00-1183� °� ���i��,�oL { Presented By 1 Refened io 1 2 3 COUNCILFILE# DO � ��� GREENSHEETf# 106618 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, IvIINNESOTA �, Committee:Date: Division of Parks and Recreation received addirional funds from Metropolitan Council in the amount of $247,842.8Q and 4 WHEREAS, these funds represent the first installments ofthe Fiscal year 2001 regional park 5 operations and maintenance grant financed with lottery in lieu of sales t� revenues appropriated in the 2000 6 I.egislative Session, and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WI-IEREAS, these funds aze to be used solely for regional pazk system operations and maintenance as defined Mimiesota Statute 473.351 Subd. 1(b}, and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a financing and spending plan for these addirional fiands to purchase equipment and supplies for use at the Como Campus, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.2 of the Charter of the Ciry of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $171,284 in excess of those estimated in the Z000 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the fotlowing additions be made to the 2000 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants Fund 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 3802 - Metropolitan Council SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants Fund 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0839 - Other Shop Equipment CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 945,074 171,284 1,116,358 945,074 171,284 1,116,358 2,808 158,284 161,092 6,680 2,000 5,680 0 11,000 11,000 9,488 171,284 180,�72 H:\Wp�99CR&AO Folder\OOMETROO$Mwb3.wb3 Page i 3��° �KirI1�1�L 00 _���a 38 39 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2000 40 budget. 41 42 Reques[ed by: Adopted by Council: Date: Q„� ,� a d dz, � Adoption CeRified by Council Secretary BY' � �i - � rv-_,� �,(���/ �� Approved by Mayor: Date: �l"yl�� �6� f � � � � � � . ������ ,�i,,. .,,�!/J//;'. ./-. f�� .!;:.. , ,, • ,. � �„ �! �-. , . - . - , � � � A.� 1._� . ��, !'� � Form Approved by City orney By� � i� V � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci� � By: H:1Wp\99CR&AO Foider\OOMETR40$Mwb3.wb3 Page 2 24PARTME.'+�7'lOFRtFJtOUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PBl$ON AND PHONE DATE INITATED 12-8-00 GREEN SHEET INITtALIDATE iN1T1ALIDATE Vic �ttgenstein, 266-6409 � 1 DEPAfiTMENT DIfiECTOR ��LIN COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEH F �GITV ATTOHNEY _CITY CIERK MUST 8E oN CAUNGL AGENDA BV (DATE1 RWi1NG pqpEp Z pNNNL1Al5EflVICESOIR. 6 OFS-ACCOUNTING ASAP 4 MwvoR ion asssrnr+n TOTALlOF$IGNATUREPAGES � (CIIPALCtOCAiqNSPDR&QM0.T11RE1 ACTION REUUESTED: Councii resolution approving additions to the financing and spending plans in the 2000 budget for activity 33193 - Regionai Park Maintenance for additionai iunds rece+ved from the Metropolitan Councii. RECOMMFNDAi10NS: App�ove IA) or Rqeec �p) _PIANNING COMM15S10N _CIVIL SERNCE COMMf5510N LIB COMMITTEE _ Q STAFf DISTRICT CDUNGL $UPPORTS NMICH COUNCit OBJECTNE� IMITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY IWtio, Whst, YMen, Whe�e, Why): retsoNa. satv�ce coNrracTS Musr auwa+n� wuow�xc ouFSnoru: 1. Has this persoNfirm evn wwkaf vde� s eonnsct fv tM tlepanment'+ VES NO 2, Hs ths peraoNfirm ever bean a ciny amployw� YES NO 3. Ooes tM1n perooNfitm 0�% a akitl not ewrmally possessM by eny currtnt aiy employmt YES NO Fspan ell yn emwero on aepveu aM1eet anC enech m p�een aheet Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation received additional funds from Metropolitan Council in the amount of 5247,842.80. These funds reAresents the first instaliment of the Fiscai year 2001 regional park operations and maintenance grant financed with lottery in fieu of sales tax revenues appropriaied in the 2000 Legislative Session. ADVAN7AGE61FAPPROYED: The Division of Parks and Recreation wili have the ability to purchase equipment and supplies for use at the Como Campus. �����; ���'��� ��.. Q OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: p � (� N �_ � c �Ga"¢ f5 C "�a /r NO. 106 9� 3 �'� }� � ' N �� � �� DEG 12 ��.� l The Division of Parks and Recreaiion will not be abJe to purchase Yhe needed equipment for Yhe Como Campus. TOTAI AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S ��I �I ZH4 FUNqN640UpCE Metr000titan Councii FINANCIAIINFORMATION: �EXPLAIM COST/REVENUEBUDGk�mIGRCLEONEI YES NO ACTIVITYNUMB6t 33193 H: )Wp100CRAOIGS106618o&mcampus. wpd � °� ���i��,�oL { Presented By 1 Refened io 1 2 3 COUNCILFILE# DO � ��� GREENSHEETf# 106618 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, IvIINNESOTA �, Committee:Date: Division of Parks and Recreation received addirional funds from Metropolitan Council in the amount of $247,842.8Q and 4 WHEREAS, these funds represent the first installments ofthe Fiscal year 2001 regional park 5 operations and maintenance grant financed with lottery in lieu of sales t� revenues appropriated in the 2000 6 I.egislative Session, and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WI-IEREAS, these funds aze to be used solely for regional pazk system operations and maintenance as defined Mimiesota Statute 473.351 Subd. 1(b}, and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a financing and spending plan for these addirional fiands to purchase equipment and supplies for use at the Como Campus, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.2 of the Charter of the Ciry of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $171,284 in excess of those estimated in the Z000 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the fotlowing additions be made to the 2000 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants Fund 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 3802 - Metropolitan Council SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants Fund 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0839 - Other Shop Equipment CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 945,074 171,284 1,116,358 945,074 171,284 1,116,358 2,808 158,284 161,092 6,680 2,000 5,680 0 11,000 11,000 9,488 171,284 180,�72 H:\Wp�99CR&AO Folder\OOMETROO$Mwb3.wb3 Page i 3��° �KirI1�1�L 00 _���a 38 39 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2000 40 budget. 41 42 Reques[ed by: Adopted by Council: Date: Q„� ,� a d dz, � Adoption CeRified by Council Secretary BY' � �i - � rv-_,� �,(���/ �� Approved by Mayor: Date: �l"yl�� �6� f � � � � � � . ������ ,�i,,. .,,�!/J//;'. ./-. f�� .!;:.. , ,, • ,. � �„ �! �-. , . - . - , � � � A.� 1._� . ��, !'� � Form Approved by City orney By� � i� V � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci� � By: H:1Wp\99CR&AO Foider\OOMETR40$Mwb3.wb3 Page 2 24PARTME.'+�7'lOFRtFJtOUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PBl$ON AND PHONE DATE INITATED 12-8-00 GREEN SHEET INITtALIDATE iN1T1ALIDATE Vic �ttgenstein, 266-6409 � 1 DEPAfiTMENT DIfiECTOR ��LIN COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEH F �GITV ATTOHNEY _CITY CIERK MUST 8E oN CAUNGL AGENDA BV (DATE1 RWi1NG pqpEp Z pNNNL1Al5EflVICESOIR. 6 OFS-ACCOUNTING ASAP 4 MwvoR ion asssrnr+n TOTALlOF$IGNATUREPAGES � (CIIPALCtOCAiqNSPDR&QM0.T11RE1 ACTION REUUESTED: Councii resolution approving additions to the financing and spending plans in the 2000 budget for activity 33193 - Regionai Park Maintenance for additionai iunds rece+ved from the Metropolitan Councii. RECOMMFNDAi10NS: App�ove IA) or Rqeec �p) _PIANNING COMM15S10N _CIVIL SERNCE COMMf5510N LIB COMMITTEE _ Q STAFf DISTRICT CDUNGL $UPPORTS NMICH COUNCit OBJECTNE� IMITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY IWtio, Whst, YMen, Whe�e, Why): retsoNa. satv�ce coNrracTS Musr auwa+n� wuow�xc ouFSnoru: 1. Has this persoNfirm evn wwkaf vde� s eonnsct fv tM tlepanment'+ VES NO 2, Hs ths peraoNfirm ever bean a ciny amployw� YES NO 3. Ooes tM1n perooNfitm 0�% a akitl not ewrmally possessM by eny currtnt aiy employmt YES NO Fspan ell yn emwero on aepveu aM1eet anC enech m p�een aheet Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation received additional funds from Metropolitan Council in the amount of 5247,842.80. These funds reAresents the first instaliment of the Fiscai year 2001 regional park operations and maintenance grant financed with lottery in fieu of sales tax revenues appropriaied in the 2000 Legislative Session. ADVAN7AGE61FAPPROYED: The Division of Parks and Recreation wili have the ability to purchase equipment and supplies for use at the Como Campus. �����; ���'��� ��.. Q OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: p � (� N �_ � c �Ga"¢ f5 C "�a /r NO. 106 9� 3 �'� }� � ' N �� � �� DEG 12 ��.� l The Division of Parks and Recreaiion will not be abJe to purchase Yhe needed equipment for Yhe Como Campus. TOTAI AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S ��I �I ZH4 FUNqN640UpCE Metr000titan Councii FINANCIAIINFORMATION: �EXPLAIM COST/REVENUEBUDGk�mIGRCLEONEI YES NO ACTIVITYNUMB6t 33193 H: )Wp100CRAOIGS106618o&mcampus. wpd � °� ���i��,�oL { Presented By 1 Refened io 1 2 3 COUNCILFILE# DO � ��� GREENSHEETf# 106618 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, IvIINNESOTA �, Committee:Date: Division of Parks and Recreation received addirional funds from Metropolitan Council in the amount of $247,842.8Q and 4 WHEREAS, these funds represent the first installments ofthe Fiscal year 2001 regional park 5 operations and maintenance grant financed with lottery in lieu of sales t� revenues appropriated in the 2000 6 I.egislative Session, and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WI-IEREAS, these funds aze to be used solely for regional pazk system operations and maintenance as defined Mimiesota Statute 473.351 Subd. 1(b}, and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a financing and spending plan for these addirional fiands to purchase equipment and supplies for use at the Como Campus, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.2 of the Charter of the Ciry of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $171,284 in excess of those estimated in the Z000 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the fotlowing additions be made to the 2000 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants Fund 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 3802 - Metropolitan Council SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants Fund 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0839 - Other Shop Equipment CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 945,074 171,284 1,116,358 945,074 171,284 1,116,358 2,808 158,284 161,092 6,680 2,000 5,680 0 11,000 11,000 9,488 171,284 180,�72 H:\Wp�99CR&AO Folder\OOMETROO$Mwb3.wb3 Page i 3��° �KirI1�1�L 00 _���a 38 39 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2000 40 budget. 41 42 Reques[ed by: Adopted by Council: Date: Q„� ,� a d dz, � Adoption CeRified by Council Secretary BY' � �i - � rv-_,� �,(���/ �� Approved by Mayor: Date: �l"yl�� �6� f � � � � � � . ������ ,�i,,. .,,�!/J//;'. ./-. f�� .!;:.. , ,, • ,. � �„ �! �-. , . - . - , � � � A.� 1._� . ��, !'� � Form Approved by City orney By� � i� V � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci� � By: H:1Wp\99CR&AO Foider\OOMETR40$Mwb3.wb3 Page 2 24PARTME.'+�7'lOFRtFJtOUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PBl$ON AND PHONE DATE INITATED 12-8-00 GREEN SHEET INITtALIDATE iN1T1ALIDATE Vic �ttgenstein, 266-6409 � 1 DEPAfiTMENT DIfiECTOR ��LIN COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEH F �GITV ATTOHNEY _CITY CIERK MUST 8E oN CAUNGL AGENDA BV (DATE1 RWi1NG pqpEp Z pNNNL1Al5EflVICESOIR. 6 OFS-ACCOUNTING ASAP 4 MwvoR ion asssrnr+n TOTALlOF$IGNATUREPAGES � (CIIPALCtOCAiqNSPDR&QM0.T11RE1 ACTION REUUESTED: Councii resolution approving additions to the financing and spending plans in the 2000 budget for activity 33193 - Regionai Park Maintenance for additionai iunds rece+ved from the Metropolitan Councii. RECOMMFNDAi10NS: App�ove IA) or Rqeec �p) _PIANNING COMM15S10N _CIVIL SERNCE COMMf5510N LIB COMMITTEE _ Q STAFf DISTRICT CDUNGL $UPPORTS NMICH COUNCit OBJECTNE� IMITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY IWtio, Whst, YMen, Whe�e, Why): retsoNa. satv�ce coNrracTS Musr auwa+n� wuow�xc ouFSnoru: 1. Has this persoNfirm evn wwkaf vde� s eonnsct fv tM tlepanment'+ VES NO 2, Hs ths peraoNfirm ever bean a ciny amployw� YES NO 3. Ooes tM1n perooNfitm 0�% a akitl not ewrmally possessM by eny currtnt aiy employmt YES NO Fspan ell yn emwero on aepveu aM1eet anC enech m p�een aheet Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation received additional funds from Metropolitan Council in the amount of 5247,842.80. These funds reAresents the first instaliment of the Fiscai year 2001 regional park operations and maintenance grant financed with lottery in fieu of sales tax revenues appropriaied in the 2000 Legislative Session. ADVAN7AGE61FAPPROYED: The Division of Parks and Recreation wili have the ability to purchase equipment and supplies for use at the Como Campus. �����; ���'��� ��.. Q OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: p � (� N �_ � c �Ga"¢ f5 C "�a /r NO. 106 9� 3 �'� }� � ' N �� � �� DEG 12 ��.� l The Division of Parks and Recreaiion will not be abJe to purchase Yhe needed equipment for Yhe Como Campus. TOTAI AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S ��I �I ZH4 FUNqN640UpCE Metr000titan Councii FINANCIAIINFORMATION: �EXPLAIM COST/REVENUEBUDGk�mIGRCLEONEI YES NO ACTIVITYNUMB6t 33193 H: )Wp100CRAOIGS106618o&mcampus. wpd