84-632 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council CANA+IY - DEPARTMENT XA � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. u � ��� � Return copy to Valuations Divisio�'ouncil Resolu �n Room 218 • Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul's Assessment Policy regarding new oonstruction arxl reconstruction of sidewalks was previously set forth in: Council File No. 266797, adopted February 17, 1976, Council File No. 266798, adopted February 17, 1976, Gouncil File No. 268302, adopted December 21, 1976, Council File No. 277504, adopted October 1, 1981; aryd WF�RF'�AS, the City Council upon advice and recommendation of staff from the departments of Public Works and Finance and Management Services have discussed the need for revision to St. Paul's Assessment Policy regarding Sidewalks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Saint Paul's Assessment Policy regarding new construction and reconstruction of sidewalks is as follaws: I�nT CO�TSTRtJCrION — RESIDENTIAL "Aid" Streets. Residential properties (properties with 1, 2 or 3 family structures) on "Aid" Streets (streets designated as Municipal, State Aid, County Aid or Trunk Highway) will pay 50$ of the oost of new sidewalk oonstruction abutting the property. Corner residential properties will receive a credit not to exceed 150 feet of new sidewalk abutting the "long side" of these properties and will pay 50� of the cost for the remaining footage on the long side. Residential properties within a camnercial area with wider than nornial, sidecaa].ks will pay the standard rate for a normal 5 foot wide sidewalk. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fietcner Fina e sn nageme Services °feN1 In Favor —�r Masanz Nicosia Di rec tor schetbet __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attocney Adopted by Council: Date ��C , � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �o.- � �� � � By 1 �,�. ' t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ 4 pro by Mayor for 'ssion to Council By �,��� WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANAi�' - DEPARTMENT � BCUE - MAVOR File �0• � -��� Return co ' to Valuations Divisio . . Room 218 ouncil Resoluti n , , ^ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Non-"Aid" Streets. Residential properties on streets other than "Aid" streets will pay 100� of the cost of new sidewalk c;onstruction abutting the property. Corner residential properties will receive a credit not to exceed 150 feet of new sidewalk abutting the "long side" of these properties and will pay 100� of the c�st for the remaining footage. All residential properties within a camnercial area with wider than nornial sidewalks will pay the standard rate for a normal 5 foot wide sidewalk. l�nl C70�NSTRLTCTION — �IAL C�tmercial properties (all properties not designated as residential) on all classes of streets will pay 100� of the oost of new sidewalk construction abutting any portion of the property. No "long side" credit will be available to corner oo�mercial properties. RDOO1QSrR�TCTION - RFSID�TAT, Rssidential properties on all streets will pay 50$ of the oast of reoonstructed sidewalks abutting the property. Corner residential properties will receive a credit not to exceed 150 feet of reconstructed sidewalk abutting the "long side" of these properties and will pay 50$ of the oost for the remaining footage on the long side. Residential properties within a �miercial area with wider than normal sidewalks will pay the standard rate for a nornia]. 5 foot wide sidewalk. -2- COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fietcner Nays Fine & nagement Services °feN' _� [n Favor Masanz ,, Nicosia �ehsibe6 d __ A gai n s t BY T�desco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•ss d ounc� , c r By �.—Gi� �C � S'3 �( By , �' Approved by iNavor: Date Ap by Mayor for S Council BY - $y� � � r.,i�_.�—�.� WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CAIVARY - DEPARTMENT . BLU�. - MAVOR File �O. � ���� � �oo�r218 to Valuations Divis Ouncil Re olut 'on � . �. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RDUONSTRIJC,TION - �IAL Cmmiercial properties on all classes of streets will pay 100� of the oost of reconstructed sidewalks abutting any portion of the property. No "long side" credit will be available for corner oo�mercial properties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this policy shall be effective for all sidewalk improvements approved by Final Orders in 1984 and thereafter. BE IT F[JR7.�R RE50LVID, that in all other respects other than side- walk assessments, Council File 266797 adopted February 17, 1976, Oouricil File No. 266798 adopted February 17, 1976, Council File No. 268302 adopted December 21, 1976 and Council File No. 277504 ac�pted October 1, 1981, shall remain in full force and effect. -3- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays / F and Mana ment Servicea Drew �O In Favor Masanz J' D/' NicSr.�Wo�. � __ A ainst B ��� Director Tedesco g Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 17 198�+ Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P ss ounci c r BY�..`\���CL"'—` � ���("� sy ' MAY Z 2 198� PP Y Y A►p by Mavor: D te A roved b Ma or for Submission to Council By� _ BY . pUgLISHED MAY 2 6 1984 . . . . . . . .. . � � . }. r . � � - .. .- . . -� � � - . � � , .�. � _ . :RECEIVED �F-��� ` _ MAY 4 1984 P in�s�►ce b ltr�st�s�ent S���T - � J• Tda. no�o�l�n��lird_..�f"T , F�6E , � . -..; 29Z-7�19 � ' _...�.,.�.�...�.��.,.�.�.,�_?Hf}1YE ����''"! _ {� l�tay 3, il84 OiATE 1 !r �ir : : (Routittg 3�d Expl�tfvn SheGet) : �i r � r G1 i Ai l ti o�s I�t 1 i :. .� ��t p��,,. : RECEIVED ,� ct�r �nay a�'''`'�''� � �� MAY 0 3 1984 �� � �����T � �' OFFICE OF TNE DIRECTOR - „�,,,,,,, F�qa� �1ld !!�ltt Slrvf C� D'ir�l�L�r DEPARTMENT:OF F[NANCE 3,,,. C�ft,Y C�#1"!c AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES .,.�... � ��r � _ ..r...r. , f _ Talti � I � . TLs szisti�g aida+ralk polic�r Mill bs chaagad ali�htly Ca pro�ids fsr 5Qx asrea�eat; ' apiaat r�sidsnti+►1 propertisa eu �Ofd� str�ets,aad a "long� sids" c�te�it o� up to 15•� f�r r�ai�satial preper�.iea. Slso, the �atir� policy ia no�r.contsiaed ia �ne (�lsxrl� daadssstaadable) doc�at. �� ._ 1 � Mt'1:if : Tlu finaacial i�@acts. �rill be �iuiasl. M.S�A. a� County Ai.d; pill� pay for si� sdditi�tsl costs oa "Aid" stre�ts aad P.I.�. will pa7 for"long side" reai.d�atial ° . credit. ' • . : . , � 1 . . , _ , . � . . ,, y or a e s Y.I.A. f�r lecal "lo�g, aide'! Aid . . _ lt�t���._t 1���'� �t !lu�6t� �1'1 A,'�t�t_�!��; : . . . lteaol�tios {3 gage�) : f�P`Jl�t'i'I�T_�11_��'M Cn`r AT'C'0�liEY ��� x�,. Yes �,,,,,,,,,, aio �ue�C'ti �aal utiasr f�tiVfrtd? Aesoi�ttf� Rac#�i r�+d'� ,,,�,,,, Y� .,,,,�,,,, � � Yes ,.�.�.,. t10 It4turu�� t'�Sa�ufred? � I�r�ie .Sw'�cfent? ,,..�,,..�e3 ,�,,,, lb � Y�c ,..�„ �o In�ura�c�e l�t�d? . . _ , fi�v��fe�n::of Qet�r, '��Z ` �� �v�rs� Si d� #a� t��rir�ta�n��