FI NAL ORDER B ���� �,:-�, "
File No. ���
In the Matter of ����liag tro (2) a+e�r ��a�ri+ar �atioaa on th�r n�rth ,rid�
o! Arlio�t�s �wa�t • 1�o�s I8 thun 31, �I+o�lc 4, �'ar�+�cx's Adiitioe
Ia t!►� N�et�r ei i�tslltes txo �2} wt�r s�sYic� aonas�tio� ar Clue �ortl� si��
ot Asliostoo Aw� - Lsts 1� thrn Z1, �laalc 4, T�irrar's JWditi�a�.
... •-
under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order D'y��� approved `�—� _ ��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
MAY 2 9 1984
Yeas Nays
Certifi Pass by Council Secretary
Fletc�ie�� �In Favor y
M��t�nz +
Nico�;a MAY 3 1 �QB� Mayor
Te�esco PUBLtSNED .IUN 9 - 1984
� �r,. . � . �r ��� �9�
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- � �- ~;•...°��: `�' Dafe ; May 16, 1984
� TO � Saint PQU I City Council
! FROM � Committee oh PUBLIC WORKS
The Public Works l;omrnittee at. its meeting of May 16, 1984 took the
following action:
l . 5/29/84 VACATlON: Petitiori of Port Authority for the vacation of
strips along E. Fifth, E. Sixth and Jackson Streets located
in Block 9, Whitney and Smiths and Block 13, City of St. Paul
Additions for Lhe purpose of curing a building encroachment.
~ Recommended approval .
2. 5/22/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving Lafayette Road from E.
Seventh Street to Grove Street by constructing a bituminous
over�lay and doing all other work necessary and incidental to
said improvement.
Recommended matter be passed on to the City Council without
rerommendation. ,
3. 5/29/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving Kasota Avenue/Energy Park
Drive from 700 feet west of Snelling to Raymond Avenue by
grading arid constructing a bituminous roadway with concret.e
curb and yutter, constructing an ornamental lighting system,
constructing a water main and water service connections,
constructing a storm sewer, constructing driveways where
necessary, constructing sanitary sewer service connections
where necessary and doing all work necessary and incidental
to complete this project. Also, acquiring an 80-foot wide
permanent street easement for the opening,, widening and
extending of Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive over certain
lands in St. Anthony Park Addition. Also, acquiring a
permanent easement. in the grading and paving of Kasota Avenue
from approximately 600 feet east of Gibbs to approximately
400 feet west of Gibbs and changing the grade of Kasota
Avenue/Energy Park Drive between Gibbs and 300 feet west of
Recommended matter be laid over in Public Works Committee
to May 30, 1984 and that the Pubiic Hearing date be laid over
one week.
4. 5/29/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on installing 2 sewer service and 2
water service connections on the north side of Arlington
between Westminster and Edgerton Streets (Lots 18 thru 21 .
Block 4, Farrar's Addition) .
Recommended approval .
5. 5/29/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving the following streets by
constructing concrete curb and gutter, bituminous pavement,
ornamental lighting, constructing (where necessary) concrete
driveways, storm sewers and doing all other work necessary to
complete said improvement: �
Minnehaha Avenue from Burr to Rivoli Street; Lafayette Road
. from 7edesco Street to Desoto Street; Mount Ida from Rivoli
Street to DeSoto Street; Otsego Street from Mount Ida Street
to Tedesco Street; DeSoto Street from Minnehaha Ave�ue to
Tedesco Street; Hopkins Street from DeSoto Street to Payne
Avenue; Drewry Street from Minnehaha Avenue to Beaumont
Street; DeSoto Street from North Street to Hopkins Street;
' and DeSoto Street from Minnehaha Avenue to Bush Avenue.
Recommended matter be passed on to the City Council without
. recommendation.
6. 5/8/84 Other Business. RESOLUTION: banning parking on both sides of
Energy Park Drive between Gibbs and Kasota.
Recommended approval .
. , . �X�-�c--�
ST. PAUL C1TY C � UNCIl. �'� �y����
City Council District �5
District Planning Councii �5
Larry Kiteck
553 East Arlington Avenue FILE N0. 18372
St. Paul, MN 55101
�� To decide on whether to proceed with two water service
connections and two sewer service connections on North
� Side of Arlington Avenue, Lots 18 through 21, Block 4,
Farrar's Addition
HEARING Tueeday, Map 29, 1984, at 10:00 AM.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Ha�l - Court House
�E�,(r If the Council approves this project, a portion of the
coats will be aasesaed (after constru�tion) egainst bene-
IPdFO�"ATION £itted properties. The eatimated asaeasments for this
project are ae followe:
Estimated Cost of Water Service
Connection $890 each
Estimated Cost of Sewer Service Connect. $700 each
FINANCING: Direct Assessment
The City Council will hold another hearing after the con-
structi.on to ratify the asaessments. You will receive a
notice at thet time advising you of the�exact amaunt that
you w111 be required to pay.
Constructian: 292-6277 Assessment: 298-5318
(�UESTIO��S Also, C�.ty staff wi12 be available to answer any Iast minute
queetione on thie pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall fran 9:30 -
10;00 A. M. the same day as the hearing.
----------....�.�._,..___._ _ _.___ ..,___ —_
_ N �. -
P1AP • %�.V � . °
Notice sent May 11, 1984, ,� „ .. . . . ; , zs t� _ � ',� �
� � ,,. ' ; .. , .. f ,. l . l . ' ' I 2 M
� I . . � � M _»�_ . �"
by the Valuations and ~a�'ai•32 i7�34 3�5,1c�3r'�Bi39��o��i•�z��3�+���s�1C}Il; 3
Assessment Division, w ' ''' •'' •'' �+' ; �%• � �'' �' �' �' 4 �
� � s ,
Department of Finance ' � '
and Management Services, 0 � � � i
St. Paul, Minnesota � ,; ' 7
55102 Q �. .:�,.� ' a �� � ! I � � e .
i � .�{�j���i' : , ,
� �,2J 2$!2i 26'25 21 2D ?t ' � 17;IG�15�14;13 12. _ 9
1..• �,r! .�. .f• = �� M
(n '� `�► � ,• ' ' I. ' ,at �, �.;� « a� i�
Ccsp�,UECTIo�(1S �c� ��E ��Ar,E, cE is . .
IN A�.EA r • �
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� . ..._y. l��... . _. .. . _..
Coundl Fik Na i1s5tS-8Y Chris Nicosia— .
Io the YsttK.o!imlEsliing two<S1 sewer
se�'ice oa�naCtlohe d► the nort6 �de of
Ar1L+gton Au�ue-Lel�ii tprn 21.Bicek 4,
Faiaer's Addttian
In the Matter of tnstrllfu� }po (� water
service c�nectYa� on the nbrth siae o!
Arllngton%1vm�'-�.ob 18 fhni 21,Block 4,
Farrar's Addition. '.
The Cou�il a�!!}�Cit�of Ssint Paul havin`
iecaved the:,�➢?�t ut t�e Mqor upon the
abov4�q�t,and h�y�nK considered
said repqpt,henpyy.re�ives:
1.That.�he aid:iepOtt and the seine is
b�Y a9A�d�wIM no altematives, and
that t��t�mR�d oost t6ereof is S3.Y75.40
fj�`ed"bY��nts.Water Service
Comseciims't�JpB.fD .'sad 8ewer Service
- Z.7trat a ppblic Aearing be had on.said
impmyement on�he 29th dav'o!Mar:i96l.at
l0:90 o'clacYe.m.,,,..,.e�owc,.�namoets o:
tAe C3ty Hall aad Court Houee�ilding in the
City of$aint Paul.
3.1�a!"notke of sald Pub��1earing be
�kvaf to ibe Permns and to'th!`manner
P��ded by ttie�herter.statin�tl�e time and
place aif'1�`esfins,"the natuie'ot the
imProvemmt ai� tfie totat cos4 tM'eo[as
�le Ifo.1897R }
Adopted by the Cou�i!11[ay 1.I98l.
APP�ed May 2.1984.
(I�[ay 5.19B!>