84-512 CITY OF ST.PAUL COLINCIL FILE;NO. �y FINAL ORDER ' gy C�-� ��. " File No. Z"��� �' �"0710�i In the Matter of i�r�►1t0�►i�g S�MCOi, MG01l�ttll�s AN@ NA��� �� 1'r� AtMatlY " Straac t,� ltitt�xa Saraec uad�r th� �sid�+ttsi Str��� �rriw� lro�ra� �: �!?) �► rt�sstsvacia= tlu� r�sdw�rs, iw�alli� �wnr ca�arete sarb and �vttsr, •to� wttr draia�� tsailitiH, a aaw or�eatal li�t- iw� systwr. ��d�+�+�pia� boalsfar�d�r �� dal�� •11 oth�r �ork �aess�ax�7t ;� as�Q iotid+Ntt�l t4 ��i� i�prs�ent. I ._ .. � under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order �� ��� approved � a� O � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and - WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date APR 2 � 198�+ Yeas,�,��� Nays �-} Certified a se Council cret� Fletcher v Masanz �In Favor � NICOSid � Against Scheibel APR 2 7 1gg4 Ma''°r T�desco 1Nilson �UBUSHfD ;:��'�� � 1984 ��' �'��� ; , .. ' d ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � - OIa'FICI� OF TRP: CITY COIINCIL �• � ..�..o�or �°'a. rr�csea�cne . . �;- �y=�sY�Oe : -�; � -� Date ; Apri1 18 , 1984 ,+, :, COMMITTEE RE PORT TO =� Saint PQU I City Council FROM � Commirtee oh PUBLIC woRxs Ck� A I R , CHRIS NICOSIA �%�� � The Public Works Committee at its meeting of April 18, 1984, took the following action: � Hearinq• 1 �4/24/84 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving SIMCOE, WOODBRIDGE, and MARION STREETS from Atwater Street to Milton Street under the Residential Street Paving Program (RSPP) by reconstructing the roadways, installing new concrete curb and gutter, storm water drainage facilities, a new ornamental lighting system, landscaping boutevards and doing all other work necessary and incidental to this improvement. Recommended approval . 2. RESOLUTION: Amending CIB Budget to provide funding for ROSE STREET STORM 5EWER PROJECT. (4�3-84) . Recommended approval . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � � .. _ • �-�'�.-.c--� , ��,��-,-� . . . _ . . .. � � � � Y J . . . � , . � , . � "9�T i I " ' b.� i � �f ' � ST.' PAUL CITY COI�VC'IL ��= ��{-,�r�-��f�► t.� . . . ' . . . � . . . . . ' .� .:� J f _,f'. '�. . PUSLIC FIFARING N�TICE '. '� Pl1BLIC IP1PROVF�J�fT OaVSTRUCTION . . � City Council District �5 District Planning Council 4�6 File No. P-0954G •Dear Pro.perty Owner: , V-0710G r . To decide on whether to proceed with improving SIMCOE, WOOD � .' �� . BRIDGE, AND.MARION STREETS from .Atiwater Street to Milford . � Street under the Residential Street Paving Program by , : reconstructing the roadways, installing new concrete curb and gutter, storm water drainage facilities, a new ornamental :� L�TI� lighting system, �landscaping boulevards, and doing a11 other " � c�ork necessary and incidental to this improvement. r , .� ,� .:i' �. :: . _ ; j� '� 1 �lSey.. . . .: �.:Xa �i: �•':3 . . , , .. . , . . ? �� �� . ' ' . �, ��� , * t • • �r�x Y�� t � �'i��t`�� • , 4:� ' rr ,� , �,r+. ��. . � . t " �������' Tuesday, April 24, 1984, 10:00 A.M. ' :� I'FARING �ity �ounc�l �hambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court Aouse � If the Council approves this project, the estimated construc- . �FINANCING t�on costs and financing for this pro�ect are as follows: ` y�� . ' INFQRMATI�V ' TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $270,200 � �,� ; , f` . . . . . � . S� E � ESTIMATED FINANCING: � r"" �'`°`� 5 ' S�k 1� ' . ' . . . . 'S J} �i . . . - . , . . . . . . '���.. P � `' 1984 Capitai Improvement Budget $270,200 �a -�' > `�.•� • x• TOTAL $27U,200 �'. � ` . � . � . . _ },t�., . . .. . . . ' . . . � � . . ' ''�'r ' � . . . . � ' � . . . �i NO' ASSESSMENTS � ��,I�S � Construction: 292-6277 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute �� , . questions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30- • 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. • � . . . Notice sent `April b, 1984, • . . ' . ' � by the Valuations and Assessment Division, Area to be improved � Department of Finance �� � -. � k � ��� �� � and Management Services . [ ` St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � ,M,� po � —�'""•• � . . R-,. •_ --- • -:: -- -�` -=� -:- �_ , w- -.- : " -.„- ,- -.. .. � ; � ~ � ~ � ; N • J O a m n 1 �- w� Y � �i_i. i/.� < � �� �� � 0 . . �� _ � � ; �� � � 7 '. . w w p . ' . ' � � �ni F'J M�.R'��..� .�« .. � �� ����� . PtEt11[I[BAtY O� `Couocil Fpe Na 14#17—B��iritlflcaHs— Ia the 1,talter t�'�tn��$TM�pg; i NOODBRIDGE. qND jtAg[(�i g�7S from Ahvater Str�e!to![lltord Stm1 ua�r ehe Resideatial �ereet Pavtng Program csar���s:��:+he:;,,�,a.,,� ,,, �nsi�,n;��+t curb an�iutper.et�m vnter dsain�E--C��,a nea ornama�tal ��n[slstem.lendacapbty boulevards and\ dotng all other work eecesaary and incidental to thls impmvemnft. T6e Countll of 4he City of Saint Paul hsvlrg reoeived the report of Ux 2[ayar uppfi the above improvanant, ►pd ddvl6s'c�#idered aaid rePalt.}ut�Y�MOlvex _ 1.That tlu:q�id n�wrl iud the 9atne ls b�+r.Dpruvca,rim no altern.tivea. .na �•c � �.e�a�t u�r i: �rru.soo tlmnced by 19tl.Cqpital Improvem�t.Hua�et Funda. , 4.That�public h��h�l.90 a�ld �t on ths YlLh d�4lat�tll., at t0:60 orleek a.m:�_.��,,�-,v'�:n�moa�of tGe C[t�FIe11�d Court Hous4 Huildia in the City of&aint Paui. S:"'lbat noliee of aaid public hearin` be dv� tfa the {utsons �ud in ihe sa�mer P�1ded bq the Chattar.�t�.�s�: place of fiearing. t�e qatu;e ot tbe �P�mt N�d'!ge total aat'ffiaaof u estim�ted. File No.P-0951-G��-0914G Adopted bY the Cnutpcll tYa�7J.1984. AlSnoved March�9.1984. (Ayd17.19�U