BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � ` • ��
C u,ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To ! Committee: Date � �
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Zhe Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Ci.ty Charter, cbes rec�nend the
follawing transfers for the 1984 General Fund Budget:
Gerreral Gaverrn�ent Acvounts
�ntingerit ReseYVe Specified
09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -50,000
Current Amended
Budget Changes Buclg�et
E�aecutive Adninistration
Pers�onnel OFfi ve
anglvyee Training & Devlogne.nt
00157-219 Other Professional Servioes 17,730 +50,000 67,730
00157- All Other Spending 77,016 0 77,016
94,746 +50,000 144,746
NET �iAi�E 0
NCW, �EREFORE, BE IT RESCLVED, �hat the City do�mca.l adopts these c�ianges to the 1984 Budget.
ed, as to unding: Appro�val Recamnended:
�'inanc�e Airector ���,�,,f Budget ector
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
°fe1"' [n Favor
sche�be� __ Against BY �''
W ilson
Adopted by Council: Date MAY 3 1 1�8�4 Form Approved by City Attorn y
Certified Pa s d y Council S tar BY
By � �/ ,!� C
— A r ve by Mayor for S is �n to Council
61pp v �Navor: D _
BY —
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Tree Trimmers Safety Training Proqram
The purpose of this course is to train the trimmers and foremen in tree
trimming safety practices. The result of the training will be a reduction
in accidents and workers° compensation costs. The seminar wi11 provide
training in tree care techniques with emphasis on safety and electrical
hazards. The course includes lectures and field demonstrations as we1L as
hands-on training.
This two-day seminar will be offered to 30 employees at a cost of �1800.00.
Fire Department Life Safety Traininc�Program
The purpose of this course is to train fire inspectors to pinpoint areas
of concern during their inspections and to recognize hazardous violations
of the code. It will train the Fire Administration to recognize their res-
ponsibility for enforcing and maintaining life safety standards in all fa-
cilities in the city and develop their ability to increase life safety
awareness in the community.
This 4-day seminar will be offered to 3 city employezs who will subs�quently
train 137 employees. The cost of the seminar is $12?5.00,
First Line Supervisor Training: Productivity Session
This session, wEiich is the final course in the first line supervisor �rain-
ing program, focuses on ways to generate productive behavior in the work-
place. Participants will be introduced to a variety of definitions af
productivity and define work outputs in their deaartment. They will learn
the supervisor's role in encouraging productive behavior and the effect of
�he supervisor on employee productivity, Each participant will also de-
velop a personal praductivity strategy.
This 8-hour session will be offered 4 times each year and train 80-1Q(7
first line supervisors. The cost of the sessions is �1000.00,
First Line Supervisor Training P�anual
The training manual for the first line supervisor trainin� program will be
professionally written and edited. The manual contair�s the goals and objec-
tives of each session, the materials presented in each session, and refer-
ence materials. A copy of the manual will be distribu�ed to each partici-
pant and each instructor.
The cost for the production of the manual for 100 participants is $5000.00,
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Heavy and Light Equipment Operator Trainin
The purpose of this course is to provide a formalized, systematic tra�ning
program in heavy and light equipment operation. The course will focus on
training employees in the operation of heavy and light equipment and will
include �Glassroom and hands-on instruction. The training will include
segments on safety, operation, and.maintenance of each piece of equipment.
The program will be broken down into seven segments of 16 hours each for
a total of 112 hours of training. Each department involved in the program �
will select the 40-60 hours of trairiing which best meets the needs of its
The course will �be offered to 70 employees at a cost of $4500.00.
City-Wide Generic Training Courses
Generic training courses which will be available to all city employees will
include courses in the fol.lowing areas:
Dealing With the Public'
Efficient Reading
Report Writing
Stress Management �
"Dealing With the Public" focuses on helping the participants develop strate-
gies and techniques to improve their abiiity to work eT �:ciently with the
"Ef�'icient Reading" allows participants to learn how to take control of their
work-related reading and develop concentration skills.
"Report Writing" teaches the basics of report writing and allows the partici-
p�ants to have their work critiqued in class.
"Stress Management" focuses on the causes of stress and on potential alterna-
tives. for relieving stress.
These seminars have been selected in response to the demands of city employees
and the Training Team. to provide traaning opportunities for all levels of
city employees.
Twelve seminars will be conducted, training 360 employees, at a cost of
, , . . , �fr-. �y _7��
Employee of the Month
In recognition of the outstanding contributions and job performance of city
employees, the Mayor's Office has implemented an °Employee of the Month°
program. The purpose of the program is to recognize and honor employees who
have demonstrated excel1ent service, contributions, and dedication to the
City of Saint Paul . The employee chosen by the Mayor as "Employee of the
Month" receives an outstanding achievement certificate in a formal presenta-
tion in the Mayor's Office. All of the nominees also receive a certificate.
In addition, the Employee of the Month receives on�. month of fxee parking,
in a parking space designated with his%her name, on Kellogg Boulevard in
front of C�ty Hall .
Twelve employees will be selected and 72 honored as nominees. The cos� far
the sign which designates the parking space is $480.00 per• year.
Performance Appraisal Training and Performance Management Traininq
Performance appraisal training will focus on training �he participants in
the skills and tasks needed to do performance appraisal . Participants will
learn the purposes of performance appraisal , how to create performance ' �
standards, hrnr� to deliver the appraisal , and how to develop action plans.
Ongoing feedback and coaching will be stressed. The s�ssion will prot►ide
the participants with the opportunity to practice the skills learned in the
Performance management training will provide. the participants with training
in getting people to do vrhat they want them to. do and like doing it. � .
The training will focus on measurement, feedback and positive reinforcement.
Participants will learn how to establish baseline data on employee perforrr-
ance, how to share that data with employees, and how to recognize improved
These sessions will be offered to 80 employees at a cost of $10,000.OQ:
CPR Training
A four-hour CPR training course is being offered monthly for city employees.
Topics covered include prevention of heart disease, how to recognize the
symptoms of heart attack, and how to revive a heart attack victim.
Twenty employees receive CPR training each month at a cost of $10.00 per
participant. The course is taught by certified instructors from the St.
Paul Fire Department.
. . . . � �y- y��
Quality Circles
Employee Relations wishes to contract with a reputable consultant who has
demonstrated experience in quality circle design, implementation and evalua-
tion. The consultant will work with project managers to provide orientation
to department heads, Mayor, City Council , middle managers, supervisors, and
unions, in selected city departments. Members of 7 to 10 circles (60-90
participants) will receive extensive training in quality circle techniques,
tools and problem solving. This broad-based pilot program will be expanded
9 to 12 months after implementation.
The approximate cost of the pilot project will be $40,000.00. .
Library Automation Traininq
This seminar provides training for a cross-section of library staff who wi11
be involved in the one mi1.lion dollar automation of the St. Paul Public
Library. The seminar high1ights introduction to library automation, and
staffing and managing library automation.
The library wi11 send up to �0 participants at $60.00 each.
TOTAL COST: $84,375.00 � •
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� Personnel/Trai ni ng De EPARTI,IENT v J� � �� � �
� �i(c�'�-a°
� Ron J Gui 1 foi 1 P rONTACT �Q,y�,� 5-'���
298-6861 PHONE
May 7, 1984 DATE
reen ee .
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
Department Di r�ector R��G��iFD
City Attorney
� Director of Management/Mayor Mp,Y p g 1984 C}9t�'� �
� Fi nance and Management Servi ces �,�r�stqr� ,H : s;�` �`-����`„� �\ � I�
� ' . ,^^�'. �' ..- ;n' ' ��
City Clerk r ''� �-�
,���..:A,..��.�w��i ��;�
� Budget Director A�`� ��� ���,���
��P� � S aFF�CE
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
$50,000 will be transferred from the Contingent Reserve Fund to the Training and
Development Program. These funds were earmarked for Training and Development in
the 1984 Budget.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
Training Pwograms will be provided for employees as per attached list and per priori-
ties established by the Training Team. Funds will also be provided for the Employee
of the Month program.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Transfer to 00157-219-000
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments):
1. Council Resolution
2. Descriptions of training programs
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for �jnstructions)
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TO = Sa�n� Puu ! City Cou �ci.! � �_ . -
C H A(R James Scheibel -
- 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 17, 1984. , _ �
2. Ordinance establishing the exempt title of Cable Communications
� � Officer and amending the Salary Plan and Rates of ensation . �.
Resolution to provide a salary for the position. �
�. Resolution transferring $50,000 fr } ontingent Reserve Fund to the
Training and Dedelopment Program.
4. Resolution approving'and consenting to the designatj.on by the May_or
of LeeAnn Turchin a� Acti Mayor to serve during the absence or _
disability of the Mayor. • '�,y-
NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: Resolution increasing funding for_the Arlingt- .
� Arkwright Sewer to cover increased cost due to
the relocation of a water main. - -i �"
. �+�