84-553 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��_��� BLUE - MAVOR � Co n.c 'l es lution � , ► Presented By � Referred To ^� �'��-C Committee: Date � `3��� - Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Telecommunicator in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Sectioa 3.B by iaserting the title of Telecommuaicator in Grade 16E; and be 3t FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civ31 Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by iaserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specificatioa for Telecommunicator. Approved: � Chairman, Ci 1 Service Commissi COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays � pERSONNEL OF�ICE °re1N In Favor Masanz � NiCOSia scneibe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY - 3 1984 Form Ap ove by C' A orne C Certified Pa s d y ounci , re BY sy App y Mavor: Date �AY — Appro by Mayor for Suby�iss on to Council / B � gY 'J�� � r �- � � ►. , PUBUSHED ; .��'� � �,���� J � . � • C� �y s�j Title of class: TELECOMMUNICATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible communications work , receiving, screening and processing emergency telephone calls; utilizes computer format to record caller's information and transfers that ;infor- mation to the dispatchers, answers the following lines: 9-1-1 Emergency, 7-digit non-emergency, 7-digit administrative, and 3-digit in-house; operate a two-way radio, sendmessages, received messaged and furnish com- puter data to squards, etc. ; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- � vision of the unit commander or his designee. Supervision Exercised: As delegated by the Communication Center commander. �PICAL DUTIES PERFORMED �he listed examples may not include all duties performed by all persons in this class. Receives, transfers and records police, fire and medical emergency calls and alarms transmitted by telephone or alarm board.� Codes intormation received into a computer terminal. L'ses computer format to query callers regarding the details of incidents. Prioritizes calls. according to seriousness of incident. Traasmits requests for service to the appropriate dispatcher or to oCher appropriate agencies. F.andles operations in a �anual mode when the computers are down. Attends training sessions to learn and update knowledge of emergency rasponse techniques for both police and fire, to include poZicy, procedure and pertinent statutes and ordinances. Interviews callers to obtain pert3nent police, fire or medical information. Trains and evaluates new operators. Does routine machine maintenance associated with the computerized system. Does routine clerical work as required. Performs non-emergency duties such as: operating a two-way radio, requesting and inputing data on a computer system, responding to general requests from the public and other agencies, and preparing reports such as wanted persons, stolen articles and original offense reports. IC�Ok'LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to read and write the English language proficiently. Knowledge of street patterns and location of ma,jor intersections in St. Paul. Ability to speak clearly and distinctly. Ability to use headsets and to hear accurately. Ability to type 35 words per minute. Ability to successfully complete in-service course work in emergency police and fire communications. Ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with a variety of people, including those who are frightened, incoherent or hostile or under great stress. (continued on reverse side) TELECOMMUNICATOR (continued) Ability to operate computer and radio communications equipment. Ability to respond rapidly and effectively to emergency siCuations and to. maintain emotional composure to organize work and to maintain a high ievel of productivity during periods of stress or high activity. Ability to differentiate between an emergency aad non-emergency call.: Ability to understand the applications of the criminal law and correctly transfer callers to the proper units when appropriate. Working ability to operate radio communication equipment. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS None. - CF �/�5"� Title of class: TELECOMMUNICATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible communications work receiving, screening and processing emergency telephone calls; utilizes computer format to record caller's information and transfers that infor- mation to the dispatchers, answers the following lines: 9-1-I Emergency, 7-digit non-emergency, 7-digit administrative, and 3-digit in-house; operate a two-way radio, sendmessages, received messaged and furnish com- puter data to squards, etc. ; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the unit commander or his designee. Supervision Exercised: As delegated by the Communication Center commander. . TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all persons in this class. Receives, transfers and records police, fire and medical emergency ca11s and alarms transmitted by telephone or alarm board.� Codes information received into a computer terminal. Uses computer format to query callers regarding the details of incidents. Prioritizes calls according to seriousness of incident. Transmits requests for service to the appropriate dispatcher or to other appropriate agencies. Handles operations in a manual mode when the computers are dawn. Attends training sessions to learn and update knowledge of emergency response techniques for boCh police and fire, to include policy, procedure and pertineat statutes and ordinances. Interviews callers to obtain pertinent police, fire or medical information. Trains and evaluates new operators. Does routine machine mainteaance associated wiCh the computerized system. Does routine clerical work as required. Performs non-emergency duties such as: operating a two-way radio, requesting and inputing data on a computer system, responding to general requests from the public and other agencies, and preparing reports such as wanted persons, stolen articles and original offense reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to read and write the English language proficiently. Knowledge of street patterns and location of ma�or intersections in St. Paul. Ability to speak clearly arcd distinctly. Ability to use headsets and to hear accurately. Ability to type 35 words per minute. Ability to successfully complete in-service course work in emergency police and f ire communications. Ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with a variety of people, including those who are frightened, incoherent or hostile or under great stress. (continued on reverse side) TELECOMMUNICATOR (continued) Ability to operate computer and radio comnunications equipment. Ability to respond rapidly and effectively to emergency situations and to maintain emotional composure to organiz.e work aad to maintain a high level of productivity during periods of stress or high activity. Ability to differentiate between an emergency and nan-emergency call. Ability to understand the applications of the criminal law and correctly transfer callers tio the proper units when appropriate. Working ability to operate radio communication equipment. *iIi3IMUM QUALIFICATIONS None. � __ _ _ _ __ :. : . _ _ _ _ . , � �!i1TE — Tr CLERK . - - . . ' ?1^lK � � F;�.av:E COUnL•ll /^� V—! �4YqRY — ��ppp?MENT C I TY OF SA I NT ��AITL File N0. 6 � 3 � 9�UE — vai��. � CITY CLERK COZ��ZCZI Resolution Presented B�• Re�erred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date Aa admiaistrative Resolution establishing the . title and class specificatioa for Telecommunicator ia the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, tha.t the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B by inserting the title of Telecommunicator in Grade 16E; and be it E'URTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Sectioa 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Telecoamunicator. Approved: ' Chairman, Civil Service Commission COL'tiC[L'�tEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�be� Against BY 7edesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted �}• Council: Date Certified Y�ssed by Council Secretary BY B� Appro�•ed b� ti(a�•or. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � . " .. �� ���� Title of class: TELECOMMUNICATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible communicatioas work , receiving, screening and processing emergency telephone calls; utilizes computer format to record caller's information and transfers that infor- mation to the dispatchers, answers the following lines: 9-1-1 Emergencp, 7-digit non-emergency, 7-digit administrative, and 3-digit in-house; operate a two-way radio, sendmessages, received messaged and furnish cem- puter data to squards, etc. ; aad performs related duties as assignec�. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the unit commander or his designee. Supervision Exercised: As delegated by the Communication Center commander. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may `aot include all duties performed by a11 persons in this class. Receives, transfers and records police, fire and medical emergency calls and alarms transmitted by telephone or alarm board.> Codes information received into a computer terr.iinal. L'ses computer format to query callers regarding the details of incidents. Prioritizes calls according to seriousness of incident. Transmits requests for service to the appropriate dispatcher or to other appropriate agencies. Handles operations in a manual mode when the computers are down. Attends training sessions to learn and update knowledge of emergency response techniques for both police and fire, to include policy, procedure and pertinent statutes and ordinances. Interviews callers to obtain pertinent police, fire or medical information. Trains and evaluates new operators. Does routine machine maintenance associated with the computerized system. Does routine clerical work as required. Performs non-emergency duties such as: operating a two-+way radio, requesting and inputing data on a computer system, responding to general requests frc3 the public and other agencies, and prepariag reports such as wanted persoas, stolea articles and original offense reports. I�OWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to read and write the English language proficiently. Knowledge of street patterns and location of major intersections in St. PauZ. Ability to speak clearly and distinctly. Ability to use headsets and to hear accurately. Ability to type 35 words per minute. Ability to successfully complete in-service course work in emergency police and f ire communications. Ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with a variety of people, includi�� those who are frightened, incoherent or hostile or under great stress. (continued on reverse side) TELECOMMUNICATOR (continued) Ability to operate computer and radio cor.�munications equipment. Ability to respond rapidly and effectively to emergency situations and to maintain emotional composure to organize work and to maintain a high Ievel of productivity during periods of stress or high activitS�. Ability to differentiate between an emergency and non-emergency call., Ability to understand the applications of tha criminal law and correctly transfer callers to the proper units when appropriate. Working ability to operate radio communication equip�ent. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS None. __ _ - , �� �Ss� P�rsonnel Office DEPART��tENT ` ipanc�rtP Rnhanisr �ONTACT 298-4221 PHONE �� �� March 20 1 DATE �v , . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assiqn Number for Routing Order (Clip Al1 Locations for Mayoral Signature): � Department Di rector City Attorney RECEIVED Ma�yor MAR 2 0198� Finance and Managernent erv�ces Di r MAYOr�'S O�f � City Clerk Budget Di rector What Will be Achieved by 'Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Thie resolutioa establishes the title of Telecommuaicator in Grade 16E of Sectioa 3.B (Clerical-Graded Group) of the Civil Service Rules and it establishes the class speci- ficatioa ia Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The bi-weekly salary raage for Grade 16E is as follows: GRADE 16E A B C'` D E F 5 yr. 6 yr. 10 yr. 15 qr. 20 yr. 25 yr. 555.58 576.40 598.21 621.38 648.24 675.54 699.83 730.92 750.66 769.62 779.12 788.62 Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Noae. � Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachrr�nts�:_ 1. R�solution 2. Copy for City Clerk 3� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes Council Resolution Re uired? Resolution Re uired? 1/ Yes� No No q q � Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (Spe Revprse Side for �Instructions) J. . +�JR........_. �`;�� �� �y s�-� `��� , � CITY OF SAIN'.� P�LUL � �}� � � or��ICI: OF 'rFII+'. CIT.1" coL�cir. `- (-`�::`.' ��� �- _�.._.,,,�:,� � �_ �\=� -=''�;ti I D a t e . Apri 1 26, 1984 �``�-�r:.:.� -r��� . COMM (T�` � E RE PORT TO = �a�nt Pau t City Cour�cil � � F R � � � C o rn m ir t e e O h FiNANCE, MANAGETIENT f� PERSONNEL C H A 1 R COUNCILMf1N SQ-IEIBEL 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 19, 1934. �> '� � -- • -. -� «� � —�-2. Resolution amending Section I F 1, Subsection (i) of the Salary Flan and Rates of � Conpensation Resolution by substituting a neiv'section (i) so as to revise salary increases through Step I.� (Personnel) (Laid over from April 12) �-i;i ' 3. Resolution amending Section 3.B .of the Civil Sezti�ice Rules by placing an asterisk before the titles Police Communications Clerk in Gr�de 14 and b[essenger in �Grade 17 and striking their specifications from Section 32. (Personnel) (Laid over from Apri l 12) /%;�% � � 4. ! Resolution establishing the title of Telecommunicator in Crade 16 E of Section �B of the Civil Service Rules. � Personnel 3 _ � ) (Laid over from Apri 1 12) , !�,� 5. Resolution approving funding necessary for constn.iction of the computerized traffic signal control syst-em for the Central Business District and funds for the continued operation and maintenance of the sy stem when it is completed. (Public I�'orks� /% ; 6. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating �$X23,150 to the Financing and to the Spending Plans of Engineering Fund Infrastructure Inventory- Public Improvement Aid. (Public 1Jorks) �_J"� ?. Resolution approving joint purchasing agreements z�rith the City of Inver Gi•ove Heights, City of New Hope, City of Dayton and the City of Circle Yines, l�tinnesota ( Finance) ,;, �� 8. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $466,278. 80 to the Financing and to the Spending Plans of General Debt Fund. />c'f- • CITY HALL SEVENTH FLUU�, SAINT PAUL. MINNFSOTA 55102 .��. . WMITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council /J ��p/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. .�/ � ��• BLUE - MAVOR � C un il Resolution Presented By � j�Referred To �-� Committee: Date �r3'$� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amendiag the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to revise salary increases through Step I. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compeasatioa Resolution be amended in Section I F 1, subsection (i) by strikiag out, in its entirety, the current subsection (i), and substituting, in lieu thereof, the followiag new sub- section (i): "(i) When an employee in a position in a class represeated by the Techaical or Clerical Bargaining Unit holds a title in a grade followed by the suffix "E'� the following shall apply: For ea.ch 2080 hours aa employee has appeared on the payroll after he/she has attaiaed Step C, he/she may be granted an increase in salary of one step up to the seven-year step; and if he/she has received a ten-year increase he/she may be granted the tea-year step, and if he/she has received a fifteen-qear increa.se he/she may be granted the fifteen-year step. However, in no case will a Recreation Center Director be gra.n,ted Step F uatil he/she has completed fifteen credit hours ia courses pertainiag to recreation." COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays °feN1 �� (n Favor �ERSONNEL OFFICE Masanz �� Nicosia scneibel � __ Against BY TedesCo Wiison MAY — 3 198� Fo�m AP ve by ity tor y Adopted by Council: Date �. Certified Pa. - y ouncil Se ar BY By i � ' t#ppr y Ylavor: D — Appr vec� Mayor for Sua;rtyiss o o Council .� By � By I.u� ���, t � t•r e . �,,.n.,: � P'UBLISHEO � �'�` � `t�����