D001012• n LJ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, City of saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: I.� � Q ( �L Date: � � � ��� WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Public Library will hold a staff recognition and in-house training session to be held at the Earle Brown Continuing Education Center on September 18, 1996 at a cost not to exceed $10,000, and, WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Public Library has received donated monies £rom the Minnesota Foundation, Perrie Jones Library Fund, which will pay for the event, NOW, THEREFORE, It Is Ordered that library officials are authorized and directed to undertake the staging of the event and remit the cost not to exceed $10,000 for the program to the proper parties. APPROVED AS TO FORM ,�J. � As stant City Attorney �te C��G(/�w � . Department Ae�a a �'J�s%2 � �h�G ���l�ft6 � Administrative Assistant to Mayor TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES PoR t'�IC�(2 GREEN SHEE �° 32922 DEPAf3TlAENTDiRECTOR �j OGRYCOUNGI INRIAIJDATE CfiYATCOANEY Z �GRY BUDGET DIRECTOR . S MGT. SEHVICES� MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM7 � — l�� 6- � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval�of Administrative Order authorizing an in-house training session combined with the annual staff recognition event, funded by the Minnesota Foundation, Perrie Jones Library Fund. �MMeNDnnoNS: Appmve (A) m neject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever woAced under a contrac[ for this tleparlmen[? - CIBCOMMI7TEE , �'ES "NO �� 2. Has t�is personfirm eve� been a ciry employee? — YES NO DISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Dces tnis persan(firm possess a skill not normall � y possessed 4y any currenf city employee. ORTSWhI1CHCAUNpLOBJECiIVE? YES NO Explain all yes enswars on separate sheet and aNaeh to green sheet . _....._ . ..""'......._..... _. . _... _.... . ....._. -..._.. ...._... ...._._. ....,,. The Library will have an all-day training session with a theme of diversity in the workplace combined with the annual staff recognition luncheon, at the Earle Brawn Continuing Education Center. All expenses will be paid with monies received from the Perrie Jones Library Fund. Staff will be able to get together for an all day session designed to enlighten staff on diversity issues in the workplace. Staff will also attend the annual staff recognition event. .. � � -- , s AUG 27 �gs �� Staff will not have an in-house training session annual staff recognition. CIYY AT�C��NEIf The Library will not hold its �TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ nOt t0 exceed $ lO � OOO COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE Dondtions, gt'ants qCTIVITVNUM ��33424-0219 FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPlA1N) � �