84-682 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT /Axn BLUE - MAVOR File NO. _vu� 1 ouncil Resolution Presented By ✓ Referred To �� ���NL� Committee: Date �'���`� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1984 Budget and, WHEREAS� Council File 277510, Adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund P�licies; and, WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1984 Budget Current Amended Budget Changes Budget F inanc ing Plan ---- 165 Finance Special Projects 31155-7299 Transfer from General Fund -0- 3,510.00 3,510.00 31155-7399 �ransfer from Special Fund -0- 5,349.00 5,349.00 Spending Plan 8,859.00 8,859.00 Rental of Vehicle Storage 31155-288-000 -0- 660.00 660.00 Motor Fuel 31155-341-000 -0- 250.00 250.00 Oils and Lubricants 31155-343-000 -0- 100.00 100.00 Other EquiEment Parts Supplies 31155-349-000 -0- 2,500.00 2,500.00 Capital Outlay - Car and Motorcycles 31155-821-000 -0- 5,349.00 5,349.00 8,859.00 8,859.00 Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the City Council adopts the above ack7ition to the 1984 Budget COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew. IR FBVO[ � Masanz �.� a � scne�be� __ Against Y Ti�e� Wilson MAY 2 4 1984 Form Approved City A•ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed b Council S retary BY By t r by 1�lavor: Date MAY 2 5 � Ap� ov y yor for S uncil i B P�1BLtSNE�? JUN 2 - 1984 � ����� Finance & Management Ser D�pARTk'�1ENT � Miles McGinley �ONTACT 7011 PHONE ,r.ee�, �� DATE ECEtVED (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): ��TY ATTORNEY Department Di rector R���lVED ` , 1� City Attorney L���� ���l�/�� ApR 16 1984 4 Di rector of Management/Mayor � 1984 ��F�c;=� oF rHr r�i��crOR � Finance and Management Services Director r p��zTr�ENT OF FMANCE 5 City Clerk (!�AY�iR'S ('FFICE ANO MANAGEME l�SERVICES � �or . What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): � To provide a budget so that the Department of Finance and Management Services is able to " purchase and maintain a car for use by the Department. � Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: The car will be maintained by the users. Funds will have to provide in the users budgets. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Transfer from GenPral Fund and Special Revenue Fund 31155 Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl : 1. Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes ✓_No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �o Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) ���.:�. :.�:4. � �.��. x vr' I�Al1V'1 r ,r���..1 j'�; ►� �'y ' • � �j `�—�-+`��, �:�' . OI1�+�iCTt: OF 'i'FIP: CITY COUi�CIL �_ �y'�O�°�' Y�'�. ;sy+�w:i� �•_�� � �� �� ,�="�i�,'} . � r'� ' ' D a t e ; May 17, 1984 '` �'r,�� ' /T�� 1 ' � � '»���? . � . s •-. v:.� , i� �`"��r� COMM (T`�' � E RE PORT � , i . � f TO = �a�nt Pau 1 City Cou� cit � •_ - � F R O M � C O 1'Y��IT'�'C� �h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT $ PERSONNEL CHAlR William Wilson (sitting in for James Scheibel) � 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 10, 1984��6 2. . �tesolution establishing the title and class specification for Assistant City Clerk • � in the Civil Service Rules:�� � 3. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Ra.tes of Compensation Resolution by . 1 � inserting new�salary rates for the title of Library Aide , _ � , � 4. Resolution changing the title and class specification for pog Warden to Animal ; Control Officer in the Civi1 Service Rules ��• ; 5. Resolution approvin the 1984 Agreement between the City and the Pipef'itters Local y Union No:-455. � , 6. Resolution consenting to t?�e issuance of �ort Authority Revenue Bonds in the ,. �. ' �amount of $32,000,000 to finance the completion of the Ordway Theatre project. � 7. Resolution amending th�1984 Capital Improvement Budget by adding Lafayette Overlay from Grove St. to E. Seventh St. to be temporarily funded by the Public ��'orks (MSA) Conti;ngency Fund in the amount of 136,000 to be reimbursed from 1985 MSA � _ and 1985 Public Imp rovement Azd. � . . 8. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget by reducing the 1Vestern Ave. � reconstruction project by .$100,000, reducing the Western Overlay, Camo to I-94 project by $100,000, reducing Contingency Funds by $135,387, reducin Dai enance FLmds by $111,796 and reducing total Municipal State Aid by $447,18�����������_� 9. Resolut"ion approving Joint Purchasing Agreements with the �it of Pine City, City of Eagan, City of Finlayson, and the City of St. Anthony.��4��� - ` 10. Resolution amending the 19�84 budget by adding $8,859 to the Finan cing Plan and to the Spendin,g Plan � Dept. of Finance Special Projects. � �� 11. Resolution amending the 1984 Budget by adding $5,349 o ��e ,F�i,nancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for City Hall Annex Operating. ��������?� 12. Resolution approving and consenting to the designation by the Mayor of LeeAnn (�°t'6"�.�g'{ T�chin as Acting Mayor to serve during the absence or disability o� the riayor.����„ 13. Discussion of severance pay for fire fighters. �;�z b:.�,,��;... .--- - . . - - - . -- . — ----_ __-- _ -- ---. --_ _-_ . • - . --� - -. �. . .---�--�----,=