84-771 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council / CANARV - DEPARTMENT f �//_��� BLUE - MAVOR F11E NO. ,� � Council Resolution Presented By �Referred To Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the following securities: $115,000.00 Federal Farm Credit Banks dated 4-23-84 due 7-21-86 11.625% pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Commercial State Bank, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. COUfVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays Finance and Management Services Drew In Favor iN8'$8ftr � ; „ � d�NeeS�9 � '� / scnetbei __ A gai n s t BS�'"' Tedesco Wilson �� � � 198� Form Appro d by City At ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified • -sed by ou .' Se ary , BY . r By' r: t#pprov (Vlavor. D JUN � 4 1984 Ap r y Mayor for Su i s on`to Council � . - v BY � PUBUSHED JUN � � 1984 - _ � A .: � RE�EIV D � - MAY 1 1 1984 : Finance & Ma a . I�VT Shirley gavis . �� . C�� TIOR�� _ 2_...92:?03,8..�,,,., �lONE � �� Ma 8, 19$4 lJATE ��� (Roctti�g and �xp 1�aattt t� 51�at) s� r � Qrder C't i Al 1 l.�Gati b�s 1 5f . ,,,,_, o�ar�c Dt n�c��r �__ RF��FrI/E� ,�, Ct�y At�rney : y'' ��/�� \$� :MAY 0 8 1 ,�,� G#1�'tCtA�' Of l�t8�t1'�/M3Y'�T �1 OFFlCE '�84 � �ftlit�! i�td 1liel�l�tt 5�1'M11 C� Of e'lCt�tr � � DEPqR7�F rHE ptRECTpR [ �#L�/ Cl�'k : : AND M�NT pF F� MAIVqGE1v1ENT SE qN:.E ..... �� fl"i r�ttLQr RV��,�S ......... _ ..�..,.� _ � �li� . # . '�ilk t AC'�'� �! �4 � ? • The passage of the attached resolution approves the securities pledged, by. Commercial State Bank, to protect fuads: of the City of Saint Paul while. : heid in said bank: MSA 11$ sequires collateral to protect public funds and sets .out.a procedure to be followed ia the handliug of said collateral includi�ng the requirement Qf approval 17y the governin.g body. fir� 1: An'titi a ' �it�H:. : � REC�IVED � fv� r � - MAY 14 �984 - - • �fAY�R'S QF�ICE NONE. �` Z � ' . .. 1. Proposed Gmuncil Resolution. t?E�'A�t't�1`:A�1tIfM CITY.I�T'fE�_A�1fI�1 � Yes �„�,^ �to Ct�uncil R�aso1 tttfott R�c{�tirad? i�=otutfott �#�1 s�t? ,,,�,,,,� Y� ,r,�,_„ "to � �,�,, Y�� ;,,�,,, �!o Insur�nce Aeqnired? insue�nc� 5erffictss►t? �,�,,, Yts ,_,,,,,_ �o ��,, Y�ts ,,,,r„_ �lo Inse�rte At�a�eci? , {�Y'�S10t'1 Of. �x`s �� , ' _ - (csMe Rlv�ers� 5f E� far T�:�'tt�1"1�'ts) � _�....�. . . �. L . . . . �� fy_7�/ i �z:tda . Finance Committee bieeting June 7,,•.�1984 � Page 2�= . . 10. Resolution approving "�125,000 City of Neenah, lVisc. , �100;000 t�iiddlesex Co. , Mass. , and ,�50,000 {Vashtinaw Co. , blich. securities as col lateral to protect deposits of public funds with First National Bank of St. Paul. (Financ�� 11. Resolution approving �100,00Q Federal National htortgage Assn. (I4.90o) and $100,000 Federal National hiortgage Assn. (7.9%) securities as collateral to protect deposits of public funds with iVestern State Bank. (Finance)�� 12. Resolution approving $I00,000 North S1ope Borough Alaska, (9.20), $100,000 � Federal National l�iortgage Association ( I1.7 0) securities and $500,000 United , States Treasury Notes (12.6250) as collateral to rp otect deposits of public funds wifih Hlinnesota State Bank. (Finance��y� _ 13. Reso3ttE�.e�e approviag �I15,OQQ Federal F�u� Cteclit Bsa�ks securities as col�� �� ' ' to protect deposits of public funds wi'Ch Commercial State Bank. (Financ�e)T� �": � � i 14. Resolution approving the 1984 Ntaintenanc a or �l reement bet�aeen the City and f the Plumbers Local No. 34. ( Personnel) }� ' � I 15. Resolution approving the 1984 hlaintenance Labor Agreement be��aeen the City and � the Electricians Local 110. ( Personnel) �,,'��' - 16. Resolution approving the 1984 blemorandum of Settler�e�t betl��een the City and the Iron i'lorkers Local Union No. 512. ( Personnel) ��' 17. Resolution amending Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules b}• substit utino new specifications for the ti les of Unskilled Laborer, Building Laborer and iVater Laborer. (Personnel) '�' 18. Resolution amending the 1981 CIB budget and transfez-i-ing y�45,417;25 to Contingenc� .� Fund-iV}�ite Bear Avenue for the paving of �Vhite Bear Avenue fxom the C.N:IQ. Rai.lroad Bridge to Larpenteur Avenue. (Public ti�'ork � � :�I �M� � 19. Resolution amendin CD�Block Grant Years VIT IX and transferrin � g $ g �84,000 from � Residential Street Paving to St. Albans storm seirer - street lighting_ L PED 20. Resolution approving the St. Pau1 Historic Plaque Program as recommended by the ` Heritage Preservation Commission. (PED) :��� � g 21. Preliminary resolution for issuance of revenue bonds on {Vorld Theater. (PED)��, 22. Resolution approving a commission to be known as the " o town Riverf -ont Commission". � , ' �� # 23. Presentation by Gary Norstrem o arking meter advertising. ' �,s,; �:,_; �. f ' � i ; ; � - � 1 � ; ; � � ; � , _ _ �