84-641 �`�'�!ITE - CITV CIERK 1 F`�Y � FINANCE � COUIICll c�� V -DEVARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � P�Citv�Attr� File N0. $4-641 ,. Y Y• . 0 rdindnce Ordinance N 0. � ��7� Presented By James Scheibel Referred To Le�;islation Committee: Date 5/22/84 Out of Committee By Date An ordinance to restrict the issuance of new licenses or the transfer from place to place into areas having undue concentrations of on-sale intoxicating liquar licenses . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409 . 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding the following new subparagraph (4) at the end thereof to read as follows : " (4) Notwithstanding the foregoing, no licensee shall be allowed to change the �location of the licensed premises for on- sale intoxicating liquor (place to place transfer) to any location, within a one- half mile radius of which there already are four or more premises licensed for the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premises , unless his or her previous location is within one-half mile of the new location and (a) the previous location was acquired or condemned by a body having the power of eminent domain, or (b) the previous location was destroyed or made unusable by fire or natural disaster, or (c) the lease for the previous location expired and the landlord was unwilling to renew it . Subparagraph (4) does not apply if the proposed new location lies�� �g_18-8 4) wi.thin a designa.ted coumercial developme,r.zt district. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia B scnetbe� Against Y Tedesco Wfison Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr ved by Cit tto y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ?-/8-�'� F3y - Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � I�-� I�� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council A BL�v-MAVORTMENT File NO. �+ � ��/ =City Attny/PBB • Ord�ndnce Ordinance N�. ����7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Section 2 Section 409. 06 , subd. 2, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph at the end thereof to read as follows : "No new license shall be issued for any location within a one-half mile radius of which there already are four or more premises licensed for the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premises ." Section 3 This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays tkAiel+sf ��/IV1J �re,,,, In Favor Masanz Scheibel � Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date VCr 2 � 1981� Form App v d by Cit Att ey Certified P b u cil et BY ` ���� By Ap o by Mayor: Da Or'T 2 3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By euau�r� 0 C l� 2 l 1984 _-.._ . . ,� . , ; �' � � (1�_�1l—ln�// �,._. • ' � 7 i 7 7 r ;.. -� .. X • Cr�c� o� �AINT �..�.uL .;�1�°r �"-�,.- . e::� �I . 1.. '-r� �. OP`P`IC� OI�` TPlT. CITY COUNCIL ['r- �7-r,�=�.�:�; �.� t_.� �y-��-y:±"�+ f i ` Date • � ' - ��.' . • F��ember 18, 1984 ,,,`'y _�- '�� � � C 0 Nl (�J1 tT 7' � E R E �t�R�a P� -----.- ^_____q C1TY CL�RK'S OFFiCE -'�► .'��;;;`�.:•';'t S� P�.'.:1. M!ti�i. ; � ;�! .��,'w�;4-�,�.. ,... i • f�;•�';;, { �►��� #�•St �: TO • Sa�n� Pc�t� ! Gi��► Cau�cil �':� r �;`�'��{�_ , � �i�� �tt�=�;::t_:��: FROt�I = Co�»t�i�f e ,� '!� 'E''�` _ e O� Legislation � � `�� � ��<--_-:---• - C I�a I R John Drew . _ .__ ._ . _ _ _. �l � � �� � � i - 1 . k'ithdraw the consideration of an ordinance amending Cha��t�r 409 of the Saint Paul Legistat.ive Code pertainin� to ir�tor,ic�tir�g iiquor (section • �;09.08)... - WITHDRAWN 8'�f- i�� � � - ; 2. 4�'i thdraw the cons i derat i on of an ord i nance amenc�i n� Char�cer 4 I U of �the I Sa i n�t Pau 1 Leg i s 1 at i ve CodP perta i n i nct to nan-i n Lo>;i ca'c i ng r�za 1 t 1 i quor (sertion �!] 0.0�) . _ WITHDRAWN 8�-/�2- � - . , , 3. Cons i derat i on of �n ord i nance amPnd i nc� (:hap�ter �tU9 of �l.he Sa i n� Pa��1 Legisla�tive Code pert-ainin� to intoxicatinc� liquor (sectior�s �09.05 subd. 5 clause 2, �►09.06 subd. 12; 409. 11 ) . - ADOPTED AS AMEPdDED ��_�� �'� o� � 4. Consideration of an ordinance amending Chap�ter- �310 of the Saint Paul . Legislative Code per�aining to non-iri�tor,icatinc malt liquor (s�ctions 410.0�, 410.07) . - ADOPTED AS AMENDED S> -f-- /� �� a .�}i� 0 3 5. t�1 i thdraw the F i rs-t Read.i n� - 8�-637 - /1r� ordi n�r�ce re�u l a�t i ng �the issuance of new o�-s�le intoxic�3ting liquor iicenses by r�roviding for the righ�t of .first transfer by existing license�s. - WITHDRAWN - 6. F"i rs-t Read i ng - E3�1-638 - �n aclm i n i s�tra t i ve ord i nance dee 1 ar i nc7 a n;ora-tor i um on the rnovemen� of on-sa 1 e i ntox i cat i r�c�� 1 i c.luor 1 i censes i n to the area �no•,�n as �hr• 1 iq�or- patrol 1 irnits. - ADOPTED AS AI�1ENDED 7. F i rst Re�,d i nc,� - f3�-639 - An ord i n�nce to provicle for th� us�� oF the special issudnce t�x from intoxicating lir�uor lircnses ror a nP_1C�fl�JUT'flOt7C� �3f'i.tP_1"(TIE'n�t Fund. - ADOPTED AS AMENDED £t. tidithdraw the First Rcadin� - II4-640 - /�n ordin�,nce requiring increaseci parkinc� for cert�in on-sale intoxicating liquor est.�blishments__ WITHDRA4JN 9. First Reading - 84-641 -- An ordinance restrictin� tf-ie issuance of new licenses or the �transFer frorn place to place into areas having undue concentrations of on-s�le intoxicatinc� l�iquor- licen�es. - ADOPTED AS AMENDED ' CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAI�T PAUL� I�7INNESOTA 5510' a��. ' �` �-��/ �'`�( �u�� � � ���� ���� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE � � BIUERV- MAVORTM NT ��(�jI�y OF SAINT PAUL Council �� PBB/City Att � File N0. t�� � 0rd�ndnce Ordinance N 0. ���7 7 Presented By .,,^ Referred To �T� � �'-� Committee: Date ZL � Out of Committee By Date ordinance to restrict the issuance of new icenses or the transfer from place to place into areas having undue concentrations of on- ale intoxicating liquor licenses . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409. 11 of the Sa t Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding a new paragr h at the end thereof to read as follows : "No licensee shall be a owed to change the location of the licensed premi es (place to place transfer) to any location, wit 'n a one-half mile radius of which there already a four or more premises licensed for the sale a consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premis , unless his or her previous location is within on -half mile of the new location and (a) the previo s location was acquired or condemned by a body havi the power of eminent domain, or (b) the previou location was destroyed or made unusable by fire or natural disaster, or (c) the lease for the prev'ous location expired and the landlord was unwilling t renew it." COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosla B scneibe� Against Y Tedesco Wilson � Form Ap roved by C' At ney 1 Adopted by Council: Date ' - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �2��� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By _ �. ______..�,,,.,._.�...�,� _ , . �.__. :,. . _ _ i �,.. -._ y I'l lst f- a2� - � 2nd ,!� � �' ;�%t,/ 3rd � ` ,�/ -�y Adbpted � �- 7 -��/ Yeas Nays DREW � �F ��—�s�� FLETCHER ���� � ' MASANZ NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR, PRESIDENT TEDESCO