84-539 W H I T E — C I T V C L ER K COTCIITILLTZZ.�y PINK — FINANCE ,�velo ment �OUnCl� �e�1��L 2 CANARV — DEPARTMEN p GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO• AT `�••� � BLUE � — MAVOR 1 C uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the Council Corrnnittee on Finance, Management and Personnel, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the amendments to the City's Co�rununity Development Block Grant Year VI and IX PrograrrLS as indicated below: Project Current Increase Revised No. Project Title Budget (Decrease) Budget 39618-ggg Unspecified Contingency $726,360.73 $(90,000.00) $636,360.73 39908-228 No. Wabasha/550 Rice - Relocation 195,000.00 g0,000.00 285,000.00 'I'o'I'ALS $921,360.73 $ -0- $921,360.73 and be it FURPHER RESOLVED, that Attachment A, entitled "North Wabasha Relocation Plan" is hereby incorporated and made part of this Resolution in accordance with applicable Corranunity Development Block Grant Regulations. APPROVED AS TO F[JNDING: APPROVED: Peter Ham s, Director ����� Gregory le Dept. of Finance and Management Services Budget Director COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � In Favor �� �rnT7tt1117Y1i1:� 1�PV�102]YCIErit D1V1S1011� Drew Masanz •- �� NiCOSIa � � schetbe� � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson _ �PR z � .��8� Form Ap d by City�ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ounci S t BY • gy, t#p ov by Mavor: QY - 3 1984 A ro y Mayor for Sub ' s n to Council By B PIlBLISNED �,�'�` `4 ':��� �=�y-s3� �Q' Go�• �• oEPARTFIENT BII.L P�TTON rpNTACT �r'7y9� _�2� PHONE . �TE reen ee . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi Number for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si ature : ' Departaient Oi r+ector RFCEIVED � " p e FtECE1VED � ity Attorney �J pPR "1 � i984 APR 9 1984 M�yor OFFICE OF � finance and Management ervi ces D re�6�'S OFFICEAND MANq� 6 City Clerk � � s �'- _ et�r-�.--:52�_� - �►�A �� iCE ; What Wi11 be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materfals? (Purpose/Rationale): A PPRQt7A�1. oF -rt'�tr. A'cT�G1��Q R�so�.kt�ot�l t��L� ��io� f�wat�►�c�� �02 -r�� R��.o4a�noN ot� -r� �,�r�ES c,�c�rr�Y R�Ma�M�N� �1•? t� 1''�oRt�l l�l�j�►�S�A �oP��1lS. RR�oR kL�q�,�p� AS�51sTW I�►.� 1�f�c.oCArr�oN o� �-µ� R�s�o�w�1�1. 't'��►M�t"'S. Financial , Bud9etary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: �trttJ�S �R+� �t?RtL1k61.� 1�t�.�c�hs PuttPosE' . Fun_din Source and Fund Activit Number ha d or redited: 39G��-000•99q 3 R�►o8-cx�o-��8 Attachments (List and Number all Attactbnents� : 1,, Co�Nc.�L R�sow�Tio�t � 2. R��oc�►T�ori P�AN DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? h Yes No e No I an e Re Insurance Sufficient? /� Yes No es Insura Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SPP RPVPY'CP SidP for 'Instructions) C�� �-5_�� • NORTH WABASHA RELOCATION PLAN JANUARY, 1984 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AMENDED MARCH, 1984 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, (HRA) acting as agent for the City of Saint Paul, acquired certain properties in the North Wabasha Redevelopment Area, said Plan adopted December 16, 1982. ACQUIRED PROPERTIES • 452 St. Peter Street 456-460 St. Peter Street/20 E. Ninth Street 455-457 Wabasha Street 463 Wabasha Street 449-453 Wabasha Street � 471-475 Wabasha Street 445-447 Wabasha Street 39 E. Eighth Street 550 Rice Street In accordance with Minnesota Statute 117.52, all acquisitions undertaken by an acquiring authority, which authority shall provide all relocation assistance, services, payments and benefits required by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment, to all displaced persons. The City has determined that the displacement is in accordance with the City`s Community Development Block Grant Program. People who will be required to move are all of extremely low income and will be provided with the opportunity to re- locate to standard, suitable housing units. In addition the removal of these substandard properties will further promote economic development in the Downtown Area. The City,in developi.ng these Relocation Payments, agrees that payments and ser- vices will be provided in accordance with 24 CFR 42. (Uniform Relocation Assis- tance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970) and regulations contained in HUD Handbook 1376.1, effective September 26, 1979. Businesses being displaced tmder this activity will have Relocation Payments made in accordance with 24 CFR, 570.612b of the CDBG Regulations, effective November 2, 1983.