84-334 M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO• ��_�v� BLUE - MAYOR � Council Re olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that, in accordance with CF 84-71 , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve of the appointments by the Mayor of the following named persons to serve on a special commission to review the role and compensation of Council members, their legislative aides, and the Mayor: Ray Faricy, Chairperson of the Charter Commission Robin Young, Chairperson of the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee Ex-councilman William Konopatzski Ex-councilman George McMahon Ex-councilman Robert Sprafka Jen Hall , representing the League of Women Voters Jack Costello, representing the Citizens League (to be named) , representing the Chamber of Commerce Ray Faricy shall serve as chairperson of this special commission. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �tchB[ o'e'" In Favor Masanz NiCOSfa scnetbei __�__ Against BY �a �ALIlso�r� MAR 13 19�4 Form A ve Cit o y Adopted by Council: Date �, Certifie assed Co c 1 Se tary BY r � By �lppro y Mavor: at � MAR 19 1984 Approved by Mayor for Sub ' sion t Counc�l _ <J�- -�����'��- / B By � PUBLISHED MAR 2 4 �984 , � /� �/ ��'`r-�.i`: ' (`�F �y" ��7 A �� ����,, GITY CiF S,�INT PAUL :e='/' '�"y?<, ����/ 1•�f'? r'0 70 �� ��, OPFICE OF THE MAYOR ^< �iii±�'ri ii �� . Vp' + ^p� � . �,-. 347 CITY HALL SAiIY'x' PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MfAYUR T0: Counc�l president Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer�� - DATE� March 5, 1984 RE: APPOINTMENTS 7� THE SPECIAL COMMISSION TO STUDY SAIARIES QF COUNCIL MEMBERS, THEIR AIDES, AND THE MAYQR Attached is a council resolution naming 7 persons to serve as. members of the special commission to study the role and compensation of Council members, their legislative aides, and the Mayor. As mentioned in my February 27 memo to you, we do not have the name of the person who will represent the Charrber of Commerce but will submit that name to you when we receive it. I am asicing for your consideratian and approval of this � resoiution. Thank you. . GLjim attachment .��,.,9