84-845 . �?`O � :r CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE,,•�10. ' F I N A L O R D E R B �._���,�.�C", .,..'�.,�.... - Y - File No. �'11�67r a•11��� �'*�x��i+ S-��27�, �t-11171, :-US7s, f•1t173, a-11I74 In the Matter of �����"��t3o� aad�or r:co�nstractioa of •�dw�ll�r, +�u:a wae�ta�►r3, tbs toilo�ia�s � lrf�ty _ �sr� 2 S-11167 North side BAKER STREET from Charlton St. to Waseca Street and South side BAKF.R STREET at 228 Baker Street. 2 , . . . , t-�a-s t � 2 S-11169 Both sides CONGREcS STREET from Rober.t Street to Concord Street 2 S- . . _ , 1 e Da . , . 2 S-11171 Both sides HAI.L AVENUE from Annapolis Street to Wyomin� Street. 1 5-111.72 West side MACKUBIN STREET from F.dmund Avenue to south 139 feet. 2 S-11173 South side W, PAGE AVENUE from Dodd Road to west 240 feet. 2 S-1�.174 South side PLEASANT AVENUE from Chestnut Street to Walnut Street and West side CtiESTNUT STREET from Pleasant Aven�e to southeast 200 feet �The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement,�due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- I ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date JUN 1 fi �g$� Yea��A f, 1 Nays Certified Passed by Council Se � tary ��f�t��Qt" � ` �r�S�T1Z �In Favor ''���'""`� NlCQS`:� � ��h�`��f Against Ma or J�1L - 2 1984 Y fi��desco PUBLISNfD JUL '71984 Wilson � . . /,� ' ;� � ST PAUL CITY �� aU �1CiL �-�� � � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � SIDEVYAL� K CQNSTRUCTIQ (� � FILE N0. 5-11167 Dear Property Own'er: PACE � � ' . __ _ _. . --- �*' --'---- ,.:-� -.�_�t2_ - - - I � . 1 - . .,`, , � � �` '�� ����� . . , . . , , . , <� � ,�. � , . , � , � . .: , � , ; zi _ a � . � � � � \. � . ° ) - r , � • ^ i , i , , , .; _ , . . , _ , : . ,; ; . , ' . _ . , ° !' � � , , - � � � � �� � � , � .. ' i , �� � •!_. � � � �, � , - �: � � �Jt�ale�. 2y r =.].98� � �� � � � . �� . . .. . , . , , , . , . , , , , . , �:� . . _ : : . . . . � ;: , x r ", � i. , „ . � ' ; Ml., �♦ W�.I,��.� �OIIOM1f�, : � . � � ' . - , � � ' _ 1T81�L�,Od �r��xiA�'fc.! "� � ' ' , Rvciad �18, City Aa11 " _ N' . . �a: �.1�. 84-84►5; Ftt�.t ��le� !o� �tz��Cicnn a'nd��r reac�aCrucCf.+oa c�! ' , , - , � �idet►s].ks oi� psr�p1�as 'Iieti+md�cf •H�rka�.�'Ctr�Far�,, �r+�a�,,.Gooet�s, � , � � 8a1�.r 3�titr�tubia,_ �. :Page, i'�+�r�q►t aad t�t�t'Criu�"8t� (F�#��: 84*78S)`, : . - , . , , , . ..; � � � . . � _ i. .. ' n � D�� �Sirr � � � . , ,� , � � �-eb�ve*�ia�ler+wced-�a�tsched3� ra� �iap�ad. �+�; tlao Cit�► C�oua�il st 3.ts: Jun¢ 26,:'3,98���retCl,ng,�tith t�tis foll;�ag escaptios�e , , - ; , ;. � ,. . . , � � � , ,: � � � � Th��.��io�►�t•o�'�.���hs�8. �trd�'�o! �:wce�� ���r±� ���rc� ��tic�aey� � � � � �O;11�f !'stt 'EWfC o! .�ii.tldni $1C�lf+lt 1�i4 �t�C�.�14A�E 1�D' Chs i}�pra�Miltlt�'� `. .: r ,; �for'the S.. sida•:af if3oodhue $t�cut fro��.C.�.i.t�f 9��raC.to. D�ou�man " „: ' . St,re�st a�d 1 tr� .d�►sg�� p+m�tl at�•2�d9 iRv�flhr�����treia� "�ras. �aid " �` , , - , ; , cr�tar #o� 2 �n4ks td 3u�y lUy'�9$4r. . ,, , _ Ve�►. �xal��:yvu.zs, ` , . �� � l . , � � : • : . - . � � , ,, ` .; , , . � i • ' � , � ' , � r � A].�srt B. .4iran Ci�ty► C1e�k , , � �,; 1�s th :, � � , � � �� � � � ;, � � a�s� � flaz�i�y . ��'h�.. �►1��� �t�#,'�'abi�.c�iiq�cka � � , � ': - �; �� � � . �`' �I , , , . .. Y ,� , � , �. , � ; ; , , .. , , . ,.. ,, . _ - . . . , � , , ,. r. , � � � � ,. � ; i � r. ,, - . � � , ' ' � � ; ; ;. , : . ,,, . _ . ; , , . ,.;� � � ; �,� � � . ' � I � � , � � �., � �< . , „ . . , ; , , j �, . � ' �+ � �m i • � I ' j E � � . ' ' � - y:• • ', _ 'S . � . . . . , • .: . � , , ; -<, , . . . , , , ,� � � � 4�, ;��, , . . k� ��` y � _ . � `�� , �, '�..� � .. ,. � � . .� , , . . 1' r .�. � ' r � . . � . � . ` � � � . . � ._ - . . ..'_— . � . * . /. . . .. �. � . _ . y ., . � � � ST PAUL CITY � COUNCII� �� ��� . � PUBLIC HEARI � G NOTICE SIDEWAL� K CQNSTRUCTI4 � � ' FILE N0. 5-11168 � Dear Property Owner: ' PAGE � Planning Dis tric t �� 3 Voting Ward �62 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of aidewalks ; where necessary� at the folloWing location: P U R P 0 S E South side of CONCORD STREET from Stickney Street to 112 feet east of Winona Street. ' � AND _ , . LOCATION � � H E Q R � N G Tuesday, J�lne 26; 1984 at 10:00 a.m. City Council Chambers� 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or eny part thereof) � a portion of the costs will be assesaed (after construction.) I N F O R Nt A T 1 O N aRainst benefitted properties. The ESTIMATEA ASSESSMENTS for Chis project are as follows: ' RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) • � New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot *Please note that Residential rates are based on the consCruc- tion of a S-fooC wide sidewalk; all extra width aidewalks will be prarated accordingly. ' COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than. residential) 100'/. of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3. 60 per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb. . Withou integral c�rb the cost is estimated to be $2. 65 per square foot of walk constructed . Construction: 298-4255 Assessments; 298-5318 � QUESTtONS � Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions.on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June 8, 1984 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House ' , St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � . U��/ 'n��j�%� ST PAUL CITY� COUNCII. ` �= �y-��� � PUB � IC HEARING NOTICE � SIDEWAL� K CQ �ISTRUCTI � N � FILE N0. 5-11169 � near Property Owner: • - PAGE - Planning District ��3 Votin� Warc� 4k2 To consider the construction aad/or reconstruction of aidewalks , wh.ere necessary� at the following location: PURPOSE - � Both sides CONGRESS STREET ,from Robert Street to Concord . Street: t AND , LocaTioN � � H E Q R � N.G ' Tuesday, June 26, 1984 at 10:00 a.m. City C�uncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the� Couacil approves the orders (or any part thereof) , a portion of the costs will be assessed (after co�struction.) I N F �R M A T I O H against benefitted propertfes. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as �ollows: ' RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) • � New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot *Please note that Residential rates are based on the construc- tion of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks Will be prorated accordingly. ' � • COMMERCIAL rates (all property oCher than .residenCial) • 1�0'/. of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3. 60 per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb. Withou integral curb Che cost is estimated to be $2. 65 per square � foat of walk constructed . Construction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-5318 QUESTIONS � Also� City staff will be available to answer any last minute � questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10;00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. N�tice sent June 8, 1984 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House , ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � . S T P A U L C I T Y . C a U N C l �. �.�= ����": . PUBLI ,C � HEARI (� G NOTlCE � � SIDEWAL� K CQNSTRUCTICJf� � Dear Property Owner , FILE N0. S-11170 PAGE Voting Ward ��2 Planning Dis tric t ��9 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of aidewalks . where necessary, at the following location: P u R P o s E South side GOODHUE STREET from Cliff Street to Dousman . Street anc� 1 Tree Damaged Panel at 269 Goodhue Street. ANp , LocaTioN � � H E Q R � N G Tuesday, June 26, 1984 at 10;00 a.m. City C�uncil Chambers� 3rd Floor City Nall If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof) � a IN FOR MATIOIY �'ortion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) aRai�st benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: � RESTUENTIAL rates (STNGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) . � New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft ReplacemenC of old walk--$6.00* per front foot *Please note that Residential rates are based on the construc- �. tion of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks aill be prorated accordingly. � COMt�RCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 1�0'/. of actual cost estima�ed to be approximately $3. 60 per : square fooC of walk constructed with integral curb. Ni[hou integral curb the cost is estimated to be $2. 65 per square foot of walk constructed. Construction: 248-4255 Assessments; 298-5318 QUESTtONS . Also� City staff will be available to answer any last minu[e questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June $, 1984 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services ' " Room 218 City Hall - Court House � � St. Pau1� Minnesota 55102 / '�. � � � /�� .( � ' - �" -> � ST PAUL C1TY . COUNCl �. ����� � � PU6LIC HEARI � G NOTlCE SfDEWAL�K CQNSTRUCTi � (� � • FILE N0. S-11171 Dear Property Owner: � . . PAGE Planning District �� 3 Votin� Ward �62 To consider the construction $nd/or reconstruction of sidewalks . where necessary, aC the folloWing location: P U R P 0 S E Both sides NALL AVENUE from Annapolis Street to Wyoming Street � AND . LocaTio [v H E Q R i N G Tuesday, June 26, 1984, at 10:00 a.m. City C�uncil Chambers� 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof) � a 1 N F fl R M A T I �H �Rrtion of the cosCS w�ll be assessed (after construction) a ainst benefitted pro erties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are . as follows: � � � RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) • New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot *Please note that Resideatial rates are based on the construc- tio� of a S-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks will . be. prorated accordingly. , ' COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 1�0'/. of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3. 60 per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb. Withou integral curb the cost is estimated to be $2. 65 per square foot of walk constructed . Construction: 29$-4255 Assessments; 298-5318 Qu � s-r � oNs � � � Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:40 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June 8, 1984 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court Nouse ' � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 • �� � � / � S T P A U L C i T Y �C O.U N C I L �� �y-��� � PUBLIC HEAf� I � G NOTICE SIDEWALK CQNSTRUCTI � (� � � . � FILE N0. g-11172 Dear Property Owner: PAGE Votinp Ward ��1 Planning District #7 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks . where necessary, at the following location: P V R P � S E West side MACKUBIN STREET from Edmund Avenue to south 139 feet � AND � , �LocaTiorv . �"�E M R ( N \7 Tuesday, June 26, 1984, at 10:00 a.m. City Council Chambers� 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof) � a I N F O R Nt A T I O H �ortion of the costs will be assessed (after ronstruction) aRainst ben�efitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: � RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) • New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot , *Please note that Residential rates are based on the construc- tion of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width aidewalks will be prorated accordingly. ' COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of ectual cost estimated to be approximately $3. 60 per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb. Withou integral curb the cost is estimated to be $2. 65 per square foot of walk constructed . Construction: 298-4255 Assessments; 298-5318 QUESTlONS . . . � Also� City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in the City Counci.l Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. , N�tice sent June 8, 1984 , by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City.Hall - Court House ' St. Paul� Minnesota 55102 � ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL _� � . . � PUBLIC � HEAF�� II� G NOTlCE SIDEWAL�K CQ �ISTRUCTI4N � . Dear Property Owner: . FTLE N0. S-11173 PAGE . Planning District �3 Voting Ward �2 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of eidewalks . where necessary, at the folloWing location: • P V R P 0 5 E South side W. PAGE AVENUE from Dodd Road to west 240 feet. � AND . � . . , � oca-riorv � N E M R 1t� G Tuesday, June 26, 1984, at 10:00 a.m.- � City Council Chambers; 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or eny part thereof) , a 1 N F 0 R NI A T i O H nortion of the costs will be assessed (afeer conatruction.) . aRainst benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS . for this project are as follows: . � '. RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) • � New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot *Please note that Residential rates aze based on the construc- tion of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width aidewalks will be prorated accordingly. � � COMh�RCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 1�0'/. of actusl cost estimated to be approximately $3. 60 per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb. uithou , integral curb the cost is estimated to be $2. 65 per square foot of walk constructed. Construction: 298-4255 Assessments; 298-5318 Qu � sT � oNs � Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June 8, 1984 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House ' St. Paul� Minnesota 55102 � ST PA U L C ITY .CaUNClL �� � : � �� PU � LIC HEARI �1 � NOTICE SIDEWALK CQNSTRUCTIO (� � � FILE N0. � Dear Property Owner: • S-11174 � PAGE , Planning District #9 Voting 4Tard 4�2 � To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks . where necessary, at the following location: PURPOSE South side PLEASAI�TT' AVENUE from Chestnut Street to Wal�ut Street , � and A N D West side CHESTNUT STREET from Pleasant Avenue to southeast 200 feet. . L, OCATION . � . H E Q R � t� G . Tuesday, Tune 26; 1984, at 10:00 a.m. City Council Chembers� 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or any part [hereof) � a T portion of the costs will be� assesaed (after construction.) � N F V R � Q 1 � �� aRainsC benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS � for this project are as follows: � . RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) � • New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot *Please note that Residential rates are based on the construc- tion of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra aidth sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. � � COI�4�RCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100'/. of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3. 60 per square foot of walk constr�cted with integral curb. Withou integral curb the cost is estimated to be $2. 65 per squere � foot of walk constructed . Construction: 298-4255 Assessments; 298-5318 QUESTtONS � Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute � questions on Chis project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. N�tice sent June 8, 1984 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court Nouse ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �_ ��-d�� � �as�� , 3• • Cwecll F[le q� * �ieei�l=a In tbr �fer"��� �br eaeaasttvetim ot ridewalks;i(�aR�il�i. t6e totknrins. v:<� i' .a:, ,.':..:+ Yotio` a 3� •. ?'l.:s ;�.r::w Ward� � ;;�$;:.; ::-c r 8 511167 '' r�b' s�§iRS�t' � e'�` ,,�° . a auiea-so���ae coarco�n� c�.au��st w•��� �t�-� w�n.�. ; � �sr _.'� i s-tit�—Hoch.ia�i�Si�S'��� feom Robert 3t.to Concord$t. �;":;: „G; R 511176�!�e�$'�lE�T . t�mn C��'r�-ts::D?t!���'l�e �P�lat 889 Goodifue St:. 2 S111T1—Both sides F����f� ��et.W� ` a - J�F'�� P �` . i s-i�i�a—wea�ekn�T?�r��' 'rratt EdmunQ Ave.tq sa�it�i I�teek`. .,` c s',_. 2• St1173� ll,�Vli:I��►� trotlrbrd��wbf'�l1d'!€et "i;._e,.�< 2 &11174 — Sonth sib2'�PLE�i�981�'�f'�" AVENUE fmm Chesmut St to Walnut�. and Ne,�t std4 .��1'lrost Ple�san�1�Iv�::�_ •'Lstimaled �$+'w ���:(s�k��R±��o 3¢�. #�be�;��,c.��w!� �_ •P�l� !e.� rr tto�t raot.= ���dslntlrY dtt$X�.'��~,, �lt the";� n+�ee��Y .a.B-lbot..� . �e�i.BEr��+rt+�p[eti��i�e�ti�cs ir11l�e• _ /������ .� . • ..��,'1'fiS nc�;1p,.� a.��IYU�l�pii�ilF� ' . ���a,a `�i'�='R.°u` ! t . 1 i 16iR� of �Mw1�cost estim�f��tpi;i�c • �ii.M pu�ue taot at wiik .tr�"1Yl�fF'�I�iu u�ll�`'� Inte�'d cutb!he eoK isi�9i�i�i E� -b�tm►ot s�11is�Ala�iiltNJ�tai;:S Tfe�ounetiit 3eeG�lt� r�rodi�lt'.1'��l�1�4i1���41$:�YE. ��i�r�� ��.�..f'���y���, E:+�.Y r•F�c:s,�:i�,i.� �..:'�.:.,y�.,,1�;�"�..�?�ssq'�E^X_':'�a.�'. � "7_•�S:v���������^';.•7E.Sli ._ � �'�' tA�t/L!e�uau�eY e'O�t.tART�$A�� tor�t inJoreMtkA:' �_ a.'��' r�t ��$' '�na,� j� ���;��`�a`� �,39it�a� 1��'doe�i�.an.is: &s�t` , � _��, �,'�"!� �'ss18'�Bl�;t�e�ai'i�Ylt t� �ivde�"�''t�+e �t^�'Ma��` r pmvided bT!6e • P��r �iti�. , otI'"the impdwtmeut,��.��;�ttsiiferr.�i�w:: e�ted. ' �`„��;,, � F'�g�L�,�fF1�,&�1�Y,.Sa117Q !S-llt'�l,SY� ��,311., ,�'�}l, , a:A,�,°ril°d;b��!!�►iPN�+;;�.�lAl�k .. ���1 M±��1..� .�� ,.. _ 5 c .. _��Jic�l1},�, . _ �. � . .. . `.F'..:�� , .. .