84-277 WHITE - G7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /} I� CANARV - DEPARTMENT J( / BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ` _�• � � -zoning CO n i Resolution Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date APPROVAL OF COMMERCIAL STREET AODITION WHEREAS, Stavoco Industries have submitted the attached proposed final plat for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, the proposed final plat has been found to meet the requirements of Section 67 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this plat to be described as Corrmercial Street Addition. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletche7 Nays Drew PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Masanz [n Favor � Nicosia � � � �C/ � (�--- sche�be� __ Against BY �� �� Tedesco Wilson �R — � '198f� Form Approv� by City A orney Adopted by Council: Date i Certified P• •s b uncil S tary BY ; i By- � � t�pproved y `r. Date _ —5 198� Appro d b ayor for Submissio to Council sy � �'��'� Bv �� � PUBLISHED P��AR 10 1984 , _ �� ��7� aFn �DEPARTf•1ENT Landa Oi�k.hut �ONTACT _ 7494, ext. 294 PHONE � reen ee February 17, 1984 ppTE � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order ( T���(�Ations for Miayoral Signature): Department Di rector FEB 2 319g4 �' City Attorney AYOR'S OFFICE 3 pi Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Dir�ctor . 1 Deputy Director, Planning ,,�� i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Implementation of Subdivision Regulations Fi_nancial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Fee of $115.00 to cover administrative costs. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nur�er Char�ed or Credited: General Fund A�tachments (List and Number alt Attachments�: 1 . Resolution 2.:. Copy of Pl at 3. Copy of he�ring notice published February 18, 1984. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SPP RPVP1"CP SidP for �Instructions) � / � � 3 � �� ��-a 7� . � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Stavoco Industries for Approval of Plat for Commercial Street Addition, (W. side of Commercial Street south of the Third Street Bridge) . on March l, 1984, at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall. Albert B. Olson City Clerk City of St. Paul . (February 18, 1984) �� �y-��� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZONING T0: Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of Planning District 4 FIL E N 0. SBD � P A G E Review #74 - P U R P 0 S E Approval of plat for Commercial Street addition. L 0 C A TI 0 N West side of Commercial Street south of the Third Street ' bridge. ' PETITIONER STAVOCO INDUSTRIES H E A R IN�G Thursday, March 1 , 1984 io:oo a.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Linda Dickhut or Patricia James) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Notice sent 2-17-84 . , �`— ��`�� .� ,� ST: PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HE� RIIV� NQTICE � ZONING T0: Froperty owners within 350' ; Representatives of Planning District 4 F[LE N0. s8a PAGE Review �74 P u����� Approval of pl at for Commerci al Street addi ti on. �.��;����(y West side of Commercial Street south of the Third Street bridge. P�TITI�NER Si'AVOCO INDUSTRIES . h1EARII�G Thursday, March 1 , 1984 10:00 A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall — Court House Q�E�`J����S Zoning 298-4154 (Linda Dickhut or Patricia James} Contact the Zoning Secti�on of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Notice aent 2-17-84 , . Cr �y��7 NOTICBOF PUSLIC ASAWNG . { T6e 8i�nt Pau!Gitx Coiuneil will cosduct a pubiic t�ea�3ng W cautier the xqnest of Stavqco I�uxtWes for;Aprymt�pl ot�:Plat for Commarial Straet Additiea,.•.(N.�s,i$e of Comme'ciRl Street south o!t#�e 14dtd.Street Bridie�.;�fia�ch i.1984.�R�O:OP l�k�[.fp�the Cttg Cwn��.:nemoecs.�a r wor�City AaLL. ALBERT B.OLSOK. City fkrk ' '_ > . City ef Salnt Paul - (Februnry l8.•t'�-_,: . . .. ..�. j.. - . . i � � _ i - SCALE: I INCH = 60 FEET I � 60 0 60 120 I SCALE IN FEET � - I • Denotes found Judicial landmark o Denotes iron pipe monument set '1 The northwest line of Block 40 is assumed to have, a bearing of N 55°04�30��E. � � I .. ,• ', r , . , �� � ;c „ ,,-�� ,. I � �.< ,.� . , \ � � \ ,, . �I � , . � , ,',�; - .._ ,•-, .- �,. o ��ur�,�,�siP��y .;��:; ,° _ � ,\ \\ ��os� E'xfE,ns,/o `` `_,' \ ,, � ; ��\`� � � � � , � '� � \�/ .... N o/� �h ' -'1; • ^-. , . Ssp e n - e., � ., � r ��` � � \ � . %'g �4 30'e °�th�"esf '• �',C� :�,.-� h (`. � i �' \ � 4 e�y ��ne , L, (,�� �1 � c" ` lq o� •,o�• . Nss�28 pGG e�v 4��� 1O ,.o� ejO�� 90 � / C� �1 •; / /Sp 3j �"rRQ: ��.___ Mos/ nor/her/y corne� j,- / `�..3/� �� � of B/ock 40 / 2ti � �'� � i rr � � ` �,,s°� •' i <. / _ � �`-� � '� � / ;:� - r �� u-� , � . � ,� � � � �., :r� / c=I �' �`1 �`'� ` \ ~ �. � 66 � . / %s / `' � ° \ .� � �� \ / `� ln -� %, N ` r / _\ ��y'•, : �O � ,� � : • ` �.: i, �,%'i;- : � �I �` / 'k' _ _. � I c,� / ''r: i m 6 6 � �`� _ ^ ! � � � ��'�� v � \ o � �''� � l r� ��l � •c I i � � -�_;��- LOT 1 ,� ti " `, � ��-' � �, I ' M ' � � � . / ,., � � � o � � �� �,_) � '�' � ;-- \ � �._ � � , � I � � �.., � ��,. �� �. ��_ '� \� (� ! .,!;?+�yr' ' � �'�': :�:^-• .` � ,-'- .. W�� �fS41°28�0�}VY`"�% :%; ,� in;�.. 120.03� • r� � ' � rn r. � � . . � M^N ,- �.r p �^�� \�._.� \\ ��� CD� !�:� , �ti�:;`,., � �� I �_ �N ����.:� � .0 _\fA:• , r '��l � \ � l����t�`^ r �� �\� `` . �:�_��,•.N� �' .. ..... .,.��SN4�°22 ` '' � � -. ` �� ; ;S41°28'06��W.:I 48°3�,�S F \� � � ;- ; ��1;�„ \ 46.19 .� l Sq/o 3S'Cc 4/9 � o ° "• '� �+:n , , 0 2' 3 , = D �-. , �.i 3 � S,4e 2S 4Y 6�� �'� ' . �� � �I ,� � ,.�,., � � � 3�3s•� 4�g :1:� J I ' ��; t;'/� � (�J ,� �\ �� � F . i�� N �-• i � �� �� ' �4,3 . _O _ , 9 ) •``1 . � \`� V _ � �°p --- i `� z � ��''`'' '' ': 1'�' W 1 -'• \ cp � •.;-...:-. � �� � I oi CA c� M L!i�" _ �:'•(�.7. �.•r�i-•..-� (A I � N i �..�\i?C_ �- --' :�`,�,. .�-�;,` , n�+ �. ° � -' � , ,,,.,_. , _� i-�`n�;. _ � � ��� ��:_ I ♦ — --— -- ---- --- (n� i � . H �1�J LOT 2 � �� , N M o �` I ,�: , CD C :� I .9 :� � � C, � I ��s . :�., U � ;�: i ° - � '�' I o: . .. o � �.,-�� ,;; � . � � ;_ �t` � � I ,_. � �., .�� � ch''-;,<, t<` �� . �.: �.,p� '<; �:r;�, . �, � '��. �;` ,. � ��� � 3 � '+ �� � °� i NO � '�,�%;.���': � •(.,� j e I fn� ' ' 'Ys1,. ' . � � I . I � � � � . JTS that Stavoco Industries, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, ow��er and proprietor of ihe following described property situated in D and 43, vacated Conway Street, formerly Levee Street, vacated Herbert Stree.t, formerty Ames Street, antl vacatetl Canal Street, a SAINT P UL, antl of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 29, Range 22, tlesignatetl on saitl plat of LYMAN DAYTONS �ADDITIOI ioyts Mi II Property, al I tlescribetl as beginning at the most Northerly corner of saitl Block 40; tnence Soutneasterly along the Nor ctension and a long the Northeasterly I ine of said Block 43 antl i ts exte�isio�i a di stance of 685. 72 feet; thence Southwesterly, tlef �tes 00 econds, a distance of 161 . 23 feet; thei�ce Northwesterty, deflecti��g to the right 92 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds, a dis rly, tleflecting to the left 92 degrees 35 mi�ufies 00 seconds, a distance of 11 feet; the��ce Northwesterly to a point on the ezten ie of said Block 40 distant 144 feet Southwesterly from the poi�t of begi��ni�g; thence Northeasterly to the point of beginning, t, iudicial lantlmarks set pursuant to Tocrens Case No. � 11958. ►etl, pla tetl and known as COMMERCIAL STREET ADDITION and does hereby tledicate to the public for public use forever the boulevartl �—.-1tlay nf , 198_. I I. Rutma , it � iregoin instrument was acknowletlgetl before me this tlay of , 198_ , by George J . Rutman of saitl Stavoco Ir �esota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. I I � Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires � - --- - �ify tn t I have surveyed and platted the property tlescribetl in the dedication of this plat as COMMERCIAL STREET ADDITION; that t �urvey; that all distances are correctly shown on the plai; that all monumen.ts have been correctly placetl in the grountl as shown; �ignate on the plat; antl there are no wetla��ds , easements or publ ic highways other than as shown thereon. Harry S. lohnson, Lantl Surveyor , Minn . Reg. No. 5065 �regoin instrument was acknowletlgetl before me this day of , 198._, by Harry S. Johnson, Lantl Surveyor. Notary Public, — Count.y, Min�iesota My Cor�n i ss i on Ezp i r es _ ________________ y Coun i I of the City of St. Pau I , Mi nnes�ta th i s tlay o� , � 98_, _ _ _ _ Yo� B _ Y Clerk on la�tl describetl herein paid, no delinquent taxes antl transfer enteretl, this tlay of , � gg_. _ Di rector By Deputy Laws of 1976, thi s pl at has been revi ewetl and approved, th i s day of , 198_, and the condi tiois of Minn ave b en fulfilletl. F. R. Kvidera, Acting RamsEy County Surveyor �msey, State of Mi inesot a �f CO MERCIAL STREET ADDITION was filetl in tnis office this day of _ , 198_ , at o' clock . M. antl was , as Documen t No. 'i tl e By Deputy � I , 1e.t+nCr�''!� PRESENT that Stavoco Industries, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, owner and proprietor of the following describetl property situai �sota: �cks 40 ntl 43, vacated Conway Street, formerly Levee Street, vacated Herbert Stree.t, formerly pmes Street, and vacated Canal Str ITY OF S INT PAUL, antl of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 29, Range 22, tlesignatetl on said plat of LYMAN DAYTONS �A � and Ho ts Mi II Property, al I describetl as beginning at the most Northerly corner of saitl Block 40; thence Southeasterly along t i ts ext nsion and a lo�g the Northeasterly I ine of said Block 43 and i ts exterisio�i a di stance of 685. 72 feet ; tnence Soutnwesterl ?2 minut s 00 seconds, a tlistance of 161 . 23 feet; thei�ce Northwesterly, deflecti �ig to the right 92 degrees 35 minutes 00 secontls, �westerl , deflecting to the left 92 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 17 feet; thence Northwesterly to a point on the �ly I i��e of saitl Block 40 distant 144 feet Southwesterly from the poi�it of beginni�g; thence Northeasterly to the point of beginn :tl by ju icial landmarks set pursuant to Torrens Case No. � 11958. surveye , plattetl antl known as COMMERCIAL STREET ADDITION and does hereby detlicate to the public for public use forever the boul �d tn i s tl ay n f , 198_. ;orge 1. Rutman, �esitlen The fo egoing instrument was acknowledgetl before me this day of _ , 198_ , by George ) . Rutman of saitl St a Minn sota corporation, on behalf of saitl corporation. Notary �ubl ic, County , Minnesota My Commission Expires �y cert' fy that I have surveyed and plattetl the property tlescribed in the tletlication of this plat as COMMERCIAL STREET ADDITION; said s rvey; that all distances are cnrrectly shown on the plat; that al ! monumen.ts have been correctly placetl in the ground as tly tlesignated on the plat; antl there are no wetla��tls , easements or publ ic highways other �than as shown thereon. I . Harry S. lohnson, Land Surveyor, Minn. Reg. No The foregoing instrument was acKnowle�getl before me this day of , 196_, by Harry S. Johnson , Land Surve j , ' Notary Public, — County, Mini�esota � � My Commi ss i on Exp i r es ______________,_ he City Counci I of the City of St. Paul , Minnes�ta m is day ofi , 198_. ayor By Clerk o� I antl tlescri betl herei n pai d, no del i nquent taxes antl transfer entered, th i s day o f _____ , 198_, Di rector By Deputy ati on �e so t Laws of 1976 , thi s pl at has been revi ewetl and approvetl, th i s tlay of , 198_, and the condi ti ons o n Z, ave been fulfilletl. F. R. Kvidera, Acting Ra�nsey County Surveyor y o f amsey, State o f Mi ��nesot a plat of COMMERCIA� STREET ADDITION was filetl in this office this day of , 198_ , at _—_o' clock—_. M. a Pa e_ , as Documen t No. _____ — BY --- Deputy �r o� Ti tl es I I UNR� i i i i i � SCALE: I INCH = 60 FEET � 60 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET . • Denotes found Judicial landmark o Denotes iron pipe monument set -=.� The northwest Iine of Block 40 is assumed to have, a bearing of N 55°04�30��E. � � `;� , I , � .c � �,^` � \ i , j `� . � � � � \ I h �, � �- - ,, ;. , ,,_�; , .., . ;�, _ s �-� �_- - �; ,,; -. o \ � ou�hk"Di S/er/y `% '�� � \ , �-. ���' I \\ Go°� ex/�nsion i`' �_� , , � �, ��,� \�/ � � ' � , � ... of fh �-�l. ,r-:' � �� \� \ � NSS�� , P �o,�h - •,, �;�: �, h (`� � ,`,�� ` . rg 43 "e w�sr y ' �:�'`� �_.� . N O p� �"'e � � KE<<0 �44�0 � s °` B%� ,,5�• � NSSa GG ° �°-.%P� � 40 o, � z8 s3,� Q pU��vq �..o,.. . / 15�3 RO�. ��_ Mosl norlherly corner � ' �• �••,3/./z,; � of B/oCk 40 �� � O u� / � , s�� f. �� < I _ � ���� °� � W ::� / ,�' � ��`�v'' =o .. / n ' / ` � �\ \ � : ��� ;�� � m � 66 c•' '� f �D o �a �' 1� � � \ . :7' / ln ,'\�� :: / �� N � I � �.y�. : pv � . _� - �� � ���°�-�:,N ' v � .� � . _ : o � �. � �� =;-: ; � 6s �,� / ^ l�.�J' ,,, I � � -.� � � � / _ cD / , % M �`�� C � � � � ,�,;��- LOT 1 `� � , % � '�, \ ``-, � y . - m �; o I � �I ,., � c, '�� \ ) 0� .—� � �-- j . ` ti � � , '�� J �:_ j , , � � �iJ \ � r�.. ` L� \ � �"' ..!��?i�i. :°i`.� I.[) � �W S:L;t/ 1�"�':.�_'�� .�� ��� �� ° r-`' � n � `�� rS41 28'O(i W ' 120.0� in:... 3 r. r'�i � \ , • ' �cv . , ,":-r,�,` � \ i,�� �\ c� �' ;.':e � ��� ` �N �'�����: � � �� ' � ..._\N, ,.• .' ~(.I \ �� �``, 't�� •�. y � `\ �� N4/o\ ''�• � a _� —� :S41 ` ' �' L)�_����r, 028,�„w.:c S4go3jc�?S'F � ` o r- ::����.";n , \` 46.19 •,. l Sg/o2 3S�F 4�9 � Z � �-. , � ++�.; �.. � ,�� S4�o322s'�y 6'�3 \ `" ,, ~�:'- 1' ' �� _: �� � , , ss, 4,9 :,:� J . ! i� � ,� �, , F � � �` '�-. N ,-. ; � �� .� � 439 • � _O _)I ,`�, i �� °� �— -- . � ` �� z O I` ".i"� «�� � w� --' I l0 � `i:...;�.� �L.)i I . M � _�. � .- .''.'.- C_O f � I N �''-C\i�i:.�: t �= rL��--• . � I --` I �•!_i�.;�i�� `•.�_i l\ti�l_:. : �. � , � . .. lL)� �`__ � _— �� � � i I . y� '=-+ I L0T 2 i `> . Y N _ �-- , � o �� ,�; � � •-- � ,� o _ ,� ;. a � � , � �-o . �':�. S -' `'�`s' '�� ;' U �. '�' i o :,-, � o Oi '�' ,! .• � �� �;� ����. ;�(, O .0 I v : '::+, � v�r.� � (,�. � CA'f �t," . (<,` �� I �� i. Q� <, .<;'};�_ ': ' � �� � � `v' .� " � y p ' � � M A��:,, "��` „f; ' ' j � I �O " r, -y',J c�� I