00-1166Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To; Committee: Date ao-����, 104290 3� WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the City Charter has proposetl and recommentled the 2001 budgets for the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, the proposed 2001 General and Generel Debt Service budgets have been reviewed and approved or amendad by Councii, antl WHEREAS, the property tau levy needetl to finance those budgets, with ailowance for sBrinkage, has been determinetl NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council in anticipatian of adopting General Fund, and General Debt Service budgets for ihe fiscal year 2001 in accordance with section 17.04 of the Ciiy Charter, the City Council does hereby levy taxes on all taxable property within the Saint Paul corporate limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth below, and BE 17' FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forwartl this resoWtion to the Ramsey County Department of Taacation in accordance with the appllcable provisions of the City Charter and offier laws, antl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council tllrects the Financial Services Office to complete and forward any sWte torms required identifying these adopted levies; Descrfption City levy for operations antl shrinkage Gity levy for Debt ServiCe Less state provitled Nmstd. Ag. Cr. Aitl (FIACA) Taz Levy Payabfe in 2000 64,683,502 18,519,457 izo,so9,�2s) 62,393,263 Taz Levy Payable in 2001 64,369,697 18,838,395 (20,814,829) 62,393,263 % han -0.49 % 7.72 % 0.02 0.00 Requested by Depariment of: Euecutive Administration By: Peter G. Hames Approval co���;�� Dir t � a i rvices By G Form Approved by City Attomey: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � �- � BY c Approve Ma r for Submi sio ouncil: Approved 6y Mayor: Date �/� `� � 6y: � Z ����� By: � PrepareEEyNeSemtPaulFUwncwl5ervcavqice G45NARFL�BUDGtTtYJ�YR200t�COUNCKWE3LEVY 1YOY� Adopted byCouncil: Date �,,��"`�'a.flo�, Office of F'inanciat Services Peter Aames 12/13/00 OTAL # OF „��� eo-���t, ,� S21o5/0o GREEN SHEET NO. 104290 a D8M„�NI'�REC!()R _ � CR5'COIMCQ. M�ES�swn a CtTYAlTOeNhY �5 QCYG1IItK � o a,��D�R o �.�M�.���� � MAYOR(ORASSISfATn� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Counc"sl Resolution adopting the 2001 annual tag levy. tECOMh�NDATIONS:App�ow(lawRry t(R) _PLANNINGCObUUSS10N _CN6SFRVICECOMIASSION cmcoeamrig _ _si.�e _ _DISTRILTCOVRT _ PR061EM. LSS[IE.OPPORTUM]'Y (Who. WLat �4 �w. �y): 'ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MOSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWIl`1G QOESTIONS: 1. F7u this person/fimi ever worked under a contiac[ for tiris department? YES NO 2. Has tLis persodfirm evubeen a ciry enployee? YES NO 3. Dces tlus pmsonlfssmpossess a s'eIl na nom�allypossessed by any cunent ciry employee? YES NO (F.xoltin all ses aoswers oo separate sheet a�d attacli to ¢reen sAeet) State law zequires the City of Saint Paul to certify [he annual ta�c levy. reneesoveo. The City will be in compliance wl[h City Char[er and State law. N1A APVROVID: The City will not have an approved tax lery for payable 2001. TOTAL AMOONT OASRANSACTTON FTINDIIiG SOURCE tNANC W. iNFORMATION: t1%%%AIM 013E) YPS NO ACTMTY Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To; Committee: Date ao-����, 104290 3� WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the City Charter has proposetl and recommentled the 2001 budgets for the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, the proposed 2001 General and Generel Debt Service budgets have been reviewed and approved or amendad by Councii, antl WHEREAS, the property tau levy needetl to finance those budgets, with ailowance for sBrinkage, has been determinetl NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council in anticipatian of adopting General Fund, and General Debt Service budgets for ihe fiscal year 2001 in accordance with section 17.04 of the Ciiy Charter, the City Council does hereby levy taxes on all taxable property within the Saint Paul corporate limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth below, and BE 17' FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forwartl this resoWtion to the Ramsey County Department of Taacation in accordance with the appllcable provisions of the City Charter and offier laws, antl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council tllrects the Financial Services Office to complete and forward any sWte torms required identifying these adopted levies; Descrfption City levy for operations antl shrinkage Gity levy for Debt ServiCe Less state provitled Nmstd. Ag. Cr. Aitl (FIACA) Taz Levy Payabfe in 2000 64,683,502 18,519,457 izo,so9,�2s) 62,393,263 Taz Levy Payable in 2001 64,369,697 18,838,395 (20,814,829) 62,393,263 % han -0.49 % 7.72 % 0.02 0.00 Requested by Depariment of: Euecutive Administration By: Peter G. Hames Approval co���;�� Dir t � a i rvices By G Form Approved by City Attomey: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � �- � BY c Approve Ma r for Submi sio ouncil: Approved 6y Mayor: Date �/� `� � 6y: � Z ����� By: � PrepareEEyNeSemtPaulFUwncwl5ervcavqice G45NARFL�BUDGtTtYJ�YR200t�COUNCKWE3LEVY 1YOY� Adopted byCouncil: Date �,,��"`�'a.flo�, Office of F'inanciat Services Peter Aames 12/13/00 OTAL # OF „��� eo-���t, ,� S21o5/0o GREEN SHEET NO. 104290 a D8M„�NI'�REC!()R _ � CR5'COIMCQ. M�ES�swn a CtTYAlTOeNhY �5 QCYG1IItK � o a,��D�R o �.�M�.���� � MAYOR(ORASSISfATn� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Counc"sl Resolution adopting the 2001 annual tag levy. tECOMh�NDATIONS:App�ow(lawRry t(R) _PLANNINGCObUUSS10N _CN6SFRVICECOMIASSION cmcoeamrig _ _si.�e _ _DISTRILTCOVRT _ PR061EM. LSS[IE.OPPORTUM]'Y (Who. WLat �4 �w. �y): 'ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MOSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWIl`1G QOESTIONS: 1. F7u this person/fimi ever worked under a contiac[ for tiris department? YES NO 2. Has tLis persodfirm evubeen a ciry enployee? YES NO 3. Dces tlus pmsonlfssmpossess a s'eIl na nom�allypossessed by any cunent ciry employee? YES NO (F.xoltin all ses aoswers oo separate sheet a�d attacli to ¢reen sAeet) State law zequires the City of Saint Paul to certify [he annual ta�c levy. reneesoveo. The City will be in compliance wl[h City Char[er and State law. N1A APVROVID: The City will not have an approved tax lery for payable 2001. TOTAL AMOONT OASRANSACTTON FTINDIIiG SOURCE tNANC W. iNFORMATION: t1%%%AIM 013E) YPS NO ACTMTY Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To; Committee: Date ao-����, 104290 3� WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the City Charter has proposetl and recommentled the 2001 budgets for the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, the proposed 2001 General and Generel Debt Service budgets have been reviewed and approved or amendad by Councii, antl WHEREAS, the property tau levy needetl to finance those budgets, with ailowance for sBrinkage, has been determinetl NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council in anticipatian of adopting General Fund, and General Debt Service budgets for ihe fiscal year 2001 in accordance with section 17.04 of the Ciiy Charter, the City Council does hereby levy taxes on all taxable property within the Saint Paul corporate limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth below, and BE 17' FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forwartl this resoWtion to the Ramsey County Department of Taacation in accordance with the appllcable provisions of the City Charter and offier laws, antl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council tllrects the Financial Services Office to complete and forward any sWte torms required identifying these adopted levies; Descrfption City levy for operations antl shrinkage Gity levy for Debt ServiCe Less state provitled Nmstd. Ag. Cr. Aitl (FIACA) Taz Levy Payabfe in 2000 64,683,502 18,519,457 izo,so9,�2s) 62,393,263 Taz Levy Payable in 2001 64,369,697 18,838,395 (20,814,829) 62,393,263 % han -0.49 % 7.72 % 0.02 0.00 Requested by Depariment of: Euecutive Administration By: Peter G. Hames Approval co���;�� Dir t � a i rvices By G Form Approved by City Attomey: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � �- � BY c Approve Ma r for Submi sio ouncil: Approved 6y Mayor: Date �/� `� � 6y: � Z ����� By: � PrepareEEyNeSemtPaulFUwncwl5ervcavqice G45NARFL�BUDGtTtYJ�YR200t�COUNCKWE3LEVY 1YOY� Adopted byCouncil: Date �,,��"`�'a.flo�, Office of F'inanciat Services Peter Aames 12/13/00 OTAL # OF „��� eo-���t, ,� S21o5/0o GREEN SHEET NO. 104290 a D8M„�NI'�REC!()R _ � CR5'COIMCQ. M�ES�swn a CtTYAlTOeNhY �5 QCYG1IItK � o a,��D�R o �.�M�.���� � MAYOR(ORASSISfATn� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Counc"sl Resolution adopting the 2001 annual tag levy. tECOMh�NDATIONS:App�ow(lawRry t(R) _PLANNINGCObUUSS10N _CN6SFRVICECOMIASSION cmcoeamrig _ _si.�e _ _DISTRILTCOVRT _ PR061EM. LSS[IE.OPPORTUM]'Y (Who. WLat �4 �w. �y): 'ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MOSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWIl`1G QOESTIONS: 1. F7u this person/fimi ever worked under a contiac[ for tiris department? YES NO 2. Has tLis persodfirm evubeen a ciry enployee? YES NO 3. Dces tlus pmsonlfssmpossess a s'eIl na nom�allypossessed by any cunent ciry employee? YES NO (F.xoltin all ses aoswers oo separate sheet a�d attacli to ¢reen sAeet) State law zequires the City of Saint Paul to certify [he annual ta�c levy. reneesoveo. The City will be in compliance wl[h City Char[er and State law. N1A APVROVID: The City will not have an approved tax lery for payable 2001. TOTAL AMOONT OASRANSACTTON FTINDIIiG SOURCE tNANC W. iNFORMATION: t1%%%AIM 013E) YPS NO ACTMTY