84-866 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE . �� ��
� —
Resolution Approving Assessment By
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon 18371-S
and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award File No.
of Damages
In the matter of acquiring an 80 foot wide permanent street easement for the open3�g
wideni.ng and extending of Rasota Avenue/Energy Park Drfve on, over and
across Blocks 23, 25, Track B, Track C, the 20.00 foot wide vacated
alley in Block 25, and the 20.00 foot wide vacated alley lying between
� Eleck 23 aa� Track B, all in St. �xthmaq ?ark and the vacated Lasota
�venut and wcated Beard Court.
'lfn �nlKline of said 80.00 foot wld� •lrip ot land !a d�sorlO�d aa tollarat •
Ce�eclns at a b�aas plug at EM Lut 1/M oormr of 3�ctien 2a, Township 2y�
. Rsnge 23; thence South 89 degceea 16 ■inutas'. 3� 'seCOnds West (assu�ed
bearing), 2626.�1 feeE along the south line of the Northeast t/4 ot said
Section 28 to a cast icon �onu�ent at the�c�nGer of aald Section 28; thenc�
' North 0 degrees 25 �lnuEes qT aeconda ResC, 5T9.09 feet along ths North-South
1/q line. said point ia 75.00 feet norhte�ly, �eaaund at righE angles. Cror
the centerllne of th� BurlingEoe Norhteen Railroad aa originally lxated and '
conotructed, aaid polnt. ls also th� southweaC cornsc o!' Kaaot� Addition;
. thence North 83 degreea 4T ■inut�s 1T seeonds NeaC, 2464.96 feet along a line
75.�0 teet northerly of and pa�allsl to said raiiroad ceeEerline; Chencs
North 6 degrees 15 ■inutes 16 s�eonds Eaat, 450.q8 fs�t Eo the polnt of •
beginning of th� ntnte�line to be deaeribed, !h� northwesterly and
southeaste�ly Ilnee of aaid 80.00 foot wida atcip of l�nd ar� to b� prolonged `
or ahorCened !o begin on the laat deacrlbed llne eM ita northsrly exCension� '
� thence South 77 degce�s 25 ■inutea O1 seconds Wesl, g8.28 h�t; thenc� .
souEhxeaterly on Can6antial ourva� coneaved to the north, having a radius of
g54.g9 feat, a oentral angle of 20 degrees 00 ■Snutes 00 seconds, and an aro
length or 333•33 feet; Ehenc� weaterly Caagent to sald curvs for a dlaEanc�
ot 155.78 fest �ora oe less to the SntersecGion with the east line of GSbOs
St�eeE produced and thers aaid cen6erline Cer�inatea. The norGherly and
southerly 11nes of aaid 80.00 toot wide aCrip ot land ar� to prolong�d or
ahortened to tel�inaEe on the eaat line of Cibbs StreeE produced.
Also,. a permanent easement in 'the land necessary for slopes, cuts
and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject
land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavation tt�ereof or
construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Kasota Avenue
from approximately 600 feet east of Giggs to approximately 400
feet west of Gibbs.
� Also, a temporary construction easement as shown on the "Grading
P1an-Kesota at Gibbs", sheet 4 of 32 sheets , Port Authority
Coaanission No. 8078-03 for the purpose of placing fill. Said
easement to expire on July 1, 1986 or compl_etion of the project,
whichever comes first. �
� Also, changing the grade of Rasota Avenue/Energy park Drive between
Gibbs Avenue and 3DO feet west of Gibbs.
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