84-638 WHITE - GITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (j I TY OF .SA I NT PA U L Council g/+-638 CANA`R�- DEPARTMENT File NO. RLUE -MAVOR �ity Attny/PBB . rd� � C�i Ordinance N 0. f 7�7� , Presented By James Scheibel � Referred To Le�islation Committee: Date 5/22/84 Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance declaring a moratorium on the movement of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses into the area known as the liquor patrol limits . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Council finds that undue concentrations of establishments having on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses tend to have a blighting effect on adjacent residential uses and neighborhoods . With the proposed change in area restrictions on the locations for such licenses , and the possible issuance of new licenses , a study has been undertaken for the purpose of considering methods to minimize or remove the detrimental effects of concentrations of licenses . Ordinances proposing such methods are under consideration, in con- junction with the introduction and possible adoption of the on-sale liquor reform package, and will propose added protections against undue concentration. A limited moratorium will prevent hasty location changes until such protections are in place. Section 2 A moratorium on the place to place movement of on-sale intox- icating liquor licenses into the area currently known as the "liquor patrol limits" (bounded approximately by Como , Snelling, St. Clair and Cretin Avenues) is hereby declared for a period ending January 25 , 1985, or until the liquor reform package is COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Drew In F'avor Masanz Nicosia Against BY scnetn.i Teaesco Wilson Form Appr e by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` ����' T3y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY 9��'I�3'� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK�� FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CAN�l�-DEPARTMENT File NO. ��� �/ �� BLUE - MAYOR ♦ Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. /7� 7� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- effective, whichever date is earlier. During that time the Council will not consider or approve any request to move the location of an on-sale intoxicating liquor license into the said liquor patrol limits , except in cases of extreme and overriding personal or financial hardship, or in cases where the existing premises have been destroyed or rendered unusable by fire or natural disaster. Section 3 Nothing in this ordinance applies to on-sale wine licenses . Section 4 This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays flelehe��'L.yjNn� Drew [n Favor Masanz � NiCOSIa scne�bei Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DCT 2 3 �gg� Form Approved by C'ty A torney Certified Pa d Council e BY 9-1k-�`f By Appro Mayor: Date ��T 2 � �_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �BU� 0 C T 2 7 1984 9(a1�8�} _.�_ � . � . , a; � � � �=�y—Y.��l fy��-• � ...� �i.. �;r, .. ...�'`�. CI'�Y OT+' �AINT P.F�.Y7"L /7/7.� • <z. � ;'<=� i . ;, . ��*� �:�,� ,. OIi`FICE OF TI�P: CITY COtiNCIL �'r_- .,..�..• {:t y ,s�..,.a>...r l�';` �"'�,�,ti2��.'�.�.`. �r' . �y,-�.� -_- ,�• I�d t e : F��ember 18, 1984 ��.��..-._.., �� � ' J���� � C 0 f�I [�!1 fTT � E R E �t�R�a �� '8� ----- . - . � : , C1TY CL�RK'S OFFiCE - ��`'-'�;'`�.•.:' ST �k;:L. M•.ti�i. : j !�i .;�t;'{,,t�_'� , }.Y ,. • { .. ''i1;'{ .#'�r -.. . ���.;k `�_ TO • 5atn� Puu ! Ci��► Coc�ncit � :a'i ,.J ��-:�-� ;{-I •�����•-•=7'�- �ts�_ .;:i�;�-�- zr .� � E:a-...,;,},-' FF� � � = C0�7)t7)!�'f �� O�'! Legislation 1 ' <<':,:��a`�_;: I .�-.<=--_--^_� CNaiR John Drew . ___. _ _ _ -- -- � � � l�la � 1 . k'ithdraw the con�ideration of an ordinance ar�ending Ch���ter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislat.ive Code pertainin� to intoxicatir►g tiquor (s�cti�n � �09.08)__. - WITHDRAWN 8'�f- i��� � 2. 4dithdra�r the consideration o� an ordinance amendin� Char�ter 41U of -the � Sain� Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining to non-into>;ica'cing r�ialt liquor ; (ser�ion 410.0�) . _ WITHDRAWN 8�-��2 � _ . . 3. Consideration of an ardinance amending Chapter �IU9 of the Sain� Paul Legislative Code pertaininc�. to intoYic�tinc� liquor (sectivns �09.�5 subd. 5 clause 2, �►09.06 subd. 1?_, 409. 11 ) . - ADOPTED AS AMENDED ��-)� �'y ob � 4. Consideration of an ordinance amendin� Chap-ter �lIO of th� Saint Paul Legislative Code per��aining to non-in�toxicatinc m�lt liquor (sactions 4I 0.04, 410.07) . - ADOPTED AS AMENDED i� -�-- /I � o .► ..f�� ,0 3 5. W i thdraw the F i rs�t Read i n� - 8�-637 - �r� ordi n�r2ce re�u 1 a�t i rlg �the i ssuance of new ���-s�1 e i ntox i c�3t i n� 1 i quor 1 i censes by prov i d i ng �oi- the r i gh�t of .f i rst transfer by er,i st i ng 1 i cens��s. - WITHDRAWN - 6. � F�i rst Read i ny - II�1-638 - �n acim i n i s�tra�t i ve ord i nance clec 1 ar i nc7 a rrora�tor i um ,on �thc rnovemen t of on-s�1 e i ntox i ca��i��g 1 i quor 1 i censes i n�to the area �no�,�n as thF• 1 iquor patr�ol 1 irnits. - ADOPTED AS A�1ENDED � 7. First Readinc,� - £3�-639 - M ordinance to provide for the use oF the spec i a 1 i ssudnce tax from i n�tox i cat i nc� 1 i�ilor 1 i censes for a ReighSorhood Bettermen-t �und. - ADOPTED AS AMENDED £3. L•lithdraw the First Rc�din� - 84-640 - !�n ordin�,nce requirin� incrcased parking for certain on-sale intoxica'ting tiquor e�tablishm�nts._ WITHDRA4JN �J. F i rst Read i ng - 84-641 -- An orcl i nance restr i c�t i�ng the i ssuance of new 1 i censes or the transfer frorn pl ace to pl ace i n�to ��t�eas hav i ng undu� cancentrations of on-sale intoxicating �l�iquor� licenses. - ADOPTED AS AMENDED � ClTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S:1II�T PAUL, biINNESOTA 5510'_ ..�,.�. . - . . ?,; ' • :.�, WHITE - CITV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE C011RClI ' / ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �`� BIUE - VOR City At ny/PBB . ����J Ordindnce Ordinance (�0. Presented By �Referred ��pGT ���� � "� Committee: Date 5/ Z' �- Out of Comm tee By Date An administrative ordinance declaring a moratorium on the movement of on-sale toxicating liquor licenses into the a a known as the liquor patrol limits . THE COUNCIL OF T CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Council finds hat undue concentrations of establishments having on-sale intoxic ing liquor licenses tends to have a blighting effect on adj ent residential uses and neighborhoods . The Council finds that, 'th the proposed lifting of area re- strictions on the locatio for such licenses , and the possible issuance of new licenses , study should be undertaken for the purpose of considering meth s to minimize or remove the detri- mental effects of concentrat ns of licenses . Methods studied should include all forms of 1 d use controls , use restrictions and requirements , parking and affic controls , and the like. The study should be City-wide, d not restricted to any one geographical area or neighborhoo . Section 2 A moratorium on the place to plac movement of on-sale intoxi- cating liquor licenses is hereby decla ed for a period of six months , ending November 30, 1984, or until the tudy undertaken in accor- dance with Section 1 hereof is complete whichever date is earlier. During that time the Council will not con ider or approve any COUNCILMEN Requested by Depa ment of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia B scne�be� Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form App oved by City Attorn Certified Passed by-Council Secretary BY �� `�� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII �r CANARV - DEPARTME GITY OF SAINT PAUL J����3� BLUE -MAYOR � F1Ie NO. V City Attny/PBB • /��� Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- request to move the lo ation of an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, except in case of extreme and overriding personal or financial hardship, or i cases where the existing premises have been destroyed or rendere unusable by fire or natural disaster. � - Section 3 This ordinance shall be e fective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publicat on. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicos�a Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Ap oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY +� � �—g� �y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - F�NANCE COUIICII g4-639 CANAR�- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLV�� MAVOR File NO. �ity Attny/PBB , rdin�nce Ordinance N�. l 7�7�O Presented By James Scheibel Referred To Legislation Committee: Date 5�22�84 Out of Committee By Date An ordinance to provide for use of the special issuance tax from intoxicating liquor licenses for a Neighborhood Betterment Fund. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409. 16 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding a new subd. 7 at the end thereof to read as follows : "Subd. 7 . Neighborhood Betterment Fund. A Neighborhood Betterment Fund is ereby established, to which ten percent (10%) of the proceeds of the special issuance tax are hereby appropriated. Such F�.nd shall be used to assist the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in the acquisition, clearance or redevelopment of blighted or deteriorated areas and structures in neighborhoods having concentrations of businesses licensed for the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premises , which acquisition, clearance or redevelopment are hereby determined to be for a public purpose. Such purposes and uses of the Fund may include the acquisition of the real or personal property of existing on-sale liquor businesses , and affir- mative assistance of financing of minority-owned COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher p�eW In Favor Masanz Nicosia A gai ns t BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr ed by City ttor y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ���� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By , �i;i''��c+- .—'_'..—'_�—_- f . • � . I �� � �� / V � . . � . ar........ 1$t ,,���� -�Y 2nd ( � - ') �i - �lL� ' 3rd - Adopted _ : l0--2- �y T�--�= '` Yeas Nays DREW /a-� � • . �r ��-G � FLETCHER � .��7�r MASANZ NICOSIA - SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO �,