84-675 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL Council /�} CANARV - DEPARTMENT x BLUE -MAVOR File NO. �/ �_�� • Or in�nc Ord' ce NO 17�L� Presented By � Referred To _ �/���19,� Committee. Date � �� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance prohibiting the harboring, maintenance or sale by pet shops of the red eared turtle with a shell length of less tha,n four inches; amending Section 347.05, subdivision 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUIVCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 347.05, subdivision 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : Subd. 2. /EXOTIC ANIMALS_7' No pet shop shall maintain; 'C�eep or ha.rbor any skunk whether captured in the wild or raised domestically, descented or not descented, vaccinated against rabies or not vaccinated against rabies : No et sho shall maintain kee ha.rbor or sell an re eare ur e seu em s scri ae e ans wit a s ell lengt o ess t an our inc es. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays f�F s�,,�,y�p� Community Services ore,,,, �— In Favor Masanz 0 Nicosia B Schelbel A gai n s t Y TedesCo Wilaon ��� 4 i; ° -:- Form Appr d by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date ���'��"' Certified s d y ouncil BY / Appr y Mayor: D �E►� 2 � 19�� Ap ov by Mayor for b ssion to Council g J� �� Y PUBLISNf� �txj�'��;� I`���J � � . ��� �.��� .,r, � � � � . .�- y/ `/' �� .. . V� Co�unitv Service�_ DEpART1�IENT /�a� Dr. Paul Cox �ONTACT 292-7716 PHONE �� �� A ril 20 1984 DATf r � , . (Routing and Explanat�� Sheet) Assi9n Number for Routing Or�r (C1ip Al1 Locations for Mayaral Signature): �Y Department Di rectar � RECE�VE� _� Ci ty Attorney �-� � MAY , 1984 � Directar of Management/Mayor ����,�yg-����j`�'�.D ? Fi nance an� l�anagement servi ces Di rector , CITY ATTORN EY c� Ci ty Cl erk f�1 AY "1 ►38!� Budg�t Di rector f�AY0t2'S (��F10E `�' ��'�� J 5 Citv Council �hat W��„11 be Achieved by ?aking Actio� on the Attached Materials? (Purpo�elRationale); The prohibition of the sale of turtles which may be infected with salmonella organisms. T'hese turtles are a known vector of Salmonellosis especially for children. Financ�al , Budgetary and Personr�el In�pacts Anticipated: None Funding Source and Fund Activity Nu�er Charged or Credited: None Attacfiments (List a�d Nwr�er all Attachments�: Proposed amendment to St. Paul Legislative Code Section 347.05 subdivision 2. �EPARTMENT REVIfW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEId Yes No Council Resolut�ton Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (SPP RPVPYKP SidP for 'Instructions) .. , , � � � (��'� �7�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���� - OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �.....:� �f funwse ���-���` D o t e ; January 30, 1985 � COMMITTEE REPORT TO � Saint PQU l City Council F R O M � C o m m ir t e e o h �RCY, UTILITIES � F�WIROIVN��IT C H A I R Council Member Kiki Sonnen C. �.` No. 84-675 -.� An ordinance prohibiting the harboring, maintenance or sale by pet shops of the red eared turtle with a shell length of less than four inches; amending Section 347.05, subdivision 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. At its meeting of January 30, 1985, the Energy, Utilities, and � Environment Corrnnittee recorcunended approval of the above ordinance and recammended ordinance be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. • CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102