D001010Original- City Clerk Ca�ie3- ,�in. & Mgmt Services Public Works Accourrting Engineer CO CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE • MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 No.: D Date: OL�lt�lt� {j"� I"��fJ ADMtNISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additans which proved to be necessary to the ImprovemerN descr�ed as krwwn as adivdy ra. 29171 , City Project No. I.ametti & Sons, Inc. • :1:•s Contractor, � corry�osed of the folbwing: Aclditionai w not antici�ated in the o'nbinai coniract was required to compiete the project. A significant portion of this additional work was required because of a tunnel realignment and a plan revision which deleted a portian of the project. Most of the deleted work involved repair or rehab of existing tunnels. The deletions exceed the additions. (See attached far breakdown of extra items.J TOTAL $259,890.08 � ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordar�ce w&h the spec�ications in the sum ot $ 259.890.08 , said amour�t to be added to the iump sum consideration named on the contrad, known as Activdy No. 29171 , and which amou�t is to be financed from: F�nancing available in the original contract. swn Man�er ��!%tii <'�// — DirecYor, De rtment of Public Works �r"lf � ��1s t9— �f I� 1 �—� Public Works Coastruction f ..CT.i:Allif3fyl�;�1?:�] OF SIGNA7URE PAGES �p to �r� � ;,;� 8/14/96 GREEN SHEET No. 34 613 ,�-�. wauuoA� p�iruvoar�--� �aa e�-� EPMTMENTOIRECioR �,� o ��. � � �� �cm�rcow�v � c -�-�� �. iltlfilYG r1BlA1['�T�61EC.TOfi r-.iFWSYGT_SFi111CFSi]IWf1'YI/6l 1]F1'1L z i� �tl LaC�iroNS rars s�Gx�nx�> Ap�xoval of Administrative Order for Coni� C�ange Agreement No. l DAVERN OUTLET PHASE A; Ciry Project No. 93-5-8085A Conuactoa: Lamemi & sons, rnc. O ��OEPARTMEMACCOUPff AUG 23 1�l�' ��vaR'S OE�t�'€ FECO�eMENOn7oNSaopae (N o f�ejeu OU PERSONAl3ERYICE CONTRAC7S YUSi AWSINER Tk1E FOLLOWING GUESTIOiS: _PLANNqJGCOFiMISSION_CIVLLSEqVICECOAiYISSpN 1. t�asmisperaonrrrmeverMadcedunderacanaaamrmiadeparunenc? CIB CpAYRTEE _ YES NO A ss�F 2. Has tlus person/fmm ever been a d4' �WM'�? — — YES WO _ wsraicr� _ a. ooes mis persor✓erm possess a swiu nu namaih vossesaed br �r �m �m emaayee? s�waoqiswHNklcouNCx.oB.�crrvE4 vES Mo S@WBf S8p3f3t1q11 ExWW� all y�s a�uwats on �aparW� ahoat and sUaeh to gn�n siw�t INITNTMIG PflOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNffY h�FiO. WHAT. VMEN. WHERE. WH�1: The wnnel alignment was revised w eliminate a significant construction conflict with the Jewish Community Center. The realignment resulted in eztra wak items. Other significant extca work items were added which were required to complete the project Some ezua items consist of repair w� added to the project which we�e not originaily included. However, with a significant reducaon in planned tmmel rehabilitation, E{w overall pro,ject cost is less than the ozigi�l contcxt cost. ADVANTAGES IF MPpOVED: Authorize payment to Conttxtor for wak directed by the Engine�r. AUG 2Q � � OlSAOVANTpGE3 IF APPROYEO: None 04SADV0.NTMaES IF NOT PdR1�VED: Delay in authorizing final payment to the Contracror, REC�mvE� �UG 2 719g� �(TY Ci �Qe� S �25Q,$90-08 COST/REVENUE HIiDGETED (qRCLE ONE) � � '' C: �qcspupcE CSSP acrrvmNUraeeR C42-2T625-0784-29171 FINqNCIAL INFORMATK7N: (��lt� Additional w�2k items =$259,890A8; however deletions exceed addifions. No additional funding needed. ,�.•a.� �falo C� DAVERN PHASE `A' ST. PATJL PR03ECT 93-5-8085A Descrigfion of Extra Work Items The following pazagraphs briefly describe the items of work that were added to the above project after the contract award and the total cost of each item. Ite 1 2: Under Drains 2 79Q.QQ When digging to install catch basins in the St. PauUEdocumbe area, no evidence was found of the subsurface drains shown on the plans. New under drains were installed in the mainline storm sewer trench to help control groundwater. Item 163: Hand Formed Curb Cost Adjustment �! �:: �=�� ° 2 41 . 0 On Field Avenue realigrunent of the storm sewer and additional work for the St. Paul Water Department made it necessary to remove and replace short sections of concrete curb. This work to hand form and pour short sections of curb was not anticipated in the original bid. A cost adjustrnent was necessary to compensate the curb contractor for the additional work. Item 1 A: 156" Deaeration Chamber Cost Adjustment $15.224.85 The Contractor proposed a no cost change order allowing them to instail an equivalent 13' • cathedral shaped deaeration chamber section rather than the proposed 12' chamber. The $132.39 per foot cost adjustrnent is the difference needed to bring the shorter 13' chamber up to the original cost of the 12' chamber. Also, an additional footage of 84" tunnel was added in item #144 to compensate for shortening the chamber. Item 165: Rehabilitate Shaft MHSH-10 at Wheeler and St. Pau1 53 85.00 When the project was designed, the storm sewer lines from Morgan Avenue and the north side of St. Paul were to connect into the new 90" RCP rnnn;ng west to east on St. Paul. When this line was deleted and structure #4 moved to the St. PauUEdgcumbe intersection, these flows had to continue to drain into MI-ISH-10. This shaft had to now be lined for permanent usage. The cos± was negotiated on a lump sum basis. Ttem 66: Tunnel P.I. at Fie1d Avenue $89.571.00 With moving Structure #4 to the St. PauUEdgcumbe intersection, it was necessary to design a 45° bend into the tunnel alignment under the FieldlWheeler intersection. A price was negotiated with the contractor reflecting the greater degree of difficulty in mining and pouring around a bend as opposed to constructing a straight secrion of tunnel. I e 1 7: 24" RCP Sewer at 5t. PauUEdgcumbe 1 440 00 Because of al a�nment changes in the 90" RCP crossing the St. PauUEdacumbe intersection using 24" DIP to go aver the watermain was not necessary. 24" RCP was used instead which . was not in the original bid quantities. �����a • te 1 8: 8" DIP Storm Sewer 6 039.00 8" DIP was needed to construct a catch basin Iead between existing utilities in the northeast quadrant of the St. PauUEdgcumbe intersection. This size and class of pipe was not in the original bid. Ite 1 9� Seeding - Portal to Oudet 2 875.00 No final restoration was planned for this area. The Pazks Department wanted the azea seeded and mulched with a special mixture of seed to prevent erosion. Jordan Sod quoted a lump sum price for accomplishing the work. Item 170: Bale Checks 2� ;� ��� 1 1.00 By the outlet at the river and in several other azeas, erosion control was necessary until groand cover could be established. A price was quoted per bale, staked in-place. Item 171: Hand Rail at Struciure #1 ', ' 1 • 11 At the request of the City, and to comply with Federal Safety Regulations, a price was negotiated to install a handrail around the top of the structure to prevent people from falling into the river. Item 172: Lowered MHSH-3 3.1' to accommodate flow 88. 4 from the 33" RCP at Field and Wheeler • After the project was bid, the base elevation of MF3SH-3 had to be lowered to meet the depth requirements of the Prior/Sheridan Project being constructed west of Davern `A'. The additional excavation was done in rock requiring extra removals not bid into the lump sum price for the shaft. Ite 1 Repair Top 4' on Existing Sanitary Dropshaft on 1 779. 4 St. Paul Avenue at Quirnia When excavating to connect new sewer lines into the existing shaft, the brick cone section was deteriorated and replacement was necessary. The Contractor corrected this deficiency by installing a new eccentric cone and then poured a concrete collar around the connection to the e�sting liner. Item 1 4• Excavating and Recompacting Utiliry Trenches on 974.34 Field Avenue between Wheeler and Edgcumbe The initial density tests on the westerly portion of the street failed. The Contractor re- excavated the trenches and attempted to use additional compactive measures to meet specified density. When recompacting, the in-place soils were too faz over optunum moisture to meet compaction requirements. The trenches were then backfilled and compacted to a visually satisfactory condition. �J i.��I�f� • Item 175: Replace Existing CB#2 and Rebuild Existing CB #4 and 1 2.28 Associated Work on Wheeler at Sheridan and Wardsworth After new catch basin leads were connected into the structures, the City was not satisfied with the condition of the existing catch basins. The Contractor was directed to replace ECB-2 and do additionai c.onective measures on ECB-4. This work was done after the curb and bituminous pavement had bee replaced. Item 176: Rework and Switch MH Casting on ECB-7 on St. Paul Avenue 351.04 In response to a complaint from the property owner, in whose driveway the casting fe11, the Contractor removed concrete and aligned the casting to better conform with the flow line of the gutter. Item 17 : Repair Offset Joint in Existing Box Culvert by Outlet Structure #1 3 121.72 The existing box culvert had to be exposed allowing it to be connected into Structure #1. When exposed, a 1" to 3" crack was found azound the entire perimeter of the cuivert. The Contractor was directed to perform various corrective measures to insure the structural inCegrity of the culvert for the future. Item 178: Verticaily Piumb Up MHSH-5 and Recondition Invert in Existing 7 9.59 Drift at the Norfolk and T.H. 5 Off Ramp When beginning to reline the shaft the contractor found that the upper portion, to the level of • the sanitary sewer, did not line up vertically with the remainder of the shaft down to the storm sewer. Sewer maintenance had requested adding a casting and bolt down cover to the previously solid deck at the invert of the sanitary sewer. If left in the original aiignment, an access cage would not have been able to be lowered from the surface directly into the storm sewer. Also, when lining the sanitary drift, the deck had to be raised 2' to prevent sewerage from ponding behind the weir wall if there was a surcharge in the sanitary line. tem 7: Repair Existing Concrete at the Bottom of MHSH-6 084.25 When working on the shaft, a portion of the existing concrete laner upon which the steel liner was to set was missing. Additional work and forming was necessary to seal off the bottom of the steel shaft liner before pouring and repair the existing concrete liner opposite the sanitary drift. Item 180: Removal of Existing Poured Concrete Lining, Rework Bottom, $12.242.45 and Pour to Set 48" Casing at Edgcumbe and Field After removing the brick top section, the shaft below was found to have a poured concrete liner which was not shown on the plans. Removal of the concrete to enlazge the shaft took additional time as opposed to limestone or sandstone removal. The base elevation of the precast manhole section had to be lowered in rock several feet to pick up a temporary overflow line instalied on the PriorJSheridan project. Also, part of the concrete lining shown on the plans, below the invert of the sanitary sewer, was found to be missing. Additional • fornung work was required so the steel iiner could be grouted in place. l`�JI�f� • Item 1 1: Build a Concrete Deck at Bottom of MHSH-8 for Steel Liner 6 012.77 to Set on at Edgcumbe and St. Paul The void at the bottom of MHSH-8 was lazger than shown on the plan sheet. This, and the need for the storm sewer to the west of the shaft to remain in service, did not allow the bottom of the shaft to be filled to the sanitary invert elevation before the liner was set. It was necessary to build a 10' to 12' wide deck, with an access hole in the center, to set the casing on so it could be grouted in place. . • Item 182• Remove Existing Base and Drift from the Bottom of MHSH 9 4 249.64 and Pour New at W. 7th and Wordsworth When working on the shaft, the concrete invert at the bottom of the shaft was in poor condition as was the section of poured concrete drift leading into the main Lunnel. Both of these azeas were removed and repoured in order to obtain a satisfactory finished product. Item 183: Removal and Repair of the Existing Sanitary Sewer at 5 209.16 MHSH-10 at St. Paul and Wheeler When bidding the relining of the shaft, the Contractor expected to bulkhead an average sized drift to the sanitary sewer. When work began on the bulkhead, the sandstone on either side of the drift was too deteriorated to withstand the pressure of poured grout. The sandstone had to be trimmed back to competent rock and a lazger bulkhead built. The work was done on a time and material basis using an 85% -15% (City-Contractor) cost split based on the total azea of the required bulkhead. Item 184: Removal and Replacement of Curb on Edgcumbe North 2 7 0. 1 of St. Paul Avenue At the request of the apartment manager at #2500 Edgcumbe, the City authorized the replacement of the badly deteriorated curb north up to Morgan Avenue. The removal and preparation work was paid on a time and material basis with the curb and pavement paid at unit prices. Item 185: Remove Street Light Bases on the North Side of W. 7th Street 932.82 from Wordsworth to Wheeler The Contractor was directed to saw out and remove abandoned bases by St. Paul Street Lighting on a time and material basis. Item 186: Remove and Replace Sueet Light Pole and Base on W. 7th Street and Munster 411.13 In order to relay the sanitary sewer under the shoulder of T.H. #5, a street light and base had to be removed and replaced by a licensed electrical contractor. No bid item existed for this work and the removal was not indicated to be incidental. The Contractor was toid to perform the work and submit a billing. 0 �� �� � � • Item 1 7: Excavate to Relocate 6" Water Around Structure #4 1 128.47 at St, Paul and Edgcumbe P,fter relocating structure #4 to the southeast quadrant of the St. PaullEdgcumbe intersection, the 6" waYez Yhen ran through the structure elevation. Two holes had to be dug to allow SY. Paul Water to set up a temporary main to service the hydrant and apartment east of the Fire Station. te 188• Hook-up 12" Underdrain under Existing Pipe, "7.88 St. Paul at Structure #20 When excavating for Struchue #20, a 12" subsurface drain was found running under the 72" combined sewer. Flow in this pipe had to be maintained over the winter until the invert in the strucfure could be poured the foliowing spring. The pipe was temporarily connected over the winter with the permanent piping done in 4he spring. Item 1� Contractor's Amortized Project Overhead $27.910.00 Contractor's amortized project ovezhead associated with the deietion of storm sewer work on Cnaham and Norfolk Avenues. TO'PAL $2s9,890.08 . 15358/exiras.doc .