84-852 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINAN�E G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council /� 1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT j/� j�/ ��(/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO• (� -�+�_• � Council Resolution Presented By L9�Z.�'t�� ,�� �1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent and approve of the appointment, by the Mayor, of the following named persons to serve as members of the ad hoc Crisis Relocation Planning Task Force: Fred Bettenberg-Pohl Karl Bremer Tom Eggum JoAnn Haberman Dan Hanlon Robert John Kren Lou Lavoie Dr. Arnold London Paul Mandell Anna Meigs Mary Mulcaire-Jones Russ Polansky Phyllis 0'Toole Gladyce Senglaub Joanne Tromiczak-Neid COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher °►eN1 [n Favor Masanz Nicosfa Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JUN 2 5 198�i Form A proved by ity t ey Adopted by Council: Date r. � Certified assed y ncil e�retary BY < �� • Ap rov y �4lavor: Da �L — � ��8� Ap by Mayor for Sub i i to Council B PUBLlSH�D ,)U L�� �- � ��-��� . � � � � R�.c���v�p � Or r ICc OF THE' P�t?YOR C� .347 CITY HALL AP11 j G '��[� SAIIVT PP_UL, MIIVNESOTA 55102 Z9a-a3�3 (:iAY���'S Or€IGE Apr�lication for �tilembersh.i p for Ci t y . Boards, Commissions, and Committees Name �/�Z.r� � ��7rG� �ddress 1� 3c;� � �.e,..K-t�� �� �'�-" ��.� .S-Sio �� Street City Zip Distrzct Phone Home: �77—.�3 d tJ e�ork: ���—�97.5� Comm.ittee(s) , Board(s) , or Conunission(s) in which you are interested: Crisis Relocation Planninq Task Force - -� � .. ._ . , � � ,.;. : : # � . . _ ,��,���.�, :, , . .... . . : . , . v , . . . _.. . ._ . . . y.....-_. ;� . . :'�9G' Community Service/dctiv?ties (past and gresent) : � . - . . � .. f . . . . .. � . � .. � ���}, . . . . ,. . . . f Jr_h�u�.�...�.�.� ��L,�,,� �..d...�.�1��.- l g 6 7, F �[ 7'D a�.�-.R 7/ '�'� c��..r.�a�, 11��..,(;�2. �G...�.� � �," :�...-� r�� �9 6 �s' �_':�M-"� S.v-c,_...�.- t�?c�.it�f+-� t�t 6 7 a�.-.�1 i 9 6� ��c.��-ti. '�s� C' ��l� /g 7/, 7 2 -r- 73 _ Ll t� lnJ �.b.�2J�.S.Z.v..e�s.0 J.2hv��-CR+4 '! z t+-�...,- �;Z,,.._�j.�LZ., l� �3 7- /S�Sl Professional Activities: � .�' _ �-�r _..�.�_�� .__�..�_.. .�;.; Y {overl � f ?� . __.:o :: _:: JOi_;.:;,_� �:OLOC7r'c.Z_��'.Ei 1���.1"C)1 T�?.'r:�13 �':' �� . - � P� ' t" ---l�bur�/ .��cf:e� Co�.nty - ___'CO:�CI� 7E�..r.0'.` �o.�':�5� l�i=\r �� /�—�� . � ,. -�a:i.tor, r:e:a Yorr: :iills �-'erald, i�e�•. �'o-�-ri i•.�_11s ��1N 1°80. �..��.��_� � f � X :s�;itor, Sta�te_�tch ne;tispaper, i-l�:C;;G, 1°30-present. F'i_:-5� Plac�, In���stigative Reporting, ��iin:.nsota �?ews�aper t��:�ociaL�ion co*r;�etitio��, 1980. Sec:on� Plac�, Column �•�riting, ?�1ir.r.esota �;ewspaper Association co_�_�ey:�a�.e co���p�tition, 1976. i � - I ��:�uld be g?ad to provide you witn anyo uther backaro�ard� inJ:a_r,::;�ion or writir.g sampl_es a� your request, and lcok rc.�:�:ard to having ar� opportur�ity to serving on tY�iis �ask fo-rce. `i'n<<*_-.h yotx very r�uch for your considera�ion. Si"::e-rely, . � i; ..:_�_-- • ,;{°:1� � +� n ';_ �.,,�, ��'`.��-. �� � - . , KaJ.� D. Bremer 1�J ��• S 1111S ' S-c. _��ul, !�i�: 55117 3;'�-"7�5� {T�7) 2�:!.-S5�?5 (H) . � ., �v� �y�,�� , d !� . - _ OFFIC2 OF THE ��1AYOR 347 CITY HALL � -- �� "• . _ . .. . �. -.. . � � - ... '!.: ��� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5�102 � 298-4323 . . : � ,�8� �PPlication for - . . + �Kembership for City - Boards,: Corr¢nissions and Committees .r.-- - I_ � Name D V 1 �C�U l�Y�C�2.� Address � 8� �PJC� Ll'L. �• � �h� � 3 . Street �- City Zip District Phone •Home: [p `a�.p Work: �'� � �v� 7 ��OJ�� _ ��'1 • lo�� <3�0 7 Corrmiittee(s) , Board(s) ,` or Commi.ssion(s) in which you are interested: ��S� �'"�Y C`-°.- � ' - ►�51�5 r ,�o ! ��:' a--,�- _ � ��.: �� � ;� 5�`'�'• a�-(� .��°�=- - , , . _. .. �: Co�T-mlr•ity Service/�c�T�ities (pest and presznt): ��.= ��s��e . . . . " " . � .;.;'_ _, ... ..... . . .. . � � ���.,.'.." :_i`�. :.. ....�. ,. ,.. .:. Professional A�tivities: ' �2�- 1�C'�S(�YYI� (over)` , - � � � ' . , r:.�' � Civic/Professional Oroanization Meraberships: .5 L2 }�c°�S(.(_}'Y1 e- Reasons for youx interest in this particular committee(s): ��� - 1� -�" � " o�.�-�o�r ,D�e.a/ w;� res c.�.rn�e. : _ .j:: : . - �. _., . _ � . . .',:�.. . . ,�_ ,.::� .:.,... �.,'- r . _... .. �.� - ;. �' -,... . . Are you currentZg servinq on any other city comrnittee? If so, which conaaittee(s)/ commissionls)/board(s) c' ° , Ll1 ' - : O- _ _ , � Etnnic group (to ensure fair and.equaZ representation) : ��(,��`� � Other pertinen� information: ��� I�Sl..C_-Yl�c�, , N Please list 3 references: i) 2) - . 3) • • � 5/80 v �� � � r ���y��� � �-�- , . � •Z..�w��.A:...�.-.. 1. ..�..i� January 10 , 1984 �':�'�' •• �' ,`��� :�;rka v'st'.: '.°i`i iL�1= - The Honorable George Latimer Office Of The Mayor 347 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul , Minnesota . Dear i�ayor Latimer , I submit the enclosed resume for your review regarding the formation of a task force to study the crisis relocation plan for St.Paul in case of nuclear attack. My interest in serving on this task force is that of a St.Paul resident who has �een deeply concerned for so;ne time about the threat of nuclear disaster. This deep-felt concern motivated me to join the St.Paul group of The P-Iinnesota Nuclear Freeze Campaign about a year ago. I am not nearly expert in any area of knowledge pertaining to the Freeze or nuclear armaments. I am very interested in learning more about crisis relocation. I believe it will be very valuable for individual citizens , concerned or.ganizations, and St.Paul officials to receive the conclusions , recommendations and/or questions that emerge from the task force ' s study. I hope you will consider me for a position with the task force. Sincerely, ^ � �, ,'��' % -;,-�- t-�c�`- ��`Ti'L,1`2��iyjiL�',�y.�_- f:. � 3o Rnn Haberman ti, : Y . ' �" �y ��`a- RESUME 4F Jo Ann Haberman 1188 Se1by Avenue St.Paul, Minnesota 55104 (612) 645-8526 AREAS OF EXPERIENCE OR COMPETENCE: ' -individual , group and family counseling regarding adolescent behavior problems -prbgram planning -supervision of staff -recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers -leading workshops and training sessions -team-oriented professional management and problem solving -public speaking -writing -on-site Equal Employment Opportunity Commission committee member � EDUCATIQN- University of Minnesota Bachelor of Elective Studies GPA=3. 0 Cancentrations: Sociology and Social Work EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Currently Lexington-Hamline Community Council, St.Paul, Minnesota Community Organizer, Intern: assisting • the Community Qrganizers with a variety of projects that respond to community concerns. Half time. Lakeland Academy, Minneapolis, Minnesota Office Assistant: clerical duties and librarian. Half time. Katahdin: A tntorkshop for Youth, Minneapolisr Minnesota Consultant: Family Counselor for day . treatment program for juvenile offenders. January - July 1983 The Saint Paul Foundation, St.Paul, Minnesota Program Associate: management of The Community Sharing Fund , an emergency • grants fund for human service agencies and their clients. � ,, • . 1980 - 1983 Katahdin: A Workshop for Youth, P�inneanoiis , Minnesota Director of Client Services : responsible for the quality of treatment provided by the program, supervised professional staff, recruited, trained and supervised student _ interns from various college programs, lead both team and full staff ineetings , guided program development proeesses , and assisted the executive director in such areas as public speaking. Youth and Family Counselor : responsible for facilitating indivzdual, group, and family counseling sessions, developing and implemen�- ing program content, team-oriented peer supervision, collaboration with other service providers in the area. 1977 -1980 The Bridge for Runaway Youth, Minneapolis , I�Iinnesota Family Counselor : facilitated crisis and long-term famaly counseling, as well as individual, couple, and group counseling, coordinated one area of the Bridge program, community education and outreach, volunteer recruitment,training and supervision. 1976 - 197"' Friendship House, Minneapolis, Minnesota Residential Counselor: facilitated individual, group, and family counseling sessions with girls in residential treatment, assisted in team-oriented program planning and development. 1972 - 1976 � St. Joseph' s Home for Children, Pdinneapolis, (part-time) Minnesota Residential Counselor: similar position to that held at Friendship House. Increased focus on planning and implementation of activities for girls in a residential treat- ment program. 1975 - 1976 . Southside Family Nurturing Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Teacher ' s Assistant : assisted in team-oriented program planning and iriplementation with children ages �2-1/2 to 5 years old who had experienced p?�ysical/sexual abuse or serious neglect. -2- 1� " - � � ��l��.5z , , . 1974 - 1976 Circle of the [�7itch : A Collective Fezninist Theatre , Minneapolis, Minnesota Theatre Member : acted , directed, wrote in collaboration with other company members , performed technical work,and co-lead dramatics workshops. February - Cedar Pines Health Care Facility, July 1972 Minneapolis, P�tinnesota Nurse' s Assistant: assisted with housekeeping, hygiene and medical procedures for elderly residents. Participated in various activity programs. October 1971- Cricket Theatre, P�Iinneapolis, Minnesota January 1972 Stage Manager: during the run of one show. 1970 - 1971 Investor' s Diversified Services, Minneapolis, 1"tinnesota Clerk: performed general clerical duties. AFFILIATIONS : D4ember, -BoaYd of Directors , Katahdin: A 6�orkshop for Youth Member, Minnesota Nuclear Freeze Campaign, Fourth Congressional Distr�.ct. Group . -3- . � , . .• . � REFERENCES Professional Mr. John i�iitchell Katahdin: A Workshop for Youth 419 Oak Grove Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 872-4701 Mr. Ron Hick Lexington-Hamline Community Council 1385 Selby Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 645-3207 Ms. Mary Gearin Family Service of the Greater St.Paul Area 333 Sibley � 5th Floor St.Yau1 , Minnesota 55101 222-0311 Personal NIs. Janis Smiley Office: 378-5818 Home: 645-8526 Mr. Gary Ujifusa Office: 935-0229 Home: 827-142? Ms. Catherine Parker Office:. 546-7944 � Home: 724-0482 , - � � �y��� ' � R��EiV�D QFFiCE OF TFIE i�lA'lOR �A s"47 CITY :�'ALL �Y�A� � � l��� SAINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA 551�2 298-4323 Pb��Y���$ �l'f��� _ application for` � _ , hlembershi p for Ci tz� . 2oards, Comm.zssions and Committees `.R:D:B ERJ JQH�I ;`�CR EN ; . _ Narrte ,�:--_ _ . Aa�ress I817 Ford Rarkway, St. Raul . �li�l 55I16 Street Gity Zip Distric� 690-2697 " 64.2-1206 / b42-1428 Phone Home: Work: • . __ � � - Comacittee(s) ,. B`oard(s) , or Commission(s) in which you are interested: . . �^'-, .. � .c1_ r;,�r �'�} :.i.- .. �r rl. "i.a�,+'�y'c,.��,-.. ,.ri, .'%��-^ � .e�.�;�;\1 ,�,f" . ' , : ' � �- :... � . '... :_ . .. � . �: '' CRISIS�RELOCpTION �PLANNING TASK FDRCE j � � � : _ �: �: t;` �r,;.�, � � � . ,� � " z;. ��'� - - � z. ; � x� _ , �': . , . _. . - _ J �;: . � � � ��� ,r r _ ... ,.>: , ,:_ . . -:-:: ,: .. Cormnunit� Service/gctiviues (Past and p�esenfil: . ,-. . : . ses resume ;:attached -:;: . > : : ;:.. � - �_ �". . .: ' . � .. . . _ _ ; . �,. . . ,. , .. _ . . , . .. , . . . �.. : : - < : - ,.� :. : ,- Professional Activities: � ` see resume attached � lover) Civic/Prozessional Organization Me*nberships: � # ��ar� �embAr , At-L�rq� . ��ut�uest ArP� n �Q��ict �$ �; � �istrict 15� St. Paul (Highl�nd ) : 2-year term, elected 1984 Committees : Housing and Economic Development �'n d - . Transportation w I-R Convention Delegate (District 648, Precinct 3-18) : Elected� 1984t � Reasons for your interest in thas particular committee(s): As Administrative Assistant to the Chairman oP the CTA (Chicago Transit � T Au�hority, ) I participated , as the CTA Representative, in a similar o• .w n to .. - , participate _fn a simi3.ar process for my adopt�ci home, St. ��ul. I believe I �,have something ' to offer. . . . ' � -- ": .� _:. - . . > : ,, ;: .�. .:_ . .._ .. Are vou curreatl� serving on ang other city committee? If so, which co�nittee(s)/ co�ruaission(sl/board(s)s - , Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representat�on) : Ca uC3 s 1�n Other pert?nent information: Se8 I'esume attacheci Lois Ulest : Communications �irectar State Central PZease Iist 3 referenc�s: 1) ��T�3��T�� ` o� �� 2� UJil.liam Redmond : Speaker-Emeritus , II1;. House of �epresentatives � . �.� John C. �relson: �►ice President � Ex;�ernal Affairs , P�ew �fork Eity �i r , 1 . � � � �_ . . � �� . . ' 1 • _ 5/80 'i. k �r �y ��� . ' Robert John Kren � lBi7 Ford Parkway St. Paul, minnesota 55116 �612) 69D-269? EXPERIENCE � Special Administrative Assistant to the Chairman of the Board and manager� Capital Development Department, Chicago Tra�sit . Authority. 1979 - i981 Resoonsibilitiess Liaison with Stat� and f ederal funding agencies* Illinois State L�gislature and City of Chicagor supervising staff oP twenty-two invalved in capital program and projects, develop- ment, a�ministration, and ir�plementation monitoringf conducting prese�tations to Cha�rman and Baard and presentations to industry trade organizatfons, special interest and businessmen's groups. transit representatives Prom U.S, and overseas; Chairman, Capital Improvement Program, Security Policy Committee, Emplayee Security Trainf.ng Cammittee, Handicapped Task Force= appointee to Retire- ment Allasrance Comraittee and �layor's Committee on Pedestriao Pass- ageurays, City of Chicago. Accomvlishmentss - Initiated and instituted "Task Force" approach for company manageme�t and major policy decision making. - Established Datacenter (EDP) Advisory Committee for dis- cussing/dfrecting computer expansion and uses•. - Strategist in restructuring Glorkers Compensation program. - Designed and introduced organizational structure plan for combining External Affairs, Public Relations. and Consumer Affairs Department into single division. - Presented to Board of Directors rsorganization plan for Executive (staff) offices. Adopted. - D�afted Employee Security Training Program. 1978, for State � of Illinois= implemented and administared for CTA, I980. • Legislative Analyst for Speaker of the House, Legislative StaP'f member, Law Researcher, 1975 - 1974 Responsibilities : Conducted budget/fiscal analysis oP Illinoi� Department oP Transportation•s annual 83 billion budge�Es performod legislative analysis with recommended Iegislation of highway, publit transportation, rail Preight, and afrport programs and policies= analyzed and drafted all transpartatiorr legislation for Ho�se �� Representatives involving substantive and apprapri8�€ens legislatior acting House liaison to Illinois Transportation Study Commission, Illinois Toll Highway Authority� Graater metropolitan St. Louis Area Airport Authority. � � ' Accamplishments : � - Researched, reported to Subcommittees� drafted legislation, presented concluding reports to Central Assembly. - Conducted investigations, performed research� organized hearing and press conferences � wrote press releases and report� - Performed budget analysis of revenue sources�estimates : bonds� general tax revenues, special user fees , federal aid. - Conducted budget and legislative analyses affecting Illinofs State Retirement System and Department of Personnel. Civil Service Commission, Industrial Commis�ion, Department of Ueterans ' Affair3, Administrative Services Department, Fair Employment Practices Commission, and �ater Resources Commissior - Assigned Committees : House Committee on Transportation, House Appropriations Committee, an� Regional Transportation. Authority Legislative Advisory Committee (joint HousefSenate. ) mINNES07A • Legal Digesting, Product Liability, Gontrol Data Corporation, minneapolis, �innesata � 1983 - dats Responsibilities : Condensing comprehensive legal documents; system- atic synopsis of sensitive legal material, abridging depositio� con- tents fo� c�urt use, assisting Control Data national/international clients in legal sPrvices with concise, succinct summaries of per- tinent leoal material and research information. Additionally, intei views prospective department�company empinyees � evaluates credentia] and qualifications for aork assignments. Screening. , ADDITIO�IAL. Ef�'DEAVORS • UJriter� author, State Central Committee� f�innesota Independent Republican Aarty, 1983 - date - Interviews business association leaders, labor executives, writing articles, editorials for TRUNKLIPJE periodical news- paper, informational brochures, and press releases. w Elected, 1984, Councilman, Southwest Area District Council , St. Pau] minnesota, two year- term. Board Member : Committee on Housing and Economic Development� and the Transportation Committee, District 15, St. Paul, f�innesota, 1984. EDUCATIO�! S. A. , St. John 's University, Collegeville� minnesota , 1966 ; ��I. A. � LVestern Illinois University, (�acomt�� Sllinois, .1468; Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, I1linois� 1968-1971, completing al] Ph, D. requirements, Labor !iistory; Sagamon 5cate University, Springfielc Illinois� l�aster 's Degree Program, 9usiness Administration, 1977-1979. � 8orn : (�arch 15� 1944. . . Heights E '3". . . Uleight: 185 pounds . . . Health : Excellent. . . Interests: Sports � History, f�lusic, Art, Theater, . . � ��(��"�- COM�1ENTS OF OTHERS "6ob objectively reports the essence of the issues involved in a dscision-making process; hfs management - approach encourages debate and candar among subordinates, At the CTA, he established a climate resulting in open communication and greater trust among higher ranking administrative staff. heightening the sense of belonging to a corporate enterpri.se. Realistic and perceptive, he brings creative resources to bear on significant problems. The characteristics of loyalty, integrity and professional competence make him a valued addition to any staff. " milton Pikarsky, Director of Transportation Research, IIT. � "Bob's strength is his ability to analyze and �synthesiza complex issues involving large numbers of material expeditiously and in a disci�linsd, organized manner, He takes good advice to supplemen� his judgment and is creative and enterprising. �3uring an intenss financial and political crises at the Illinois Legislature, he assisted me in deve�oping strategies to position my agency to maximum effect. Bob has superior administrative and manegement ski2ls. " � John C. Nelson� Vice President, External Affairs � New York City Transit Authority � "I 've known Bob Kren for 10 years. His devotion to duty is unshakable. As a member of my staff� he uras given a huge burden to analyze state appropriations. His enterprising, no-nonsense synthesis provided thorough, clear and significant impaC�. " Ulilliam A. Redmond, Speaker, I.11inois Nouss oP Representatives . + CURRICULUM. VITAE AND BIBLOGRAPHY �`�y�`�� Date: Apri1 1983 �dame: Louis Lavoie ' Address : 2575 Larch Lane � Plymouth, MN 55441 512-559-1875 - Born: July� 27, 1935 New York, New York Education• School Year Major Degree University of New Hampst►ire - 1953-1955 Chemistry - University of Alaska I951-1959 - - - - _ _ University of Chicago 1959-1952 Physics .. AAPM Sur�er Schooi 1969 Radiation Dosim�try - Rooseveat ltniversity 1959-1972 � Physics 8GS Military S�ryice and TraiFninQ: . November 1955-August 1959; U.S. Air Force, Graduated Airborne Radar Schooi ,. Lowry AFB, Denv�r, C0. and Electronic Test Equipment Maintenance School , Elmendarf AFB, - Anchorage, Alaska. f�rtpl oyment: � � 2. tl.S. Air Force, Airborne Fire Control Radar Maintenance, 1955-1959. � 2. Enrico Fermi Institute for N�clear Studies (University of Chicago), Eiectrnnics Technician, instrumentation for high e�ergy physics experim�nts . 3. Pramoted to Associat� Electronics Engfn�er 1955. 4. Rrganne Cancer Research Nospital (Un#versity of Chicago) , Associate Electronics Engineer (1968-1970) , Research and Oevelopm�nt of nuclear instrumentation for nuclear medic�ne using high en�rgy physics teehniques. , , �. Arg�nne Cancer Research Hospita] , Senior Scientist (1�970-197b) . 6. Space Science Center (tfniversity of �linne�ota), �tanager Technica� Support and azsign Servic�s (1976-1979) , R $ � Manager, E12ctron Microscopy Facility (1977-19�'9) . ' �► ' _ _... _.�.___.__ _ . ,,r. 7. Solid S�ate Electronics Center - Honeywell , Supervisor Eq�ipment Suppor� ' Group (1979-1980). . . - . 8. Defense Systems Division - Haneywell , Senior Engineer (1980-presert). Teaching Experience: � 1. �ec�urer, Physical Science, Roosevelt U�iversity, 1972. 2. Lecturer, Natural Science, Loyo7a University, 1974. - 3. Guest Le�turer, Institute of Techno7ogy, University of Minnesota, 1983. Prafessior�al Affiiialtior� and Honors: A. Nem�er of American Physical Society. Se;�ior �•lember, Institute for E7ectrical an� Electronic Engineers. 8. Honors: 1. S�gma Xi -. 2. FrankTin Hon�r Society C. FCC Firs� C1ass Radiote3ephone License. Biblo�raphv: 1. SPA.RK CNR,�l�ER PULSING SYSTEM: Louis Lavoie, Si��rwocd Parker, Charles Rey, --and Caniel fi�. Schwartz. �he Review of Scientific Instrur�ents 35, I567 (1964). . 2. PHOT03�9ULITPLIER CATHODE POISONING: l�uis Lavo9�, The Review of Scientific Instrum�nts 38, 833 (1957) . 3. A SIMPLE PHOTOMULTIPLIER PER�QRMANCE M01dITOR: Louis Lavoie and R. Narton. Nuclear Instruments and Methods b�, 123 (1968) . 4• PHOTO:�iULTIPLIER FOCUS Ct3filTROL: Lot�is Lavoie. The Review of Scientific Instruments 40, 1245 (1959) . 5. ACTIYE i�AGAlETIC SNIELDiNG OF PHOTOMi1LT�PLI�RS: Lauis Lavoie and Roland Winston. The Review o� Scientif�c I�s�rum�nt� 40, 1354 (1969) . 6. THE DESIGt� AND PERFORP�44�CE 0� A G3�S CERE�:COV COUNTER '�ITH iARG� PHASE- SPACE ACCEP7ANCE: H. tiinter�erg�r, L. ��voie, B. N�ison, R.O. Sumner, J.�. �latson, R. Winstan, �nd D.PA. Woi ��. The Review� of Scienti fic � Instrume�ts 4I, 413 {1970) . , 7. A SII�PLE SYSTEM FAULT IPaDIC�TOR• Losifs Lavoie. Nuclear Instruments and � Methnds 78, 11 (1970).. � . 8. CERE�IKOV COUNTERS• �Louis Lavoie. Scier�tific American. To b� published. • � � - -2- � � � ����� � 9.' STANDARDIZATION OF ELECTRQNIC� INSTRUt�cNTS: Louis Lavoi�e, Ph,�rsics in Medicine and Bioloqv,�____1_6�,; 334 (1971) . 10. PQSITR4y DETECTION SYSTEt� USING LIQIlID XENON SCINTILLATOR: Louis �avo�e. (Abstract) J. Nuc. Med. �2, No. 6, 376 (1911) . . ' " 11. THE USE OF LIQUID XENON SCINTILLATOR FOR QETECTING PNOTONS AT AND 6EL0'al 500 KEV: Louis Lavoie. (Abstract) AAPM Quarterly Bulletin, �, 119 (197Ij . 12. TOTAL LI�3EAR ATTENUATIOPi� COEFFICIENTS: Louis Lavoie, p. 286 in Semi- conductor Detectors in �he Future of iVuclear Medicine, P. Hoffer, R. Beck, and A. Gottschalk, eds. , Society of Nuclear Medicine, New � York, 1971. 13. STANDARDIZATION OF NUCL�AR P�EDICriVE INSTRU�SE�VTATIO"J: Louis Lavoie. Physics in MQdicine andiSioloq�r, 16, 102 (1971} . 14. COMPARISON OF RADIATIONi DETECTOR MATERIALS FOR IMAGING APPLICATIONS IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE: Louiis Lavoie. � Physics in (�edicine and Bioloqy, 18, 120 (1973}. --- 15. ON THE USE OF CERE�lKOViRADIATI0PI. DETECTORS FOR MEDICAL PHYSICS APPLICA- TIONS BELOW 1 M�V; Louis Lavoie. (Abstract� Phy�fcs fn P9edicine and Bioloqy, 18, 585, (Ig7�). 16. DETECTOR PR08.LEMS IN P��ROTON RADIOGRAPNY: Louis Lavoie, Invited paper, Quarterly l��eting of t;'t�e Midw�st Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medi�in�, M�y 1473. Unpublished. 17. USE OF INERT ELEMENT $GINTILLATORS IH NUCLEAR hiEDICINE: Louis Lavoie. Proceedin�s of Symposium on Advanced Technology ArisincLfrom part�ici� ._Ph 5105 Research, Argo�ne Nationai Laboratory, May r�1973. Invited , paper , Report No. ANL-8080, Arg�nne Nationai Laboratory, Arg�nne, ILL. , 60439. 18. CONICAL AXICONS USED ;AS OPTICAI POLAR EVERTERS: Louts Lavoie. . Applied Optics� 14, ];482 (1975). � 19, THE COST EFFECTIVENE�S OF GERMANIUM COMPARED T0 Nai (T1� RADIATION DETECTORS IN GA�IA CAMERA APPL�CATIONS: Louis Lavaie. Medical Physics , 3, 264 (i976) . 20, LIQUID� XE�l0�1 SCINTTI�.ATORS FOR IMAGIP�G POSITRON EMITTERS : Louis lavoie, Medical Physics, 3, �83, (1975) . 21�. QUANTITATIVE EFFECTS' OF RELATIVE & ASSOLUTE !'U:�IDITY ON ESQ GE�iERA710"t/ SUPPRESSION: D. Blinde and L. Lavoie. Proc��dings of the "1981 Electrical � Ov�rstr�sslEl�ctros�atic Discharge Syr�posiu�", E45-3, and Evaluation Engin�ering, Vol . 2J., No. 3, p. 74, April (19�2). . 22. RADIATION NARDENING;: Louis Lavoie, Scientific Naneyweller, Vol . �#, Pl.o. 1, p. 1, t�arch (1983). � � � � � -3- � G i g�-��a OFFICE OF THE i+�AYOR 347 CZ'T`Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS.Z02 298-4323 Application for ---- - __,._ ._ . --, , Membershi p for Ci ty ` � � -'� "`"'j Boards,:Commissions ana Committees (� .' ` �' v !J�� - ., Name �O /V�0/✓� ��•/'�7Q��d-,� _ L , .._. . . .. ._ .�, . t. Address I �� � G 8 d D R lGfi` �t/ � .i T ,Q/f`fl(� �tl�f :�f/D�' � Street City Zip -;Distzic� x ` Phone Home: 6 � 9� 'Z 1�/ d Work: (�7� 7f� 1� . . Comac�ttee(s), .Boasd(s), or Commission(s) in which �you are interested: : :,. � . . � . � . � J� '. . .. (,f�! S �.S �LELeGi3-7.e�! p�A�/N(N(s (`PnoPalc-p �� S Sc�t+�t�t��-c. oN � ...�- �T --�. — � - . _ { � - _ � � �:� . � � -} �.,y�.,. �- _ ; _- Communit� Sernice/Acti�rities (past and present): � " �� . . . _, r.. cm- �,a-rn���t�� ' ��,u cr���s � P�is��,�;,rr ��- ��� ��•�.r,�,�.rg. _ _ r _ _ , ._ . ..�.,.�;;.; . _ ,:, , _.. , ,.. . . . �. . . . . , �,,.. � .. � - Professional A}ctivities: - �FD//�-T/L!C� /,�N .j I�/�/ZG� /Of�'".9-G 7',fl" QG�y✓ �`� .+�+�i�D/JiV�- � J �-/�.s'. : �}�7�u� !?'�� �.�r�c�, t 7 f',e-ciL Gldi�i���� p+�f�'r r�-, �-t L�ul� ,f�A+,�,j'z-t�htf �Ca4'DE�"'� d F p�'D �if'Tjt.r�- _...� (over) - . Civic/Professiona� Organization Memberships: �c��r..� ,.�+�la Fx.�c/�-�I ��}D PN'�i.�T,L�cf. . T — �iF/ P�e3-7�-- ,t'..�-Pr°�- • , Ct�>,f,�-.p� ,f}��rtc�/}��J Bv2�rl.v c�` P���d7�rcf . Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s)r / � EK Pt�T dX Ti� /lUsOi�rYli CCNIc'�Q c/c�YC�I b� A!d��yL GJ�-� I�.� !f�W 6� 6-t�t�! M�-�tI� l�"�r� � J�R F7Fvc/j19'yi e n/J d N T�d�'-� �t!/�,Jc�+t/7' TO ��:'t�f�N 4� . `f�- � ��? � �/N f C (� /rf A�c.-s1,) �G,�(. /�� .,`_� ��.. � � S LO G!}2 �- c�U�j j,�j'�' /�J�'ij�-�-s' � /d��t� �"X/�etiT�1� o^i 7,d�' ..Cp,+rDi IrairrJ �:. . �i�t,�' 7t}€ ` �Go c.�z'c� d�v?vc ' . �- �To•�� �.r,k ,6- �=1�i� Pe�jir"c�vr�� f�Ii+rO .. , , . . ' � �,a�urc,rfir�- � "���1� Y�' �lTh.4-r°���c ��/��i�ros✓s v� �a��� f�coC�Y7��j _ �G,�.t(�td�fr. ;:: Are yo� currentlq serving on any other city committee? If so, which conmcittee(s)/ co�mrsJ:ss_on(s)/board(s): �/(� - _ - Ethnic group (ta ensure fair and eaual representation): ��G�`���� •� � ~ Other pertinent inforrzration: - PZease Zist 3 references: ?) �(� r���7 lu�Y=fEr-�J'Z�Er P�y�%�y,�J� Grr�P'a�1� 3�6'���� 2� D�� �a�e✓ %L���, , ������,��1 ,�f�,��, 3 s��� N, .r�r��,�,�� 1� .�.�. �.,✓ s�-�`��. �' Zy�=!6 G 3��r� ,�n�T � r��L.t d�,/� 3�3 nr. uJ�✓�� .r�, �ff�t�G,� f� !'��. �.v ss�o 5� (� yS- vb y/ . 5/so � � � � . � � �/- �5.� OFFICE OF TN.E MAYOR 347 CITY Y.ALL ' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 298-4323 A a i pplzc t on for R�CE�v�� .�lembership for Ci�y ' ,Eoards, Comznissions and Commi�tees FEB 1 6 19�jt} � MAYOR'S OFFICE � Name I i'I�E� Address �j � 0 � �U_Y!'Il�'//� /�U'e.- �� Cf�" ��1t� �/V ��Z Street � City Zip - District G o �' Pnone Home: ,�.Z- -�,y3 Work: �y "� �� Committee(s), .Board(s)y or Co�nission(s) in which you are interested: ��Pil^ . lLd'Q�/t.Z&S_ 1��Y�-i2/.Z�. � d�- '��`Ce_ �JlfctJ'�Ge'C.i �� - /1l-�s ���-�� i� . . . . . . � � ... . . . ' . . � ... ���� r-..,�. . , �� .: I � . . . . .- . ... . .. � . . . . -� . . . � - . � �. . . Comm�nity Service/Activities (pas� and present): E ��L�V�z^ina. I � _ l.�r' ��•GKLK.. GCC%l:/G/�� � . . � . � . 7"�� � . ... ���r�LCx-- ��L ed .� jt,�sL�4�.�e-..d ��5� � .. _ _ _ ,- .. . �'�/L-� r��3. �i � �i�i�i:i� ��� ��lc..� . ���.�C `J'9-�/ . ,, ..: 4 .... . ,., . : _ ;.. ;:. -:_.._.,.:._ � , - ,. .�_ Professional Activiti�es: �� t�i� a-h/zC�r- � ��xh�G�-�-e- � C"az�-� /o �3— ;y,�Qd2� � � • �S�a�e- ,�...��' p�•,e�-/�Lr��.�;�rn����/��rn��?a� yoo��lr�n.ar. _ ' . G�,�a�.- !�j S�'s!�� . �.�d�r_�� ��.,.s'�� se�.��..�. . — _ (over) � .. I � ,� Civic/Professional Organization �Nemberships: ,�Y�rGt�i.�?ELc- N.£'lZt��� � /�'cS��"Z��a`, Reasons for �our_ interest ir< this particular committee(s): ��rc�d� � �i?2 r - as,� , e e� ✓utic-�-�".. �.s �J� �Ln� 4ssu.�� � m. �- 4. �'av� . G�� ��.�-. �� �d - �e�.� �` a�,;� � � .:� .. ; ;y„-�, . � -. - � . a .� " ��;da� �N � ��ar � �.�=-��.� � �e. �11�� �F f ~ C'�yh,c�S� Q-�� r,�s-� �� ��- /J �.�G �2..GC7 oz.�.�-f4.r� . _� � k � _ Are you current�� serving on any other city committee? If so, which coTrnnittee(s)/ co�czss�on(sI/board(s): 1 va � . , ..�.._ � <{. Et�nic group (to ensure fair and equal representation): �)�� Other pertinent information: _ Please 1_st 3 references: Z7 �_ �/�� �/�s^ ��C ��'f � �'��;� ��� 2I /�; .�fr� ����� /33 Q �•rfla�� S'f- OQ� /�'l/tl SSin'� 3�5��� � c�J�. �'�DC� 309 S'�a,�"e �i�� c.�� �� /LI/if 3S�/.�'.i _:_ , 5/SO . _ . . _.__.�..,..�.. _ �_ .. . .._....._ ... ,. ..__ _. ___ . „�,,�.,,�.,.�_._ M..,.,,,�_�.-�._.,..._ _ . t /j,������ � PAUL JULLIEN MANDELL (/� . � 600 Summit Ave. , #1 (612) 222-4743 - h St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 644-1085 - w CAREER OBJECTIVE A constantly demanding career emphasizing contact with people that focuses on land use and environmental programs, govern- mental services and the Flublic process, and other related activities that incorporate r�oth individual and team efforts. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Community Organizer - Snelling Hamline Community Council, St. Paul, MN 55104 (10/83 - present) Organize and coordinate all activities of Community Council with businesses, residents, and offices of the district, city, and state in planning neighborhood events, projects, human services delivery, and capital improvement programs. Also, chief editor of community monthly newsletter, responsible for grant writing, and other long-term planning projects focused on improving "neighborhood" identity and co�nunity-wide participation. Associate Planner - North Central Area Health Planning Association, Wausau, WI (8/82 - 12/82) Responsible for research, data analysis, and preparation of a comprehensive report funded through State grant on Oneida County's Public Health Services in cooperation with local, state, and county officials. Also served as support staff. Public Inquiries Specialist - U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C. (Z/81 - 8/81) Managed inquiries team, facilitated assimilation of information to the public, press, and Congressional staffs. Controlled correspondence and bureau publications, Enviro*unental Impact Statements, and press releases: Congressional Liaison Assistant - U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of ' Congressional and Legislative Affairs for the Secretary, Washington, D.C. (2/79 - 1/81) Worked press releases and contracts affecting local and regional projects while maintaining liaison with White House and Cangres- sional staffs in connection with various programs. Also responsible for general public inquiries. Campaign Director - Citizens for Dave Obey, Wausau, WI (b/78 - 12/78; 8/76 - 11/76) Responsible in both elections for operations of Congressional Campaign, plus coordination of other races within the district, from Presidential or Gubernatorial to local races. Managed grass roots operations and recruit- ment, and involved with scheduling, speaking engagements, and media. Religious Brother - St. Anselm's Abbey, Manchester, NH (12/76 - 3/78) Studied for the priesthood at the monastery, plus general maintenance and landscaping projects around the grounds. Presidential Field Coordinator - Udall for. PresidentF Washington, D.C:, (12/75 - 7/76) As above, managed grass roots operations, but even s,ore extensive�y involved with press and media projects, speaking engagements, and f.und raising. Worked the seacoast of NH; 7th CD, WI; $tate HQ, MO; 8th CD, MD; Sth CD, OH; �nd the National Democratic Convention. (over} . � � �,, • i . � Salesman - R. H� I,Iewellyn & Co. , Manchester, NH (9/74 - 12/75) Sales of business supplies and stationery goods. EDUCATION B.A. , '74 Urban Studies & Geography, St. Anselm College, Manchester, NH M.P. , '82 Land Use and Environmental Planning, University of Virginia, School - of .Architecture, Charlottesville, VA ACCOMPLISHMENTS Student Body Vice President, Editorial Board "Crier", St. Anselm's Commission on the Arts, Who' s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, American Society of Planning Officials, President-Young Adults Club Holy Trinity (3 years) , APA Virginia Chapter Student Project of 1982, member APA. INTERESTS Skiing (winter) , tennis, photography, writing, and politics. REFERENCES Congressman David Obey, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515 State Representative John Robinson, 11Z North Capitol, Madison, WI 53702 State Senator pon Moe, 309 State Capitol, St. Paul, MN 55155 Mr. Ben Powell, Route l, 8501 Woodland Drive, Wausat_, WI 54401 Prof. Bruce Dotson, Univ. of Virginia, School of ,Architecture, Charlottesville, VA 22903 ' Mr. Dan Alfieri, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Eastern States Office-BLM, Washington, D.C. 20240 Fr. Abbot Joseph Gerry, St. Anselm Abbey, Manchester, Nfi 03102 cux�icuur,� v1�E . �. q ' . ����y� • Anna S, t4eigs ' Depart�nent of Anthropology 219 Macalester St. Macalester College ` St. Paul, tRQ 55105 St. Paul, MN 55105 612/699-6529 Education Wellesley College 1961-65 B.A. 1965 English Literature Univ. of Pennsylvania 1967-71 Ph.D. 1977 � Dept. of Anthropology Academic Positions I,ecturer: Lucknow University, India ' Fulbright 'I�.itor Program English Ianguage and �.i.terature ' 1965-66 Teaching Assistant: Dept. of Anthropology � Australian National University 1973-75 Visiting Scholar: Research School of �acific Studies Australian National University 1974-75 Lecturer: St. Boniface School of Nursing University of Manitoba 1976 Adjunct Professor: Dept. of Anthropology . University of �ianitoba 1980-82 Assistant Professor, Dept.� �of Anthropology Macalester College 1982-present Field and Rel�ted Exnnriences � Fieldwork: Chinhat village, Uttar Pradesh, India Fulbright Tutor Program � 3 months 1965-66 Newspaper reporter: The Brookline Chronicle Brookline, Mass. 1966-67 Fieldwork: Hua, Eastern Highlands Papua New Guinea � 18 months total 1971-75 Crisis counselling: Part-time volunteer in inner city Winnipeg 1976-79 Awards . Fulbright Program, Tutor Fsllowship Iucknaw University, India ].965-66 National Defense Foreign Language Fellawship _ Hindi 1968-70 - National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant GS-31238 1971-74 Smithsonia� Institution Travel Grant Xth Int°I Congress of Anthro, and Ethno. Sciences New Delhi, India 1978 Bush Grant for Faculty Development 1983, Su�ner . �,. .Meigs p.2 � � Publications 1976 Male pregnancy and the reduction of sexual opposition in a New Guinea Highlands society. Ethnology 15e393-406. 1978 A Papuan perspective on pollution. Man (n.s.) 13�:304-318. 1983 Food, Sex, and Pollution: A New Guinea Religion. New Brunswick, New Jersey.: Rutgers University Press. In press. Semen, Spittle, Blood and Sweat: A New Guinea Theory of Nutrition. In Z.L. Iangness and T.E. Hays (eds.) , Anthropology In the High Valleys: Essays in Honor of K,E. Read. Novato: Chandler & Sharp. In press. Review of Sherry B. Ortner & Harriet Whitehead: Sexual bieanings: The Cultural Construction of Gender & Sexuality. Culture III (2) � � _. _._� �, .�:. _ ��� �'y�5�- - , . NUCIF�IR FREEZE MOVEi��+: A �LTURAL CP,,�g STUD Y Interim 1984 • Anna N1ei,qs I have changed tne focus of movement to a more wide o tnls �o�rse from the nuclear freeze genexal� I�n study of peaCe movements and issues �.n � This course is designed to themselves on the basic 9ive students an o the counter-deve Io lssues in the pP°xtun�.ty to inform Pment of deS7�1oP�ent of nuclear weapons and peace movements. Information about the weapons will be guest speakers. Information about a.nd eX gained throu h or of s perience of theg reading anc� Pecific peace issues wili be Peace mo�m�,�.�s research pro•ect. 9'ained through each individual's J Each studenz is encouraged to discover his or her °F"'n P��icular area of i:�terest and pursue it. Class attendance is required on those da s w SPeaker. Y hen we have a guest Y��' grade will de�end � class Y�uz' Perforn;ance on ��ti,p oral re orts�,rticipation and contribution pZus seriously. you �hould P �ese reports should'bz t��n " well-orgar.ized �;�,4�.. pre`'�e them carefu�ly. ��ey sfiou�� �� t_r ies ol tne infor.na�ion �ht. We will establish a spirit of .te you have collectEd. I arn hopinq , will cooperate with each other iri mWOrk in the cI.ass such other's projects. Joint �lrg �Omm�nts and that students encoura e Pro7ects between students are encouraions on each 1 the class to work toge�her to achieve 5ed. I also Oral re orts 7oint goals. � `T�� IO 5-10� minute re ort to P the class on �he questions you are askin y°U� research topic, you will pursue 9. the methoc3s through which '�e goals you haveusetRt�rest, the probZems you anticipata, made so far. yourself, and the contacts you have Fri Jari. 27 Fina1 10 min. report . Tn order to collect and process the into these oral reports� you should have same note takinn fxom which to ma3;e is simPly to keeP a journa1 of observdti�s g system. Orie possibility and COIAIiI@p:t$� yli tne rlrst week read Jonathan Schell's The rato of the Earth. that you will be prepared to participate in an effective way in class •dis Takc n�,te; ,;o Wed. Jan. on Mon. Jan. 9� cussio� 4 , 9:30-10:30 Bob Iam}� ��The Minnesota Nuclear Freeze CamAaian", Bob Iamb, or7anizer af the Minnesota Nuclear Freeze, will talk on the Freeze 's goals, particularl,y for 1984, a campaign year, 10:30-11:30 Marv Davidoff "�he Hone ell Pro'ect" Davidoff, founder of the Hone about its I5 Y�^�ell Project, will speak year history and current goals. - Thurs. Jan. S 9:30-10:30 Poll Mann "Wh a Women's Peace Movement?" Mann is co-founder and co-director of WA�IM, Women Against M-i.litary Madness. , 10:30-I1:30 Michael Andre "Ground Zero: Education for an Informed Democracy" Ground Zero is a non- dedicated to hi h �rtisan, non-advocacy organization Q quality education on matters .of national and global security. Michzel Andregg is its volunteer coordinator in Minnesota. Fri. Jan. 6 Day off to work on research projects. Mon. Jan. 9 9:30-10:30 Dr. Thamas MacKenzie "rledical Conse - : MacKenzie will spea3c on the irimediateenintermed ateaandar�� , iong term health effects of nuclear detonations ir. �;�� US,. MacK�nzie is A�scciate P?-ofessor of Psychiatry at the University of hiinnesota and Co-Chairperson of the �bvin Cities chapter of .p�,sicians f.or Social. Responsibility. 10:30-11:30 Discussion of Jonathan Schell's The Fate of the Earth. Each student should be pre�ared to raise one discussion- worthy issue in class. Come to class prepared to discuss. No bland bored muteness please. Tu. Jan. 10 5-10 minute report to class on research topic by each student. Wed. Jan. 11 9:30-10:30 Dr. Terrence Ho ann "Stabilit , Deterrence, and Arr,ls Ho,pmann will argue in favor of deterrenca �nd survivab Zity�l" of weapons for retaliatory purposes and against the . acquisition of first strike weapons. Hopmann is Professor of Political Science at the University of A2innesota and Adjunet Professor at the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, I0:30-Z1:30 Read and be ready to discuss Robert Aldridge's First Strzke c. 1 and 2' �, 13- '7 I . � � Thurs. .7an. 12 9:30-10:30 Br. J. Edward Anderson "Does rqilita National Securit• ?° T�chnol �nhance Anderson is a f ormer Honeywell employee who �vorked on control and guidance of missiles, military airplanes and 10:30-11;30 Read and be ready to discuss Aldridge, p, 73_i3:I. . ' . � �'���'`�' Fri. Jan. 13 f • • � ► 9:30-10:3@ Col. Robert Patrick "The Sovi�t Threat" Patrick is Pr�ifessor of Aerospace Studies, Airforce ROT� at the University of Pdi.nnesota. He �lso has a PhD in Middle East STudies. 10:30-11:30 Aead and be ready to discuss Aldridge, p� 133-Z88. Mon. Jano I6 Read and be ready to discuss Aldridge, the last three chapters starting with "What about the Russians?" In particular, what do you think of his proposal on pages 294 and 295? Write out a 1 page reflection on that proposal for rsading out in class. Film: US versus USSR . 29 minutes. Distributed 2iy Nuclear Freeze. Tu. Jan. 17 Day off to work on projects. Read Robert Scheer With ENouqh Shovels, c. 1-5. � • Wed. Jan. I8 9:30-10:30 S ak�r fram the American Patriotic Coalition A War cal.led n Peace: ---�. f�... � . -----_ The American Patriotie Coalition describes itself as . an anti-commuriist, anti- nuclear freeze, pro-3efense, 10:30-3�:3� Pa°-�erica activist group. �.ad and be ready to discuss Scheer, c. 6-9. {We will also discuss Scheer c. 1-5 on this day). � Thurs. Jan. 19 88y off �Co work on projects. � • •_ . • , : . . _ ' , c . , Fri. Jan. 20 Read and be prepared to discuss "Deterrence and Addic�ian" in E. P. Thampson Beyond the Cold War. Mon. Jan. 23 ---____.._ 9:30-II:30 Dr. John Harris...,titZe of ta1.k unkno�,n Harris is ar. •Administ�ative Fe11ow at the University of • MinnesotaAmong the courses he has taught in Interrtational Selafia-ons are "Nuclear Weapons and War" and "Strategic AYms Negotiations", Read Ieon Wieseltier Nuclear War, Nuclear Feace, Tu. Jan. 24 ------_ . 9 r30-10:30 Dr. I�Iulford Sible "Yhe Ppace Mo��emen� in gistorica� Perspective" Dr. S�.b?ey was a i�isiting Professor at biacalester Iast y���r � • Z`4=3�-11:30 F,ead and be prepared to discuss E.P. Thompson's "Notes on �tremism" and "Beyond the Cold Wa.r" in seyond the CoI--d War• ----- We c�:;.11 also discuss Wieseltier's book. . i Wed. Jan, 25 Day off to work on projects, Thurs, Jan. 26 Day off to work on projects, - Fri. Jan. 27 Final 10 minute report by each student on his or her research projecto . _., �.-.M.�...W:: , ..,.,�.,,.� ..... ,�_., ._._..._ . _ _ � � �y:��� OFFICE OF THE �YOR 347 CITY KALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI02 298-4323 RFC_FI\!�p F E B 2 1984 AppZication for ��em�ership for city MAYQR'S OFFICE - Boards,. Comnzssions and Comcnittees Name QI' ' �/' - S �ddress �3�✓� /�m��u-e- �3l d ..5.� A�.t.[ t .SS/ZJ (o T Street City Zip Dzstr�ct Phone Home: /�� ' D j35 � Work: Comm?ttee(s) , Board(s), or Commission(s) in whic�� you are interested: ` k. _ ,�i Ola�, . � : .. , .� . � � Com�-rtunity Service/gc�'v?t?es (past and present): ` � � � lI ,+ ' ,' _ ' � �z` r�$� , � , � � �, � ! _ � ��-?q . f.� Professional Activities: � a '� ,1 L � . C � / `" (over) . Civic/Professianal Organization Memberships: n ��c��' G�,� �� �� - - � — � � � . � . � . . .. "�; Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s): ° a h'1 ir r � � , � � � � � ° � � - _ � �- ' O r `r � L , . , ,,. � � ' ;� ' ` ' L2� �- � . - �i^ r n.� � � � � � � . . �� Are you currently serving on any otner cit� co�ttee? If so, which corrIInittez(s)/ `�� comnr_ission(s)/board(s)c - �i�n. � ;� a :: Q ,1 Ethnic groan (to ensure fair,and equal representation): �j�If��,��� v Other pertinen� information: � � PZeas e 1?s t 3 refere�ces: 1) ����`Q,�,� +��%;,y �i ,j� �`�` � �7� I `� 21 �Q,U r�!1 ; �� D � /�G c � :�� 1�. ����� �(,���,� ,�l r� �i � �:��� �r��� � • ._ s�ao � � _ �= �y-�"s�-_ ; . OF'FICE OF THE MAYOR � ' 347 CITY HALL R�'�����.� : SAINT PAUL, MINNESCfTA 5�202 Z9s-43a3 M,4R 2 E� i984 f�iAY�i;'S 0�FlCE Application for . - Membership for City Boards, Commissions and Coramittees - -z .,,_. N� ,.s � � l, C (�_�c7'��S t,C•� , Address �� � � <,.-.,�.�-, -, l"�s ���+,-L �Y`�i Street �� City Zip .Distr.zct �._ :� Phone Home: � � ? " C� t 6 2 Work: "— � „; - � `- ; .,,? Committee(s), Boarr�[s), or Comrn.ission(s) in which gau are interested: , '' =:� � � . - - _ .��'+.s�r��x "k'�*' ; ,��,.��' �.•. r`�•,�'.. * f� ri.t 5 �rr,� :,r c_`t-� L"1 �L`^^M.''�t"�!c g'�' �; .. - �� .w^...�- r s. � .. e, � 4Rr .y s.PP � . . . . � t{ �"t , ' . •�' l "4' . .. r . . a'�r� t 'qj�CS� " � � � �r , � . � .:�r �,u �a,r,:�-,Ac�aTv � `'C.�"µ.��[� .._ . . . . r - . .. - -. � - � . -iA�k�.�a'�•�''+.��fi�'+-.� �''�:e.��r� �"� _ e ;�.; ,,p�+,u 4 � ''Coamnrnit� Service/Activities. (past and �r�sent): . �� Y �� �{�.� t ::...'. . : . ` 4.r i . .. ': ;_:,,. . . . . .� .;' �� . . : . . � _ ...�. . . . '� . � � , :' . ! _� /� . :. . . . y . . . ,^.d .. Q (�j . l �ti...Ati 4��f,y�„_l;n t�:r,(' C '� n rt'�r l/(/ �[�7� lT�'LF G `1-!�' l c T 1T-F�f�G �li.Gt�rt[6 I �d "!�-. � [ r� _ : � , -� .:. ;'. . _ . +::� xrY'�e '+s�"- _ 1 4 Y . -�^- . � � � /� . :..f.. �. " . . . . . . . . . - ��d4?.'i�:''X'N ^:.}'�Wa�: z r�/�..a. 1 v�'�-t/ � �G�in+ r„t e • [ ��r�_m,�, '.el.r (� r� ��N'f-rc� �„r.-; t�_a ��� A`1 Cl a _ �' � � � ;' >`�.�, _,�. ,, � . . . � :.�,��, �-'sr: � . , � . . �;. '�_ . . ... � . , :. ��. . .. �.., ;.. .... . ..,.�_.�" .:�, . . �� '. ..� ..: . , _ _ _..,, i '__. �. �.. �'•` . . . _ ' ._ -'':.' '. • . • i � .� � :�, � � ; . . ... . . . � � :_ .. F. . . . yt,� f�F�� : � � � , . ... 4'1 �5 1� }�` Y�M +�_ }�yl�' y!.�. y�� ,} � � ?' ;s. ��1 ��� :� l /r..�i�� f�'. �" �(.��° �1�L �, � �1.�1 C�.�,`�F� �..�1�L� 1 'e�?l3 sii��� � �- L . „ _ .. . . . .']�F. 3.•- _�4- t: fr. . '_. . _ . � �a.,: � � .. . .�, � � . . . . . � . r,x._.�.si^�rF.. . . . , ... . . . ,,w°.� . . . . . � . .a' . . � . . . . � . . . . . . < � ���-� , ,: -�: ' ,�. . . .�. . . ,. 'f.� �. Professional r�ctivities: ' - �-' � ~.rr � ��c..f Lr�L i f L> f�� ��.i.�_.l � l Cd r�G�L f�c-� I� �C ��`� \ ♦/L C(�t�, . . r77 ':7� � � `^ - ..` 'r.. . # � . . � � .., ' .. . � �Y. , _ �B, �G .; � (over}' -: _._.«..._,..n. _ .,. ..,�_ _� � _ ___._... --____ .�,_. ._...-.,.. ..._...... ._. ,�..�..._.: .,,�.�;�......__ _.. . ..�_ .._.�..____._. � . _ ,� --.; Civic/Professional Organization Memberships: _ �- �J r�, (�- �S � f �'�A ��-� r--�t �:� ;�s-r o r s � � � ��A- ._l`= n.-t--� f� � '� �. c ..�,'s ��:^�.J�. t Tf� < <-. n �� �'i-r� 1 �-vh�r t G� \-� f(��{ . `--, �r S.- .+0._=3�5��f� `_Q v.�n G� ( Reasons for your' interest ?n: this particuZar comAZittee(s): ' ' � . . - _.: _ :_ �,�..� , _ - - - - - — T� �_� c;_.-g � � !C� �f �-� �� �,r�c�-r , � �w�� .,�� �f"r /1 1 v1 h I`( n� In--• t 1 < t^ r r � r �r�N'� n�� r , Y. �• ... :- .f: .. .. . , � � � � � �.-): . � � � . � � rl'�� �.. . ... . ,.. ., • , � . • . . :. � � � i ���. .�_ . . . . . . � ,� � ..:: ..:�.� ' .S 1- .. � '.. . .. . . . . ... ' ":' _ . . �. .;' �.: ,.� . , �. : - .�- .: . . '. . . _ ... . :� . . . ..... , . . r.'� -_ . „_ . � � . .� . �.�� _. �-�. Are �ou currentZy serving on any other city committee? If so, which corrmu.��ee(s)j comrn.-'.ssion!s)/board(s): :>'., �r� L 3 �� . —�� _._.___.__�. � � _ . �- r��- ,, _. . , .� Ethnic groap (to ensure fair and equal representation): ��. `� � G S � ,.�._._, , ..,_ � ' �� Other pertinent information: �- ��. �� ,. 1 I �:� �l-o r �n, . S�,r„�y� �;;� . e �� • � �• Please �ist 3 rererences: Z J � r� �`�' /,�.�_ ,�-�o r`� (,; ��(,(1_`~-�7[`�ia c�3_ ._._ ._ 2� �t (-�c: �r�r ` F-��r h.-. i� `, � .3„_f� � 31 ���.v �� hn �t`r. 1��s ��,� �7 ' � � : .. _: ..: slao � . ` � �y��� OFFICE OF THE ctilAYOR 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5T02 . _:; 298-4323 - Application for , Membership for City Boards, 'Commissions and Committees �. .,. . - , _ . ,. ..� ;. , .. • _ ; _ Name Gladyce Senglaub � . ,.;: _ Address I181 EdQcumbe Road,� �1014 St. Paul, MN 55105 msey Countq ` Street City Zip -::District .` ,� �.�.: Phone go�: (612) 699-4132 ` Work: - ��`� "-,: ,.-,�„§',�' - �°�. Committee Es),: Board[s), or Cp�azssion(s) in which you are in�erested -�'�x.:;� � - �. _ �;��. r .._ ' ��a ,. ,: .y _�C�� ; Membership�"an�Relocatian Task�Force " � .� � 4.�R�4� � � Mu .F'E7�. ...ati '�'�y lvai�"�` . � i..E . � ! �". . � �. ��fi��.•ff'Y,`M"1.w.y� � ��' - � �. T� �, �� � .� � �,v 3-- ::. �: -�'�°wt��,>e y . ; ;. . ;�,, . � .:.�-. . � ��; � -�' � . � , i� .r � -�sr.�� i. � � + r� `_ �y � k,. '� t . . 5 Ns x� ie '`�"MP '9 � � .� �. ;�� ..�: ,�.. •,.�_. . . - ';5 . ' . ' X .. C '. Comm�u;it� Service/Activities •(past and present): � * .; � � - �- ' � � - . " , "s. � � _.> � ,�,'�,„. �-,�� �-� Member, Metrapolitan SeniorwFederation; Past Financial Secretary, active on transportatio health, insurance co�ittees, pre-retirement program, spealcers bureau Member, National Council of 'Senior' Citizens• �'.� :' - -� - =� ; ��� :� � ��` � . �� ,'::_..,..,F_ ..:„. . . . �. e, t,-.�, . . . ���' :.;;�13 .- , DFL dele�ate 'in District 64-B, 'Precinct 3; active in campaiQn to re-elect "` ''� ` , Rathleen Vellenga,,attended the Fxitz Blitz fiz. Siou� City, Iowa; _ {,�,4 � ° Active ,in,St�`iFau]'1�po�itics���or:�.many }rears. ,�,�: s"�� A..Fn��'�'��� ��'"� = Co-chair, Amer�icaa Cancer Society Fund Drive. with `Mrs. Murnane.` �r�'�w �`A � „r�. Member, Natidity Church's Council `of Catholic Women; - =°�;"�,,,�`�`��,�,��;�.� Past Menber;+.=_G.ufl.d of ,Catholic�FWomen. - . :'�����,�, �'�`k��'�``��,:r `� ., .. ,. ,. �. � .:.: a�. ._ : < �.. :'� x � :�- ;.- .. ; �... Member, Nativity.Church's choir; .. �` ` ` u Chair, Travel Committee. � �: _ .. :, � . _ _ �. , ,: ,. , .' _. F ,.- .,. _'.� - Professional Activities: . , �:�.. . _ -' ;;; . ":: � w=., Active as realtor in Twin Cities area since 1969; -� - `= �. ._ ,- : <. , ,„< ,:. �. _ . .� currently affiliated with Guertin Realty Corp., �Talley C�eek Mall, W�odbury, MN. .',i_`iL2.� � .,. _ .,, .., Yhone: (6I2}1739-0044 ` ' - . ' : , (over) ' � f Civic/Professional Organization ��1en13erships: Member, St. Paul Area Board of Real.tors . . Reasons for your interest in this particLlar corrmiittee(s): � � As a senior citizexi, I understand the needs and concerns of the senior population �_and can contribute important input into :the analysis oftissues and the development . - . ,,.. ,.;_� : _ . - ,: ,-_.._ . �. .,. � . 'of programs and -measures geared to meet their needs in the event of a t�uclear � f ` ,,, : .. �; .: . � ,; ,. .. . . , .._ catastrophe. i have a strong interest i.n city government and nuclear issues and . - ' ' particularly iu ensuring preparedness for such an eventuality. � - . _ _ - , . _ . - �: , .., _ � :. � - - _. : ; �> - - . � , - . .: _ : � _ - _ _ - . . � , , .. . .,.��� . r�.. .�:8 ' . . � ,: ,. _ . _ _ . . , � ,.-..�.1..... . ..".' '. •. -; .,._'_.i '-:.:=. _ ._.i� -. :_-°. -1_i��'.s�;�_. ._ • �_ . �. . _. : .r._-�.... ... Are you curre�tlr� serving o:� any other city corrtmittee? If so, r�hicn conaaittee(s)/ _ . coaun_zssion!s)/board(s)r . _ _ � �� . � _, ..- _ -_ ,. . . _ � . �„� . �� -: _ , . , , . .. . � l' �.. . . .. �.:.�_. ....$.4:.-. L ._. �. .�.�_,... .a. . ��. � . ,� �—�•�". _. Active committee member for the Metropolitan Senior=.�ederation;--curren�ly �serving ' on housing, health, insurance, trans�ortntioa cc�i4tees and_speakers bureau. . _ . _ . _ , , , .._ .. , . . .. . . :_..�- .. , Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representation) : -- - - - - -- --� - - Other pertinent information: My experience in propertv mana�ement for manv ,years and my residence in a hi�h-rise for the nast several=vearG wi11 a11�w mP o ' assist in developing nractical cost-effective measurec for deal;n w;rh rP�;�o„r.s _ . ._ . __ in multip_le dwe?l�r�� in the event of a n�cl -a a aGrro�� � � PZease Iis� 3 re�'erences: 1) 3im Zetner/Peter Wyckoff-Staff Director,, Metro. Seni�r �'ederr tion. Z� Kathleen Vellenga, State Representative. . 3� Gail Summers, Commission�r,. City of St. Paul ' - 5�80 . :� �s�-��� OFFICE �F THE MAYOR 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S�IQ2 298-4323 - ---• --- -- - - , . . .. �_.a J..��-- . .�._�._.� . -, �, �� ,�$4 �� � +.., Application for ' _ Membershi p for Ci t y .- - �, �. �-:;:�r Boards, Commissio.zs and Committees -- � � ' "" / � , � .� r' Name � 0 CI.YI�� 'ir'C�}'YI l� 2. CL K, — L,,° 1 C� Address ( � � � �J(,�.,�I.V�(�' �' � / d� `a� _ Street City Zzp District Phone Home: 7�— cf� gC� Work: ' � 7 � ���� 1► __ Committee(s), Board(s), or Commission(s) in whzch you are :nterested: ' � : _ , - , C�cs I� �E.�.o��d-Tio�r/ �_�t/�s cr�e �'o�rr�i �'T� - " ��.., , � ... , ; . - . :-- - _ .. . Corrmrcznity Service/Activities (past and present) : ,,. -��d.� �r�C'B�' r `Jl.� �. �S� , (�rrnm c ���c.� lU�rr�v � �� � � ,!ti e�TL�►'�/Y t�- �or',�� {�'Q C/�ll�Y :� �l � � .l GG2,r.ct �e!e!/<Sd crY! : : � °•---- . �nsw�-�'a�,, � �j� � f� d� � �� � _ . .._.. . . .f�` . . , . ih �level o �� `f�i- '.ec� ��m�se - �v �v�i,s�y`� ��/� , �c��- � s J'� ....�._. Professiona? Activities: _ � , . , „ 1 l� � 1 �h h! � ��� ��re. /� �I�h�� ��� - �/ ° � � :�/�,�� -----, .� . ��� �, �`� �/+.� ��5,� ��, Z� � l� . �.,�,,,,,,h a,rs F o � ,C.GI CEm � L �iin��s ��, � ��a-��,�.e �J� �° , ,� � � e� �� ���5' :� �Q,e���.� o.�,�° <e���°'� u�-`Q � . CS �� �-7�-� Y'2'1-r''� fover: , � �� -� ✓ YYl 2�t/ �4 GGGa-T�'" - .� Civic/�rofessional Organization Memberships: ���►`tPS� (�IQ//'" �� �! /T�S.S 0 C�CC.T��'2 0� ��I�.�-� �/`//S7'�PKS �.sf�- �,�,Cs �h�:o e�.s e.� `" . -Fa v�ev� � U C'2SQ�ri lL o�LG /SS/rrrj a c..�o Ci�f �P�/L'�o P !��'�rt,���� , -� �� lIlLc�.er�v ��e eZ� . -�� -�L � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s): � � � -la �rc� a� � ��'�� L`� a-� �t�e:�� . �"L"Y' �Ct v/ri C �',L°� ��. �� '� - I� � Y�tS'i c�� i� c�a�a ic� . . . , �� , Cc�t..� t{���� 1i�t ��i!�'f ____.___.._ r : __ '�—� a C Cc C- o-n �'�lG���' - o L n � �n�t .�cL�.���. �i-e r�6/.� o� �"� r�` �"� •� �. c�' � �ty�,J- - Are you currently se�ving on any other city comr.Littee? If so, which corr�raittee(s)/ coavnisszon(s)/board(s): no �es�t � -- Etnnic groap (to ensure fair. and equal .representation) : �Q1./ ����jyt Other pertinent infornration: �� �r./o�l �6 Y ' � t� � � �� c�rn ' t�e1�'� � �~ri c�r n e� c� �i��s � . Please Iist 3 referencesa 1}- , p���o `/aG�n � ���C�j _.._.�W_..._.......... 21 h.<�u�P�'�c e � -2 — '�2c'�a'Y•' e,� ° �oc/cc.,,f�IJ-�r1 e% �[.� �� 3� y{'�a.,Y � '�-°o�w/Pe - 1� ,�, � <5��� a� �� � �� . s�sQ � � ����� � �tT=o. GITY OF SAINT PAUL t4 '; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR O N � 1111 1�'u � e M� �v ,... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR T0: Council President Victor Tedesco and ��embers of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer DATE: June 12, 1984 RE: APPOINTMENTS TO THE C.P,ISIS RELC?CATION PLANNING TASK FORCE I am asking for your consideration and approval of the attached council resolution naming 15 nersons to serve on the ad hoc Crisis Relocation Planning Task Force. Applications are attached. Thank you. GL/lm attachment �46