84-313 WHITE �- CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE CANAR j- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL F le ci1N0• � _ / �/� �BLUE -MAVOR T s � Or indnce Ordinance N 0. /7//� ._: Presented By �; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance requiring Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history checks on all firefight�r appli- cants prior to permanent appointment. This is an emergency orainance rendered necessary by a sud�en or unforeseen �;ituation affecting life, health, property, or the pu.blic peace or welfare and requiring immediate Council action. i�H�REAS, �he Council of the City of St. Paul believes that -the position of firefighter is one of public trust for which it is appropriate and desizable to require a complete background investigation of firefighter candidates prior to permanent employmenic; and WHEREAS, �the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which nas always processed cx�iminal history checks for the City of S�. Paul, now refuses to conduct any more checks without a CiLy ordinance requiring thaL criminal his�ory checks be made -�hrough the Federal Bureau of Investigation, -thus creating a sudden or unforeseen situation; and WHERLAS, testimony from representa'tives of the Fire Depar'�- znen�t and from �the City' s Administration has established that c.rimirial history chec;cs on tne current lis-t of applican�s availas�le for appointment has not been conducted and ther_e exi_sts in the Cii�y of St. Paul a shoxtage of and an immed?_ate need for firefighters -to safeguard the public health, safe'cy and welfar_e; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher o.� In Favor Masanz Nicosla B scnetbe� Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY --��-��� %"�'''r`GQ�G ���'� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By I WHIYE - CITV CLERK - PINK ' - FINANCE COUI1C11 CANARI-DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL � BLUE �-MAVOR File �0. � �''� 3/3 � � Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. �7��T Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, criminal history checks could not be conducted for at least two months from the date of introduction of a reg- ular ordinance; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That all applicants for the position of firefiqhter have a criminal history check through the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation prior to permanent appointment. SECTION 2 . This ordinance shall be effective upon passage, approval and publication once in the Legal Ledger. COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia a B scheibei A gai n s t Y TedesCo W ilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR '" 8 �98�4 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a o n ' By ��"�" �°' %�Y�:��'e�1�����y By Approved by yor: Date M R — ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By / By � .� Pt����� ���,�? 1'� 1984��� WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY 'OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � _ ��� � r in�nce Ordinance N 0. / `�1�� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An adminl trative ordinanc requiring Federal Bu eau of Invest" ation criminal hi tory checks n all Fire- Fighter appl cants pri to permanent appointment. WHEREAS, the position and title f Fire-Fighter is a position of public trust, and WHEREAS, it is appropriate an desi ble to require a complete back- ground investigation of fire ighter andidates prior to permanent appointment, and WHEREAS, the Federal Bure of Investiga 'on can not process a criminal history check on a fire-fighter less a local ordinance requires a Federal Burea of Investigation iminal history check; now therefore, be it ORDERED, that all app cants for the position o fire-fighter have a criminal history ch ck through the Federal Bure u of Investigation prior to permanent a pointment. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia B scneibei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form A proved y C' Attorney f Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � ' . ? � f%(� � lst ...�'- �o '- �"� 2nd � 3rd Adopted � � - y � Yeas Nays DREW � � �y- 3� � FLETCHER /7��� • . MASANZ NICOSIA ' SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO