,Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is a Member of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed
2 Management Organization (MMRWMO); and
4 WHEREAS, the purpose of the MMRWMO is to protect and enhance water quality resources within
5 the watershed; and
7 WHEREAS, the MMRWMO Board of Commissioners recently approved technical changes to the
8 MMRWMO Joint and Cooperative Agreement Bylaws relating to watershed boundaries and
9 payment of budgetary obligations.
11 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul approves the proposed changes to
12 the Bylaws of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization.
Requested by Department of:
Public Works
By: �
Adopted by Council: Date ��,�, 2-r,�pa Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��_ �� ( �J��. a7, Dp
BY � I!
B y` � a � - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Council Fi1e # �� � �,�
Green Sheet # 102664
By: �-`�d �-`i",
�A ..II�'I
Public Works 1/20/00 NO. ?�12664
An eWe ei266-6245 "���" CITYATfORNEY .�l/. � .o 6 � CITYCLERK
OTAL30FSKiliASUFlEPAGES l (CLfPALLLOCAi10N5WfiSIGNATi3Rc7 �ah�ON �J F zf�JC7 u{ypT.p�p�JryT I' ��
pprove the attached resolution approving changes to the Bylaws of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed
anagement Organizarion (NIMRWMO).
PIANNINCaWMMIS510N _CIVILSFAVICEWMMISSION �, Hastl�ispersoNfirtnevervrorketluntleracontractforthisdepartmerM1?
— — 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee?
DISTRICT CAUNCIL 3. Does ihis perso�rtn possess a 5kill not normalry possessetl by any curtent aty
— empbyee?
The City of Saint Paul is a Member of the M1VII2WM0. The NIMRWMO Board of Commissioners recently
approved technical changes to the 1YIMRWMO 7oint and Cooperative Agreement Bylaws relating to watershed
boundaries and payment of budgetary obligations. Each Member of the MMRWMO must approve these changes.
The M1VIItWMO Bylaws will be updated
None -
The changes to the Bylaws of the MMI2WM0 will not take effect until all of the Members approve them.
K f ..
��6.ii.Agd �v�� �
��':e'� � � ����
0 0 -���1
Article V
Operating Budget
Subdivision 3: Member contributions to the operating budget will be determined on a
percentage basis of the geographic area of each Member's subwatershed, excluding
properties owned by the Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Board. The Minneapolis Park
and Recreation Boazd shaze shall be determined by that portion of properiy owned by
them. This assessment shall be allocated as follows:
Member Shaze
Minneapolis � 94.1%
St. Anthony 3,5 3.3%
Saint Paul
Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Board
Falcon Heights
�5 1.4%
9,� 0.6%
0.4 %
0.2 %
0 0 -1t�
Article VI
Capital Budgets
Subdivision 5: The Commission shall have the authority to prepaze and adopt a Capital
Improvement Program as defined in Minnesota Statutes 103B.205 Subdivision 3,
�. •*� +h � ��•��- :^ .�,�;^�^ +hA as part of the Watershed Management Plan.
�sadegted, The Capital Improvement Program shall set forth the schedule of capital
projects identified in the Watershed Management Plan as well as designating Members
for participation in each project and estimating the total costs for such projects. Projects
not identified in the Watershed Management Plan shall not be included in the Capital
Improvement Program until and unless the Watershed Management Plan is amended to
include such projects. Tmplementation of the Capital Improvement Program will
beQin upon adoption of the Watershed Management Plan subiect to the availability
of funding.
Subdivision 6: R '*� *� F�� ��^^*�^^ ^f*�a �'���*° TmnYnv>mcnf
z p�-��(' �' l� 11 i7 , ..:s�i :..� manthi (1 * F tl�
�, r c+ �, j..f A���. �»ar geginning with the year the Watershed
Management Pian is adopted, the Commission shall submit, by June 1, a draft
capital budget to the cierk of Member's Council for their review. "''h° ����.-�^'�
+}��i,,�l, C r f+h (' 1, F !l r i, 1+.. tho �lo.L
,•� ��<, ���� r��^ The Council of each Member agrees to review the budget.
The Commission shall upon notice from any Member received prior to *T^��°^��^°�'
August 1, heaz objections to the budget. Such notice shall be written to the Commission's
Secretary and delivered by certified mail to their principal business address. The
Commission, upon notice delivered by US Mail to all Members and after a hearing, may
modify or amend the budget. The MMRWMO Commission shall hold a public
hearing in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 103B and 103D on the proposed
capital budget On or before September 15 of each year , the Commissioners shall
adopt a capital budQet for the nexf year and decide on the total amount to be raised
from ad valorem tax levies By the September 15 of each year the budget shall be
certi�ed by the Secretary of the Commissioa to the County, Counties or the clerk of
each Member's Council together with a statement of the proportion of the budget to
be Provided. °�t -� fi r• f,t, r •+ t �. a� +�., +�.e co.._or.,n, ..c+t,o
• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — - ----- -- - -- ---
Subdivision 7: Following certification of the capital budget by the Secretary of the
Commission, each member having a financial obligation therefore, shall provide to
the Organization on or before February 1 documentation of the member's
b�dgetary approval and commitment of the fands required. Chaages in funding
availability or anticipated costs will require modifications or amendments to the
oriQinal budget and must be approved by a maiority vote of the Commission.
If the Organization is responsible for the planning design, acquisition, relocation, or
construction of an approved capitat project on behaif of a Member, each Member
having a financial obligation therefore, shall also provide to the Organization the
funds required by the budget from that member on or before February 1.
If the Member is responsible for the completion of the capital project, the
Organization's approved share of the project cost coming from its tax levy will be
reimbursed to the member from actual tax revenues received in a manner agreed to.
The Member being reimbursed for project costs by the Organizarion shall a�ree to
be responsible for providing any requested documentarion of costs requested by the
Organization or its auditors.
oa 1»
certified by the Secretary of the Commission ta the County, Counties or the clerk of
each Member's Council together with a statement of the proportion of the bndget to
be provided. F„n,..,.:..rt ..o..:�,..,.:,,.. ..arwo ,..,..:.�i �...a,.o« �.., .�,e ce,.�e«.,�.. ,.rrt,e
(' i� T,( 1, 1. S". 1..l.l:....t:n.. +i.0 efn� c1...17 .. r:.in rtitl�o
� t' �l� S'. .i q ' ri 7 rl. 1. fl t ..� 1�eF �u Re1..� ..�. / l�.Tnii;4"iro4;nn
.7 r r ti. .. 1 i.. .i�.or .o...,:.o ., .:r.. ....�o
Subdivision 7: Following certification of the capitai budget by the Secretary of the
Commission each member having a financial obligarion therefore, shall provide to
the Organization on or before February 1 documentation of the member's
budgetary approval and commitment of the funds required. Changes in funding
availability or anticipated costs will require modifications or amendments to the
oriQinal budget and must be approved by a majority vote of the Commission.
If the Organization is responsible for the planning, design, acquisirion, relocafion, or
construction of an approved capital project on behalf of a Member, each Member
having a financial obligation therefore, shall also provide to the Organization the
funds required by the budget from that member on or before February 1.
If the Member is responsible for the completion of the capital project, the
Organization's approved share of the project cost coming from its tax levy will be
reimbursed to the member from actual tax revenues received in a manner agreed to.
The Member being reimbursed for proiect costs by the Organization shail agree to
be responsibie for providing any requested documentation of costs requested 6y the
Organization or its auditors.
Appendix A
Legal Description of WMO
Alt the land lying within the following described boundazies:
Commencing at the intersection of E Hennepin Av and the E City Limits of the City of
Minneapolis; th N on said E City limits and its Nly extension to 33rd � Ave NE and �esi�ake
�utef� OldHwy 8; th SWty along Old Hwy 8 to 32st Av NE; th Wly along 31st Av
NE to Rankin T3r; th N along Ranldn I?r to 33rd Av NE; th W along 33rd Av NE to Silver Lake Rd; th N
along Silver Lake Rd to 36th Av NE; th W along 3bth Av NE to Edwar@ St NE; th N along Edward St NE
to 37th Av NE; th W aloag 37th Av NE and its Wly extension to the center of the Mississippi River; th
Nly along the centet of the Mississippi River to the Ely extension of 53rd Av N; 'th Wiy along �
extension of 53rd Av N to James Av N; th S along James Av N to 52 Av N; th E along 52 Av N to the
alley between Humboldt Av N and Irving Av N; th S along said aliey to S l st Av � N; th E along S lst Av
N to Humboldt Av N; th S on Humboldt Av N to SOth Av N; th E along SOth Av N to Fremont Av N; th S
along Fremont Av N to 49th Av N; th E along 49th Av N to Emerson Av N; th S along Emersoa Av N Yo
47th Av N; th E along 47th Av N to alley between Colfax aad �r� Bryat�t Avs N; th S along said alley
to 46th Av N; th E along 46th Av N to Camden Av N; th S along Camden Av N to 45th Av N; th E along
45th Av N to the center line of the Mississippi River; th Sly along the center line of the Mississippi River
to the Ely extension of 41st Av N; th W along 41st Av N and its Ely extension to Bryant Av N; th N along
Bryant Av N to 42nd Av N; th W along 42 Av N to Emerson Av N; th S along Emerson Av N to 41st Av
N; th E along 41st Av N to Dupont Av N; th S along Dupont Av N to 39th Av N; th W along 39th Av N
to Emerson Av N; th S along Emerson Av N to � Dowling Av N; th W along 3� Dowlin Av N to
Knox Av N; th S along Knox Av N to the center tine between 36th and 37th Avs N; th E along said center
line to Aumboldt Av N; th S along Humboldt Av N to 35th Av N; th W along 35th Av N to James Av N;
th N along James Av N to 36th Av N; th W along 36th Av N to Logan Av N; th S along Logan Av N to
35th Av N; th W along 35th Av N to Morgan Av N; th S along Morgan Av N to 33rd Av N; th E along
33rd Av N to the alley between James and Knox Avs N; th S along said alley to Lowry Av N; th E along
Lowry Av N to 7ames Av N; th S along James Av N to 30th Av N; th E along 30th Av N to Fremont Av
N; th S along Fremont Av N to 29th Av N; th W along 29th Av N to the alley between �remont and
Girard Avs N; th S along said atley to 27th Av N; th W along 27th Av N to the alley between Hwnboldt
and Irving Avs N; th S along said ailey to 26th Av N; th W along 26th Av N to Irving Av N; th S along
Irving Av N to 25th Av N; th E along 25th Av N Yo &�� Humbolt Av N; th S along extension of
Humbolt �irard Av N to 23rd Av N; th W along 23rd Av N to Irving Av N; th NWIy along Irving Av N
to Ilion Av N; th SWIy along Ilion Av to Hillside Av; th NWIy along Hillside Av to the alley beriveen
James and Logan Avs N; th SWIy along said alley to the EW alley lying between Lots 72 and 73, Blk 19,
Forest Heights Addn to Minneapolis; th �} W along last described alley to W Broadway and Oliver Av
N; th Sly along Oliver Av N to 21st Av N; th W along 21 Av N to Penn Av N; th S along Penn Av N to
center line between 16th and 17th Avs N th aze lying W of Penn Av N; th W along said center line to
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Th Elv along Mt Curve Av to the centerline of Colfa�c Av S• th S along Colfas Av S to W Franklin Av; th
W on W Franklin Av to Dupont Av S• th S on Dupont Av S to 22� St W; th W on 22 St W to �merson
Ave S• th S on Emerson Av S to 24"' St W th W on 24'� St W to Irving Av S; th N on Irving Av S to Lake
PI• th SWIy on Lake Pl to �.5�` 26�' St W th Ely on 25�' 26�' St W to Hennepin Av; th NEIy on Hennepin
Av to 22 St W the E on 22 St W to Bryant Av S• th S on Bryant Av S to 27�' St W; th E on 27`� St W
to Lyndale Av S• th N on Lyndale Av S to 26'� St W th E on 26�` St W to Garfield Av S; th N on Garfield
Av S to 25� St W th E on 25�` St W to Piilsbury Av 5• th S on Pillsbury Av S to 29`� St W; th W on 29`�
St W to Pleasant Av S• th S on Pleasant Av S to the north r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail
Authority th W on the north r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Dupont Av S; th N
on Dupont Av S to 28�' St W th W on 28` St W to Fremont Av S• th S on Fremont Av S to the north r/w
of the Hennepin Counry Regional Rail Authority th W on the north rJw of the Hennepin County
Regional Rail Authority to Hennepin Av th S on Hennepin Av to tThe Mall; th W on tThe Mall to
Humboldt Av S• the S on Humboldt Av S to Lake St W th E on Lake St W to Lyndale Av S; th I3 on
L ,��iA e.� c r� rt,P ��„rh r/w nfthe Hennenin County Regional Rail Authority th E on the south r/w of
the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Harriet Av S• th S on Harriet Av S to 31 St W; th E on
31�` St W to Grand Av S� th N on Grand Av S to the south r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail
Authority• th E on the south r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Pleasant Av S• th S
on Pleasant Av S to 32" St W; th E on 32 St W to Pillsbury Av S• th S on Pillsbury Av S to 34�' St W;
th W on 34�' 3t W to Grand Av S; th S on Grand Av S to 35�' St W; th W on 35�' St W to Colfax Av S; th
N on Colfa�c Av S to 33 St W; th W on 33` St W to Fremont Av S; th S on Fremont Av S to 34` St W;
th W on 34`� 5t W to Hennepin Av th S on Hennepin Av to 35�' St W th W on 35`� St W to Irving Av S;
th S on Irving Av S to 36` St W th E on 36`� St W to King's Highwav th S on King's Highway to 42 St
W• th E on 42 St W to Bryant Av S• th N on Bryant Av S to 41 St W th E on 41 St W to Garfield Av
S; th S on G�eld Av S to 43`� St W; th E on 43 St W to Harriet Av S; th S on Harriet Av S to 44�` St
W th W on 44`� St W to Lyndale Av S• the S on Lyndale Av S to 45�' St W th W on 45�' St W to Aldrich
Av S• th S on Aldrich Av S to 47�` St W th W on 47�' St W to Bryant Av S• th S on Bryant Av S to 49�`
St W; th E on 49`� St W to Pleasant Av S; N an Pleasant Av S to 48`� St W; th E on 48�' St W to Stevens
Av S; th S on Stevens Av S to 50`� St E; th E on 50�' St E to 2" Av 5; th N on 2" Av S to 42 St E; th E
on 42 St E to Chicago Av S• th N on Chicago Av S to 41 St E• th W on 41 St E to Oakland Av S; th N
on Oakland Av S to 40�' St E• th E on 40 St E to Chicago Av S• th N on Chicago Av S to 38'� St E; th W
on 38`� St E to Portland Av S; th N on Portland Av S to 37`� St E; th E on 37'�' St E to Oakland Av S; th N�
on Oakland Av S to 36�' St E; th E on 36�' St E to Columbus Av S; th N on Columbus Av S to 35�' St E;
th W on 35'� St E to Oakland Av S� th I3 on Oakland Av S to 34�' St E• th W on 34�' St E to 4`� Av S• N
Portland Av S; th N on Porfland Av S to 31�` St E; th E on 31�` St E to 10�' Av S; th S on 10�' Av S to the
N line of Powderfiorn Park� th E along the N line of Powderharn Park to 11�' Av S; th N on 11'� Av S to
29� St E; th E on 29`� St E to 13�' Av S; th S on 13�' Av S to Lake St E; th E on Lake St E to 14�' Av S; th
s on 14�' Av S to 32 St E; th E on 32" St E to 16�' Av S; th N on 16�` Av S to Lake St E; tk E on Lake St
E to 19'� Av S; th S on 19�' Av S to 31�` St E; th E on 31 St E to 21 Av S; th S on 21�` Av S to 32 St E;
th W on 32 St E to 20�' Av S; th S on 20'� Av S to 35�` St E; th E on 35�' St E to 22" Av S; th S oa 22
Av S to 3'7` St E; th E on 37'� St E to 24�' Av S; th S on 24�` Av S to 38�' St E; th E on 38�` St E to
Hiawatha Av- th SEIy on Hiawatha Av to Nawadaha Blvd; th NEIy on Nawadaha Blvd to the east r/w of
the Soo Line RR (formerly Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Raikoad)• th NWIy the east r/w of the
Soo Line RR (formerly Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Raikoad) to 46'� St E; th E on 46�' St E to
Snelling Av S• th NWIy on Snelling Av S to 44�' St E• th E on 44�` St E to 40�` Av S th S on 40�' Av S to
45�` St E; th E on 45`� St E to 42 Av S; th N on 42" Av S to 44�' St E; th E on 44�` St E to 46�' Av S; th S
on 46`� Av S to 46`� St E th E on tke Ford �i3ge Pkwy to the east boundary of the City of Minneapolis`"•
th Nly along the centerline of the Mississippi River to the Sly extension of Emeratd St• th N along the Sly
exYension of Emerald St and Emerald St to Shazon Av th E along Ely extension of Sharon Av to Slt
extension of Curfew St• th N along Curfew St to Franklin Av the E along Franklin Av approx 330'; th N
a ri ght angles to the intasection of �*'�^ "° Ellis Av and University Av • th W along Ar�A� Ellis Av to
Emerald St; th N atong EmeraId St and its Nly extension to Territorial Rd• th SEIy atong Territoriat Rd to
�er�St West Gate Dr• t}z N along �e�-St West Gate Dr to the Sly r/w line of the Burlington Northern
RR (formerly Northem Pacific RR) th NEIy aton the Sly r/w line of the Burlington Northem RR approx
22 50'• th N to Energy Park Ar Av th NWIy along Energy Pazk Dr Av to Eustis St• th N along Eustis St to
Vatentine �t Av th E along Valentine �t Av to Como Av th NWIy along Como Av to Sly extension of
Fulham St th N along Fulham St and Sly extension of Fulham St to Hendon Av th E along Hendon Av to
Branston St• th N along Branston St to �ev�t W Hoyt Av th E along W Hoyt Av to Coffman St; th N
along Coffman St to Larpenteur Av th W along W Larpenteur Av to the pt of beQ+nning and there
` Start boundary with Shingle Creek WN10
° End boundary with Shingle Creek WMO, start boundary with Bassett Creek WMO
"' End boundary with Bassett Creek WMO, begin boundary with Minnehaha Creek WD
'" End boundary with Minnehaha Creek WD
,Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is a Member of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed
2 Management Organization (MMRWMO); and
4 WHEREAS, the purpose of the MMRWMO is to protect and enhance water quality resources within
5 the watershed; and
7 WHEREAS, the MMRWMO Board of Commissioners recently approved technical changes to the
8 MMRWMO Joint and Cooperative Agreement Bylaws relating to watershed boundaries and
9 payment of budgetary obligations.
11 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul approves the proposed changes to
12 the Bylaws of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization.
Requested by Department of:
Public Works
By: �
Adopted by Council: Date ��,�, 2-r,�pa Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��_ �� ( �J��. a7, Dp
BY � I!
B y` � a � - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Council Fi1e # �� � �,�
Green Sheet # 102664
By: �-`�d �-`i",
�A ..II�'I
Public Works 1/20/00 NO. ?�12664
An eWe ei266-6245 "���" CITYATfORNEY .�l/. � .o 6 � CITYCLERK
OTAL30FSKiliASUFlEPAGES l (CLfPALLLOCAi10N5WfiSIGNATi3Rc7 �ah�ON �J F zf�JC7 u{ypT.p�p�JryT I' ��
pprove the attached resolution approving changes to the Bylaws of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed
anagement Organizarion (NIMRWMO).
PIANNINCaWMMIS510N _CIVILSFAVICEWMMISSION �, Hastl�ispersoNfirtnevervrorketluntleracontractforthisdepartmerM1?
— — 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee?
DISTRICT CAUNCIL 3. Does ihis perso�rtn possess a 5kill not normalry possessetl by any curtent aty
— empbyee?
The City of Saint Paul is a Member of the M1VII2WM0. The NIMRWMO Board of Commissioners recently
approved technical changes to the 1YIMRWMO 7oint and Cooperative Agreement Bylaws relating to watershed
boundaries and payment of budgetary obligations. Each Member of the MMRWMO must approve these changes.
The M1VIItWMO Bylaws will be updated
None -
The changes to the Bylaws of the MMI2WM0 will not take effect until all of the Members approve them.
K f ..
��6.ii.Agd �v�� �
��':e'� � � ����
0 0 -���1
Article V
Operating Budget
Subdivision 3: Member contributions to the operating budget will be determined on a
percentage basis of the geographic area of each Member's subwatershed, excluding
properties owned by the Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Board. The Minneapolis Park
and Recreation Boazd shaze shall be determined by that portion of properiy owned by
them. This assessment shall be allocated as follows:
Member Shaze
Minneapolis � 94.1%
St. Anthony 3,5 3.3%
Saint Paul
Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Board
Falcon Heights
�5 1.4%
9,� 0.6%
0.4 %
0.2 %
0 0 -1t�
Article VI
Capital Budgets
Subdivision 5: The Commission shall have the authority to prepaze and adopt a Capital
Improvement Program as defined in Minnesota Statutes 103B.205 Subdivision 3,
�. •*� +h � ��•��- :^ .�,�;^�^ +hA as part of the Watershed Management Plan.
�sadegted, The Capital Improvement Program shall set forth the schedule of capital
projects identified in the Watershed Management Plan as well as designating Members
for participation in each project and estimating the total costs for such projects. Projects
not identified in the Watershed Management Plan shall not be included in the Capital
Improvement Program until and unless the Watershed Management Plan is amended to
include such projects. Tmplementation of the Capital Improvement Program will
beQin upon adoption of the Watershed Management Plan subiect to the availability
of funding.
Subdivision 6: R '*� *� F�� ��^^*�^^ ^f*�a �'���*° TmnYnv>mcnf
z p�-��(' �' l� 11 i7 , ..:s�i :..� manthi (1 * F tl�
�, r c+ �, j..f A���. �»ar geginning with the year the Watershed
Management Pian is adopted, the Commission shall submit, by June 1, a draft
capital budget to the cierk of Member's Council for their review. "''h° ����.-�^'�
+}��i,,�l, C r f+h (' 1, F !l r i, 1+.. tho �lo.L
,•� ��<, ���� r��^ The Council of each Member agrees to review the budget.
The Commission shall upon notice from any Member received prior to *T^��°^��^°�'
August 1, heaz objections to the budget. Such notice shall be written to the Commission's
Secretary and delivered by certified mail to their principal business address. The
Commission, upon notice delivered by US Mail to all Members and after a hearing, may
modify or amend the budget. The MMRWMO Commission shall hold a public
hearing in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 103B and 103D on the proposed
capital budget On or before September 15 of each year , the Commissioners shall
adopt a capital budQet for the nexf year and decide on the total amount to be raised
from ad valorem tax levies By the September 15 of each year the budget shall be
certi�ed by the Secretary of the Commissioa to the County, Counties or the clerk of
each Member's Council together with a statement of the proportion of the budget to
be Provided. °�t -� fi r• f,t, r •+ t �. a� +�., +�.e co.._or.,n, ..c+t,o
• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — - ----- -- - -- ---
Subdivision 7: Following certification of the capital budget by the Secretary of the
Commission, each member having a financial obligation therefore, shall provide to
the Organization on or before February 1 documentation of the member's
b�dgetary approval and commitment of the fands required. Chaages in funding
availability or anticipated costs will require modifications or amendments to the
oriQinal budget and must be approved by a maiority vote of the Commission.
If the Organization is responsible for the planning design, acquisition, relocation, or
construction of an approved capitat project on behaif of a Member, each Member
having a financial obligation therefore, shall also provide to the Organization the
funds required by the budget from that member on or before February 1.
If the Member is responsible for the completion of the capital project, the
Organization's approved share of the project cost coming from its tax levy will be
reimbursed to the member from actual tax revenues received in a manner agreed to.
The Member being reimbursed for project costs by the Organizarion shall a�ree to
be responsible for providing any requested documentarion of costs requested by the
Organization or its auditors.
oa 1»
certified by the Secretary of the Commission ta the County, Counties or the clerk of
each Member's Council together with a statement of the proportion of the bndget to
be provided. F„n,..,.:..rt ..o..:�,..,.:,,.. ..arwo ,..,..:.�i �...a,.o« �.., .�,e ce,.�e«.,�.. ,.rrt,e
(' i� T,( 1, 1. S". 1..l.l:....t:n.. +i.0 efn� c1...17 .. r:.in rtitl�o
� t' �l� S'. .i q ' ri 7 rl. 1. fl t ..� 1�eF �u Re1..� ..�. / l�.Tnii;4"iro4;nn
.7 r r ti. .. 1 i.. .i�.or .o...,:.o ., .:r.. ....�o
Subdivision 7: Following certification of the capitai budget by the Secretary of the
Commission each member having a financial obligarion therefore, shall provide to
the Organization on or before February 1 documentation of the member's
budgetary approval and commitment of the funds required. Changes in funding
availability or anticipated costs will require modifications or amendments to the
oriQinal budget and must be approved by a majority vote of the Commission.
If the Organization is responsible for the planning, design, acquisirion, relocafion, or
construction of an approved capital project on behalf of a Member, each Member
having a financial obligation therefore, shall also provide to the Organization the
funds required by the budget from that member on or before February 1.
If the Member is responsible for the completion of the capital project, the
Organization's approved share of the project cost coming from its tax levy will be
reimbursed to the member from actual tax revenues received in a manner agreed to.
The Member being reimbursed for proiect costs by the Organization shail agree to
be responsibie for providing any requested documentation of costs requested 6y the
Organization or its auditors.
Appendix A
Legal Description of WMO
Alt the land lying within the following described boundazies:
Commencing at the intersection of E Hennepin Av and the E City Limits of the City of
Minneapolis; th N on said E City limits and its Nly extension to 33rd � Ave NE and �esi�ake
�utef� OldHwy 8; th SWty along Old Hwy 8 to 32st Av NE; th Wly along 31st Av
NE to Rankin T3r; th N along Ranldn I?r to 33rd Av NE; th W along 33rd Av NE to Silver Lake Rd; th N
along Silver Lake Rd to 36th Av NE; th W along 3bth Av NE to Edwar@ St NE; th N along Edward St NE
to 37th Av NE; th W aloag 37th Av NE and its Wly extension to the center of the Mississippi River; th
Nly along the centet of the Mississippi River to the Ely extension of 53rd Av N; 'th Wiy along �
extension of 53rd Av N to James Av N; th S along James Av N to 52 Av N; th E along 52 Av N to the
alley between Humboldt Av N and Irving Av N; th S along said aliey to S l st Av � N; th E along S lst Av
N to Humboldt Av N; th S on Humboldt Av N to SOth Av N; th E along SOth Av N to Fremont Av N; th S
along Fremont Av N to 49th Av N; th E along 49th Av N to Emerson Av N; th S along Emersoa Av N Yo
47th Av N; th E along 47th Av N to alley between Colfax aad �r� Bryat�t Avs N; th S along said alley
to 46th Av N; th E along 46th Av N to Camden Av N; th S along Camden Av N to 45th Av N; th E along
45th Av N to the center line of the Mississippi River; th Sly along the center line of the Mississippi River
to the Ely extension of 41st Av N; th W along 41st Av N and its Ely extension to Bryant Av N; th N along
Bryant Av N to 42nd Av N; th W along 42 Av N to Emerson Av N; th S along Emerson Av N to 41st Av
N; th E along 41st Av N to Dupont Av N; th S along Dupont Av N to 39th Av N; th W along 39th Av N
to Emerson Av N; th S along Emerson Av N to � Dowling Av N; th W along 3� Dowlin Av N to
Knox Av N; th S along Knox Av N to the center tine between 36th and 37th Avs N; th E along said center
line to Aumboldt Av N; th S along Humboldt Av N to 35th Av N; th W along 35th Av N to James Av N;
th N along James Av N to 36th Av N; th W along 36th Av N to Logan Av N; th S along Logan Av N to
35th Av N; th W along 35th Av N to Morgan Av N; th S along Morgan Av N to 33rd Av N; th E along
33rd Av N to the alley between James and Knox Avs N; th S along said alley to Lowry Av N; th E along
Lowry Av N to 7ames Av N; th S along James Av N to 30th Av N; th E along 30th Av N to Fremont Av
N; th S along Fremont Av N to 29th Av N; th W along 29th Av N to the alley between �remont and
Girard Avs N; th S along said atley to 27th Av N; th W along 27th Av N to the alley between Hwnboldt
and Irving Avs N; th S along said ailey to 26th Av N; th W along 26th Av N to Irving Av N; th S along
Irving Av N to 25th Av N; th E along 25th Av N Yo &�� Humbolt Av N; th S along extension of
Humbolt �irard Av N to 23rd Av N; th W along 23rd Av N to Irving Av N; th NWIy along Irving Av N
to Ilion Av N; th SWIy along Ilion Av to Hillside Av; th NWIy along Hillside Av to the alley beriveen
James and Logan Avs N; th SWIy along said alley to the EW alley lying between Lots 72 and 73, Blk 19,
Forest Heights Addn to Minneapolis; th �} W along last described alley to W Broadway and Oliver Av
N; th Sly along Oliver Av N to 21st Av N; th W along 21 Av N to Penn Av N; th S along Penn Av N to
center line between 16th and 17th Avs N th aze lying W of Penn Av N; th W along said center line to
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Th Elv along Mt Curve Av to the centerline of Colfa�c Av S• th S along Colfas Av S to W Franklin Av; th
W on W Franklin Av to Dupont Av S• th S on Dupont Av S to 22� St W; th W on 22 St W to �merson
Ave S• th S on Emerson Av S to 24"' St W th W on 24'� St W to Irving Av S; th N on Irving Av S to Lake
PI• th SWIy on Lake Pl to �.5�` 26�' St W th Ely on 25�' 26�' St W to Hennepin Av; th NEIy on Hennepin
Av to 22 St W the E on 22 St W to Bryant Av S• th S on Bryant Av S to 27�' St W; th E on 27`� St W
to Lyndale Av S• th N on Lyndale Av S to 26'� St W th E on 26�` St W to Garfield Av S; th N on Garfield
Av S to 25� St W th E on 25�` St W to Piilsbury Av 5• th S on Pillsbury Av S to 29`� St W; th W on 29`�
St W to Pleasant Av S• th S on Pleasant Av S to the north r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail
Authority th W on the north r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Dupont Av S; th N
on Dupont Av S to 28�' St W th W on 28` St W to Fremont Av S• th S on Fremont Av S to the north r/w
of the Hennepin Counry Regional Rail Authority th W on the north rJw of the Hennepin County
Regional Rail Authority to Hennepin Av th S on Hennepin Av to tThe Mall; th W on tThe Mall to
Humboldt Av S• the S on Humboldt Av S to Lake St W th E on Lake St W to Lyndale Av S; th I3 on
L ,��iA e.� c r� rt,P ��„rh r/w nfthe Hennenin County Regional Rail Authority th E on the south r/w of
the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Harriet Av S• th S on Harriet Av S to 31 St W; th E on
31�` St W to Grand Av S� th N on Grand Av S to the south r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail
Authority• th E on the south r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Pleasant Av S• th S
on Pleasant Av S to 32" St W; th E on 32 St W to Pillsbury Av S• th S on Pillsbury Av S to 34�' St W;
th W on 34�' 3t W to Grand Av S; th S on Grand Av S to 35�' St W; th W on 35�' St W to Colfax Av S; th
N on Colfa�c Av S to 33 St W; th W on 33` St W to Fremont Av S; th S on Fremont Av S to 34` St W;
th W on 34`� 5t W to Hennepin Av th S on Hennepin Av to 35�' St W th W on 35`� St W to Irving Av S;
th S on Irving Av S to 36` St W th E on 36`� St W to King's Highwav th S on King's Highway to 42 St
W• th E on 42 St W to Bryant Av S• th N on Bryant Av S to 41 St W th E on 41 St W to Garfield Av
S; th S on G�eld Av S to 43`� St W; th E on 43 St W to Harriet Av S; th S on Harriet Av S to 44�` St
W th W on 44`� St W to Lyndale Av S• the S on Lyndale Av S to 45�' St W th W on 45�' St W to Aldrich
Av S• th S on Aldrich Av S to 47�` St W th W on 47�' St W to Bryant Av S• th S on Bryant Av S to 49�`
St W; th E on 49`� St W to Pleasant Av S; N an Pleasant Av S to 48`� St W; th E on 48�' St W to Stevens
Av S; th S on Stevens Av S to 50`� St E; th E on 50�' St E to 2" Av 5; th N on 2" Av S to 42 St E; th E
on 42 St E to Chicago Av S• th N on Chicago Av S to 41 St E• th W on 41 St E to Oakland Av S; th N
on Oakland Av S to 40�' St E• th E on 40 St E to Chicago Av S• th N on Chicago Av S to 38'� St E; th W
on 38`� St E to Portland Av S; th N on Portland Av S to 37`� St E; th E on 37'�' St E to Oakland Av S; th N�
on Oakland Av S to 36�' St E; th E on 36�' St E to Columbus Av S; th N on Columbus Av S to 35�' St E;
th W on 35'� St E to Oakland Av S� th I3 on Oakland Av S to 34�' St E• th W on 34�' St E to 4`� Av S• N
Portland Av S; th N on Porfland Av S to 31�` St E; th E on 31�` St E to 10�' Av S; th S on 10�' Av S to the
N line of Powderfiorn Park� th E along the N line of Powderharn Park to 11�' Av S; th N on 11'� Av S to
29� St E; th E on 29`� St E to 13�' Av S; th S on 13�' Av S to Lake St E; th E on Lake St E to 14�' Av S; th
s on 14�' Av S to 32 St E; th E on 32" St E to 16�' Av S; th N on 16�` Av S to Lake St E; tk E on Lake St
E to 19'� Av S; th S on 19�' Av S to 31�` St E; th E on 31 St E to 21 Av S; th S on 21�` Av S to 32 St E;
th W on 32 St E to 20�' Av S; th S on 20'� Av S to 35�` St E; th E on 35�' St E to 22" Av S; th S oa 22
Av S to 3'7` St E; th E on 37'� St E to 24�' Av S; th S on 24�` Av S to 38�' St E; th E on 38�` St E to
Hiawatha Av- th SEIy on Hiawatha Av to Nawadaha Blvd; th NEIy on Nawadaha Blvd to the east r/w of
the Soo Line RR (formerly Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Raikoad)• th NWIy the east r/w of the
Soo Line RR (formerly Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Raikoad) to 46'� St E; th E on 46�' St E to
Snelling Av S• th NWIy on Snelling Av S to 44�' St E• th E on 44�` St E to 40�` Av S th S on 40�' Av S to
45�` St E; th E on 45`� St E to 42 Av S; th N on 42" Av S to 44�' St E; th E on 44�` St E to 46�' Av S; th S
on 46`� Av S to 46`� St E th E on tke Ford �i3ge Pkwy to the east boundary of the City of Minneapolis`"•
th Nly along the centerline of the Mississippi River to the Sly extension of Emeratd St• th N along the Sly
exYension of Emerald St and Emerald St to Shazon Av th E along Ely extension of Sharon Av to Slt
extension of Curfew St• th N along Curfew St to Franklin Av the E along Franklin Av approx 330'; th N
a ri ght angles to the intasection of �*'�^ "° Ellis Av and University Av • th W along Ar�A� Ellis Av to
Emerald St; th N atong EmeraId St and its Nly extension to Territorial Rd• th SEIy atong Territoriat Rd to
�er�St West Gate Dr• t}z N along �e�-St West Gate Dr to the Sly r/w line of the Burlington Northern
RR (formerly Northem Pacific RR) th NEIy aton the Sly r/w line of the Burlington Northem RR approx
22 50'• th N to Energy Park Ar Av th NWIy along Energy Pazk Dr Av to Eustis St• th N along Eustis St to
Vatentine �t Av th E along Valentine �t Av to Como Av th NWIy along Como Av to Sly extension of
Fulham St th N along Fulham St and Sly extension of Fulham St to Hendon Av th E along Hendon Av to
Branston St• th N along Branston St to �ev�t W Hoyt Av th E along W Hoyt Av to Coffman St; th N
along Coffman St to Larpenteur Av th W along W Larpenteur Av to the pt of beQ+nning and there
` Start boundary with Shingle Creek WN10
° End boundary with Shingle Creek WMO, start boundary with Bassett Creek WMO
"' End boundary with Bassett Creek WMO, begin boundary with Minnehaha Creek WD
'" End boundary with Minnehaha Creek WD
,Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is a Member of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed
2 Management Organization (MMRWMO); and
4 WHEREAS, the purpose of the MMRWMO is to protect and enhance water quality resources within
5 the watershed; and
7 WHEREAS, the MMRWMO Board of Commissioners recently approved technical changes to the
8 MMRWMO Joint and Cooperative Agreement Bylaws relating to watershed boundaries and
9 payment of budgetary obligations.
11 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul approves the proposed changes to
12 the Bylaws of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization.
Requested by Department of:
Public Works
By: �
Adopted by Council: Date ��,�, 2-r,�pa Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��_ �� ( �J��. a7, Dp
BY � I!
B y` � a � - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Council Fi1e # �� � �,�
Green Sheet # 102664
By: �-`�d �-`i",
�A ..II�'I
Public Works 1/20/00 NO. ?�12664
An eWe ei266-6245 "���" CITYATfORNEY .�l/. � .o 6 � CITYCLERK
OTAL30FSKiliASUFlEPAGES l (CLfPALLLOCAi10N5WfiSIGNATi3Rc7 �ah�ON �J F zf�JC7 u{ypT.p�p�JryT I' ��
pprove the attached resolution approving changes to the Bylaws of the Middle Mississippi River Watershed
anagement Organizarion (NIMRWMO).
PIANNINCaWMMIS510N _CIVILSFAVICEWMMISSION �, Hastl�ispersoNfirtnevervrorketluntleracontractforthisdepartmerM1?
— — 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee?
DISTRICT CAUNCIL 3. Does ihis perso�rtn possess a 5kill not normalry possessetl by any curtent aty
— empbyee?
The City of Saint Paul is a Member of the M1VII2WM0. The NIMRWMO Board of Commissioners recently
approved technical changes to the 1YIMRWMO 7oint and Cooperative Agreement Bylaws relating to watershed
boundaries and payment of budgetary obligations. Each Member of the MMRWMO must approve these changes.
The M1VIItWMO Bylaws will be updated
None -
The changes to the Bylaws of the MMI2WM0 will not take effect until all of the Members approve them.
K f ..
��6.ii.Agd �v�� �
��':e'� � � ����
0 0 -���1
Article V
Operating Budget
Subdivision 3: Member contributions to the operating budget will be determined on a
percentage basis of the geographic area of each Member's subwatershed, excluding
properties owned by the Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Board. The Minneapolis Park
and Recreation Boazd shaze shall be determined by that portion of properiy owned by
them. This assessment shall be allocated as follows:
Member Shaze
Minneapolis � 94.1%
St. Anthony 3,5 3.3%
Saint Paul
Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Board
Falcon Heights
�5 1.4%
9,� 0.6%
0.4 %
0.2 %
0 0 -1t�
Article VI
Capital Budgets
Subdivision 5: The Commission shall have the authority to prepaze and adopt a Capital
Improvement Program as defined in Minnesota Statutes 103B.205 Subdivision 3,
�. •*� +h � ��•��- :^ .�,�;^�^ +hA as part of the Watershed Management Plan.
�sadegted, The Capital Improvement Program shall set forth the schedule of capital
projects identified in the Watershed Management Plan as well as designating Members
for participation in each project and estimating the total costs for such projects. Projects
not identified in the Watershed Management Plan shall not be included in the Capital
Improvement Program until and unless the Watershed Management Plan is amended to
include such projects. Tmplementation of the Capital Improvement Program will
beQin upon adoption of the Watershed Management Plan subiect to the availability
of funding.
Subdivision 6: R '*� *� F�� ��^^*�^^ ^f*�a �'���*° TmnYnv>mcnf
z p�-��(' �' l� 11 i7 , ..:s�i :..� manthi (1 * F tl�
�, r c+ �, j..f A���. �»ar geginning with the year the Watershed
Management Pian is adopted, the Commission shall submit, by June 1, a draft
capital budget to the cierk of Member's Council for their review. "''h° ����.-�^'�
+}��i,,�l, C r f+h (' 1, F !l r i, 1+.. tho �lo.L
,•� ��<, ���� r��^ The Council of each Member agrees to review the budget.
The Commission shall upon notice from any Member received prior to *T^��°^��^°�'
August 1, heaz objections to the budget. Such notice shall be written to the Commission's
Secretary and delivered by certified mail to their principal business address. The
Commission, upon notice delivered by US Mail to all Members and after a hearing, may
modify or amend the budget. The MMRWMO Commission shall hold a public
hearing in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 103B and 103D on the proposed
capital budget On or before September 15 of each year , the Commissioners shall
adopt a capital budQet for the nexf year and decide on the total amount to be raised
from ad valorem tax levies By the September 15 of each year the budget shall be
certi�ed by the Secretary of the Commissioa to the County, Counties or the clerk of
each Member's Council together with a statement of the proportion of the budget to
be Provided. °�t -� fi r• f,t, r •+ t �. a� +�., +�.e co.._or.,n, ..c+t,o
• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — - ----- -- - -- ---
Subdivision 7: Following certification of the capital budget by the Secretary of the
Commission, each member having a financial obligation therefore, shall provide to
the Organization on or before February 1 documentation of the member's
b�dgetary approval and commitment of the fands required. Chaages in funding
availability or anticipated costs will require modifications or amendments to the
oriQinal budget and must be approved by a maiority vote of the Commission.
If the Organization is responsible for the planning design, acquisition, relocation, or
construction of an approved capitat project on behaif of a Member, each Member
having a financial obligation therefore, shall also provide to the Organization the
funds required by the budget from that member on or before February 1.
If the Member is responsible for the completion of the capital project, the
Organization's approved share of the project cost coming from its tax levy will be
reimbursed to the member from actual tax revenues received in a manner agreed to.
The Member being reimbursed for project costs by the Organizarion shall a�ree to
be responsible for providing any requested documentarion of costs requested by the
Organization or its auditors.
oa 1»
certified by the Secretary of the Commission ta the County, Counties or the clerk of
each Member's Council together with a statement of the proportion of the bndget to
be provided. F„n,..,.:..rt ..o..:�,..,.:,,.. ..arwo ,..,..:.�i �...a,.o« �.., .�,e ce,.�e«.,�.. ,.rrt,e
(' i� T,( 1, 1. S". 1..l.l:....t:n.. +i.0 efn� c1...17 .. r:.in rtitl�o
� t' �l� S'. .i q ' ri 7 rl. 1. fl t ..� 1�eF �u Re1..� ..�. / l�.Tnii;4"iro4;nn
.7 r r ti. .. 1 i.. .i�.or .o...,:.o ., .:r.. ....�o
Subdivision 7: Following certification of the capitai budget by the Secretary of the
Commission each member having a financial obligarion therefore, shall provide to
the Organization on or before February 1 documentation of the member's
budgetary approval and commitment of the funds required. Changes in funding
availability or anticipated costs will require modifications or amendments to the
oriQinal budget and must be approved by a majority vote of the Commission.
If the Organization is responsible for the planning, design, acquisirion, relocafion, or
construction of an approved capital project on behalf of a Member, each Member
having a financial obligation therefore, shall also provide to the Organization the
funds required by the budget from that member on or before February 1.
If the Member is responsible for the completion of the capital project, the
Organization's approved share of the project cost coming from its tax levy will be
reimbursed to the member from actual tax revenues received in a manner agreed to.
The Member being reimbursed for proiect costs by the Organization shail agree to
be responsibie for providing any requested documentation of costs requested 6y the
Organization or its auditors.
Appendix A
Legal Description of WMO
Alt the land lying within the following described boundazies:
Commencing at the intersection of E Hennepin Av and the E City Limits of the City of
Minneapolis; th N on said E City limits and its Nly extension to 33rd � Ave NE and �esi�ake
�utef� OldHwy 8; th SWty along Old Hwy 8 to 32st Av NE; th Wly along 31st Av
NE to Rankin T3r; th N along Ranldn I?r to 33rd Av NE; th W along 33rd Av NE to Silver Lake Rd; th N
along Silver Lake Rd to 36th Av NE; th W along 3bth Av NE to Edwar@ St NE; th N along Edward St NE
to 37th Av NE; th W aloag 37th Av NE and its Wly extension to the center of the Mississippi River; th
Nly along the centet of the Mississippi River to the Ely extension of 53rd Av N; 'th Wiy along �
extension of 53rd Av N to James Av N; th S along James Av N to 52 Av N; th E along 52 Av N to the
alley between Humboldt Av N and Irving Av N; th S along said aliey to S l st Av � N; th E along S lst Av
N to Humboldt Av N; th S on Humboldt Av N to SOth Av N; th E along SOth Av N to Fremont Av N; th S
along Fremont Av N to 49th Av N; th E along 49th Av N to Emerson Av N; th S along Emersoa Av N Yo
47th Av N; th E along 47th Av N to alley between Colfax aad �r� Bryat�t Avs N; th S along said alley
to 46th Av N; th E along 46th Av N to Camden Av N; th S along Camden Av N to 45th Av N; th E along
45th Av N to the center line of the Mississippi River; th Sly along the center line of the Mississippi River
to the Ely extension of 41st Av N; th W along 41st Av N and its Ely extension to Bryant Av N; th N along
Bryant Av N to 42nd Av N; th W along 42 Av N to Emerson Av N; th S along Emerson Av N to 41st Av
N; th E along 41st Av N to Dupont Av N; th S along Dupont Av N to 39th Av N; th W along 39th Av N
to Emerson Av N; th S along Emerson Av N to � Dowling Av N; th W along 3� Dowlin Av N to
Knox Av N; th S along Knox Av N to the center tine between 36th and 37th Avs N; th E along said center
line to Aumboldt Av N; th S along Humboldt Av N to 35th Av N; th W along 35th Av N to James Av N;
th N along James Av N to 36th Av N; th W along 36th Av N to Logan Av N; th S along Logan Av N to
35th Av N; th W along 35th Av N to Morgan Av N; th S along Morgan Av N to 33rd Av N; th E along
33rd Av N to the alley between James and Knox Avs N; th S along said alley to Lowry Av N; th E along
Lowry Av N to 7ames Av N; th S along James Av N to 30th Av N; th E along 30th Av N to Fremont Av
N; th S along Fremont Av N to 29th Av N; th W along 29th Av N to the alley between �remont and
Girard Avs N; th S along said atley to 27th Av N; th W along 27th Av N to the alley between Hwnboldt
and Irving Avs N; th S along said ailey to 26th Av N; th W along 26th Av N to Irving Av N; th S along
Irving Av N to 25th Av N; th E along 25th Av N Yo &�� Humbolt Av N; th S along extension of
Humbolt �irard Av N to 23rd Av N; th W along 23rd Av N to Irving Av N; th NWIy along Irving Av N
to Ilion Av N; th SWIy along Ilion Av to Hillside Av; th NWIy along Hillside Av to the alley beriveen
James and Logan Avs N; th SWIy along said alley to the EW alley lying between Lots 72 and 73, Blk 19,
Forest Heights Addn to Minneapolis; th �} W along last described alley to W Broadway and Oliver Av
N; th Sly along Oliver Av N to 21st Av N; th W along 21 Av N to Penn Av N; th S along Penn Av N to
center line between 16th and 17th Avs N th aze lying W of Penn Av N; th W along said center line to
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Th Elv along Mt Curve Av to the centerline of Colfa�c Av S• th S along Colfas Av S to W Franklin Av; th
W on W Franklin Av to Dupont Av S• th S on Dupont Av S to 22� St W; th W on 22 St W to �merson
Ave S• th S on Emerson Av S to 24"' St W th W on 24'� St W to Irving Av S; th N on Irving Av S to Lake
PI• th SWIy on Lake Pl to �.5�` 26�' St W th Ely on 25�' 26�' St W to Hennepin Av; th NEIy on Hennepin
Av to 22 St W the E on 22 St W to Bryant Av S• th S on Bryant Av S to 27�' St W; th E on 27`� St W
to Lyndale Av S• th N on Lyndale Av S to 26'� St W th E on 26�` St W to Garfield Av S; th N on Garfield
Av S to 25� St W th E on 25�` St W to Piilsbury Av 5• th S on Pillsbury Av S to 29`� St W; th W on 29`�
St W to Pleasant Av S• th S on Pleasant Av S to the north r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail
Authority th W on the north r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Dupont Av S; th N
on Dupont Av S to 28�' St W th W on 28` St W to Fremont Av S• th S on Fremont Av S to the north r/w
of the Hennepin Counry Regional Rail Authority th W on the north rJw of the Hennepin County
Regional Rail Authority to Hennepin Av th S on Hennepin Av to tThe Mall; th W on tThe Mall to
Humboldt Av S• the S on Humboldt Av S to Lake St W th E on Lake St W to Lyndale Av S; th I3 on
L ,��iA e.� c r� rt,P ��„rh r/w nfthe Hennenin County Regional Rail Authority th E on the south r/w of
the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Harriet Av S• th S on Harriet Av S to 31 St W; th E on
31�` St W to Grand Av S� th N on Grand Av S to the south r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail
Authority• th E on the south r/w of the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority to Pleasant Av S• th S
on Pleasant Av S to 32" St W; th E on 32 St W to Pillsbury Av S• th S on Pillsbury Av S to 34�' St W;
th W on 34�' 3t W to Grand Av S; th S on Grand Av S to 35�' St W; th W on 35�' St W to Colfax Av S; th
N on Colfa�c Av S to 33 St W; th W on 33` St W to Fremont Av S; th S on Fremont Av S to 34` St W;
th W on 34`� 5t W to Hennepin Av th S on Hennepin Av to 35�' St W th W on 35`� St W to Irving Av S;
th S on Irving Av S to 36` St W th E on 36`� St W to King's Highwav th S on King's Highway to 42 St
W• th E on 42 St W to Bryant Av S• th N on Bryant Av S to 41 St W th E on 41 St W to Garfield Av
S; th S on G�eld Av S to 43`� St W; th E on 43 St W to Harriet Av S; th S on Harriet Av S to 44�` St
W th W on 44`� St W to Lyndale Av S• the S on Lyndale Av S to 45�' St W th W on 45�' St W to Aldrich
Av S• th S on Aldrich Av S to 47�` St W th W on 47�' St W to Bryant Av S• th S on Bryant Av S to 49�`
St W; th E on 49`� St W to Pleasant Av S; N an Pleasant Av S to 48`� St W; th E on 48�' St W to Stevens
Av S; th S on Stevens Av S to 50`� St E; th E on 50�' St E to 2" Av 5; th N on 2" Av S to 42 St E; th E
on 42 St E to Chicago Av S• th N on Chicago Av S to 41 St E• th W on 41 St E to Oakland Av S; th N
on Oakland Av S to 40�' St E• th E on 40 St E to Chicago Av S• th N on Chicago Av S to 38'� St E; th W
on 38`� St E to Portland Av S; th N on Portland Av S to 37`� St E; th E on 37'�' St E to Oakland Av S; th N�
on Oakland Av S to 36�' St E; th E on 36�' St E to Columbus Av S; th N on Columbus Av S to 35�' St E;
th W on 35'� St E to Oakland Av S� th I3 on Oakland Av S to 34�' St E• th W on 34�' St E to 4`� Av S• N
Portland Av S; th N on Porfland Av S to 31�` St E; th E on 31�` St E to 10�' Av S; th S on 10�' Av S to the
N line of Powderfiorn Park� th E along the N line of Powderharn Park to 11�' Av S; th N on 11'� Av S to
29� St E; th E on 29`� St E to 13�' Av S; th S on 13�' Av S to Lake St E; th E on Lake St E to 14�' Av S; th
s on 14�' Av S to 32 St E; th E on 32" St E to 16�' Av S; th N on 16�` Av S to Lake St E; tk E on Lake St
E to 19'� Av S; th S on 19�' Av S to 31�` St E; th E on 31 St E to 21 Av S; th S on 21�` Av S to 32 St E;
th W on 32 St E to 20�' Av S; th S on 20'� Av S to 35�` St E; th E on 35�' St E to 22" Av S; th S oa 22
Av S to 3'7` St E; th E on 37'� St E to 24�' Av S; th S on 24�` Av S to 38�' St E; th E on 38�` St E to
Hiawatha Av- th SEIy on Hiawatha Av to Nawadaha Blvd; th NEIy on Nawadaha Blvd to the east r/w of
the Soo Line RR (formerly Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Raikoad)• th NWIy the east r/w of the
Soo Line RR (formerly Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Raikoad) to 46'� St E; th E on 46�' St E to
Snelling Av S• th NWIy on Snelling Av S to 44�' St E• th E on 44�` St E to 40�` Av S th S on 40�' Av S to
45�` St E; th E on 45`� St E to 42 Av S; th N on 42" Av S to 44�' St E; th E on 44�` St E to 46�' Av S; th S
on 46`� Av S to 46`� St E th E on tke Ford �i3ge Pkwy to the east boundary of the City of Minneapolis`"•
th Nly along the centerline of the Mississippi River to the Sly extension of Emeratd St• th N along the Sly
exYension of Emerald St and Emerald St to Shazon Av th E along Ely extension of Sharon Av to Slt
extension of Curfew St• th N along Curfew St to Franklin Av the E along Franklin Av approx 330'; th N
a ri ght angles to the intasection of �*'�^ "° Ellis Av and University Av • th W along Ar�A� Ellis Av to
Emerald St; th N atong EmeraId St and its Nly extension to Territorial Rd• th SEIy atong Territoriat Rd to
�er�St West Gate Dr• t}z N along �e�-St West Gate Dr to the Sly r/w line of the Burlington Northern
RR (formerly Northem Pacific RR) th NEIy aton the Sly r/w line of the Burlington Northem RR approx
22 50'• th N to Energy Park Ar Av th NWIy along Energy Pazk Dr Av to Eustis St• th N along Eustis St to
Vatentine �t Av th E along Valentine �t Av to Como Av th NWIy along Como Av to Sly extension of
Fulham St th N along Fulham St and Sly extension of Fulham St to Hendon Av th E along Hendon Av to
Branston St• th N along Branston St to �ev�t W Hoyt Av th E along W Hoyt Av to Coffman St; th N
along Coffman St to Larpenteur Av th W along W Larpenteur Av to the pt of beQ+nning and there
` Start boundary with Shingle Creek WN10
° End boundary with Shingle Creek WMO, start boundary with Bassett Creek WMO
"' End boundary with Bassett Creek WMO, begin boundary with Minnehaha Creek WD
'" End boundary with Minnehaha Creek WD