing personnel records for purposes of evaluating the i.mpact
of the following transactions upon Affirmative Action Progran
objectives: hires, transfers, promotions, demotions, layoffs,
leaves, and terminations.
c. Monitozing applications for City jobs to assess representation
of minority, female, and handica�ped e.�ployees throughout the
stages of the selection process.
d. Submitting semi-annual reports to the tfiayor for the periods of
January 1 - June 30, and July 1 - December 31. These reports:
(1) Review each department's progress toward affirmative action
goals and include a statistical sura�ary of minorities, women,
and handicapped e�nployees.
(2) Include an update on City governr:►ent's progress toward
� - - ---- affirmative action goals.
e. Assisting department and office directors in the developnent
and implementation of individual affirr;�ative action prograr.►s
in their agencies. . .
f. Advising departraent and office directors of the latest develop-
ments in Equal Employment Opportunity laws, guidelines, and
g. Identifying problem areas and assisting department and office
directors in arriving at solutions.
h. Monitoring and evaluating all hiring decisions and disciplinary
actions involving protected class eriployees.
(1) With regard to hiring, the Director of Human Rights shali
review certified lists containing protected class candi-
dates and shall recomnend action to be taken by the
appointing officer. If the appointing officer disagrees
with the recomnendation, he/she shall discuss it with the
Director of HLman Rights. If agreement cannot be reached,
the Director of Hunan Rights with the affected dei.�artri�nt/
office director shall bring the issue to the Mayor ior
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(2) With respect• to disciplinary action to be taken against
protected class employees, the disciplining official shall
inforn the Director of Hur,�an Rights of any such action
i. Conducting exit interviews with protected class employees to
ascertain their reasons for leaving the City service.
4. Department and Office Directors
a. Directors shall be responsible for the submission and implerienta-
tion of an annual departmental affirr,iative action prograrn.
Departmental prograr,tis shall be submitted to the mayor and should
� , include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Identifying vacancies and potential vacancies (openings,
terminations, retirements) in the department.
(2) Stating steps which the department plans to take to -
improve protected class representation in underrepresented
position classifications.
� � _ (3) Revie4�ing and updating departr�ent career ladders with
_ assistance fror� the Personnel Director's sta�f. Upciating
may involve restructuring jobs, evaluating minimun quali-
fications to r,tiatch job responsibilities, and developing
entry level or advanced positions.
(4) Informing the departr�nt's protected class employees of
ca�eer laddzr opportunities and advising them regarding
career advancement in the department.
(5) Providing for participation by the department's protected
class er�ployees in the City's training program.
(6) Comr�unicating the departr��ntal and City affirmative action
prograns to department employees.
(7) Reviewing semi-annuall1 progress toward realization of affirna-
tive action goals and pre�ing a brief report based upon the
review. The report shall be submitted to the Director of
Hur�an Rights and to the Affirmative Action Advisory Cor,mittee.
(8) Evaluating supervisors and managers on affirnative action
efforts and achievements and basing pronotions and nzrit
increases, in part, upon such evaluation.
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b. Directors shall notify the Personnel Office of anticipated
• vacancies as soon as they r,iay be reasonably anticipated so that
Personnel Office recruitment staff can develop pools of
protected class persons.
c. Directors shall inform managers and supervisors that they are
responsible for implementation of the Affirnative Action .
Program, and that promotion and merit increases depend in part �
upon their perfornance of those responsibilities.
d. Directors shall ensure compliance. with the departr.ient's affirma-
tive action corrununication and reporting functions. Specifically
these functions shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Preparing the c3epartment's annual affirmative action program.
(2) Identifying anticipated job vacancies and reporting then
immediately to the Personnel Office.
(3) Reporting semi-annually on the de1�.artr,�ent's progress in
regard to the affirmative action program.
� ---�--: ----- . (4) Supplying reasons for all changes in protected class
personnel status (terminations, transfers, leaves,
demotions, promotions) to the Director of Hur,ian Rights.
� (5) Informing the Director of Human Rights of any disciplinary
action taken against protected class er�ployees and any
conter,►plated discharges before the discharge occurs.
(6) Receiving from the Human Rights Departnent and disser�ina-
ting information on Equal E�loyment Opportunity regula-
(7) Assisting in conducting training sessions and recruitment
activities for the department. Directors shall assign de-
partr�ent volunteer employees, when requested by the t4ayor,
to assist in the the recruitment and training of protected
class candidates and others.
(8) Posting training opportunities announcements on depart-
ment, division, and iield location bulletin boards.
(9) Ensuring that interview and work sites in the department
are accessible to handicapped applicants and employees.
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(10) Maintaining communication with employees and supervisors
to learn of any affirmative action related complaints
and concerns and following through on any of these natters
in a tinely fashion.
.5. Director of Personnel
The Director of Personnel, or his designee, shall attend all
meetings of the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee and shall
provide such information to the AAAC as it shall require. The
Director shall receive, and implement with the Mayor's concurrence
insofar as feasible the recommendations of the AAAC with respect to
the Director's responsibilities as set fo�th below.
With respect to affirr�ative action, the Director-of Personnel, in
consultation with the Director of Hunan Rights and the Affirnative
Action Advisory Comnittee, shall be responsible for the following
activities, consistent with the Equal Enployment Opportunity
Commission Guidelines on Er,�loyee Selection Procedures, as
a. Recruitr:ient of protected class persons to City service,
especially in those positions wnere under-representation
! ___ � _ occurs. The� recruitrient effort will be carried out witnin
the City of Saint Paul, and in special cases, within the seven
county netro area or beyond. These activities will be
accorrolished by the Affirnative Action Section with assistance
from affected departr��ent and office directors. This prograr�
will include; -
(1) �•�orking with the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee and
com�unity organizations which have direct contact with
protected class persons. ,
(2) Co�nunicating the Equal Employtlent Opportunity/Affirma-
tive Action Policy to public and private agencies or �
groups, and to individual applicants.
. (3) Advertising in local print and broadcast nedia which serve
protected class people.
(4) Identifying sources of protected class applicants.
(5) Visiting and disseminating er,tployment and training
inforrtiation to groups whose membership is predor�inately
protected class persons.
(6) Developing recruitment literature specifically for
protected class persons.
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(7) Sending all City job postings to interested protected
class agencies, groups, and individuals.
� (a) Developing and maintaining a protected class applicant
(9) � Seeking the assistance o� agencies and riedia which serve
protected class persons.
� (10) Providing career counseling to protected class er►Qloyees.
(I1) Soliciting the assistance of department and office direct-
ors in recruitment of protected class persons.
���� b. Hur�an relations training to educate and inform managers and
supervisors regarding protected class interests and Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action goals and guidelines. This
prograri shall-
(1) Provide all supervisory employees with a handbook which
will contain applicable Equal Employrient Opportunity laws,
regulations, guic3elines, and policies.
� ,__ (2) Provide human relations training to rianagers and super-
visors to help improve their relationships with protected
� class persons.
(3) Educate nanagers and supervisors to the special needs .
of the handicapped.
(4) Inform managers and supervisors of their obligations under
various Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirr,iative Action laws
and guidelines, e.g., with respect to sexual harrassment.
c. Applicant and employee assistance anc3 traininq to ensure
employment opportunities and career develop;nent for protected
class people.
For applicants, this program shall:
(1) Disseminate infornation about pre-test training conducted
by coruaunity agenci.es.
(2) Inform post-high school students about Ur�an Corps intern
employnent opportunities.
(3) "Inform protected class job applicants about the selection
process and pror.�otional opportunities.
(4) Coordinate pre-test tutoring for protected class canciidates
and others.
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For employees, this program shall:
(5) Ic7entify training needs of protected class err�loyees.
(6) Refer et�ployees to educational programs for the develop�nent
of job-related skills.
(7) Pay tuition costs for satisfactory coripletion of job-related
eclucational course work.
(8) Provide workshops and ser�inars for personal and career
� (9) Encourage protected class employees to participate in all
training programs relevant to their career developnent.
(10) Train appointing officers on how to interview with respect
to affirmative action.
(11) Counsel protected class persons regarding promotional
opportunities, training needs, and career advancenent.
i- -`-- (12) Providing interpreters, readers, and other special acco��.
dations to enable handicapt�.ed persons to cor.ipete in the
testing process.
d. Test evaluation/validation, to ensure that tests relate to job �
performance and duties. This program wil.l:
(1) Identify significant qualification criteria for each job
(2) Elir,iinate qualification criteria having no significant
relationship to job performance.
(3) Review job specifications periodically to ensure that the
information is accurate, current, and job-related.
Specifications regarding height, age, education, and
experience will be scrutinized to prevent artificial
barXiers to employr►ent. �
(4) Identify and propose changes to Civil Service Rules to
allow more flexibility in selection procedure.
(5) Inform interviewers and test examiners of the Equal
Opportunity Policy/Affirnative Action Prograr,� of the City.
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(6) Inform oral board r,�embers of interviewing responsibilities
and guidelines with respect to affirmative action.
(7) Ensure protected class representation on oral boards.
(8) Locate and document problems in the selection process
which result in discrimination against protected class
persons. -
e. Personnel records maintenance and access on behalf of both the
Human Rights Department and other City dei�.artments and offices,
including regular co�rununication to both of data regarding
� protected class employees and applican�s.
f. Serving as a resource for and giving appropriate support to the
Affirnative Action Advisory Cor¢nittee and to the Director of
Hunan Rights.
C. Contract Compliance
The City of Saint Paul shall ensure that City contractors and sub-
contractors, in the hiring of eriployees for the per�formance of work
� -�- - required by the City, shall not by reason of race, creed, religion,
color, sex, national origin or. ancestry, age, disability, marital
status or status with regard to public assistance, discrirunate
against any person who is qualified and available to perforn the
work to which the employr,ient relates. Such program shall include,
but not be limited to:
1. Including in contracts/subcontracts notice of nondiscrinination
and affirr�ative practices as stipulated in the Rules Governing
Affirmative Requirements in Employment pro:�.tlgated by the Saint
Paul Human Rights Commission (Purchasing Division of Finance and
Managenent Services) .
2. Notifying prospective bidders of the City's Equal Employtnent Oppor-
tunity/Affirnative Action requirenents as they relate to contract
compliance (Purchasing Division of Finance and i�ianagement Services) .
3. Incorporating the City's Equal Employrient Opportunity/Affirnative
Action policy statement into every contract entered into by the City
of Saint Paul (Purchasing Division of Finance and Managerient Services) .
4. Taking aff�rnative steps to foster equal opportunity for sr,iall
businesses and businesses o4med or controlled by women, minorities,
or handicapi�.ed persons. These steps shall include (Purchasing
Division of Finance and t-�anagenent Services):
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a. Encouraging such businesses to subnit bids and quotations to
the City of Saint Paul.
b. Setting aside a portion of the City's contracts for the purchase
of services and naterials from such businesses.
c. Establishing goals for the award of contracts to such businesses.
d. Verifying the size and ownership qualifications of such businesses,
maintaining a register of these firms and keeping records reoarding
contract awards to them, including type of work, number, and dollar
value of contracts awarded.
e. Distributing to prime contractors and project managers a current
list of local female, minority, and handicapped owned firms which
supply goods and services that rtiay be used by the City.
5. Evaluating and monitoring of contractors' and vendors'affirmative
action programs, which includes reviewing payroll records, recruit-
ment efforts, and eraployment policies and practices (Departr,tent of
Human Rights) . •
6. Taking renedial action with respzct to contractors and subcontractors
� � � who fail to comply with the City's atfirmative action requirenents
� ` (Depar�ment of Hur�an Rights) .
D. Grievance Procedure
Any er,lployee who feels that he/she has been treated in violation of the
Affirmative Action Program r�ay file a. cor:iplaint with the Hur,ian Rights
Departnent. The employee will be interviewed by a netaber of the Affirt:�a-
tive Action staff and will be asked to sign a stater►ent of complaint.
The signed statement will be reviewed �y the Director of Hurian Rights
to determinz �vhether or not the issue falls within t'ne scope of the
Affirmative Action Prograr,i.
If the case involves a possible violation of the Affirmative Action
Prograr�, it is assigned to an investigator who will collect testimony,
documents, and data necessary for a complete analysis of the issues
raised in the complaint.
Should the evidence indicate that reasonable grounds exist to believe
a violation of the Affirr,�ative Action Prograr.i as occurred, the Director
of Hur:�n Rights will attempt to resolve the dispute through conciliation.
If no settlement is achieved at this stage, the matter wil]. be referred
to the t9ayor for final deternination,
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E. Dissemination
1. Internal. �
The following steps shall be taken to inform all employees of the
City of Saint Paul's Affirmative Action Program. . '
a. The Personnel Office shall supply each City employee with a oopy
of this Affirr►ative Action Prograri. .
b. 2'he Personnel Office shall incorporate Equal E�loyr�ent Oppor-
tunity/Affirmative Action Policy and a description of the Affirma-
tive Action Program in all er�ployee handbooks, policy r�anuals,
and other appropriate publications.
�`c. The Director of Hur.ian Rights shall o�mnunicate all Equal E�oloynent
Opportunity guideline and regulation changes to departr�ent and
� office directors. Directors will be resp�nsible for comrunicating
current information to departrient enployees.
d. Department and office directors shall post affirmative action �
policies and statements on all departrr,ent, division, and field
� office bulletin boards. The Personnel Office shall distribute
City job announcements to all er.rployees on a r,ionthly basis.
� -----
2. External.
The following steps shall be taken to inform the cor.�unity of the
City of Saint Paul's Affirmative Action Prograr,t:
a. The Personnel Office shall maintain a mailing list of coru�unity
groups which serve protected class persons in order to keep them
informed of City job openings on a r:ionthly basis.
b. The Huraan Rights Department shall distribute copies of the AffirnJa-
tive Action Prograri, and be available to explain the program,
to all interested groups and organizations.
c. The Personnel Office shall include an Equal Er.r�loynent Oppor-
tunity/Affirriative Action Police stater,ient on all job announcer�ents
and recruiting notices.
d. The Personnel Office shall advertise non-promotional job openings
in publications which serve protected class persons.
e. The Purchasing Division of the Department of Finance and t;anage-
ment Services shall provide all bidders and vendors of goods anc3
services seeking business with the City with copies of the �tules
Governing Affirmative Requirements in Enployment.