00-1174Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORIGINAL - „�� / Presented By council File # 6b-n�y Green Sheet # �`� � RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Co�ttee: Date 1 RF.SOLVED, That in accordance with Secrion 77.07 dealing with Sewer Service Availability Charges, 2 the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Sewer Service Availability Charges for the 3 years 2001 and 2002 to be held on December 20, 2000 at 5:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers, and the 4 City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing; the publication of which is to be had at 5 least seven days before the hearing. Adoption e fied by Council Secretary By: 3- . Approved by Mayor: Date e B �, _ G. (sacrestime.wpd) Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services V ��,�/'" By: � Form Approved by City Attorney Director�� b � ��, �� sy: �.s� l.Jl�.ws�c_ ll. 3 0 0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-�°d Adopted by Council: Date ��_ \ 3 �. o o� o�t-a�-oo 03:54P r . AL[. CI'f Y MANAGE32S � Metropolitan Council o � _,�,�{ Working for the f�egion, Ptanning for the Future o�cov�r 3, z000 TO: 5U I3J ECT � J FIJSL�C 651 266 6234 P.O1 �v� � ��sQ�� OCT 25 2 �co � R£rE�v�G oer 24 z000 C17-y �L�Rk; 2001 & 2002 SI:IZVICL- AVAILABILITY CHARG� (SAC) RATE llic Mctropolitan Councif has esiablished thc SAC ratcs for the next Rvo ��cars. Effcctive Januan' 1, 2001, thc SAC ratc taill be $1,Y50 for �11 communitics. Effcctivc Januarv 1, �002, thc SAC rate «�ill bc $i,200 foraU co��ununi[ics. Your communiry collects SAC as users connect to the metropolitan sewer system for the first time or as a user's potcntia! or peak sc�vage incrcases. The SAC funds collccted pay for a portion of the debt scrvice incurTCd to expand and improve se�ver facilities. "Ihese facilities provide the sewer collection and trcatmeni service stipula[ed fos your commun�ty in the Metropolitan Council's comprchcnsivc sc�vcr plan. The SAC rate to be charged by the wmmunity is the rate in effect at ihc timc of pa}anent regardless of �vhcn thc permitiing prxess began. if you have any financia{ questions, please fcel free to contaa me at {651) 602-1196. For SAC proccdural qucstions, pleasc contact Sandra Selby at (651) fi02-1118 or read the SAC pracedure manuat on our �veb site at www.metrocouncil.org/environmenUrates&billin,glsac.hvn_ Your cooperation is greatly apprcciatcd. Sinccrcl}•, � �✓��� ��50�, `v�n�t� MCES Financc hlanagcr cc: I3uilJing inspcctions Dcpartmcnt ,�G� - � Xss 230 ti.i+l Fillb Strrcl 51. Paul. Miiine�uta 5516L1626 Ifi51] 602-1000 Far 602-1550 TDO(T[Y 2`-11-0904 Metro Info Line 802-1889 nn Ptt«a! Opponwait� En�yio��+ �° .. . � . T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �onfactPeisonand Ny�Gber: !/ Roxanna Flink � J 266-8858 # OF 3IGNATURE PAGES cocRVCa. ATTORNEY'�.f. rt/I f `_", CS.E2H ALL LOCATIONS FOR et heariag date to consider increasiag Sewer Service Availability Charge 5AC) fram $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 beginaing 3anuary 1, 2901 aad from $1,150.00 o$1,200.00 beginning Jaauary 1, 2002. sfer to Green Sheet No. 104792 to Ratify the SAC Charge. '.RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSK'ER 1'AE FOLLOWING: Has the persudfirm ever worked under a contract for tLis department? YES NO PLANNING COMbi15SIQN CN�.SEI[��AINfiS.S(BN � . , r � ,��d`� cm comrntrrrn,� aEa� �srarE ��v�sio� Has tlus pe�son/firm ever been a City empbyee? Does this persoN£um possess a sldll not normal�y possessed by any cnrrent City employee? - and YES NO YES NO NITFATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPOR'fU1vI'fY (Who, What, �'1hen, Where, Why?): Latter from the Metropolitan Council - Enviroxssnental Services informing �overnment agencies of the new SAC Charge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 for 2001 ind from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 for 2002. Che full SAC is paid by the builder or propertg owner. Tharefore, passing the increased charge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MCES attached.) Nl'AGES IF APPROVED: p ry � ; � 5 , �� � � � �_, S ] v� tUO ............. increasa ia SAC Unit Charges for the naw year is not a,aew grocedure and uld be expeated by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of nt Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City $43,600.00 the same number of SAC Charges are made as ia 2001' and $43,600 for 2002. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: rease of $50.00 per Sac Charge for 2001 and $50.00 per Sac for 2002 builder or property owner. _ _- "'" �DV,INTAGES IE NOT APPROVED: `+` °' t fY K l ty absorbs tha iacrease of approximately $87,20Q�@��ve'� � 02) . �' (20U1 and II'OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO � �.�rmINCSOVxcE: Sewer Service Enterprise Ac'1'rnITY�wMBER: 26U-222U9-6301 Funa �otmc� R�s��r�? � �nttr < FINANCTALINFORMATION:(E7SPLASN) . .. -�''���'�����,��� . A sTnee ` � �/ � e Date: /t�D2j0 D 1 � Number: ., e . ,,., .. ... . ssacrastrtne.wp� , . v ., �"��'+y Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORIGINAL - „�� / Presented By council File # 6b-n�y Green Sheet # �`� � RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Co�ttee: Date 1 RF.SOLVED, That in accordance with Secrion 77.07 dealing with Sewer Service Availability Charges, 2 the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Sewer Service Availability Charges for the 3 years 2001 and 2002 to be held on December 20, 2000 at 5:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers, and the 4 City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing; the publication of which is to be had at 5 least seven days before the hearing. Adoption e fied by Council Secretary By: 3- . Approved by Mayor: Date e B �, _ G. (sacrestime.wpd) Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services V ��,�/'" By: � Form Approved by City Attorney Director�� b � ��, �� sy: �.s� l.Jl�.ws�c_ ll. 3 0 0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-�°d Adopted by Council: Date ��_ \ 3 �. o o� o�t-a�-oo 03:54P r . AL[. CI'f Y MANAGE32S � Metropolitan Council o � _,�,�{ Working for the f�egion, Ptanning for the Future o�cov�r 3, z000 TO: 5U I3J ECT � J FIJSL�C 651 266 6234 P.O1 �v� � ��sQ�� OCT 25 2 �co � R£rE�v�G oer 24 z000 C17-y �L�Rk; 2001 & 2002 SI:IZVICL- AVAILABILITY CHARG� (SAC) RATE llic Mctropolitan Councif has esiablished thc SAC ratcs for the next Rvo ��cars. Effcctive Januan' 1, 2001, thc SAC ratc taill be $1,Y50 for �11 communitics. Effcctivc Januarv 1, �002, thc SAC rate «�ill bc $i,200 foraU co��ununi[ics. Your communiry collects SAC as users connect to the metropolitan sewer system for the first time or as a user's potcntia! or peak sc�vage incrcases. The SAC funds collccted pay for a portion of the debt scrvice incurTCd to expand and improve se�ver facilities. "Ihese facilities provide the sewer collection and trcatmeni service stipula[ed fos your commun�ty in the Metropolitan Council's comprchcnsivc sc�vcr plan. The SAC rate to be charged by the wmmunity is the rate in effect at ihc timc of pa}anent regardless of �vhcn thc permitiing prxess began. if you have any financia{ questions, please fcel free to contaa me at {651) 602-1196. For SAC proccdural qucstions, pleasc contact Sandra Selby at (651) fi02-1118 or read the SAC pracedure manuat on our �veb site at www.metrocouncil.org/environmenUrates&billin,glsac.hvn_ Your cooperation is greatly apprcciatcd. Sinccrcl}•, � �✓��� ��50�, `v�n�t� MCES Financc hlanagcr cc: I3uilJing inspcctions Dcpartmcnt ,�G� - � Xss 230 ti.i+l Fillb Strrcl 51. Paul. Miiine�uta 5516L1626 Ifi51] 602-1000 Far 602-1550 TDO(T[Y 2`-11-0904 Metro Info Line 802-1889 nn Ptt«a! Opponwait� En�yio��+ �° .. . � . T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �onfactPeisonand Ny�Gber: !/ Roxanna Flink � J 266-8858 # OF 3IGNATURE PAGES cocRVCa. ATTORNEY'�.f. rt/I f `_", CS.E2H ALL LOCATIONS FOR et heariag date to consider increasiag Sewer Service Availability Charge 5AC) fram $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 beginaing 3anuary 1, 2901 aad from $1,150.00 o$1,200.00 beginning Jaauary 1, 2002. sfer to Green Sheet No. 104792 to Ratify the SAC Charge. '.RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSK'ER 1'AE FOLLOWING: Has the persudfirm ever worked under a contract for tLis department? YES NO PLANNING COMbi15SIQN CN�.SEI[��AINfiS.S(BN � . , r � ,��d`� cm comrntrrrn,� aEa� �srarE ��v�sio� Has tlus pe�son/firm ever been a City empbyee? Does this persoN£um possess a sldll not normal�y possessed by any cnrrent City employee? - and YES NO YES NO NITFATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPOR'fU1vI'fY (Who, What, �'1hen, Where, Why?): Latter from the Metropolitan Council - Enviroxssnental Services informing �overnment agencies of the new SAC Charge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 for 2001 ind from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 for 2002. Che full SAC is paid by the builder or propertg owner. Tharefore, passing the increased charge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MCES attached.) Nl'AGES IF APPROVED: p ry � ; � 5 , �� � � � �_, S ] v� tUO ............. increasa ia SAC Unit Charges for the naw year is not a,aew grocedure and uld be expeated by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of nt Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City $43,600.00 the same number of SAC Charges are made as ia 2001' and $43,600 for 2002. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: rease of $50.00 per Sac Charge for 2001 and $50.00 per Sac for 2002 builder or property owner. _ _- "'" �DV,INTAGES IE NOT APPROVED: `+` °' t fY K l ty absorbs tha iacrease of approximately $87,20Q�@��ve'� � 02) . �' (20U1 and II'OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO � �.�rmINCSOVxcE: Sewer Service Enterprise Ac'1'rnITY�wMBER: 26U-222U9-6301 Funa �otmc� R�s��r�? � �nttr < FINANCTALINFORMATION:(E7SPLASN) . .. -�''���'�����,��� . A sTnee ` � �/ � e Date: /t�D2j0 D 1 � Number: ., e . ,,., .. ... . ssacrastrtne.wp� , . v ., �"��'+y Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORIGINAL - „�� / Presented By council File # 6b-n�y Green Sheet # �`� � RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Co�ttee: Date 1 RF.SOLVED, That in accordance with Secrion 77.07 dealing with Sewer Service Availability Charges, 2 the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Sewer Service Availability Charges for the 3 years 2001 and 2002 to be held on December 20, 2000 at 5:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers, and the 4 City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing; the publication of which is to be had at 5 least seven days before the hearing. Adoption e fied by Council Secretary By: 3- . Approved by Mayor: Date e B �, _ G. (sacrestime.wpd) Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services V ��,�/'" By: � Form Approved by City Attorney Director�� b � ��, �� sy: �.s� l.Jl�.ws�c_ ll. 3 0 0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-�°d Adopted by Council: Date ��_ \ 3 �. o o� o�t-a�-oo 03:54P r . AL[. CI'f Y MANAGE32S � Metropolitan Council o � _,�,�{ Working for the f�egion, Ptanning for the Future o�cov�r 3, z000 TO: 5U I3J ECT � J FIJSL�C 651 266 6234 P.O1 �v� � ��sQ�� OCT 25 2 �co � R£rE�v�G oer 24 z000 C17-y �L�Rk; 2001 & 2002 SI:IZVICL- AVAILABILITY CHARG� (SAC) RATE llic Mctropolitan Councif has esiablished thc SAC ratcs for the next Rvo ��cars. Effcctive Januan' 1, 2001, thc SAC ratc taill be $1,Y50 for �11 communitics. Effcctivc Januarv 1, �002, thc SAC rate «�ill bc $i,200 foraU co��ununi[ics. Your communiry collects SAC as users connect to the metropolitan sewer system for the first time or as a user's potcntia! or peak sc�vage incrcases. The SAC funds collccted pay for a portion of the debt scrvice incurTCd to expand and improve se�ver facilities. "Ihese facilities provide the sewer collection and trcatmeni service stipula[ed fos your commun�ty in the Metropolitan Council's comprchcnsivc sc�vcr plan. The SAC rate to be charged by the wmmunity is the rate in effect at ihc timc of pa}anent regardless of �vhcn thc permitiing prxess began. if you have any financia{ questions, please fcel free to contaa me at {651) 602-1196. For SAC proccdural qucstions, pleasc contact Sandra Selby at (651) fi02-1118 or read the SAC pracedure manuat on our �veb site at www.metrocouncil.org/environmenUrates&billin,glsac.hvn_ Your cooperation is greatly apprcciatcd. Sinccrcl}•, � �✓��� ��50�, `v�n�t� MCES Financc hlanagcr cc: I3uilJing inspcctions Dcpartmcnt ,�G� - � Xss 230 ti.i+l Fillb Strrcl 51. Paul. Miiine�uta 5516L1626 Ifi51] 602-1000 Far 602-1550 TDO(T[Y 2`-11-0904 Metro Info Line 802-1889 nn Ptt«a! Opponwait� En�yio��+ �° .. . � . T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �onfactPeisonand Ny�Gber: !/ Roxanna Flink � J 266-8858 # OF 3IGNATURE PAGES cocRVCa. ATTORNEY'�.f. rt/I f `_", CS.E2H ALL LOCATIONS FOR et heariag date to consider increasiag Sewer Service Availability Charge 5AC) fram $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 beginaing 3anuary 1, 2901 aad from $1,150.00 o$1,200.00 beginning Jaauary 1, 2002. sfer to Green Sheet No. 104792 to Ratify the SAC Charge. '.RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSK'ER 1'AE FOLLOWING: Has the persudfirm ever worked under a contract for tLis department? YES NO PLANNING COMbi15SIQN CN�.SEI[��AINfiS.S(BN � . , r � ,��d`� cm comrntrrrn,� aEa� �srarE ��v�sio� Has tlus pe�son/firm ever been a City empbyee? Does this persoN£um possess a sldll not normal�y possessed by any cnrrent City employee? - and YES NO YES NO NITFATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPOR'fU1vI'fY (Who, What, �'1hen, Where, Why?): Latter from the Metropolitan Council - Enviroxssnental Services informing �overnment agencies of the new SAC Charge from $1,100.00 to $1,150.00 for 2001 ind from $1,150.00 to $1,200.00 for 2002. Che full SAC is paid by the builder or propertg owner. Tharefore, passing the increased charge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MCES attached.) Nl'AGES IF APPROVED: p ry � ; � 5 , �� � � � �_, S ] v� tUO ............. increasa ia SAC Unit Charges for the naw year is not a,aew grocedure and uld be expeated by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of nt Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City $43,600.00 the same number of SAC Charges are made as ia 2001' and $43,600 for 2002. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: rease of $50.00 per Sac Charge for 2001 and $50.00 per Sac for 2002 builder or property owner. _ _- "'" �DV,INTAGES IE NOT APPROVED: `+` °' t fY K l ty absorbs tha iacrease of approximately $87,20Q�@��ve'� � 02) . �' (20U1 and II'OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO � �.�rmINCSOVxcE: Sewer Service Enterprise Ac'1'rnITY�wMBER: 26U-222U9-6301 Funa �otmc� R�s��r�? � �nttr < FINANCTALINFORMATION:(E7SPLASN) . .. -�''���'�����,��� . A sTnee ` � �/ � e Date: /t�D2j0 D 1 � Number: ., e . ,,., .. ... . ssacrastrtne.wp� , . v ., �"��'+y