84-499 WNITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COU�ICIl ��,(/, Q CANARV - DEPARTMENT G TY AINT PAUL ��_-( � BLUE - MAVOR ` ��� File N0. / � � � ounc�l esolut ' n r`� 5 l J ` . Presented By � r . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit y Date WHEREAS, it has recently been revealed that there exists a potential heaith probiem at Pigs Eye Sewage Treatment Piant; and WHEREAS, the Metro Waste Contol Commission staff was notified by St. Paul Ramsey Hospital in March of 1982 that this problem existed; and WHEREAS, Metro staff failed to notify the Commission or do anything about the prablem, resulting in serious health problems to not oniy employees of the Metro Waste Control Commission but to Building Trades personnel who were working in the contaminated area; and WHEREAS, the Metro Waste Control Co�nission has now seen fit to allocate $23,000 to give medical exams to ali employees of the Metro Waste Control Commission, but has refused to take any action on the request by the Building Trades to have their personnei examined; and, WHEREAS, this whole medical problem could have been prevented if the staff had responded to the warning of St. Paul Ramsey Hos- pitai ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO�VED, that the St. Paul City Council does hereby go on record strongly urging that the Metro Waste Control Commission take immediate action and give medical examinations to all Building Trades personnel who worked at Pigs Eye Sewage Treatment Plant and were exposed to the silica dust. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher r�a°' A�£W [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ Agal[ISt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 19 198� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya s d ouncil Se ary BY B� � ` �,pR Appro y Mayor for Sub ' si to Coyacil /�ppr � by iVlavor: D te � �- �. �'�� :t � ,��' ,/ t a : �,�,� B � PUBLiSHED APR 2 8 1984