84-301 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ��/ � Coun il esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Loomis Protection , 735 Raymond Avenue , whereby Loomis will provide a bullet-resistant motor vehicle to the City ' s Police Department for its usage , subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein , a copy of said agree- ment to be kept on file in the office of the Department of Finance and Management Services . � COUNCILMEN Requested by De e t of: Yeas Nays � ' Fletcher Galles �/G�' Masanz [n Favor Nicosia l � A' sN►.tbet � _ Against BY [�----�.C��'�^��`J Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date '_`A� �U ��o� For pproved by i t y c Certified P•: d by ouncil Se ry BY � � /�pp by Mavor: Dat � � �o`� Appr d y Mayor for Sub s io o Counc By PUBL{SHED M AR 17 1984 . , � ` G/T ���d/ AGREEP.'IENT AN AGREEMEPJT , Dated this lst day of January, 1984 , by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, hereinaf�er referred to as "City" and LOOMIS PROTECTION, 735 Raymond Avenue , Sain� Paul , Minnesota , hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" . 6�IITNESSETH: IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and Contractor as follows: ( 1 ) That for One Dollar ($1 .00) and other good and valuable consideration, the Contractor agrees to furnish to the City' s Police Department a bullet-resistant motor vehicle for said Police Department ' s usage , subject to the terms and conditions as set forth herein. (2) That the Contractor also agrees to furnish to the City various vehicle doors and other materials for the City' s testing as to the bullet-proof or bullet-resistant factor of said doors and materials. (3) That the Contractor will make available to the City, upon the City' s immediate demand, a specific motor vehicle for the City' s usage and it is intended that said usage shall be permitted by the C�ty for the duration of a specific incident requiring the City' s Police Department specialized law enforcement f techniques . . - , � ��_ ���o� (4) That the City ag.rees to save and hold harr�less the Contractor from any and all claims of whatever kind or nature that might arise out of the City' s usaae of said vehicle , reasonable wear and tear accepted. (5) That for the purposes of the administration of this agreement , the Contractor ' s representative shall be the Regional Manager or his designee and the City' s representative shall be the Chief of Police or his designee, who for the purposes of this Rgreement shall designate a specific vehicle owned by the Contrac- tor as the vehicle in�ended for usage under this Agreement . (5) That this Agreement shall continue in force and effect , but may be terminated by either party without cause upon thirty (30) days ' written notice from one to the other. IN T�VITNESS HEREOF trie parties have set their hand the date first above wri�ten. App oved as .'to pxm: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �Jt / � � `� c �., ...._ �-� ; Rssista �City Attorney o ! . , t i- ` - N. ; ' Director, Finance and Manage- -;\, ment Services � � t � � i ) J / � �y!/ �� 1��6. t•�� �';-� Police �Chief r LOOtiIIS PROTECTION By �`�'- � ) �' Its ReQional Mana�er 2