84-290 WHITE - �ITV CLERK PIKK - FINANCE COUIICII /y CANARV -OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL J(' a O BIUE - MAVOR File �O. v� � • Z CIIZCP. Ordinance N O. ��//'7 f Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to Planned Development District and zoning code requirements and procedures ; amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code, sections 60. 730-60. 738 and 61. 105. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Sections 60.730 through 60.738 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same are hereby amended by deleting the same in their entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: 60. 730. PD Planned Development District. 60. 731. Intent. The PD Planned Development District is in en e o permit more flexible and creative private or public development or redevelopment than is possible under standard zoning classifica- tions . Planned Developments shall be harmonious with the general surrounding uses, permitting flexibility in overall development while insuring adequate safeguards and standards for public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare. 60.732. General requirements . Subdivision l. General criteria. Planned eve opmen s s a mee e o owing general criteria: (1) Parcels considered for Planned Development shall contain a minimum of 1.5 acres . � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz N�cosia '� Against BY Scheibel TedesCo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap ro ed by Ci ttorne � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap rove by yo or Submission to Council By By ' � ��- ��-�y� /��f� Page 2. (2) 'I'he PD shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (3) Subdivision of land required by the development shall be concurrent with the rezoning. (4) Except for phased development as described in section 60. 743, all development shall be completed within three years of the effective date of the rezoning action unless specifically extended by the city council. (5) Phasing of development is permitted. The preliminary plan shall indicate development for the total parcel for �urposes of rezoning to Planned Development; fina.l plans for separate phases shall be submitted as amendments prior to execution of each phase. (6) If phasing is used, each phase of the PD shall be able to exist as an independent unit so that the area surrounding the PD can be planned and developed in a manner compatible with the PD. Subd. 2. Procedures fees . Rezonings to Planned eve opmen s a con orm o procedures set forth in section 64.400. Fees for petitions and applications hereunder shall be established by resolution of the city council. 60.733. Procedures . 60. 734. Optional pre-application; sketch plan. Subdivision l. R_equ__e� s_t. Prior to proceeding with a rezoning o PlannecT�evelopment, any person may request a pre-application conference with the office of planning administration to determine the feasibility of the plan; to determine whether or not it complies with the Comprehensive Plan and city requirements and standards ; and to determine scheduling of procedures . Subd. 2 . Pre-a lication re uirements . For z�rposes o pre-app ication iscussions , the applicant shall submit: (1) A site location map showing the relationship of the proposed planned development to surrounding uses and streets . . � Gr 1-- �''y-���, �7�� 7 Page 3. (2) A sketch plan of the proposed planned development showing: (a) Dimensions of the parcel and of individual lots , if included in the PD; (b) Indication of any outstanding physical characteristics of the property; (c) Proposed uses ; (d) Residential densities ; (e) Traffic circulation patterns and off-street parking within the development and relationship to existing streets ; (f) Phasing schedule, if appropriate. 60. 735. Application rec�uir�em���e_nts for rezoning to Planned eve ormen is ric�"�— el�zoning�'o 'p anne evef'pmen�— requires �o reviews and approvals : preliminary plan and f inal plan; these may be combined. Applications shall include the following information unless specifically waived in writing by the planning administrator. 60. 736. Preliminary lan: a lication. Subdivision 1. �Appl�i_c�a_tion requirements . The app ican s a 1 supp�ies o�' zfre�'ollowing : (1) Original rezoning petition certified as sufficient. (2) A survey of the area to be included in the Planned Development (1" = 100 ' scale) . (3) Ground vertical contour intervals of the parcel at intervals of at least two feet; slopes of 12 percent or greater. (4) A preliminary site plan of the area carried out in such detail as to show the proposed land uses , densities , common open spaces , system of collector streets , off-street parking, and internal circulation. The preliminary plan shall include setbacks , building dimensions , landscaping, and elevations . If elevation options are to be offered, that shall be stated. C?F� ,�%y-��i� /7ri7 Page 4. (5) A written summary including a description of the proposed development and modifications in the requirements otherwise applicable to the property, including "Schedule of Regulations ," population densities , and land use intensities. (6) If platting is required, a sketch plan for the proposed subdivision as described in section 67.309. (7) If the planned development is to be constructed in phases , a construction schedule for the completion of each phase. 60.737. Preliminary plan: procedure. Subdivision 1. Applications for rezoning to Planned eve opment s all be submitted to the planning administrator. Applic ations shall include the required fee and 20 copies of the proposal. Subd. 2. The planning commission shall hold a pu"F�Tic�F'iearing and give mailed notice to all property owners within 350 feet of the proposed Planned Development at least ten days before the hearing. Subd. 3. The planning commission shall forward its recommendation to the city council, which shall also conduct a public hearing with mailed notice thereof to all property owners within 350 feet of the proposed Planned Development at least ten days before the hearing. Subd. 4. The city council may approve, deny, or approve with modifications the Planned Development. Approval of the preliminary plan shall be effective for a period of one year; no development shall take place therein unless the final plan is approved and adopted by the city council or the applicant withdraws the rezoning application. Subd. 5. If a final plan is not submitted within one year, the rezoning petition shall be void unless the city council grants an extension. �,�- ��-��ci /7�>'"j Page 5. 60.738 . Final plan. Subdivision l . A lication re uirements . The app icant s a 1 supp y 2 copies o t e ollowing : (1) An a�proved site plan which conforms to the preliminary plan and which includes any modif ications required by the city council. The site plan shall include a detailed construction and landsca�ing schedule, elevations, and, if applicable , elevation options . (2) A preliminary plat if platting is required. (3) Covenants or homeowners association agreements if applicable. Subd. 2. Procedure. T`he planning administrator s z�aZT cause t e inal plan to be reviewed and approved in the manner set forth in section 62.108 . If the final plan conforms to the preliminary plan, meets site plan standards , and reflects all modifications as required by the city council, the planning administrator shall forward it to the city council together with a recommendation for approval or denial. If in the planning administrator's o�inion the fina.l plan does not conform to the preliminary plan or does not meet site plan standards , the planning commission may hold a public hearing and give mailed notice as described in section 60.737 . Subd. 3. Final ap�roval_. The city council shall giv-'e�inal approvaT o�tFie rezoning to Planned Development. Such. approval shall be by ordina.nce. The city council may hold a public hearing. Subd. 4. Plan art of ordinance• recordation• com Tiance. pon approva y t e city counci , e ina plan shall become an integral part of the ordinance creating or amending the PD District and , for Purposes of recordation, shall be referred to as 'Planned Development No. ," which number shall correspond to the number� the amending ordinance. All approved plans shall be filed with the city clerk. Al1 development • � �;`� ��.�y�� 17 fi� Page 6. within the Planned Development shall be in compliance with the final plan as adopted by ordinance unless such change constitutes a minor change as described in section 60. 741. 60. 739. Combinin reliminar and fina.l lans . The app ican or rezoning o anne eve opmen ma.y submit preliminary and final application re quire- ments together for combined review and approval. 60. 740. Re uired f indin s . The plannin� commission an ci y counci s a ma e the following findings in approving a rezoning to PD Planned Development District: (1) The proposed development is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan; (2) The proposed development is designed to provide a desirable and unified environment within its own boundaries ; (3) The proposed uses will not be detrimental to present or future land uses in the surrounding area; (4) The exceptions to the standard requirements in the Schedule of Regulations are ju5tified by the design of the development; (5) The PD or phase thereof is of sufficient si.ze, composition, and arrangement tha.t its construction, marketing, and operation make it feasible as a complete unit without dependence upon any subsequent unit; (6) The proposed development will not create an excessive burden on parks , schools, streets , or other public facilities and utilities which serve or are proposed to serve the PD; (7) The proposed development is consistent with the reasonable enjoyment of neighboring property. 60. 741. Changes in final plan. Subdivision 1. Minor c�ha�n�es . Minor changes in the oca ion, esign,T eme^n�and height of buildings ; landscaping; uses and density; or site plan may be authorized by the planning administrator if required � `fJ� '-` �,/._`�C�!1 s 'r ��/� 7 Page 7. by engineering or other circumstances which were unforeseen at the time the final plan was approved. Subd. 2 . M�a 'o��r chan es . Changes to the final p aTn a�fec i�ng- ensi y, use, and site plan which the planning administrator determines to be a major alteration of the final plan shall require amendment by the city council. Subd. 3. Amendment of the final lan. Amendments to tF e�ina p an may e approve y t e city council, by ordinance, when those amendments are in substantial agreement with the preliminary plan and when those amendments are required by changes in conditions that have occurred since the final plan was approved. In the case of a phased planned development, final plans for phases subsequent to Phase I shall be treated as amendments . The planning commission and the city council sha.11 hold public hearings on amendments to the final plan and shall give mailed notice to all property owners within 350 feet of the PD at least ten days before the hearings . Changes to the final plan shall be recorded as amendments to the recorded copy of the fina.l plan. 60.742 . Failure to com lete the lanned develo ment . eve opmen s a e in comp iance wi e f inal plan. In the event the applicant fails to complete the development, the parcel reverts to its previous zoning classification. 60. 743 . Phasin of lanned develo ment. If a p anne eve opment is to e eve ope in phases , the following requirements apply: (1) The parcel shall be a minim�um of five acres in size. (2) Phases shall. be designed to be capable of functioning as independent units . One phase shall not preclude subsequent development of a parcel in the event the entire PD is not deve loped. ` � ���= �'y-�2 q� 17i�`I Page 8 . (3) Phase I of any PD shall constitute at least one-third of the total PD. (4) In the case of phased development, the entire PD shall be developed within five years of the rezoning unless extended by the city council. (5) In the case of phased develo pment, the city council may accept in lieu of a final plan for the entire PD the following: a final plan for Phase I, a preliminary plan for other phases , and a sc�edule of phasing. Fir�al plans for subsequent phases shall be treated as amendments as described in section 60. 741. Section 2 . That Note (a) to section 61. 105 of the St. Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : (a) The intent of this district is to permit planned development throughout the city which shall be substantially in accord with the comprehensive plan of future land use. In reviewing planned developments , the planning commission el9.e�� may use as guides the standards for the indiv�'�lc.i 'ual districts as set forth in this "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS," Chapter 61. WHITE -,CITV CI.ERK 1 P11`K ' - FINANCE COl1I1C11 �/ n CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL !�f J9 BLUE -MAVOR File �O. �• ^ / D • Or indnce Ordinance N O. 1��r� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 9. Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia �_ Against BY �h�tbs� Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 2 ��O�t Form Approve y City ney Certified P s Co n ' e ry BY By App by Mayor: at � � � �ga�! Approved b ayor fo Submission to Council ��BY PUBLISNED MAR 31 1984 �j� �'y �9v �, 1����� �¢yC1TY °';. CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ����������� 4 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `�m ���� �� � Av' DIVISION OF PLANNING ,.6+ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,5510� 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR January 20, 1984 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: 40 Acre Study - Text Amendments IV City Council Hearing: January 26, 1984 SUMMARY: Text Amendments IV to the Zoning Code bring the City's River Corridor Ordinance into compliance with federal (FEMA) standards and revise and streamline the Planned Development Ordinance to make it a more attractive alternative to conventional zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Approve CITY DEVELOPMENT & TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Approve Dear Sir: Attached are copies of Text Amendments IV as transmitted by the Mayor to City Council in December, 1983. The Plan Brief was circulated through the Early Notification system allowing two months for district council review. This matter is scheduled for City Council public hearing on January 26, 1984. Sincerely, :�►+c,�.�..� �t1�l,�e+�� Donna F. McNeally City Planner DFM/mb _ attachments ' �.. ' , ; . � � ' � . "� G1.�� e�Ef-%2<f.0 : f� � � �� ' � /�//� � � � . . . . , , , . � . . , . � . . . , . a � . _ , , : . , � . . , � . , ,, . - � , , ,� .:, � , _ _ , — � . . , ;Jaa�ary S, 19$4' • , • . , ; � �. . �,� � _ , . , . , , . ; , . , . ;� , , . . , . '�� �l�ri3t�ig Staff , . , . . . t�, �"� ,,: ;''il�hr 8i�r • , City Ha11-Anaex . - � , � , . `� ' ;Da8� $l.YS: . � � .l: : , r . , . ` '`' . ,'Tb� City��COtta¢il sat a date of hear�rg for Jaauary 26, 1984,`.to �coasider ' � � �� ,�, „ ; .�. ' .`:P��1n$ Cv�aerfaraicn �eccmm�r►dationa to �oread tba:soni� code:enti=lsd �. . ,:'�est AQa�dma��s IV,,;�hich` relste to ths River Gorridor an�i P1aan�td , ^� Dav�l�eat.� , , . , ,, , . ,� ,_ . . . , , , 4 . ;9sry `traly youre, : . .. ; . . , � � . . Albert B.` _Olsoa _ . , , r _ Citp Clarlt , , . � ; , , . . ; • /BO.i th . � . � . , � � .�_ i , . - s _ . , - � , ,'' � � � , . . � . ,_ � , ,, , . . , , ' - _ . , - - . , ' . � , , . - � ;, ,, • . � . ; � � . � , , , �, ,, � • � . , � � , . � : �' . . , ' ' ; � � , .' _ 't' . . � , / . . , � ' , � . x.�` , :;•�.` , ,. , , . , , , , � - . • , . , _ � _ � . , . , . ' ' i _ _ ,' _ ' ' . . � .. '��.. . . . . . . " .. . . . , � . . . . ��{ � � . 7 .1. � � � . . .. ' . , . . " . � . . � .. . � _ ..Y . , .. . \ ' . � . . . ' . . . . . . . . . � ., . .. i .. . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . ,. . . : .�-..-- � � �. Z �, `� :� '.-�. C�-;, �4 �F ,��-�9 d �.;._ f�.c t: !�. t ��. . . ot: / 7//7 � l/ � __-� ',� t`L'°�- ��c 347 CITY HALL �� ` � �°_'�" SAINT PAUL, MII�INESOTA 55102 ' GEORGr :.•'-TIP+fER (6Y2) 298-4323 �'i.`'Y'�R � September 1.2, 1983 � �\� '!� � � � f :� Cauncil President Victor Tedesco `_ and Council Nfembers City Ha11 and Courthouse Saint Paul , Minnesota 55T02 Dear President Tedesco and Council Members : I am pleased to transmit TEXT AMENDMENTS IV, the '�Glll i�l in a series of up-dates to the 1975 ZONING CODE, intended to make ii more reflective of current City policies and practices . TEXT kI�fCNQt�iE:diS IV focus�s on two sections of the CODE: the River Corridor and P1arE�ed Development. The River Corridor changes bring the City's regu7atic�^s into c�r�plianc� � witF� federal guidelines set by the Federal EmEi°oencs� +'•�ia�agement Agency (FEMA) and incorporate the official floodp1ain maps �s part of the CODE. The changes in the Planned Development SP_C�1G�: �re tantamount to a new ordinance, streamlined and more flexible, i:r n►ake it a more attractive alternative to conventional zoning approac��es, The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing un TEXT AMEtJDMEN7S IV on August 26, 1983, and, subsequently, an Sepi:ernt,;r 9, 1983, unani- mously approved a resolution recommendirtg ador��:ion. I am transmitting these ZONING CODE amendments a'c i:ri� �'lanning �om-- m�ssion's reguest and with my recommendation for revie+�� and approval . � Sincerely, ��9���� George Latimer Mayo r GL/sb �,3 � � • � �" E _ ^ �. � �i �;��y� o� sain� pau� ���n��ng commission resolu�ian �i4e num�Lr_ - _ � ' � 83-36 da�e September 9, 1g83 � � blHEREAS, Chapter o0 of the SAINT PA!!L LEGISLATIVE CODE provides for updating the ZONING CODE; and '� . LdHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.257(5), the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on August 2b, I983; and � WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical; • . 2.. 7hat a"survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; . '• 3. That a determination has beei� made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed .. are rela�ed to the overall needs of the comJnunity, to existing land uses, and to the plan for future land use, and � ' 4. That pursuant '�o State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has been given in the PIONEER PR�SS A�D DISPATCH on August 12, August 19, and August 26, 1983; P�OW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of �he ZOhIIvG CODE amendments referred to as. Text Amendments IV and pertaining to Planned Development and the River Corridor as attached hereto and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the amendments and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. . . moved by Summers ' s�-ca�ded by Levv _ � in favor ,o � a�a�r�st� ` � _ �/ . lst �— G - ��� � 2nd � .3—/.3 -rS'y . 3rd �_/3�- ,�� Adopted �� ,a� _�'y/ Yeas Nays ' DREW � FLETCHER �� �y�� J� /%//I rras�xz NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO � � � � { 1 r , } y; ' __ ' � ' ' ' , � ' � , ' , PUBltC HEARING DRAFT 1 � ' DIVISIQN OF PLANNlNG • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC OEVELOPMENT • CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANNEX • 25 WEST FOURTH STREET,SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 • TELEPHONE:612-298-4151 � 1 _� � � D D [� D D � � � � � ZONING TEXT ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS IV CHANGES ANALYSIS .� 1. What do the proposed amendments do? I � - Revise Planned Development section to make it a more flexible and attractive zoning aiternative: reduce the minimum parcel size; provide for phased development; streamline the application, review � and approval process. - Bring the River Corridor ordinance into compliance � with Flood Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M A.) standards for floodproofing. L2. Who initiated the amendments? The Planning Commission. � 3. Are the changes timely? Yes. , tCreative development is often discouraged by the eYisting lengthy and complex Planned Development � process. The City's flood insurance is jeopardized by the present River Corridor standards for floodproofing which � � are less stringent than FEMA regulations. • 4. What problems will be solved by the changes? jThe proposed Planned Development standards will permit development of smaller parcels, will allow Lphasing of large projects, and will streamline procedures. Saint Paul's floodproofing standards wil! comply with those of FEMA. � � � DIVISION OF PIANNING • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANNEX • 25 WEST FOURTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 • TELEPHONE: 612-298-4151 � I . �. � 5. What problems might the changes create. � None. � Planned Development will maintain the safeguards of all rezonings: the consent petition and public � hearings. FEMA standards will insure greater protection for structures in the River Corridor. � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING � ' n f int 1 h initi ted r d' � The City Planning Commissio o Sa Pau as a p ocee ings relative to the amendment of Chapter 60 Saint Paul Legislative Code, i.e. Zoning. � Specific texts of the proposed ordinance are on file in the Zoning Section of the City Planning Division, located at the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, l lth Floor, and may be viewed there upon request. • . � The Planning Commission has fixed the 26th day of August at 9:OQ in the morning, in the City Hall Annex Auditorium, 15th Floor, 25 West Fourth Street; � and'at said time and place the Planning Commission will hear all objections and recommendations relative to said•amendments. Liz Anderson � • Chairman City Planning Commission of Saint Paul � � � . 1 � � � ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION � �, 1.1 BACKGROUND Experience in interpreting and applying the 1975 Zoning Code demands that the Planned Development and River Corridor � Sections be revised. Planned Development The Planned Development zone is intended to encourage � greater flexibility in development by permitting mixtures of uses and variances from standard street patterns and building arrangements. Planned Development in Saint Paul � has been limited, partially, at least, because of the existing ordinance: it requires a large parcel (3.5 acres), four public hearings, and a road map to sort out poorly organized require- ments and procedures. � River Corridor The River Corridor requirements for floodproofing are in- ' consistent with and less stringent than those of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), seriously jeopardizing the City's flood insurance program. Recent examples before e the Planning Commission emphasize the need to revise our ordinance. 1.2 PURPOSE AND The amendments proposed here address Planned Development � SCOPE and the River Corridor. Planned Development � This section has been rewritten to include a reduced minimum parcel size of 1.5 acres (about half a city block), simplified procedures requiring only one round of hearings, and expanded � flexibility in use, building, and site standards. This "new" section is intended to encourage planned development as an attractive, contractual alternative to standard zoning. � River Corridor Sections pertaining to floodproofing have been revised to reflect FEMA's minimum standards. � 1.3 METHODOLOGY This report in part varies from the normal text amendment document. The Planned Development section will replace the existing one and so the typical pattern of new language � underlined and old language dashed through has been deleted. In the case of the River Corridor changes, the typical pattern is adhered to. � � ' , � 2.0 PROPOSED REVISION OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ' � 2.1 60.730. PD (Planned Development District) � 60.731. Intent. The PD Planned Development district is intended to permit � more flexible and creative private or public development or redevelopment than is possible under standard zoning classifications. Planned Developments shall be harmonious with the general surrounding uses permitting flexibility in � overall development while insuring adequate safeguards and standards for public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare. � 60.732. General Requirements. Subdivision l. General Criteria. Planned Developments shall , meet the following general criteria: l. Parcels considered for Planned Development shall contain a minimum of 1.5 acres. ' 2. The PD shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Subdivision of land required by the development shall be � concurrent with the rezoning. 4. Except for phased development as described in Section � 60.743, all development shall be completed within 3 years of the effective date of the rezoning act�ion unless specifically extended by the City Council. � 5. Phasing of development is permitted. The preliminary plan shall indicate development for the total parcel for pur- � poses of rezoning to Planned development; final plans for separate phases shall be submitted as amendments prior to execution of each phase. � 6. If phasing is used, each phase of the PD shall be able to � exist as an independent unit so that the area surrounding the PD can be planned and developed in a manner compatible � with the PD. Subdivision 2. Procedures, fees. Rezonings to Planned Develop- � ment shall conform to procedures set forth in Section 64.400. Fees for petitions and applications hereunder shall be established by resolution of the City Council. 60.733. Procedures. � 60.734. Optional pre-application: sketch plan. � � 2 ' � � � Subdivision 1. Request. Prior to proceeding with a rezoning to Planned Development, any person may request a pre-appli- cation conference with the office of planning administration � to determine the feasibility of the plan; to determine whether or not it complies with the Comprehensive Plan, City require- ments and standards; and to determine scheduling of procedures. � Subdivision 2. Pre-application requirements. For the pur- poses of pre-application discussions, the applicant shall submit: � 1. A site location map showing the relationship of the proposed planned development to surrounding uses and streets. � 2. A sketch plan of the proposed Planned Development showing: a. Dimensions of the parcel and of individual lots, if included in the PD; � b. Indication of any outstandin h sical characteristics gP Y of the property; ' c. Proposed uses; � d. Residential densities e. Traffic circulation patterns and off-street parking within the development and rela#ionship to existing � streets. f. Phasing schedule, if appropriate. � 60.735, Application requirements for rezoning to Planned Development: , Rezoning to Planned Development requires two reviews and approvals: preliminary plan and final plan, these may be � combined. Applications shall include the following information � unless specifically waived in writing by the planning administrator. 60.736. Preliminary Plan: Application ' Subdivision 1. Application Requirements. The applicant shall supply 20 copies of the following: � 1. Original rezoning petition certified as sufficient. 2. A survey of the area to be included in the Planned Develop- ment (1" = 100' scale). � 3. Ground vertical contour intervals of the parcel at intervals of at least two feet; slopes of 12 percent or greater. � � 3 , . � 4. A preliminary site plan of the area carried out in such � detail as to show the proposed land uses, densities, common open spaces, syste►n of collector streets, off-street parking, and internal circulation. The preliminary plan shall include setbacks, building dimensions, landscaping and elevations. � If elevation options are to be offered, this shall be so stated. 5. A written summary including a description of the proposed � development and modifications in the requirements otherwise applicable to the property including "Schedule of Regulations", population densities, and land use intensities. 6. If platting is required, a sketch plan for the proposed sub- � division as described in Section 67.309. 7. If the Planned Development is to be constructed in phases, � a construction schedule for the completion of each phase. 60.737. Preliminary Plan: Procedure. 1 Subdivision l. Applications for rezoning to Planned Develop- ment shall be submitted to the planning administrator. Applications shall include the required fee and twenty copies of the proposal. , Subdivision 2. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing and give mailed notice to all property owners within � 350 feet of the proposed Planned Development at least ten days before the hearing. • Subdivision 3. The Planning Commission shall forward its � recornmendation to the City Council which shall also conduct a public hearing with rnailed notice to all property owners within 350 feet of the proposed Planned Development at � least ten days before the hearing. Subdivision 4. The City Council may approve, deny, or approve � with rnodifications the Planned Development. Approval of the Preliminary Plan shall be effective for a period of one year; no development shall take place therein unless the final � plan is approved and adopted by the City Council or the applicant withdraws the rezoning application. Subdivision 5, If a final plan is not submitted within one , year, the rezoning petition shall be voided, unless the City Council grants an extension. 60.738. Final Plan. � Subdivision l. Application requirements. The applicant shall supply 20 copies of the following: � � 4 � , , � 1. An approved site plan which conforms to the preliminary plan and which includes any modifications required by the 1 City Council. Procedures for site plan submission and approval shall conform to those set forth in Section 62.108. The site plan shall include a detailed construction and land- � scaping schedule; elevations; and elevation options, if applicable. 2. A preliminary plat, if platting is required. � 3. Covenants or home owners association agreements, if appropriate. � Subdivision 2. Procedure. The planning administrator shall cause the final plan to be reviewed and approved in the manner set forth in Section 62.108. If the final plan conforms to � the prelirninary plan, meets site plan standards, and reflects all rnodifications as required by City Council, the planning administrator shall forward it to City Council together with ' a recommendation for approval or denial. If in the planning administrator's opinion the final plan does not conform to the preliminary plan or does not meet site plan standards, the Planning Commission may hold a public hearing and give � mailed notice as described in Section 60.737. Subdivision 3. The City Council shall give final approval � of the rezoning to Planned Development. Such approval shall be by ordinance. The City Council may hold a public hearing. � Subdivision 4. Upon approval by the City Council, the final plan shall become an integral part of the ordinance creating or amending the PD District, and for purposes of recordation, shall be referred to as "Planned Development No. ," which � � number shall correspond to the number of the amending ordinance. All approved plans shall be filed with the city clerk. All development within the Planned Development � shall be in compliance with the final plan as adopted by ordi- nance, unless such change constitutes a minor change as described in Section 60.741. ' 60.739. Combining preliminary and final plans. Subdivision 1. The applicant for rezoning to Planned Develop- ment may submit preliminary and final application require- ' ments together for combined review and approval. ' � � 5 � � 60.740. Required Findings. The Planning Commission and City Council shall make the following findings in approving � a rezoning to P.D.: (1) The proposed development is not in conflict with � the Comprehensive Plan; (2) The proposed development is designed to provide a desirable and unified environment within its own � boundaries; (3) The proposed uses will not be detrimental to present � or future land uses in the surrounding area; (4) The exceptions to the standard requirements in the Schedule of Regulations are justified by the design � of the development; (5) The PD or phase thereof is of sufficient size, com- � position, and arrangement that its construction, marketing, and operation is feasible as a complete unit without dependence upon any subsequent unit; , (6) The proposed development will not create an excessive burden on parks, schools, streets, or other public facilities and utilities which serve or are proposed � to serve ttie P.D.; . (7) The proposed development is consistent with the � reasonable enjoyment of neighboring property. 60.741. Changes in final plan. � Subdivision 1. Minor changes. Minor changes in the location, design, placement, and height of buildings; landscaping; uses . and density; or site plan may be authorized by the planning administrator if required by engineering or some other circum- � stances which were unforeseen at the time the final plan was approved. Subdivision 2. Major changes. Changes to the final plan � affecting density, use and site plan which the planning ad- ministrator determines to be a major alteration of the final � plan shall require amendment by the City Council. Subdivision 3. Amendment of the final plan. Amendments to the final plan may be approved by the City Council when � those amendments are in substantial agreement with the preliminary plan and when those amendments are required by changes in conditions that have occurred since the final , plan was approved. In the case of a phased planned develop- ment, final plans for phases subsequent to Phase I shall be treated as amendments. � 6 � � � The Planning Commission and City Council shall hold public � hearings on amendments to the final plan and shall give mailed notice to all property owners within 350 feet of the PD at least ten days before the hearing. � Changes to the final plan shall be recorded as amendments to the recorded copy of the final plan. � 60.742. Failure to complete the Planned Development. All development shall be in compliance with the final plan. In the event that the applicant fails to complete the develop- � ment, the parcel reverts to its previous zoning classification. 60.743. Phasing of Planned Development. � Subdivision 1. General Requirements. If a planned develop- ment is to be developed in phases, the following requirements apply: , l. The parcel shall be a minimum of five acres in size. 2. Phases shall be designed to be capable of functioning as � independent units. One phase shall not preclude subsequent development of a parcel in the event the entire PD is not developed. � 3. Phase I of any.PD shall constitute at least one-third of the total PD. . � 4. In the case of phased development, the entire PD shall be developed within five years of the rezoning, unless extended by the City Council. � 5. In the case of phased development, the City Council may accept in lieu of a final plan for the entire PD the following: a final plan for Phase I, a preliminary plan for other phases, � � and a schedule of phasing. Final plans for subsequent phases shall be treated as amendments as described in Section 60.741. -- --------- ---------------------- ■ ` ' 2•2 61.105. Special Districts. (Footnote to Schedule of Regulations) (a) The intent of this district is to permit planned develop- � ment throughout the city which shall be substantially in accord with the comprehensive plan of future land use. In reviewing planned developments, the planning � commission may use as guides the standards for the individual districts as set forth in this "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS," Chapter 61. � � 7 � 3.0 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO RIVER CORRIDOR ORDINANCE � 3.1 SECTION 60.300 DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED � PROPOSED REVISION SPECIAL DISTRICTS: � ES F�cpressway Service District P-1 Vehicular Parking District � PD Planned Development District �-f iood-Ptain�istrict- �VV-F�oocfwap-f3istric�- � -F-�-�=locdfrirrg�Bistrtct- RC-1 River Corridor Floodway District � RG2 River Corridor Flood Frin�e District RC-3 River Corridor Urban Open District RC-4 River Corridor Urban Diversified District DISCUSSION � This is a correction to reflect current districts. � 3.2 SECTION 62.102 Subd. 4. Nonconforming structures with conforming use. PROPOSED REVISION (2) Should such structure be destroyed by any means to � an extent of more than 60 percent of its replacement cost, exclusive of the foundation; at the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with � the provisions of this code. In the case of the River Corridor, if any such structure � is destroyed by any means to an extent of more than 50 percent of its market value at the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with � the provisions of this code. DISCUSSION FEMA requested that this change be made to conform to ' their standards. � � � � ' , � � 3.3 SECTION 65.101 INTENT (RC - River Corridor District) PROPOSED REVISION Floodway Maps Nos. 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 adopted by the city council, Ordinance No. 16433, the "Flood Insurance � Study" for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration�-, as amended by the Ford Motor Company and Holman Field Studies and the "Flood � Insurance Rate Map" for the City of Saint Paul, prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration,are hereby adopted by referen�e and declared to be a part of this chapter. � DISCUSSION This language officially indicated amendments made to the � River Corridor Maps. 3.4 SECTION 65.103 COMPLIANCE � (p. 330) PROPOSED REVISION Subd. 4. All requests for building permits for new structures or for additions to existing structures which are wholly or � partially located within the RC-1 and RC-2 Districts shall include the mean sea level (m.s.l.) elevation of the first €1� floor (including basement)and the elevation to which � structures or additions to structures will be flood-proofed. (As amended, Ord. 16931, Jun. 15, 1982.) . � DISCUSSION This is a correction of a typographical error. � 3.5 SECTION 65.212 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITION (p. 331)(RG1) � � PROPOSED REVISION (6) Structural works for flood control. . Structural works for flood control include, but are not ' limited to, dams, levees, dikes and flood wa�s walls. In addition, any proposed work in the beds of public waters which will change the course, current, or cross- section of the waters shall be subject to the provisions � of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 105, other applicable laws and the following provisions: � DISCUSSION This is a correction of a typographical error. � � � � � 3.6 SECTION 65.221 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED (RC-2) � NEW SECTION (4) Accessory structures which have a low flood damage � potential and which meet the following requirements: (a) Accessory structures shall not be designed for human � abitation. (b) Accessory structures, if permitted, shall be con- structe an p ace on t i ding site so as to � o er t e minimum o struction to t flow of flood waters. enever possi e, structures shall con- structe wit t e ongitu ina axis para le to t e � irection o 00 ow, an so ar as practica le, structures s a p ace approximate y on the same o0 ow ines as t ose o a �oining structures. � (c) Accessory structures shall be flood-proofed in accordance wit t tate i ing o e. DISCUSSION I The DNR pointed out that not all structures considered accessory � under the Zoning Code would be allowable in the flood fringe (RC-2). This language is from DNR's Sample Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance for Local Units of Government. 3.7 SECTION 65.222 STANDARDS FOR FLOOD FRINGE USES � (p. 334) PROPOSED REVISIONS (3) Buildings, structures and appurtenances used for commercial, � manufacturing, or industrial purposes shall be protected . to the regulatory flood protection elevation by ei#�ier � - construction on fill so that the cellar, basement, or firist floor, if there is no basement or cellar, is above the regulatory flood protection elevation,or-i�rtrtiiizmg �ppr�vet}-fiood�x-oofinrg-consh-ucti�orrto-protecfi-tt�regniat�ory- � -�toar}prbtecticnre�ewation.- Measures shall be taken to minimize interference with normal plant operations during anticipated periods of flooding. � DISCUSSION These changes are to reflect FEMA standards. � Two + (3) are redundant; delete (2). i 1 � � � � 3.8 SECTION 65.222 STANDARDS FOR FLOOD FRINGE USES (p. 334) � NEW SECTION (8) All subdivisions shall have water and sewage disposal systems that comply with the provisions of section 67.000 of this Ordinance and shall have road access both to � the subdivision and to the individual building sites and such access road shall be no lower than two feet below the Regulation Flood Protection Elevation. � 3.9 SECTION 65.223 PRINCIPAL USES SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS (p. 335) (FLOOD FRINGE) � PROPOSED REVISION (1) Where existing streets or utilities are at elevations which make compliance with this chapter impractical or in other special circumstances, the planning commission ' may authorize other techniques for protection of structures. Structures other than residences that ordinarily shall be elevated on fill as provided above may, in special circumstances, be-o#-��ta-ise-�l�e�a�ed-c�r-�e�ec�ec���e--- � -�-�s�a�e�e-�#��egtfl�t��r�ae��r-0tee���ev,�t-�-- be floodproofed to FP-1 or FP-2 classification as defined � the State Building Code. Structures floodproofed � to FP-3 or FP-4 classification shall not be permitted. DISCUSSION , � These changes bring the River Corridor Ordinance into com- pliance with FEMA regulations. � 3.10 SECTION 65.233 STANDARDS FOR URBAN OPEN SPACE (p. 336) � � PROPOSED REVISION ��--f�du��si.c�si.�.�s#�a��-c�#_bg..{�'+�i-i�g�_-�t.00#�ig�s- �-pal€si-g�.s-absug-t-k�t�i-gl�t e�--tk�e-asso�at�s#�r�- sk�a��-aei-be-.{��c�itt�dr , DISCUSSION � Delete (4); sign regulations are found in Section 66.000 � l � 1 � � 3.11 SECTION 65.411 PROTECTION OF SHORELANDS, WETLANDS, AND BLUFFS ` PROPOSED REVISION Subd. 2. Placement of structures � .j1�Nacrwbilehoinn�or_mobile�nme�ai-�shallJ��ermi�ted__ f���ie-R-�ve�£-�c'�f��3i�s�r-ie�.-- DISCUSSION � Mobile home parks are not permitted by the Zoning Code; mobile homes must be regulated as any other single family � home. 3.12 SECTION 65.508 CONDITIONS IMPOSED � PROPOSED REVISION (4) Limitations on period of use and operation; a flood warning system and an evacuation plan. DISCUSSION I DNR pointed out the importance of an evacuation plan and � adequate access roads to individual building sites in case of flooding. � � � � � , � � � � , , � � ._.. ___ � —_ � / I I4 ,���. �� `�,.�.:.. ,��\` ,—_— ,.,� �� �,. , , i<` � .. ., : iddiss�ssiw � , ��,� , :. H3���! �� � {i ,� . ���v/O •�.� ww.. nw. ..� ,,.�+'�"`'!� -,J� �` ..����:f� �..I . � . �.�� _ �;;� - . . ,._. ` _ "' �► � 1 � �� a = ' E• .__.. .. � ' — , -- ��,. - � �,� I, - � OIN �i`� G_ 1 = ' _ d � �... :, ��- � Q p � - 1 • , ` : ,°C�'L►' - Mo: - '. � rt1{i(Q'- . � Q I. W 1! 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Cify Councit F R O M � C o m m i r t e e O h CITY DEVELOPMENT AND 'IRANSPORTATION C H AIR Councilman Bob Fletcher � Letter of Mayor transmitting Planning Commission recomonendations for amendments to the Zoning Code entitled Text Amendments IV which relate to the River Corridor and Planned Development. At its meeting of December 28, 1983, the City Development Committee recom�r►ended approval of amenchnents to the� Zoning Code entitled Text Amendments IV. - - '� CITY HALL SEVBNTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNFSOTA 55102 .��, . � . . ���(�ya ���""'""° CITY OF SAINT PAUL _.....`�*� o�Ly� "�� '•�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j� ui�uu '� �'� �-� %+ ° 1° �� ����;...4��¢`.f. ' ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,,,. V��°'��„m�"��''�`� 386 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER �O� � �j '������ 612-298-4231 MAYOR COUP�C1;1Yl;;iV h,��t.«� r��.�I;NL-K November 10, 1983 Councilman Robert Fletcher Chairman, City Development & Transportation Committee Room 722 City Hall Dear Councilman Fletcher: The City Council today referred to the City Development and Transportation Committee for consideration and recommendation a letter of the Mayor transmitting Planning Commission recommendations for amendments to the Zoning Code entitled Text Amendments IV which relate to the River Corridor and Planned Development. Very truly yours, �� Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:drm cc: Planning Staff „ , �r �� , ��-�q o ,,,r.% '�,�-;., t..� ?�., ” i.;1�" >"'i :� . . ; '.:1C? �� `�.. ' ,1'� . .:�:tc�►: �t� -; �. .. . .�ot: � ; ,:� �.` : ,.l; � �y�� . 947 CITY HALL � ���� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GE01tGf LATIhfER (612) 298-A323 , rIAYOR September ].2, 1983 Council President Vi.ctor Tedesco and Council Members . City Ha11 and Courthouse � � � Saint Pau1 , Minnesota 55102 Dear President Tedesco and Council Members : I am pleased to transmit TEXT AMENDMENTS IV, the fa��t��h in a series of up-dates to the 1975 ZONING CODE, intended to mal;e ii: more reflec�ive af current City policies and practices . TEXT'/�IfGNQNF;yiS IV focus�s on two sections of the� CODE: the River Corridor and Plar�r�ed Develo�ment. ' The River Corridor changes bring the City's r�gulatic�;�s into .coc�plianc� � witfi. federal gui del ines set by the Federal Emei°genc�� ��ianagement Agency , (FEMA) and incorporate the officia1 floodp1ain maps as part of the CODE. The� changes in �the Pl anned Devel opment �ec'�iar: are ta�ntamount � to a new ordi nance, stream1 ined and more fl exi L-,1 e, i:o make i t a more � attr.active alternative to conventional zoning a�proarhes , The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing an TEXT AMEWDMENTS . IV on� August 26, 1983, and, subsequently, an Septeml�,cr 9, 1983, unani- mously approved a resolution recommending adopi:ian. . I am transmitting these ZONING CODE amendments �at '�lir Planning Gom- missionas request and with my recommendation for rcvie�� and approval . " Sincerely., �&9����-- George Latimer � Mayo r � GL/sb . . . ' .r . � . � - � � � . . ' . • - . ' . � . 2 � . � . cF=�°iSn�, � � . ,. - • � � ��-a q n � . -��: �;;ry of sain� pau! � �l�n�ing commissron resolutia� . . ii{e num��r 83-36 ' ' . ' � .(��le ..�eptember 9, 1983 � . - 4lHEREAS, Chapter 60 of the SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE provides for updating the ZONING CODE; and '� , �WNEREAS, pursuant to Minneso�a Statutes 462.257(5) , the Planning Commission did � ho�d a pub1ic hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meet�ng on August 26, 1983; and � � 41HEREAS, the PI anni ng Commi ssi on has determi ned 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical ; • . 2. That a•.'survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; , . •- 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed . are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land uszs, and � to the plan for future land use, and � - 4. Tha� pursuant to �State Statutes proper notice or the hearing has been given in the PIONEER PRESS A�D DI�SPATCH on August 12, August 19, and August 26, 1983; � P�O:•�, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the P1 anni ng Commi ssi on recorr�nends approval of the ZO�IIr'G CODE amendments referred to� as� Text Amendments IV and pertaining to Planned Developmen� and the River Corridor as attached hereto and directs the Rlanning Administrator to forward the .amendments and this resolution to the Mayor , and City Council for their review and action. . . . m��/�d b�/ Summers ' S��Ued ��/. Levv � � in favor ,� . a�ai r�st____� � � � . . � � r ��-.�9� , ` , ��7r�� _ , � . � � . . � . �. . _ �., � . . . .�.``�1�� � � . . � ��� .� :. . �� � ,� . . , � , �. � � ..' �: � , . . . . � . . " . . ,. _ ' ' . . . . t /... - ' . . 1 . , � T ` . , . . . . . . .. .. - - . . . . . . , . . . . . , , � � . . . . 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Cfty Hall . , . , _ Dea* Couacilman Rletche�s , , The �i;tq Council todaq re�erred to� the City Development and ' - , ' � Transportation� Committee for con�siderat3on �d, reconm�ndation' • � �'` --; . - a �ettar .oP the Ma�or tranamitt��g Blat�niag' Comniesion `_ , ," � _ rec�neadstions for amen�en�e to tttm Zoning Code sntitled ' . _ T�xt Am�►ct�eatj Iti ahich ralate to.�tbe Riv�i Ga�rltd�c�astd . � - %` Plataned Denelapm�nt. , � ,. ; ' . Ve�q tru7.y,<youre� , , , � w- � ,'� , ;; � - ' A]:liert 8. �W.�o`n ��, ,, ; � , -� - � . City ,C1ark ' ; , , ; , , � A${�i�lal � ' ' . _ _ - ecs 'PLimn�.ag 3taff . • � , • • � ' . } , , , ; _ . - ` , �,, - � ; � ' � , . _ , . _ _ >, . � . . � F , . , . , _ ; -, i . _ _ , r . �,. � . , , , -, . �' . �. � .' ' '�. f ; . .'; , - ,. � - , , � •` - - ' . 1 _._. i ` � , ,. � . , . • , , , � . � , , � . . . . .:,, ,.. � .F.,' . , ���. . �� _ . . . , � �:.� "..� . � ' • ', _ � . . , , . ':, . � .1� :.� . .. , . . . ..' . . . . . i �... :� . 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' � .. . i _ �� ����q � ����� - s�._ . � ��oF rvsrac es�su�a NoEiee is'4erebY S�ven chat a{nibinc hearing � wAl De held before the City Councll on t6e , i 111��4Y oi�OnaerY.1�4 aj 10:00 oclock A.M. t� �as.Cify `��lt and C��suse.St.Pau1.1[inneaota to �Cbnddd��"ae�endmeats to ffie 3aint 'paul_���Ce� t:hapter Be of the gaiiit�h1taY�sNve Code, e�it}ed Text Am�t4 i'�;'ss tl�y�date ta the River I :Cc�rid�F,�aP�anned Devd�mmt.At sald time atid�2he Council will heas all Pexaoet ielative b thls ProposaC D�stb�J#m�Au'Y 8.�: _ • "=-'�CLBERT B.OISON _ .�„ _ CLtYClerk . •-(Jequ�f7 14�1Sl4) , �.,. .. .'°^�.S.T.__.�'-. .�.. li!' d`� v��(� f7��� ._..._. . . . , µ�f�_ Har�cs oe.��E��a ( 17�e 8alpt Paul Clty.Council wSil rnpduct a �publle hearing m art�eodments to theiloning i Code pertaieint to ttie�River Corridoz and {�PliinnedrBevelopmebt.qd i�n��.�i9B{,at [10:00A.M:fnth�tlifyt?owtt11C3wmblrs.3rd i oor. tY Helt.Seint�aul.Minneaota. i: ALBBRT B.OLSON, Cit�Clerk (Japua�•14;1984) ' ��= �y� o ,c. O.S /��� �/ ��'U �O� �1 I CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: January 6, 1983 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk FROM: Donna McNeall PED RE: CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR ZONING CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS IV Th� City Council voted on January 5 to set a public hearing date of January 26 for the Zoning Code Amendments iV. The following notice should be published in the Legal Ledger at l:east 10 days prior to the public hearing date. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The 5aint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on amendments to the Zoning Code pertaining to the River Corridor and Planned Development on January 26, 1984, at 10:00 a.m. , in the City Council Chamber, 3rd Floor, City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota. � � ��� /9��� G���a ., � ; G'�i �'t J _ e _ �d.. .......le • 8 � —1."�1 �.�a ?.�,:{.F �1� � � # ;',- � f .:� i J � ��1i� r `V` �� `� ' � lst .j � �r �'`� 2nd ' ` .� - /3 —�`7 i ,� - ,7.� -�� � 3rd �"" �S^ ��y Adbpted _ � Nay s k Yeas � DREW �r= ��'� 9/ � FLETCHER ���/� E . � MASANZ � NICOSIA ; SCHEIBEL WILSON . MR, PRESIDENT TEDESCO � �