84-717 WH17E - CI7V CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /� // CANARV - DEPARTMENT (!//� /�/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �T / � C a� ci so ution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves of the appointment, by the Mayor, of Sylvia Frank to serve as a member of the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission to fill the unexpired term of Scott Helmes, such term to expire on December 31 , 1985. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcber Drew In Favor Masanz lrieesie. scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson MAY 3 1 1984 ' Form proved City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date C Certified �s- d b Counci ec r BY By Appr Mavor: Date � � Appr by Mayor for Su s 'on to Counci BY - — BY Pue�.tSHEO JUN 16 1984 � � ' . G� ��' ��� RESU1�iE SYLVIA FRANK 482 Dayton Avenue St. ?aul , M�innesota (612) 227-4576 EDUCATI�N Bachelor of t\rchitecture University of iy�innesota , �iinne«polis Iviarcii 197� Architectura? Study;Tour Italy & Greece 1976 Studio Arts I�iajor University of Colorado, Boalder 1971-1972 PROFESSIONAL Architect Registered in blinnesota EN►PLOYMENT Carlsen & Frank Architects St. Paul, I�-iinnesota ' A�l a y '84 - Lilyholm Young and Gleeson Architects St. Paul, Niinnesota October '83 - May '84 Palaia Svedberg Architects P�?inneapolis, I�Iinnesota February '82 - October '83 Ne;netn Associates Architects St. Paul , Iviinnesota �ecember '8�` - February '82 Alfred French and Associates �tinneapolis, i.i��nesota June 'fl - Decern�er '81 Arvid r.lness Architects ;Yiinneapolis, ivlinnesota hlarch '78 - June '81 The Hodne Staoeberg Partners ��linneapolis, i�iinnesota August ''76 - FeGruary ''72i � c�2 E 5 U i�i r. SYLVIA FRANK Page 2 AL�WARDS Saint Paul Urban House Com�etition Sen:i-Finalist and Winner June '79 D�iinnegasco Com�etition 3�d Place � University of Minnesota '75 PROJECTS _ Carlsen & Frank Architects Budd RemodelinQ St. Paul, :�linnesota Hemmericn Residence Sparta, Wisconsin Furry/Seltz Residence St. Paul, iviinnesota , Vietnam Veterans War �4emorial Competition 4Jashington, D.C. The Urban House Competition _ ' St. Paul, Minnesota Irvine Park Condominium Conversion Saint Paul, Minnesota � Design Competition for the New Yorlc Vietnam Veterans 1�4emorial N.Y. , N.Y. Lilyholm Young and Gleeson Architects Baker Technology Plaza 1 ,2 & 3, Office Warehouses A4innetonka, Minr,�sota Design and Working Drawings . Palaia Svedberg Architects Inc. - La t2ive Condominiums Riverplace �linneapol;s iflernber cf Desi�n Team Mount Curve Condominiu���s Phase II and III Nlinnea�olis, ��innesota Design and Working �rawin�s �emeth Associates Arcnitects The Farmers' \Qar�cet Saint Paul, i�;innesota Job Captain , �` : . �� ��_�',� . . . x�.suN�� SYLViA FRANK Pa�e 3 Alfreci French and Associates Inc. 54 & 56 Green Street Condominiums Historic District, Dayton, Ohio Working Drawings iV:unsins�.�ear Prograrr�ming & Space Pla:�ning i�linneapolis, i��innesota i�•ie:nber of Design Team Nurr�rich House Renovation �l,inneap�lis, i✓tinnesota Design and Warking urawings Arvid Elness Architects Inc . i$th and Clinton Townhouses iy�ir�nea�,olis, :.�innesota Project Architect Cedar Riverside Infill Housing Vin:�eapolis, N.innesota . P�lember of Desi;n Team Batler Square 4Jest ;f:inneapolis, b•Iinnesota Working Iira.win?s The Iv�aryland l�ouse Renovation ' �f,inneapolis, iviinnesota ivie:nber �esian Tea;r, Bethan j� Lutheran Cnurc 1 Add;tion Windor,�, i�inneosta �esi�n Development ana Workin? �rakings T;ze H�:ine Stageber� Partners Nicollet Island Praposal hlinneapolis, ��finnesota N,odel "Building Native Arnerican Cultural �enter ; PJiagra Falls, New York Model Building REFERENCES , Daniel Gleeson Arvid Elness fJick .Palaia Thomas Hodne Vern Svedberg James Stageberg Alfred French , , , �� �y- ��� . „y`S�T:�:�., . ' ����TT � �=: GIT'i� OF SAIti T PAUL ;�ay °�;�� �� �' _`:� OFFICE OF THE I�1AY�R l; ,. �:; :•.. :rsi��; n �� � �� ;31i��id!I. C<�'^' . •�I;,p n,� . '@ �8�� � 347 CITY HAI.L ��" SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LA1'1hIER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR TQ: Council President Victor 7edesco and Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Mayor George Latime � . DATE: May 21 , 1984 � RE: Appointment to the Heritage Preservation Commission I am asking for your consideration a.nd approval of the attached council resolution naming Sylvia Frank to fill the unexpired term of Scott Helmes on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservatian Commission. This term will expire on December 31 , 1985. Ms. Frank's resume is attached. 7hank you. GL/lm . �ii°9'G+�"�.46