84-780 WHITE - C�7V CLERK PINK �- FINANCE COU�ICII �/ �CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �( O BLUE - MAVOR �ille N�. (J � 7� � Council Resolution Presented By Jame� Scheibel Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS. the Council of the City of Saint Paal recognizes that the downtown river— front is one of Saint Paul 's greatest assets; and WHEREAS� there is an urgency to plan and coordinate a foundation for carrying out future economic and recreational development activities of the downtown riverfront; BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul is hereby requested to appoint, in accordance with Section 3.01 .8 of the City Charter, a commission to be known as the "Downtown Riverfront Commission" to structure public and private energies devoted to the downtown riverfront, but not to replace any activity currently performed by other city staff, agency or commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Commission be charged to report to the Mayor and City Council upon the general issue of the riverfront promotion, such consideration to include, but not be limited to, the following goals: 1 ) to protect and promote the river and the river corridor for multiple purposes including recreation, housing, commerce, and industry; 2) to maintain the river's value and utility for transport of goods; 3) to upgrade and protect the aesthetic, cultural, historic and scientific attributes of the river; 4) to promote the downtown segment of the river valley as the place along the river where all of the above activities can occur within a highly active and intensive atmosphere; development efforts to focus on integrating the multiple uses, thereby creating a regional attraction and commercial/employment center at the downtown riverfront; and COUNCILMEN Requested qt}t.e� Yeas Nays Fletcher � � o'e`" In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scneibe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by fNavor: bate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK ` - FINANCE COURCII /%,/ �GANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL XI�' � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. •� • _ 7� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date pg. 2 of 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLUED, that this Commission be guided by tlie following levels of authority: 1 ) to advise the Mayor and City Council 2) to coordinate with related activities of the Planning Commission and other public bodies 3) to hold public hearings 4) to adopt a general development plan for the downtown riverfront 5) to review and make comments and recommendations on proposed downtown river— front development projects and other issues/activities affecting the down— town riverfront; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Commission be limited to 15 members, and the Commission be primarily represented by, but not limited to, the downtown riverfront community. One member will be appointed by the Mayor to serve as the Chair; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Commission shall serve for such time as is deemed necessary to make a full and complete report on the charges committed, and that said Commission be discharged upon the recommendation of the Mayor by resolution of this Council . COUNCILMEN b artment of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �'''` °re1^' J In Favor laaasnz- �� Scheibel � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 1 �4 198� Form A r by City A o Certified •ssed by unc' ecre y ` . BY gy, Approv Mavor• Date J��� �'�+ ���1 Approve y M r fo u 'ssion to Council ��� PUBLISHED JUN 2 3 1984 �� �� ��� PED DEPARTI,tENT Katy Sears Lindblad rpNTACT -7494, ext. 247 PHONE v 6/8/84 DATE 1 ��� �r � (Routirtg and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip A�}i Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): . RF�EI� ,. Department Director �� � Ci ty Attorney J(/N 8 ' � Di rector of Managem�nt/Ma�yor RECE(VED G,� 19�¢ � Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector � �Q j 4 ' City Clerk [JUN �1 � 1984 rOR�� � Budget Di rector MAYOR'S OFFICE <: _���;,wti 1 �Ihat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materfals? (Purpose/Rationale): This is an amended resolution to create a "Downtown Riverfront Commission." The amendment is on pg. 2, paragraph 2: ". , . limited to 15 members, and the Commission be primarily represented by, but not limited to the downtown riverfront community." Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Mticipated: , Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: Attachments (list and N�nbe� all Attachme�ts�: Resolution � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�iI Yes No Council Resolution �quired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SPP RPYPY'SP SidP for �Instructions) '�. ��� � , '� ,�; �?�1� 1 l� � ��.� ��5�? G v f� -�ac.� fG�-,�' �i..� WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF � SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution � ��-� Presented By � � 2 �Referred To � J Committee: Date `� � Out of Committee By Date pg l of 2 WHEREAS, tE�e Council of the City of Saint Paul recognizes that the downtown riverfront is one of Saint Paul 's greatest assets; and WHEREAS, there i, an u ency to plan and coordinate a foundation or carrying out future economic �nd re eational development activities of t downtown riverfront; be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor of he City of Saint Paul is her y requested to appoint, in accordance with Sect n 3.01 .8 of the City Char er, a corrrrnnission to be known as the "Downtown Riverfro t Commission" to stru ure public and private energies devoted to the downtown iverfront, but no to replace any activity currently performed by other city s ff, agency or ommission; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Commissio be char ed to report to the Mayor and City Council upon the general issue of the iver ront promotion, such consideration to include, but not be limited to, the foll 'ng goals: 1 ) to protect and promote the iver nd the river corridor for multiple purposes including recreation, ho ing, co erce, and industry; r 2) to maint�in the river' value and util for transport of goods; 3) to upgrade and pr tect the aesthetic, cul ral , historic and scientific attributes of t e river; 4) to promote e downtown segment of the river va ley as the place along the river wher all of the above activities can occu within a highly active and intensiv atmosphere; development efforts to focus n integrating the multiple uses, ereby creating a regional attraction and com ercial/employment center at t downtown riverfront; and be it - cont'd - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy t#pproved by iVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — By � • � K (� WHITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution ���_ 7 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date pg2of2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Co ission be guided by the following levels of authority: 1) to advise the Mayor a City Council 2) to coordinate with relat activities of the P ning Commission and other public bodies 3) to hold public hearings 4) to adopt a general development n for the downtown riverfront 5) to review and make comme anct rec mendations on proposed downtown riverfront development projects a other issues activities affecting the downtown riverfront; and be i t FURTHER RESOLVED, that this ommission be limited to members, and the Commission be limited to the ntown riverfront community. One member will be appointed by the Mayor to rve as the Chair; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, at this Commission shall serve for such ime as is deemed necessary to make a ull and complete report on the charges commi ted, and that said Commission be d' charged upon the recommendation of the Mayor by esolution of this Council . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew IR F8V0[ � Masanz .. � ^. Nicosia ��;���,�.,� �-r�t scnetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form A b City Att r y Adopted by Council: Date Certifie •ss�ed y Counci , cretary BY By � t�pproved by lVlavor. Date Appr y Mayor for Submi i il � By _ �/ ,.s . . -�.: � • � ' �r- �`� 7�`� �znda �. Finance Committee bieeting June 7,•.�1984 � Page 2•�� . . � � i 10. Resolution approving "�125,000 City of Neenah, tVisc., �x00,000 biiddlesex Co. , Mass. , and �50,000 �Vashtinaw Co. , biich. securities as collateral to protect deposits of public funds with First National Bank of St_ Paul. (Financ.� 11. Resolution approving �100,000 Federal National Dlortgage Assn. (14.900) and $100,000 Federal National riortgage Assn. (7.90) securities as collateral to protect deposits of public funds with iVestern State Bank. (Finance)���� ' 12. Resolution approving $100,000 North S1ope Borough Alaska, (9.2%) , $100,000 , Federal National Dtortgage Association ( I1.7 0) securities and $500,000 United . States Treasury Notes (12.b25%) as collateral to rotect deposits of public funds �vifih Niinnesota State Bank. (Finance _ 13. Resolutiori approving �115,000 Federal Farm Credit Banks securities as coll to protect deposits of public funds with Commercial State Bank. (Finance���; 14. Resolution approving the 1984 hiaintenanc abor �igreement between the City and the Plumbers Local No. 34. ( Pexsonnel) _ 15. Resolutiori approving the 1984 Dlaintenance Labor Agreement betiJeen the City and :� the Electricians Local 110. ( Personnel) 4 ,� �"� - ! _ �___ ` 16. Reso�ution approving the 1984 htemorandum of Settler�e t beti•�een the City and the Iron {�Torkers Local Union No. 512. ( Personnel) _. .�` 17. Resolution amending Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules by substitutino new specifications for the ti�les of Unskilled Laborer, Building Laborer and �Vater Laborer. (Personnel) ��r��� 18. Resolution amending the 1981 CIB budget and transfe�ring �45,417,25 to Contingenc� t Fund-1V}�ite Bear Avenue for the paving of jVhite Bear Avenue fxom the C.I�:{1I. Rai.lroad � Bridge to Larpenteur Avenue. (Public Sti'ork : �.�,���' , 19. Resolution amending CD:Block Grant Years VII �, IX and transferring �84,000 from Residential Street Paving to St. Albans storm sei�rer - street lightin g_ �PED � 20. Resolution approving the St. Pau1 Historic Plaque Program as recommertded by the Heritage Preservation Commi.ssion. (PED) � ,� _ 21. Preliminary resolution for issuance of revenue bonds on {Vorld Theater. (PED)�`� 22_ Resolution approving a comm3.ssion to be known as the " town Riverf ont Commission": 23. Presentation by Gary Nor�strem�n�parking metex advertising. ,�,.--i , �,���=,� - _ . � - . - ---- - . � - - -- _ - ,. ___ . ._. _ _ ___ _.��.�. ._______..__�__._.�