84-535 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council r,,/ r�j�.! . CANARV �DEPARTMENT File NO. v • v �+`� B�_UE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By . '� �� � ✓Referred To� L C.. lN � S Committee: Date �� 3�d `�' Out of Committee By Date AMENDING THE 19$3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR THE ROSE STREET STORM SEWER PROJECT WHEREAS, the expansion of the Como Park Senior High School parking. facilities and the development of a 64 unit housing complex on Como Avenue will increase the amount of stormwater into the small combined sewer system in this area; and WHEREAS , this additional stormwater will potentially create flooding and sewer backups in the adjacent neighborhood; and WHEREAS , substantial construction cost savings can be accomplished by coordinating the storm sewer project with the proposed 1984 Gateway Paving Project (P-0970) . BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to construct the Rose Street storm sewer , located on Rose Street from Como Lake to Grotto Street; and be it further � RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul , upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Committee , does hereby amend the 1983 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council in the following particulars . A. Transfers - Sewer Availability Charge Credits Page Year Log No . From To Balance XIX 1983 SAC Credit (held in 62563) $470, 000 $270 , 900 Rose St. Storm Sewer Project $200 , 000 $200 , 000 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays �� Fletcher P ub 1 i c Wo r s °reN1 In Favor Masanz � � Nicosia Sche�be� __ Against BY Tedesco Donald E . Nyg rd, ctor Wilson Form Approved y C t tt r / Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by ay for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUTICII ,/ CANARV= DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL t (j ^��� �LUE� - MAVOR �F11e NO. �,! � L�V � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date B . Appropriation Analysis Current - -AFnended Appropriations Change Appropriatioris 1983 Sewer Service Available Charge Credits $470 ,900 -$200 , 000 $270, 900 Rose Street Storm Sewer Project -0- +$200, 000 $200, 000 �_� Director ��� Finance & Management Services ���5 The St. Paul Long-Range Capital I:-:�-cve�x.~�^r�' Budget Committ�e recez�ved tl�cis rc^�'::s'. on (date) �� - �r�d ..�. ..._�;�::;�;�:.a � ^ -. .Z�C-�cx�L �� Budget 'r or � Signed: __ .___.. ............ Page 2 of 2 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Public Works °reN' In Favor Masanz Nicosia /v� sche�bet � __ A gai n s t BY ��� 7edesco Donald E . Nygaard, Director (REB) Wilson APR 2 R 19g4 Form Approve City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified a•s Council , re BY "t'�- � B� Appro b Mavor: � MAY - 1984 Appro � ayor for Submis ion o uncil By ,�1ry�yJ'�'-. PUBUS�iED ��� � � t�� 'i�. . . . ��CE�VE(� Lr=/�s _ , ; . . Public works DEPARTt,1ENT MAR 1 p 19A4 � Ro E. Bredah ONTACT C� C.J 292-6i3s � PHONE �l�� � Februa 14 1984 �� � , �ATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi n Number for Routin Order Cli Al1 Locations for M oral Si nature : ECEIVED RECFIVED � City Attorney MAR 2 U 1984 �?��F�VFr� FE� 17 1�f�# t/Mayo �AYOR'S OFFICE MAR 15 CIT`� ��!���y�Y ` 3 Finance and Management Director 1984 OFFICE pF 7-HE D1RE�l OR 6 _ City Clerk �EPARTMENT pF F ` u get Di rector �� MANAGEl�ENT �qN�E SERVlCES What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):_ Amends the 1983 Capital Improvement Program to include storm sewer in Rose Street from Como Blvd. to Grotto Street. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Rose Street Storm Sewer Project cost is estimated at $200,000.00 Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: Assigns $200,000 from the 1983 Sewer Service Availability Charge Credits (Fund Activity No. 22209) to Rose Street Sewer Project. Page XiX of 1983 program. Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� : 1. Resolution to amend 1983 Capital Improvemerrt Budget 2. Memorandum dated February 6, 1984. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEVJ X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? x Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes x No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reve�se Side for �Instructions) � • • � ► �T d 7 �J✓Jl—� CITY OF ST. PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: Tamsen Aichinger Budget Office 367 City Hall • FROM: Roy E. Bredahl �� Sewer Engineer Department of Public Works 700 City Hall Annex DATE: February 6, 1984 SUBJECT: Rose Street Storm Sewer Project - SAC Credit Fund (22209) Attached to this memo, you will find a resolution to amend the 1983 Capital Improvement Budget to include funding for the Rose Street Storm Sewer project. This project would construct a storm sewer in Rose Street from Como Boulevard to Grotto Street and in Como Boulevard from from Rose Street outletting to Lake Como. This project request has been initiated to coordinate with the proposed 1984 realignment and paving of streets on the southerly side of Como Lake (Gateway Drive Paving Project) . In addition, the recenty constructed parking facility at Como Park Senior High School and the proposed 64 unit housing complex to be built just north of the BN property will create a high potential for problems with the small combined sewer in this area. The paving of Como Boulevard will require storm sewer construction for the roadway drainage and will be included in that project costs. The proposed Rose Street storm sewer project will provide an outlet for the Como Boulevard storm sewer, drainage from the high school area and for future separation in Maryland Avenue. The estimated cost of the Rose Street storm sewer project is $200 ,000 . The entire cost could be financed with SAC credit funds. I would like to request that you bring this proposal to the CIB Committee for their review and consideration. I encourage the approval of this project for funding in 1984 . REB/Ck Attachment - cc: Daniel J. Dunford , �/��y-S 35 I - • ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' = • ` OI�`FICI� OF TFII� CITY COIINCZL �+ M {�{�}YYYOtl !t,: j•+ WYGifQLLlGfIlb ' �`7 Y+l�+B[ll16BB ,. �S �`� Ddte ; April 18 , 1984 i`,n COMMITTEE RE PORT TO = SQint Paul City Council FROM � Cornmirtee on PUBLIC WORKS C F� A I R , CHRIS NICOSIA �%�� � The Public Works Committee at its meeting of April 18, 1984, took the following action: � Hearina: 1 . 4/24/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving SIMCOE, WOODBRIDGE, and MARION STREETS from Atwater Street to Milton Street under the Residential Street Paving Program (RSPP) by reconstructing the roadways. installing new concrete curb and gutter, storm water drainage facilities, a new ornamental lighting system, landscaping boulevards and doing all other work necessary and incidental to this improvement. Recommended approval . 2. RESOLUTION: Amending CIB Budget to provide funding for ROSE STREET STORM SEWER PROJECT. (4- 3-84) . Recommended approval . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102