84-721 City of St.Paul COIJNCIL F�.L,E NO. �� FINAL ORDER IN s By �,,,,� �".wc�.� --'-��+ CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS �g���.,u File Na In the Matter of �C�1�i"idg +ItQ a0 tOOt 11r� p�f�MLMOL •tlNt latMl�At �i� t�U O�t1p�A�i Mi.dN't�llx �fd litCl��� @� �iM�M�# �►M�MI�!/�tM�j�, Z1t1'� �'�.'M! �� OriY +t� �i:!'O�� , flocks �3, Z�. Tta+ak ]�, '�,"raei� C. tiw 3�l.AO t+�t wi�Me �eaeaC�d a►1?��► io S1�uak 2S, asd t� 111.0� tert Mi+�r ��ated �11�t l�i4s bftw��t 124ck� �t� +� lr�e1� !� ��' !a S c. Anclwny l�rk asd t1+� waqRi �aota A�ee�a raN ltsea te� �sard Coarr. 7he cente�line of asid a0.00 foot wide strtp of land !s desc�ib�d as follows: Commencing at a brass plu6 aE CM East 1/� co�ne� of SecCion 2d, Toweuhip 29, Range 23; thence South 89 degrees 16 a�inutes 3� seconds West (assumed bearing), 2626.71 feet along the south 11ne of the Northeast 1/4 of said ' Section 28 to a cast iron monument aE the center of said Section 28; thence North 0 degrees 25 pinutes �17 seconds West, 579.09 feet aiong the North-South 1/4 line, said point is 75,00 feet norhEerly, aeasured at right angles, froa� , ' the centerlino of the Burlington Norhtern Railroad as o�iginally IocaEed and constructed, said point is also the southNest co�nar of Kaaota pddition; thence North 83 degrees q7 ■inutes 17 seconds Nest, 2464.96 feet along a line 75.00 feet northe�ly of and parallel to said railroad centerline; thenCs North 6 degrees 15 minutes 16 seconds East, 450.48 feet to the potnt of begtnning of the centerline to be desc�ibed, the northwosterly and southeasterly 11nes of said 80.00 foot wide strip of laM are to ba prolonged or shortened Co begin on the last described 11ne a�d its northerly eztenston, thence South 77 degreea 25 minutea 01 seconda Nest, 98.28 feet; thence southwesterly on tangential curve, concaved to the north, having a raEius ot 95�•93 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 00 �lnutcs 00 seconda, and an arc ; length of 333•33 reet; thence westerly tangent to sald curve for a dl�tance of 155.78 feet more or less to the lntersection wiEh the east line of Cibba Street produced and there said centerline terminates. The northerly and southerly linea of said 80.00 foot wlde strip of land are to prolonged or shortened to Eerninate on the east line of Cibbs SEreet produced. Also, a 'permanent easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts � and fills including right of removal of laeeral support from subject land or remainder ther.eof occasioned by excavation thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and �paving of Kasora , Avenue from approximately 600 feet east of Gibbs to approximately 400 feeL- west of Gibbs. �� �M� � � � � AIN�IA��'�' � �''�� ►f� Gibbs Avenue and 300 feet west of Gibbs r,.;. -.:�-.,_ ° - _ - _ . ,�..,r, ..:�..:E Against Mayor �t� `��� �� PUBLISHED JUN 1 � 1984 ��� � - 1g8�t ■Id B�.....:1� I ' , , ~ . ' �CITY OI+` SAINT PAUL �i r � 7�� I dr � - OI+`I�`ICIC OI+` TFII� CITY COIINCIL - I �;: �':`::'�" i.� D a t e ; M e Y 16, 19 8 4 _ i ,,. � COMMITTEE RE PORT - i � T = Saint Paul Cit Councii � � Y � FROM�� Committee on PUBLIC WORKS 1 i � CHAIR , CHRIS NICOSIA � � The Public Works Comrnitt.ee at its meeting of May 16, 1984 took the following action: Hearinq- l . 5/29/84 VACATION: Petition of Port Authority for the vacation of strips along E. Fifth, E. Sixth and Jackson Streets located in Block 9, Whitney and Srniths and Block 13, City of St. Paul Additions for i:Yie purpose of curing a building encr-oachment. � Recommended approval . 2. 5/22/84 FINAL ORDER: - To decide on improving Lafayette Road from E. Seventh Street to Grove Street by constructing a bituminous over•lay and doing ali other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. L Recommended ma�tter be passed on to the City Council without recommendation. ' 3. 5/29/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on irnproving Kasota Avenue/Energy Par-k Drive from 700 feet west of Snelling to Raymond Avenue by grading arid constructing a bituminous roadway with concret.e curb and gutter, constructing an ornamental lighting system, constructing a water main and water service connections, constructing a storm sewer, constructing drivewaYs where necessary, constructing sanitary sewer service connect.ions where necessary and doing all work necessary and incidental to complete this project. Also, acquiring an 80-foot wide permanent street easement for the opening,, widening and extending of Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive over certain lands in St. Anthony Park Addition. Also, acquiring a permanent easement. in the grading and paving of Kasota Avenue from approximately 600 feet east of Gibbs to approximately ' 400 feet west of Gibbs and changing the grade of Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive between Gibbs and 300 feet west of Gibbs. Recommended matter be laid over in Public Works Committee to May 30, 1984 and that the Pubiic Hearing date be laid over one week. 4. 5/29/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on installing 2 sewer service and 2 water service connections on the north side of Arlington between Westminster and Edgerton Streets (Lots 18 thru 21 , Block 4, Farrar's Addition) . ' Recommended approval . 5. 5/29/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving the following streets by constructing concrete curb and gutter, bituminous pavement, ornamental lighting, constructiny (where necessary) concrete driveways, storm szwers and doing all other work necessary to complete eaid improvement: � ' Minnehaha Avenue from Burr to Rivoli Street; Lafayette Road from Tedesco Street to Desoto Street; Mount Ida from Rivoli � Street to DeSoto Street; Otsego Street from Mount Ida Street to Tedesco Street; DeSoto Street from Minnehaha Avenue to Tedesco Street; Hopkins Street from DeSoto Street to Payne Avenue; Drewry Street from Minnehaha Avenue to Beaumont Street; DeSoto Street from North Street to Hopkins Street; • and DeSoto Street from Minnehaha Avenue to Bush Ave�ue. Recommended matter be passed on to the City Council without recommendation. 6, 5/8/84 Other Business. RESOLUT[ON: banning parking on both sides of Energy Park Drive between Gibbs and Kasota. Recommended approval . . �� ��-�a,r _ • . .,; Thec�►aru..of.�aa.ao:oa..w�stsiv A �.m@fASY O1tDbt : of land 1s dyMbd q loUowz Coondllrile Na N37S—B �On°°����t a brass plu�at t6e East 5� 7(�rls Nkasia— corni�r of 6�t1op'$�1!oa�ship 4i.1tanBe . Ls th�l/atter ol acVW*i�ao!0 foot�vlde �:t6ma Sovth!�deaees 16 edqutes'37" P�naut stcaet�nt for the opmioj. �Vlast Eaquaud b�rin�.11t�.Tl ? �idenin� �nd eztendlns ot Rasota � �a�f��1f�of the Northpst A°�Q��47 �rk Drive ao. wer �nd K ot s#d 8ldiaa. 29 to a cast irao �eios Blxks!S.2S.Tnck B.'haek C.t6e monwuect aEtDe cepler oi saidStcti4n 2!: � lG.00 Ioot wide vwted�lle�r In Bloct YS,and �� �O� d aKreea 25 minutes 47 fbe lD.00 foot-wide vaated �lle� ljin� �coeda West:8i9.�feet alaa�tLe Pio�th• b�t�eee Bladc !� and Tnck H. all ln St. SoutA � line. �af�poSn! ta 75.00.feet Aathan7 Fark u,d the vaated Kuoh Aveoue �O�TrY.�n�uad'at ri{6t rin`ki:2mm , �ed v�cated Beud Court. Uu�terline o!tbe Hut�trii�ton Northem St.Paul I.e 1 Led er=7 Raflroad as ort{f�riHy hke4e8 and � g carteneted, taid polnt b also !he �o�rwt tawer e! 1GUOefi Addltion; tiidi�lk'ltwth p d�peet 4T mieuts.17 rieM�d1�at. �M.�O leet abu� s Uee '1f.�edY of 1�P�+11d to sdq,. ndl�p�liM:tMnee North 6 de�re�a ; ib�li Mcoads l�.ut.�SU.48 feet to t!K Da�t at�ylnoin�oi the anterliae to be daerl�;'the 'not1A�►aterly am1 southeasterl�llos o!tt1A�0.06tout wide strlp o! Iaad an to ba,�laqed or ahorteoed to L�Is on t6e Lst de�eribed t�apa ns,�ear.�n.�.� souse r�a.�,.d ss n�w�.oi�ooa: wa�.9e.'e r..e;+n�nee wute�vaeer�y o0 tan�mUal cu�`eo6cived!8 thE`borth, nevins.ra�w at es�.A9 teat.a«ncral angb oi 3�d�t 0!mfont�s 09 s�oo�de, . aod an aec lm�h o!_A�S.73 taet:t�►ee wptar�jr tqo�eqt-to N3t1 eurve for s dl�tm.x of 15�79 te�moie aq less to the Interaection vith tAe east litm si Gibba $traet P�uced and theae sd¢apterHne ter�piwtea.Tde nortl�ly'tWd'sAuthertY lia�o!sald 80.D0 foot'wide�tr►p of la� are to prolon�ed or shorttned fo terminate on t�ast line of Gibbs'Street producei. Also a perniaa�t �teelt tn tGe knd nee�ary laa�al q'�s.�ut's'and 511s includin; rlght oi �emoval.ot B►tetal qipport from subjeet Iand or radaloder tlf�eof ooCSaloaed by excavatiao� thernot or crostruction ot sbpes in tl�p:iding�and pavinr ot Kaaota Avenue irom appeoa¢mabrly t90 het eaat ot Gibbs.to appmliim�t�ly 40C llset west of Gibbs. Also, chansin` t6e `rtde oi Kasota Avmue/H�ergy paek Di�tve betweed Gibbs and 100 feet v►2Y�oR�ibDs.` T}ie Couacil ol,the�City�Baint Paul havfng rec�ved!6e�p4it of 1�ayor upan the above imDrovemmt.and fiaving consldere�' said rnport.hereby reeolvea: 'x� 1.That tAe nM xport and the a�ie is� hereby approved avitA�ao al �i that the e�ed eost th�o2�to be paid approslmately 'J0� irom �mta and approxlmately'30!L hosi 1900 and 1991 Municipal3tate Aid,..., 2.That a publlc hearint be Md � said improv�nent�the 29th de�t ot 1lar.198f.at 10:00 o'clxk p.m.,m�i.ne�ii uamoees o3 t6e City Hall a�Caurt House Buiiding in t6e City ot 3alnt Paul.; 3.That notke oi atid gublir 6eulns be glven to tLe pasaas azd ia tde marmer provided by the CLarter:statiug the time aad place of hearing, tht nafuse of tl�s improvement and the lotal cost thenof as� estimated. �� : File Na 1a.971S AduPied b7 f�Couoelt Nay d.lYil. �►PProved l�11.19l4. (ltay 1ff�190U r . . , � . ' ST,� PAUL CITY COUNCIL � — �'�-7.�/ ; � � � - . PU3LIC fIFARING N�TICE PUBLIC I�'�ROUEI''E]VT C�VSTRUCTION � � � - City Council District 4�4 District Planning Council 4�12 Council 46 Dear Property Owner: File No. 18371 G&S To consider improving KASOTA AVENUE from approximately 700 ft. ��Q� west of Snelling Avenue to approximately 300 feet west o-f Gibbs Street by grading and constructing a bituminous roadway with � concrete curb and gutter, an ornamental lighting system, a water main and .water service connections, a storm sewer, driveways �iTj� where necessary, sanitary sewer service connections where . necessary and doing all work necessary and incidental to � complete this pro3ect during 1984. . ALSO - THE COUNCIL WILL BE CONSIDERING A PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE NAME OF KASOTA AVENUE TO ENERGY PARK DRIVE BETWEEN T.H. 280 'AND , SNELLING AVENUE. Tuesday, May 29, 1984, 10:00 A.M. FIFARING City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House FINANCING Total estimated pro�ect cost $1,300,000 � INFOf�`'IATION � � �sc�matea F�nan��ng Port Authority $525,000 . 1980 Municipal State Aid 250,000 1981 Municipal State Aid. 275,000 . Water Utility Contract 200,000 Assessments 50,000 ' ' $1,300,000 . ' (��'I�S . Name Change 224-5686 (Port Authority) Financing and Construction 292-6277 (Public Works) Assessments 292-7017 (Finance Dept.) i"r-+r" Notice sent May 9, 1984 '' � � by the Valuations and Assessment Division, Area to be improved . Department of Finance � and Management Services _ __ _ St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 :�.- , --��_.-- � � : •7=.� : .�• • . . . � � _ C �"""'~^q.,y'�".::—*'4'�.. -:,f:'F:P;. -�-"'T"---�--- - . . . :;y �. ~ � � '��r.�. .............. . � 'I;�`r' .s.'~/•�� �� ' : � .. .. . � `� � , ,� J �i �: � `—� I ,,,"'`�,-�4 � J,�f�f .r � L--... ._ - ; t r � .: --.-._.;. ._....� ,._.. . .���J ,�• • .• , .'��_ I � . �� `�r '' • + � t �:�S, ar • . .. • 1T � ,�i': ,e,,, . 3�e%;:...,., -�.. � 'r. /Ctl,/{�: � �;�. � .. '�j . . .».. ,. "-- _:_ ` , �-;�;;;i.;i�,A I _ - --- '� I •f:t� ,yf•:�� �.. _,r---�.:_...�...._+--- '-�"�—__��- G 4�:.�: `. �' ,' �ti"�... i. �/.�� �. :�:::`�i4�.� :r. { A�.k_ -.a .� i � ... 1. +�.;,.%, �1��� 11.��. •p � ;;; ! �= _ �{,n;;c;;�� , ,I . �: •. � • 1 •a �`- " .�f��`��'.a.'.� L�'.I�I Ii�� � f � _ I., •r;�. j�.� 11�,f Il�lr' � ��, �`'.�.. `�s' '•,��� ; 1 . �= �^ - ;���a;���l(�. ,� ,._ -��. ..