84-720 CITY OF ST.PAUL COLTNCIL FIL�'NO. " � ��� i FINAL ORDER -M /` � By�f lt,G•.�.. ' r,Ci/Rrat�C+!�.,r File No. �*�r�� In the Matter of i��ro�rio,s �Asots Avsaw�flts�rp► lark �rive l�rar 700 f�rt �st o! 8wiila� �wa� eo la�snd A�nem�r �� �,�r�disg i a�tr�etio;� a bitu�i�oas raad- wy �ei,th Qo�trtt� a�rb ae� �att�r, a,o�ser�sctiag aa @ra�a�rst�i li�tia� s�nta�s, e�sc�ati� a sattr nio �dd ���rr serrle� aoaw�etio�s, aoast��atfa� • seorw ss�nnc, a�aa►atx��xtiag driwwrs �r�rf �es���ry, ao�nstr+�etin� �aai=arX a�rwx s�r�rl.e: cooaasatie�s �rber� �ctaRSr�► and doi+� all Mp� n�at�srrp Nrd ieuida�t�l co �lart� thi� psa,��at. � � -- -- under Administrative Order approved O' under Preliminary Order O � �'�^` � approved �7!� ���� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date .�UN 5 — �g�� Yeas Nays Drew Certified P d by ounc'1 Se ary FI@tChC'C` In Favor By � ��c`"!�1Z � �/ , ,�• Against NI�. ,,;.� Mayor Sc►;;� `��I ,�UN 7 — 198� Ted e��o PUBIISHED J UN 16 i984 Wilson • ; . ` ` , . � �y_7��� . ST,' PAUL CITY COUNCIL � PUSLIC FIEARING N�TICE � . PUBLIC I�'�RO�/FJ`'E�JVT Ca'VSTRUCTION � � . City Council District 4�4 District Planning Council 4E12 D r Property Owner: Council 46 File No. 18371 G&S , � � To consider improving KASOTA NUE from approximately 700 ft. ��SE west of Snelling Avenue to approximately 300 feet west o•f Gibbs Street by grading and constructing a bituminous roadway with � concrete curb and gutter, an ornamental lighting system, a water main and water service connections, a storm sewer, driveways L(�TI� where necessary, sanitary sewer service connections where necessary and doing all work necessary and incidental to ; � • " complete this pro3ect during 1984. � ALSO - THE COUNCIL WILL BE CONSIDERING A PROPQSAL TO CHANGE THE NAME OF KASOTA AVENUE TO ENERGY PARK DRIVE BETWEEN T.H. 280 AND , SNELLING ENUE. � Tuesday , , 10:00 A.M. F�RING cicy c ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House FI�CI�7 Total estimated project cost $1,300,000 INF��TI� � Estimated Financing Port Authority � $525,000 . 1980 Municipal State Aid 250,000 1981 Municipal State Aid 275,000 . Water Utility Contract 200,000 Assessments 50,000 ' ' $1,300,000 (��I�S Name Change 224-5686 (Port Authority) Financing and Construction 292-6277 (Public Works) Assessments 292-7017 (Finance Dept.) � Notice sent May 9, 1984 '� � � by the Valustions and Assessment Division, Area to be improved . Department of Finance � and Management Services _ St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,� ,�., .,.,---_�-:--�, .' .., ,., '�� ,..•. � .I• ',.`.'. . _ _ . ,�rii� ��� �. T �.p' .`:.;; ',:...-�'�-�......�, :� r;;�-._....L_ ..,... _ ""r,,,�-.....;.---.' --�!�r�;� :.� - �_ .��� ---._._•?........... - ' . • ' _�. - �1 �� i� . . .. .. .��j� � . �� � �� ', -- 'J I '' � � � t��(�'j� , -----_._ .._ �r;�I� '' ----_....: .... ...� �j //u '� �,, i� ;� .' , . ~.�" __ !.;�;. :�_ ; '4Fr .• , , . e Y�_ zu:i- _ • . � ,.. �at' 7y� -:� 'i.. I � .' . �'�i=r�iTr.f'tk`�^�',; : – .._.:'. ......� � ; . � ` � �.. "��f�j ��\�`� � �. _.r^�.._._....�...��..�... _ ��•"' I }• � •y '�. 1. � ;�:�� � ��� '.�. - '':` I' L:�� •i •] J'��'`�"�':;, .<«�� ��.�.-: •s � .�� .•a• _ ;�%%�i;;;;,• . ;�;�,:: � . , ;= i� =-F� �;�;�;:� " :Q:�i1 :ii,ri`' .� � � . . i _ �: ;� ii,�( I1�1:- •, i � .'� ''f��' � j �. 1r �:�! r_ ����I�I I •T �I� � , . , , . . - �� �y r� . ' ' , , - �, : _ . � . � � ; � . _ � . _ , . .. . � . . � . . � � � . - � . � � � , � . , � . 'e . -. . . . . , , . . . ' '_ ' ' , . . . .. � � . . . . . ., .. � . . � . � � I�isy. ?9,,'1984 _ . � . , , . , ,: , . . Mr. Doaaid N7►surd �` ` _ �' �: IIir�ctor .- ,� ; � , .. ,. , Ds�asts�t ot Public aarlc�, ,� � , . 64+d City flall Ana�ac - ; . , , , , ', _ , � Daar Sir= . � , � _ , ' Th� C�.t� Council today laid over for oaa aeel�' tc 3� S, .39$4 ths� , , ' •. lollone'ing itaaiqs � �, �, _ , , � � , . � ' 1. Fival Ordar,in th���aatter of iaprv�riang Rasots Av�.;�Snergy , ' Park Dri�a lres 700 fest��+est of. $nsllin$ to Ss�on� �ve.. � -' � • EP.O. 84-SI2; Publi� Works Coamitt�a recaa�adsrordar be, :.� _ laid avar +cm� we�k:,� _ , - - , , 2. Fiaal Order ia the m�tter of� acc�uiriag aa $�S toot Wide� ' . • permas�t atre�t aa�emsctit 'for ths opsntng, �Sdent�tg a�ad ' � extendimg of Rasota,Avs./En�rgg,Pa�k Dri�ra. {P.O. $t+-573;, , ' : Pu�lic Workn Ca�ittee�'recammend��or8ir be �.aid o�rer aA+a _ . , . �week.)' ' � � � , , , - ; 3. Itesolutian appro�vriag awaiag of �asoto Av�a:�betaeea 3inelliag � , ; _ Ave. an� �he ce.nterline of Stat�;Ts�unk.gighway �2�80 as. Enargy ,' . � ' , . Park Dr�v�. {pablic Worka 'Coma�i��ee�j raco�isands appraval.) . " � . ' ,, � Vary truly, your�, . . - . , , _ � Albert B. Olsoa � , City Clerk . , , , - ' . , .ABO:�t'h ` ' .. � . , ' • � . .. i � � � > r c�t Vdluation 8srgins�r ' •+ : � i . ' � . , � - ' . � � � . � .Y .. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ., . . , .. � . 1,, . ' . ' . � . � � . ' � � � .. . . . . �'�� . ' . . � . . � . . .. . . , ' . . , , . ' � . .. . . . � , � ��/�. . . . � . ' . � . .. � , � . . . � � . . . � � � �.. . I .� . . . . . '.. , . . ' . . .. . , I . . . . . .. , . . . . . � � - . . . ., ' ' . '. � .. � . . � . ��. -� � �� 7�� ,. � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL " ,. ��rqraro� OI�`I+�ICE OIr` 2`AI� CITY COIINCIL •M YYiWS\Ga�6 � a71��iY�fiB ' . �� ` _�= Ddte ; May 30 , 1984 - � COMM (TT � E RE PORT . TO = Sq �nt Pau I City Council FROM � Commir�ee oh PUBLIC WORKS CF� AIR , CHRIS NICOSIA 5. 6/19/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide an improving the following streets under the Residential Street Paving Program by placing bituminous surfacing, constructing concrete curb and gutter where necessary and do all other work incidental to s�id improvement: PRESCOTT STREET from OakdatP to Woodbury and BAKER STREET from Oakdale to 300 feet east of Woodbury. Recommended approval of the above street improvements and also recommended lighting be on one side of the street only. 6. 6/5/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on constructing a sanitary sewer in Howard Street from Point Douglas Road to 350 fee�. East. Also, sewer service connections . Recommended approval . 7. 6/5/84� FINAL ORDER: (Laid over from May 16, 1984) To decide on improving Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive frorn 700 feet west of Snelling to Raymond Avenue by c�rading and . constructing a biturninous roadway with concrete curb and gutter, constructing an ornamental lighting system, constructing a water main and water service connections , constructing a storm sewer , constructing driveways where necessary, constructing sanitary sewer service connections where necessar-y and doing all work necessary and incidEntal to complete this project. Also, acquiring an 80-foot wide permanent street easement, for the opening, widening and extending of Kasota Avenue/Energy park Drive over certain lands in St. Anthony Park Addition. Also, acquiring a permanent easement in the grading and paving of Kasota Avenue from approximately 600 feet east of Gibbs to , approximately 400 fee�: west of Gibbs and changing grade of Kasota Avenue/Energy F'ark Drive between Gibbs and 300 feet west of Gibbs. Recommended project move ahead with specific agreement on power switches to be worked out. . . �. +� ��_ �� d rnet.nMav�t�r osnes w Council FLLe No.6{�S73—H�CSr4�Nkaala— In t6a lt�tter ot lmprovin� Kuota Avmue/Lnerp P�rk Drfw hom?00 tt�t we�t o!SoeUtn�Avenue W Rarenond Avenw Ar gradinj A�constructin�a blturtJnous eoadwy with rnnc:ete curb rnd�utter.oonsUuctlns an omamental Ilghting system, constcvctln� a water main and water service eonnections, constructing a sWrm uwer, constructlns driveways where necessary, constructing sanitary sewer service connections where necessary and doing all work necessary and incidental to complete this project. '1Le Council of the City of Saint Paul having �eceived the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said teport,hereby resolves: 1. 'lbat the sa[d report and t6e same is hereby approved wiN no altematives, and that the estimated cost thereof is i1,300,000 tinaneed by as:es:ments t50,000; Port Authorit�f7211,000;1980 Munlcipal SUte Aid i�S0.000 and 1981 ![unlclpa�,State Aid 3�0.000. !.'lbat a public Aear[n�be had m said im- pewemmt on the t9ttr da ot Ita�, 1984,at IQ90 o'cl a.m.,in t�e Coun m as ot the Cit�Hall and Court House Buildin�in the ab�r s.mc p.�. 3.1�t nMice oI said publlc hearing De ; [��m�pasona and in the manner pmvid- �d b7 tse Charter.statin�the time�nd plaa a!Aar�,fhe nature o!t�e improv�ent md tLe total ooat theeeof as ntimated, f11e N0.1lr11-G �P�b7 tLe Council lla7 0.1964. Appzoved IW�r 11.1981. p(a�19.19l4) {`'+`�.- .