84-573 City of St.Paul COLJNCIL F NO. �� ��
File No, i 83 71-S
In the Matter of acquiring an 80 foot wide permanent street easement for the opening,
widening and extending of Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive on, over and across
Blocks 23, 25, Track B, Track C, the 20,00 foot wide vacated alley in Block 25,
and the 20.00 foot wide vacated alley lying between Block 23 and Track B, all
in St. Anthony Park and the vacated Rasota Avenue and Vacated Bearc' Court.
Yhe cente�line of said 80.00 foot wid• strip of land is descriMid u folloNa:
Co�eencing at a b�ass plu6 at the East 1/4 corner of Section 28, Township 2g,
Range 23; thence South 89 degrees 16 minutes 37 seconds Nest (assumed
bearing), 2626.71 feet along the south line of the NortheasC 1/4 'of aaid '
Section 28 to a cast iron monument at the center of satd Section 28; thence
North 0 degrees 25 �Snutes 47 seconds 11est, 579.09 feet along the North-South
t/4 line, said potnt is �5.00 feet norhterly, measured at right angles, from
the ce�terlino oC the Buclington Norhtern Railroad as o�iglnally Iocated and
constructed, said point is also the southNest corner of Kasota Addition;
thence North 83 degree� 4� ninutes 17 seconds Hest, 246q.96 teet along a' 1lne
75.00 Ceet northerly of and parallel to satd railrwd centerline; thence
North 6 degrees 15 atnutes 16 soconds East, 450.48 feet to the potnt of
begtnntng of the centerltne to be descrlbed, the northweaterly and
southeasterly �i�es of said 80.00 foot wide s�rip of land are to be prolonged
or shortened to begin on the last described ltne and !ts northeriy extenston,
thence South 77 degrees 25 minutes 01 seconds Nest, 98.28 feet; thence
southxesterly on tangential curve, concaved to the north, having a radius of
954.93 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, and an are
: length oc 333•33 feet; thence eesterly tangenL Co said curve for a distance
of 155.78 feet more or less to the lntersectton with the east line of CIDbs
Street produced and there sald centerline terminates. The northePly and
southerly lines of said 80.00 foot Nide strip of land are to prolonged or
shortened to Eerminate on Ehe east line of Gibbs Street produced.
Also, a �permanent easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts
and fills includino righ� of removal of Iaeeral support trom
subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavation thereof
or construction oE slopes in ttie grading and �paving of Kasota .
Avenue from approxima�ely 600 feet east of Gibbs to approximately
4.00 fee l, wes t of Gibbs.
Also, changing the grade of Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive
between Gibbs and 300 feet west of Gibbs.
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In Favor
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._ :.�'� Against
, _ ,, Mayor
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''��'��� �'��'�� PllBllS�iED MNY 19 1984