00-114CouncilFile # Od- Green Sheet# 103132 RESOLUTION CITY qF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refierred To: Committee: Date a� i WHEREAS, the adopted 2000 budget placed $250,000 of the Capital City Partnership city contribution in contingency; and a e WHEREAS, the CCP has provided services to the marketing of Saint Paul for the first half of 2000 and requests funding s for the second half of 2000; and 7 8 9 io WHEREAS, the appropriation must be moved from object code "council contingency" to "contribution to an outside agency", and tt 12 73 ia WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.04 of the c(ty charter, recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget: 15 16 t7 �a 19 zo z� z2 23 za 2s zs 27 za 29 30 37 32 33 sa 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 az FINANCING PLAN: Department of Division GL 050 30108 1401 H/M taxes GL 130 36100 4072 Parking Meters SPENDING PLAN: Department of Division GL 050 30108 0548 Council contingency GL 050 30108 0545 City contribution to outside agency GL 130 36100 0548 Council contingency GL 130 36100 0545 contribution to outside agency All Other Fund Spending Current Budget 150,000 100,000 — 2�00 150,000 0 100,000 0 0 250.000 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to tfie 2000 budget. Adoption Cer[ified by Council Secretary: BY� � ��_�_�.. ��o Approved by Mayor: Dat �(G( 2�� gy: ��� � Change 0 0 0 (150,000) 150,000 (100,000) 100,000 � 0 Requested by Department of: Financial Services Office By: Joe Reid Amended Budget 150,000 100,000 50, 00 0 150,000 0 100,000 Q 25�,0�� Approval Recommended by Budget Director: By:�fl-� bc..��_�,1 --�-�—�— �- Forr By: APP By: Adopted by Council: Date �_�� � a..0p� �— DEPARTMEMIOFF[CF/CO[INCLL DA]E1N1'MTED bO'� I I` F���s� s�.�� os� 02-27-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103132 CON'[ARPENSONkPHONE " O DEPAR'[MEN'fDI1tEROR � QIYCO[INCIL JoeReid, 266-8543 � rn'rnrro�r Q ar�a.�aK MOSfHEONCO[INm.AGFNDABY(DATE) 1 � FRiANQAt_S�tOEE.U@ O FIN.SFAOF£ACCI'G. � �y MA40%(ORA414IANn � '�eY TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[IRE PAGES (CJ IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGI3ATURE) ACIi011 REQUFSTm Approve change to spe¢ding object codes (from commcil conlingency to city contnbution to outside agency)- aECO.mma�wnrnas: n�o.e(w)mR�m(rt7 PERSONAL SIItVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWF.R TEE FOLGOWING QUESTIONS: ev�vrvwccoru.uss�oN _ava5rnvicemnu.nSSCON I.HasNisperson/ScmeverworkedwderaconimctforNtisdepartmwt? � W�mar`EE _ YES NO _p_sra� _ 2.Hazfluspeaov/fumeverbeenacityemploym? DIS]8IC1'NURT _ YES NO sueeox'rs mucx mue�ca os�crrvE+ 3. Dces this persodfirm possess a sldll no[notmailypossessedby any cu}reut ciry employa? YFS NO (Eaplain ailyes answers on separate eheet and attach to green sheet) IM]IAlMG PROBLEM, LSS[IE, OPPOA'IUF�iY (Who, WbaS Q'�4 �ae. WM1Y)' The adopted 2000 budget placed $25Q000 of the appropriation intended as a ciry conhiburion to the Capital City Parinership in the spending object code 0548 - council contingency. The first half payment was to be paid in Jan. 2000. The Capital City Partnexship has pmvided the documentatiun requued for the first payment. ADVANTAGFSIFAPPROVEO: The Paztnership will have appropriation to continue its' work . DISADVANTAGESIFAPPAOV&D. None DISADVANTAGESOPNOiAPPROVEO_ The Paztneiship cazmot be compensated for i4s mazketing efforL �83@a.i'�.�i t'�??�'?{ ��� � � ��� mrncwmoimcox�cnnxsncaoN 25U 00 coscmeve�eaimcera.n�cm�.eaiae.� Yes ao mm�wcso„xce 2000 budget ncrN�rv�unmEn GL - 050 -30108 -0545 Fmn�cw, wFOrsmnno�� (exvtnw� SaiMPeulBUCgetOHi[e (M1:WSERSIBUOGET123�ResdWOkrtes198CCP2.WK4) n-u-v CouncilFile # Od- Green Sheet# 103132 RESOLUTION CITY qF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refierred To: Committee: Date a� i WHEREAS, the adopted 2000 budget placed $250,000 of the Capital City Partnership city contribution in contingency; and a e WHEREAS, the CCP has provided services to the marketing of Saint Paul for the first half of 2000 and requests funding s for the second half of 2000; and 7 8 9 io WHEREAS, the appropriation must be moved from object code "council contingency" to "contribution to an outside agency", and tt 12 73 ia WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.04 of the c(ty charter, recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget: 15 16 t7 �a 19 zo z� z2 23 za 2s zs 27 za 29 30 37 32 33 sa 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 az FINANCING PLAN: Department of Division GL 050 30108 1401 H/M taxes GL 130 36100 4072 Parking Meters SPENDING PLAN: Department of Division GL 050 30108 0548 Council contingency GL 050 30108 0545 City contribution to outside agency GL 130 36100 0548 Council contingency GL 130 36100 0545 contribution to outside agency All Other Fund Spending Current Budget 150,000 100,000 — 2�00 150,000 0 100,000 0 0 250.000 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to tfie 2000 budget. Adoption Cer[ified by Council Secretary: BY� � ��_�_�.. ��o Approved by Mayor: Dat �(G( 2�� gy: ��� � Change 0 0 0 (150,000) 150,000 (100,000) 100,000 � 0 Requested by Department of: Financial Services Office By: Joe Reid Amended Budget 150,000 100,000 50, 00 0 150,000 0 100,000 Q 25�,0�� Approval Recommended by Budget Director: By:�fl-� bc..��_�,1 --�-�—�— �- Forr By: APP By: Adopted by Council: Date �_�� � a..0p� �— DEPARTMEMIOFF[CF/CO[INCLL DA]E1N1'MTED bO'� I I` F���s� s�.�� os� 02-27-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103132 CON'[ARPENSONkPHONE " O DEPAR'[MEN'fDI1tEROR � QIYCO[INCIL JoeReid, 266-8543 � rn'rnrro�r Q ar�a.�aK MOSfHEONCO[INm.AGFNDABY(DATE) 1 � FRiANQAt_S�tOEE.U@ O FIN.SFAOF£ACCI'G. � �y MA40%(ORA414IANn � '�eY TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[IRE PAGES (CJ IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGI3ATURE) ACIi011 REQUFSTm Approve change to spe¢ding object codes (from commcil conlingency to city contnbution to outside agency)- aECO.mma�wnrnas: n�o.e(w)mR�m(rt7 PERSONAL SIItVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWF.R TEE FOLGOWING QUESTIONS: ev�vrvwccoru.uss�oN _ava5rnvicemnu.nSSCON I.HasNisperson/ScmeverworkedwderaconimctforNtisdepartmwt? � W�mar`EE _ YES NO _p_sra� _ 2.Hazfluspeaov/fumeverbeenacityemploym? DIS]8IC1'NURT _ YES NO sueeox'rs mucx mue�ca os�crrvE+ 3. Dces this persodfirm possess a sldll no[notmailypossessedby any cu}reut ciry employa? YFS NO (Eaplain ailyes answers on separate eheet and attach to green sheet) IM]IAlMG PROBLEM, LSS[IE, OPPOA'IUF�iY (Who, WbaS Q'�4 �ae. WM1Y)' The adopted 2000 budget placed $25Q000 of the appropriation intended as a ciry conhiburion to the Capital City Parinership in the spending object code 0548 - council contingency. The first half payment was to be paid in Jan. 2000. The Capital City Partnexship has pmvided the documentatiun requued for the first payment. ADVANTAGFSIFAPPROVEO: The Paztnership will have appropriation to continue its' work . DISADVANTAGESIFAPPAOV&D. None DISADVANTAGESOPNOiAPPROVEO_ The Paztneiship cazmot be compensated for i4s mazketing efforL �83@a.i'�.�i t'�??�'?{ ��� � � ��� mrncwmoimcox�cnnxsncaoN 25U 00 coscmeve�eaimcera.n�cm�.eaiae.� Yes ao mm�wcso„xce 2000 budget ncrN�rv�unmEn GL - 050 -30108 -0545 Fmn�cw, wFOrsmnno�� (exvtnw� SaiMPeulBUCgetOHi[e (M1:WSERSIBUOGET123�ResdWOkrtes198CCP2.WK4) n-u-v CouncilFile # Od- Green Sheet# 103132 RESOLUTION CITY qF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refierred To: Committee: Date a� i WHEREAS, the adopted 2000 budget placed $250,000 of the Capital City Partnership city contribution in contingency; and a e WHEREAS, the CCP has provided services to the marketing of Saint Paul for the first half of 2000 and requests funding s for the second half of 2000; and 7 8 9 io WHEREAS, the appropriation must be moved from object code "council contingency" to "contribution to an outside agency", and tt 12 73 ia WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.04 of the c(ty charter, recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget: 15 16 t7 �a 19 zo z� z2 23 za 2s zs 27 za 29 30 37 32 33 sa 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 az FINANCING PLAN: Department of Division GL 050 30108 1401 H/M taxes GL 130 36100 4072 Parking Meters SPENDING PLAN: Department of Division GL 050 30108 0548 Council contingency GL 050 30108 0545 City contribution to outside agency GL 130 36100 0548 Council contingency GL 130 36100 0545 contribution to outside agency All Other Fund Spending Current Budget 150,000 100,000 — 2�00 150,000 0 100,000 0 0 250.000 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to tfie 2000 budget. Adoption Cer[ified by Council Secretary: BY� � ��_�_�.. ��o Approved by Mayor: Dat �(G( 2�� gy: ��� � Change 0 0 0 (150,000) 150,000 (100,000) 100,000 � 0 Requested by Department of: Financial Services Office By: Joe Reid Amended Budget 150,000 100,000 50, 00 0 150,000 0 100,000 Q 25�,0�� Approval Recommended by Budget Director: By:�fl-� bc..��_�,1 --�-�—�— �- Forr By: APP By: Adopted by Council: Date �_�� � a..0p� �— DEPARTMEMIOFF[CF/CO[INCLL DA]E1N1'MTED bO'� I I` F���s� s�.�� os� 02-27-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103132 CON'[ARPENSONkPHONE " O DEPAR'[MEN'fDI1tEROR � QIYCO[INCIL JoeReid, 266-8543 � rn'rnrro�r Q ar�a.�aK MOSfHEONCO[INm.AGFNDABY(DATE) 1 � FRiANQAt_S�tOEE.U@ O FIN.SFAOF£ACCI'G. � �y MA40%(ORA414IANn � '�eY TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[IRE PAGES (CJ IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGI3ATURE) ACIi011 REQUFSTm Approve change to spe¢ding object codes (from commcil conlingency to city contnbution to outside agency)- aECO.mma�wnrnas: n�o.e(w)mR�m(rt7 PERSONAL SIItVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWF.R TEE FOLGOWING QUESTIONS: ev�vrvwccoru.uss�oN _ava5rnvicemnu.nSSCON I.HasNisperson/ScmeverworkedwderaconimctforNtisdepartmwt? � W�mar`EE _ YES NO _p_sra� _ 2.Hazfluspeaov/fumeverbeenacityemploym? DIS]8IC1'NURT _ YES NO sueeox'rs mucx mue�ca os�crrvE+ 3. Dces this persodfirm possess a sldll no[notmailypossessedby any cu}reut ciry employa? YFS NO (Eaplain ailyes answers on separate eheet and attach to green sheet) IM]IAlMG PROBLEM, LSS[IE, OPPOA'IUF�iY (Who, WbaS Q'�4 �ae. WM1Y)' The adopted 2000 budget placed $25Q000 of the appropriation intended as a ciry conhiburion to the Capital City Parinership in the spending object code 0548 - council contingency. The first half payment was to be paid in Jan. 2000. The Capital City Partnexship has pmvided the documentatiun requued for the first payment. ADVANTAGFSIFAPPROVEO: The Paztnership will have appropriation to continue its' work . DISADVANTAGESIFAPPAOV&D. None DISADVANTAGESOPNOiAPPROVEO_ The Paztneiship cazmot be compensated for i4s mazketing efforL �83@a.i'�.�i t'�??�'?{ ��� � � ��� mrncwmoimcox�cnnxsncaoN 25U 00 coscmeve�eaimcera.n�cm�.eaiae.� Yes ao mm�wcso„xce 2000 budget ncrN�rv�unmEn GL - 050 -30108 -0545 Fmn�cw, wFOrsmnno�� (exvtnw� SaiMPeulBUCgetOHi[e (M1:WSERSIBUOGET123�ResdWOkrtes198CCP2.WK4) n-u-v