BLUE - MA;oR File NO. v TD �
o nc 'l s lution
Presented By �.
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and
approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining
to the follawing listed property and as shc�m by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board
of Appeals and Review, dated April 10, 1984, and �arked E��iIBIT A� and attached here-
to and made a part hereof hy reference;
---'T--«-- --t,-•-R--�-- -�---�-�-l�-.
4-10-84 19-84-H 1928 University Ave. Lucile Helbig & Arthur Meisel
(14 units)
BOARD ACTION; Granted an extension of ti_me tA Janua.zy lr 1985 on Nos. 1 through 40 of
e inspector's report, on condition all violations be corrected by that date.
Property Descri�tion; Union Park, Lot 162
, . �
--_ -_----------------------�---
4-10-84 13�84-�i 956 Hague Avenue William McCoy
BOARD ACTION: Granted a 30 day extension of time to allaw Mr. McCoy tA license the
il. ega..ly parked automobile.
pro��Description; Smith & �aylors Addi.tion to the City of St. Paul
-' East 10' of Lot 10 and all of Lot 9, Block 4.
4-10�84 25-84-H 2351 Ba.yless Place Karen & Steven Flink
BOARD ACI'ION; .Granted an extension of time to April 10, 1990 to camplete Itesns No.
33, 52, 57 and 58 of the inspector's report, on condition all other work in report be
oan�leted by August l, 1984.
Property Description; St. Anthony Park
Lot 12, Block 76
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ays
Fletcher �
Drew In Favor
Scheibel � __ Against BY
MAY 2 2 �gg� Form Approved by City Attor y
Adopted by Council: Date C"`�
C e r t i f i e d •s e d b o i l S r e t a ry B Y
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By �
t�pp by Mavor: D MAY 2 5 �gg� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
PUBLlSHE� JUN 2 - 1984
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` � ' � � E X H I B I T A
19-84-H 1928 University Ave. Lucile Helbig & Arthur
Meisel •
APPEARANCE: Lucile Helbig & Arthur Meisel (co-ownersj �
SUBJECT: Request a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
34.11, pertaining to basic facilities, to allow continued use of
shared community bathrooms (2 bathrooms - each one with 2 toilets, �
1 shower and 1 tub) for use by 14 occupants living in 14 individual
rooms; and a variance to allow cooking facilities in the rooms,
because of practical difficulty and financial hardship.
PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Helbig explained they are asking for a variance in
bathroom facilities and cooking facilities. They have 14 rooms, the
occupants of which share two bathrooms which consist of 2 toilets,
1 shower and l tub each. She explained the tenants are retired
people living on social security and low incomes. The rents are low
and the rooms are too small to install individual bathrooms. She
produced a petition from the occupants expressing their satisfaction .
of the rental property and their concern at cooking facilities being
eliminated. �Ms. Helbig said there are 40 other items on the inspec- .
tion list.. and the cost is astronomical, however, they are trying to
obtain a low interest loan and expect to make aIl other repairs.
She explained she and Mr. Meisel are co-owners and are both retired
and on a fixed income.
Jack Mueller, City Building Department, said he feels item No. 41 the
shared bathroom facilities could be overlooked as this arrangement has
been existence for so long, providing the owners see their way clear
to do the electrical work and all life threatening code violations
� be corrected. If they show progress on the work and call periodically,
he feels the variance could be granted for as long as the appellants
own the building. He further felt an extension of time - maybe six
to eight months could be granted to complete the work and obtain
BOARD ACTION: Ron Glassman moved that an extension of time be granted
to January 1, 1985 on items No. 1 through 40 provided alI items be
corrected by that date; and a variance be granted� on No. 41 in the
inspection report pertaining to shared bathrooms outside dwelling units
for as long as appellants own the building.
THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
13-84-H 956 Hague Ave. William McCoy
SUBJECT: Request variance in code regarding properly stored care in
his yard as he feels it is not a nuisance or a threat to anyone.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. McCoy stated he does not understand that his car
is a nuisance or a health hazard. He is unable to drive it because
he cannot afford the insurance as he has been unemployed.
. �� �7"��`�'�
' • ' Exhibit A � page 2
Frank Staffenson. Health Department, stated he is in violation of
code, Chapter 163 which says a motor vehicle which does not have the
proper current license conspicuously displayed on it cannot have it
on the property. It is a city ordinance . declaration and he is in
violation of the code. If it has a current Iicense he can park it
there. A license can be obtained by signing a statement he does not
plan to drive the car.
� Glen Gausman suggested a letter be sent to the Mayor and/or Council
suggesting that law be revoked. He feels the city should make some �
provision for a citizen to park an unused auto on his property if he '
has legitimate reasons. He doesn't feel putting a current plate on
the motor vehicle improves the nuisance value/
BOARD ACTION: Bill Tilton moved to grant a 30 day extension of time
for Mr. McCoy to license the automobile. Rosann Bostrom seconded.
THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
. 25-84-H 2351 Bayless Place Karen & Steven Flink
APPEARANCE: Steven Flink
SUBJECT: Request an extension of time to complete items #33 , 52, 57 and
58, in the inspection report; and an extension on items #46 and 47 for
as long as the present tenant lives there. Also request that item
#50 pertaining to the basement bathroom in Apt. #3 be granted a
variance for as long as the present tenant lives there.
PROCEEDINGS: Alice Bijjani explained she has analyzed Mr. Flink's
plans to reconstruct the building and items #33 , 52, 57 and 58 will
be taken care of by the remodeling. Items #46 and 47 and #50 in
the basement bathroom and wall imperfections in Apartment #3 could
be waived for as long as the present tenant lives there.
BOARD ACTION:. Ron Glassman moved to grant a 6 year extension of, time .
on items 33, 52, 57 and 58 , and a variance be granted on items �46 &
47, No. 50, and wall imperfection in Apt. #3 for as long as the present
tenant lives there.
�he meeting adjourned at 4: 10. .