84-777 WHITE - UTV CLERK Community C NARV - DEPA"RT ENT Deyelo�ment C I TY OF SA I NT �ALT L Council �/,/ BLUE - MAVOR � File N 0. 4 `7' '7 7 7 � Co nEil Resolution Presented By � � �- �eferred To � �L�-= Committee: Date � ' � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, constxuction of the St. Alban's Stox�m Sewer w�ll cont�,nue �,n the Thomas/Dale area duxing the summer o� 1984; and WHEREAS, street restoxation i,s i.ncluded as pa�t of the pxo�ect, however, no sewer xehabilitation funds may be used �or the construction of street lighting; and WH�REAS, it i.s advantageous fax the C�ty to �,nclude the construction of street lighting at the time the st�eet i�s reconstxucted; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendat�.on of the Mayor, with the advice of the Ca,�i.tal �mprovement Budget Comm�ttee, and the Council Comm�,ttee on Finance, Manage- ment and Personnel, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the f�llawing transfers of Cotn�nunity Development Block Grant Years VIT and IX funds for the purpose of provid�,ng stxeet light�,ng 3.n conjunction with the St. Alban's Storm Sewer �roject. Pxoject Current Increase Revised No. Project Title Budget (Decrease) Budget 39703- Residential Street $1,839,000.00 ($54,614.40) $1,784,385.60 177 Paving 39903- Residential Street $ 941,550.00 ($29,385.60) $ 912,164.40 177 Paving 39003- Resident�,al Street $ 741,000.00 $84,000.00 $ 825,000.00 177 Pa,v�,ng Totals $3,521,550.00 $0.00 $3,521,550.00 COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °re1nr In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�be� __ Against BY - Tedesco Wilson Focm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By tApproved by Mavor. Date Ap ed by Mayor for Subm' io to CQUncil By - B M�HITE - CITV CLERK CQ�UIL��v � PINK - FINANCE S COUflCIl ��,y � CANRRV - D�PARTMENT Development G I TY O F SA I NT �A U L File N0. � � BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date APPROVED �1S TQ �UNA�NG: AP�RO'V�D: PETER HAMES, Dixector GREGORY BLEE �� Dept. of Finance & Management Services Budget Director ��t� The St. Paul Long-Raage Ca�pit�l I�����v�rn��� $udget Commi#tee i�ceived tht,���tE��t �n (date) - D' and r�ca�tn�r��� Signed; .f VB_,Y 1���� 1 .... COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher ��►�--+ , n Drew In Favor AAaSBfIP� AUasad� scne�be� � __ Against BY � - TedesCo Wflson JUN � �f �98�t Form Appr y City A or Adopted by Council: Date Certifie assed by ounc� ecr y � � BY ` By ,' � t#pprov by (Nav : t JUN � � I�q� Appr d ayor for Sub io to CodRcil �Y� B �ve�r�� �uN 2 3 �9g4 . ��Y���� . . . . - � ` �P�D-C�ttit. v. �EPARTt1ENT �� �A�""�� CONTACT '��1�y axk a I I PHONE v DATE 1 ��� �r � ' (Routing a�d Explanation Sheet) i Number for Rputip Order Cli All Locations for oral Si nature : r C�`��`� �� � � Di rector of Nianagement/Ma�yor � � � Finance and Management Services Director �o City Clerk - " MAY 15 1984 R.��j _ � ..� r , ),F,FiC� OF THE DIRECTOR —� M�,Y �' t�iEl'ARTMENT OF FiNANCE �� MANAGEIYiENT SERVICES � P�AYO�t`5 url�� r �Ihat Will be Achieved by Takinq Action on the Attached Materfals? (Purpose/Rationale)• APPRA�l, oF -r#�E ��-rp��{Ep RESoLu�r i or{ t,c�i 4 L P Ro v�O E Fo 1Z S'�'REET I..lfol�Tlw�(., -� gE IIU�TAI►l.�D AT T�E SPtME TIa.tE �jrR�'T5 r �tR� S�INfs REP�ACED AS PkRT oF -�-µ� �C: ALg,�s '�tcR1v� ��� �ZWEGT. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Mticipated: L16�'1'�l!'lC� �,t�t1�L g£ LESS ffXP'EiJ`'�vG 1� 1�,�7qLLFyD NOW. Fundin Source and Fund Activit Numbe Cha d r Credite 3`1�03 - �`t� � �9903- ►�7 39003 -177 Attachments (List and Nwnber all Attachments�: � , �2oPoSE� Cou�.ac�� ��CSotr��no1•( oZ� �E'�'7E'2 �'fZAhl �Pc�B. U�RKS To T�Q�t2T �ANIµE� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEI�I � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No s No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? �Yes No _��� No Insurance Attached? � Revision of October, 1982 (SPP RPVPI"CP SidP for �Instructions) � ' � � �r� �'��77� `�, �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �``C1T7 �� • -_R�4 '�� '; a� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS % uur�um ,€ � �t�1 11 tl e'� �•,o �_ DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ��''''�,,,,m�•••c���''' 600 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesoca 55102 612-298-4241 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 26, 1984 Mr. Robert Hammer Department of Planning & Economic Development Community Development Division Room 1400 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Request to extend project limits of and transfer additional funding to the Farrington/Blair/Van Buren/Lafond RSPP; City Project No. 84-V-0710-B , to construct ornamental street lighting in conjunction with the St. Anthony Hill Storm Sewer Project; City Project Nos. 84-S-1264-D2A and 84-5-1264-D2B. Dear Mr. Hammer : As we have previously discussed, certain residential streets in District 7 are planned to be reconstructed under the 1984 RSPP program and includes the installation of ornamental street lighting. Certain additional residential streets in District 7 will be reconstructed by the above referenced storm sewer pro- jects but the installation of ornamental street lighting was not included, since there is an approved RSPP project in this area and that during street reconstruction is the most cost effective time to install ornamental street lighting. Therefore, I am requesting your approval and that the necessary steps be taken to obtain approval to extend the project limits and transfer the additional funding necessary to include the additional streets in the 1984 RSPP project, entitled Farrington/Blair/Van Buren/ Lafond; City Project No. 84-V-0710-B. The streets are as follows: St. Albans - Van Buren to Minnehaha Van Buren - Grotto to Kent Mackubin Van Buren - Virginia to Farrington Lafond - Virginia to Elfelt Elfelt - Charles to Thomas Elfelt - Lafond to Blair The estimate for this work is $63 , 000. 00 �O , � �' Mr. Robert Hammer " � April 26 , 1984 `��/� `�� P ge 2 It would also be desirable at this time to further expand the RSPP project to include certain streets that were reconstructed in 1983 under a previous storm sewer construction project in this same area. I had City Forces install the underground con- duit in this area, when I became aware of the project in late 1983, so that the cost savings of coordinating with the street project could be realized and still install the lighting stand- ards at a later date. These streets are : Van Buren - Kent to Mackubin Mackubin - Van Buren to Minnehaha Charles - Virginia to Elfelt Dan Dunford of our Street Division has informed me that he has worked with you and identified CDBG fund excesses in years 1980, 1981, and 1982 , and that both total approximately $90, 000. 00 , and that both Dan and myself agreed that installing this re- quested lighting would be a good use of these funds. Please advise me as to what additional steps I should be taking or if I can assist you in any way to obtain the requested action. Thank you for your assistance with this matter, and if you have any questions, feel free to call me at 6293 . Sincerely, Michael C. Klassen Public Works Tech. III ���� � ��:� MCK:kaj cc: Dan Dunford • . � �. � ' � .�iF�y � 7 77 .�Z:1C13 ' Finance Committee bieeting June 7,,�.�1984 � Page 2;= . . � � 10. Resolution approving �125,000 City of Neenah, tVisc. , $100,000 t•liddlesex Co. , Mass. , and �50,000 Washtinaw Co. , blich. securities as col lateral to protect deposits of public funds with First National Bank of St. Paul. (Financ 11. Resolution approving �100,000 Federal National Dtortgage Assn. (I4.90o) a�ad ' $100,000 Federal National Niortgage Assn. (7.90) securities as collateral to protect deposits of public funds with {Vestern State Bank. (Finance}i�� 12. Resolution approving $I00,000 North Slope Borough Alaska, (9.2%), $100,000 Federal National I�Tortgage Association ( I1.7 0) securities and $500,000 United _ States Treasury Notes (12.625%) as collateral to rotect deposits of public funds wit�h Nlinnesota State Bank. (Finance _ 13. Resolutiori approving $115,000 Federal Farm Credit Banks securities as coll to protect deposits of public funds with Commercial State Bank. (Finance)� . � i 14. Resolution approving the 1984 Nlaintenanc a or A reement between the City and i the Plumbers Local No. 34. ( Personnel) � : i . ; 15. Resolution approving the 1984 hlaintenance Labox Agreement betiaeen the City and ; the Electricians Local 110. ( Personnel) • ;, f - 16. Resolution approving the 1984 hfemorandum of Settler;e t beti•�een the City and thz Iron ti9orkers Local Unian No. 512. ( Personnel) `�"'' I7. Resolution amending Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules by substit uting new specifications for the ti�les of Unskilled Laborer, Building Laborer and �Jater Laborer. (Personnel) 18. Resolution amending the 1981 CIB budget and transfeaci�i�ng �45,417,25 to ContingencY � Fund-SV}�ite Bear Avenue for the paving of Nf-iite BeaT Avenue fxom the C.I�;I�I. Rai.lro2d Bridge to Larpenteur Avenue. (Public Zdork ����`�� ;f I 19. Resolution amending CD?Block �rant Years VII �, iX and transfe�cring y�84,000 from � � Residential Street Paving to St. A2bans storm setrer - street lightin g_ L PED . k_ . 20. Resolution approving the St. Pau1 Historic Plaque Program as recommended by the � Heritage Preservation Commi.ssion. (PED) ` ��� � n -- � 21. Preliminary resolution for issuance of revenue bonds on {Yorld Theater. (PED)��, � � . 22. Resolution approving a commission to be known as the " Q} toc,�n River� ont Commissioz". ; . ; .` .4� . ' 1 23. Presentation by Gary Norstrem o _arking meter advertising. � - _,�...,,..' ,., �` � . � � � ! � � � � i i i , . - - -- _ _ ._ . ,- .°--- ---- - - -- ..._ �