84-679 N'HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� � / BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By ��'�'�� Referred To �l NI�A)LC Committee: Date ����`�' Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution ad�ustiag the rate of pay for Library Aide and changing the rate structure in the Salary Plan & Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plaa aad Rates of Compensation Resolutioa be ameaded by striking out of Section II B where the title appears under the heading of "Special Employments" the following: "Library Aide lst year of employment 3.75 per hour 2ad year of employmeat 4.00 per hour 3rd year of employmeat 4.25 per hour 4th yea.r of employment & thereafter 4.50 per hour." A Library Aide appointee who has graduated from high school shall be appointed at the third year rate, and shall progress to the fourth year rate after oae year of employment. A Library Aide who is receiving less thaa the third year rate, upon graduation from high school, shall be raised to the third year rate and shall progress to the fourth year rate after oae additional year of employment." aad by substituting, in lieu thereof, the following: "Library Aide lst 1Q40 hours of employment 4.25 per hour 2nd 1040 hours of employment 4.50 per hour 3rd 1040 hours of employm.ent 4.75 per hour 4th 1040 hours of employment 5.00 per hour 5th 1040 hours of employment & thereafter 5.25 per hour". COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays PERSONNE OFFIC Fletcher � Drew [n Favor Masanz lliaesio Scheibel 0 __ Against BY Tedes�o` Wilson MAY 2 4 198� Form prove by ey Adopted by Council: Date C Cgrtified asse� b C cil cretary BY . v i Ap y iNavor: Date MA f 2 5 ��i� A r ve by Mayoc for S i Council By ✓ �i��us�FO J�P� 2 - 1984 MrHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE ' GITY OF SAII�+TT PAITL Council CANARY -.DEPARTMENT // BLUE - MAVOR File NO.���(L� � CITY CLERK COUnci� Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for Library Aide and changing the rate structure in the Salary Plan & Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compe:tsation Resolution be amended by striking out of Section II B where the title appears under the heading of "Special Employments" the following: "Library Aide lst year of employment 3.75 per hour 2ad year of employment 4.00 per hour 3rd year of employment 4.25 per hour 4th year of employmeut & thereafter 4.�50 per hour." A Library Aide appoin.tee who has graduated from high school shall be appoiutad at the third year rate, and sha11 progress to the fourth year rate after one year of employment. A Library Aide who is receiving less than the third year rate, upon graduation from high school, shall be raised to the third year rate and sha11 progress to the fourth year rate after one additional year of employment." and by substituting, in liau thereof, the following: "Library Aide V lst 1040 hours of employment 4.25 per hour 2ad 1040 hours of employment 4.50 per hour 3rd 1040 hours of employment 4.75 per hour" 4th 1040 hours of employment 5.00 per hour . 5th 1040 hours of employment & thereafter 5.25 per hour". COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE °rB1N In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibe� A gai nst gY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . . � � � �y�7y Personnel Of f ice DEPART��IENT �an � ���,an; �ONTAC7 298-4221 PHONE �� � 1 1984 oATE reen y , . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for P1ayoral Signature): ' Department Director ' ��� Ci ty Attorney `e`� . 6�, 3 Director of Management/Ma�yor � � REt:.�1V�� , � Finance and Management Services Director C�1AY 1 'i9�� _ City Clerk fviAYC��S (1FF�CE Budget Di rector What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This Resolution iacreases the salarp for Librarq Aides both directlq 50� per hour and through an additional sa].ary step. The present salaries have been ia effect for over one year aad are considerably lower than Ramsey Coun�y & the City of Mina�apolis. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: The approximate cost of the increase for a caleadar qear is $20,000 - $25,000. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurrd�er Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attach�nts�_ 1. Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk :,r:'. ;� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�i . ' ? � . Yes No Council Resolution Requ�red. Resolut�on Required. Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes Pto�j�' Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 ISPP RpversP Sidp for 'Instructions) >�� .' �`.�.�:y,�, v.�l'1' X V.N` �111.CV'1' 1 -.[�u�� : ��,� -:�-��� y � Cif �7''� � { �:`' � 1%' � O�+`1<'ICYr: OF 'rFIIr CI'rY COU�CIL 7 •:r �:';..;.;,:, � •� g�: .,,:.,.,.,:,..� � ��� '=;='-�`-'='�`" :.� D a t e . May 17, 1984 t ' r 1 � _ . �' , 4 `a r. � � �/ . �r{:_z� - ,.��y�� - .4. t: ' '.�r V{`�'�v. .Yf_. .. `�� COMMtT�' � E RE PORT � ; . , � TO = �a�n� Paut City Cour��ii � . - ' � F R O M = C O 1'Yl r0?IZ�`C� Q h FINANCE, MANAGENIENT $ PERSONNEL CNAlR William Wilson (sitting in for James Scheibel) - 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 10, 1984 �. 2. . �tesolution establishing the title and class specification for Assistant City Clerk - in the Civil Service Rules:�� � � � . . � _ 3. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Co�ensation Resolutiorl by . � inserting new�salary rates for the title of Library Aide _ � 4. Resolution changing the title and class specification for pog Warden to Animal � Control Officer in the Civi1 Service Rules �:_ � • . F . F 5. Resolution approvin the 1984 Agreement between the City and the Pip efitters Local � Union No.--455. ��.� , . 6. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authori,ty Revenue Bonds in the � ? �amount of $32,000,000 to finance the completion of the Ordway Theatre project. 7. Resolution amending th�1984 Capital Improvement Budget by adding Lafayette Overlay from Grove St. to E. Seventh St. to be tem�orarily funded by the Public Works (MSA) Contingency Fund in the amount of �1�,,3�6,000 to be reimbursed from 1985 MSA � and 1985 Public Improvement Aid. ����'�d�+�' . � 8. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget by reducing the �Vestern Ave. reconstruction project by $100,00b, reducing the Western Overlay, Como to I-94 project by $100,000, reducing Contingency Funds by $135,387, reducin rai enance Funds by $111,796 and reducing total Municipal State Aid by $447,18 ��_ 9. Resolution approving Joint Purchasing Agreements with the �it of Pine City, City of Eagan, City of Finlayson, and the City of St. Anthony. - � ' 10. Resolution amending the 19�84 budget by adding $8,859 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan � Dept. of Finance SpecXal Projects. ��7 �����'- 11. Resolution amending the 1984 Budget by adding $5,349�� -e _Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for City Hall Annex Operating. 12. Resolution approving and consenting to the designation by the Mayor of LeeAnn ����.� Tt�rchin as Acting Mayor to serve during the absence or disability o� the Dtayor. �„ �, 13. Discussion of severance pay for fire fighters. ��,�.������ ....a� .