84-875 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� ��� BLUE - MAVOR 1 Cou il Reso tion , � � . Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules to provide for the certification of twenty names instead of three names to fill each vacancy in the City Service. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 8 thereof so that the fourtM paragraph of said Section 8 shall read as fo1lows: "The Personnel Office shall notify the appointing officer of the �b�ee twenty eligibles on an eligible list receiving the highest scores, from which the appointing officer shall make the appoint- ment. T ranrl m nr�or wi t� n� ���r�� ����..�_ The Off1 C21^ Shdl l nOtl fy the �,..���. �b�ee twenty eligibles. The appointing officer may appoint any- one of the �b�ee twenty eligibles." FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 8 thereof by striking the fifth paragraph of said Section 8 and insert the following: "For all o enings other than entry-level ositions, includin ` - a promotiona o enin s, the Personne f ice shall notif the a ointin o ficer o t e t ree e i ib es on the eli ible list receiving the hi est scores, rom whic the ap ointin officer sha ma e t e a ointment. The ice sha a so notif the three e i i es. The a pointin officer ma a oint an one of t e three e igi es. FINALLY RESOLVED, that the foregoing amendments shall expire and be of no force and effect two years from the passage and approval of this resolution and upon that event the wordage originally contained in the fourth and fifth para- graphs of Section 8 just prior to this amendment shall be restored to full , force and effect. APPROVED: ' Chairman, Civil Service Commission COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher °fB1"' In Favor Masanz Nicosia .saNe�bsr^ __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco ..�MAssn�- Adopted by Council: Date JUL - 3 1984 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Y,d„5 by C unc' S cr y BY � By� , A►pproved by �Navor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council BY E���,tst� .��. 21198�_ sY Approved without the signature of the Mayor pursuant to Section 6.08 of the City Charter. i .. ��t-��`�.� ' ' ►Pj"N�ENpr��"�' U.S. Depariment of Housing and Urban Development o`'a �ggWry�� g � •UUfJ"�RI* p Minneapolis-St. Paul Office, Region V 0`9 IIIIIIII �Wf 220 Second Street, South �NOE�E� Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 , . l^�� `/i' �JI't aA!r-n^� s � W F !�'\ 1 lilil"1 :iv:'tift,1!'�;t;j'�.µ� / /. DATE �= �� � •8`/ . � ./ �, ::� �; . �1 �'. COUN �.��, ,..�,; j ,,r;:� �,�ti� .�: C(l. N���:�'>i(;�>::NT ��� , r �..,t. : ,.� ..�.. . � ���•:..�.,5;a,: yi �� �. June 25, 1984 �� �U fV 2 5 �c� '.-I al z..I, �Q4 �- _ ''� c=0U1�ICll_MqN �.� ��11Ci Q;?.J. TcU�SCQ ' Victor J. Tedesco, President ��;, St. Paul City Council %;' � • ` 7th floor, City Hall �v � I � -' � � I � St. Paul, Minnesota- 55102 Dear Mr. Tedesco: Our office has received a copy of the actions the council took last Thursday, June 21, 1984. We realize that this was a committee action requiring the approval of the full council — currently scheduled to meet � on Tuesday, June 26. Because of proposed changes in the civil service regulations there is also a process which require public hearings. So that you will be able to concentrate on the iaeues and not be distracted by our timing deadlinea, we thinl.c a two week estension to July 9, 1984 would be appropriate. Sincerely, � '�'_"",���� �ti. . Thomas T. Feeney Manager, S -��'y--�� y/_��.- . .� , E . o. c . Jiaye 25, 1984 . Z Mr. Thoaias F � OH�using ar�d Urban Development Department Min�eapolis/St. Paul Area � 220 South Seoor�d Street " � Minneapolis, Iyl�i 55401 �_ Dear�Mt. Feer�y: � The purpose of this letter is to express our ooncern regarding the Affirmative A�ction plan adapted by the Personnel and Fir�anae Oomaittee of the St. Paul QCity Council. OOur organization has lon�g supported the practice of atfirmative action to rectify the oonsequences of past ar�d present discriminatian within City � government. It has been our view tY�at special efforts are required to recruit, train and hire those irydividuals wh� have been histocially discriminated from city j�. The issue of affirmative action ?�as been � debated for three years, aryd our organization has been actively inv�olved in � ' these debates. We have carefully reviewed the plan p�rc��osed by (buncilman ■ Chris Nioosia. We have serious ooncerns about it. Our oonc;erns are based pn � the follawing: 1. The plan does r�ot make a oonscious and active effort to take into aacault � race, sex ar�d disability to eliminate the effect of discriminatory Zemplayment practices. Thus, it does r�ot assure that qualified woa�en, minorities an�d harxiicap�ed persons are oonsidered for hire. Data � obtained from the City's Personnel Department regarding entry level positions for 1983 indicate that only 4.5$ of minorities soore in the tap � Z0, in spite of the fact that mirnrities c�oa�rised 18$ of all applicants. � 2. The plan's failure to guarantee that protected class individuals will be oonsidered for hire in each department and job category mearl a perpetuation Oof the ghettoization of ttiese individuals. Fbr exanQle, in job categc�ries where w�omen traditiazally c�ominate the field of applicants, the plan u,rill � aimply insure that'more w�omen will be aonsidered for a vacanc,y. The same will be true for job categories in which white males traditionally A dominate. . ii O 3. It lacks a strategy for the t►i'ring of protectecl class individuals. For • exanq�le, it oontains no goals and timetables for determinir�y wh�ether p,ro.. tected class individuals are hired i.n equitable tu�ers. � � a � �� . � � . c� � W � - � ����5. Mr. Thomas Fe�rLey June 25, 1984 Pa�9e 2 4. It fails to take into oatisideration the UL1AG eligibility criteria set forth in the June 9, 1975 Federal Register which provides that a plan , "must dema�strate significant progress in hirir�g, trainirg and promr�ting minorities." Furthernare, it ignores other eligibility criteria set forth in Section 109 of the Housirg and Cloamunity Develapo�ent Aat of 1974. In sw�enary, although the proposed Affirmative Aatian plan deserves careful attention, so do our ooncerns about it. It would be traqic if the St. Paul City Cfluncil is permitted to oontin�e to discriminate against protected clasa individuals because of political considerations. ' Thank you. Si ely, . ' � �� Garza Ct�airpereon, E.O.C. IiG�rj .;• cc: Mayar George Latimer � , `..: � � � ,.��� ,���� �� j ��' 0�- , � � � � �� G" / , /l/i�►,.�.� �i��-'"' � �� ,,-- � ' � '� ►� � • • �,,,�,, � � . C / , ., � 5,;��-,�.,. �, � 0'r� A � (I � • . � ��� i L ',i,�- . �1� � ' � 3a�, �� � � _ �,� ,�,u,,. ,�.«,,P .� 6�- � D� �' �-� _ � ��� � , � 1,,,� �c�..�..�.� �.�. -� � � �'' � /�j_.I�/^// • � ♦ • �" '�` . a�'I� r.�� �'' `�'c7�' °r �,� � � .� ��� �y�'�'� . � ' A . • .��*-� �s`� ' � � v+�.- �� , • . �' � ��t ��� t_ _' // ��/►�Ww1wr � ��y d� I�'� ��'w"'� • �.r+t-tl- / e��C� � L� 0�` Mrs.Mary Jane Rachner,Ph.D. 1917 Pinehurst Ave. St.Paul,MN 55116 - ;��... 1 .� - CI�'Y '�F SAII'TT �A�7L ��=�7� ,,, � ,�, ,�. . � �` �' Ob�F+ICE OF THF CITY COIINCIL ,�,.����i � f • !I�iis,;.�1� , �'. Nr- .T Date: June 12, 1984 M�,g�s �/1EETING N���C� � ��� �� F'�NANCE MANAGEM�NT & ��� PERSC�NNEL G�iv�iViITTE� ,�,�, �S� � �� �T.� � VlC70R TEDLSCO t2i� ALT.). n � MEETING DATE: June 21, 1984 .={ N� _ . ---!n � TIME . 1:30 p.m. � �� = _ �� � � PLACE . Room 707, City Hall v, � o s . �o � x�, - c, m �, � A G E N D A - � -;`-- COMMITTEE-OF-THE-�VHOLE 1. Ordinances and resolutions pertaining to Affirmative Action. 2. Discussion of the recommendations from the Mayor on the Personnel Issues Task Force. ' \ Note: -Meeting with HUD June 15, 10:00 a.m. , Councilman Tedesco's Office -Affirmative Action will appear on Council agenda June 26. j, C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, r4INNESOTA 55102 �a P�,�C � � .��-�-- � _�-�_73 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � Counci Resol tion , � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules to provide for the certification of twenty names instead of three names to fill each cancy in the City Service. RESOLVED, tha the Civil Service Rules be amende n Section 8 thereof so that the fourth para aph of said Section 8 shall re as follows: "The Personnel 0 ice shall notify the pointing officer of the �b�ee twenty elig� les on an eligibl ist receiving the highest scores, from which e appointing ficer shall make the appoint- ment. These names sha l be iv to the a ointin officer in random or er with no sc es s n. The of icer shall notify the �q�ee twenty e igi es. appointing officer may appoint any- one of the �I��ee twenty e 'bles. " FURTHER RESOLVED, that e Civil S vice Rules be amended in Section 8 thereof so that the fifth ragraph of sai Section 8 shall read as follows: "The appointin officer may reject the ligibles if fewer than �b�ee twenty origi 1 entrants are listed. Ho ver, if fewer than �q�ee twenty are ertified from a promotion list, the appointing officer , mus app nt one of the eligibles. If two or ore vacancies are to be lled, then the names of two more than t required number of p sons to be appointed shall be given to the pointing offi- cer. ' F LLY RESOLVED, That the foregoing amendments shall expir nd be of no forc and effect two years from the passage and approval of this re lution and upo that event the wordage originally contained in the fourth and fifth para- �r phs of Section 8 just prior to this amendment shall be restored to full �orce and effect. COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcber °reN1 [n Favor N�asanz Nicosia scneibet __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson For pprove by orn Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Passed by Council Secretary By t�pproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to ncil By _ By . ��=� -�? �---- WHITE - CI7V CLE PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN File NO• BLUE - MAVOR � Council soluti n � , Presented By R'eferred To \ Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 ,� ` Approved: \ �, C�,a i rma n, Cii1i1 Service Commission � , ,` � E ,�t +�1 � \M l � � > � �'. COUNC[LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor , Masanz � �� Nicosia scne�be� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form A roved by ity Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by iVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY . . �' �f/ �j �� � 7 �— WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANqRV - DEPARTMENT File �NO. BLUE - MAVOR � 1 Council Resolution Page � of 3 Presented By �" '7- �Referred To �) N�}'/�/�-� Committee: Date ����r�� Out of Committee By Date Council Resoiution amending the Civ91 Service Rules: BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul personnel rules are hereby amended by adding Subsections B and C immediately after the third full paragraph of Section 8, which subsections shall read as follows: 8B. 1 . Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the foliowing manner: The Personnei Office shaii certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores. In titles in departments where minority representation is below levels established in the city's Affirmative Action Program ( 12R) , the Personnel Office shali certify as many minority eligibles as are necessary to ensure that a total of three minorities shali be certified, p�ovided that the names of the minority eligibles shall be draw� from the top 50 percentile of the existing eligible list. Similarly, in titles where female representation is below levels established in the city's Affirmative Action Program (32x) , the Personnel Office shail certify as many female eligibles as are neces- sary to ensure that a total of three females shall be certified, provided that the names of the female eligib)es shall be drawn from the top 50 percentile of the existing etigible list. The Personnel Office shali notify all of the eiigibles so certified. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °'ew In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � , � ��`-��5. Page 2 of 3 �The appointing officer may appoint any one of the eiigibles so certified; however, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacanci,es no more than one of the minority names not originaliy certified to the appointing officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority names from the eligible list so that there are three minority eligibles from above the 50th percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additional minority names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the appointing officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more than on+� of the female names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel O�fice shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the eligible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 50th percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each three vacancies. 88.2. Vacant positions shall be filied from a promotion list in the foltowing manner: The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles. The Personnel Office shall notify the three eligibles of their certification. 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three originai entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing officer must appoint one of the eligibles. � � � � - � l� ��� Page 2 of 3 The appointing officer may appoint any one of the eligibles so certified; tlowever, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacancies no more than one of the minority names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority names from the eligible list so that there are three minority eligibles from above the 50th percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified to the appointing officPr; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additional minority names in a ratio of no more than one appointment .to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the appoi.�ting officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more than one of the female names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the eligible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 50th percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint, the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each three vacancies. 88.2. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion list in the following manner: The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles. The Personnel Office shall _ notify the three eligibles of their certification. 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligi,bles if fewer than three original entrants are listed. However, i�tfewer than � three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing o�ficer must � appoint one of the eligibles. . . . � . . ����?� Page 2 of 3 �The appointing officer may appoint any one of the eligibles so certified; Clowever, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacancies no more than one of the minority names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority names from the eligible list so that there are three minority eliqibles from above the 50th percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additionai minority names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the appoi.•nting officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more than one of the female names not originalty certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the eligible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 50th percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each three vacancies. 88.2. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion list in the following manner: The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may . appoint any one of the three eligibles. The Personnel Office shall . notify the three eligibles of their certification. 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three original entrants are listed. However, if fewer than � three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing officer must � appoint one of the eligibles. � � .. . �r��t��� Page 2 of 3 The appointing officer may appoint any one of the eligibles so certified; however, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacancies no more than one of the minority names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority names from the eligible list so that there are three minority eligibles from above the 50th percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additional minority names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the appo.inting officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more than one of the� female names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the eligible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 50t� percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each three vacancies. 8B.2. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion list in the following manner: The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles. The Personnel Office shail _ notify the three eligibles of their certification. 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three original entrants are listed. However, if fewer than � three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing officer must � appoint one of the eligibles. . . • , . . , - . ���� � WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Page 3 of 3 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date No resignation shall be required in advance as a condition of appointment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above provisions shail apply to all positions in the classified service of the City of Saint Paul . However, as of the effective date of this resolution, the method of appointment to the positions of Firefighter and Police Officer is under the jurisdiction of federal court. Therefore, the appointments to such a position shall be governed pursuant to the orders of the federal court until such time as the jurisdiction is no longer maintained. When such ,jurisdiction ceases, the provisions of 8.8 a�d 8.0 shall control hiring for the p�sitions of Firefighter and Police Officer; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that t1�e provisions of this Resolution shall remain in effect until May 1 , f�86, at which time the requirements set forth herein shalt exp,ire. Thereafter, this Resolution may be reenacted with or witt�ut amendments; and `,, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that during tti1� period of January 1 , 1985, through May 1 , 1986, the Council shall�review the effect of this Resolution to determine if the Resolution�,should be reenacted. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� __ Against By Tedesco Wflson , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by Nlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � ' � � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnC1I B CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �+ ��� BLUE - MAVOR Page 1 of 3 Council Resol tion Presented By {� Referred To �l ��1�C�C Committee: Date T- � 6 �� � Out of Committee By Date Council Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules: BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul personnei rules are hereby amended by adding Subsections B and C immediately after the third full paragraph of Section 8, which subsections shail read as follows: 8B. 1 . Vacant positions shall be filied from an original entrance list in the following manner: The Personnei Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three e) igibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores. In titles in departments where minority representation is below levels established in the city's Affirmative Action Prograrn ( 12�) , the Personnel Office shall certify as many minority eligibles as are necessary to ensure that a total of three minorities shall be certified, provided that the names of the minority eligibles shall be drawn from the top 33 percentile (one-third) or the top 20 individuals, whichever is greater, on the existing eligibie li�t. Similarly, in titles where female representation is below levels established in the city's Affirmative Action Program (32A) , the Personnet Office shall certify as many female eligibles as are neces- sary to ensure that a total of three females shali be certified, provided that the names of the female etigibles shail be drawn from the top 33 percentile (one-third) or the top 20 individuals, whichever is greater, on the existing eligible list. The Personnel Office shall notify ali of the eligiblea so certified. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia SCheibel __ AgBi[1St BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by iNavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . "� . " . �- ��- ��� Page 2 of 3 The appointing officer may appoint any one of the eligibles so certified; however, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacancies no more that� one of the minority names not originally certified to the appointing�-officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Of��fice shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority name� from the eligible list so that there are three minority etigibles from '�bove the 33rd percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified t�., the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additional minority names in a ratio of no more than one ap�intment to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the ap'�aointing officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more t�n one of the female names not originaily certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the eligible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 33rd percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may, appoint the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more th�an one appointment to each three vacancies. 88.2. Vacant positions shail be` filled from a promotion list in the foliowing manner: The Personnel O��fice shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appo�nting officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles. The F��rsonnel Office shall notify the three eligibles of their certificatibn. 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three original entrants are listed. How�ver, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list, the appoii�ting officer must appoint one of the eligibles. � . .� . . � �����.� Page 2 of 3 The appointing officer may appoint any one of the etigibles so certified; however, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacancies no more than one of the minority names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority names from the eligible list so that there are three minority eligibles from above the 33rd percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additional minority names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the appointing officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more than one of the female names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the eligible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 33rd percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each three vacancies . 88.2. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion list in the following manner: The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles. The Personnel Office shall notify the three eligibles of their certification. - 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three original entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing officer must • appoint one of the eligibles. . � � . . ' � gy-�-z.s Page 2 of 3 The appointing officer may appoint any one of the eligibles so certified; however, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacancies no more than one of the minority names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority names from the eligible list so that there are three minority eligibles from above the 33rd percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additional minority names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the appointing officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more than one of the femate names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the eligible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 33rd percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each three vacancies. 8B.2. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion list in the following manner: The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles. The Personnel Office shall notify the three eligibles of their certification. - 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three original entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing officer must � appoint one of the eligibtes. . . � . � ���� Page 2 of 3 The appointing officer may appoint any one of the eligibles so certified; however, he or she may appoint to the first 8 vacancies no more than one of the minority names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first 8 vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of minority names from the eligible tist so that there are three minority eligibles from above the 33rd percentile on the existing eligiblity list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint certified additional minority names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each 8 vacancies. Likewise, with respect to female names certified by the Personnel Office, the appointing officer may appoint to the first three vacancies no more than one of the female names not originally certified to the appointing officer. Once the first three vacancies have been filled, the Personnel Office shall continue to certify a sufficient number of female names from the etigible list so that there are three female eligibles from above the 33rd percentile on the existing eligibility list certified to the appointing officer; however, the appointing officer may appoint the certified additional female names in a ratio of no more than one appointment to each three vacancies. 8B.2. Vacant positions shall be filled from a promotion list in the following manner: The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles. The Personnel Office shall notify the three eligibles of their certification. - 8C. The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three original entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing officer must � appoint one of the eligibles. - � � �p��.� WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. 1 Council Resolution page 3 of 3 Presented By Referred To . Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date No resignation shall be required in advance as a condition of appointment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above provisions shall apply to all positions in the class9fied service of the City of Saint Paul . However, as of the effective date of this resolution, the method of appointment to the positions of Firefighter and Police Officer is under the jurisdiction of federal court. Therefore, the appointments to such a position shall be governed pursuant to the orders of the federal court until such time as the 3urisdiction is no longer maintained. When such ,�urisdiction ceases, the provisions of 8.B and 8.0 shall control hiring for the positions of Firefighter and Police Officer; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of this Resolution shall remain in effect until May 1 , 1986, at which time the requirements set forth herein shali expire. Thereafter, this Resolution may be reenacted with or without ar�lendments; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that during the pertpd of January 1 , 1985, through May 1 , 1986, the Council shall revie� the effect of this Resolution to determine if the Resolution shouid be ree�acted. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibet __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Gertified Passed by Council Secretary BY By l#pproved by iNavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY ���� � f ������ ��� �`° . •r r �lr�P�l���/� �lC�'�a•,/'� . �[�t,r�l � � ,p � � � r' �`a'� _l!��� _'ii��' //s'�lf�T v���w ly�'t� W111TE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. Page 1 of 2 Council Resolution 6/26/84 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT FUR'l�lIl2 RBSOLVID, that the City of Saint Paul personnel rules are hereby amended by ad 'ng Section 8D. 8�. There established a Cit of Saint Paul Affirmative Action Advisor Corrnnittee t e 'Co ittee ` , w ic Co�rnnittee s 11 romote a irmative action measures to recruit rotect class ap licants or Ci em lo ent; shall recammend to an a vise a ro r te Ci ersonnel re ar i e ective tutori o all a llcants or Ci o int aul o s; an s all monitor t e un lementation of the City's irmative Action Program an selection rocedures an make recorranen ations re ar ing same to t e Ma. o an Cit Council. M�nbers of the Committee hall be a ointed within thirt da s of the date of ado tion of this resolution an erve for a term of four ears. The Committee shall select it own chair and shall ado t its own overni rules. 'fhe CorrQnzttee s 11 meet as o ten as s necessa to accam lis its u se, ut shall meet at least once a month or e first six months. The Connnittee shall consist of: Six members representing rotected cla rou s a ointed by the Ma or. Three m�nbers re resentin labor a ointe b the Ma or. Two Cit Council members a ointed b the Ci Council President. One member of the Civil Service Corrnnission to a ointed b the Co�rnnission. One manber of the Hwnan Ri hts Commission a point d b the H�unan Ri hts Cor�mtiss ion. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmen�,of: Yeas Nays y FletCher � °f81N [n Favor °; -- Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed-by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by 1Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY 8��_���" . � C� WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Page 2 of 2 Council Resolution 6/26/84 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committ By Date One m�nber fr the Personnel Office a ointed b the Ma.yor. One m�nber from t Ma or's Office a ointed b the Ma. or. Staff su rt to the Crnmni tee shall be rovided b the Direetor of Hwnan Ri hts. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� _ Against BY 7edesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B}� A►pproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By