D001014White — City Clerk Pink — Finance Dept. Canary — Dept. Accounting Blue — Engineec Green — Contxaetor • No. o OC� ! 0 I U Date �'�� �-11- � CPfY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CAANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions whieh proved to be necessary to the Improvement described a$ ventilation o£ patient rooms and sta£f areas at the Public Health Center �own as Contract l�- 15 .(�S, Cicy Projeet No. 9446.00 , Environmental Systematics, Inc. , Contractce, is composed of the following: 1. Switch to smoke detectors in ductwork required by conditions encountered and codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 777.00 2. Conversion of one o£ seven reheat coils to an alternative control strategy to evaluate it's effectiveness at small room climate control as compared to the specified system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 417.00 • $1,194.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the speci�ications in the sum of $ 1,194.00 , Said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract I�- 15205 ,�d which amou� is to be financed from: r ' � D'ueetor of y- � � 19 96 _� 19 �T? 6 19 �� 19 Environmental Contractor By � i ad of DepattmenC ---c Administrative Assi to the Mayor L.I;E.P. - �000YOYy �13 �.a�.�u,�,� �8/23/96 GREEN SHEET N� ,.,..,n� n,e� 3 - iNmwwae ..�.wir�� narr,.. � ' �DEPAATMENTOIRE �CRYGOUNGL _ Chuck Ekstedt 26b-9092 nssicx Clp'ATTORNEY �c c�K NUYBERfOR �USi 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p��� BUOGEf DIHECTOfl A N. & MGT. SERVICES Op� MNVOR (OR ASSISTANn � T� i}�l i r H ea] TOTAL # OF S I GNAT URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) �CTION FiE�UE5TED: Signatures required £or Qiange Orcler #1 for the ventilation o£ patients and staff rooms at the Public Health Center: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE fAMMIS$ION _ CIB COMMRTEE _ A sr,uF _ _ OISTRICTCOUflT � SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE7 PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING !�UESTIONS: 1 Has this persoNfirm ever worked urWer a contract for mis tleparfinent? - YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever 6een a c'rty employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sltill not normally possessed by any curreM city amployee? VES NO Explain ail yea answers on eepprate s�eat and attach to green shaet INITIATINCa PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPfIRTUNITV (WM. What, When, Where. Why): 1. Smoke detectors were reauired to be placed in ducts for ventilation system. 2. Possible large swings in room temperature. q � , .,, ; 1 2 l. Return air ducts will not act as a delivery system for smoke in remote locations to the rest of the building occupants. 2. D?ore precise control of room temperatures. The proposecl control strategy may work better, but only one coil will be converte� so that it's effectiveness can be evaluated. ��one : Additional cost without clear benefit. � �,', , ; J SEP 0� 1998 ,r � €� �, ' �. 1. Smoke could fill the building before fans could be switched. 2. Unlmown. RECE!VEG� S�P 91996 �lTY CLERK AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 1�194".00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � YES � NO FUNDING SOUHCE C ' I ' B ' ACTIVITYNUMBER C95-3T026-0892-00000 FINANCipL 1NFOflMAT10N. (E%PLAIN) � I