84-517 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council / CANARV - DEPARTMENT I�}/ '�/J� /%� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• f _`� /I 1 Cou 'l, Resolution Presente By �-.--. Referred To � �_�, Committee: Date �"��7 �� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves Amendment No. 1 to the Hot Water Delivery Agreement between the City, Civic Center Authority and District Heating Development Company (DHDC) dated September 17, 1982, relating to the Civic Center (arena) (C.F. No. 279044) whereby the Initial Demand is reduced from 3304 KW to 2344 KW and the Mayor, Director of Finance & Management Services and Director of Planning and Economic Development are authorized to execute the said Amendatory Agreement on behalf of the City. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays Drew Pla ing & Economic Develo ment Masanz [n Favor NfCOSia scheibei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 4 1984 Fo� pproved b �� Certified P• -s d Cou ci , cr BY By App ov d INavor: Da APR 2 �9a�t Ap o by Mayor for Sub ' s' Council By PUBLISHED M 4Y 5 198� � ' : �� ��f-�'�rl CIVIC C�NTER AUTH0�2ITY OT' TH� CI`1'Y Ol SAINT PAUI, 2375 � RUTF30RITY F2ESOLUTIODI CCA N0. � ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESOLVED, that the Civic Center Authority hereby authorizes its Chairman to execute a�endment to The Hot tVater Delivery Agreement By and Between District Heating Development Company and City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Civic Center Authority dated Septentber 17, 1982, Section 1.4, adjusting the Initial Demand for the Saint Paul Civic Center Arena from 3304 KW to 2344 KW. Authority Yeas Nays FORM APP D BY ��antry, Chairman ('� CITY TTORN �� ✓�;und r �Delaney $Y • Fletcher � G�anovskx APPROV�A BY CCA Kosi: Date (�.- K•K� ��loreen ��[, •ZQ " �Scheibel SY ° ° �,4,s..� '�� cw1�.•�r^i ._..� Swanberg � Chairman, CCA � � ��� ti ,� ` . � �,�,.� �F 1'�1�/7 P.E.D. �EPARTh1ENT wm; G. Pearson �pWTACT 7494 ext. 350 PH�NE ���� �� March 6, 1984 DATE � (Routing and Expinnatia� Sheet) Assi Number for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si ature ���.t,;� �-v..... .' �.,.� r DEpartnient Di rector Ci ty Attorney ��;d 'j 1984 _ RECEIVED ���� r����a���Y s Fi nance and Manag s Di rec MAR 8 - 1984 City Clerk Budget Director MAYOr�'S OFFICE 5 William G. Pearson �lhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on tMe Attached Materials? (Pur�oserRationale�: Authorizes execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Civic Center Arena District Heating Agreement, reducing the "initial demand". Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: This will reduce operating costs during the next 2 years. No capital costs are involved. • Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: N/A Attachments (List and Number all Attachments): l. Resolution for introduction. . 2. Two copies Amendment No. 1 for execution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Cauncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? es � No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No /�/r Yes X No Insurance Attached3 Revision of Qctober, 1982 (SPe RPVPI"CP SidP for �Instructions)