00-1177ORIG{NAL Presented By Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # pp .. �,�� CrreenSheet# Ib6o00 n Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Mr. Hisham Al-Arabi, in zoning file No. 00-135-068, made application to 2 the Saint Paul Plazuung Commission (hereinafter the "Commission") for a non-conforming use 3 permit to operate a laundromat in a former machine shop at 962 Farest Street pursuant to the 4 provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 62.102(3)(3), the said property legally described as 5 contained in the zoning file noted above; and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, the Commission's Zoning Committee conducted a public hearing on August 3, 2000, after having provided notice to affected property owners and submitted a recommendation to the full Commission. The fixll Commission approved the non-confornung use pernut application, subject to the conditions noted in Commission Resolution No. 00-56 dated September 8, 2000, based upon the following findings and conclusions noted in the said Commission Resolution: The applicant, Hisham Al-Arabi, states that he bought the property on contract for deed on September 16, 1999. He intends to establish a self-service laundromat, with 10 washing machines, and 10 dryers. The applicant pzoposes business hours of 10 am. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. Mr. Al-Arabi indicates that there would be one caretaker at the building during business hours. 2. The previous nonconforming use, a maclune shop, is first pernnitted in the I-1 zoning district. The proposed nonconforming use, a laundromat, is first permitted in a more restrictive district, the B-1, Local Business District. 3. Section 62102(i)(3) of the zoning code states that the planning commission may allow a nonconforming use to change to a use permitted in the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, or a use permitted in a district that is more restrictive than the district in which the nonconfornung use is first allowed, if the commission makes the following findings: a. The proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the neighborhond than the e.zisting nonconforming use. This finding is met. The B-1 Local Business District, in which laundromats aze first permitted, is intended to permit "those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residenrial azeas", and as such, the proposed use is at least as appropriate to the neighborhood as is a machine shop which is first permitted in a less restrictive district. ORl�l�1�� oo_�,�� T raffic generated by the proposed use is similar to that generated by the 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 c . eristing nonconforming use. This fmding is met. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation data does not include information for laundromats or for any use sunilaz to laundromats. The Coin Laundry Institute shows a wide range of performance of 3 to 8 cycles per day per machine. With 10 machines, an average of 3.S loads per customer, and 2 trips per customer, the proposed laundromat would generate about 18 to 46 trips per day. Some customers may make more than two trips, but some of these trips are likely to be pedestrian rather than vehicle trips. Based on a letter from Jack Devlin, a former owner of the building, the previous nonconforming use generated about 32 to 36 vehicle trips per day. The trafFc generated bq the proposed use is also similaz to that generated by two single-family houses, which could be built on this site under its RT-1 zoning. ITE trip generation data shows two single-family detached houses would generate an average of 19 vehicle trips per day, and a range of 9 to 44 vehicle trips per day. An alternaxe standard for comparison is the parking required by the zoning code. Pazking required for a machine shop is one (1) space per 650 square feet, or 4.7 spaces for this building. Parking required for a laundromat is one space per three (3) washing machines or 33 spaces for the proposed laundromat. The applicant has provided a site plan showing a parking lot with seven (7) parking spaces, accessed from the alley. The applicant states that he anticipates the customers will come from the immediate area. The applicant states that there will be no vending machines to generate any delivery vehicles. The use will not be detrzmental to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, ar general welfare. This condition is met. A neighborhood laundromat provides a service to the immediate community. The ciTy's land use plan states that commercial activity embedded in neighborhoods is a feature of "good neighborhoods". 39 40 The zoning code requires that the parking lot be visually screened to a height of 4 41 feet 6 inches where the lot abuts residential as well as where it abuts the alley. 42 The site plan also shows the pazking lot being screened by fence to the west, north 43 and east, with a four foot wide landscaped sri along Case Avenue. 44 45 Neighborhood concerns expressed in the past about re-use of this property have 46 included trash and loitering. If there are no vending machines, the proposed 47 laundromat should not be a significant source of neighborhood litter. A dumpster, 48 screened from view, is provided in parking lot, as shown on the site plan. The 49 applicant does not intend to locate a pay phone on the exterior of the building, 50 which had been expressed as a neighborhood loitering concern in the past. Page 2 of 4 �°'��iL� '"�he use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This finding is met. The city's land use plan promotes a mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1). 10 11 12 13 14 15 00 '�� l I WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paui Legislative Code § 64.206, Mr. Hazold Hilsgen duly filed an appeal from the detennination made by the Planning Commission and requested a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code § 64.206 - 64208 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on October 25, 2000, where all interested parties were given an oppoihuiity to be heard; and 16 WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the 17 application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and 18 of the Planning Commission does hereby; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RESOLVE, to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter based upon the following findings: The Councii finds that the Planning Commission made the following errors in this matter: (1) The testimony shows that the traffic generated by the proposed use will be more intense that the traffic generated by the machine shop. Traffic levels from the new use will not be similar to the traffic levels of the old use ; and (2) The increase in traffic from the proposed non-conforming use will be deh to the existing chazacter of development in the immediate neighborhood or will endanger public health, safety or general welfare; Page 3 of 4 1�� 3�'` I� � o o--��1'1 ,���, 2 AND � IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the reasons stated above, the appeal of 3 Harold Hilsgen is hereby 9ranted; 4 S AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this 6 resolution to Mr. Hilsgen, Mr. Al-Arabi, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning 7 Commission. ORIGINAL Requested by Depaztment o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��(NN�W f2'�2�OU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � 3- I� � By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: -�.�� ���`� k r �� \ Adopted by Council: Date �s�, ao r'v�pory DEPARTIvIENT OF PLANNIlVG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 4, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Ciry Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pqul, MN55702 ao - l�n? S9 Telephorze: 651-266-6626 Facsimile: 657-228-3341 I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 25, 2000, for the following appeal of a Planniug Commission decision approving a • nonconforming use permit. Appellant: HILSGEN, ET AL. File Number: #00-145149 Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision granting a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. Address: 962 Forest Street Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: Stevens Reazrangement Lots 13 ttuu 18, Block 4, Lot 7 Planning Commission approval; vote 11-3, September 8, 2000 Zoning Committee: sent to Planning Commission without recommendation My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the September 18 agenda of the City Council and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ��--����� Patricia 7ames City Planner cc: FIle1{00-145149 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Wendy Lane, LIEP ,.... �'.>��f7L`�a,.RUN�.�s:.....lr'[Ta. . � ;PIOTIGL:(�F:ROHLIC �.Y6;' __ � Tfte ,Saint Pavl Clty� Countlt � con- duct a pubHc heazing ^on� VJt�:ac�ay, Oetober 26:�2009;-at 5:3Q p.m. � Yhe`City Cmmc3t Cham'iSers; 1Y+frd F1oor Clty-'Hall' 4ourtho�ise, 15�West:&ellogg Bo»tevatd; Sahit Paiil. 1�frl, 'to con'sider the a�pDral of Dated:OctoberlD • _ _ NANCYANDERSON ' tlssistanF-City Cotxrici; Secretary " ' , � -;- . : � . : .-. � . IRct'opex 1z) �> "" . _ . ., � S,'E PAl1Ir �B'B�S�k`L:I�Li��-- d207$49@� ' . ' ' � Octobex 16, 2000 From: Andrew Decker 945 Jenks Ave. St. Pau[, MN 55106 651-771-3798 �� � _ ����� � �� O�� � � ��: �� �' ,r.., Z �� ,.� � _�"f To: Ms. Patricia James, Zoning Staff, PE17 City of St. Paul, Dept. of Planning & Economic Dev. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102-1634 Re: Zoning File #00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat at 962 Forest St. Dear Ms James, o0-�\'1`1 I am writing in regard to the proposed laundromat at 962 Forest St. I am a long time resident of the East Side, living only one block from the intersection of Case and Forest and I am quite concerned about adding another non-residential facility to our neighborhood. The level of noise and litter in this area is already overwhelming, and adding another business to the axea will only create more of the same. 7?rug dealing, loitering and assaults have been a problem in this area for years (including the murder of "The Gan 1VIan" Wes Morrison). Adding anather place to loiter is not the answer to cieaning up a crime ridden area. There are already at Ieast two other laundromats in the area (on Arcade Street, two bloeks away) so it is not as if there are no other laundry facilities in the area. Traffic and parking have been a problem at this intersection for years. Cars routinely shoot through the four way stop signs, resulting in a number of near-fatal colTisions. The St. Paul Police Dept. has recieved many calls in the past regarding this intersection, and these will only increase with the addition of more retaiI business. The machine shop which was formerly located at 962 Forest was unobtrusive, with Iittle traffic coming or going. Zt was not open evenings or weekends and created no problems for tl�e neighborhood. Retail tratTic, on the other hand, wiIl increase with the adclition of a Iaundromat to the area, bringing in unwanted noise, litter,loitering, traffic and crime. I have lived on the East Side for 10 years and have spent money, time and energy trying to improve my home and neighbarhood for myself, my family and my neighbors. We who have worked so hard to improve our neighborhood do not want to see aIl of this hard work go down the drain, so to speak, by allowing more retail businesses to creep into our neighborhood when there is already a viable retail business strip operating only two b3ocks away on Arcade St. Please do not allow the East Side to continue on its downward slide. Please keep our residentiai streets residential. Sincereley yours, ��� �� � -- -V� - - �� , _ � M J ��c,. , `�. - ,..�, � �� �� ° �. �` � /_�X N� O �o-���11 � � ��"��� --- 9��- .��'�'- -- - — � ' - ���-- �/ �SSil�� ���-, - - ���/� ���- �s��� -- !. 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October � 20�J0 --- dc' -- -� ---- dc - -- �- -� Your Name ��WfrF,�� ( e Your Address C��(� �p��Sq Your Phone Number(���� — 774 _-7�� � (Mail no later than October 20th) '- � �a ; � !° �';y-;'C.,. i' � ` _ `, ;;_���� - r .... , . - . z ;i- � ' . �`' .,.-__. €_.�� _ Ms. Patricia James, Zoning Staff, PED, Cii of St. Pnul Dept. of Planning and Econ. Devel. 1400 City Hnll Annex 25 West Fourth Streefi Saint Pnul, MN 55102-1634 pi T �- S 2000 ' Regarding: Zoning Fife # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromafi afi 9b2 Forest Street Denr Ms. Jnmes: I believe a chnnge of zoning at 962 Forest Street fio allow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residential neighborhood because:�2� r n�� �r��n�- -}�,�.�-�t,� � (,��i '1P !.U'�fa'e it'� � t,c�l �/ A�f feei obout the problems in our �l,c.� � " �i-� � ��G2/7 �r' C �,'//�js � .��I t`� �� .�� Sincereiy, U � � Your signature ��� �'l�U� ��Ved he�� 2�- tacavs t Wc��-chPd -�� d�Gi�?�e o-�.: ov-r h-e,�'�hb::� hovd— -a- �� d �JE t,vc�n� c� �A� ��c� -� �` 1�.��= V�-Y i i �,t (l C��- `�-�'jC °`�.- " �n�' '' Kr.l1 �YS r� F� ou��+a he� � > � � , � �,�� a � � � r �� r � ( � /{/ �j�� � ' � / // � //� � / �� / � r � � � i � \ / „ r�:_� i F � / / / � � � �� �^ % ��..:'' / Your Nnme �'�� ��e S 7`�e i n ca�,- Your Address Q` 7 �'�-°° Your Phone Number7 `�'-�-io 93 Oa-���*t October �, 2QOQ {Marino later than October 2QTh} Ms. Patricin Jnmes, Zoning Staff, PED, �,�`°. �° r j City of St. Pnul bept. of Pinnning and Econ. Devel. �' '?� �� `� ��' �`� � 1400 Cifiy Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street OCT.l ° 2�00 Saint Pctul, MN 55102-1634 Regarding: Denr Ms. James: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Lnundromat nt 962 Forest Street I bel+eve n change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to nllow retail firaffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residential neighborhood because: Gt�.¢_ J� ,( ,� aS /�..-., �,�.' Q,,.�._�_.rJ ct- _ �� a � ��-a-, u.. n ,�J�S-<_t�.Q �.�c ��.,� �, U ��� (te// the City how you fee/ obout the prob/e s at Forest & Cose m our resid�l neighborhoodj �/� � ! `�LJ —? �—�a.._� �� ir. ., . a� v1 ., d../-�— �---n i r _. _ �. Sincerely y�� Q p � 1 Your signature �� �"�"`���`� r .� ........y ..� _ _ _ T � � _ ��, � � � o � � �-� � � � � . �.� �"' __. _ __.' -_` Your Nnme�pYa? S�'�,h.�- Your Address q� 7� a^ �- Your Phone Number � 7��0 93 October j. � 2000 Ms. Pntricia Jomes, Zoning 5'taff, PED, City of St. Paul Dept. of Planning and Econ. �evel. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourih Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1634 Regording: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Dear Ms. Jc+mes: (Maii no late,r�tha � CJ�o�e�, �, � ��- '' , r`� � �+, � �`,�-�. _ � � , _ � � �. �eT 1 � 2D00 Proposed Laundromnt at 962 Farest Street I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to allow retnil trnffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residen#ial neighborhood �� f.IQ�6aus�� o�-.e.. .�'_'_ �i1 = - -�� i ° �'c/a�v�� c�t.�-v�y,c�_ I�J � � a�..0 .�„„ (te/l f�e City how you fee/ about the prob/ems at Forest & Case in our residential neighbo�hoodJ Sincerely, ����-� Sz � s�.— Your signature 6a—�l�`1 October 17, 2000 Joan Decker 945 Jenks Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 (651) 771-3798 To: Ms Patricia James Zoning Staff, PED City of St. Paul, Dept of Planning and Econ. Dev 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102- 1634 6a��� i �� � ., 1 s��-_� � k; �a, x, OCT j � _-� �.�° ., 20p0 Re: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat at 962 Forest ST. Dear Ms 7ames, I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to allow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be delrimental to our residential neighborhood. Public police records will show the number of cails already received for this area due to loitering, loud music, loud tr�c, and gang related activity. The high profile snurder case of Wes Morrison, a dear neighbor of ours, also reflects the concerns the Forest / Case area already has to contend with. Bringing in a"retail" business such as a Laundromat would only compound the potential for loitering, loud noise, and traff'ic problems. The need for parking for this business can not be addressed at the 962 Forest site. As my five year old daughter and I go for walks in our neighborhood, I feel our safety would be greatly jeopardized with a corner business which would bring in people who are not from the immediate neighborhood. The safety and well being of church goers to the area should not be compromised due to a some one, not from the area, wishing to make money. Please feel free to contact me, at the above number, for any other comments or questions you may have. The neighborhood needs vibrant, family orientated businesses, not ones where the safety of the neighborhood is at risk. Sin erely, //�� � , ad4 n llecke�� ij ' _,�, :;°° � :' r , _ . ��.. _ - f�i_� . �' _'_:_ - � � � 1 � zooc �.�- 2-Is.�� ��, - �7�� , a o _ � .� _ � O „ f/�--U� j�- � nc �: eo _ll`-tZ t � �� , N �c,�.-o.� -�- f ��.�--c%�_.a„��%- -� l � =-- - ..fil.�.�r✓.-�C�C_t�d__��O/_�_,.L�!�-2_{/�/� p� � J-'E � -f - G��:�! __7�t,t:P./_�. _ .-- -�.iw^' .N.✓.iLVnd6�Ki�n.--Fi✓� -- �. .. ._.-•�- � �/ �J� �l.�i_ _ _ _. �� ���.� .�f//v.i..��C✓wCX-..F/�C! �.¢' � ����--'c�-o.��.-�- � ,;2�vc����_�%�� �'--�v��/'Yvt��tN _%1.�i,.�Pia------_�irc-U- �,� �-�,��. �,�w.,- ,.�-���, eg�"��c.��_ .� � � �-� _� .,ai,-�-?-C�--a<:i°�.-�_ _. -�-f-'�-G.�`.�.v--�. / � j � ' J� � ,�/� � .��iW'���" _�_�/ � ��✓J./j/j.''?L'l _C��". -t,.."2��� J/ �� ii J� Gtrr JG-�?rr-O, �, / .��.2.ci��..� ��2 .:{- �� c�..�.n.�r�r�� - .�.,z. �,��2,.-��-�-�I � , •-� �%.�r��� �� �„-�,�-�:�.,, p'.r•T1C��--r.�- � r J 7 �.?�l�u.� � � ' ----� i2 L" � Gi�r / v _-.- % ''L'�-,fJ_�'S/L-u-�? J ' � .�- �-- ✓Cj�n��^-.�� �i�''F-'_t..�t.. ' Cz�_ �--7-..e.. G, l _..�� _ �,�.�.,..�%(�� �,.•z-t.,r vL _�=-� � s�v����%Y�v,...c ..--aiL�--��-� � �y � t�/� .�� c .�,�.� ��.,,,e .�.�,..,� ��.�'�..Ve �-(��- ¢ �,� .�.-tio-�-�.-�� � � ' � j ° � GZ" Gz -'/,L.�--�'t'G-�' �.'�^" / ��� -4y����„ /�p p � �t�"+- U'�� ./J^�2`r'»�-f'�-��-i� � cu,r� /.�-�� �..c�� %� Oo- �l'1`l �/��.��:..�/�-.-� � �� �� �.� � _ _ � . D, . .� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNIlVG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director � CTTY OF SAII�T PAUL Norm Colerrsan, Mayor October 4, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-145149 City Council Hearing: 25 Wes! Fourth Street Sain� Pau1, MN 55702 a� _���� Telephane: 65I-266-6626 Facsim ile: 65I -228-33d! HILSGEN, ET AL. October 25, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider the appeai of Hilsgen, et al. to a Planning Commission decision granting a Nonconforming Use Permit to Hisham Al-Arabi to change from a machine shop to a � laundromat. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATTON: APPROVAL vote: 11-3 ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Sent to Planning Commission without recommendation • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions SUPPORT: Applicant OPPOSITION: 2 people testified, one letter received Dear Ms. Anderson: Hisham AI-Arabi submitted a request for a Nonconforming t3se Permit for property at 962 Forest Street, to permit a change from a machine shop to a laundromat. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application on August 3, 2000. Staff presented a report recommending approval with conditions. The property owner/applicant spoke in support. Two people spoke in opposition, and a letter in opposition was received. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted to lay the application over for more information on traffic generated by laundromats. On September 7, 2000, the Zoning Committee again considered this application. Recoaunendations for denial and approval of the Nonconforming Use Permit both failed on a tie vote. The Zoning Committee voted to send the application to the Planning Commission without recommendation. The Planning Commission, on September 8, 2000, approved the Nonconfornung Use Permit application on a vote of il-3. The Commission attached six conditions to the approval. Tfiis appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 25, 2000. Please call me at 266-6639 if there are any questions or if a member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site for the public hearing. S� rely, ��' . Patricia James City Planner Attachments cc: File #00-145149 City Councilmembers � � � : • ao -l1`i`Z APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departnzent of Planning and Ecoxomic Dwelopmenf Zoning Section II00 Cify Ha11 Annex 25 Yl'esl Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPELLANT e Address ��e ��Stof Rpp,�!l4nts q7�f City Sr Pau 1 St.M/�Zip SS/�EDaytime phone 6�� 38y 6: �y PROPERTY Zoning File Name H i s h a rn /� �~ /-� r 4 6 i � l4„rcQ�� •K4i � LOCATION l �r-'S / O E AddresslLocation gEoZ r=o �°es� Str��1'� Sr. Pa� Zon;H,q F;1� Jilo,. � 00- /3S - 0 68 � • TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is herek�� made fer �n aep�al t� 4he: �� Soard of Zoning Appeals �City Council � a under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 6 �, Paragrapha of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by the PI a n n;� y Ce� vn r., ; Ss i a �� -- �—c 011 •.SPf7"�a 8� .� 00p � (date of decision) >�_ ,, s� l%sto �(7��tcl�e File number: l> U—%3.S — 0 6 8 � . . �JppeQ o� PleehniH� Cov+�wriS'sio•�s yrvNf o /� / �1 /� /IlOncovl'ro�•r� i n�c uSC'. Pc�r.�h i� �D cYice nqe 7'rorn J a ma�l�:ne shoP fv a �uu�d��orvt�t�; See S�kfe,Men o� Hppea�� a7�7�a��e� GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain wfiy you feei there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or fiinding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. Attach additiona/ sheet if ApplicanYssignatu �isf' o-FAPp a�� 4 H fs aNO� `�� °�'�NPeae Wifh SiGVea'f'urPS� qf/"ac�teq. J 9 a �� City agent Saint PauZ City Cauncil Application For Appeal Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Ha11 Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 555102 Tel: (651) 266-6589 In Re City of Saint Paul Planning Commission resolution file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street, St. Paul, MN 55106, zoning file number 00-135-068, submitted by Hisham A1-Arabi, 8787 Alamo Circle, Blaine, MN 55449. List of Ap�ellants Harold and Rose Hilsgen 951 Case Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-774-8834 Leonard Troska 882 Cook Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-772-2697 Richard Batdorf P.O. Box 65224 St. Paul, MN 55165-0224 Te1: 612-384-6329 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church 956 Forest Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Church: 651-771-5614 Pastor's Office: 651-644-4383 Statement Of ADneal . � The City of Saint Paul Planning Commission passed resolution • file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to OFFICE OF TFIE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, City Attorney 00 +��' `{ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor CiviiDivision 400 City Hall IS WestKelloggBlvd. Saint P¢ul, Minnesot¢ 55102 Telephone: 651166-8770 Facsimile: 65l 298-5619 December 14, 2000 Nancy Anderson Council Secretary 310 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Appeal of Hilsgen et a1. City Council Action Date: October 25, 2000 Deaz Nancy: Hand Delivered Enclosed please find a signed Resolution memorializing the Council's decision of October 25, 2000, in the above-entitled matter. It would be appreciated if this matter could be piaced on next week's agenda, or the earliest agenda thereafter. If you haue any questions, please don't hesitaCe to contact me. Very truly yours, ,k� /LIR.�CJ Peter W. Warner /�� Assistant City Attorney PW W1rmb Enclosure 0 0 -{,�^1 GREEN SHEET RACT PER5�7 � Ri� Peter Warner 266-8710 iT BE ON COUNCR AGFN�A December 20, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �: :��.;� -� .-� ; ;, No 10�000 �,.�� FOR ❑ qn�nolUEY ❑ a�Yaiuc _ � nuwcwmxccsoa ❑ �x,rew.miw�eerc ❑ r�va�p�uasr�xn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council on October 25, 2000, granting the appeal of Hilsgen, et al. to a decision of the Planning Commission granting a non-confornung use pernut to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street._ _ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has tl� persa�Nm averxro,ked untler a contract for fhie depertmeM? YES Nq Fles tlxs PreauTrm ever bem a cAY emabvee7 YE3 NO Daec Nie PerwMrm P�secs a eidll rwt normellYP� M' a�Y WrteM city employee? VES NO la this pneoNfirm a tarpa[etl vendoYt YES T� a� atlach W s SOURCE COST/REVEHUE BYD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) ITSil�li�a:t�'.��-1dc7 1"i ��:I•i (��M p _ �trl 1 • � Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 2 a laundromat at 962 Forest Street submitted by Hisham Al- Arabi, zoning file #00-135-068, attached hereto as a part hereof. The neighbors/appellants listed above hereby appeal this decision of the Planning Commission based on the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 64, Paragraph 206(a) of the Zoning Code. We request review by the City.Council, including a duly noticed public hearing. 1. The Planning Commission erred in its procedure for calculating the traffic generated by the existing nonconforming use, and by the proposed use, (Section 62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code), for the following reasons: a. After public comment was closed at the level of the Planning Committee, a controversial letter from the Contract For Deed vendor of the property was extracted from a previous permit review and re-introduced in the instant permit review by a newly assigned City zoning staff inember. First, the controversial letter was not part of the instant permit review during the public comment period, thereby unfairly denying neighbors an opportunity to refute its veracity. Second, the letter when presented at a previous permit hearing had been disputed by the testimonies of neighbors, but none of their contradicting testimony was introduced with the letter, thereby unfairly biasing the process in the instant permit review against neiqhbors who objected to the permit. (The veracity of the letter also is refuted by the letters and petitions referenced in paragraph 3, below.) Both the staff report and the Planning Commission's findings relied on the controversial . letter, without balance of the refuting testimony £rom neighbors, which reliance erroneously skewed the calculation of traffic in favor of granting the permit (Sec.62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code). Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 3 b. Its finding was not based on the trafPic of this particular quiet neighborhood machine shop ("existing nonconforming use"), but rather was based on a procedure of hypothetical guesses about machine shops in general, including machine shops first permitted in I-1 zonzng districts, which is not the case in this RT-1 zoning district. (See . tape recorded discussion of Planning Commission meeting on September 8, 2000). Section 62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code calls for the traffic similarity test to be based on an ana2ysis of the "existing nonconforming use" rather than on the hypothetical analysis used by the Commission. A calculation of the actual existing nonconforming use would have shown that the proposed new use creates dis-similar traffic and thus would have been grounds for denying the permit. 2. The Planning Commission erred in its finding that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare (Section 62.102(i)(3)(c) of the zoning code) for the following reasons: �] It failed to consider the detrimental quality and measure of creating new retail traffic in a residential neighborhood for evening hours open to the public and weekend hours open to the public, both of which are dis-similar to the prior use, detrimental to the residential character of the neighborhood, and grounds for denying the permit. b. It failed to consider the non-retail character of the previous quiet machine shop in comparison to the retail character of the proposed laundromat use, and the detrimental impact of that change in character of use on this specific neighborhood in a one-block radius of this specific intersection, where several years of problems include drug dealing, detrimental traffic, violence, and the recent, brutal, street-gang murder of a kind, elderly neighbor. � � • b o - \\R'� • L .J Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 4 3. Attached hereto as a part hereof are letters and petitions signed by neighbors, supporting various issues set forth in this Statement of Appeal. 4. This change of nonconforming use invokes the four- pronged test of City Code Sec. 62.102(i)(3) a, b, c and d(conjunctive emphasis added). Failure to meet all four prongs disqualifies the nonconforming use and the permit may not lawfully be granted. Consequently, upon review o£ this Appeal, if the City Council decides that because of an erroneous finding or procedure by the Commission, either the prong 62.102(i)(3)b {similar traffic} or the prong 62.102(i)(3)c {not detrimental ... or endanger ... safety...} is not met, then the resolution should be overturned and the permit should be denied. 5. We respectfully request that the St. Paul City Council: a. Hold a public comment hearing for neighbors to testify regarding the errors of findings and procedure set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2, above, b. Overturn the Planning Commission's resolution file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street submitted by Hisham Al-Arabi, zoning file #00-135-068, and c. Deny the permit. • Respectfully submitted on September 28, 2000 by Appellants: � � � ���� ,� Harold Hilsgen �.��.- ` �'�. Leonard Troska �����`-�Q� Richard Batdorf �'� �1.�;e �� Rose Hilsgen� � Holy Trinity Orthodox Church BY: �k�m��o(�C��-�.d- z ts : { �a,�r� '� �u vtc; i �m �t c�e.u,t O � � � V H Z J H Z W Q v J �..�.� � � � � � � H Q � H W � � � r� N O � li7 z � 7 a } � 6 � 6 _ } v m � N M � 0 0 � � N v .� d i d � � 6 > O � d � N z a d � U � � V } V E O L t � 0 m m N .� 6 � � . 3 .� N � � , Q O1 h Q � � � 0 d � L } � t � � L � � � � � � � 0 z L 7 � v 0 O S L O � S � .� � 6 +_ � N � .� N L z � 0 w 0 � � O rn � .� O N u � � c z t .� d L Q N Y d � 07 d 0 .o =0 N i N � E } � � � i d � � .� N �F- � � O "� � � � f � � O } v N � O } N C } N � H z ii N � O� L � � O � O � � Q 6 C3 � V U } �� �^ 6 y" L- 6 � }• � fl. — " Ef � � L Y y 7 O� � N � � 3 � L � j O O d � O � � u -3 > o � o y o � 6 � L y.: } t3 .fl O � t � � d � Ol a. � U � � � 6 � � � � NS 07 61 �n � 6 } � L � } S L � V 6 O ° d � o '���� } � O } a � T L � V .6 = � � � � � N p� �' "O d d v � � � �� � N _ '� � � O 6 � '^ 3 d i � L 4- T� . 04- U 6 �} d 6 � — } L } } i-- Y- y L' �- d a� C7 L d � �� +' � m o � o� U � y � 3 � L �� �� } � rn � N � � � � 7 � � U � } � � � L } � d i � � � N 3 � .� > N N y 7 U � � � N y S � � � t } 7 �-p = y N c z ��j m• d 7 � � } � y °� � cn s.. .v . 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Bostrom Re: We object to the proposed retail laundromat at 962 Forest Street � i Dear Mr. i�ostrom: We have lived for 47 years at 95 east of the building at 962 Fore proposed. We understand from th the proposed laundromat would ha street access, and only an alley from our bedroom windows and the 00 -. ���1 Case Avenue located immediat.ely t Street where the laundromat is site plan drawing, attached, that e a seven-car parking lot with no entrance that would be twenty feet front door of our home. This proposed zoning to create retail traffic will substantial lower the value of our home by turning the alley into a noisy business entrance. We have been retired for several years and cannot afford to see the value of our home taken from us to change our neighborhood £rom residential to retail zoning use. ' The machine shop that was in the 962 Forest Street building had the quiet traffic of a couple employees during weekday hours. Living next door, we did no see evening traffic nor weekend traffic at the machine shop, except for only a handful of occasional visits per year by the owners. This is a residential neighborhood and should stay that way. No retail. We have a washer and dryer and we would not walk next door to use a laundromat. 5o the retail traffic would come from outside our neighborhood, making an even greater traffic problem. You may call us at 651-774-8834. Cordially, , ,,�����-��'�.� ,�=�-� � �.� Harold Hilsgen ' Rose xilsge i Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 882 Cook Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-772-2697 Septencber 10, 2000 Ward 6 Councilmember Daniel B. Bostrom Room 320-B City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Troska Re: Our Opposition to proposed retail traffic laundromat at 962 Forest Street Dear Mr. Bostrom: We are the owners of a residential duplex at 972 Forest Street (the two-story white house) bordering on the north with the building at 962 Forest Street. We object to a change of use zoning permit to create retail traffic for a laundrozaat having alley access and a parking lot adjoining our property. This is a residential neighborhood and should stay residential. We believe that creating new retail traffic will harm the peace and quiet of our neighborhood and wi11 lower the aalue of our property at 972 Forest Street, as well as lower the value of other surrounding homes. We work hard to create a clean and quiet place to live for the tenants in our duplex which is located between two neighborhood churches. We want to keep a respectful quality of life for the surrounding homes by not expanding retail traffic zoning. For more than ten years, we have observed the quiet and respectful operation of the quiet machine shop with minimal weekday traffic, rarely any evening traffic, and rarely any weekend traffic. The proposed laundromat would greatly increase the negative impact of traffic on the neighborhood. We provide a washer and dryer in the basement of our duplex for our tenants. If you have any questions, you may ca1Z us at 65].-772-2697. Respectfully, ��r9>2Z� / 7; -^,'-"�� � • • Mr. and Mrs. Zeonard Troska M� 1 Ta.rvwYVy O�-a�ky cuu� �a.w+.±,T y 970 Ca�i�ve.vwt.Pi oc -���+1 St. �aua, MN 55106 651-793 -5680 Se�t�ml�et�' 16, 2000 ---� MY. �a�.ao�tro Ci�'y Ca�,wu - W rx.v'd.Si�w I2oom.320-3 CLty �faZL Sai.n.t�'a.u.L, MN 55102 MY. 3�-�syv���- t'�i�tr;.r,t �we. �I���v►.v�.;.n.r.� co�wv�.c.i.L ioz4 i�a.yv►.Pi�vers.e,�.e� St. �c+.uL, MN 55101 �Z�' �Zea��Sto}� ��ra�a�e.cL2etcsi,LTv�a�La�,w►dYawu�.t at962 �ore�tStv�ezt, co of Ca�ei�Ave.vi,u�i � �� MY. 3��-d-�,�M�-. sy���: "T1'l.P�(�+�Yict�i,vC'���(�+n.vu.h.�Co�c.wLC,�;L fad%L�-to-re,pre.�P.n�thC�i Ye2r1.G�PiYI�' 1.tNiiYl.G�� !iW dLU'' Vl.O'�PiYI� YL8%i.��'1.�1dY�1.0'dl.�/ Zi7'iCA.L{�('/ t�1.Pi �t�{''l.C.� �iNPi VYI.f;P.��WI.�� GWe� yt.P.7.L� Gt�P.Y C,�GW� W�l.�Y1� i.� i% VW� �fP� fOv' dL1.f'' n.e�,�r�to-�a-o-utaft3leu-h.o�ea: Iwaddxt'ww, v►.a�t,c�-af l7i�tri,ct �we� ►�vieet'�vu�y d,o- v�at � we� u.a� ev�c�.�ltit'�ito-pYepai-P. • I Yecei�vec� th�ei vw�"ccz cc,llotc� L�i Z�a,cw►.dYan�.at o-w the. �rictc�y Irn�O L�►�Tu.e.�d ay e.vP.vtii,vt.� w�,e�"+� I a�terv�ted�to- frh-thPi ,neet by �u,iv;.n.�• vu�i,�r& �i;�wthe� c�'a.cl�a.d� et'r,t'wv� : a ut o-w � h, o f tl�►.Pi � i,�"rtct' z+;.�z vvi�e�"�, I wc� � t� f'Y.v�.cL chi,Zdc,a.Ye; a.v�I wa.s�a�irca.i.d�to-ta.kPi r�a�.y ch.iZdrewo�ccta�tes� d.a.Ylvto- �fh�"Yi,ct" �i.ve� I crp po�i th� Z�xu.vt.d�am.a�' �.avu,�.c�. 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' 6 �'i� ' '�' �- :`.^;r . :' � �. r t � i1-.� - . - "° �': y ' ..J-- i � ___'_ i 4 a � ��L --- �l�C(Pi �--- . . . .. _—,—_'__–__ __"_'�_--_'�________ _-._.. _ _ ____�'__''•_' • . . « , . • • ' " '–___ _____' ___'_ ____"_'—'_'_' __'__' _^_ � - '-'- - - , \ 60 — \!"�''� � Bill Jories 935 Case Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55106 September 16, 2000 � Ward 6 Councilmember Daniel B. Bostrom Room 320-B City Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: I protest the proposed retail traffic laundromat at 962 Forest Street Dear Mr. Bostrom: I live across the street from the proposed laundromat at 962 Forest Street, and I live next to the Case Food Market that has been run by the applicant of the proposed laundromat. My life has been totally disrupted for the past two years by the noise of the retail traffic at the Case Food Market. Now the applicant wants to open a laundromat that I believe will be even worse for traPfic disruption in our residential neighborhood. The applicant was completely uncooperative with my efforts to pick up the daily trash from the retail traffic at his Case Food Market. I have no reason to believe that the applicant would cooperate with neighbors if he were allowed to open a laundromat, because he did not cooperate with my simple efforts to pick up the trash from his Case Food Market. I understand that his proposed laundromat would have an indoor pay phone. His pay phone at the Case Food Market was a terrible disruption to our neighborhood. Everything I have heard about the laundromat makes me believe that it would be terrible for our neighborhood. I don't need a laundromat because my landlord provides laundry machines in the basement of this apartment building. During the years I observed the machine shop at 962 Forest, was quiet, not retail, not open to the public, open only weekdays, not open evenings, and not open on weekends. It quiet use that was respectful to those living here, and respectful to the two neighborhood churches (north and south the proposed laundromat). Yours truly, • �� L, G �O/l/�� S' it was a of Bill Jones T ,�-�� ZONING FILE NO; APPLICANT: PURPOSE: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRlPTION: ZONING COMMITTEE ACTION: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CITY OF SAINtT PAUL, MINNESOTA NONCONFORMfNG lJSE PERMfT 00-135-068 Hisham At-Arabi Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest St., NE corner of Forest St. and Case Ave. STEVENS REARRANGEMENT LOTS 13 THRU 18 BLK 4 LOT 7 Sent to Planning Commission without recommendation. Approval with conditions. � CONDITtONS OF THIS PERMIT: " 1. The applicant secures site plan approval. 2. The laundrornat shall have no more than 10 washing machines and 10 dryers. 3. 7he daily hours of the laundromat shali be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and shali be no eariier than 1:00 p.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. 4. There shatl be no pay telephone on the exferior of tf�e buitding. 5. 7here shall be no vertding machi�es at the laundromat, inside or outside, except there may be a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat. 6. There shall be an employee attendant on the premises during all business hours. APPROVED BY: Gladys Morton, Commission Chairperson I, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, d� hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing copy wiih the original record in my o�ce; and find Yhe same to be a tre� and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paui Planning Commission meeting held on September 8, 2000, and on record in the Saint Paul Planning O�ce, 25 West Fourth $treet, Saint Paul, Minnesota. This permit will expire one year from the date of approval if the use herein permitted is not established. The decision to grant this permit by the Planning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council. Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at the Zoning O�ce, 1400 City Hali Annex, 25 W est Fourth Street. Any such appeat must be filed with in 15 calendar days of the mailing date noted below. Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revocation. f'��( , �A���> Caroi A. Ma�tineau Secretary to the Sainf Paul Zoning Committee Copies to: P,pplicant File No. Zoning Administrator License Inspector Disfricf Council Hisham Al-Arabi 00-135-068 Wendy Lane Christine Rozek \ J Mai(ed: 9ti5100 o� -��z� � � a. The proposed use is equally appropriate or n:ore appropriate to t7ie �:eighborhood tha�: the eXisting noricottforn:ing use. city of saint paut pfanning commission resolution file number date �VHEREAS, HISHAM AL-ARABI , file �00-135-068, has applied for a Nonconforming Use Percnit under the provisions of Section § 62.102(3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to change from a machine shop to a laundromat, at 962 Forest Sneet; legally described in the file; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on 08l03/00, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to fts Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant, Hisham AI-Arabi, states that he bought the property on contract for deed on September 16, 1999. He intends to establish a self-service laundromat, with 10 washing machines, and 10 dryers. The applicant proposes business hours of 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a �ti�eek. Mr. Al-Arabi indicates that there would be one caretaker at the building during business hours. 2. The previous nonconfornung use, a machine shop, is first permitted in the I-1 2oning district. The proposed nonconforming use, a laundromat, is first permitted in a more restrictive dishict, the B-1, Local Business District. 3. Section 62.1 �2(i)(3) of the zoning code states that the planning commassion may allow a nonconforming use to change to a use permitted in the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, or a use permitted in a district that is more restrictive than the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, if the commission makes the following findings: 00-56 •:�� This finding is met. The B-1 Local Business District, in which laundromats are first permitted, is intended to permit "those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs ofpersons residing in nearby residential areas", and as such, the proposed use is at least as appropriate to the neighborhood as is a machine shop which is first permitted in a less restrictive district. � moved by Gordon seconded by Field in favor 11 against 3 (Gervais, Kramer, and Morton) Z.F.#00-135-068 Page 2 of Resolution b. Tke traffrc ge�eerate�l by t&e proposed rrse is similar to t/iat geirerated by tJte existing ltottCOttfOrlttil7e uSe. This finding is met. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE} trip generation data does not include information for iaundromats or for any use similar to laundromats. The Coin Laundry Institute sho�vs a Gvide range of performance of 3 to 8 cycles per day per machinz. With 10 machines, an average of 3.5 loads per customer, and 2 trips per customer, the proposed laundromat �vould generate about 18 to 46 trips per day. Some customers may make more than two trips, but some of these trips are likely to be � pedesh rather than vehicle h Based on a]etter from Jack Devlin, a former owner of the bnilding, the previous nonconforming use generaYed about 32 Yo 36 vehicle trips per day. The traffic generatea by the proposed use is also similar to that generated by two single- � family houses, cvhich could be built on this site under its RT-1 zoning. 1TE trip generation data shows two singie-family detached houses �could generate an avera�e of I9 vehicle trips per day, and a range of 9 to 44 vehicle trips per day. _• An altemate standard for comparison is the parking required by the zoning code. Parking , required for a machine shop is one (1) space per 6�0 square feet, or 4.7 spaces for this building. Parkin� required for a laundromat is one space per three (3) washing machines or 33 spaces for the proposed laundromat. The applicant has provided a site plan showing a parking lot with seven (7) parking spaces, accessed from the alley. The applicant states thai he anticipates the customers will come from the immediate area. The applicant states Yhat there will be no vending machines to generate any delivery vehicles. c. The use wiU not be detrimenta! to the existing daaracter of developn:ent in the immediate neighborl:ood or endanger the ptrblic heal[h, safety, or geseraL welfare. This condition is met. A neighborhood laundromat provides a service to the immediate community. The city's land use plan states that commercial activity embedded in neighborhoods is a feature of "good neighborhoods". The zoning code requires that the parking lot be iisually screened to a height of 4 feet 6 inches where the lot abuts residential as well as «here it abuts the alley. The site plan also shows the parking lot being screened by fence to the west, north and east, with a four foot wide landscaped strip along Case Avenue. Neighborhood concems expressed in the past about re-use of this property have incIuded � trash and loiterin�. If there are no vending machines, the proposed laundromat sfiould not be a significant source of neighborhood litter. A dumpster, screened from vie�v, is provided in parking lot, as shown on the site plan. The applicant does not intend to locate Oo— �\R'1 • Z.F. #00-135-068 Page 3 of Resolution a pay phone on the exterior of the building, which had been expressed as a neighborhood loitering concem in the past. d. The use is co�asistent wifh the con:prehensive plan. This finding is met. The city's land usa plan promotes a mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1). NO�V, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the . authority of the City's L.egislative Code, the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The applicant secures site plan approval. 2. The laundromat shall have no more than 10 washing machines and 10 dryers. 3. The daily hours of the laundromat shall be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and shall be no earlier than 1:00 p.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. � 4. There shall be no pay telephone on the exterior of the building. 5. There shall be no vending machines at the laundromat, inside or outside, except there may be a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat. 6. There shall be an employee attendant on the premises during all business hours. � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. City Councit Chambers, 3` Floor Cify Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Field, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Faricy, and Gervais Peter Warner Carol Martineau of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. AI-Arabi Laundromat- 00-135-068 - Nonconform�ng Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave, Nancy Frick presented the staff report. Ms. Frick stated one letter in opposition of the laundromat was received. The Zoning Staff recommends approval with two additional conditions not listed in . the staff report. 1) There should be no more than 10 washing machines. 2) There should be no vending machines at the site. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Frick sfated The Zoning Code parking sfandards were used and fhere was no fraffic dafa compiled for (aundromafs. Ms. Frick atso sfafed fhe applicanf expects fhe iaundromat fo serve fhe immediate neighborhood and a number of peop(e would wafk to the site. Commissioner Gordon stated traffic generated by other laundromats of comparable size woutd be usefu(. At the question of Commissioner Engh, Ms. Frick stated the fences in the alley way are short and wouid screen the lower portions of vehicles so lighting wouldn't be a factor. ,. Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Warner explained in past applications, trafFc has always been interpreted to deal with automobiles. tgnoring the past practices and focusing on the term "traffic", it then contemplates the overall traffic in the neighborhood and that may inciude vehicular and foot traffic. The term is not specifically limited to automobile traffic. Longer hours will impact the traffic, and how it is interpreted is up to the committee. Mr. AI-Arabi, the applicant, appeared and sfated they applied for a laundromat due to neighborhood requests. At the question of Commissioner Gordo�, Mr. A!-Arabi stated he didn't have vehicie or pedestrian traffic estimates for laundromats. Mr. Dan Stark, Memberof the NolyTrinity Church at 956 Forest Street, appeared in opposition and stated he received information irom the Coin Laundry institute in Chicago. Customers typically use three to four washing machines at a time. A laundromat geRerally operates at about 33 to 50 percent capacities. Qperating at 40 percent capacity considering 3.5 loads per customer. 7he customer calculakions would consist of f 0 machines, three loads an hour per machine, 12 hours a day would consist of 360 total possible loads. With the applied capacity of 40 percent gives 144 • � • M(NUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE 7hursday, September 7, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. • City Gouncil Chambers, 3'd Floor City Ha14 and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Fie{d, Engh, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morfon EXCUSED: Faricy and Mardell OTHERS Peter Warner PRESENT: Carol Martineau and Ailan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. AI-Arabi Laundromat- 00-135-068 - Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave. Mr. Torstenson presented the additional information on traffic generation requested by the committee when this case was laid over on August 3. He also noted the District Council recommended that two additional conditions be attached to the Nonconforming Use Permit: that there be no vending machines on the property, and that there be an employee attendant on the premises at all times during business hours. � At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Torstenson stated that Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation data for singte-family houses shows the range of trips per unit per day is 4.31 to 21.85, so there is a range of nine to 44 trips for two units. He also explained that a conforming use for this propertywould be two single familyhomes. Mr. Al-Arabi is now proposing one of the least traffic intensive possible commercial uses for this site. It would be difficult to recommend denial of a Nonconforming Use Permit based on traffic generation. If this nonconforming use is not allowed, there is a question of what nonconforming use would be allowed on the site. At the inquiry of Commissioner Gervais, Mr. Torstenson explained that when the case was weighed according to the standards for the nonconforming use permit (there are no uses exactly the same) this case is reasonably similar in terms of traffic generation. Commissioner Kramer stated he couldn't conclude the traffic is similar when it is generated at different times of the day including evening hours. He also stated he thinks the estimate of traffic generated by the previous use based on the letter from the previous building owner is at best exaggerated. Because of his Post Office box at Seeger square, he has driven by the site often for many years and has never seen more than one or two vehicles there at any one time. Commissioner Gervais, who also drives by the site regularly, a,� sayin� he has seen very little traffic there. • , Commissioner Kramer moved denial of the application on the basis that the traffic generated is not similar to the previous use. Commissioner Gervais seconded it. 00— l7 �� � �� L Zoning Committee Minutes August 27, 2000 File #: 00-135-068 Page 2 loads of faundry. Each customer uses 3.5 loads which generales 41 customers per day. Mr. Sfark also stated he observed three coin operafed iaundromats in the neighborhood which showed mosf patrons were women with children. 7he nUmber of children generally exceeds the number of adults. Many people load up the machines and drive off to complete other errands increasing traffic. 10 machines at 3 loads an hour with 41 customers a day, seven days a week, applying a factor of 2 for children generates 123 visits per day which is a significant increase in tra�c. Mr. Richard Batdorf, 953 4 Street, appeared in opposition. He passed out a chart and stated the two previous owners operated a machine type business thatwas non-retail in that location. He_also stated there was oniy 1 or 2 employees at the machine shop. Last year fhe appiicant knocked out the front facade of the building and installed windows for a retaii estabiishment. It being open�fo the public changes Yhe character of the traffic as well as the number of people. The hours of business use will be changed from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm with no traffic in fhe evening hours to traffic generated in the evenings and weekends. The disfincfion in non-retail and retail business consists of quiet traffic versus noisy traffic and the Nonconforming Use Permit should be denied because of fhe tra�c drawn in from outside the neighborhood. He aiso requested the record of the other two cases be incorporated into this file for reference. At the quesfion of Commissioner Field, Mr. Warner stated the previous records would be allowed to become part of the record as long as the references that are used applied to traffic only. Commissioner Gordon stated he would also like to have the records of the last two cases. Mr. AI-Arabi declined to rebut the testimony. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Gordon stated more data is needed on traffic incorporated by laundromats. Commissioner Kramer made a motion to lay the case over until August 31, 2000. Commissioner Gordon seconded it. After further discussion and a request to provide information on traffic generated by laundromats the motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: Appr f � IttO� �1 � Chair • «,A.��%����� ! �i` �/� c/`� � Carol Martineau Nancy Fri � Recording Secretary Zoning Section �- t� • 7,oning Committee Minutes September7, 2Q00 File #: 00-135-068 Page 2 Commissioner Gozdon stated this is s close call, but he will vote against the motion because the traffic generated by a laundromat is similar enough to that generated by the previous nonconforming use. On balance, he thinks the nonconforuung use permit should be approved. After further discussion, the motion failed on a vote of 3-3. Gordon, Engh and Field voted against the mofion. Commissioner Gordon made a motion to approve the application subject to the condition recommended by staff. Commissioner Engh seconded it. The motion failed on a vote of 3-3. Kramer, Gervais and Morton voted against the motion. After further discussion about possible additional conditions conceming business hours, Commissioner Morton made a motion to send it to the Planning Commission wathout a recommendation. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. � Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: C'.i:�D'/�'C�c�r�uv , ��—? Carol Martineau � Alian Torstenson Litton Pield Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair � Saint Paul Planning Commission CiTy $aIl Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of September 8, 2000 A meetinb of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paui �vas heId Friday, September 8, 2000, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioneis Mmes. Donnelty-Cohen, Daarte, McCa1t, and Morton Presenf: and Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Corbey, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, ICramer, aad Margulies. Commissioners Mmes. *Enah, *Faricy, *Zimmer Lonetti; and Messrs. *Kong, Mardell, and Shakir. Absent: #Excused Also Present: Larry Soderliolm, Planning Administrator; Al(an Torstenson and Mary $ruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. (NOTE: The recording aquipment �vas not properly connected. There is no audio tape for this meeting. The tninutes are written based on the recall of staff.} z. II. Approval of Minutes for August 25, 2000 MOTION: Commissioi:er Kramer moved approva[ of t1:e n:inutes of Aua ust 25, 2000. Commissioner Field seconded llae rrzotion. The niorion carried arnaniFnously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chairman Morton reminded commission members about the Planning Commission's retreat on September 29"' and circulated a sign-up sheet for it. Commissioner Mardeii has volunteered to be the facilitator for the retreat. III. Planning Administrafor's Announcemenfs Larry Soderholm announced that imporfant city p(ans done by the commission are being implemented. This tveek there was a ground-breakin� for ne�v housing as the beginnin� for ttie new urban viitaee in t[ie North Quadrant Tomorrow is the grand openin� of tl�e refurbished Harriet Island Park. He continued with some sta�ng updates. Joel Spoonheim is recovering and is back at home after bein� shot in a drive-by sliooting. Ken Ford is �vorkin� temporarily to �et the Comprehensive Plan pubtished in it's new format. A new planner, Yan� Zhang, wil( be starting on September 18`". He reported on the zoning actions by the City Council earlier in the �� � � � �—\\'1 \ J week, and that Commissioner Anfang had been appointed to the Board of Water Commissioners. IV. Zoning Committee #00-130-376 Countv Law Enforcement Center - Special Condition Usr ?,:rmit for a new County Law Enforcement Center to include processing and housing of pretrial inmates. Area bounded by Olive, University, Lafayette, and Grove. Commissioner Field repoRed that tl�e District 5 Payne Phalen Planning Council supports the application, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, and the hearing was closed. On a vote of 5-1 the Zoning Committee recommends . approval with conditions, including a condition added by the committee that on or before a date to be one year after the opening of the new County law enforcement center, tlie property referred to as the Adalt Detention Center and located at 14 W. Kellogg Boulevard shall be restored to tax paying status. MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the Specia[ Condition Use Pern:it. Tlee motioi: carried on a voice vote. Comnzissioner Alton voted no. #00-136-068 AI-Arabi Laundromat - Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a Laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave. � Commissioner Field reported that the District 5 Payne Phalen Plarming Council recommended additional conditions if approved, no one spoke in support, two people spoke in opposition, and the hearing was closed. Due to tie votes of 3-3 on a motion to recommend denial and on a motion to recommend approval, tUe Zoning Committee voted to send this item to the fitll Planning Commission without recomme»datio�i. Allan Torstenson explained staff findings regarding traffic generated by laundromats compared to traffic that was generated by the previous nonconforming use. MOTION: Comn:issioner Kramer moved for denia! ofNonconforming Use Permit. 5econdet! by Commissioiter Gervais. Commissioner Kramer said he had viewed rivo laundromats rivo blocks away on Arcade, where there were as many peopie in 45 minutes as national survey's suggest this one will have all day. Commissioner Gotdon spoke against the motion. He said the proposed laundromat is a reasonably non-intrusive use, similarly appropriate for this site as tl�e previous use, and the traffic generated by the proposed laundromat would be similar to the previous use. He also noted he thinks the proposed use should be compared to machine shops Qenerally, and tl�at tlie machine shop at this site could ha� e been opei� ]ater, had more emp(oyees, and generated more traffic. � Mr. Soderholm stated that a simple reason for the staff recommendation for approval is that laundromats are first alloFVed in B-1, which allows uses more appropriate at this site than tiie less restrictive T-1 zoning district where machine shops are first allowed. Commissioner Gervais spoke in favor of the motion, noting that the building was a grocery store in the SOs, but now is ir� a residential area. Based on his observations over the years, he thinks the proposed use wi11 aenerate more traffic than tl�e previous use. T/re niotion failed on a voice vote of 3 in favor and II againzst. MOTION: Con:missioner Gordon moved approval oftkeNoncor:forming UsePermit with conditions inclurli�ag af: 8:00 p,nr. closing tinze and opening no earlier thnn I:00 p.n:. on SuFadays. Seconrled by Conzneissioner Field. Commissioner Anfang suggested amending the conditions to allow a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat, which �vas accepted as a friendly amendment. Commissioner Margulies sugaested amending the conditions to require a 9:00 p.m. rather than 8:00 p.m. closing time, whicl� was accepted as a friendly amendmenf. Tlee motio�: passed on a voice vote of II in favor and 3 against (Kramer, Gervais, Morton). • �00-137-380 Marie Cosarove - Change in Nonconforming Use Permit from a massage therapist and beauty salon to a beauty salon and an aparcrnent. I043 Osceola, NW corner Osceola and Oxford. CommissionerField reported thatno districtcomment had been received, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, the hearing �vas closed, and on a vote of 6-0 the Zoning Committee recommends approval. MOTION: Con:`nissioizer Fie1d moved approval of the 1Vonconfor»:ing use Pern:it. T/te nzotion carried ot: a unanimous voice vote. #QO-137-293 Jeffrev Boston - Change of Nonconforming Use Permit from a human service licensed community residential facility for 10 residents with a third floor dcvelling unit to a fransitionat housing facility for 10 residents and live-in staff in the third floor unit. ]489-91 Sherburne Ave., NE comer of Sherburne and Simpson. Commissioner Fiefd reported tl�at District 11 took no formal action, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, the public hearin� was closed, and on a vote of 6-0 the 2oning Committee recommends approval. NIOTION:Conuni ssionerFieldmovedapprovaloftlreNof:confornrin a UsePermit. Tlre nrotion carried ot: a unanin:ous voice vote. � bo _ 1\'1.'1 u Rich Rovang, Ditector of Engineering and Facilities for Metro Transit aiso gave a power-point presentation. He showed how the Riverview Corridor relates to overall regional planning for improved public transit. Within the Rivervie�v Corridor he used cross-section drawings for each segment to show how BRT would fit on West Seventh Street, along CP Rail tracks, on the downto�vn streets, and on East Seventh Street. He reported on the MIS findings for travel time, ridership, parking loss/replacement, and costs. He said the key issues can be organized as follows: the length ofUte corridor at each end; where there will be exclusive rights-of-way vs. mixed traffic; station locations, speed, and frequency of the bus service; selection of the bus vehicles; par4;ing impacts and park-and-ride opportunities; traffic impacts; fares and fare collection system; and imp]ementation schedule. Commissia� members l�ad many questions, w1�icU were addressed to the tNree presenters and to Kathy DeSpiegelaere, staff of the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority. VI. Neigliborhoods and Current Planning Comraittee No report. � VII. Communications Committee No report. VIII. Task Furce Reports Commissioner Kramer reported that the White Bear Avenue Planning Committee finished the small area plan and forty acre shidy earlier in the week. It deais with traffic, parking, land use, zoniug, business attraction, aud streetscape design. Next the plan will be reviewed by the Aistrict 1 and District 2 Planning Councils. Then it will come to the Planning Commission. Larry Soderholm reminded members that the Advertising Sign Commlttee will meet on September 12`" to go through the draft ordinances. IR Qld Business None X. New Business None XI. Adjournment . The meeting rvas adjourned at 10:25 p.m. � Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paui RespectFul(y submitted, Larry S er olm Planning ministrator Approved (Date} 7ennifer Engh Secretary of the Planning Commission � � R:\SharedlBruton\Minutes\minutes 9-8-OO.wpd FROM : D.=uiin Drywal! �-ron�e r�. : issi�s�sss Jat,. os zrc¢e eS:SSrn �i �"5� OEtlt!!i DRYWALL C�. oo_�� • �zsss nm sc n " . LaSx Fhm MV 53041 1'l�.one 777S85I Fu 77T•SS51 Janvary O5, 2004 to the s2 paul zo,nng cammitEa mr namt is jut; devlin, fotmer 1�? owatt of truitdin� nt 962 forest.hiy paztncr , Aennis Bmy and i ovmed fius bnildSag for about 4 years. Durins fhst ame we tessed the space to 4 difuent compuet. Apro ?vfarbine, "Stch- Tackiq VSurmbly & machin5 aaQ DeWin DrywaIl. A1 sHaring space ia buitdin�. My esiimation ihat diuing tuat A ywr peric�d on an avetage we had 'a veYnc4es parked aIl day. apTOxmsatly 1 to 3 delivezies end picL•-ups yer day. ateh COTpaily }I8d 8T70UI � VIS1tDt5 customers, clieau ,ernptyees stop iaat an average ef ebout 45 mins tu 1 hour.. lVE were open alt day and came in somaimes oa wcekeads.. On sunday�s pa:king somatimes v�v�as a probtom be�ase af c}uucu service and thete shorrage of p.�ttitinC anaee. Siaeer�fy, 7a:k D�7ia L �� rr�' � _ .�.� � 5`1 a o _ �\RR � � � N � A ti d � 0 L a � .Q Y d � � L � � � � .i � � a� � 0 Q 0 L Q t� m E 0 a c � � � d � � N � A � m � O L � a � U f6 � Q O � � N C L U � � O L Q Q �aaM aad sdial � � � � � � O CO tt) a M N � , . .. . Your Nnme Your Address Your Phone Number � � October �b 2000 (Moilno later than October ZOth} oc _1�R't Ms. Pntricin James, Zoning Staff, PED, .� � �-.� �. � � �, ��--. C.ity of St. Peul �ept. of Plnnning and Econ. Devel. a``'� a_ _ e"� t:_ �,. ��� 1400 City Hall Annex ` 25 West Fourth Street OC i 2 �' 200a Suinfi Pnul, MN 55102-1634 Regnrding: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat nt 962 Forest Sfireet Dear Ms. Jnmes: I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to nllow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residentia) neighborhood because: _ �-F 2S�'a b 1;s�ecL 1 o co�. �� tsfa r�/ ��ct 1'es.f r V�. � 1- i �.y , v� ��r y yo u �1 m e�''l . o v, -Fo o� (tell the City �w you feel about the problems at Forest & Case in our �esidentia/neighborhood} -��.���.�� Sincere �������( Your si nQture ` ORIG{NAL Presented By Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # pp .. �,�� CrreenSheet# Ib6o00 n Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Mr. Hisham Al-Arabi, in zoning file No. 00-135-068, made application to 2 the Saint Paul Plazuung Commission (hereinafter the "Commission") for a non-conforming use 3 permit to operate a laundromat in a former machine shop at 962 Farest Street pursuant to the 4 provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 62.102(3)(3), the said property legally described as 5 contained in the zoning file noted above; and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, the Commission's Zoning Committee conducted a public hearing on August 3, 2000, after having provided notice to affected property owners and submitted a recommendation to the full Commission. The fixll Commission approved the non-confornung use pernut application, subject to the conditions noted in Commission Resolution No. 00-56 dated September 8, 2000, based upon the following findings and conclusions noted in the said Commission Resolution: The applicant, Hisham Al-Arabi, states that he bought the property on contract for deed on September 16, 1999. He intends to establish a self-service laundromat, with 10 washing machines, and 10 dryers. The applicant pzoposes business hours of 10 am. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. Mr. Al-Arabi indicates that there would be one caretaker at the building during business hours. 2. The previous nonconforming use, a maclune shop, is first pernnitted in the I-1 zoning district. The proposed nonconforming use, a laundromat, is first permitted in a more restrictive district, the B-1, Local Business District. 3. Section 62102(i)(3) of the zoning code states that the planning commission may allow a nonconforming use to change to a use permitted in the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, or a use permitted in a district that is more restrictive than the district in which the nonconfornung use is first allowed, if the commission makes the following findings: a. The proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the neighborhond than the e.zisting nonconforming use. This finding is met. The B-1 Local Business District, in which laundromats aze first permitted, is intended to permit "those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residenrial azeas", and as such, the proposed use is at least as appropriate to the neighborhood as is a machine shop which is first permitted in a less restrictive district. ORl�l�1�� oo_�,�� T raffic generated by the proposed use is similar to that generated by the 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 c . eristing nonconforming use. This fmding is met. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation data does not include information for laundromats or for any use sunilaz to laundromats. The Coin Laundry Institute shows a wide range of performance of 3 to 8 cycles per day per machine. With 10 machines, an average of 3.S loads per customer, and 2 trips per customer, the proposed laundromat would generate about 18 to 46 trips per day. Some customers may make more than two trips, but some of these trips are likely to be pedestrian rather than vehicle trips. Based on a letter from Jack Devlin, a former owner of the building, the previous nonconforming use generated about 32 to 36 vehicle trips per day. The trafFc generated bq the proposed use is also similaz to that generated by two single-family houses, which could be built on this site under its RT-1 zoning. ITE trip generation data shows two single-family detached houses would generate an average of 19 vehicle trips per day, and a range of 9 to 44 vehicle trips per day. An alternaxe standard for comparison is the parking required by the zoning code. Pazking required for a machine shop is one (1) space per 650 square feet, or 4.7 spaces for this building. Parking required for a laundromat is one space per three (3) washing machines or 33 spaces for the proposed laundromat. The applicant has provided a site plan showing a parking lot with seven (7) parking spaces, accessed from the alley. The applicant states that he anticipates the customers will come from the immediate area. The applicant states that there will be no vending machines to generate any delivery vehicles. The use will not be detrzmental to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, ar general welfare. This condition is met. A neighborhood laundromat provides a service to the immediate community. The ciTy's land use plan states that commercial activity embedded in neighborhoods is a feature of "good neighborhoods". 39 40 The zoning code requires that the parking lot be visually screened to a height of 4 41 feet 6 inches where the lot abuts residential as well as where it abuts the alley. 42 The site plan also shows the pazking lot being screened by fence to the west, north 43 and east, with a four foot wide landscaped sri along Case Avenue. 44 45 Neighborhood concerns expressed in the past about re-use of this property have 46 included trash and loitering. If there are no vending machines, the proposed 47 laundromat should not be a significant source of neighborhood litter. A dumpster, 48 screened from view, is provided in parking lot, as shown on the site plan. The 49 applicant does not intend to locate a pay phone on the exterior of the building, 50 which had been expressed as a neighborhood loitering concern in the past. Page 2 of 4 �°'��iL� '"�he use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This finding is met. The city's land use plan promotes a mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1). 10 11 12 13 14 15 00 '�� l I WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paui Legislative Code § 64.206, Mr. Hazold Hilsgen duly filed an appeal from the detennination made by the Planning Commission and requested a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code § 64.206 - 64208 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on October 25, 2000, where all interested parties were given an oppoihuiity to be heard; and 16 WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the 17 application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and 18 of the Planning Commission does hereby; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RESOLVE, to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter based upon the following findings: The Councii finds that the Planning Commission made the following errors in this matter: (1) The testimony shows that the traffic generated by the proposed use will be more intense that the traffic generated by the machine shop. Traffic levels from the new use will not be similar to the traffic levels of the old use ; and (2) The increase in traffic from the proposed non-conforming use will be deh to the existing chazacter of development in the immediate neighborhood or will endanger public health, safety or general welfare; Page 3 of 4 1�� 3�'` I� � o o--��1'1 ,���, 2 AND � IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the reasons stated above, the appeal of 3 Harold Hilsgen is hereby 9ranted; 4 S AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this 6 resolution to Mr. Hilsgen, Mr. Al-Arabi, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning 7 Commission. ORIGINAL Requested by Depaztment o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��(NN�W f2'�2�OU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � 3- I� � By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: -�.�� ���`� k r �� \ Adopted by Council: Date �s�, ao r'v�pory DEPARTIvIENT OF PLANNIlVG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 4, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Ciry Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pqul, MN55702 ao - l�n? S9 Telephorze: 651-266-6626 Facsimile: 657-228-3341 I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 25, 2000, for the following appeal of a Planniug Commission decision approving a • nonconforming use permit. Appellant: HILSGEN, ET AL. File Number: #00-145149 Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision granting a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. Address: 962 Forest Street Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: Stevens Reazrangement Lots 13 ttuu 18, Block 4, Lot 7 Planning Commission approval; vote 11-3, September 8, 2000 Zoning Committee: sent to Planning Commission without recommendation My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the September 18 agenda of the City Council and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ��--����� Patricia 7ames City Planner cc: FIle1{00-145149 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Wendy Lane, LIEP ,.... �'.>��f7L`�a,.RUN�.�s:.....lr'[Ta. . � ;PIOTIGL:(�F:ROHLIC �.Y6;' __ � Tfte ,Saint Pavl Clty� Countlt � con- duct a pubHc heazing ^on� VJt�:ac�ay, Oetober 26:�2009;-at 5:3Q p.m. � Yhe`City Cmmc3t Cham'iSers; 1Y+frd F1oor Clty-'Hall' 4ourtho�ise, 15�West:&ellogg Bo»tevatd; Sahit Paiil. 1�frl, 'to con'sider the a�pDral of Dated:OctoberlD • _ _ NANCYANDERSON ' tlssistanF-City Cotxrici; Secretary " ' , � -;- . : � . : .-. � . IRct'opex 1z) �> "" . _ . ., � S,'E PAl1Ir �B'B�S�k`L:I�Li��-- d207$49@� ' . ' ' � Octobex 16, 2000 From: Andrew Decker 945 Jenks Ave. St. Pau[, MN 55106 651-771-3798 �� � _ ����� � �� O�� � � ��: �� �' ,r.., Z �� ,.� � _�"f To: Ms. Patricia James, Zoning Staff, PE17 City of St. Paul, Dept. of Planning & Economic Dev. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102-1634 Re: Zoning File #00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat at 962 Forest St. Dear Ms James, o0-�\'1`1 I am writing in regard to the proposed laundromat at 962 Forest St. I am a long time resident of the East Side, living only one block from the intersection of Case and Forest and I am quite concerned about adding another non-residential facility to our neighborhood. The level of noise and litter in this area is already overwhelming, and adding another business to the axea will only create more of the same. 7?rug dealing, loitering and assaults have been a problem in this area for years (including the murder of "The Gan 1VIan" Wes Morrison). Adding anather place to loiter is not the answer to cieaning up a crime ridden area. There are already at Ieast two other laundromats in the area (on Arcade Street, two bloeks away) so it is not as if there are no other laundry facilities in the area. Traffic and parking have been a problem at this intersection for years. Cars routinely shoot through the four way stop signs, resulting in a number of near-fatal colTisions. The St. Paul Police Dept. has recieved many calls in the past regarding this intersection, and these will only increase with the addition of more retaiI business. The machine shop which was formerly located at 962 Forest was unobtrusive, with Iittle traffic coming or going. Zt was not open evenings or weekends and created no problems for tl�e neighborhood. Retail tratTic, on the other hand, wiIl increase with the adclition of a Iaundromat to the area, bringing in unwanted noise, litter,loitering, traffic and crime. I have lived on the East Side for 10 years and have spent money, time and energy trying to improve my home and neighbarhood for myself, my family and my neighbors. We who have worked so hard to improve our neighborhood do not want to see aIl of this hard work go down the drain, so to speak, by allowing more retail businesses to creep into our neighborhood when there is already a viable retail business strip operating only two b3ocks away on Arcade St. Please do not allow the East Side to continue on its downward slide. Please keep our residentiai streets residential. Sincereley yours, ��� �� � -- -V� - - �� , _ � M J ��c,. , `�. - ,..�, � �� �� ° �. �` � /_�X N� O �o-���11 � � ��"��� --- 9��- .��'�'- -- - — � ' - ���-- �/ �SSil�� ���-, - - ���/� ���- �s��� -- !. 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October � 20�J0 --- dc' -- -� ---- dc - -- �- -� Your Name ��WfrF,�� ( e Your Address C��(� �p��Sq Your Phone Number(���� — 774 _-7�� � (Mail no later than October 20th) '- � �a ; � !° �';y-;'C.,. i' � ` _ `, ;;_���� - r .... , . - . z ;i- � ' . �`' .,.-__. €_.�� _ Ms. Patricia James, Zoning Staff, PED, Cii of St. Pnul Dept. of Planning and Econ. Devel. 1400 City Hnll Annex 25 West Fourth Streefi Saint Pnul, MN 55102-1634 pi T �- S 2000 ' Regarding: Zoning Fife # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromafi afi 9b2 Forest Street Denr Ms. Jnmes: I believe a chnnge of zoning at 962 Forest Street fio allow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residential neighborhood because:�2� r n�� �r��n�- -}�,�.�-�t,� � (,��i '1P !.U'�fa'e it'� � t,c�l �/ A�f feei obout the problems in our �l,c.� � " �i-� � ��G2/7 �r' C �,'//�js � .��I t`� �� .�� Sincereiy, U � � Your signature ��� �'l�U� ��Ved he�� 2�- tacavs t Wc��-chPd -�� d�Gi�?�e o-�.: ov-r h-e,�'�hb::� hovd— -a- �� d �JE t,vc�n� c� �A� ��c� -� �` 1�.��= V�-Y i i �,t (l C��- `�-�'jC °`�.- " �n�' '' Kr.l1 �YS r� F� ou��+a he� � > � � , � �,�� a � � � r �� r � ( � /{/ �j�� � ' � / // � //� � / �� / � r � � � i � \ / „ r�:_� i F � / / / � � � �� �^ % ��..:'' / Your Nnme �'�� ��e S 7`�e i n ca�,- Your Address Q` 7 �'�-°° Your Phone Number7 `�'-�-io 93 Oa-���*t October �, 2QOQ {Marino later than October 2QTh} Ms. Patricin Jnmes, Zoning Staff, PED, �,�`°. �° r j City of St. Pnul bept. of Pinnning and Econ. Devel. �' '?� �� `� ��' �`� � 1400 Cifiy Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street OCT.l ° 2�00 Saint Pctul, MN 55102-1634 Regarding: Denr Ms. James: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Lnundromat nt 962 Forest Street I bel+eve n change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to nllow retail firaffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residential neighborhood because: Gt�.¢_ J� ,( ,� aS /�..-., �,�.' Q,,.�._�_.rJ ct- _ �� a � ��-a-, u.. n ,�J�S-<_t�.Q �.�c ��.,� �, U ��� (te// the City how you fee/ obout the prob/e s at Forest & Cose m our resid�l neighborhoodj �/� � ! `�LJ —? �—�a.._� �� ir. ., . a� v1 ., d../-�— �---n i r _. _ �. Sincerely y�� Q p � 1 Your signature �� �"�"`���`� r .� ........y ..� _ _ _ T � � _ ��, � � � o � � �-� � � � � . �.� �"' __. _ __.' -_` Your Nnme�pYa? S�'�,h.�- Your Address q� 7� a^ �- Your Phone Number � 7��0 93 October j. � 2000 Ms. Pntricia Jomes, Zoning 5'taff, PED, City of St. Paul Dept. of Planning and Econ. �evel. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourih Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1634 Regording: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Dear Ms. Jc+mes: (Maii no late,r�tha � CJ�o�e�, �, � ��- '' , r`� � �+, � �`,�-�. _ � � , _ � � �. �eT 1 � 2D00 Proposed Laundromnt at 962 Farest Street I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to allow retnil trnffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residen#ial neighborhood �� f.IQ�6aus�� o�-.e.. .�'_'_ �i1 = - -�� i ° �'c/a�v�� c�t.�-v�y,c�_ I�J � � a�..0 .�„„ (te/l f�e City how you fee/ about the prob/ems at Forest & Case in our residential neighbo�hoodJ Sincerely, ����-� Sz � s�.— Your signature 6a—�l�`1 October 17, 2000 Joan Decker 945 Jenks Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 (651) 771-3798 To: Ms Patricia James Zoning Staff, PED City of St. Paul, Dept of Planning and Econ. Dev 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102- 1634 6a��� i �� � ., 1 s��-_� � k; �a, x, OCT j � _-� �.�° ., 20p0 Re: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat at 962 Forest ST. Dear Ms 7ames, I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to allow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be delrimental to our residential neighborhood. Public police records will show the number of cails already received for this area due to loitering, loud music, loud tr�c, and gang related activity. The high profile snurder case of Wes Morrison, a dear neighbor of ours, also reflects the concerns the Forest / Case area already has to contend with. Bringing in a"retail" business such as a Laundromat would only compound the potential for loitering, loud noise, and traff'ic problems. The need for parking for this business can not be addressed at the 962 Forest site. As my five year old daughter and I go for walks in our neighborhood, I feel our safety would be greatly jeopardized with a corner business which would bring in people who are not from the immediate neighborhood. The safety and well being of church goers to the area should not be compromised due to a some one, not from the area, wishing to make money. Please feel free to contact me, at the above number, for any other comments or questions you may have. The neighborhood needs vibrant, family orientated businesses, not ones where the safety of the neighborhood is at risk. Sin erely, //�� � , ad4 n llecke�� ij ' _,�, :;°° � :' r , _ . ��.. _ - f�i_� . �' _'_:_ - � � � 1 � zooc �.�- 2-Is.�� ��, - �7�� , a o _ � .� _ � O „ f/�--U� j�- � nc �: eo _ll`-tZ t � �� , N �c,�.-o.� -�- f ��.�--c%�_.a„��%- -� l � =-- - ..fil.�.�r✓.-�C�C_t�d__��O/_�_,.L�!�-2_{/�/� p� � J-'E � -f - G��:�! __7�t,t:P./_�. _ .-- -�.iw^' .N.✓.iLVnd6�Ki�n.--Fi✓� -- �. .. ._.-•�- � �/ �J� �l.�i_ _ _ _. �� ���.� .�f//v.i..��C✓wCX-..F/�C! �.¢' � ����--'c�-o.��.-�- � ,;2�vc����_�%�� �'--�v��/'Yvt��tN _%1.�i,.�Pia------_�irc-U- �,� �-�,��. �,�w.,- ,.�-���, eg�"��c.��_ .� � � �-� _� .,ai,-�-?-C�--a<:i°�.-�_ _. -�-f-'�-G.�`.�.v--�. / � j � ' J� � ,�/� � .��iW'���" _�_�/ � ��✓J./j/j.''?L'l _C��". -t,.."2��� J/ �� ii J� Gtrr JG-�?rr-O, �, / .��.2.ci��..� ��2 .:{- �� c�..�.n.�r�r�� - .�.,z. �,��2,.-��-�-�I � , •-� �%.�r��� �� �„-�,�-�:�.,, p'.r•T1C��--r.�- � r J 7 �.?�l�u.� � � ' ----� i2 L" � Gi�r / v _-.- % ''L'�-,fJ_�'S/L-u-�? J ' � .�- �-- ✓Cj�n��^-.�� �i�''F-'_t..�t.. ' Cz�_ �--7-..e.. G, l _..�� _ �,�.�.,..�%(�� �,.•z-t.,r vL _�=-� � s�v����%Y�v,...c ..--aiL�--��-� � �y � t�/� .�� c .�,�.� ��.,,,e .�.�,..,� ��.�'�..Ve �-(��- ¢ �,� .�.-tio-�-�.-�� � � ' � j ° � GZ" Gz -'/,L.�--�'t'G-�' �.'�^" / ��� -4y����„ /�p p � �t�"+- U'�� ./J^�2`r'»�-f'�-��-i� � cu,r� /.�-�� �..c�� %� Oo- �l'1`l �/��.��:..�/�-.-� � �� �� �.� � _ _ � . D, . .� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNIlVG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director � CTTY OF SAII�T PAUL Norm Colerrsan, Mayor October 4, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-145149 City Council Hearing: 25 Wes! Fourth Street Sain� Pau1, MN 55702 a� _���� Telephane: 65I-266-6626 Facsim ile: 65I -228-33d! HILSGEN, ET AL. October 25, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider the appeai of Hilsgen, et al. to a Planning Commission decision granting a Nonconforming Use Permit to Hisham Al-Arabi to change from a machine shop to a � laundromat. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATTON: APPROVAL vote: 11-3 ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Sent to Planning Commission without recommendation • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions SUPPORT: Applicant OPPOSITION: 2 people testified, one letter received Dear Ms. Anderson: Hisham AI-Arabi submitted a request for a Nonconforming t3se Permit for property at 962 Forest Street, to permit a change from a machine shop to a laundromat. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application on August 3, 2000. Staff presented a report recommending approval with conditions. The property owner/applicant spoke in support. Two people spoke in opposition, and a letter in opposition was received. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted to lay the application over for more information on traffic generated by laundromats. On September 7, 2000, the Zoning Committee again considered this application. Recoaunendations for denial and approval of the Nonconforming Use Permit both failed on a tie vote. The Zoning Committee voted to send the application to the Planning Commission without recommendation. The Planning Commission, on September 8, 2000, approved the Nonconfornung Use Permit application on a vote of il-3. The Commission attached six conditions to the approval. Tfiis appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 25, 2000. Please call me at 266-6639 if there are any questions or if a member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site for the public hearing. S� rely, ��' . Patricia James City Planner Attachments cc: File #00-145149 City Councilmembers � � � : • ao -l1`i`Z APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departnzent of Planning and Ecoxomic Dwelopmenf Zoning Section II00 Cify Ha11 Annex 25 Yl'esl Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPELLANT e Address ��e ��Stof Rpp,�!l4nts q7�f City Sr Pau 1 St.M/�Zip SS/�EDaytime phone 6�� 38y 6: �y PROPERTY Zoning File Name H i s h a rn /� �~ /-� r 4 6 i � l4„rcQ�� •K4i � LOCATION l �r-'S / O E AddresslLocation gEoZ r=o �°es� Str��1'� Sr. Pa� Zon;H,q F;1� Jilo,. � 00- /3S - 0 68 � • TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is herek�� made fer �n aep�al t� 4he: �� Soard of Zoning Appeals �City Council � a under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 6 �, Paragrapha of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by the PI a n n;� y Ce� vn r., ; Ss i a �� -- �—c 011 •.SPf7"�a 8� .� 00p � (date of decision) >�_ ,, s� l%sto �(7��tcl�e File number: l> U—%3.S — 0 6 8 � . . �JppeQ o� PleehniH� Cov+�wriS'sio•�s yrvNf o /� / �1 /� /IlOncovl'ro�•r� i n�c uSC'. Pc�r.�h i� �D cYice nqe 7'rorn J a ma�l�:ne shoP fv a �uu�d��orvt�t�; See S�kfe,Men o� Hppea�� a7�7�a��e� GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain wfiy you feei there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or fiinding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. Attach additiona/ sheet if ApplicanYssignatu �isf' o-FAPp a�� 4 H fs aNO� `�� °�'�NPeae Wifh SiGVea'f'urPS� qf/"ac�teq. J 9 a �� City agent Saint PauZ City Cauncil Application For Appeal Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Ha11 Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 555102 Tel: (651) 266-6589 In Re City of Saint Paul Planning Commission resolution file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street, St. Paul, MN 55106, zoning file number 00-135-068, submitted by Hisham A1-Arabi, 8787 Alamo Circle, Blaine, MN 55449. List of Ap�ellants Harold and Rose Hilsgen 951 Case Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-774-8834 Leonard Troska 882 Cook Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-772-2697 Richard Batdorf P.O. Box 65224 St. Paul, MN 55165-0224 Te1: 612-384-6329 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church 956 Forest Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Church: 651-771-5614 Pastor's Office: 651-644-4383 Statement Of ADneal . � The City of Saint Paul Planning Commission passed resolution • file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to OFFICE OF TFIE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, City Attorney 00 +��' `{ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor CiviiDivision 400 City Hall IS WestKelloggBlvd. Saint P¢ul, Minnesot¢ 55102 Telephone: 651166-8770 Facsimile: 65l 298-5619 December 14, 2000 Nancy Anderson Council Secretary 310 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Appeal of Hilsgen et a1. City Council Action Date: October 25, 2000 Deaz Nancy: Hand Delivered Enclosed please find a signed Resolution memorializing the Council's decision of October 25, 2000, in the above-entitled matter. It would be appreciated if this matter could be piaced on next week's agenda, or the earliest agenda thereafter. If you haue any questions, please don't hesitaCe to contact me. Very truly yours, ,k� /LIR.�CJ Peter W. Warner /�� Assistant City Attorney PW W1rmb Enclosure 0 0 -{,�^1 GREEN SHEET RACT PER5�7 � Ri� Peter Warner 266-8710 iT BE ON COUNCR AGFN�A December 20, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �: :��.;� -� .-� ; ;, No 10�000 �,.�� FOR ❑ qn�nolUEY ❑ a�Yaiuc _ � nuwcwmxccsoa ❑ �x,rew.miw�eerc ❑ r�va�p�uasr�xn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council on October 25, 2000, granting the appeal of Hilsgen, et al. to a decision of the Planning Commission granting a non-confornung use pernut to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street._ _ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has tl� persa�Nm averxro,ked untler a contract for fhie depertmeM? YES Nq Fles tlxs PreauTrm ever bem a cAY emabvee7 YE3 NO Daec Nie PerwMrm P�secs a eidll rwt normellYP� M' a�Y WrteM city employee? VES NO la this pneoNfirm a tarpa[etl vendoYt YES T� a� atlach W s SOURCE COST/REVEHUE BYD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) ITSil�li�a:t�'.��-1dc7 1"i ��:I•i (��M p _ �trl 1 • � Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 2 a laundromat at 962 Forest Street submitted by Hisham Al- Arabi, zoning file #00-135-068, attached hereto as a part hereof. The neighbors/appellants listed above hereby appeal this decision of the Planning Commission based on the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 64, Paragraph 206(a) of the Zoning Code. We request review by the City.Council, including a duly noticed public hearing. 1. The Planning Commission erred in its procedure for calculating the traffic generated by the existing nonconforming use, and by the proposed use, (Section 62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code), for the following reasons: a. After public comment was closed at the level of the Planning Committee, a controversial letter from the Contract For Deed vendor of the property was extracted from a previous permit review and re-introduced in the instant permit review by a newly assigned City zoning staff inember. First, the controversial letter was not part of the instant permit review during the public comment period, thereby unfairly denying neighbors an opportunity to refute its veracity. Second, the letter when presented at a previous permit hearing had been disputed by the testimonies of neighbors, but none of their contradicting testimony was introduced with the letter, thereby unfairly biasing the process in the instant permit review against neiqhbors who objected to the permit. (The veracity of the letter also is refuted by the letters and petitions referenced in paragraph 3, below.) Both the staff report and the Planning Commission's findings relied on the controversial . letter, without balance of the refuting testimony £rom neighbors, which reliance erroneously skewed the calculation of traffic in favor of granting the permit (Sec.62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code). Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 3 b. Its finding was not based on the trafPic of this particular quiet neighborhood machine shop ("existing nonconforming use"), but rather was based on a procedure of hypothetical guesses about machine shops in general, including machine shops first permitted in I-1 zonzng districts, which is not the case in this RT-1 zoning district. (See . tape recorded discussion of Planning Commission meeting on September 8, 2000). Section 62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code calls for the traffic similarity test to be based on an ana2ysis of the "existing nonconforming use" rather than on the hypothetical analysis used by the Commission. A calculation of the actual existing nonconforming use would have shown that the proposed new use creates dis-similar traffic and thus would have been grounds for denying the permit. 2. The Planning Commission erred in its finding that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare (Section 62.102(i)(3)(c) of the zoning code) for the following reasons: �] It failed to consider the detrimental quality and measure of creating new retail traffic in a residential neighborhood for evening hours open to the public and weekend hours open to the public, both of which are dis-similar to the prior use, detrimental to the residential character of the neighborhood, and grounds for denying the permit. b. It failed to consider the non-retail character of the previous quiet machine shop in comparison to the retail character of the proposed laundromat use, and the detrimental impact of that change in character of use on this specific neighborhood in a one-block radius of this specific intersection, where several years of problems include drug dealing, detrimental traffic, violence, and the recent, brutal, street-gang murder of a kind, elderly neighbor. � � • b o - \\R'� • L .J Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 4 3. Attached hereto as a part hereof are letters and petitions signed by neighbors, supporting various issues set forth in this Statement of Appeal. 4. This change of nonconforming use invokes the four- pronged test of City Code Sec. 62.102(i)(3) a, b, c and d(conjunctive emphasis added). Failure to meet all four prongs disqualifies the nonconforming use and the permit may not lawfully be granted. Consequently, upon review o£ this Appeal, if the City Council decides that because of an erroneous finding or procedure by the Commission, either the prong 62.102(i)(3)b {similar traffic} or the prong 62.102(i)(3)c {not detrimental ... or endanger ... safety...} is not met, then the resolution should be overturned and the permit should be denied. 5. We respectfully request that the St. Paul City Council: a. Hold a public comment hearing for neighbors to testify regarding the errors of findings and procedure set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2, above, b. Overturn the Planning Commission's resolution file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street submitted by Hisham Al-Arabi, zoning file #00-135-068, and c. Deny the permit. • Respectfully submitted on September 28, 2000 by Appellants: � � � ���� ,� Harold Hilsgen �.��.- ` �'�. Leonard Troska �����`-�Q� Richard Batdorf �'� �1.�;e �� Rose Hilsgen� � Holy Trinity Orthodox Church BY: �k�m��o(�C��-�.d- z ts : { �a,�r� '� �u vtc; i �m �t c�e.u,t O � � � V H Z J H Z W Q v J �..�.� � � � � � � H Q � H W � � � r� N O � li7 z � 7 a } � 6 � 6 _ } v m � N M � 0 0 � � N v .� d i d � � 6 > O � d � N z a d � U � � V } V E O L t � 0 m m N .� 6 � � . 3 .� N � � , Q O1 h Q � � � 0 d � L } � t � � L � � � � � � � 0 z L 7 � v 0 O S L O � S � .� � 6 +_ � N � .� N L z � 0 w 0 � � O rn � .� O N u � � c z t .� d L Q N Y d � 07 d 0 .o =0 N i N � E } � � � i d � � .� N �F- � � O "� � � � f � � O } v N � O } N C } N � H z ii N � O� L � � O � O � � Q 6 C3 � V U } �� �^ 6 y" L- 6 � }• � fl. — " Ef � � L Y y 7 O� � N � � 3 � L � j O O d � O � � u -3 > o � o y o � 6 � L y.: } t3 .fl O � t � � d � Ol a. � U � � � 6 � � � � NS 07 61 �n � 6 } � L � } S L � V 6 O ° d � o '���� } � O } a � T L � V .6 = � � � � � N p� �' "O d d v � � � �� � N _ '� � � O 6 � '^ 3 d i � L 4- T� . 04- U 6 �} d 6 � — } L } } i-- Y- y L' �- d a� C7 L d � �� +' � m o � o� U � y � 3 � L �� �� } � rn � N � � � � 7 � � U � } � � � L } � d i � � � N 3 � .� > N N y 7 U � � � N y S � � � t } 7 �-p = y N c z ��j m• d 7 � � } � y °� � cn s.. .v . 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Bostrom Re: We object to the proposed retail laundromat at 962 Forest Street � i Dear Mr. i�ostrom: We have lived for 47 years at 95 east of the building at 962 Fore proposed. We understand from th the proposed laundromat would ha street access, and only an alley from our bedroom windows and the 00 -. ���1 Case Avenue located immediat.ely t Street where the laundromat is site plan drawing, attached, that e a seven-car parking lot with no entrance that would be twenty feet front door of our home. This proposed zoning to create retail traffic will substantial lower the value of our home by turning the alley into a noisy business entrance. We have been retired for several years and cannot afford to see the value of our home taken from us to change our neighborhood £rom residential to retail zoning use. ' The machine shop that was in the 962 Forest Street building had the quiet traffic of a couple employees during weekday hours. Living next door, we did no see evening traffic nor weekend traffic at the machine shop, except for only a handful of occasional visits per year by the owners. This is a residential neighborhood and should stay that way. No retail. We have a washer and dryer and we would not walk next door to use a laundromat. 5o the retail traffic would come from outside our neighborhood, making an even greater traffic problem. You may call us at 651-774-8834. Cordially, , ,,�����-��'�.� ,�=�-� � �.� Harold Hilsgen ' Rose xilsge i Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 882 Cook Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-772-2697 Septencber 10, 2000 Ward 6 Councilmember Daniel B. Bostrom Room 320-B City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Troska Re: Our Opposition to proposed retail traffic laundromat at 962 Forest Street Dear Mr. Bostrom: We are the owners of a residential duplex at 972 Forest Street (the two-story white house) bordering on the north with the building at 962 Forest Street. We object to a change of use zoning permit to create retail traffic for a laundrozaat having alley access and a parking lot adjoining our property. This is a residential neighborhood and should stay residential. We believe that creating new retail traffic will harm the peace and quiet of our neighborhood and wi11 lower the aalue of our property at 972 Forest Street, as well as lower the value of other surrounding homes. We work hard to create a clean and quiet place to live for the tenants in our duplex which is located between two neighborhood churches. We want to keep a respectful quality of life for the surrounding homes by not expanding retail traffic zoning. For more than ten years, we have observed the quiet and respectful operation of the quiet machine shop with minimal weekday traffic, rarely any evening traffic, and rarely any weekend traffic. The proposed laundromat would greatly increase the negative impact of traffic on the neighborhood. We provide a washer and dryer in the basement of our duplex for our tenants. If you have any questions, you may ca1Z us at 65].-772-2697. Respectfully, ��r9>2Z� / 7; -^,'-"�� � • • Mr. and Mrs. Zeonard Troska M� 1 Ta.rvwYVy O�-a�ky cuu� �a.w+.±,T y 970 Ca�i�ve.vwt.Pi oc -���+1 St. �aua, MN 55106 651-793 -5680 Se�t�ml�et�' 16, 2000 ---� MY. �a�.ao�tro Ci�'y Ca�,wu - W rx.v'd.Si�w I2oom.320-3 CLty �faZL Sai.n.t�'a.u.L, MN 55102 MY. 3�-�syv���- t'�i�tr;.r,t �we. �I���v►.v�.;.n.r.� co�wv�.c.i.L ioz4 i�a.yv►.Pi�vers.e,�.e� St. �c+.uL, MN 55101 �Z�' �Zea��Sto}� ��ra�a�e.cL2etcsi,LTv�a�La�,w►dYawu�.t at962 �ore�tStv�ezt, co of Ca�ei�Ave.vi,u�i � �� MY. 3��-d-�,�M�-. sy���: "T1'l.P�(�+�Yict�i,vC'���(�+n.vu.h.�Co�c.wLC,�;L fad%L�-to-re,pre.�P.n�thC�i Ye2r1.G�PiYI�' 1.tNiiYl.G�� !iW dLU'' Vl.O'�PiYI� YL8%i.��'1.�1dY�1.0'dl.�/ Zi7'iCA.L{�('/ t�1.Pi �t�{''l.C.� �iNPi VYI.f;P.��WI.�� GWe� yt.P.7.L� Gt�P.Y C,�GW� W�l.�Y1� i.� i% VW� �fP� fOv' dL1.f'' n.e�,�r�to-�a-o-utaft3leu-h.o�ea: Iwaddxt'ww, v►.a�t,c�-af l7i�tri,ct �we� ►�vieet'�vu�y d,o- v�at � we� u.a� ev�c�.�ltit'�ito-pYepai-P. • I Yecei�vec� th�ei vw�"ccz cc,llotc� L�i Z�a,cw►.dYan�.at o-w the. �rictc�y Irn�O L�►�Tu.e.�d ay e.vP.vtii,vt.� w�,e�"+� I a�terv�ted�to- frh-thPi ,neet by �u,iv;.n.�• vu�i,�r& �i;�wthe� c�'a.cl�a.d� et'r,t'wv� : a ut o-w � h, o f tl�►.Pi � i,�"rtct' z+;.�z vvi�e�"�, I wc� � t� f'Y.v�.cL chi,Zdc,a.Ye; a.v�I wa.s�a�irca.i.d�to-ta.kPi r�a�.y ch.iZdrewo�ccta�tes� d.a.Ylvto- �fh�"Yi,ct" �i.ve� I crp po�i th� Z�xu.vt.d�am.a�' �.avu,�.c�. I f yo-w yva.v�t t� ��c,�,t� t�-�; plea,�e, ca,LL vne� at 651-793 -5680. St.v►.c'.e+�' y 5 , � ��- • � � � �a.►v�v�'�' OfP,r'c�lcy ci.v►.d.1=a.w�.e,L�' ; �:.---- ] 4 l � 1 . �_ � � ___ ,), , � ,�= ` � ' • � . , _� 2 �sz_y--�—�U C�LI-S'�=_G� � r-�---�= i . -(�,`� --���t�'o���1k��`_S-L`� �ir�r_����D--v�—G��ex-���i.�;� ---�; �-�s-� c �_��--�'t v �_S3.\_c�.�c�,n �_ra.�C�o u,r�._�_l -- i �> c �—`S---Lll�i�_� �ta� _ 1.�, -- �r L i__ r �7_�.i�___�D � Z 5i �..L.0 c�S. ----- —� ,' �:� `� �cxz�_ � �ra_-�'� .,:. � �. �'����� c_�a � ���ec� y_rQ'�-=�+-CS-C l r = �i hbQr � ��? 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' 6 �'i� ' '�' �- :`.^;r . :' � �. r t � i1-.� - . - "° �': y ' ..J-- i � ___'_ i 4 a � ��L --- �l�C(Pi �--- . . . .. _—,—_'__–__ __"_'�_--_'�________ _-._.. _ _ ____�'__''•_' • . . « , . • • ' " '–___ _____' ___'_ ____"_'—'_'_' __'__' _^_ � - '-'- - - , \ 60 — \!"�''� � Bill Jories 935 Case Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55106 September 16, 2000 � Ward 6 Councilmember Daniel B. Bostrom Room 320-B City Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: I protest the proposed retail traffic laundromat at 962 Forest Street Dear Mr. Bostrom: I live across the street from the proposed laundromat at 962 Forest Street, and I live next to the Case Food Market that has been run by the applicant of the proposed laundromat. My life has been totally disrupted for the past two years by the noise of the retail traffic at the Case Food Market. Now the applicant wants to open a laundromat that I believe will be even worse for traPfic disruption in our residential neighborhood. The applicant was completely uncooperative with my efforts to pick up the daily trash from the retail traffic at his Case Food Market. I have no reason to believe that the applicant would cooperate with neighbors if he were allowed to open a laundromat, because he did not cooperate with my simple efforts to pick up the trash from his Case Food Market. I understand that his proposed laundromat would have an indoor pay phone. His pay phone at the Case Food Market was a terrible disruption to our neighborhood. Everything I have heard about the laundromat makes me believe that it would be terrible for our neighborhood. I don't need a laundromat because my landlord provides laundry machines in the basement of this apartment building. During the years I observed the machine shop at 962 Forest, was quiet, not retail, not open to the public, open only weekdays, not open evenings, and not open on weekends. It quiet use that was respectful to those living here, and respectful to the two neighborhood churches (north and south the proposed laundromat). Yours truly, • �� L, G �O/l/�� S' it was a of Bill Jones T ,�-�� ZONING FILE NO; APPLICANT: PURPOSE: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRlPTION: ZONING COMMITTEE ACTION: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CITY OF SAINtT PAUL, MINNESOTA NONCONFORMfNG lJSE PERMfT 00-135-068 Hisham At-Arabi Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest St., NE corner of Forest St. and Case Ave. STEVENS REARRANGEMENT LOTS 13 THRU 18 BLK 4 LOT 7 Sent to Planning Commission without recommendation. Approval with conditions. � CONDITtONS OF THIS PERMIT: " 1. The applicant secures site plan approval. 2. The laundrornat shall have no more than 10 washing machines and 10 dryers. 3. 7he daily hours of the laundromat shali be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and shali be no eariier than 1:00 p.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. 4. There shatl be no pay telephone on the exferior of tf�e buitding. 5. 7here shall be no vertding machi�es at the laundromat, inside or outside, except there may be a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat. 6. There shall be an employee attendant on the premises during all business hours. APPROVED BY: Gladys Morton, Commission Chairperson I, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, d� hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing copy wiih the original record in my o�ce; and find Yhe same to be a tre� and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paui Planning Commission meeting held on September 8, 2000, and on record in the Saint Paul Planning O�ce, 25 West Fourth $treet, Saint Paul, Minnesota. This permit will expire one year from the date of approval if the use herein permitted is not established. The decision to grant this permit by the Planning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council. Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at the Zoning O�ce, 1400 City Hali Annex, 25 W est Fourth Street. Any such appeat must be filed with in 15 calendar days of the mailing date noted below. Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revocation. f'��( , �A���> Caroi A. Ma�tineau Secretary to the Sainf Paul Zoning Committee Copies to: P,pplicant File No. Zoning Administrator License Inspector Disfricf Council Hisham Al-Arabi 00-135-068 Wendy Lane Christine Rozek \ J Mai(ed: 9ti5100 o� -��z� � � a. The proposed use is equally appropriate or n:ore appropriate to t7ie �:eighborhood tha�: the eXisting noricottforn:ing use. city of saint paut pfanning commission resolution file number date �VHEREAS, HISHAM AL-ARABI , file �00-135-068, has applied for a Nonconforming Use Percnit under the provisions of Section § 62.102(3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to change from a machine shop to a laundromat, at 962 Forest Sneet; legally described in the file; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on 08l03/00, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to fts Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant, Hisham AI-Arabi, states that he bought the property on contract for deed on September 16, 1999. He intends to establish a self-service laundromat, with 10 washing machines, and 10 dryers. The applicant proposes business hours of 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a �ti�eek. Mr. Al-Arabi indicates that there would be one caretaker at the building during business hours. 2. The previous nonconfornung use, a machine shop, is first permitted in the I-1 2oning district. The proposed nonconforming use, a laundromat, is first permitted in a more restrictive dishict, the B-1, Local Business District. 3. Section 62.1 �2(i)(3) of the zoning code states that the planning commassion may allow a nonconforming use to change to a use permitted in the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, or a use permitted in a district that is more restrictive than the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, if the commission makes the following findings: 00-56 •:�� This finding is met. The B-1 Local Business District, in which laundromats are first permitted, is intended to permit "those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs ofpersons residing in nearby residential areas", and as such, the proposed use is at least as appropriate to the neighborhood as is a machine shop which is first permitted in a less restrictive district. � moved by Gordon seconded by Field in favor 11 against 3 (Gervais, Kramer, and Morton) Z.F.#00-135-068 Page 2 of Resolution b. Tke traffrc ge�eerate�l by t&e proposed rrse is similar to t/iat geirerated by tJte existing ltottCOttfOrlttil7e uSe. This finding is met. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE} trip generation data does not include information for iaundromats or for any use similar to laundromats. The Coin Laundry Institute sho�vs a Gvide range of performance of 3 to 8 cycles per day per machinz. With 10 machines, an average of 3.5 loads per customer, and 2 trips per customer, the proposed laundromat �vould generate about 18 to 46 trips per day. Some customers may make more than two trips, but some of these trips are likely to be � pedesh rather than vehicle h Based on a]etter from Jack Devlin, a former owner of the bnilding, the previous nonconforming use generaYed about 32 Yo 36 vehicle trips per day. The traffic generatea by the proposed use is also similar to that generated by two single- � family houses, cvhich could be built on this site under its RT-1 zoning. 1TE trip generation data shows two singie-family detached houses �could generate an avera�e of I9 vehicle trips per day, and a range of 9 to 44 vehicle trips per day. _• An altemate standard for comparison is the parking required by the zoning code. Parking , required for a machine shop is one (1) space per 6�0 square feet, or 4.7 spaces for this building. Parkin� required for a laundromat is one space per three (3) washing machines or 33 spaces for the proposed laundromat. The applicant has provided a site plan showing a parking lot with seven (7) parking spaces, accessed from the alley. The applicant states thai he anticipates the customers will come from the immediate area. The applicant states Yhat there will be no vending machines to generate any delivery vehicles. c. The use wiU not be detrimenta! to the existing daaracter of developn:ent in the immediate neighborl:ood or endanger the ptrblic heal[h, safety, or geseraL welfare. This condition is met. A neighborhood laundromat provides a service to the immediate community. The city's land use plan states that commercial activity embedded in neighborhoods is a feature of "good neighborhoods". The zoning code requires that the parking lot be iisually screened to a height of 4 feet 6 inches where the lot abuts residential as well as «here it abuts the alley. The site plan also shows the parking lot being screened by fence to the west, north and east, with a four foot wide landscaped strip along Case Avenue. Neighborhood concems expressed in the past about re-use of this property have incIuded � trash and loiterin�. If there are no vending machines, the proposed laundromat sfiould not be a significant source of neighborhood litter. A dumpster, screened from vie�v, is provided in parking lot, as shown on the site plan. The applicant does not intend to locate Oo— �\R'1 • Z.F. #00-135-068 Page 3 of Resolution a pay phone on the exterior of the building, which had been expressed as a neighborhood loitering concem in the past. d. The use is co�asistent wifh the con:prehensive plan. This finding is met. The city's land usa plan promotes a mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1). NO�V, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the . authority of the City's L.egislative Code, the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The applicant secures site plan approval. 2. The laundromat shall have no more than 10 washing machines and 10 dryers. 3. The daily hours of the laundromat shall be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and shall be no earlier than 1:00 p.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. � 4. There shall be no pay telephone on the exterior of the building. 5. There shall be no vending machines at the laundromat, inside or outside, except there may be a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat. 6. There shall be an employee attendant on the premises during all business hours. � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. City Councit Chambers, 3` Floor Cify Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Field, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Faricy, and Gervais Peter Warner Carol Martineau of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. AI-Arabi Laundromat- 00-135-068 - Nonconform�ng Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave, Nancy Frick presented the staff report. Ms. Frick stated one letter in opposition of the laundromat was received. The Zoning Staff recommends approval with two additional conditions not listed in . the staff report. 1) There should be no more than 10 washing machines. 2) There should be no vending machines at the site. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Frick sfated The Zoning Code parking sfandards were used and fhere was no fraffic dafa compiled for (aundromafs. Ms. Frick atso sfafed fhe applicanf expects fhe iaundromat fo serve fhe immediate neighborhood and a number of peop(e would wafk to the site. Commissioner Gordon stated traffic generated by other laundromats of comparable size woutd be usefu(. At the question of Commissioner Engh, Ms. Frick stated the fences in the alley way are short and wouid screen the lower portions of vehicles so lighting wouldn't be a factor. ,. Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Warner explained in past applications, trafFc has always been interpreted to deal with automobiles. tgnoring the past practices and focusing on the term "traffic", it then contemplates the overall traffic in the neighborhood and that may inciude vehicular and foot traffic. The term is not specifically limited to automobile traffic. Longer hours will impact the traffic, and how it is interpreted is up to the committee. Mr. AI-Arabi, the applicant, appeared and sfated they applied for a laundromat due to neighborhood requests. At the question of Commissioner Gordo�, Mr. A!-Arabi stated he didn't have vehicie or pedestrian traffic estimates for laundromats. Mr. Dan Stark, Memberof the NolyTrinity Church at 956 Forest Street, appeared in opposition and stated he received information irom the Coin Laundry institute in Chicago. Customers typically use three to four washing machines at a time. A laundromat geRerally operates at about 33 to 50 percent capacities. Qperating at 40 percent capacity considering 3.5 loads per customer. 7he customer calculakions would consist of f 0 machines, three loads an hour per machine, 12 hours a day would consist of 360 total possible loads. With the applied capacity of 40 percent gives 144 • � • M(NUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE 7hursday, September 7, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. • City Gouncil Chambers, 3'd Floor City Ha14 and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Fie{d, Engh, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morfon EXCUSED: Faricy and Mardell OTHERS Peter Warner PRESENT: Carol Martineau and Ailan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. AI-Arabi Laundromat- 00-135-068 - Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave. Mr. Torstenson presented the additional information on traffic generation requested by the committee when this case was laid over on August 3. He also noted the District Council recommended that two additional conditions be attached to the Nonconforming Use Permit: that there be no vending machines on the property, and that there be an employee attendant on the premises at all times during business hours. � At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Torstenson stated that Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation data for singte-family houses shows the range of trips per unit per day is 4.31 to 21.85, so there is a range of nine to 44 trips for two units. He also explained that a conforming use for this propertywould be two single familyhomes. Mr. Al-Arabi is now proposing one of the least traffic intensive possible commercial uses for this site. It would be difficult to recommend denial of a Nonconforming Use Permit based on traffic generation. If this nonconforming use is not allowed, there is a question of what nonconforming use would be allowed on the site. At the inquiry of Commissioner Gervais, Mr. Torstenson explained that when the case was weighed according to the standards for the nonconforming use permit (there are no uses exactly the same) this case is reasonably similar in terms of traffic generation. Commissioner Kramer stated he couldn't conclude the traffic is similar when it is generated at different times of the day including evening hours. He also stated he thinks the estimate of traffic generated by the previous use based on the letter from the previous building owner is at best exaggerated. Because of his Post Office box at Seeger square, he has driven by the site often for many years and has never seen more than one or two vehicles there at any one time. Commissioner Gervais, who also drives by the site regularly, a,� sayin� he has seen very little traffic there. • , Commissioner Kramer moved denial of the application on the basis that the traffic generated is not similar to the previous use. Commissioner Gervais seconded it. 00— l7 �� � �� L Zoning Committee Minutes August 27, 2000 File #: 00-135-068 Page 2 loads of faundry. Each customer uses 3.5 loads which generales 41 customers per day. Mr. Sfark also stated he observed three coin operafed iaundromats in the neighborhood which showed mosf patrons were women with children. 7he nUmber of children generally exceeds the number of adults. Many people load up the machines and drive off to complete other errands increasing traffic. 10 machines at 3 loads an hour with 41 customers a day, seven days a week, applying a factor of 2 for children generates 123 visits per day which is a significant increase in tra�c. Mr. Richard Batdorf, 953 4 Street, appeared in opposition. He passed out a chart and stated the two previous owners operated a machine type business thatwas non-retail in that location. He_also stated there was oniy 1 or 2 employees at the machine shop. Last year fhe appiicant knocked out the front facade of the building and installed windows for a retaii estabiishment. It being open�fo the public changes Yhe character of the traffic as well as the number of people. The hours of business use will be changed from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm with no traffic in fhe evening hours to traffic generated in the evenings and weekends. The disfincfion in non-retail and retail business consists of quiet traffic versus noisy traffic and the Nonconforming Use Permit should be denied because of fhe tra�c drawn in from outside the neighborhood. He aiso requested the record of the other two cases be incorporated into this file for reference. At the quesfion of Commissioner Field, Mr. Warner stated the previous records would be allowed to become part of the record as long as the references that are used applied to traffic only. Commissioner Gordon stated he would also like to have the records of the last two cases. Mr. AI-Arabi declined to rebut the testimony. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Gordon stated more data is needed on traffic incorporated by laundromats. Commissioner Kramer made a motion to lay the case over until August 31, 2000. Commissioner Gordon seconded it. After further discussion and a request to provide information on traffic generated by laundromats the motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: Appr f � IttO� �1 � Chair • «,A.��%����� ! �i` �/� c/`� � Carol Martineau Nancy Fri � Recording Secretary Zoning Section �- t� • 7,oning Committee Minutes September7, 2Q00 File #: 00-135-068 Page 2 Commissioner Gozdon stated this is s close call, but he will vote against the motion because the traffic generated by a laundromat is similar enough to that generated by the previous nonconforming use. On balance, he thinks the nonconforuung use permit should be approved. After further discussion, the motion failed on a vote of 3-3. Gordon, Engh and Field voted against the mofion. Commissioner Gordon made a motion to approve the application subject to the condition recommended by staff. Commissioner Engh seconded it. The motion failed on a vote of 3-3. Kramer, Gervais and Morton voted against the motion. After further discussion about possible additional conditions conceming business hours, Commissioner Morton made a motion to send it to the Planning Commission wathout a recommendation. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. � Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: C'.i:�D'/�'C�c�r�uv , ��—? Carol Martineau � Alian Torstenson Litton Pield Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair � Saint Paul Planning Commission CiTy $aIl Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of September 8, 2000 A meetinb of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paui �vas heId Friday, September 8, 2000, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioneis Mmes. Donnelty-Cohen, Daarte, McCa1t, and Morton Presenf: and Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Corbey, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, ICramer, aad Margulies. Commissioners Mmes. *Enah, *Faricy, *Zimmer Lonetti; and Messrs. *Kong, Mardell, and Shakir. Absent: #Excused Also Present: Larry Soderliolm, Planning Administrator; Al(an Torstenson and Mary $ruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. (NOTE: The recording aquipment �vas not properly connected. There is no audio tape for this meeting. The tninutes are written based on the recall of staff.} z. II. Approval of Minutes for August 25, 2000 MOTION: Commissioi:er Kramer moved approva[ of t1:e n:inutes of Aua ust 25, 2000. Commissioner Field seconded llae rrzotion. The niorion carried arnaniFnously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chairman Morton reminded commission members about the Planning Commission's retreat on September 29"' and circulated a sign-up sheet for it. Commissioner Mardeii has volunteered to be the facilitator for the retreat. III. Planning Administrafor's Announcemenfs Larry Soderholm announced that imporfant city p(ans done by the commission are being implemented. This tveek there was a ground-breakin� for ne�v housing as the beginnin� for ttie new urban viitaee in t[ie North Quadrant Tomorrow is the grand openin� of tl�e refurbished Harriet Island Park. He continued with some sta�ng updates. Joel Spoonheim is recovering and is back at home after bein� shot in a drive-by sliooting. Ken Ford is �vorkin� temporarily to �et the Comprehensive Plan pubtished in it's new format. A new planner, Yan� Zhang, wil( be starting on September 18`". He reported on the zoning actions by the City Council earlier in the �� � � � �—\\'1 \ J week, and that Commissioner Anfang had been appointed to the Board of Water Commissioners. IV. Zoning Committee #00-130-376 Countv Law Enforcement Center - Special Condition Usr ?,:rmit for a new County Law Enforcement Center to include processing and housing of pretrial inmates. Area bounded by Olive, University, Lafayette, and Grove. Commissioner Field repoRed that tl�e District 5 Payne Phalen Planning Council supports the application, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, and the hearing was closed. On a vote of 5-1 the Zoning Committee recommends . approval with conditions, including a condition added by the committee that on or before a date to be one year after the opening of the new County law enforcement center, tlie property referred to as the Adalt Detention Center and located at 14 W. Kellogg Boulevard shall be restored to tax paying status. MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the Specia[ Condition Use Pern:it. Tlee motioi: carried on a voice vote. Comnzissioner Alton voted no. #00-136-068 AI-Arabi Laundromat - Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a Laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave. � Commissioner Field reported that the District 5 Payne Phalen Plarming Council recommended additional conditions if approved, no one spoke in support, two people spoke in opposition, and the hearing was closed. Due to tie votes of 3-3 on a motion to recommend denial and on a motion to recommend approval, tUe Zoning Committee voted to send this item to the fitll Planning Commission without recomme»datio�i. Allan Torstenson explained staff findings regarding traffic generated by laundromats compared to traffic that was generated by the previous nonconforming use. MOTION: Comn:issioner Kramer moved for denia! ofNonconforming Use Permit. 5econdet! by Commissioiter Gervais. Commissioner Kramer said he had viewed rivo laundromats rivo blocks away on Arcade, where there were as many peopie in 45 minutes as national survey's suggest this one will have all day. Commissioner Gotdon spoke against the motion. He said the proposed laundromat is a reasonably non-intrusive use, similarly appropriate for this site as tl�e previous use, and the traffic generated by the proposed laundromat would be similar to the previous use. He also noted he thinks the proposed use should be compared to machine shops Qenerally, and tl�at tlie machine shop at this site could ha� e been opei� ]ater, had more emp(oyees, and generated more traffic. � Mr. Soderholm stated that a simple reason for the staff recommendation for approval is that laundromats are first alloFVed in B-1, which allows uses more appropriate at this site than tiie less restrictive T-1 zoning district where machine shops are first allowed. Commissioner Gervais spoke in favor of the motion, noting that the building was a grocery store in the SOs, but now is ir� a residential area. Based on his observations over the years, he thinks the proposed use wi11 aenerate more traffic than tl�e previous use. T/re niotion failed on a voice vote of 3 in favor and II againzst. MOTION: Con:missioner Gordon moved approval oftkeNoncor:forming UsePermit with conditions inclurli�ag af: 8:00 p,nr. closing tinze and opening no earlier thnn I:00 p.n:. on SuFadays. Seconrled by Conzneissioner Field. Commissioner Anfang suggested amending the conditions to allow a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat, which �vas accepted as a friendly amendment. Commissioner Margulies sugaested amending the conditions to require a 9:00 p.m. rather than 8:00 p.m. closing time, whicl� was accepted as a friendly amendmenf. Tlee motio�: passed on a voice vote of II in favor and 3 against (Kramer, Gervais, Morton). • �00-137-380 Marie Cosarove - Change in Nonconforming Use Permit from a massage therapist and beauty salon to a beauty salon and an aparcrnent. I043 Osceola, NW corner Osceola and Oxford. CommissionerField reported thatno districtcomment had been received, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, the hearing �vas closed, and on a vote of 6-0 the Zoning Committee recommends approval. MOTION: Con:`nissioizer Fie1d moved approval of the 1Vonconfor»:ing use Pern:it. T/te nzotion carried ot: a unanimous voice vote. #QO-137-293 Jeffrev Boston - Change of Nonconforming Use Permit from a human service licensed community residential facility for 10 residents with a third floor dcvelling unit to a fransitionat housing facility for 10 residents and live-in staff in the third floor unit. ]489-91 Sherburne Ave., NE comer of Sherburne and Simpson. Commissioner Fiefd reported tl�at District 11 took no formal action, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, the public hearin� was closed, and on a vote of 6-0 the 2oning Committee recommends approval. NIOTION:Conuni ssionerFieldmovedapprovaloftlreNof:confornrin a UsePermit. Tlre nrotion carried ot: a unanin:ous voice vote. � bo _ 1\'1.'1 u Rich Rovang, Ditector of Engineering and Facilities for Metro Transit aiso gave a power-point presentation. He showed how the Riverview Corridor relates to overall regional planning for improved public transit. Within the Rivervie�v Corridor he used cross-section drawings for each segment to show how BRT would fit on West Seventh Street, along CP Rail tracks, on the downto�vn streets, and on East Seventh Street. He reported on the MIS findings for travel time, ridership, parking loss/replacement, and costs. He said the key issues can be organized as follows: the length ofUte corridor at each end; where there will be exclusive rights-of-way vs. mixed traffic; station locations, speed, and frequency of the bus service; selection of the bus vehicles; par4;ing impacts and park-and-ride opportunities; traffic impacts; fares and fare collection system; and imp]ementation schedule. Commissia� members l�ad many questions, w1�icU were addressed to the tNree presenters and to Kathy DeSpiegelaere, staff of the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority. VI. Neigliborhoods and Current Planning Comraittee No report. � VII. Communications Committee No report. VIII. Task Furce Reports Commissioner Kramer reported that the White Bear Avenue Planning Committee finished the small area plan and forty acre shidy earlier in the week. It deais with traffic, parking, land use, zoniug, business attraction, aud streetscape design. Next the plan will be reviewed by the Aistrict 1 and District 2 Planning Councils. Then it will come to the Planning Commission. Larry Soderholm reminded members that the Advertising Sign Commlttee will meet on September 12`" to go through the draft ordinances. IR Qld Business None X. New Business None XI. Adjournment . The meeting rvas adjourned at 10:25 p.m. � Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paui RespectFul(y submitted, Larry S er olm Planning ministrator Approved (Date} 7ennifer Engh Secretary of the Planning Commission � � R:\SharedlBruton\Minutes\minutes 9-8-OO.wpd FROM : D.=uiin Drywal! �-ron�e r�. : issi�s�sss Jat,. os zrc¢e eS:SSrn �i �"5� OEtlt!!i DRYWALL C�. oo_�� • �zsss nm sc n " . LaSx Fhm MV 53041 1'l�.one 777S85I Fu 77T•SS51 Janvary O5, 2004 to the s2 paul zo,nng cammitEa mr namt is jut; devlin, fotmer 1�? owatt of truitdin� nt 962 forest.hiy paztncr , Aennis Bmy and i ovmed fius bnildSag for about 4 years. Durins fhst ame we tessed the space to 4 difuent compuet. Apro ?vfarbine, "Stch- Tackiq VSurmbly & machin5 aaQ DeWin DrywaIl. A1 sHaring space ia buitdin�. My esiimation ihat diuing tuat A ywr peric�d on an avetage we had 'a veYnc4es parked aIl day. apTOxmsatly 1 to 3 delivezies end picL•-ups yer day. ateh COTpaily }I8d 8T70UI � VIS1tDt5 customers, clieau ,ernptyees stop iaat an average ef ebout 45 mins tu 1 hour.. lVE were open alt day and came in somaimes oa wcekeads.. On sunday�s pa:king somatimes v�v�as a probtom be�ase af c}uucu service and thete shorrage of p.�ttitinC anaee. Siaeer�fy, 7a:k D�7ia L �� rr�' � _ .�.� � 5`1 a o _ �\RR � � � N � A ti d � 0 L a � .Q Y d � � L � � � � .i � � a� � 0 Q 0 L Q t� m E 0 a c � � � d � � N � A � m � O L � a � U f6 � Q O � � N C L U � � O L Q Q �aaM aad sdial � � � � � � O CO tt) a M N � , . .. . Your Nnme Your Address Your Phone Number � � October �b 2000 (Moilno later than October ZOth} oc _1�R't Ms. Pntricin James, Zoning Staff, PED, .� � �-.� �. � � �, ��--. C.ity of St. Peul �ept. of Plnnning and Econ. Devel. a``'� a_ _ e"� t:_ �,. ��� 1400 City Hall Annex ` 25 West Fourth Street OC i 2 �' 200a Suinfi Pnul, MN 55102-1634 Regnrding: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat nt 962 Forest Sfireet Dear Ms. Jnmes: I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to nllow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residentia) neighborhood because: _ �-F 2S�'a b 1;s�ecL 1 o co�. �� tsfa r�/ ��ct 1'es.f r V�. � 1- i �.y , v� ��r y yo u �1 m e�''l . o v, -Fo o� (tell the City �w you feel about the problems at Forest & Case in our �esidentia/neighborhood} -��.���.�� Sincere �������( Your si nQture ` ORIG{NAL Presented By Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # pp .. �,�� CrreenSheet# Ib6o00 n Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Mr. Hisham Al-Arabi, in zoning file No. 00-135-068, made application to 2 the Saint Paul Plazuung Commission (hereinafter the "Commission") for a non-conforming use 3 permit to operate a laundromat in a former machine shop at 962 Farest Street pursuant to the 4 provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 62.102(3)(3), the said property legally described as 5 contained in the zoning file noted above; and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, the Commission's Zoning Committee conducted a public hearing on August 3, 2000, after having provided notice to affected property owners and submitted a recommendation to the full Commission. The fixll Commission approved the non-confornung use pernut application, subject to the conditions noted in Commission Resolution No. 00-56 dated September 8, 2000, based upon the following findings and conclusions noted in the said Commission Resolution: The applicant, Hisham Al-Arabi, states that he bought the property on contract for deed on September 16, 1999. He intends to establish a self-service laundromat, with 10 washing machines, and 10 dryers. The applicant pzoposes business hours of 10 am. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. Mr. Al-Arabi indicates that there would be one caretaker at the building during business hours. 2. The previous nonconforming use, a maclune shop, is first pernnitted in the I-1 zoning district. The proposed nonconforming use, a laundromat, is first permitted in a more restrictive district, the B-1, Local Business District. 3. Section 62102(i)(3) of the zoning code states that the planning commission may allow a nonconforming use to change to a use permitted in the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, or a use permitted in a district that is more restrictive than the district in which the nonconfornung use is first allowed, if the commission makes the following findings: a. The proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the neighborhond than the e.zisting nonconforming use. This finding is met. The B-1 Local Business District, in which laundromats aze first permitted, is intended to permit "those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residenrial azeas", and as such, the proposed use is at least as appropriate to the neighborhood as is a machine shop which is first permitted in a less restrictive district. ORl�l�1�� oo_�,�� T raffic generated by the proposed use is similar to that generated by the 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 c . eristing nonconforming use. This fmding is met. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation data does not include information for laundromats or for any use sunilaz to laundromats. The Coin Laundry Institute shows a wide range of performance of 3 to 8 cycles per day per machine. With 10 machines, an average of 3.S loads per customer, and 2 trips per customer, the proposed laundromat would generate about 18 to 46 trips per day. Some customers may make more than two trips, but some of these trips are likely to be pedestrian rather than vehicle trips. Based on a letter from Jack Devlin, a former owner of the building, the previous nonconforming use generated about 32 to 36 vehicle trips per day. The trafFc generated bq the proposed use is also similaz to that generated by two single-family houses, which could be built on this site under its RT-1 zoning. ITE trip generation data shows two single-family detached houses would generate an average of 19 vehicle trips per day, and a range of 9 to 44 vehicle trips per day. An alternaxe standard for comparison is the parking required by the zoning code. Pazking required for a machine shop is one (1) space per 650 square feet, or 4.7 spaces for this building. Parking required for a laundromat is one space per three (3) washing machines or 33 spaces for the proposed laundromat. The applicant has provided a site plan showing a parking lot with seven (7) parking spaces, accessed from the alley. The applicant states that he anticipates the customers will come from the immediate area. The applicant states that there will be no vending machines to generate any delivery vehicles. The use will not be detrzmental to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, ar general welfare. This condition is met. A neighborhood laundromat provides a service to the immediate community. The ciTy's land use plan states that commercial activity embedded in neighborhoods is a feature of "good neighborhoods". 39 40 The zoning code requires that the parking lot be visually screened to a height of 4 41 feet 6 inches where the lot abuts residential as well as where it abuts the alley. 42 The site plan also shows the pazking lot being screened by fence to the west, north 43 and east, with a four foot wide landscaped sri along Case Avenue. 44 45 Neighborhood concerns expressed in the past about re-use of this property have 46 included trash and loitering. If there are no vending machines, the proposed 47 laundromat should not be a significant source of neighborhood litter. A dumpster, 48 screened from view, is provided in parking lot, as shown on the site plan. The 49 applicant does not intend to locate a pay phone on the exterior of the building, 50 which had been expressed as a neighborhood loitering concern in the past. Page 2 of 4 �°'��iL� '"�he use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This finding is met. The city's land use plan promotes a mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1). 10 11 12 13 14 15 00 '�� l I WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paui Legislative Code § 64.206, Mr. Hazold Hilsgen duly filed an appeal from the detennination made by the Planning Commission and requested a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code § 64.206 - 64208 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on October 25, 2000, where all interested parties were given an oppoihuiity to be heard; and 16 WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the 17 application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and 18 of the Planning Commission does hereby; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RESOLVE, to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter based upon the following findings: The Councii finds that the Planning Commission made the following errors in this matter: (1) The testimony shows that the traffic generated by the proposed use will be more intense that the traffic generated by the machine shop. Traffic levels from the new use will not be similar to the traffic levels of the old use ; and (2) The increase in traffic from the proposed non-conforming use will be deh to the existing chazacter of development in the immediate neighborhood or will endanger public health, safety or general welfare; Page 3 of 4 1�� 3�'` I� � o o--��1'1 ,���, 2 AND � IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the reasons stated above, the appeal of 3 Harold Hilsgen is hereby 9ranted; 4 S AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this 6 resolution to Mr. Hilsgen, Mr. Al-Arabi, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning 7 Commission. ORIGINAL Requested by Depaztment o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��(NN�W f2'�2�OU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � 3- I� � By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: -�.�� ���`� k r �� \ Adopted by Council: Date �s�, ao r'v�pory DEPARTIvIENT OF PLANNIlVG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 4, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Ciry Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pqul, MN55702 ao - l�n? S9 Telephorze: 651-266-6626 Facsimile: 657-228-3341 I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 25, 2000, for the following appeal of a Planniug Commission decision approving a • nonconforming use permit. Appellant: HILSGEN, ET AL. File Number: #00-145149 Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision granting a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. Address: 962 Forest Street Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: Stevens Reazrangement Lots 13 ttuu 18, Block 4, Lot 7 Planning Commission approval; vote 11-3, September 8, 2000 Zoning Committee: sent to Planning Commission without recommendation My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the September 18 agenda of the City Council and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ��--����� Patricia 7ames City Planner cc: FIle1{00-145149 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Wendy Lane, LIEP ,.... �'.>��f7L`�a,.RUN�.�s:.....lr'[Ta. . � ;PIOTIGL:(�F:ROHLIC �.Y6;' __ � Tfte ,Saint Pavl Clty� Countlt � con- duct a pubHc heazing ^on� VJt�:ac�ay, Oetober 26:�2009;-at 5:3Q p.m. � Yhe`City Cmmc3t Cham'iSers; 1Y+frd F1oor Clty-'Hall' 4ourtho�ise, 15�West:&ellogg Bo»tevatd; Sahit Paiil. 1�frl, 'to con'sider the a�pDral of Dated:OctoberlD • _ _ NANCYANDERSON ' tlssistanF-City Cotxrici; Secretary " ' , � -;- . : � . : .-. � . IRct'opex 1z) �> "" . _ . ., � S,'E PAl1Ir �B'B�S�k`L:I�Li��-- d207$49@� ' . ' ' � Octobex 16, 2000 From: Andrew Decker 945 Jenks Ave. St. Pau[, MN 55106 651-771-3798 �� � _ ����� � �� O�� � � ��: �� �' ,r.., Z �� ,.� � _�"f To: Ms. Patricia James, Zoning Staff, PE17 City of St. Paul, Dept. of Planning & Economic Dev. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102-1634 Re: Zoning File #00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat at 962 Forest St. Dear Ms James, o0-�\'1`1 I am writing in regard to the proposed laundromat at 962 Forest St. I am a long time resident of the East Side, living only one block from the intersection of Case and Forest and I am quite concerned about adding another non-residential facility to our neighborhood. The level of noise and litter in this area is already overwhelming, and adding another business to the axea will only create more of the same. 7?rug dealing, loitering and assaults have been a problem in this area for years (including the murder of "The Gan 1VIan" Wes Morrison). Adding anather place to loiter is not the answer to cieaning up a crime ridden area. There are already at Ieast two other laundromats in the area (on Arcade Street, two bloeks away) so it is not as if there are no other laundry facilities in the area. Traffic and parking have been a problem at this intersection for years. Cars routinely shoot through the four way stop signs, resulting in a number of near-fatal colTisions. The St. Paul Police Dept. has recieved many calls in the past regarding this intersection, and these will only increase with the addition of more retaiI business. The machine shop which was formerly located at 962 Forest was unobtrusive, with Iittle traffic coming or going. Zt was not open evenings or weekends and created no problems for tl�e neighborhood. Retail tratTic, on the other hand, wiIl increase with the adclition of a Iaundromat to the area, bringing in unwanted noise, litter,loitering, traffic and crime. I have lived on the East Side for 10 years and have spent money, time and energy trying to improve my home and neighbarhood for myself, my family and my neighbors. We who have worked so hard to improve our neighborhood do not want to see aIl of this hard work go down the drain, so to speak, by allowing more retail businesses to creep into our neighborhood when there is already a viable retail business strip operating only two b3ocks away on Arcade St. Please do not allow the East Side to continue on its downward slide. Please keep our residentiai streets residential. Sincereley yours, ��� �� � -- -V� - - �� , _ � M J ��c,. , `�. - ,..�, � �� �� ° �. �` � /_�X N� O �o-���11 � � ��"��� --- 9��- .��'�'- -- - — � ' - ���-- �/ �SSil�� ���-, - - ���/� ���- �s��� -- !. 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October � 20�J0 --- dc' -- -� ---- dc - -- �- -� Your Name ��WfrF,�� ( e Your Address C��(� �p��Sq Your Phone Number(���� — 774 _-7�� � (Mail no later than October 20th) '- � �a ; � !° �';y-;'C.,. i' � ` _ `, ;;_���� - r .... , . - . z ;i- � ' . �`' .,.-__. €_.�� _ Ms. Patricia James, Zoning Staff, PED, Cii of St. Pnul Dept. of Planning and Econ. Devel. 1400 City Hnll Annex 25 West Fourth Streefi Saint Pnul, MN 55102-1634 pi T �- S 2000 ' Regarding: Zoning Fife # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromafi afi 9b2 Forest Street Denr Ms. Jnmes: I believe a chnnge of zoning at 962 Forest Street fio allow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residential neighborhood because:�2� r n�� �r��n�- -}�,�.�-�t,� � (,��i '1P !.U'�fa'e it'� � t,c�l �/ A�f feei obout the problems in our �l,c.� � " �i-� � ��G2/7 �r' C �,'//�js � .��I t`� �� .�� Sincereiy, U � � Your signature ��� �'l�U� ��Ved he�� 2�- tacavs t Wc��-chPd -�� d�Gi�?�e o-�.: ov-r h-e,�'�hb::� hovd— -a- �� d �JE t,vc�n� c� �A� ��c� -� �` 1�.��= V�-Y i i �,t (l C��- `�-�'jC °`�.- " �n�' '' Kr.l1 �YS r� F� ou��+a he� � > � � , � �,�� a � � � r �� r � ( � /{/ �j�� � ' � / // � //� � / �� / � r � � � i � \ / „ r�:_� i F � / / / � � � �� �^ % ��..:'' / Your Nnme �'�� ��e S 7`�e i n ca�,- Your Address Q` 7 �'�-°° Your Phone Number7 `�'-�-io 93 Oa-���*t October �, 2QOQ {Marino later than October 2QTh} Ms. Patricin Jnmes, Zoning Staff, PED, �,�`°. �° r j City of St. Pnul bept. of Pinnning and Econ. Devel. �' '?� �� `� ��' �`� � 1400 Cifiy Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street OCT.l ° 2�00 Saint Pctul, MN 55102-1634 Regarding: Denr Ms. James: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Lnundromat nt 962 Forest Street I bel+eve n change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to nllow retail firaffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residential neighborhood because: Gt�.¢_ J� ,( ,� aS /�..-., �,�.' Q,,.�._�_.rJ ct- _ �� a � ��-a-, u.. n ,�J�S-<_t�.Q �.�c ��.,� �, U ��� (te// the City how you fee/ obout the prob/e s at Forest & Cose m our resid�l neighborhoodj �/� � ! `�LJ —? �—�a.._� �� ir. ., . a� v1 ., d../-�— �---n i r _. _ �. Sincerely y�� Q p � 1 Your signature �� �"�"`���`� r .� ........y ..� _ _ _ T � � _ ��, � � � o � � �-� � � � � . �.� �"' __. _ __.' -_` Your Nnme�pYa? S�'�,h.�- Your Address q� 7� a^ �- Your Phone Number � 7��0 93 October j. � 2000 Ms. Pntricia Jomes, Zoning 5'taff, PED, City of St. Paul Dept. of Planning and Econ. �evel. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourih Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1634 Regording: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Dear Ms. Jc+mes: (Maii no late,r�tha � CJ�o�e�, �, � ��- '' , r`� � �+, � �`,�-�. _ � � , _ � � �. �eT 1 � 2D00 Proposed Laundromnt at 962 Farest Street I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to allow retnil trnffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residen#ial neighborhood �� f.IQ�6aus�� o�-.e.. .�'_'_ �i1 = - -�� i ° �'c/a�v�� c�t.�-v�y,c�_ I�J � � a�..0 .�„„ (te/l f�e City how you fee/ about the prob/ems at Forest & Case in our residential neighbo�hoodJ Sincerely, ����-� Sz � s�.— Your signature 6a—�l�`1 October 17, 2000 Joan Decker 945 Jenks Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 (651) 771-3798 To: Ms Patricia James Zoning Staff, PED City of St. Paul, Dept of Planning and Econ. Dev 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102- 1634 6a��� i �� � ., 1 s��-_� � k; �a, x, OCT j � _-� �.�° ., 20p0 Re: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat at 962 Forest ST. Dear Ms 7ames, I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to allow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be delrimental to our residential neighborhood. Public police records will show the number of cails already received for this area due to loitering, loud music, loud tr�c, and gang related activity. The high profile snurder case of Wes Morrison, a dear neighbor of ours, also reflects the concerns the Forest / Case area already has to contend with. Bringing in a"retail" business such as a Laundromat would only compound the potential for loitering, loud noise, and traff'ic problems. The need for parking for this business can not be addressed at the 962 Forest site. As my five year old daughter and I go for walks in our neighborhood, I feel our safety would be greatly jeopardized with a corner business which would bring in people who are not from the immediate neighborhood. The safety and well being of church goers to the area should not be compromised due to a some one, not from the area, wishing to make money. Please feel free to contact me, at the above number, for any other comments or questions you may have. The neighborhood needs vibrant, family orientated businesses, not ones where the safety of the neighborhood is at risk. Sin erely, //�� � , ad4 n llecke�� ij ' _,�, :;°° � :' r , _ . ��.. _ - f�i_� . �' _'_:_ - � � � 1 � zooc �.�- 2-Is.�� ��, - �7�� , a o _ � .� _ � O „ f/�--U� j�- � nc �: eo _ll`-tZ t � �� , N �c,�.-o.� -�- f ��.�--c%�_.a„��%- -� l � =-- - ..fil.�.�r✓.-�C�C_t�d__��O/_�_,.L�!�-2_{/�/� p� � J-'E � -f - G��:�! __7�t,t:P./_�. _ .-- -�.iw^' .N.✓.iLVnd6�Ki�n.--Fi✓� -- �. .. ._.-•�- � �/ �J� �l.�i_ _ _ _. �� ���.� .�f//v.i..��C✓wCX-..F/�C! �.¢' � ����--'c�-o.��.-�- � ,;2�vc����_�%�� �'--�v��/'Yvt��tN _%1.�i,.�Pia------_�irc-U- �,� �-�,��. �,�w.,- ,.�-���, eg�"��c.��_ .� � � �-� _� .,ai,-�-?-C�--a<:i°�.-�_ _. -�-f-'�-G.�`.�.v--�. / � j � ' J� � ,�/� � .��iW'���" _�_�/ � ��✓J./j/j.''?L'l _C��". -t,.."2��� J/ �� ii J� Gtrr JG-�?rr-O, �, / .��.2.ci��..� ��2 .:{- �� c�..�.n.�r�r�� - .�.,z. �,��2,.-��-�-�I � , •-� �%.�r��� �� �„-�,�-�:�.,, p'.r•T1C��--r.�- � r J 7 �.?�l�u.� � � ' ----� i2 L" � Gi�r / v _-.- % ''L'�-,fJ_�'S/L-u-�? J ' � .�- �-- ✓Cj�n��^-.�� �i�''F-'_t..�t.. ' Cz�_ �--7-..e.. G, l _..�� _ �,�.�.,..�%(�� �,.•z-t.,r vL _�=-� � s�v����%Y�v,...c ..--aiL�--��-� � �y � t�/� .�� c .�,�.� ��.,,,e .�.�,..,� ��.�'�..Ve �-(��- ¢ �,� .�.-tio-�-�.-�� � � ' � j ° � GZ" Gz -'/,L.�--�'t'G-�' �.'�^" / ��� -4y����„ /�p p � �t�"+- U'�� ./J^�2`r'»�-f'�-��-i� � cu,r� /.�-�� �..c�� %� Oo- �l'1`l �/��.��:..�/�-.-� � �� �� �.� � _ _ � . D, . .� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNIlVG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director � CTTY OF SAII�T PAUL Norm Colerrsan, Mayor October 4, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-145149 City Council Hearing: 25 Wes! Fourth Street Sain� Pau1, MN 55702 a� _���� Telephane: 65I-266-6626 Facsim ile: 65I -228-33d! HILSGEN, ET AL. October 25, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider the appeai of Hilsgen, et al. to a Planning Commission decision granting a Nonconforming Use Permit to Hisham Al-Arabi to change from a machine shop to a � laundromat. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATTON: APPROVAL vote: 11-3 ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Sent to Planning Commission without recommendation • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions SUPPORT: Applicant OPPOSITION: 2 people testified, one letter received Dear Ms. Anderson: Hisham AI-Arabi submitted a request for a Nonconforming t3se Permit for property at 962 Forest Street, to permit a change from a machine shop to a laundromat. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application on August 3, 2000. Staff presented a report recommending approval with conditions. The property owner/applicant spoke in support. Two people spoke in opposition, and a letter in opposition was received. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted to lay the application over for more information on traffic generated by laundromats. On September 7, 2000, the Zoning Committee again considered this application. Recoaunendations for denial and approval of the Nonconforming Use Permit both failed on a tie vote. The Zoning Committee voted to send the application to the Planning Commission without recommendation. The Planning Commission, on September 8, 2000, approved the Nonconfornung Use Permit application on a vote of il-3. The Commission attached six conditions to the approval. Tfiis appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 25, 2000. Please call me at 266-6639 if there are any questions or if a member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site for the public hearing. S� rely, ��' . Patricia James City Planner Attachments cc: File #00-145149 City Councilmembers � � � : • ao -l1`i`Z APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departnzent of Planning and Ecoxomic Dwelopmenf Zoning Section II00 Cify Ha11 Annex 25 Yl'esl Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPELLANT e Address ��e ��Stof Rpp,�!l4nts q7�f City Sr Pau 1 St.M/�Zip SS/�EDaytime phone 6�� 38y 6: �y PROPERTY Zoning File Name H i s h a rn /� �~ /-� r 4 6 i � l4„rcQ�� •K4i � LOCATION l �r-'S / O E AddresslLocation gEoZ r=o �°es� Str��1'� Sr. Pa� Zon;H,q F;1� Jilo,. � 00- /3S - 0 68 � • TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is herek�� made fer �n aep�al t� 4he: �� Soard of Zoning Appeals �City Council � a under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 6 �, Paragrapha of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by the PI a n n;� y Ce� vn r., ; Ss i a �� -- �—c 011 •.SPf7"�a 8� .� 00p � (date of decision) >�_ ,, s� l%sto �(7��tcl�e File number: l> U—%3.S — 0 6 8 � . . �JppeQ o� PleehniH� Cov+�wriS'sio•�s yrvNf o /� / �1 /� /IlOncovl'ro�•r� i n�c uSC'. Pc�r.�h i� �D cYice nqe 7'rorn J a ma�l�:ne shoP fv a �uu�d��orvt�t�; See S�kfe,Men o� Hppea�� a7�7�a��e� GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain wfiy you feei there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or fiinding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. Attach additiona/ sheet if ApplicanYssignatu �isf' o-FAPp a�� 4 H fs aNO� `�� °�'�NPeae Wifh SiGVea'f'urPS� qf/"ac�teq. J 9 a �� City agent Saint PauZ City Cauncil Application For Appeal Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Ha11 Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 555102 Tel: (651) 266-6589 In Re City of Saint Paul Planning Commission resolution file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street, St. Paul, MN 55106, zoning file number 00-135-068, submitted by Hisham A1-Arabi, 8787 Alamo Circle, Blaine, MN 55449. List of Ap�ellants Harold and Rose Hilsgen 951 Case Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-774-8834 Leonard Troska 882 Cook Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-772-2697 Richard Batdorf P.O. Box 65224 St. Paul, MN 55165-0224 Te1: 612-384-6329 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church 956 Forest Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Church: 651-771-5614 Pastor's Office: 651-644-4383 Statement Of ADneal . � The City of Saint Paul Planning Commission passed resolution • file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to OFFICE OF TFIE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, City Attorney 00 +��' `{ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor CiviiDivision 400 City Hall IS WestKelloggBlvd. Saint P¢ul, Minnesot¢ 55102 Telephone: 651166-8770 Facsimile: 65l 298-5619 December 14, 2000 Nancy Anderson Council Secretary 310 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Appeal of Hilsgen et a1. City Council Action Date: October 25, 2000 Deaz Nancy: Hand Delivered Enclosed please find a signed Resolution memorializing the Council's decision of October 25, 2000, in the above-entitled matter. It would be appreciated if this matter could be piaced on next week's agenda, or the earliest agenda thereafter. If you haue any questions, please don't hesitaCe to contact me. Very truly yours, ,k� /LIR.�CJ Peter W. Warner /�� Assistant City Attorney PW W1rmb Enclosure 0 0 -{,�^1 GREEN SHEET RACT PER5�7 � Ri� Peter Warner 266-8710 iT BE ON COUNCR AGFN�A December 20, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �: :��.;� -� .-� ; ;, No 10�000 �,.�� FOR ❑ qn�nolUEY ❑ a�Yaiuc _ � nuwcwmxccsoa ❑ �x,rew.miw�eerc ❑ r�va�p�uasr�xn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council on October 25, 2000, granting the appeal of Hilsgen, et al. to a decision of the Planning Commission granting a non-confornung use pernut to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street._ _ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has tl� persa�Nm averxro,ked untler a contract for fhie depertmeM? YES Nq Fles tlxs PreauTrm ever bem a cAY emabvee7 YE3 NO Daec Nie PerwMrm P�secs a eidll rwt normellYP� M' a�Y WrteM city employee? VES NO la this pneoNfirm a tarpa[etl vendoYt YES T� a� atlach W s SOURCE COST/REVEHUE BYD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) ITSil�li�a:t�'.��-1dc7 1"i ��:I•i (��M p _ �trl 1 • � Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 2 a laundromat at 962 Forest Street submitted by Hisham Al- Arabi, zoning file #00-135-068, attached hereto as a part hereof. The neighbors/appellants listed above hereby appeal this decision of the Planning Commission based on the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 64, Paragraph 206(a) of the Zoning Code. We request review by the City.Council, including a duly noticed public hearing. 1. The Planning Commission erred in its procedure for calculating the traffic generated by the existing nonconforming use, and by the proposed use, (Section 62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code), for the following reasons: a. After public comment was closed at the level of the Planning Committee, a controversial letter from the Contract For Deed vendor of the property was extracted from a previous permit review and re-introduced in the instant permit review by a newly assigned City zoning staff inember. First, the controversial letter was not part of the instant permit review during the public comment period, thereby unfairly denying neighbors an opportunity to refute its veracity. Second, the letter when presented at a previous permit hearing had been disputed by the testimonies of neighbors, but none of their contradicting testimony was introduced with the letter, thereby unfairly biasing the process in the instant permit review against neiqhbors who objected to the permit. (The veracity of the letter also is refuted by the letters and petitions referenced in paragraph 3, below.) Both the staff report and the Planning Commission's findings relied on the controversial . letter, without balance of the refuting testimony £rom neighbors, which reliance erroneously skewed the calculation of traffic in favor of granting the permit (Sec.62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code). Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 3 b. Its finding was not based on the trafPic of this particular quiet neighborhood machine shop ("existing nonconforming use"), but rather was based on a procedure of hypothetical guesses about machine shops in general, including machine shops first permitted in I-1 zonzng districts, which is not the case in this RT-1 zoning district. (See . tape recorded discussion of Planning Commission meeting on September 8, 2000). Section 62.102(i)(3)(b) of the zoning code calls for the traffic similarity test to be based on an ana2ysis of the "existing nonconforming use" rather than on the hypothetical analysis used by the Commission. A calculation of the actual existing nonconforming use would have shown that the proposed new use creates dis-similar traffic and thus would have been grounds for denying the permit. 2. The Planning Commission erred in its finding that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare (Section 62.102(i)(3)(c) of the zoning code) for the following reasons: �] It failed to consider the detrimental quality and measure of creating new retail traffic in a residential neighborhood for evening hours open to the public and weekend hours open to the public, both of which are dis-similar to the prior use, detrimental to the residential character of the neighborhood, and grounds for denying the permit. b. It failed to consider the non-retail character of the previous quiet machine shop in comparison to the retail character of the proposed laundromat use, and the detrimental impact of that change in character of use on this specific neighborhood in a one-block radius of this specific intersection, where several years of problems include drug dealing, detrimental traffic, violence, and the recent, brutal, street-gang murder of a kind, elderly neighbor. � � • b o - \\R'� • L .J Saint Paul City Council Application For Appeal September 28, 2000 Page 4 3. Attached hereto as a part hereof are letters and petitions signed by neighbors, supporting various issues set forth in this Statement of Appeal. 4. This change of nonconforming use invokes the four- pronged test of City Code Sec. 62.102(i)(3) a, b, c and d(conjunctive emphasis added). Failure to meet all four prongs disqualifies the nonconforming use and the permit may not lawfully be granted. Consequently, upon review o£ this Appeal, if the City Council decides that because of an erroneous finding or procedure by the Commission, either the prong 62.102(i)(3)b {similar traffic} or the prong 62.102(i)(3)c {not detrimental ... or endanger ... safety...} is not met, then the resolution should be overturned and the permit should be denied. 5. We respectfully request that the St. Paul City Council: a. Hold a public comment hearing for neighbors to testify regarding the errors of findings and procedure set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2, above, b. Overturn the Planning Commission's resolution file number 00-56 dated 9-8-00 approving the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street submitted by Hisham Al-Arabi, zoning file #00-135-068, and c. Deny the permit. • Respectfully submitted on September 28, 2000 by Appellants: � � � ���� ,� Harold Hilsgen �.��.- ` �'�. Leonard Troska �����`-�Q� Richard Batdorf �'� �1.�;e �� Rose Hilsgen� � Holy Trinity Orthodox Church BY: �k�m��o(�C��-�.d- z ts : { �a,�r� '� �u vtc; i �m �t c�e.u,t O � � � V H Z J H Z W Q v J �..�.� � � � � � � H Q � H W � � � r� N O � li7 z � 7 a } � 6 � 6 _ } v m � N M � 0 0 � � N v .� d i d � � 6 > O � d � N z a d � U � � V } V E O L t � 0 m m N .� 6 � � . 3 .� N � � , Q O1 h Q � � � 0 d � L } � t � � L � � � � � � � 0 z L 7 � v 0 O S L O � S � .� � 6 +_ � N � .� N L z � 0 w 0 � � O rn � .� O N u � � c z t .� d L Q N Y d � 07 d 0 .o =0 N i N � E } � � � i d � � .� N �F- � � O "� � � � f � � O } v N � O } N C } N � H z ii N � O� L � � O � O � � Q 6 C3 � V U } �� �^ 6 y" L- 6 � }• � fl. — " Ef � � L Y y 7 O� � N � � 3 � L � j O O d � O � � u -3 > o � o y o � 6 � L y.: } t3 .fl O � t � � d � Ol a. � U � � � 6 � � � � NS 07 61 �n � 6 } � L � } S L � V 6 O ° d � o '���� } � O } a � T L � V .6 = � � � � � N p� �' "O d d v � � � �� � N _ '� � � O 6 � '^ 3 d i � L 4- T� . 04- U 6 �} d 6 � — } L } } i-- Y- y L' �- d a� C7 L d � �� +' � m o � o� U � y � 3 � L �� �� } � rn � N � � � � 7 � � U � } � � � L } � d i � � � N 3 � .� > N N y 7 U � � � N y S � � � t } 7 �-p = y N c z ��j m• d 7 � � } � y °� � cn s.. .v . 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Bostrom Re: We object to the proposed retail laundromat at 962 Forest Street � i Dear Mr. i�ostrom: We have lived for 47 years at 95 east of the building at 962 Fore proposed. We understand from th the proposed laundromat would ha street access, and only an alley from our bedroom windows and the 00 -. ���1 Case Avenue located immediat.ely t Street where the laundromat is site plan drawing, attached, that e a seven-car parking lot with no entrance that would be twenty feet front door of our home. This proposed zoning to create retail traffic will substantial lower the value of our home by turning the alley into a noisy business entrance. We have been retired for several years and cannot afford to see the value of our home taken from us to change our neighborhood £rom residential to retail zoning use. ' The machine shop that was in the 962 Forest Street building had the quiet traffic of a couple employees during weekday hours. Living next door, we did no see evening traffic nor weekend traffic at the machine shop, except for only a handful of occasional visits per year by the owners. This is a residential neighborhood and should stay that way. No retail. We have a washer and dryer and we would not walk next door to use a laundromat. 5o the retail traffic would come from outside our neighborhood, making an even greater traffic problem. You may call us at 651-774-8834. Cordially, , ,,�����-��'�.� ,�=�-� � �.� Harold Hilsgen ' Rose xilsge i Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 882 Cook Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55106 Tel: 651-772-2697 Septencber 10, 2000 Ward 6 Councilmember Daniel B. Bostrom Room 320-B City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Troska Re: Our Opposition to proposed retail traffic laundromat at 962 Forest Street Dear Mr. Bostrom: We are the owners of a residential duplex at 972 Forest Street (the two-story white house) bordering on the north with the building at 962 Forest Street. We object to a change of use zoning permit to create retail traffic for a laundrozaat having alley access and a parking lot adjoining our property. This is a residential neighborhood and should stay residential. We believe that creating new retail traffic will harm the peace and quiet of our neighborhood and wi11 lower the aalue of our property at 972 Forest Street, as well as lower the value of other surrounding homes. We work hard to create a clean and quiet place to live for the tenants in our duplex which is located between two neighborhood churches. We want to keep a respectful quality of life for the surrounding homes by not expanding retail traffic zoning. For more than ten years, we have observed the quiet and respectful operation of the quiet machine shop with minimal weekday traffic, rarely any evening traffic, and rarely any weekend traffic. The proposed laundromat would greatly increase the negative impact of traffic on the neighborhood. We provide a washer and dryer in the basement of our duplex for our tenants. If you have any questions, you may ca1Z us at 65].-772-2697. Respectfully, ��r9>2Z� / 7; -^,'-"�� � • • Mr. and Mrs. Zeonard Troska M� 1 Ta.rvwYVy O�-a�ky cuu� �a.w+.±,T y 970 Ca�i�ve.vwt.Pi oc -���+1 St. �aua, MN 55106 651-793 -5680 Se�t�ml�et�' 16, 2000 ---� MY. �a�.ao�tro Ci�'y Ca�,wu - W rx.v'd.Si�w I2oom.320-3 CLty �faZL Sai.n.t�'a.u.L, MN 55102 MY. 3�-�syv���- t'�i�tr;.r,t �we. �I���v►.v�.;.n.r.� co�wv�.c.i.L ioz4 i�a.yv►.Pi�vers.e,�.e� St. �c+.uL, MN 55101 �Z�' �Zea��Sto}� ��ra�a�e.cL2etcsi,LTv�a�La�,w►dYawu�.t at962 �ore�tStv�ezt, co of Ca�ei�Ave.vi,u�i � �� MY. 3��-d-�,�M�-. sy���: "T1'l.P�(�+�Yict�i,vC'���(�+n.vu.h.�Co�c.wLC,�;L fad%L�-to-re,pre.�P.n�thC�i Ye2r1.G�PiYI�' 1.tNiiYl.G�� !iW dLU'' Vl.O'�PiYI� YL8%i.��'1.�1dY�1.0'dl.�/ Zi7'iCA.L{�('/ t�1.Pi �t�{''l.C.� �iNPi VYI.f;P.��WI.�� GWe� yt.P.7.L� Gt�P.Y C,�GW� W�l.�Y1� i.� i% VW� �fP� fOv' dL1.f'' n.e�,�r�to-�a-o-utaft3leu-h.o�ea: Iwaddxt'ww, v►.a�t,c�-af l7i�tri,ct �we� ►�vieet'�vu�y d,o- v�at � we� u.a� ev�c�.�ltit'�ito-pYepai-P. • I Yecei�vec� th�ei vw�"ccz cc,llotc� L�i Z�a,cw►.dYan�.at o-w the. �rictc�y Irn�O L�►�Tu.e.�d ay e.vP.vtii,vt.� w�,e�"+� I a�terv�ted�to- frh-thPi ,neet by �u,iv;.n.�• vu�i,�r& �i;�wthe� c�'a.cl�a.d� et'r,t'wv� : a ut o-w � h, o f tl�►.Pi � i,�"rtct' z+;.�z vvi�e�"�, I wc� � t� f'Y.v�.cL chi,Zdc,a.Ye; a.v�I wa.s�a�irca.i.d�to-ta.kPi r�a�.y ch.iZdrewo�ccta�tes� d.a.Ylvto- �fh�"Yi,ct" �i.ve� I crp po�i th� Z�xu.vt.d�am.a�' �.avu,�.c�. I f yo-w yva.v�t t� ��c,�,t� t�-�; plea,�e, ca,LL vne� at 651-793 -5680. St.v►.c'.e+�' y 5 , � ��- • � � � �a.►v�v�'�' OfP,r'c�lcy ci.v►.d.1=a.w�.e,L�' ; �:.---- ] 4 l � 1 . �_ � � ___ ,), , � ,�= ` � ' • � . , _� 2 �sz_y--�—�U C�LI-S'�=_G� � r-�---�= i . -(�,`� --���t�'o���1k��`_S-L`� �ir�r_����D--v�—G��ex-���i.�;� ---�; �-�s-� c �_��--�'t v �_S3.\_c�.�c�,n �_ra.�C�o u,r�._�_l -- i �> c �—`S---Lll�i�_� �ta� _ 1.�, -- �r L i__ r �7_�.i�___�D � Z 5i �..L.0 c�S. ----- —� ,' �:� `� �cxz�_ � �ra_-�'� .,:. � �. �'����� c_�a � ���ec� y_rQ'�-=�+-CS-C l r = �i hbQr � ��? 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' 6 �'i� ' '�' �- :`.^;r . :' � �. r t � i1-.� - . - "° �': y ' ..J-- i � ___'_ i 4 a � ��L --- �l�C(Pi �--- . . . .. _—,—_'__–__ __"_'�_--_'�________ _-._.. _ _ ____�'__''•_' • . . « , . • • ' " '–___ _____' ___'_ ____"_'—'_'_' __'__' _^_ � - '-'- - - , \ 60 — \!"�''� � Bill Jories 935 Case Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55106 September 16, 2000 � Ward 6 Councilmember Daniel B. Bostrom Room 320-B City Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: I protest the proposed retail traffic laundromat at 962 Forest Street Dear Mr. Bostrom: I live across the street from the proposed laundromat at 962 Forest Street, and I live next to the Case Food Market that has been run by the applicant of the proposed laundromat. My life has been totally disrupted for the past two years by the noise of the retail traffic at the Case Food Market. Now the applicant wants to open a laundromat that I believe will be even worse for traPfic disruption in our residential neighborhood. The applicant was completely uncooperative with my efforts to pick up the daily trash from the retail traffic at his Case Food Market. I have no reason to believe that the applicant would cooperate with neighbors if he were allowed to open a laundromat, because he did not cooperate with my simple efforts to pick up the trash from his Case Food Market. I understand that his proposed laundromat would have an indoor pay phone. His pay phone at the Case Food Market was a terrible disruption to our neighborhood. Everything I have heard about the laundromat makes me believe that it would be terrible for our neighborhood. I don't need a laundromat because my landlord provides laundry machines in the basement of this apartment building. During the years I observed the machine shop at 962 Forest, was quiet, not retail, not open to the public, open only weekdays, not open evenings, and not open on weekends. It quiet use that was respectful to those living here, and respectful to the two neighborhood churches (north and south the proposed laundromat). Yours truly, • �� L, G �O/l/�� S' it was a of Bill Jones T ,�-�� ZONING FILE NO; APPLICANT: PURPOSE: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRlPTION: ZONING COMMITTEE ACTION: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CITY OF SAINtT PAUL, MINNESOTA NONCONFORMfNG lJSE PERMfT 00-135-068 Hisham At-Arabi Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest St., NE corner of Forest St. and Case Ave. STEVENS REARRANGEMENT LOTS 13 THRU 18 BLK 4 LOT 7 Sent to Planning Commission without recommendation. Approval with conditions. � CONDITtONS OF THIS PERMIT: " 1. The applicant secures site plan approval. 2. The laundrornat shall have no more than 10 washing machines and 10 dryers. 3. 7he daily hours of the laundromat shali be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and shali be no eariier than 1:00 p.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. 4. There shatl be no pay telephone on the exferior of tf�e buitding. 5. 7here shall be no vertding machi�es at the laundromat, inside or outside, except there may be a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat. 6. There shall be an employee attendant on the premises during all business hours. APPROVED BY: Gladys Morton, Commission Chairperson I, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, d� hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing copy wiih the original record in my o�ce; and find Yhe same to be a tre� and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paui Planning Commission meeting held on September 8, 2000, and on record in the Saint Paul Planning O�ce, 25 West Fourth $treet, Saint Paul, Minnesota. This permit will expire one year from the date of approval if the use herein permitted is not established. The decision to grant this permit by the Planning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council. Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at the Zoning O�ce, 1400 City Hali Annex, 25 W est Fourth Street. Any such appeat must be filed with in 15 calendar days of the mailing date noted below. Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revocation. f'��( , �A���> Caroi A. Ma�tineau Secretary to the Sainf Paul Zoning Committee Copies to: P,pplicant File No. Zoning Administrator License Inspector Disfricf Council Hisham Al-Arabi 00-135-068 Wendy Lane Christine Rozek \ J Mai(ed: 9ti5100 o� -��z� � � a. The proposed use is equally appropriate or n:ore appropriate to t7ie �:eighborhood tha�: the eXisting noricottforn:ing use. city of saint paut pfanning commission resolution file number date �VHEREAS, HISHAM AL-ARABI , file �00-135-068, has applied for a Nonconforming Use Percnit under the provisions of Section § 62.102(3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to change from a machine shop to a laundromat, at 962 Forest Sneet; legally described in the file; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on 08l03/00, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to fts Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant, Hisham AI-Arabi, states that he bought the property on contract for deed on September 16, 1999. He intends to establish a self-service laundromat, with 10 washing machines, and 10 dryers. The applicant proposes business hours of 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a �ti�eek. Mr. Al-Arabi indicates that there would be one caretaker at the building during business hours. 2. The previous nonconfornung use, a machine shop, is first permitted in the I-1 2oning district. The proposed nonconforming use, a laundromat, is first permitted in a more restrictive dishict, the B-1, Local Business District. 3. Section 62.1 �2(i)(3) of the zoning code states that the planning commassion may allow a nonconforming use to change to a use permitted in the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, or a use permitted in a district that is more restrictive than the district in which the nonconforming use is first allowed, if the commission makes the following findings: 00-56 •:�� This finding is met. The B-1 Local Business District, in which laundromats are first permitted, is intended to permit "those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs ofpersons residing in nearby residential areas", and as such, the proposed use is at least as appropriate to the neighborhood as is a machine shop which is first permitted in a less restrictive district. � moved by Gordon seconded by Field in favor 11 against 3 (Gervais, Kramer, and Morton) Z.F.#00-135-068 Page 2 of Resolution b. Tke traffrc ge�eerate�l by t&e proposed rrse is similar to t/iat geirerated by tJte existing ltottCOttfOrlttil7e uSe. This finding is met. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE} trip generation data does not include information for iaundromats or for any use similar to laundromats. The Coin Laundry Institute sho�vs a Gvide range of performance of 3 to 8 cycles per day per machinz. With 10 machines, an average of 3.5 loads per customer, and 2 trips per customer, the proposed laundromat �vould generate about 18 to 46 trips per day. Some customers may make more than two trips, but some of these trips are likely to be � pedesh rather than vehicle h Based on a]etter from Jack Devlin, a former owner of the bnilding, the previous nonconforming use generaYed about 32 Yo 36 vehicle trips per day. The traffic generatea by the proposed use is also similar to that generated by two single- � family houses, cvhich could be built on this site under its RT-1 zoning. 1TE trip generation data shows two singie-family detached houses �could generate an avera�e of I9 vehicle trips per day, and a range of 9 to 44 vehicle trips per day. _• An altemate standard for comparison is the parking required by the zoning code. Parking , required for a machine shop is one (1) space per 6�0 square feet, or 4.7 spaces for this building. Parkin� required for a laundromat is one space per three (3) washing machines or 33 spaces for the proposed laundromat. The applicant has provided a site plan showing a parking lot with seven (7) parking spaces, accessed from the alley. The applicant states thai he anticipates the customers will come from the immediate area. The applicant states Yhat there will be no vending machines to generate any delivery vehicles. c. The use wiU not be detrimenta! to the existing daaracter of developn:ent in the immediate neighborl:ood or endanger the ptrblic heal[h, safety, or geseraL welfare. This condition is met. A neighborhood laundromat provides a service to the immediate community. The city's land use plan states that commercial activity embedded in neighborhoods is a feature of "good neighborhoods". The zoning code requires that the parking lot be iisually screened to a height of 4 feet 6 inches where the lot abuts residential as well as «here it abuts the alley. The site plan also shows the parking lot being screened by fence to the west, north and east, with a four foot wide landscaped strip along Case Avenue. Neighborhood concems expressed in the past about re-use of this property have incIuded � trash and loiterin�. If there are no vending machines, the proposed laundromat sfiould not be a significant source of neighborhood litter. A dumpster, screened from vie�v, is provided in parking lot, as shown on the site plan. The applicant does not intend to locate Oo— �\R'1 • Z.F. #00-135-068 Page 3 of Resolution a pay phone on the exterior of the building, which had been expressed as a neighborhood loitering concem in the past. d. The use is co�asistent wifh the con:prehensive plan. This finding is met. The city's land usa plan promotes a mix of land uses in traditional neighborhoods (Policy 5.2.1). NO�V, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the . authority of the City's L.egislative Code, the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat at 962 Forest Street is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The applicant secures site plan approval. 2. The laundromat shall have no more than 10 washing machines and 10 dryers. 3. The daily hours of the laundromat shall be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and shall be no earlier than 1:00 p.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. � 4. There shall be no pay telephone on the exterior of the building. 5. There shall be no vending machines at the laundromat, inside or outside, except there may be a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat. 6. There shall be an employee attendant on the premises during all business hours. � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. City Councit Chambers, 3` Floor Cify Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Field, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Faricy, and Gervais Peter Warner Carol Martineau of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. AI-Arabi Laundromat- 00-135-068 - Nonconform�ng Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave, Nancy Frick presented the staff report. Ms. Frick stated one letter in opposition of the laundromat was received. The Zoning Staff recommends approval with two additional conditions not listed in . the staff report. 1) There should be no more than 10 washing machines. 2) There should be no vending machines at the site. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Frick sfated The Zoning Code parking sfandards were used and fhere was no fraffic dafa compiled for (aundromafs. Ms. Frick atso sfafed fhe applicanf expects fhe iaundromat fo serve fhe immediate neighborhood and a number of peop(e would wafk to the site. Commissioner Gordon stated traffic generated by other laundromats of comparable size woutd be usefu(. At the question of Commissioner Engh, Ms. Frick stated the fences in the alley way are short and wouid screen the lower portions of vehicles so lighting wouldn't be a factor. ,. Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Warner explained in past applications, trafFc has always been interpreted to deal with automobiles. tgnoring the past practices and focusing on the term "traffic", it then contemplates the overall traffic in the neighborhood and that may inciude vehicular and foot traffic. The term is not specifically limited to automobile traffic. Longer hours will impact the traffic, and how it is interpreted is up to the committee. Mr. AI-Arabi, the applicant, appeared and sfated they applied for a laundromat due to neighborhood requests. At the question of Commissioner Gordo�, Mr. A!-Arabi stated he didn't have vehicie or pedestrian traffic estimates for laundromats. Mr. Dan Stark, Memberof the NolyTrinity Church at 956 Forest Street, appeared in opposition and stated he received information irom the Coin Laundry institute in Chicago. Customers typically use three to four washing machines at a time. A laundromat geRerally operates at about 33 to 50 percent capacities. Qperating at 40 percent capacity considering 3.5 loads per customer. 7he customer calculakions would consist of f 0 machines, three loads an hour per machine, 12 hours a day would consist of 360 total possible loads. With the applied capacity of 40 percent gives 144 • � • M(NUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE 7hursday, September 7, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. • City Gouncil Chambers, 3'd Floor City Ha14 and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Fie{d, Engh, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morfon EXCUSED: Faricy and Mardell OTHERS Peter Warner PRESENT: Carol Martineau and Ailan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. AI-Arabi Laundromat- 00-135-068 - Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave. Mr. Torstenson presented the additional information on traffic generation requested by the committee when this case was laid over on August 3. He also noted the District Council recommended that two additional conditions be attached to the Nonconforming Use Permit: that there be no vending machines on the property, and that there be an employee attendant on the premises at all times during business hours. � At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Torstenson stated that Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation data for singte-family houses shows the range of trips per unit per day is 4.31 to 21.85, so there is a range of nine to 44 trips for two units. He also explained that a conforming use for this propertywould be two single familyhomes. Mr. Al-Arabi is now proposing one of the least traffic intensive possible commercial uses for this site. It would be difficult to recommend denial of a Nonconforming Use Permit based on traffic generation. If this nonconforming use is not allowed, there is a question of what nonconforming use would be allowed on the site. At the inquiry of Commissioner Gervais, Mr. Torstenson explained that when the case was weighed according to the standards for the nonconforming use permit (there are no uses exactly the same) this case is reasonably similar in terms of traffic generation. Commissioner Kramer stated he couldn't conclude the traffic is similar when it is generated at different times of the day including evening hours. He also stated he thinks the estimate of traffic generated by the previous use based on the letter from the previous building owner is at best exaggerated. Because of his Post Office box at Seeger square, he has driven by the site often for many years and has never seen more than one or two vehicles there at any one time. Commissioner Gervais, who also drives by the site regularly, a,� sayin� he has seen very little traffic there. • , Commissioner Kramer moved denial of the application on the basis that the traffic generated is not similar to the previous use. Commissioner Gervais seconded it. 00— l7 �� � �� L Zoning Committee Minutes August 27, 2000 File #: 00-135-068 Page 2 loads of faundry. Each customer uses 3.5 loads which generales 41 customers per day. Mr. Sfark also stated he observed three coin operafed iaundromats in the neighborhood which showed mosf patrons were women with children. 7he nUmber of children generally exceeds the number of adults. Many people load up the machines and drive off to complete other errands increasing traffic. 10 machines at 3 loads an hour with 41 customers a day, seven days a week, applying a factor of 2 for children generates 123 visits per day which is a significant increase in tra�c. Mr. Richard Batdorf, 953 4 Street, appeared in opposition. He passed out a chart and stated the two previous owners operated a machine type business thatwas non-retail in that location. He_also stated there was oniy 1 or 2 employees at the machine shop. Last year fhe appiicant knocked out the front facade of the building and installed windows for a retaii estabiishment. It being open�fo the public changes Yhe character of the traffic as well as the number of people. The hours of business use will be changed from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm with no traffic in fhe evening hours to traffic generated in the evenings and weekends. The disfincfion in non-retail and retail business consists of quiet traffic versus noisy traffic and the Nonconforming Use Permit should be denied because of fhe tra�c drawn in from outside the neighborhood. He aiso requested the record of the other two cases be incorporated into this file for reference. At the quesfion of Commissioner Field, Mr. Warner stated the previous records would be allowed to become part of the record as long as the references that are used applied to traffic only. Commissioner Gordon stated he would also like to have the records of the last two cases. Mr. AI-Arabi declined to rebut the testimony. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Gordon stated more data is needed on traffic incorporated by laundromats. Commissioner Kramer made a motion to lay the case over until August 31, 2000. Commissioner Gordon seconded it. After further discussion and a request to provide information on traffic generated by laundromats the motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: Appr f � IttO� �1 � Chair • «,A.��%����� ! �i` �/� c/`� � Carol Martineau Nancy Fri � Recording Secretary Zoning Section �- t� • 7,oning Committee Minutes September7, 2Q00 File #: 00-135-068 Page 2 Commissioner Gozdon stated this is s close call, but he will vote against the motion because the traffic generated by a laundromat is similar enough to that generated by the previous nonconforming use. On balance, he thinks the nonconforuung use permit should be approved. After further discussion, the motion failed on a vote of 3-3. Gordon, Engh and Field voted against the mofion. Commissioner Gordon made a motion to approve the application subject to the condition recommended by staff. Commissioner Engh seconded it. The motion failed on a vote of 3-3. Kramer, Gervais and Morton voted against the motion. After further discussion about possible additional conditions conceming business hours, Commissioner Morton made a motion to send it to the Planning Commission wathout a recommendation. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. � Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: C'.i:�D'/�'C�c�r�uv , ��—? Carol Martineau � Alian Torstenson Litton Pield Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair � Saint Paul Planning Commission CiTy $aIl Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of September 8, 2000 A meetinb of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paui �vas heId Friday, September 8, 2000, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioneis Mmes. Donnelty-Cohen, Daarte, McCa1t, and Morton Presenf: and Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Corbey, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, ICramer, aad Margulies. Commissioners Mmes. *Enah, *Faricy, *Zimmer Lonetti; and Messrs. *Kong, Mardell, and Shakir. Absent: #Excused Also Present: Larry Soderliolm, Planning Administrator; Al(an Torstenson and Mary $ruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. (NOTE: The recording aquipment �vas not properly connected. There is no audio tape for this meeting. The tninutes are written based on the recall of staff.} z. II. Approval of Minutes for August 25, 2000 MOTION: Commissioi:er Kramer moved approva[ of t1:e n:inutes of Aua ust 25, 2000. Commissioner Field seconded llae rrzotion. The niorion carried arnaniFnously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chairman Morton reminded commission members about the Planning Commission's retreat on September 29"' and circulated a sign-up sheet for it. Commissioner Mardeii has volunteered to be the facilitator for the retreat. III. Planning Administrafor's Announcemenfs Larry Soderholm announced that imporfant city p(ans done by the commission are being implemented. This tveek there was a ground-breakin� for ne�v housing as the beginnin� for ttie new urban viitaee in t[ie North Quadrant Tomorrow is the grand openin� of tl�e refurbished Harriet Island Park. He continued with some sta�ng updates. Joel Spoonheim is recovering and is back at home after bein� shot in a drive-by sliooting. Ken Ford is �vorkin� temporarily to �et the Comprehensive Plan pubtished in it's new format. A new planner, Yan� Zhang, wil( be starting on September 18`". He reported on the zoning actions by the City Council earlier in the �� � � � �—\\'1 \ J week, and that Commissioner Anfang had been appointed to the Board of Water Commissioners. IV. Zoning Committee #00-130-376 Countv Law Enforcement Center - Special Condition Usr ?,:rmit for a new County Law Enforcement Center to include processing and housing of pretrial inmates. Area bounded by Olive, University, Lafayette, and Grove. Commissioner Field repoRed that tl�e District 5 Payne Phalen Planning Council supports the application, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, and the hearing was closed. On a vote of 5-1 the Zoning Committee recommends . approval with conditions, including a condition added by the committee that on or before a date to be one year after the opening of the new County law enforcement center, tlie property referred to as the Adalt Detention Center and located at 14 W. Kellogg Boulevard shall be restored to tax paying status. MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the Specia[ Condition Use Pern:it. Tlee motioi: carried on a voice vote. Comnzissioner Alton voted no. #00-136-068 AI-Arabi Laundromat - Nonconforming Use Permit to change from a machine shop to a Laundromat. 962 Forest, NE corner of Forest and Case Ave. � Commissioner Field reported that the District 5 Payne Phalen Plarming Council recommended additional conditions if approved, no one spoke in support, two people spoke in opposition, and the hearing was closed. Due to tie votes of 3-3 on a motion to recommend denial and on a motion to recommend approval, tUe Zoning Committee voted to send this item to the fitll Planning Commission without recomme»datio�i. Allan Torstenson explained staff findings regarding traffic generated by laundromats compared to traffic that was generated by the previous nonconforming use. MOTION: Comn:issioner Kramer moved for denia! ofNonconforming Use Permit. 5econdet! by Commissioiter Gervais. Commissioner Kramer said he had viewed rivo laundromats rivo blocks away on Arcade, where there were as many peopie in 45 minutes as national survey's suggest this one will have all day. Commissioner Gotdon spoke against the motion. He said the proposed laundromat is a reasonably non-intrusive use, similarly appropriate for this site as tl�e previous use, and the traffic generated by the proposed laundromat would be similar to the previous use. He also noted he thinks the proposed use should be compared to machine shops Qenerally, and tl�at tlie machine shop at this site could ha� e been opei� ]ater, had more emp(oyees, and generated more traffic. � Mr. Soderholm stated that a simple reason for the staff recommendation for approval is that laundromats are first alloFVed in B-1, which allows uses more appropriate at this site than tiie less restrictive T-1 zoning district where machine shops are first allowed. Commissioner Gervais spoke in favor of the motion, noting that the building was a grocery store in the SOs, but now is ir� a residential area. Based on his observations over the years, he thinks the proposed use wi11 aenerate more traffic than tl�e previous use. T/re niotion failed on a voice vote of 3 in favor and II againzst. MOTION: Con:missioner Gordon moved approval oftkeNoncor:forming UsePermit with conditions inclurli�ag af: 8:00 p,nr. closing tinze and opening no earlier thnn I:00 p.n:. on SuFadays. Seconrled by Conzneissioner Field. Commissioner Anfang suggested amending the conditions to allow a laundry-related soap and detergent vending machine inside the laundromat, which �vas accepted as a friendly amendment. Commissioner Margulies sugaested amending the conditions to require a 9:00 p.m. rather than 8:00 p.m. closing time, whicl� was accepted as a friendly amendmenf. Tlee motio�: passed on a voice vote of II in favor and 3 against (Kramer, Gervais, Morton). • �00-137-380 Marie Cosarove - Change in Nonconforming Use Permit from a massage therapist and beauty salon to a beauty salon and an aparcrnent. I043 Osceola, NW corner Osceola and Oxford. CommissionerField reported thatno districtcomment had been received, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, the hearing �vas closed, and on a vote of 6-0 the Zoning Committee recommends approval. MOTION: Con:`nissioizer Fie1d moved approval of the 1Vonconfor»:ing use Pern:it. T/te nzotion carried ot: a unanimous voice vote. #QO-137-293 Jeffrev Boston - Change of Nonconforming Use Permit from a human service licensed community residential facility for 10 residents with a third floor dcvelling unit to a fransitionat housing facility for 10 residents and live-in staff in the third floor unit. ]489-91 Sherburne Ave., NE comer of Sherburne and Simpson. Commissioner Fiefd reported tl�at District 11 took no formal action, no one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition, the public hearin� was closed, and on a vote of 6-0 the 2oning Committee recommends approval. NIOTION:Conuni ssionerFieldmovedapprovaloftlreNof:confornrin a UsePermit. Tlre nrotion carried ot: a unanin:ous voice vote. � bo _ 1\'1.'1 u Rich Rovang, Ditector of Engineering and Facilities for Metro Transit aiso gave a power-point presentation. He showed how the Riverview Corridor relates to overall regional planning for improved public transit. Within the Rivervie�v Corridor he used cross-section drawings for each segment to show how BRT would fit on West Seventh Street, along CP Rail tracks, on the downto�vn streets, and on East Seventh Street. He reported on the MIS findings for travel time, ridership, parking loss/replacement, and costs. He said the key issues can be organized as follows: the length ofUte corridor at each end; where there will be exclusive rights-of-way vs. mixed traffic; station locations, speed, and frequency of the bus service; selection of the bus vehicles; par4;ing impacts and park-and-ride opportunities; traffic impacts; fares and fare collection system; and imp]ementation schedule. Commissia� members l�ad many questions, w1�icU were addressed to the tNree presenters and to Kathy DeSpiegelaere, staff of the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority. VI. Neigliborhoods and Current Planning Comraittee No report. � VII. Communications Committee No report. VIII. Task Furce Reports Commissioner Kramer reported that the White Bear Avenue Planning Committee finished the small area plan and forty acre shidy earlier in the week. It deais with traffic, parking, land use, zoniug, business attraction, aud streetscape design. Next the plan will be reviewed by the Aistrict 1 and District 2 Planning Councils. Then it will come to the Planning Commission. Larry Soderholm reminded members that the Advertising Sign Commlttee will meet on September 12`" to go through the draft ordinances. IR Qld Business None X. New Business None XI. Adjournment . The meeting rvas adjourned at 10:25 p.m. � Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paui RespectFul(y submitted, Larry S er olm Planning ministrator Approved (Date} 7ennifer Engh Secretary of the Planning Commission � � R:\SharedlBruton\Minutes\minutes 9-8-OO.wpd FROM : D.=uiin Drywal! �-ron�e r�. : issi�s�sss Jat,. os zrc¢e eS:SSrn �i �"5� OEtlt!!i DRYWALL C�. oo_�� • �zsss nm sc n " . LaSx Fhm MV 53041 1'l�.one 777S85I Fu 77T•SS51 Janvary O5, 2004 to the s2 paul zo,nng cammitEa mr namt is jut; devlin, fotmer 1�? owatt of truitdin� nt 962 forest.hiy paztncr , Aennis Bmy and i ovmed fius bnildSag for about 4 years. Durins fhst ame we tessed the space to 4 difuent compuet. Apro ?vfarbine, "Stch- Tackiq VSurmbly & machin5 aaQ DeWin DrywaIl. A1 sHaring space ia buitdin�. My esiimation ihat diuing tuat A ywr peric�d on an avetage we had 'a veYnc4es parked aIl day. apTOxmsatly 1 to 3 delivezies end picL•-ups yer day. ateh COTpaily }I8d 8T70UI � VIS1tDt5 customers, clieau ,ernptyees stop iaat an average ef ebout 45 mins tu 1 hour.. lVE were open alt day and came in somaimes oa wcekeads.. On sunday�s pa:king somatimes v�v�as a probtom be�ase af c}uucu service and thete shorrage of p.�ttitinC anaee. Siaeer�fy, 7a:k D�7ia L �� rr�' � _ .�.� � 5`1 a o _ �\RR � � � N � A ti d � 0 L a � .Q Y d � � L � � � � .i � � a� � 0 Q 0 L Q t� m E 0 a c � � � d � � N � A � m � O L � a � U f6 � Q O � � N C L U � � O L Q Q �aaM aad sdial � � � � � � O CO tt) a M N � , . .. . Your Nnme Your Address Your Phone Number � � October �b 2000 (Moilno later than October ZOth} oc _1�R't Ms. Pntricin James, Zoning Staff, PED, .� � �-.� �. � � �, ��--. C.ity of St. Peul �ept. of Plnnning and Econ. Devel. a``'� a_ _ e"� t:_ �,. ��� 1400 City Hall Annex ` 25 West Fourth Street OC i 2 �' 200a Suinfi Pnul, MN 55102-1634 Regnrding: Zoning File # 00-145-149 Proposed Laundromat nt 962 Forest Sfireet Dear Ms. Jnmes: I believe a change of zoning at 962 Forest Street to nllow retail traffic, including evening and weekend hours open to the public, would be detrimental to our residentia) neighborhood because: _ �-F 2S�'a b 1;s�ecL 1 o co�. �� tsfa r�/ ��ct 1'es.f r V�. � 1- i �.y , v� ��r y yo u �1 m e�''l . o v, -Fo o� (tell the City �w you feel about the problems at Forest & Case in our �esidentia/neighborhood} -��.���.�� Sincere �������( Your si nQture `