84-251 WHITE - C1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIZRCll . GANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� ��/ � Co �ci Resolution Presented By �� '' �Referred To � 1�Y 1�G��l�=�l'�Cl�l?-- Committee: Date ��"a � Out of Committee By Date NIHEREAS, on February 24, 1983, the St. Paul City Council approved the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) , C.F. 270893; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the NPP is to improve the economic, physical , and environmental conditions in St. Paul 's neighborhoods by allowing neighborhood residents, businesses and property owners to define needs and develop neighborhood programs to meet their needs; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) has received twelve NPP applications for the second cycle of the NPP; and WHEREAS, PED, the Planning Commission, Capital Improvement Budget Committee, and the � Mayor have evaluated the twelve applications and forwarded their recorr�nendations to the City Council ; and - 6JHEREAS, approval of projects at this point means the projects have five months to work with PED to develop detailed agreements about what each partner will do; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the funding priorities and budgets for eight projects as shown on Attachment A (dated 12/29/83) , and the funding stipulations on Attachment B (dated 12/29/83) and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council wis�hes to extend its - appreciation to all the applicants for their time and effort in developinq proposals for the second cycle of the Neighborhood Partnership Program. , BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Damage Deposit Loan Fund be increased from $9,000 to $12,000 and that the additional $3,000 be transferred from CD Year 9 Unspecified Contingency Account 39918-999 to Neighborhood Partnership Program Account 39905-225. . �A COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: y Yeas Fletcher Nays � �e��� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia (� ' Scheibel A gai n s t BY '�+ Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB 2 8 1984 Form Approv c�ti tto� Certified �s y Co nc' . cret BY By A r d by IVlavor: t 'i 1_IF�R — 2 1984 Appr e y Mayor for Submis to Cm�ncil _ By PUBLISHED M��R � � 1984 �" ' _ � • . . (i/= �'S�`�S/ � � ,, ' i city of saint paui � planning commission resofution � ' .; I f ile number 84=0, � (.�ate January 13, .1984 NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM IdHEREAS, the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) stipulates that �he Saint Paul Planning Commission will evaluate NPP applications and transmit its recommendations to the Mayor and City Council ; and I��HEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development has received twelve NPP applications for the second program cycle; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has evaluated the twelve applications in terms of the Comprehensive Citywide and District Plans, Capital Allocation Policies and NPP program selection criteria; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the recommendations it has received from the St. Paul Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee; N04J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning.�Commission recommends the funding priorities idertified in Attachment A and the stipulations in Attachment 6; and BE IT FURTyER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission's Recommendation be transmitted to the Mayor and City Council for their consideration and action. moved by Lanegran � ����2d by Levv in favor ,4 aa�i�st o � � . � x� -+ -+ .-. � �o w � o� cr� w w iv -� � � tn A � • � �-. O i � tD < N IOT . .A .A • • • � (D a � � � � ITI N C7 1" m m p .'O .'� 0 'G f' i-' G - c�+� cv w er �-. •a a c� -� �v ...�. o� �- o o w ti e-r Q �n c�• ta 'v v� -n y cn o n. v � � < 3 0 �c �� �-+ f � � � a -• c�r � -i O s�+ c+ m � �s v� � m su � v, ra m 3 r� 'z �'* o -s c� �n --�o z m rc b -s co �• < � � -s � o �'� c� ��-+ � � ce ..�. ...�. �3 � c � -s < rn � c� �• -s 's �• ! Z m z -s � e+ o -s m --r o. � -r• -s cn o -r. cv a rr �o o � o cn � c.v a w s cr. c+ a. -�• rn �c� c. � x < ro o � -� w -�. < c, � c�. � � � -' O (D � C c+ p J. � .... (p � fD � -� (� (D �C � (D c+ C1 a. 3 C� n �G -G !si p � -+• -' � 'p fD �7 -'• fD � � C� o � a'c rr a 3 -�m ca o -� c� cn o m ni � � � c-r z i � c T� -s w �'* ►-+ c� � � � � o �n a � w cn � cn o+ c. � � cu -s --• � n �v � a �-+� n -.. < s� �-+ �-+ r+ n a �.o, .c� w ar o -� a -� --� .o �n �. �-+ rn v- �.. < � rr .•• z � _ -s o w -s cn -o c+ -�� o v rn �.� �� � o r� v c� o o -s -� r -• � c� -s - �`° o < v c�n vci °' � m ca �. c.°.�.� � + = cn � .•. v � ro � aa m � � �v � -scu `n � � rr � ro c+ � � c�-i-w �,y � � � �. rr Q rp � m � 3 O � —+ � c+ O C7 O -�• C O ('� p. C� f� .r. r+ < -.►� � (� � � -+• fD .y�tC �+. IV �• (D Oi 0. Oi � = n . . � � n � � �� � � ��w1 ��1 C} (� "S . �1. Q •Y d� � � � {A �..1. Q7 ' �/.�• 0 � � . `� � � �� � � � • � Z V � C71 ,.,� O Y • O C7� ? N .P Cn Cn W N -� 01 �T O C � N O i� (7� O cT O N W 00 O O O � � � �� r Y V . . � ��D ` '�' � �q� 0/� � � � � �ry� � Q � � `.ir{n ^ � � V �! 0 0 � � W � . . � � � � � �/� l / � � �O - 0 � � 0 � d � 0 � . o � � '✓ � O � �J O � o T O � n � W �' G7 ""� � _+ ' N ' � . . �f J y J �..J d► •P -�' N "'' c3� cJt N W N �l W 00 3 'S � IV •A .'� CTt 01 CJ� O -' N �,� N CT7 CT7 Rr -�. !�1D � V Y . • V . 'V � �C " O O c71 O. N V O J� W O O O O l'� O� � + O O O O O O O �A t� O O O � � � O O O O O O O O O A O O O �D � O � � Q n �+ � � p ...+. ..� � � • N (N � p A W W �„� fD N N N N W W CJ LJ W J� O r'F ya ? � --' t7i O� OD N A cr V'� tD O � _• ; � � � N� � . O � � 3 N . � 'v � O+ ' y y t,n � � C fD Q � � � O O � � � N Dp�j N eY �--- � � N ' • .TJ � b4 � � � � N J �/i � �I •J "1"1 (7 ^ C7� (J1 Q 'r N � :T J� . '�O � 0 �`1' \ O O Q 111 -P V � O �.! v � � �I o °o o V o°+ i � � � o o � o° o o � �I � �^ 00 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o o a i � G � i � i � �t x- a� � t�i W � V � � � � d � ; , - � �t�achi��ent B � (!,/� �yo?S/ � NPP: 2nd Cycle Funding Stipulations � 1 . Lower Payne Avenue Residential Improvement Program Recommended funding of �97,500 is only for the Housing/Neighborhood Rehabili- tation portion of the proposal . It is recommended that the East Side Neighbor- hood Development Company reapply to the 3rd cycle of the NPP for the "Owner Built" proposal . 2. Physical Rehabilitation on Payne Avenue Recommended fundirg of �150,000 is only for program efforts on the stretch of Payne between Minnehaha and Case. 3. Riverview Social/Physical Improvement The West Side Neighborhood Housing Services should rent or lease equipment for its crime watch program rather than purchase it. , m d; /� ����r +�,.,� �„ ,,,�r-1�1 e t��S--P��T—e n e kl�-�f �--f-t h� 'a�m��p--�I rir r�c i t� a rLrl l . ' 5. St. Anthony Park Central Area Revitalization Recommended funding of $100,000 to exclude any funding for the seti�aer connector to the proposed Luther Place Housing. � r--• f-r i--� tD C� v al C.J� W w N r+ ►-� I I � p . . . . . 1 I . . . � N N . . � � , �F rT1 N C7 r m m O � � � v r r C7 � A� t") ct �-+ '� � "-I SL C/') c� -� � SL �—, �. C� O �' .�. O � O � C� 'S cn fD • � -S � C� cn fD O Q � � � < � � �G tD f � � p '� .-, CD c-+ � O O (� c-f —� � fD N "p !D iL v� < fD '� fD L7 Z Q A� c+ ',� � cn "T �• N � O S < (D 'Z 'S cn '� �. �. � � 'S � � � � -s � �. c� � c, rD � o J rD n, � �+ o v c�. c� o �� a, �+ o a, m �. a. � • z � < �G v fl, � < v � � o rn c, -� � c� � n. c+ m o c� a �+ _ � ro o � -� -� � w o c� � < � o m � � a �. � �. = f m � �. n � � c. �+ � m� a � � c� c� -< -� o � o --� m -a � rv co ro � m � � -{ e, ..-� � r� � co � � � cn o a � c, � ro c� z r+ O � fD C/� c+ � C� < c+ O �n < ? J � �' D N � rr -o < c� -v -� -v b D �o v -o n � �. � a,. CD � fD rii O. 'S 'S � � � N 'O J. � • � O • � G (D fD fD • � � � O � !D O SL O tn 'S tL .�. � -S (D � � ,r < o o� -a � cn o o � r -� c� o • � �-r c� < � � c � m � � c�.� o �• o cn N O �• "a � vi fD Ai �. !p -p LL c-+ � '5 � � � rt � fD N � � A� C� S � s1 3 SL (D Q � J Z 7 c"f c"f �+�G J �p � (/� �. Vi �l "S N � J. 7 � O O O -�• C O. n n- � n N c-f < -h � (7 � � �. (D -5 �. P� CD Cr n. Ci � o c� �+ n � -�' � � � �l � � J• � O �• � � J � • � � �• n 0 �y ,1 � � z J � � � -+• N N �-' N N N N W N N W �-�7 ' � �"�' � C'f C7� Ol tD �-+ N CT7 �D O t0 � �+ N' (D �. • � � � � � � J• � � � � � �"� � J � � J� �-h C") N Ai � � � J � J D � c"� m -� W N O N C") C� O O F-' N n1 W �' '""' n � �. �F c-+ W rl' O J• A . � � � � � � J• � � � � Q N n � � C') O N O � N � C N W W � �-+ W W N W W W W N � c-h N � c� � n J� J• O J. � n � � �} J. � � � 0 �J C� � �' Q J A � � � W W � �-+ r.+ O i-+ r+ N N W W � � � � J• � � � � y .�. V1 7 �.� N O � � fD • � • , I c+ � � c� � - c� fl. n ' N —I � Cl O (� W W W N N N N W W W W W �A O �'+ `� � -P f-+ Cn 61 CO N � U� tn to O 'S iv 3 . . � � 11 m � � OG 3 � � � - . ..�, ti-+ . � \ A � • .A . .� � . ��_ ��a�i . .<,�.,v,...,:::`_ , - CITY OF' SAINT PAUL � =i`C1TT f�„ ... � . ;=�� �,;`��; - LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE � , c° �;•s E ' � %a .Ittllt LI� •s � � • ;� ,���+�t�!' �o . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR — BUDGET SECTlON ������ �C . � . . �.. '•f,., 367 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesnta 55102 � , ,... : `''"�,Q.�� . . ' • 612-293-4323 y f� GEORGE LATIMER � *� , i MAYOR . • �: �- � December 19, 1983 - . TO: Saint Paul Planning Commissibn Mayor George Latimer , = Members of the City Council • ; � � t RE: REPORT OF THE SAII�'T PP.UL LONG-'RA?v'GE CAPITAL ITiPitOVEI'.�I�T BUDGET (CIB) ' ' � CO�IDIITTEE ON CYCLE II NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSI-:IP PROG?2AI°i P_PPLICATIONS ` . , , . ; ' The Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget _ (CIB) Conanittee met on ' ± Decem�-�er 15, 1983 to review applications for Cycle II Neighborhood Partnersh_p Prograri applications. The specific charge of the CIB Co:nmittee is to reviEti pr.oposals for confor•mance with adopted Capital Allocation Policies. In addition, the Committee considered each proposal in liaht of its quality - and its appropriateness for use�of capital improvement dollars. T'r.e Planning Commission rating sheet alloca�es a range of 0 to 3 points for the CIB Corimittee's findings. Three points indicate a very hiah rating; two, a high rating; one, a medium rating, and zero, a low rating. The ratir.g for each proposal follows. In addition, the Cor,mittee report includes some � general recommendations about the program and its guidelines. General Recommendations 1. The CIB Commit�ee recommends that the guidelines for leveraging be ' examined carefully. Of particular cor.cern is the fact that all volunteer labor is evaluated at $10 per hour. Z�nlile labor involved in rehabilitation, etc. may be appropriately valued at $10/hour, serving as block leader, for er.ample, probably is not. 2. Tne CIB Com^�ittee recom*�ends that all revolving funds eventually revert to th� city. t,�hile i • . fund may exist for a number of years, a clea_� sunset date should be esta�lished after �ahich the fund �aill • b� disccntinued. 3. The CIB Cor:_-�ittee is concerned about the peter.tial for a nu;r:�°r of unrelated C1'11T?2 prevcI]tl0^ j�TOOYcfiS ll'l' t.;]G Ci�}'. COOrC:ll;v�10"l Oi t.!"1C.-' �YG�rc3T.^.5 1.S likely t0 prctide J�tOr2 SF:"�'1C�' a't E.'C,L'dl 01 1°SS COSi-. �'.S 3 YESL'1�� t}-IC� CO^':�i11�t:EC }:�S Yc1tE'Ci L�Y(_`�^�c:1S \•'}11C.: c?lE' 1C��1:��'�i'?C f'u:�:u5 for prir�arily CY'1Ti!^ 1'�Y�:V�?1"1t1G:i -�uS Z ].Oi•. P�10Y1t.\'. • , ' • . Report of CIB Committee on Cycle II NPP Applications -2- Deci:mber 19, 1983 RATIP7GS Proposal Score 1. Riverview Social/Physical Improver�ent Project 0 *2. Old Harding Place none 3. T�ower Payne Avenue Residential Improvement Program 3 **4. Eastisde Y��1CA House I•4ove/Facility Im; ::o��ement Project 2 5. Physical Rehabilitation on Payne Avenue 2 6. Lower Rice Street Com.-r.ercial Revitalization 2 7. Labor Education Appr.enticeship Program 0 8. P,ar,isey Hil? P.ssociation Cr�.me Prevention Program 0 *9. Economic Development of Selby/Dale Area none 10. Damage Deposit Loan Fund Program 1 11. St. Anthony Park Central I�rea Revitalization 2 12. East Grand Avenue Comm�rcial Area Developments 3 *IIoth proposals are in conflict wit�: adopted Capital Allocation Policy P4 which states explicitly that fua3s will not be provided to improve facilities to house programs o� services which are not operated and/er maintained by the city in 1984 or 1925. The policy also states that no funds will be provided for mu1Li-service centers in 1984 or I985. As a result, the Co:c�mittee did not rate the proposals. **If this proposal is funded, t'r�c CIB ComirEittee recomm�ncs that financing be in the form of a loan to be re��aid to the city ttihen the home is sold. Q/ � ��'z�:%.Ci � �� � David G. I�IcDonell Chairman cc: J. Zdol1, DPED R. Hammer, DPE� R. Ryan, DPEJ P. F�ic'�ert, DPL'D J. Bellus, DPED �'-�ITE - :i7r CLEqK .'�.NK - FINAYCE � �OURCII �e��e«. - DEP4RTMEtiT (�ITY OF SAINT �AUL File N0. �� �S � Ei'. .1E - MAYOF � � - Co ncil Resolution 1 � // Presented By ���' ' '���� ��/' � � �L �Referred To �- �'1� 17G�'��=� '�r,����� � Committee: Date -� f � Out of Commit ee By Dat I�IHEREAS, on Februar 24, 1983, the St. Paul City Council pproved the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) , C.F. 270893; and WHEREAS, the purpose of he NPP is to improve the e onomic, physical , and environmental conditions in St. Paul 's neigh orhoods by allowing nei borhood residents, businesses and property owners to define needs nd develop neighbor od programs to meet their needs; and WHEREAS, the Department of P1 ning and Econ ic Development (PED) has received twelve NPP applications for the seco d cycle of e NPP; and WHEREAS, PED, the Planning Commiss' n, C pital Improvement Budget Committee, and the Mayor have evaluated the twelve applicati n and forwarded their recommendations to the City Council ; and , - LJHEREAS, approval of projects at t s poi t means the projects have five months to work �,vith PED to develop detailed agre ments ab t what each partner will do; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul ity Council appr es the funding priorities and � budgets for eight projects as sho n on Attachment A (d ted 12/29/83) , and the funding stipulations on Attachment B (d ed 12/29/83) and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that t e Saint Paul City Council wis s to extend its • appreciation to all the appl 'cants for their time and effort 'n developing proposals for the second cycle of the Neighborhood Partnership Program. COUNCIL.ME(V Requested by Department of: - Yeas Fletcher Nays ���°� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia � scneibei A gai ns t BY Tedesco Wiison Form Approv Cit ttor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}• � Approved by Mavor: Date Appr e y Mayor for Submis to C�ncil By _ — BY Kev�sea y� i4�us . - , � (�/� �'S�-�?s i�eighborhood Partnership Program PED USE QNLY Dept. Planning & Economic Development Planning District s Code No. . 25 W. 4th Street Planner-in-Charge ��on St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Technical Support BR__ D H ✓ P i/ v (612)292-1577 � Other • CD ✓ Non CD - RFC�{'�1E:0 ���M � 14$3 � . � NPP APPLICATION ' PLE SE PRTNT OR TYPE � PROJECT NAt•1E: Lower Payne Avenue Residential I�r,proven�ent Prograrn GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBt4ITTING REQUEST _ . NA�4E: East Side Neighborhood Developnient Co�r,pany ADDRESS; 715 F,�gerton St. Paul Minnesota 55?C1 STREET CITY STATE ZIP � TELEPHONE: 771-1152 ' DAYTIME COP�7ACT PfRSON FOR THIS REQUEST: Carol Slavick 7ELEPHONE: ?71-1152 1 . WNAT IS THE PRItdARY PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT? ' Housing Rehab: To provide technical assistance to property owners in target blocks for �the reha� ilitation of their properties; to provide grants to sixty property awners for exterior paint anc rEtainir.g wall in,provecrients; to elin�inate vacant, abandoned and condemned properties in District 5 by purchasing, rehabilitating and selling them. Owner-Bui1t:� For site acquisition and preparation of prop�rf.y which will be the location of the owner built housing. Eight to ten fan,ilies will work collectively tog�ther to construci. these owner built homes. Thi�s is a "sweat equity" progran, to assist your� �'acr•ilies in :'ulfilling thei drea�r, of homeownership. It will take the families approxin,a�ely thirty (3Q) weeks t� construct t.he hocr,es. 2. HOW t�SUCH hPP ��ONEY IS BEING REQUESTED? � 2ee,0�0 3. WHAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD �CONTRIBUTIQ�S? (SEE Pages 6 & 7) � .925,CCC 4. WHAT SPECIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE lIST. • . Housing Rehab: l. Technical assistance provided to property owners: _ �.Design - interior floor plans, exterior in,provements including paint anc� color sche�es. b.Financial - directing owners to C?ty and MHFA loan prograr�.ls, lender identification. e.Building/Construction - rehab inspectfon of hon,es, energy au�its, rehab specificatian(wriLf:E screening anc� se�ection of contractors, assistance with procedure for obtaining City permi�: inspections of rehab work perforrr,ed. - • 2. Exteri:or paint and retaining wall repair grant: 1:3 grant of money to 5C property owners in two targeted blocks. - 3. Acquisitian and reh�bilitation of vacant properties with the intention of selling �hEm. Owner Built: • 1. Site acquisition of Lincoln School site. 2. Renoval of old school foundation. 3. Construction of new retaining wall (to replace the deterior�ted wall on Tedesco). 4. Soil treatment for termites. 5. New curbs, sidewalks and streets for site. . . L,ot�rer Payne Avenue ` � NPP APPLICATION, Page 2 . PROJECT NAME R�G;�Fnt;�i Ir-�rc�v��r��t �_��,� • 5. 4lHAT NEEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACH OF TNE PROJECT'S PROPOSED ACTIVI�fIES (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFERENCE NEEDS FROM EITHER A CITYWIDE PLAN, DISTRICT PLAN, DISTRICT COUNCIL ANNUAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATION GOALS QR OTHER DOCUMENTATION. Housir� Rehab: ImDroved property, pride of ownershio, increased property value, feT�er rr:aintenanc� �xpenses, lower energy costs and elirr,inated envirorur.�ental deficiences. Approx. 6C°� of.hocr,es on targeted bZocks need exterior paint and/or retaining wall repair. Docurrientation: District 5 p�an (1978) - 2� to 50% of har.�es classified substandard. �198C Census District 5 Housing Characteristi� 5�I.2% o:' structures were built before 194e; ��7,9ac is n,e�ian value of owner occupied honies as c� pared to City median of $52,9eo; 39.�% of households have lived in their hor.:�es 1C years or ff:or�. OtNn�r Built: Tax revenues, affordable housing for low and noderate incon,e farr:ilies, in,proved pro perty values, pride in owne�ship, increased nei.ghborhooc� pride. Docurrientation: District 5 198Q Census - Population characteristics: For fan-iily of 4, rr,edian farr,i?y incoir,e W3S $19,527 cor�pare� ' Section 8 Rental Assistance ineorr�e of $15,118, indicating average far.��ily has inco�r:e si ightly abo- Rental P.ssitance, but still below qualifying income needed for horres sold in Family Housing Fun� 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT INTEND TO DIRECTLY CREATE A NEASURABLE INCREASE OF JOBS FOR NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS? YES XX N0 . IF YES, DESCRISE. Hous?ng Rehab: E�NDC will solicite bi�s from subcontractors located in District 5; will utilize the y�uth corps for landscaping, and will hire neighborhood people for odd jobs and paint�ng. a��jer Built: rourty percen� of the construction will be subcontracted out since the partzc=oatin; :'arr,ilies will be doing approximately 60% of the construction work. 7. ATTACN A MAP SH04lING THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC AREA OR SITE IS THE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. See attacheC n,ap. S. ldHO WILL P�IANAGE THE PROJECT? East Side Nei�hborhoo� D�ve?onrr��nt �Cn-�:nar,v DO TliEY HA;'E DIRECT EXPERI�NCE IN MANAGING SIWi?LAR PROJE�iS? YES X,�' NO IF YES, DESCRIBE. �SIdDC has eonsi�erable experience in the areas of new construction, rehab work, :'inancing, workit with contractors, architects, len�ers and the City. In a�dition, the E.SNDC n�ighborhoo�-hased approach insures the inclusion of the n�ighborhooc�s' need� and desires throughout the nroeess. 9. tti'ILL THE PROPOSED PROJECT BE TTED OR COORDIhATED WITH ANY OTNER PROJECT OR PRQGRAM (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? YES XX NO . IF YES,, DESCRIBE, Housing Rehab: 1. Mt. Ida Street rehab is a continuation of ESNDC's efforf,s to iir.prove this blighted area wher� . the Railraad ?'sland townhones were built in 1983 (corner of Mt. Ida and DeSoto). 2. City Rental Rehab Fund. ' 3. C�ty Hone Loan and De�'erred Loan Fund 4. Residential Rehab Loan Prograrr, for Neighborhood Non-Profits. �. Purchase of HUD foreclosed hones in District 5. Owner Built: � 1. I�NSHIP - program grant - • � 2. Railroad Island Nei.ghborhood Plan (ITA)' ' � Lower Payne Avenue ����°�S/ �PP A��PL I CATI ON., Pd ge 3 ' � PROJECT t�AME Residential Irrproven:ent Prc�ram � 10, WILL THIS PROJECT BE COMPLETED IN 2 YRS.? YES XX NO . IF NOT, EXPLAIN HO�rf IT 4lILL BECOI�IE SELF-SUSTAINING b1ITH0UT FURTHER NPP FUNDING? _� 11 . WILL THIS PROJECT RESULT IN INCREASED MAINTE��lANCE Ah0 OPERATIhG COSTS FOR TNE CITY? YES NO XX . IF YES, EXPLAIN NOW THE PRO�ECT WILL PRIVATELY PfiY FOR THOSE COSTS. , , ♦ r'� '!- �t i r` f �e.•, �•��1,�---;Z ' - z C V , La+. . � � . . :. ����y - s.. _ . aP.. , 12. HOW WILL THE PROJECT BENEFIT LOW AND ta0DEr2ATE INCOh�E HOUSENQLDS? . Housing�'Rehab: Technical assistance will be provided free of charge to people who othEr�vise cou�d not afford it;. ESNDC wi?1 act as general contractor and subcontract ot�t the work, thus, re�ucing total costs by approxi�rately 1/3 (the nortr,al markup); houses will be sold to people having low/ raoderate incon,es. Owner Built: The owner-builders will use their "sweat equity" as a dowr� payT-:ent for the horr.��. In addition, their labor will also reduce the cost of the ho:ries �y 25-3�• The elircination of the acquisition an� site preparation costs will result in a d_ecrease in �he cast to the hon:e buyers, thus allowing fan-iilies with low and nioderate incon�es to participate. 13. HOW WILL NEIGHBORHOOD CITIZEN PARTICIPATION BE FOSTERED DURIPSG PRO,�ECT DEVELOPNcE�T AND IMPLEMENTATION? Housing Rehab: There will be two housing rehab task �'orces: One for acquisition o:' vacant hon,es; the other for rehabilitation. Each task force will consist o:' five neighborhood resi�ents an� one or two professionals plus one ESNDC staff person. We are still in the process of recruiting these people. Owner Built: There are also two on-going task forces for this project. The �esign corrsr�ittee tas� :'orce worked on site design criteria and density of housing based on neighborhoad needs, chose aY architect and will give feec�back during design phase. Recruitment/publicity task force w111 recrt farr,ilies for progracr,, develop selection criteria to choose farr,ilies froc� a �ottery and serve as � welco�:ing com.mittee and su�port, roup for the °arr�ilies. E.��NDC will hold several r,eighbornoo� n.eei to diseu s o r d�s �` � T h d �•�lett will b i � e unity. 14. �OEpS� l� ���CT f�LA��(��N�, ��`t�h'II��'�� �9.�I�� �E'S�"�[�0 . ei��',�t`i�T��Y �r� P1Eh1BERSHIP. Housing Rehab: Present mecr:bership - Phil Kormann, Karl Neid, Mike Pennig, Cathy Artrr:strong, Rosie Bostrorrl, Frank DeCarlo, Maureen Jirsa, Eileen Weida, Carol Slavick, Sherrie Pugh. Owner Built: Design Task Force - Ottavio Savina, Virginia Nagle, Ray Peterson, Mary Stuber, Rael� Haga, Angelo Rulli, Rene Ferrise, Lucy Orlando. Recruitn:ent Tasl� Force - present?y being constituted. � . Lower Payne Avenue MPP APPLICATION, Page 4 . PROJECT NAME Resicential Irr:prover.:ent Pro�raz� 15. 1JILL 7HE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER THE RETURt�ING OF NPP FUNDS TO TNE P;EIGHBORF'.00D PARTNERSHIP PROGRAh1 OR THE RECYCLING OF NPP FU(�DS IJITHIN THE PROJECT? YES XX ir'Ot IF YES, DESCRIBE. H�usin Rehab: The $6Q,CC0 used for acquisit?an of 4 to 6 vacant properties will be p?�ced in a revolving l�an fun� an� therefore Fri.11 be recycled. - 'i'�e $9,CCC use@ for s?x $1;500 deferre� down payrnent loans wi?1 be refurned �rhen .the Dt'UD@T'�lES are sold to the next buyers. • � 16. CO(�1PLETE pROGRAM ACTIVITY AND BUD6ET FORMS PAGES 5 AND 8. :_ .hard A. MeCarthv Presi�ent SIGNATURE 0 INDIVIDUA TYPED NAME TITLE OR ROLE DATE � COMPLETIN PPLICATION � , � Sherrie P. Pugh Execuf:i�e Director SIGNATURE F C IEF � CER TY�ED NAh1E TITLE OR ROLE DATE . OR PRESIDEN .�w rv N w tv r � � � � ' � • - • � � � O N O � O c�r N � Q. C� C7' N ; � � � fyD w � D r 'v (�1� N � � (�l� � � b� rn I �',11 1 � I � � O � O O �'� . � 'v c"- � F-�• � c-r C� � � '-h W !D f) < c►- `3 �. cD rr-r • �s � �n x � rrN• N• a3 �• N � � � �. !n.n w N � N �• � v� � � �• �• H � �• � E--� � o � c� c �u w cn :+- c � o �s �s c � :� A A � � c*- �o � e ca ;-�- ►� -s w �s cn cr c� • �• w w rn � su r� � �, r,. ...� c-r W N• ;r � •• ;� cr � �- h+• N• CD tn � � r. �' � ►--' w c+ o .-, �• � o �• _ sz� �s oa � c � a � r�. �-o �• cr- c� n� m c� tr � . a z .�w rv � � w tv ►� c � � � ' � ...�. � � � � o c��- � � a o � n� i � w � m �r• � �- �v � � .� � �s � ' ' rn �„ ►�. �-y cv n �+ -s� _ tl� W C � U� � � GD rn 1 �:/� I � t ?� o � e O �� ..�. r- c'' � F'• !n ci- () � � '-h W fD (3 C ct `5 � • cD ►-, �s � cn x -s cr- N• N• a 3 �• � � � �-�.!n..c� t,� � � � r• � v� c� � c �• �• HC �• � ►-� � o � � cmw �n ;* � � o -s -sc � � a n � � cf �v � e oa -* � -s w � m o- ca • ►�• w s� � �a w r� :r �, �+ � c-r OD N• ;r � • ;D cr � cr 1-�• !-�• C�i w � � c* �' � t--' N c+ o .-. f-'• o r• R� � 'S 00 (� G� � C1. l--� a. 'U F-'- =rt c!� N N cn cT -•. - O O � O c]. 'S N f-'• (D f� ►-�� A� :i'r f'• CT N �• � � ''� � � O f1. fD 0� � F-' I-�• � ct � � r� A� � N US �. � z U) () .�i C]. (D 09 O C9 ct' N C F� C '*� :'' F� c'- CQ �t . e oo N• u: � < �� �' w• ;-r � � e :s ►� ►-y c-r C � R. �-+� [� � cs A� ►�• m b ~s �U� t�tn � � � �' (D 'C7 fJ I-� C `S o O F-' C °C `3 � C� i-+ Ut :-` 00 0 � � e o � �s � c �s � � � � n� r°,' � • •�.•o �s �--v � � � a � � ►�� � � v, w o � � c� -s c �n � �• c� oc� � -s < e o � � � � v, ' o �n m �•� � � N ;-r- �s o �- �u o � o f--� o rn s�, � °� cn � w � swQ. w � v, � � x- � N � 8 O !D CD c�!- � O C" c' ',s,' J� Q�� 'c7 cr c-> � cr �• � � �s � � � o a o o� -s � x s� w su w F-� cr � w G f� �n t-�• N• N• � O �G V! � '� � � (n I--� C]. O 8 'S � ''h � F'• I-� F�• 'S O ►-'• C 1 O � CD � i1� �t- C I--' O ''d � � f+� cr .. Cl. (!� UJ (D !D Sv N• '�"� 'S 1 03 � A� ffr W �• (~D 't7 � �U�! cr 09 � C) "i� O W � A� ~ c�r A> N U1 "S O 3 � f�i.�~ O '��G P� F�• � c-t � F�•'p :1. p . � cn � � • ... C � � W. (�p v C� ~ v � �' N n • f� O lJ1 fJ � :Y cr � O C+� � , `' � O • _ � !D � N f�D � G [aD � � � �� � � � � @ � � � -J � �' ��C N � �.�o f�� � � � �t c1. -+. � �� � �. � � � � O �. � t-t� N 00 �O � �D � � � � � � 00 W tJl c-t � fD - 7�7 'G � z �z � C7 C7 C7 t7 C7 C7 - C7 O N fD� c-F C 7 C� C] C 7 C'� C? C� � � A � w C� c-t J�CC � Z � � (D � tD EA � , � � C7 Z N "-IWJI N � V'i N �1 O F-' � �. a'S • . O�N Vl U7 O C� O l77 n 4 c+�p � 'd q . QO OO C� O O O O O J. � cr� O O Q O O q O O O O Q +--'. (� O O O O Q O O O O � .-�.s �� ' c+ S �.O .� � C'�i O O � p. � N 'Y � � � � N E� Q r � �� • p0 � � Q Q O � z �� � � -v \ I� QO OO O O A N � 0 � 'T • N � 3 tJPP APPLICATION, Page 7 PROJECT NAME Resi�ential Irr.provement Progr�m 8. ESTIhtATED CASH DONATIONS: . � SOURCE 1 . � � 2, S • 3. 9. ANTICIPATED FOUNDATION GRANTS: , � FOUt�DATION(s} 1 . P�ISHIP � �v 25.CCC � 2� S 10. OTHER: EXPLAIN Private lender - $2Zl0,ee�; St. Paul Pro�ress iiousing Corp. - �2o eee• St. Pau? Resi�ential Rehabilitation Loan Program for ldeighborhood Non-Profit� - $5C;COQ _ � ESTIMATED VALUE S 310,000 � TOTi�L NEIGHBORHOOD • CONTRIBUTIANS DECLARATIOK $ 925,CCC. • 11 . WHAT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT THE A60VE DECLARATIONS ARE REALISTIC? Housing Rehab: - 1. Targeted blocks have been identified by local comm,urczty councils as areas most in need � of in�provecr,ent. - 2. ESNDC has staff available with the technical kno�aledge to aysist property o�mers with design, financing, energy and building/construetion nee�s. 3, r�SNDC has received .''rom HUD, :'irst chance to purchase horr:es in D?strict 5. 4. As o.° January, �983, there were 37 vacant homes in District 5 (li�t from City of St_ Paul. A new list will be available January, 1984) Owner Built: 1. The prograrr, will produee 8 homes with a niarket value of at leas� $SC,OCO per house. 2. The program depends on the use of owner-builders in which each faraily will sign a contract to work 3C hours per week for 2o-3e weeks until the houses are corr�pleted. If the fair',zly does not participate, they are taken out of the prograrri. 3. ESNDC has already received funds :'or this program :'ron, MMt�IISHIP and it is known that funding for the project's second.�year wi�l also be received. 7. . ESTIi��ATED S41EAT EQUITY: � P�UMBER OF PARTICI PANTS• 8 families � .AVERAGE 'HOURS/PARTI C I PANT 6CC hours TOTAL NOURS 4, CO TOTAL HOURS x $10/hr. EQUALS 5 48.�C0 . i�Vler ra.y[i� tivc.iiuc NPP APPlICATION, Page 8 . Project Name Residential Icriorover.:en� Progra� Project Budget: Itemize use of NPP Funds : . L1� ��a�rJ , Cost Category Requested PED '� NPR Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* $ 1C,CCC 2. Consultant & Contract Services � - 3. Rehabilitat.ion ' 25,CCC 4. Design � 5. Construction - supervision 1Q,CCC 6. Equipment Housing Rehab: e,00ei 7. � Acquisition �Owner Built: $8c,c0�) 14a,ece 8. Relocation _ 9. Demolition � 10. Other ( * 1 i st) Financin cor�n��traent 6 CC� 11 . De:'erred loans 9,C�C 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ' 18. � 19. ' . 20. � 21 . . ; , 22. . � 23. • � Total � 2ec.cec 5_ - *Attach Job Descriptions . - :f needed, use lines 11 -23 to itemaze categories 1-9. , e ' DISTRICT 5 � � . • � , . � �J�� :L:.�J�" . `"r ��C�''�(-^;� IS � � ; .� ��. 1� ,�...,..�'`. � , �i ;�r" `�I ;::•'` �. �!L�i'I„�-7L� � � . � 1 � .�1... � ^ � � l �.' � ��� �: .���.,���L�.� � + ,� ' �! :� � ;f � ,.���•-*z r--, ,,� s � ' � � '. '� � � 'l__..s'��.." ���� ,aJ������ rN . � c � �tr i'� � �, ' u �;:,' �� ��� ���!L� " \� \ j��� ` ; �I' I� 1t~'��ik� �u�l�� ►A R K \.._ ;�b ' �� � � � � ��` U {� t � � a � � , J �,!� ,� y� �.-,�•� ������,��..,7�—r , � �_�t ; ..�k� N ��� � ���;�r=_ ���� � ' ��J --- � ,. _ __--,f��J�=:JC. �) _�, — J �--� S �, :' � .. .. Ir��LJ�C_�;. 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Sin,s, Arcade, York, Edgerton � Owner Built: Lincoln :cY?ool site - '' ' � . . . //i� �� vTs/ L/ ' � � � G47NER BUILT PROEORMA - � With NPP With NPP/@9�ISEi�IP Gran�* Ianc�: Acquisition $ 38,C�0 Site preparation 28,�00 Survey/plat 3,C00 Eill & compaction 11,0�0 � � � so,eoe Construction: 1,25Q sq.ft. @ $4C- 4CC,COQ (per unit) Contingency 47,coe 447,ece �447,cea $447,coc Architect 24,0�0 Legal 6,�CQ Administration 2�,C00 Appraisals 80Q 54,8eo 54,sco 29,8ce� Fees: _ Insurance 1,OCQ Tools (rental) 4,000 Building permit 2,CC0 Sewer/water 6,4C0 - Soil�test 1,8CQ _ Taxes 1,600 . � 16,8C0 16,8CQ 16,8�G Total Developer:ent Cost $598,6CC $518,6C0 $4q3,6CC Per Unit Cost 74,825 64,825 61,7CC1 Sweat Equity - 3�% (i3,�ie� (13,�ic� (�3,��.e) Mortgage Per Unit $61,415 $51,415 $48,290 � DISTRICT 5 . - • _a � . � ' . =���� _:�:�i:���;:� . �'`"r :��C�'►�(,,,,,,,�� -- . �'! �r- �:�,'••`��,, '�' � ;��_�� � � I ` ` '. .1!l, .r s� _ L^� � �r � . �-�71�.�1 ��< � '� l�� � C ; ��:.(�����.�_,� �����r� > > � ; ; . �__..+,'IL_ ��F� "°"`SU '��C���`; ► N . � e K t I�� ti ,;. 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J�;J�':.��,( . _ �_`..� /' � i -- -`�^'�--�r��_� � i,� �':, 'r�� -'`,:J .,f; '� : �r_c�q� J'•� .: � ��--:--�' �� J�'L'J L.J p� C (�— l��,�,•i � ` �1�� : � =�`�a5 . �' � `,.�`,� —�� t 1 �`;------��r_�� ; i rlk"� � ,, �� ,�`•/:...�T""Yr' S ��rrS� o'� ���� l.���� �`1.::.__ 1�i �, •q._ ' . ,�.. � r--�'^i�': �1 ', %: ''� �_� �-1��'�'4 ��` �! }`- �!�� —_ ` � ~ , � • �r���P ;n._J�~• 'r:� �\.� �.,;Ji—� r-- r--j�-- �-5-' c�-- � .� � �• • � �--� �� �. �f ; . . .�; � J` .� ' ��� ���� .�8;� `'�:��: �. ,l�%µ'IL1 /(e�e � 'r � �;'�- './.y"` /Y���•; ,�'-1' -. (--�t•��� ,�,,� ��—:a,. ''�! �r '_J� f li!�� `��;i�Li_��'} • /� `ij ✓\ �i�����Ar.i �_;_" , . ._. '.:l �'%� �� � :-i•_...�• 1� p.-�-..---��+� •']c�� �• � �/�' —�iTM[7C� �_J ...�.. Q�+. ��' ' �:r�� `�� A�..NYa `+'f�\= � � �� �(/'�� —: N �r . . ?i. � l�, •� 'p° \ .� ���.�(I �� � / � ��`�) Y.' � � Y�_'T _ _ ___��__ �J'�. .'"Yl _ �l j J.A / �v'7 \. �r '�,��� "�.-_. �' .). � � 3Q0 �PDC `x0 lOQO ♦Q04� SODQ,., . `� e SCALL �K I[C7 KEY � n Housing Rehab: Streets: 1. Minnehaha, De�ito, Otsego, Mt_ Ida, Rivoli L� 2. Sin�s, Arcade, York, E�erton � Owner Builf: Lincoln School site , __ �_�� .:..�. � �.., ,.. �. �,;. �. ., ... . _.. _ ,__ .. �,.. ...:_ �.-,.:.r w_...��.:�..,�,....�...�Y,: � w.�..�...�,� _�. .. Gi -�'�aSl ' •� o Nf i.� Yf K � c _/ •.: �, ....�' .��v_�i,tiYt/'�' `T�� _r ' y� �. � .h,-` ,/.\ _.♦ �t' ...� .� �j ��,y3�r�' .T .J S: } ! s� ♦ .Jr � " - w+F�,.s-F'�^s.`n� , ; : ,��','�-'� ;,• �', �. ;,� � ���, , ' �, � �� � •'.y�;�K�r.-w '"`�" . -�t - - ?�dy`?'°'. �` r _ r. " . • _ : � .: . .,. . .: . ... , i. dV a ; 'i ` r -..:.. :. .' .. �'�,' .�, '.i�, ..�f_?I.,,y�„1�i�t . � _.i%:: EAST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT CO.,INC. 715 Edgerton Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 � f612) 771-1152 20 December 1983 Mr. Jim Zdon St.Paul PID City Hall Annex St Paul. NAT 55101 Dear Jim: ESNDC proposes to move the site of the owner built housing program to seattered lots on DeSoto and Beaumont Streets. This move offers several positive advantages over the Lineoln School site: 1 . It utilizes vaeant lots in our target area tha� are owned by the city and ESNDC. 2. It completes ESNDC's plans for DeSoto Street for new housing and complements the townhomes already comple�ed. This move will also assist irr the marketirtg of the townhomes since potential � , owners can be assured that other new housirsg is beirtg immediately planned. 3. It will help spur rehabilitation of existin4g homes in the NPP target area. 4. New construction will be able ta tie into the repavinrg of the streets and the seperation of the sewers scheduled for next year. 5. The lots are close enough for the owner builders to maintain a sense of coir,munity. . Site Contral " Presently, Esndc owns lots 8, the W2 of 7 and 663 D�Soto. The HRA owns 716, 660 and 666 DeSoto. ESNDC has requested designated @eveloper status for these lots from the city as shown by the enclosed letter to Sherrie Pemberton. This written request has followed a long-standin� verbal � comm.ittment from �he city that these lots were being held for ESNDC. The two privately owned lots on Beaumont street contained houses that were severely infested by termites. Bo�h houses were removed unc3er the selective clearance program. Both lots are up for sale and could be quiekly purchased by FSNDC: Replicability # As you can see frr�m the accompanyir� Wall St. Journal article, owner built housing is not a new concept. It has not been tried previously in Minnesota however. This project would be the first of its kind in St. Paul and would serve as a model for oth�r self-help projects in other neighborhoods. ESNDC is able to utilize manuals and resources from other projects around the nation. Our present plan and timelines are all based on the experience of other projects and wi11 allow us to eliminate some time-consuming problems faced by other organizations. After project completion, ESNDC will be able to work with other S�. Paul neighborhaod organizations that may want to try similar pro�jects. Timeline � ' Using DeSoto Street as an alternative site for owner built housing has been under consideration for some time. Already the architects are looking at the sites so that the prelimirtary drawings will not be delayed. The project timeline as previously submitted will not be delayed more tY�n a few raeeks by this change. All pledges for work to be completed for NPP can be secured as before. The enclosed list shows the, names of already interest+ed families that have called for applications in the past weeks. This is in advance of our actual recruitment and advertising. Thank you for your consideration. Sinc y, / , �'J,d�t �.3 3 8, ao-a 2� ` ,�I Q9 - errie Pugh � Executive Direct � /� «�3. '��3• °°t� -- _ � .g � .a��� �� y .���� �� �� - - _ ,��� ._-----"-' �---„ DFSOTO i��T��'G�� �EVELOP��'!VTS MIPd!vEHAHA �l=�a.jJ . { ; — , 's � �. �->. .a-,� �4 . � , � ' l�,f - f ' � F �.�.�i"4��`.i�>. 9.=Yi .r.j� � . � ' I � i t _ . � � rrr. .t�a _._.�� ._---_._._.�.._.._.___ � � . _ �, � Z � E - \ � . , «, r--► f Q ��, -- o � � = , - ;� � � o a H BEAUMCNT �,--__;r_ r .� t Aj�ot 8. � � ;�. W;.ry , � � � � Iot;7 66�, ;' .� � - ' -.:,�.��: I • :.666 `, �. =°�-� ,_ -�F � r 660 � ; � _. - .,:,_ ..� .:� �.. { 0 0 . � G� � O q � � ' �Gi1�$E� � 1 _ _�_ . . - � _ .. , .._ .� . . . _ , . - �' . � - . � •' . � .e � 't�.`. •- ... � s . :•�. - . .• . . . ? �v�rner-Built� I=�busln � Pr o � �ramt .�1 - . � . . . . . _ . . . g . . � . . _ :. ourlshes� �Ts��g,`Swe�,t � uit ' for povvri P�� . � . .: . �. ..- : � . . q Y . ayments � By E�xi C. Grrrrscxatx Jtt ' � • - � • � . ' ,typicalty run out of both time and money;' ertil lights. ?hey've Iearned to d!g founda- � StcjjReporter oj THr;W�c�Srnae�r�o�RVw� says Peter Herman, vice president of Ore- tions. . FORTI.,�►IYD. Ore.—It seemed out ot the pour concrete,erect wood-frame waIls gon Pioneer Savings & Loan. •"The do-it- . and lay insulaifon. They spend oNy IO°'e of question thaC,John artd Susan Rough, a yourselfer ends'up moving into an unfin-' their time on their own homes. young couple wlth a combined yearly in- ished house, and the lender is stucR wich $gven-Day Woik WeekS � � come of 517,000�could ever afford their own lousy collateral for his loan." home. John. ZB.years old, a college student • • � ° Wes'Hadley.a 32•year-oid food-packaging and greenho�se employee, an�Susan, 29, a But under the corporation's ownerbuiit employee, works a four-day. 10-hour-a-day � � security guard, have no sa�rings. and theyr Program, a national stafE"with a track rec- week at his reguEar job; then he and his make just enough to get Dy: . _ ord of cotnpl.eting homes on time and under wife. Jeanne, 30, a picture framer. work on But next June the Roughs vrftl move tnfo budget guarantees tfiat the homes will be the homes FYidays, Saturdays and Sundays � their brand nQw,two-story, 1,30�square-foot finished;'says,ldr. Herman.His SBcL is one after driving to Salem. Ore.; to leave their � � hocne on a tree•lined cut-de-sac in Overland of three private lenders providtng construc• two-year-oId son'with their parents. • � Park, just outside the Portland c[ty iimits. tlon financing for the Portland pro)ect. Kelly Walton's wi(e.Miriam, is pregnant • The.Roughs are making the down pay- : ' �e Roughs will be putting up 60%of the with iheir third child so•Kelly.a 21-yearolQ ; g � ment on the 553,000 house with "sweat eq- : constrpction cost of the home in the form of United Parcel Service worker. must put in ; r • uity," their own labor under this country's . � � the 90 hours a week by hfmsetE,Fortunately, � t• ; first federally sponsored urban ovmer-bullt , � hts job-with UPS takes up artly ZS houts of v, housing program.6eed money for the pro- •- .� .i}ar:;,��`%,�.�'. ''. ,�,i, ;t hfs week,evea if they are,from 4 a.m. to 9 � gram is provided by the Neighborhood Rein- , � ,- � ' `�" ' ,', :, � a.m. eve weekda � vestment Corp.: �. .� . .:.:..a ,f � 1��'+ :' ,,,;4 , ,:n_ �Y y. •. , ' '`^ �' �, Novemtier. with 21 straigiit�days of rain t� Since August, the Roughs have labored �: r � �E���:.�ti'�' , � . • and chill wtnd. was a brufal month for the ""� ' more than 40 houis a week with 10 other r Y ��'; "�.`'� �r � famiites who had to work at night. F•vee �-• families, constructi°g.� new subdivisfon oi� T �� ,�� ' �,:;, ,";•' '•1 • identical homes. In the spirit of an oid•fash= . !'Y' �.� :.r� _ though he wore a rain' sltcker,. raInproo[ C - toned corr�muf�ity barn raisIng, the families ,< � !r W��;¢� ' _, , I?��s and boots. Kelly Walton says he was ;�. . ali work on each other's hoases. The subdi-' ' � i �ed to the bone after 45 mimites pt � vision must be completed by.June 1 if the �� �� � 4 =K.� ��y ,-' ' � work: '` � � ' ,�;� ' families are ta get crucial fixed•rate, long- �.�f c i' ` ` � ; r . Tensions Run Hlgh � �� . � ," term financing from the state. • . f�y � ; � � ,. �� ; ' � With the June 1 deadline.Iaoming,+ten- � . T h a n k s g i v i n g w a s a wor k day for t he i�: t�� # - t. � , � sions have sometimes run high.Construction � � Roughs, with dinner served on the site. , � ' r � � �'•�':�.���: . • supervisor Fr�d Mitchell has found that hus-_ � :- Christmas will be a,worl� day too: "IYs a;• "'� ;,b �'#s �� ; �j Gat�1s and wlves tend to work better if they tremendous' burden."� projecE supervisor`. � - � are separated. � "� - ' � "• , Robert Topping says of the deadline,"so w�.� . John and Susari Rough � Every Saturday morning,,the Eamilies � � : have_ no• choice but ta, work straight .. sweat equity,and they need to come u�wfth. h°� a.meeting a�which they ask questions � ` through." But Sus2n Rough can'take iC. only SI,000 for closing costs. They wp'ill're-. ahout how the money is being spent and � � "Working nlghts and weekends in ra3ny cold ceive•a 30-year,I1?a�o fixed-rate below-mar What materials.are being used. They atso -+ - _ weather has been a hard grind," she says,. ket mortgage for 538,000.They don't pay for iry to settle disputes on such issues as the �cR : 'but when we'move into our new home,it'll _�e land; the county has purchased it for honn that pevple should work. and try to. �� -� ali be worth It" , ' ' them with federal ir�► �t personality confli ts. - � � Neighborhood P°inre�tment�Corp. was �'an�s• To guard against . � . - : speculaEton, the families will have to pay � ��d�'t see owner•built housing as w createci in 1'971 in response to criticism of back part of the vaiue put on their sweat P�nacea for the housing problem. Amateur savings and loans and banks for"redlining" uity if they move in less than five years� ~home builders.need too much cIose supeFVi• .� certain neighborhoods. It has set up Neigh- � � sion by professionals to makQ the tdea pnc- borhood Housing Services in cities across Officials of Ciackamas County Neighbor• tica! on a large scale. William•VYhiteside, the U.S.—locai. partnerships of residents, .hood Housing Services, the Portland arm of "HRC executive director, says: •��Ye can't- city officials and businesses working to-,; �e Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp.; De- produce a large volume of homes yet, but gether to revitalize neighborhoods. Most of• 11eve that bringing in families who have ft�s one small step in the right direction." the programs involve improvements to eic- built their o�urr homes will heJp stabi]ize It's a big.step for Susan and�John Rough. isting housing. The owner•builE housing pro- bverland Park. The primarily white neigh- •���n yod're renting an apartm�ent you're gram was developed in Oalcland in 1979 and borhood is in decline, with rising unemptoy-, flot gaining any equity;'�says dohn. "And • . is now flourishing nationwide. Homes have ment,the highest:erime rate in metropolitan' you can't change things,"adds Susan."1V'ith already been completed in Oakland, Calif., portland, and many small homes in disre- : ' and Hartford, Conn. More are being con- P�r• . yonr own home. the possibilities are limit- structed in Anchorage, Alaska; Santa Ana, � � _ less." • . Catif.; Nashville, Tenn.; Salt Lake City; The new homes are about 25�o com- � Minneapolis� Durham, N.C.. and Pueblo, P�eted, and already the enthusiasm of the � � Colo. Other nonproFit organizations, such as families involved has had a heartening ef- "—--- Ecumenical Assaciation for Housing Inc.. a fect on surrounding homeowners. Anne private corporation ia Hayward, Calif., are Nickel,executIve director of the local Neigh- starting simitar projects. borhood Housing Services says: "Some peo- ' Families in the Neighborhood Reinvest• p�e are removing the junked cars out of ` ment Corp,program are supervised by futl• �heir yards and cleaning their windows." tlme, paid�onstruction professionals funded When the project was announced in April, � by the corporatian. Local savir.n�s and loan some 400, low-income to moderate-income : associations and banks provide construction families applied,and officials selected the 11 financing at the market rate,and state hous- families they thought had the time and en• � ing agencies and,other institutions supply ergy tor �0.hours a week of, cons[ruction the long•term mortgage financing. [ work. . � � In the past,sayin;s and�loaps and banics . ,Since most men"and women in the�rnj- ' have Ceen reluctant to lend money for ect have fuli•time job.s, they have been � owner•buitt homes. °Individuat homeowners Working weekends.and at ni;hts using pow- . . ' C_ � � � cr- �ya�� ' ' ..� � ' ., yh+r . .. • .. , - , i-��„r�..��;�r.s•.r^"�'� , _ �. . � .� �q_.�, . .. ' ' -� �n.t�-�e�r'° ' . . ' . � � , - • l.��""` � , . �. /' . . '_yy�y,��..++�'"'... _- . .. - _ _. ' _ . .. .� _ � ,fs �� • 'i i✓'�".�+� . �N�_ - .. � _ ' - ' - _. �' .. . , ' �. ! ' . ` . .. . . . � ' . . . � �.i , � . . e . ^� . � �� EAST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT CO.,INC. 715 Edgerton Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 771-1152 1 h'ovecr�ber 1983 � Ms. Sherrie Pemberton Real Estate Division Dept. of Planning & Economic Develop�ent City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, NIlJ 551Q1 Dear Sherrie, Re: 6b6, 660 and 716 DeSoto Street The East Side Neighborhood Development Company wishes to request that it be designated developer for addresses 666; 660 and 716 DeSoto Street. It is the intent of the ESI�iDC to combine these three lots with two lots - also located on DeSoto Street in a future in-fill housing project the develop�ent company is planning. ESNDC is planning to work with neighborhood residents during the next year in developing guidelines and site criteria for the development of the in-fill housing units on these lots. We feel that it is important that the planning for development on DeSoto Street be done with neighbar- hood resident input, as well as to take into consideration the future developn-,ent of the Rivoli Bluff. We hope that the City can favorably respond to our request for designatian of developer status on the• DeSoto properties. � ` _ If there are `any questions, please call me at 771-I152. Thank you for your tin:e and consideration. . - Sinc r y, - erri . P Executive Director P�h - .. . ° • OWZvER BUILT HOUSING FAMILIES - ' Mike Trotter Linda Rulli + � 21f�Bates 6S7 Bedford i � St Paul St. Paul, r�v 551a� � 77�-8329 i _ _.� _ Laura Pfeffer Nick Puente 762 Burr 255 S. Western Ave. St. Paul, NIlJ 5510? St. Paul, NIIJ 55102 phone: 771-4613 h-227-0260 Jane Dovron w-227-�831 698 Bradley Cathryn Meier � St. Pual, PM1 551Q1 2304 Terrace Dr. Mark Newman Burnsville, Mn 55337 617 York w. 296-4116 St. Paul, NA1 551a1 h. 890-821� Phone: 771-938Q Darrel Evy Jeff 0'Donnel 162 Minnesota 1778 E. �th ST. Roseville. NIl�I 55113 St. Paul, MN 551Q6 Phone: 77$-Q33Q 482-7840 � Mel Riel lOQQ Cook . Robert Mathewson St. Paul, 1�1 55106 � 780 lOth St. N.E. Phone• 778-9336 New Brighton, NllV 55112 ' � 631-2437 Richard Miske Calvin Mowrey 2302 Londin 1.,ane 216 Bur�n I,ane � Maplewood, NIl�T 55119 South St Paul, Mrz 55075 739-$237-h . 738-15o8-h 455-e98o Sally Cygan I Steve Armstrong 688 Bedford _ i 653 Burr St. Paul, Mn 55101 i - ST Paul, Mn 55101 771-0�143 • 774-6239 . - Brad Deninis - 391 Dewey St. Paul, NIl�I 55104 644-0356 375-1660 Mr. Jerry Anderson 548 Payne Ave. St. Paul. Nl�i 55101 . 771-9539 . 4._ _ . �;r �y-oZ.�"/ _ _- � . . � '� '� . - FtD USE .DNLY ��t�;�,+�orhoo�°`�artnershi� Progr�m . • . �,pt . �ianning & Econorr�ic Development Planning District 6 Code Ne . �� ��,�. =�th Street � �1 anner-in-Charge Je� I��o�1_ St.=�aul.,•��"�inn.. ��5102 .: �. -. _ ,Technical Support 6R ✓ D' H P=�. Other ��12)292=�577 . ^ . '. -. . CD i/ Non CD : . _ - � �. RECEi1,'ED ���it. 3 � 1983 � - , _ . ... � �. . .. � . : ..��IPP APPLiCfiTION � ' � � � �L�ASE �RIt�T OR TYPE - • �ROJEC7�iAt1E, ���F� �ICE STREET COMt�fERGiAt RtVITALIZATIO�� , _. . ...::.. :: . . . " ' . . ._I.i.'_� L�i . . . . . :.�ROUP �R `DRG.AhIZATIOt� SUBt1ITIING REQUEST , � • :��iAi7E: �'�°r�h �nd Task Force ��._�740 Rice Street ' St. Paul MN 55113 �DDRESS:_ STREET .. - CITY STkTE ZIp � �TEL'EPHON�- �87-2051 _ DAYTIME • .�enni s Prchal � :�ELEPHOtr'�: �87���51 ; �:_�Oh7ACT�'P�RSOt� �'OR T+iiS REQUEST : - .. : . ._ . . . .. . . .. . . __.��; ;�'�AT ��S THE �PRIMARY �URPOSE D� T�iE �'ROJECT? . _ _ ';,To ��enerate a commercial revitaiizatifln and cormunity .crime �revention program � _:#or �the .Lower �tice Street neighborhood. The project will provide1�hY�istrict, - - - :��mprovements to the area, cre.ate -a more attractive and safe .shopp g eo 1e. :r�sult an a stronoer tax base, .�nd provide increased jobs for cor�nunity p A � �#7-1DW �,UCh NPP t�10KEY IS .BEING REQUEST�D� . � �50,�D00 - � ��3 �:�'HA7 •�5 'T�;E TOTAL DECLARA7ION Of��IEIGHBORH00D CO�TP.IBUTIO�S? � r�35,�00 �SEE �ages b & 7} _ _ - -.:� _�,K�,TI��ECIFIC �ROJEC'i� ACTI�ITIES=�ARt��ROPOSED? �LEASE LIST.- ; .�t,s--arid ener y-�� ._ .' � �tevolvino Loan Fund for stor��rant improvements., �nergy aud� 9 �� . .. � �Qlated improvements : - � � - � -:�� ��ubii� improvemen'ts"`�und `f:or�ub��c parking �l�ts�, �streetscape improvements � �nd cosmet3 c f�x-up s�rants :�) r�Corrumuniry �Crir�e �revention��'rogr�m -to ����ls and to•generatevancom unity- -= -:_��eventi on _�Curr�cul um to the..pra vate �c .- -��jde crime waich : ` -�=�) --rVolunteer �ctiviti�s 3ncludang -but �not 13���ited to � .:fstabl isfi fvnd and �esign ��guide��nes _ - _ �-:�emove obsoiete signs -• � �� • -_ - _ . .�=��rgani ze 1�tter cl eanup/�ime -�rush �.nd :weeds - . : ; .".brganize �p�int-up/fix-up � ` - _ �. �•�Remove .jur�k :carslru5bi shJplflws : . : : ::�3rganize fesLivais%promotaDns�joint seles�hours - -; �, ,._:sDrgani ze :t�uszness _assi stance .se��,i nars _ ; , � �Please refer to A�tachment P, for more detail . ) � , , _ .�- -•^.fra•._��n.r.:« c,---x--� ; --- ---- � . • -� --; - -� . , . . . .' '': _� . . . •' . . •�' ��;-pr�Pp1'i�ATION, ::Paae 2 -.. _,._ �ROJECT NAME RICE STftEET"REVITAL?ZATION ' � . _ . : - . _ _ _ .. _ . _ . . - >� . _ �:' -�+1HAT'�lE�OS "ARE EEING DIRECTLY �IDDRESSED `BY �ACH OF TNE -PROJECT'S PROPOSED ACTIVITIES - - �-= �•'{QUEST�ON 4)? IF POSSIBLE, �ZE��RENCE �IEEDS FROM EITtfER A CITYWIDE PLAN, DISTRICT .. ;��.At�, �DISTRICT COU1tiCIL =AN�rUAL �ITIZEN PARTiCIPATION GOALS OR OTFIER D�LUMEN7ATIOtr'. .,s _ . : - w - . �� �he �ctivities address �the need for-revitalization of neighborhood commercial -�, ,.�reas �dentified in �he St. Paul :�omprehensive Plan �nd specifically �alled � �=.#ar�n �the District 'Six Paan �nd�istr�ct 'Six �Council Goals�and Dbjectives -for :��gg3-.84 �fielating to '�tice �treet.- �:�n �ddition, the �roject has been�-defined by � � �_ =•�itizens in rQSponse to needs ident3fiied an surveys of inerchants, -customers and �. - �eighborhood residents conducted over tF�e �ast year. .�..w.�..._. . _.. _ _ . ..__ _. _ .. . �: =�OES��lE=pROPOSED PROJECT IRTEND .TD DIRECTLY CREATE A MEASURABLE iNCREASE bF JOBS :-� '�OR :�IEIGHBORH00D RESIDENTS? Y�S �� ��10 . IF YES, DESCRIBF: � ��::�:.=�urrent�y, many neighborhood residents work on Rice Street. 7his �roject will - :�e`�nstrumental i n hel�i ng to �eta�n ;those .jobs as��vel l as •create -addi t�onal �•���bs ..as a�ew -corrmercial �eve7opment,�ccurs. _ . � - : . . ....... _ . . _ . _�x� `. - - . . - . " 7 AT��1CH :A �"�AP SHOk'ING THE �ROJECT �OUNDARIES �IF A SPECIFIC GFOGRAPHIC AREA OR SITE ': '.IS��+�E �OCUS fl� �ROJECT ACTIVITIES. See Attachment B � Task Force Board � �'� �,'HO��'ILL=�1AhAGE T�iF �ROJECT. =- _��D_�HE�' NAVE DIRECT::�XPERIENCE IN ��iAN GIN IhiIL R PROJEC 5? YES X ;NO . : � ;;:'�F-�ES,::flESCRIBE. . . ._ - = :, : �.-- . _ . .. . . . - _ - . �t�e �lorth End Task �orce �vill f.unction as the governing bQard for -this project ~ :�(�ee Attachment .C). � �1 �DUndation.�rant wi�l� be .used to fiire �rofessional , , r==exper��enced _stafif to lnanage the -�roject. -�dditiona� support and �xpertise ;. : _.-;-�i�� :�e��r.ovided to:'�he .project..�y.:�he:�oumunity..�esign''CeA'�e'r-.�rofes5i��al-. - ' ` ,.�, , � � = �-��ta�fi.f<�and :�indy Rowe �f -Western �3tate �$ank. . :(See .a�so Attachment �.) ; r . . . - -- , - - - _ _ . - -- � . - _ . . .,.� .. . � . �' - � . - _.. _ - _ _. _ _ _ . - . �� - - - _ - . : ,-: -�= - - _ _. . .._ . . . ; , . , rx; ., .. _ . - - . _� _ . _ .. . . : . ._. . _. � �_. . . . _ _,, _ . _ _. - , . - -- � � = -. - . : _ ::.. ,:� _ _ . - - --Q. �`IL� 'THE. �ROPOS�D PROJECT BE iiED,DR �00P,DI1���ED iti'ITH f�t�Y DTi'ER FP,CJECT �� PP.OGRAN� _ - ;�;�P,UBLI� �R PRIVfiTE? �'ES X t�0 . _IF YcS, D�SCRIBE, _ " :7his �roject �i s a continuati on ofi':�he �nei ghborhood rPVi�al izati Qn :b°g�►'� wi�h =�he"East and kest .of Rice Intens���e��r.eatmer;t �+reas. . lt xili �antinue to be :::�oordi nated wi th and Lti]i ze -o�her.:�t:�Paul resaurces _�nd �rograms such �as the �� __--�or�,erci a] and hous�ng rehab �rograms, ,�t�e S�A �03 .�Pr�gram, �he :Home :�rohn Fcono�;�y .- - - '�'r.�ject, the Co^�unity Design _Center, t�e Juverile Crime Preven�icn curr�cu7ur of -. t�e ��, ,,Pau� Schooi_.SYstem, and -�thers. (See �lso �ttach�en� �,. ) , :�:--- �,� _ ... _ . � ' �� ._ - - : -. � PROJEC? -NAh;E RICE STREET REVITALIZA7IOh �PP �F,PP;:ZCATiON;`Page -_3 . - . *-� . _ - . =�p;,��'ILL�`•�tiIS �RQJECT BE �COMPLETED ��l 2 YRS. ? Y�S NO X . ':I� �IOT, EXPLAI N NOw' I7 - _1�'ILL '_�ECONiE SELf-SUS 7 A I N I N G 1 d I T H 0 U T F U R T H E R N P P F UNDING? �:,_= .;_ �3t��s fioped thi s .project .wi l l �ead to the establ i shment of -an ongoi ng cor�ununi ty = �eve3opment corporation to continue-neighborhood improvement. Support #or -this " � �:�;�wi7i.:be �ought �from area �cor�orat�ons �and foundations. Tfie NPP 7oan fund �i11 - ::.=-�emain .as � revolv�ng resource -fflr physical .�mprovements .and .�roceeds from -develop- -:: '.�.�-nent�rojects wi 1? aiso tontrabute resources . - _ � :��. � •k'ILL Z'NIS FROJECT RESUL7 I� INCREASED h1AINTENA�r'CE {ARD ORIVkTELY PO1'T�DROTHOSE C�STS. �#'FS _T!0 X . I F YES, EXPLAIt� HOk THE PROJECT �+I LL P - .. � . t �.. . . . . . . - ' . '_ . . . . . . - ' - � . ..'�.,�,,... ". . . .. . ; . . . . . . - ' si.�'l�.:�� .. �2, �IOW ��I�LL �HE PR03EC7 'SENEFIT i.OW .AND �;ODERfiTE ZNCOME HOUSEHOLDS? �+ `Tt�15 area i s one af the 1 owest income areas i n Wi l lp�i rectlyybenef i±mphe�.e��e�^�° . �---trim� prevent i�r, a n d i n c r e e s e d r e t a i l s e r v i c e s 3t -�s hoped the �roject will grow .�nto a correnunity development corporation w hic h � �"� ��wi 33 :�onti nue to me�t the -needs -�fi 3 ow- and moderate-i ncome peopl e i n the area. ,'= -�� ' -"- " �~�3, �-IOW ��IILL �1EIGNBDRHOOD �ITIZEN -�ARTICIPATION SE FOSTERED �URIPJG �ROJECT .DEVELOPh�E1vT :�1�D :IMPLENEHTkTION? ` � .- . �.��tazen �articipation is a pr�mar� �goal ofi this �ro�Yets e�stabli�sOingsneedssandd . - �ustomers of the �ommercial �area �ar�ic�pated �n .su Y _ ;���r;oje�t-�bjectives. =�he members-of the North �nd Tas4cenD�eS.�eTheSDistrict ad ;. ::��flss 5ection of �Vor�h �nd residents, -�nerchants .�nd ag - `:�ouncil , -which �enera�ed this �roject, �ril� �ont�nue �to foster additional � -:.=.z�tizen parti ci�ati�n �.hrough -i�s �regu7 ar meeti ngs and parti ci pati on on the -_ _- '•.�ask� ��rce. � ' ` � � _ � �-�DDES A .-�'ROJ�CT �LAN�It�G CON�!iIT�,E� FXIST? YES X h0 I� YES , IDEt�TIFY it',t --�4. . : _ ?;Ei�;BERSHIP. - _ :.�ee �+ttachr�ent��C. . . � .-....... . ..,".._'F�T'^ . . ." __ . '" _ _ " . . . . � - � pROJECT '�AN.� RICE STi2EET REVI7HLIZ�TI01� , � �-?�Pa �,PPLIC�T�IO���., pa ge 4 : - , ` :�3�; ��,'ILL�?t1E P�OJECT RESL'!T IN EITtiER��HE� RETURRIhG DF NPP �UIaD� 70 TNE NEIGH50RHOOD �ART�E�tSHIP P20Gr"tF�h, Q? TFi� R�CY.CLIi�G OF �.PP FU�DS k'ITHI� THE PROJECT? YES Y ��;0 If .YES, DESCP.IBt. � � �'he�najori ty of the NPP funds �+i1,7 �e Uti 1 ized i n a Revol ving Loan Fund for � � ... ��roperty improvements. ��As the �noney is �aid back by initial -users; �t wiil be . . -��cyc�ed �ack to addi tional partica pants. . I , ;;�5.� " �OMPL�Tf �ROGRAN ACTI1�'ITY �;t�D �UDGE7 �OP,N�S PAGES � Arv�J 8. �Alan D. Rayrnond Communitv De�ignsen�er 17 i15/�3 � - � SIGt1 'T P.E F I�DIVIDUkL T1'PED �nN� TIiLE 0�, ROLE DnTt R �`�ON,PLETING �PPLICATION � � Chair, North End Task �orce , - - - ,_. � ';� � Dennis Prchal �lestern State Ban� 11/15/83 � f �� ..{_ � DA i t � ' SiGNATURE CHiFF FF CE 7Y��D i�i��'�� 7I7LE OR ROLE OR PRESID�1�7 . . ; }= _ - . . .- - � - . a z �� � N G C7 y � cN- �I � � _ • cfl a � o o T -s -o � -.S c < �. �c'�n c� rri �n c� � �. � -s � rn � �c � • ' [D ty D 'S X 7r n� C � X �. p � ,,,r � � -�. � • �� . � . ...��.� �. � � � � � � � � � � � J, J� r - - - lD rt C [) ' t�i� � .D � fi 'a A� N fD C � y `-" -s o � n� � � a � c� � - � �+�.� cp n � � � � e-r A a �-} Vf fD �• �..� CL �t ►-. r n c�t —I . iPJ t">�G �+ �"f � � � r� � �y O .-� _. _ .. '. _- -..0� 0 a :. -� '`� ct _. � .� 'n = � �. O �:: _ _ - -- -^c-f�?D ' ¢' t. �p � � p� .� -+. (D Z ' Y � � �. � .. � � � � � � O � � . � � "7 .r.Lp � ' -S c+ N �L QI � W � �. .� � . . ' - � Gr e+� 7� Cn �' � Vf fp � , 1 L]. 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I j 1 0 � - _ ' - -• _ �J .� � � ._ �iFF�'l�~PL,iCfiTIO�r, �Pc9e b P�20JECT NnN`.E RICE STREET RE1'ITF��IZE+TI"v.'� 4 . � � NEIGHBORHOOD�Cfl1�TRI6U'f iOt�S D�CLARATIOtti • 7 .�• -ESTiA'►ATED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED ��APi7AL . : �31��PROVEMENTS: . . ..-�lUM3ER �F�PARTICI PANTS - ��: 30 �^ , . �{�VE�tAGE IhVESTN�ENT �ER PAR�IC � N 5,000 --� ` " , t - TOTAL INVES7MENT EQUALS � 150,000 � .'1.:�:£STIMATED �tESID.ENTIAL PROPERTY :FIXED LAPITAL _ � .,'-��,pROVEhiEN7S; Improvements to residential uses will occur and =:�UMBER DF PARiICIPANTS are included an rl �bove: , ��:�VERAGE INVESTN,ENT PER .PAP,TICIP�tJT. � � 70TAL IP1b'ESTMFh7 EQUALS � -0- �3. �-NE�'�COMNiERCIAL DEYELOPMENT: Five major projects have been identified. Of these, it is Appliance Parts expected that at least two will proceed to completion within - °-.:'3��'� �a) Expansion the IvPP Project time frame. The estimated market values are - ;.-.°�ST�N',A7ED h'�ARKE7 VAL�UE - _:<� .100,000 conservative. � ,_:�SIT���b) Ghi ropracti c C1 i ni c Expansi on - � :ESTIN,A'�ED Ns�+RKET UALUE S 100,000 � � TOTAL MARY.ET 1►ALi1� � 200,000 ...,. _.,��i�, ��E�lOE„� IA! �Eti�L�?h;E":?: i�ev; residential �eveiopment has OCCUrti'Erl �,r��r thF 7T� ! wtC �' i�♦ �.ir �IC r1 . - - programs. -Additiona7 -�ousing development continues i.o be a long term �3oa1 ,:SIT� �a� but no expenditures are �in$cluded as part of this NPP proposal . �ST1��fiTED M�ARr:�7 VALUE - . ;:_SITf "(b) .:� -EST:I1�"Ji i ED N�RKET VALUE : . � �.� - " . , � -0- • . ^ ., - -TOTAL N�+RY.ET �IALUE_._ _ � - -:, ;.__.- - . . _ _ _ . _ _. .�.. _-. --__ � �.�- :fSTIt�ATED I1�-KI�D-S�RViCES �OFFICE 3pAC�, EQUIPN�t�`7, SERVICES) : - � Comrnunity fle5ign 'Center �technical �asszstance) t� 20,000 �? �OURCE �.RD TYPE i . 2,�00 -- -_ _ 2. es ern a e : an ec nica assistance � '� " .. .3. Capi tol Co�r�nun�ty Servi ces (me ti n �narP . � 2 ��'� — ,. � ; office equi�ment, staff time) • _ . _ . . �,. =::FSTili�;TED -VOLiI�TCER LABOR: . __ , ----- _ . _ . � � - : ?�Ufi�ER OF VOLUNTcEi2S . �0 `- �fi1'�P,AG� tt0UR5/VOLU(r7EER . 30 � _ _ � 7GT�L i-�OUFS x 5.10/hr. �QUhLS � 15,�D�0 7..- -�S�It;.'�TcD SWFA i �QUITY: - _ _ , , t;U�;��P, OF r�,RT?CI�r1�TS ,. .2� _ _ . �=-.`.��►�,�.Gc uDURS/r�rTi�IPI��T 30 - i�T�,L NOil�S 7�0 . _ � ��_ � � � ` �� �-� GiAL !;4L�?S >: ��, G/hr. �Q�L.LS c -� ��;; ...�'l.:�...- - ��P�rAPPL�T��T�Of(�' Paoe "7 ._ . . • � �_`�'r;OJECT 't�lAM� `RICE STREE t I u.' �. _ .- .. _ _ . • , ,$;�--� EST�MAT�D 'CASH DOt�ATIONS: � . . .. 5 2,000 � �OUP.Cf���i_ Cor orations ` '- `' � . :2, ice Street usiness ssoc�a �on 5 --,�p0 . _ •= .3. North End Improvement u _ � , .._ . - - �9, =ANTiCIPATED �OUhDATION �RAhTS: . _._.. -. __..- .:_ , ' � St. Paui Companies . � 5 35,000 • . . - __��FDUNDATION(s) 1 . � . . - --- ._ . 2. _ _ _ 30.-=:�'OTHER;.°-�E�PI.AIN _ . _ _. ' .. _. ,� - . __ . ..y : s._..���-___-. _:__ _ . . � � ESTIN`�TED VALUE _ S ' 4 '-'' -- _ _:.. _ - - TOTkL NEIGHSORNOOD _ ;...�..,._..._ _. _ - . :�_'� -. - ,� xONTRIBUTIONS DECLARATIOt� � 435,500 , �� �..�::--�-�-- __ _ - - �7� .�,►HAT=£VIDEtr'CE _IS ThERE TNAT TNE ABOVE DECLARATIO.�S ARE P,EALI57IC? � . :�.,L'etter nf support are attached. _ - ' : _ �',;- - � - _ _ _. _ .__ - - . - - - - : . . . .. _ . �• - � - . __ _ .._ - .�_ _ . _ _ . �'.rP APPLICATIO,N, Page 8 . , Project Name RICE STREET �tVITALIZATION �' - Project Budget: Itemize use of NPP Funds . � - - - Cost �ate or : _ �- �equested PED � g y hPP Funds Use Only 1 . �ersonnel Salaries* ' - � �2. �'tcnsult3nt & Contract Services i 3. Rehabilitation (Revolving Loan Fund) • �175,000 , 4. Desi;n � 5. Construc�i�n ' 6. . �quipment � 7. Acquisition ' . 8. �Relocation ' - � 1 _..g, -_�emolition " � �0. Other ( * 1 i s t � ��. Impr�vement Grants: _ ____ _ � ___ �2, .Parking Lot Paving 25,000 �3. � Landscaping Z0,000 � . �4, �=. Cosmetic Fix-ups - 20,000 � . �i5. Corrgnunity Crime �revention -��. �� (see page 1 and attachment A) � ��. Educational Materials and Expenses 5,000 - - Mailings, flyers , 2,50� �g, - Project Expenses posters , e�c. � _ , � �9 Volunteer Activities: � 2U. (sze page 1 , item 4.4} 21 Project Expenses 1 ,��� L2 r.qui pment Renta i � � ,:���� i , 23. � • � ��,� ,.-, c � LCLul J_ ,�.._� __ *r.ttach Jcb �escri��`.or,s � Tr nan�cr� 'CP 11^� . � � -?3 t0 1t?iTiIZE Cdt��'JI'1 �5 i -�1 . . . .ATTACHMENT A Proposal Summary l�his request is for $250,000 of NPP funds for the Nc�rth End iask Force. These funds will be used to implement a correnunity-based crime prevention program and corr�nercial revitalization program for the Lower P,ice Street area. This NPP request will be matched with �438,000 of neighbornood and private contri- butions. , This project has broad corrmunity support and continues neighborhood revitali- zation begun with the East and West of Rice Intensive Treatment P,reas. The project addresses key objectives of the District Six Council and has pledges of technical assistance from both the Community Des�gn �PntFr and W?4tern State Bank. It is our goal that this project can be expanded over time into a general community development corporation able to address a broad spectrum of com- munity needs in the North End. -2- . Background The North End Community is a primarily residential n2�yhborhood detined by the boundaries of the Sixth Planning District of St. Paul . �'hile the tJorth End can accurately be described as a stable, middle-class neighborhood, the � southern portion of the community, south of Cook A�enue, �nntain� som� of the oldest housing in the city as well as many of the city's poorest people. The median household income of this area is �14,029/,year with 15% of the households below �5,000/year. 80;�� of the owner-occupied housing units were built prior to 1949. The purpose of this NPP proposal is to address some of the problems in this area of the community. Previous ITA programs have worked on street paving and housing development in the neighborhood. Rice Street remains a problem area. In 1982, the District Council requested the Commurity Design Center to help address the problems of the Lower Rice Street commer•ciai area. Idith the assistance of the Design Center, the Rice Street Commercial Revitalization Task Force was formed. This group, comprised of inerchants and residents , has ' worked since that time to identify the needs of the area and possible strategies for improvement. The North End Task Force is an outgrowth of those meetings and will be the catalyst for continued community development. The work of the North End Task Force as outlined in this NPP proposal represents the number one priority of the District Six Council in their statemert of goals and objectives ' for 1983-84. • -3- � � Program Description History of Concept This project began with the assistance of the Community Design Center in ' June of 1982 with a series of discussions among business and community leaders along Rice Street. These tal�ks .identified issues such as declining business, heavy traffic, noise and deterioration, crime, absentee business owners, poverty and frustration. 7here are also positive elements: a core of dedicated people, vacant or underused real estate needing redevelopment, and city financing programs which are available. The second phase of the project focused on a market and physical conditions assessment for the Lower Rice Street commercial area. The market analysis work included sur�eys ef over 5^� cu�tomers and residents of the SurrGU�d'��g community, and interviews with the merchants in the study area. In addition, census data for the primary trade area have been obtained and analyze� and sales potential reports have been developed. The physical conditions assess- . ment involved research and documentation of community history and trends, existing land use, traffic patterns, property ownership, and photo documenta- tion of current physical conditions along Rice Street. Following this research phase, a series of ineetings were held to analyze the information, identify key Tssues and develop a strategy for action. This pro- posal to the Neighborhood Partnership Program is one result of those meetings. -4- , . � Issues Assessment Key issues affecting the Lower Rice Street commercial district were identified by the Task Force: Customer Perceptions � . 1 ) Not safe, not pleasant ' . 2) Poor selection of goods / high prices 3) PJot convenient (parking / traffic, store hours) Physical Problems 1 ) Deteriorated building conditions / storefront / signage 2} Poor street lighting 3) Inadequate parking / heavy traffic 4) Litter / snow removal � 5) Uncoordinated area image . Merchant Concerns • 1 ) Crime / vandalism , 2) Vacant buildings / land 3) Money for improvements 4) Property tax increases , 5) Personal time available Proposed Achievements The Task Force identified the need for three initial ac��c�rs as pzrt c= u general strategy for improvement. These actions rcr^-� ���� core cf this ',P� p:�oposal . � -5- Community-based Crime Prevention Program Crime, primarily vandalism and burglary, emerged as a key deterrent to improving the area. The Task Force would like to implement a community crime program involving the merchants , community parents and children as a means to reduce � crime and improve relations between the community and the commercial strip. I The program would expand the Juvenile Crime P.revention Curriculum of the St. Paul school system under the direction of Lana Mahoney into the St. Bernard's School which many area children attend. The program teaches 8th and 9th graders about the impact of juvenile crime on the community through field trips and conversations with businesses, police, fire and community people. �' These children then teach 4th grade children what they have learned. This curriculum is based in Washington Junior High School on Rice Street and has a proven record of effecti�reness in addressing juvenile crime. ?t is hoped that the program could develop �into a partnership between neighborhood families , schools, the district council , and the business community resulting in education in community development and employment opportunities as well as reduced crime. • The NPP funds will be used for educational materials, field trip expenses and ' to expand the program through the PTAs into the community with block clubs and �a crime watch program. Niembers of the North End Task Force will volunteer time as resource people to the programs. • Corrunercial Area Physical Improvements Program A second key action identified was the need to address the deterioration and paor image of the corunercial sirip. The Task Force established the following as elements of a physical improvement program: 1 ) Adopt design guidelines to govern improvements 2) Raise funds from business , city aaencies and philanthropic organiza- -6- tions for matching grants for exterior fix-ups; parking lot mainten- ' ance; street lighting and street improvements; snow removal , street cleaning and litter cleanup 3) Establish a revolving loan program to help improve storefronts, signage, street lighting, landscaping, parking and traffic control . Western State Bank will assist the Task Force develop loar guidelines and procedures and service the loans. Some preliminary guidelines have been discussed including a �10,000 loan limit per project, preference for projects needing this assistance in order to proceed, and ability to pay back the loan. It is expected that such a loan program will enhance existing city programs and, through the use of flexible terms incude many projects to proceed which ctherwise wnuld not. 4) Establish a cooperative promotional campaign for participating � merchants and community businesses to improve the community image North End Task Force Staff The third and most important action identified by the Task Force was the need to hire a full-time staff person to implement the community crime and revitalization project. The purpose of this staff position would be to initiate the project, coord�nate volunteers , organize necessar�� r�ce��res , stimulate communication and provide the necessary ad�inistrative support and continuity to make the project a success . Another key respcns� c;lity will be to evaluate prooress and report to others th� EY.DE!"ience� ��:� -7- � learning f rom this project. It is hoped that through this person the project can be expanded over time into a general community development corporation capable of addressing a broad spectrum of cor�nunity needs. In addition to administrative and community organizing skills, this person will need to bring a knowledge of the development pro�ess ,. the skills needed to accomplish development and the ability to build community support around development issues. Cooperating Organiza�ions This project has been developed with the assistance of the Community Design Center, Capitol Community Services, and the District Six Council . Cooperation among these organizations will most certainly continue. The Department of Planning and Economic Development has been kept informed of project activities � and has been very supportive. 7heir continued involvement through the Neigh- borhood Partnership Program is a focus of this project. The St. Paul Juvenile � Crime Prevention Curriculum has also expressed support and a willingness to work with this program. It is also hoped that this project can learn from and cooperate with other St. Paul communities, including West 7th, Lexinton- Hamline, Railroad Island, and Thomas-Dale. Access to Minneapolis experiences is available through the Community Design Center. ATTACHMENT C , . TASK :OR:E M�MFERS ,., � o .-h .- `ha� , Frsan Paul Muntear. D�..ni ._ r�.•ol �- Muntean ' s Dept . Sto.re ►�estern St �fie ��a►�k 916 Rice St . 174� Rice ��T . '� . �L . paJl , ���'� 5=� ' 3 ' St . Paul , N': 55117 c:al .7et•�e Tom f;upperL - Appliance Pa�ts North End h;achine : 964 Rice St . 911 Rice 5t . ( St . Paul ,� N.N 55117 St . Paul , Mr; 5:,11 i , Bob Nicho] s Dan Jeans Capital City Bank Ritte: St . PaUl Eeauty Coliege 1020 Rice St . 940 Rice St . St . Paul , M�: �5117 St . Paul , M:� 55117 Larry Mazzitello Leonard "Red" Vanek Capitol CoRTUn,ty Services Vanek Realty 1021 Marion St . . 1819 Alta Vista Dr . ��.St . Paul , t�N 55117 St . Paul , MN 55113 Gene Faciania Joe Robinson . Fortmeyer and Lang Jack Frost Bait V 854 Rice St . Sto Paul . N� 551' 7 � St . Paul , MN 55117 Donn �and Rita ^exter Dan Monson N��nuteman Press Rainbc�� Fish � 104b Rice 5t . 890 Rice St . St . Paul , M": 5511 7 St . Paul , MN 55117 � ' Jim CTain Northern StFtes Fower 849 Rice St . Rice and Atwater • St . Faul , M?� �5117 St . Paul , MN 55117 � Tom Lunzer � Karen Knoke Corner Cafe � Lewis Park Pharmacy 936 Rice St . , " 896 Rice St . St . Paul , MN 551Z7 `. St . Paul , N� 55117 Joan and Brent Nelson . Recycling Ur.lirr,ited Weyandt Bros . Furni±ure 900 Rice St . 308 South Vi�toria St . St . Pcul , b!'�: "�117 St . Faul , ?�'� 55102. y � Sharon Voyda District 5ix Council 10�1 Marion St . _ , St . Paul , M�� 55117 . ' . - . ... .�'F • NORTH END TASK FORCE 1740 RICE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55113 . , � . i � . November 30, 1983 : � . : Mr. James Zdon Neighborhood Partnership Program Department of Planning and Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street ; St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 � Dear Mr. Zdon: � Enclosed is our final NPP application. The North End Task Force which consists of area merchants and residents is concerned about the better- ment of the North End Area. We formed this task force to deal specifically with this issue. This NPP proposal grows out of the District Six Council and work by the £ommunity Design Center in the North End since 1976. This Rice Street Revitalization Project will address a major concern of the North End Community identified in the community plan: deterioration of lower Rice � Stregt. We believe this project is an important step towards the develop- ment of the North End Community. . If you have any questions or need additional information, please call . Sincerely, � • � ,,- ,� �-��'�• Dennis Prchal Chairperson � Enc. � � ° il � � �1T I ..._ ._ �� :i . , .. , t�. i F;I i Z h.L:.hK L_.. , _-�V . �, F1tLG � �� �._ _ u�io �� '• �•'r _, _ : RiCE ..� , 103d � �= �; PL:�YGHGifiiO � �,==� . � , � i' ;:Ir� C :✓�'�'_ � � ' �,�—� _ .:r .�-i(: b (.� ' t . ! 1.:i..: u �: . � �— ' '— — . w� tt �' ____.i (� �.—� r.•, � . .� r .—'_ _ . � ' I[� � ���1 1020 �%v��T�L �ITY STATEP�'daK �° i�td:.l ti:� � ':T�iE , KLH�TY, 1015 f 0 � �"'r' �J u ' � nrKk FURtvilUhE �I �' �� 1006 FICE SIKFFT CLW�G � � - " SL I�UL PVEUC UBRARY 995 � I l � � ( �, ooao . l� ;�,�� Ut_N�A� c�FiCE 987 �'`—' r --n' 98a R P�ACE RESTAURANT HOUSE 985 � � �L� ��u' 98� Fk�USE A�TD CLEANING�HOUSE 9T7 a 972 HOuSE r+OUSE 973 � � ' '� 970 vACANT +.+ o VAGANT 969 "' � O� 968 HOU.`�E Mnt,aIti,'� ��'ZA, S��+hWfwG 961-65 � � » � ` '-" 964 AFPUANCE PAKTS / ,/� f ww, .J�I�L�l7 ��r.��'.�i�VV .`..�.��NL � � iRONi ��� �-� (-1n I�:%cE�:T IN:;Uh'ANGE � �i r� �' `( �Q 954 TIIE C-ANDIYI(.H GIANT � ���? � l� 9qp ?IT7ER ST. 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J ��, 1J � GF FiSH,RE�IGENTIF� ���—� � - aeaz ggg TONY'S UPHDLSTERY [j e.+� � YqlOND 5�N<<= � 884•86 �nu+r�T ROV'`_ oAR,�E5IUENTIhL 879 � �C�'�� a� c� 882 HOUSE GOLLECTIBLES 873 � ns o� ��� � ;�( � �.��«« 880 A1"R�KNEY,REALTY INS. BEkraES ti�kGnui GENTER �9 ,_�� �ae ��� 876 HOUSE �,%P::f,Ni/Y.EStL�t�rlhL 857 i�(� C �� ` � • ji � 87p vhCANT�F'ESIGENTIAL . 879 JIMS �AF;h;ER/1:E51�ENTIAL 849 I �ACi.�JT��E5�DE�dTIhL 843 `�� °i� ((Lf�1 868 VACAIUT � C° �� 1 � e� �IT SH� ; �� ffIrt�`1 � �� sss Hou�E L..� °�� �r--� 8a2 cnl:onl FABhE ♦iw�ft�\ .1�Rttl . ; N�i�:Ti�E�:r� SThTES K�W ER 825 � � `� � 834 JAN 5 CAFE/F�+tiK�NG I �� e s ! B,s I � ` 818-20 b'A�:ANT/tiC51DENTIAL � � _� 808 r�nETRO i00� wC. ',• ���-;.. � i�l i ,,, . I`:� ' ) ia'. k . I i� °id I Q �.z� . � � � ��J __J � � �,u�.--- �96 N��U�E f� itdTc��f;hririiJ,L MuI.T:FGa:,S 775 -1 f �-• y _ y � �r':� o"' 794 � _,t : E'` ,��� j; � i (N� �� ` 792 ni�U(_�.� r�U�C ��E_f�VIC.0 I�_._� - ` � ��,;� � _. _-- 782 ( r��:;"� �.��f��:il!��K _.ri:it' , ' , ,_ _ , . r=�� c:;,rt� �d9 � � . o`''' � �' `� � � ------- - . - `----- �,�.r.,,,� - _�:��., _- , - - � �f �"� ."..._ '�� i � � ' �. n�v ��cu �/ ���u� .. � � ;�ei ghb�r�ood Pa rtnershi p Program � P�D USE�tJLY D e pt . Pla n n i n g & Economic Develo pment Plannin g District 3 Code No . 25 W. '��h Street Planner-in-Charge 7��,,, � St. Paul , hiinn. 55102 Technical Support BR ✓ D H P Y (012)292-1577 Other CD �P1on CD 1\�V IT�,E �Li Li L�"4t 6 1�'�J�/ . NPP APPLICATION , PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE . PROJECT ��AtiE: physical Rehabilitation on Payne Avenue � � . . GROUP 0' ORGANIZATION SUBt�ITTING REQUEST � • ��At4E: Payne-Arcade Area Business Association A.DDRESS: 97$ Payne Avenue St . Paul � 55101 STREET CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHOwE: ?76-1115 Paul Schersten DAYTIME 771-8821 CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS REQUEST: Mark Miesen TELEPHOTdE: 771-5505 1 b! T 1nS ��iE PRIMARY PURP�OSE �F TH� P�OJECT? ihe purpose is to stimulate physical reh� i e commercia an at ac ed residential properties along Payne Ave . In particular, the purposeis to prod exterior rehab ; and to iocus oiz the stretch of Payne between N,innehaha and Case . (The funds will be available for . use within one block either side of Payne . ) �he logic for the primary target • area is .twofold: 1 . It is the area most in need af rehab ; and 2 . i�he develop- ment that will accompany the replacement of tYre Payne Avenue bridge should be preceded by rehabilitation in the adj�cent area . �he physical rehab in the target area will be associated witr. education and organization on crime prevention; no funds are requested for this activity. 2. H04�' f•iUCH hPP 1�10NEY IS BEING REQUESTED? � �p250, 000 �3. WHAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD COhTRIBUTIONS? � 5 52, 000 (SEE Pages 6 & Z) 4. WHAT SPECIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. � �. Physical Improvements : �250, 000 of the request will be used for this pur- pose . It will be used as follows : 1 . i : 1 msi;c�j�rng�•gr�nt for exterior commercial improvements ; maximum grant of �15, 000 . 2 . 3 :.1 (private :public) �rant for interior co�mercial or residential improve- men�� ; maximum grant of �10,000 . '3 . Co interim construction loans for large I"2ri0J�tlOri projects , to be repaid upon acquisition oz long-term financing. Number, maximum loan rraill depend cn �vailGbility of funds and demand for this use . 0�' �'r.e $250 , 000 af rehab funds being recuested, �17,�, 000 v,lill be for use �e��r;een Case and Minnehaha ; $75► 000 will be for use no-rth of Case to Ivy and :�ou�n or Minnehaha to East Seventh . - ihe deiinition.:oi. "exterior improvements" will largely follow the de?in��=on �s nGs been used'"iri other such programs� sucn as t'r!e pr�gram =��at exis�ed �s y :;ar� o= ��e East Seventh UDAG . ihe Monitor�ng Conimittee may see �i?� �-� 2����s � �he c?=inition somewhat . � • D.�r:or public improvements along all of Payr.e , including pe�T1�?:Ch� �,��=�'�.=2s �or C:.ristmas decorations , benches , trash baske�s , etc . � ��_ensive outreach regarding rehab and all available tools for fi::=n��='�� _. �r_:�e prevention organizing and education ir. primary target area . . . � . . ��PP AFPLICATION, Page 2 � PROJECT NAME � ' �- 5. WHAT NEEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACH OF THE PROJECT'S PROPOScD ACTI��ITIES (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFERENCE �EEDS FROM EITHER A CITY4JIDE PLAV, DISTRICT � PLAN, DISTRICT COUNCIL At�NUAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATION GOALS OR OTHER DOCU��ENTATIOt�. The goals of nhysical improvement of co�merc�i�.��� property, and of residential property above commercial , fit the city's Comprehensive Plan, the Dis�rict r,ive plan, and the goals of the Business Association (PABA) . The Economic DeYelopment Strategy in the city' s Comprehensive Plan emphas- izes the revitalization of commerciaT strips that will reenforce the viability o� surrounding residential areas . �ihe goal is particularly zppropriate for th: project, given the target area` s proximity to Railroad Island, a for:,ier ITA . (See attached sheet for completion of this ansv�er. ) 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT INTEND TO DIRECTLY CREATE A t��EASURABLE INCREA,SE OF JOBS FOR NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS? YES X N0 . IF YES, DESCRIBE. The project will facilitate the expansion of existing businesses ; tne development of new businesses will be encouraged as well , especially in light of the availability of 0� interim loans money. 7. ATTACH A N�,P SHOWING THE PROJECT BOUPdDARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC P,REA OR SITE . IS THE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. 8. WNO WILL MANAGE THE PROJECT? NPP Monitoring Coinmittee ; subcommittee o� the PABA DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN MANAGIN SIMILAR PRQJECTS? YES NC . IF YES, DESCRIBE. While the committee is new and as such has no prior experi- ence , members have experience both with neighbornood projects involving large " amounts of money as well as commercial rehab in particular . rirst r�.nk State of Payne Avenue and the East Side Neighborhood Development Company hGve com- mitted� to membership; participation by PED/Business Revitalization will be in- vited . Other members will include members of the PABA Board and the NPP plan- ning committee ; other business owners along the strip; and neighborhood residenis . 9. l�!ILL THE PP.OPOSED PP,OJECT BE TIED OR COORDI�vATED WITH ANY OTHER PROJECT OR PRO�RAM (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE� YES X NO IF YES, DESCRIBE, The main targe� areµ �,.as cr�ose to coordinate with zhe Payne Avenue bridge replacement . Also , t:.�re h�=s beer a 000d deal of rer:ao taking place along Payne �or severGl ye�.rs ; �:�_s �ro ject will extend that �rend into the more di�f icult s�ruc�ures . _ ��'ne East Side Nei�hbor'r�ood De-�.Telopment Comp�ny i�as tar�eted Si:�.s =._,:d �'ork �at;-rzen Edgerton and Arcade =or residential renab . i inally, the ��TrP ?unding will coordinaie ��:�ell ��.�it:� �i:e city' s ce:�.�:erci�l ar.d rental rehab loan proarams . , . " I;PP APPLICATIOPI, Page 3 PROJECT NAME ' 10. WILL TNIS PROJECT BE COMPLETED IN 2 YRS. ? YES X NO IF NOT, EXPLAIN HOW IT tdILL BEC01�1E SELF-SUSTAINING b1ITH0UT FURTHER NPP FUNDING? 11 . WILL THIS PROJECT RESULT IN INCREASED h1AINTENA"dCE AND OPERATING COSTS FOR Tl'E CITY? YES NO X . IF YES, EY,PLAIN HOW THE PROJECT b;ILL PRIVN7ELY PAY FOR TFiOSE COSTS . 12. HO'�f WILL THE PROJECT BENEFIT LOIJ AI�D h10DERATE It�COtiE HOUSEHOLDS? Low and moderate-income residents of the surrounding community v�ill benefit ' from an improved environment . Low and moderate-income residents of rehab- • ilitated rental units will beneiit from improyed housing conditions . �he low cost of improvements, through the use of the �'unds, will minimize the danger of pricing these residents out of their housing. ihe city' s rental rehab . program, which will likely play a role in major rental rehab projects, contain explicit anti-displacement provisions ; in any event, it is not the intention of the PABA to cause displacement . 13. HOW WI�L NEIGHBORHOOD CITIZEN PARTICIPATION BE FOSTERED DURI�JG PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION? (See the attached sheet for the answer to this question. ) 14. DOES A PROJECT PLANNIN6 COMMITTEE EXIST? YES Y NO . IF YES , IDEtvTIFY THE PiEt�iBERSHIP. (See attached sheet �or the ansvrer to this ques�ion . ) � . . ;vpp hPPLICATION, Page 4 • PROJECT NAME . , ' 15. Iti'ILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER THE RETURNIt�G OF NPP FUNDS TO THE �•dEIGHBORH00D PARTNERSHIP PROGRAPI OR THE RECYCLING OF NPP FUNDS IdITHIN THE PROJECT? YES x �0 • IF YES, DESCRIBE. ' . On a limited basis ; to the extent that funds are used for 0� construct- ion loans � that money will be returned to the fund and made avilable again ior use on the Avenue . i6. COh1PLETE PROGRAM ACTIVITY AND BUC�GET FORI�1S PfiGES 5 AND 8. � � � �,�� ��;�-��� Paul Schersten Staff Advisor Nov . 30 , 1g83 SIGNATURE OF INDIVIDUAL TYPED NAME TITLE OR ROLE DATE COMPLETING APPLICATION . � �r � Gary Clang President , PABA Nov . 30, 1983 �,•�J ./�iti E� SIGN�TURE OF CHIEF OFF CER TY�ED NAME TITLE OR P,OLE DATE OR PRESIDENT . / � a z � . � � c� td . , c+ � • ' � �-+� N• c+ h O O Q 'd ^W '� A� N `t� � J � �+ N•�c� w � c�- t�7 N•.� 'T1 � W � cn � � � o 0 0 �3 • P� �+ • �i • � � F-�•tn ti r'i ct A� F.+• U� UI �3 � �" �' � m cD � � U� � �G �+ • o ... r- � � � R. N• � �+ tn cn N• �d � � ►-a 'b tn�G fD ►�$ cD �• O fD (D tZ� �-$ fD F"' O �' U1 � I-� Z � �'i ct F-�•CA t'i cD f� � fD }{ C4 y •—� �. �i N. � o �-d � N• n � � • �' �+ n �+ � v � - m m � ci- c� m o � � o P� �d �- a' � 1-� P� o c� m �+ m � � �+ —a .,.F-;i � � �-+� � �,• '-d Oq o u� � C n c� � �+ a �i �C �i A� �+ o .-� c~o N.� c+�G � � m N• c+ � � u� A� o �+ �+ �+ N• r• �• �. o � tm c� o �, o oy `C � oU N �• A� � � N• N• � N• o �i o p� o �' i � n a � � o c� o o u� c � c� � � n ` � z . N a�' � � � �+ � N a�' ° �• P� t� o � � � m. �. � o � � � � � � � cYm � � cn �- o �• N• � �•'ti � � � n � < � c�u �+ m � �*• �+ m � �r � A� NO � � cz � QU � n � H u� �+ �+ � � o '� � 'ri b o 0 0 0 �i � �+ �� o �' � � '� o �• �' o A� �• tJ � �i �d �i C �, o � tz� o cu �+, o � 'b S� 'cn �h cn � � �+ cn � c�• o � o cv � `� � c� �i � c*'� O 'U � tl� �' ri �-'• < �G < � �' � O O 9 N ' � a � O � � �$ �i �'n c� • cD �$ Ot1 � � � � � � p� � �i cnS� N �' P� C � �ic� oo c� c� � � m � � F—' o Ott ct � fv F-� c� � A� � S�, `f-� c+c.�. F.+. � r+� � N � �i � W UJ a W F—' F'b O � � � N' � CD U1 y 'b 1-� (!] 'd � � � � �p . Cz, c� � Sy C� �' 'b cD c� �i c+ C ct ct � N• O O O � cF c�-h v c'r 't� c� W (D (� `� O (!� cD U] � F�• N f"b ct � ct �' �'j � 0' Q4.� � � � � �.�. (D CD cF c-F (D � I-'• � � � CD I-J• �j A� C I-'• O p) fD � � � O O < �-� '� � � � a � � � o � 'dr• � � '� � p I�.-.� d c+ G o ct� � C�. � !U t-�'d O�t m cD `< 0 0 � � �. N � � N � o� m cn � � ao � � � o �„ � � N• n c� � �C o o G i� � � �- �+ � �•� � � � � �' � o - � N• �i n �+ � o - - tn � �• � �' � �-+- � t� N c� o Q� �+ � �+ p. �+ cu cD cn � Sv cn �+ �+ � �• a m o � �• o �- o �� o � � - � N o �.i' ° � � �+ �+ � �i N• a � ,,, p. � �, � c� c+ o . � � � � � � � � 0 . . _ � . � � � � � . ti � � � � � � � -� � (D n �..� � � � � � ("} J. �• G � • � O J• � � � � `^ `^ � C�I W//y�y�� /� M �/y� W W/ � ` � v`. V` V` V` � v` {� � Cl ,a ro ro � 9 � � � 9 � '� � � � � O b7 O td � o -� � � � � � � � \ � \ � \ o c� ru y � F3,,,z �1•Z��..{ N1•Z ��y• 2 � ,.�0 � ,..z{�d � n �' � 1 � Cl V l 1 � . " � C 1 � " �V J•� . CT 1 � 1 F.-d � � l� �i V � . � .� �J � (� � C�D (D (D (D CD (� � CD <t' � n � � � .�? � v z:- o r� I � �.' N � �, � .r. '� � l.i � �'c� � � i � ' � _ • c p O � p O c � � v O � � � p ' � O O I N � � � � f� 1 lfa . �r � � I-� � � � • � 9 l..'1 "� l C z i � � '.. � 'J I Q � •j n. � I O Q � � N I I O O O I ' �;FP APPLICAi ION, Page 6 � PROJECT NAME � �-. . , , • • � NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRIBUTIO�r'S DECLARqT:OP� l . ESTIt•1ATED COh1MERCIAI PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL I h1PROVEt��ENTS; � I�U�SBER OF PARTICIPANTS 30 � AVERAGE IN��ESTt�ENT PER PARTICIPANT � n , nn� TOTAL INVESTMENT EQUALS $ '%300, 000 Z. ESTII•SATED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL I��PROVEMENTS: fJUi�BER OF PARTICI PAI�TS 10 AVERAGE ICdUEST�IENT PER PARTICIPANT :�10 000 _ TOTAL I P�VESTMENT EQUALS � 100, 000 3. NEW CONP1ERCI�L DEVELOPMENT: SITE (a ) ESTIt�"�ATED MAP,KET VALUE � SITE (b) ' " ESTIMATED I�iARKET VALUE � TOTAL MARKET VALU� � 4. lvcW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPt�IE��T: , _ SITE (a) � ESTItdATED PtARY,ET VALUE $ SITE (b) ESTIMATED MARY.ET VALUE $ TOTAL P1ARKET VALUE � _ 5. ESTI1�`�4TED IN-KIND-SERVICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIP��iENT, SERVICES) : SOURCE AND TYPE � , ESNDC--staff time � S 15,000 2. First Bank State--staff t;m - � ���� 3. PABA, and other �roups :mail_�ng, � 2 00� _ advertising costs, etc . 6. ESIIfiATED VOLUNTEER LABOR: ��U�SBEP. OF VOLUI�TEERS 15 (ovtreach/publicity/crime ��^eventior. kVERi;GE HOURS/VOLU��TEER 1 hour per vreek TOTAL HOURS x 510/hr. EQIfALS S 1 G00 7. ESTII;P,TED SI•;EAT EQUITY: ' (;U�'BER OF PARTICI PANTS , AVERAGE HOURS/PARTICIPANT TOTAL HOURS TOTAL HOURS x $10/hr. EQUALS S ';P��AFPLICRTION, Page 7 �. PROJECT NAME .. , 8. ESTIPIATE,D CASH DONATIONS: SOURCE 1 . 5 2. � 3 � 9. ANTICIPATED FOUNDATION GRANTS: FOU«DATION(s) 1 . � � � 2. � 10. OTHER: EXPLAIN Not reflected in the rehab total is tne� value of a complete rehab/renovation of a commercial building. :��hether or not such a �2jP�t wou7 d t�se t�,e furding for 0% interim loan, it is the intent of the PABA to work to see that �ossible pro�iects happen d3zrir.�� the life of the NPP . In fact , the planning committee has already begun working with or_e such possibTe proiect , and knows of several others that mav_need little more than neighb�rhood cooperation to get off the ground. 125, 000 Again, the total is reflective of a con- ESTIMATEQ VALUE $ servative estimate of the value of one such project (as was the case on TOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD P , 5 , ) CONTRI BUT IONS DECLARAT ION �, 562, 000 11 . WhAT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT THE A60VE DECLARATIONS ARE REALISTIC? � During late 1982 and early 1983, the PABA long-range planning committee � conducte.d a survey of businesses along Payne Avenue . Of the respondents , approximately 30 expressed a desire to engage in rehabilitation, and an even greater number expressed an interest in learning more about the city' s rehab tools . ( in response to that need, the PABA and rirst Bank Sta�e joiried with the Bnsiness Re"vitalization division in sponsoring a well-atiended �vork- shop on the various loan programs . ) In the course of preparing this application, planning committee members and neighborhood staff talked to over half the business owners in the main +arget area; the purpose was to gather more detail on renab plans and fin- ancial needs . The conversations resulted in a determination that the a matching grant program, such as the one we are proposing, would meet witn the greatest response among the business owners . It also convinced the committee that a great many people are considering the rehab : just of the ones that were talked to in the smaller target area, there were 12-15 vrho plan to rehab their buildings to some extent and/or who expressed in the kind oi program �nis proposal envisions . Tre � in-kind contributions have already been verbally committed to by the �rouns and businesses involved. �t�PP RFPLICATION, Page 8 Project Name • ; Project Budget: Itemize use of NPP Funds . . ' � Cost Cate or Requested PED 9 Y NPP Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* �2. Consultant & Contract Services � 3. Rehabi 1 i tati on �250, 000 4. Design - 5. Construction 5. Equipment 7. Acquisition 8. Relocation ' 9. Demolition 10. Other ( * list) 11 . T�1ir_or public . improvements �10 , 000 � 12. �' � 13. 14. 15. � 16. , + , 17. � lb. 19. 2p_ I I 1 21 . � L2. I � 23. � I � � Total c, �250 , 000 5_ ' *�+� r,��_ach Job Descri pti ons : r r,eed�d, use lines 11 -23 to itemize categories 1 -9. � � . � , Attachment : completed answer to question i��; answers to questions r�13 and #14. Completion of r�5: The major target area is al�o adjacent to areas that have been targeted by the East Side Neighborhood Development Company � for residential rehab ( see answer to �9) . The project 's emphasis on rehab of rental units above commercial buildings also . squares with the Comprehensive Pl�.n 's goal of mixed use on Payne Avenue . T'he District rive plan and PABA goals, similiarly, encourage at- traction of new businesses as well as physical rehab . 'Ihe project addresses both . The attraction of new businesses is particularly important in the main target area, where there is the highest concentra= tion of vacant buildings on the Avenue , Answer to #13 : The PABA has been involved in long-range vlanning for eighteen months ; the long-range planning committee has involvec� area residents as well as business owners . ��'he specific planning for this proposal has involved f ace-to-f ace interviews with over half tre business owners in the main target area: so knowledge of the proposal is already widespread, and several newly-involved business owners have volunteered for the long term NPP monitoring committee . During the project , the process of involvement will con-tinue . The monitoring committee ' s make-up and activities will increase communicat- ion between residents and business owners .- Awareness of the nature of Pavne Avenue as a commercial strip, and of -the rehab znd related financial. needs faced by businesses, will increase during the life of the project . Answer to n14: Ihe general planning that led up to the planning ior the ` proposal was done by a long-range planning committee o�' the PABA . Active • membership of that group included the following: Russ Boogren, Borgstrom Pharmacy Gary Clang, Johnson-Dodd ' s �iony Dinzeo , F irst Bank State �Tom Ferraro , Ferraro Heating Larry Laughlin, Donald 's Dep't Store Carolyn McAdam, commercial loan officer , First Bank State Karl Neid, PABA Sherrie Pugh, East Side Neiohborhood �evelopment Co . � Bill Zajicek, area resident -i-:e preparation for this proposal �v4s coordinated by a smaller group of �he full planning 4:ask force , including Russ Boogren, Gary Clang, �.r�d Carolyn T�IcAd�.m. In addition, Mark �r�iesen from P��iesen Roofing played a very active role , particularly in the interviewing of business owners • � . , � ♦ DISTRICT 5 �. - �� . W � - - o - � �, - - - � - � ,;� � = - - � . ,� z �s � � � a�°' _o o = � � , :,•,�u�—�• ' /'� :r. ����t„_+ �� . . 1 �D�Q � oo�p��F���,� , �'� Q �DOG o �.. �� � ,� ,,, �.. �� . I -� 000�o E �.�: oDG���,�: . , � �� -�� �o�a000 � . ,. I -�O .y,. �?C��O❑ _.��. ' ���I� . . C� `` , L�a�O�O , :��: . .,, , . 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Y.:k:ICY �'i{ C iir YG.1 CiY - �' ._ _�" � r �,t�;. � �I ���. � "�. ��' O �� - ��Y � I -`; ��U. .::�� �D�� �f:: :E:��,,, � ~ , ' '� g" � � � �r�� " .�� v �� �°� •;:,_ _ � ;�I �� �/ ,/�;r1 -i' _ I . �.� / •• iL�J M_.,or:'y'. I J-{f'��.�_l��_ �_^�q�� �r�� or7i.l�� ' ( ' � L���r �� `� �� I . ,_ � ��. _� �.� :��;,; , . � .���I___ . , , , I � . ��_� ��� �'` `� . . , . ' Kevlsea y/(4/�3 , . . . �!= �y-a�i . • Nei 5nborhood Partnershi p Program � PED USE OP1LY Dept . Planning & Economic Development Planning District C V,/ Code �o. � 25 td. 4th Street � � Planner-�n-Charge z.don _ St. Paul , Piinn. 55102 Technical Suppor�� BR D H P �/„ (612)292-1577 � � Other � CD ✓ Non CD - , RECE(V�� �F�'� � � ig$3 � . NPP APPLICATION • PLEASE PRINT aR TYPE , PROJECT NAP•1E• �AT;H�� TLr+D�1�TT T�A,.T Fzrnm punrRaM — � �� � , - GROUP OR ORGA��IZATION St�BP4ITTING REQUEST � � P�AI4E: gISPA.�IOS EN MIi�tiQESOTA INC -- ' ADDRESS: 203 Prescott Avenue St Paul Minnesota__—S�19L.— STREET CITY STATE �IP TELEPHO�E: 227-0833 DAYTII�IE CG��TACT PERSON FOR T�iIS RE�UEST: Gene Tioore TEL'cPHONt: 227-08�3_ � . WHAT IS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE PROJEC7? � - The provision of interest-free loans to low incor�e..tennants. _ • In return for'.the interest free loans recipients will be required to perform 10 - hours .or more rehabilitation on the rented property. In exchange for property rehabilitation landlords will� be reCaired to reduce their ! "nornal" damage deposit requirements. � 2, HOW �1UCH NPP hiONEY IS� BEING REQUESTED? $ 18,OJ0.00 3. 4JHAT IS TNE TOTAL DECLARATIUN OF �EIGNBO�HOOD CONTP.IBUTIOhS? (SFE Pages 6 & 7) 5 23,094.00 �, IdHAT SPE.CIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. . a. intakes - demographic - b. loan intakes - financial inventory c. agreements developed: - H.E.M. and Tennant ' - Fl.E.M. and Property Otaner _ � - Property dwner and Tennant � d. loan repayment monitored and reported " 1 1) See grant request Addendum • . . � . � . . , • t�PP APPLICATION, Page 2 � PROJECT �tAt�fE �A�fAGE DEPOSIT LOAh FUI�� PROGRAM 5. 4JHAT �EEOS ARE� BEING DTRECTLY AODRESSED BY EACH OF THE� PROJECT'S PROPOSED ACTIV�TIES (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFERENCE NEEDS FP.OM EITHER A CITYI•:I�E PLA�J, DISTRICT � PL�N, DISTRICT COUNCIL ANhUAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATIOf�, GOALS OR OTHER DOCUME�J?AT�ON. enta ssistance fo very ow income ouse o s: - � - Objective: to use rental assistance grants over the next three years to make 300 additional housing units affordabZe to very low income household ' (those �aking less than 50� of the SMSA median income� . page 41 Develop a rental agreemfent Zimiting rental iricreases in buiTdings receiving public financing. Ya$e 36 , For lower income households a rent subsidy becomes necessarv. _Page 36 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT INTEND TO DIRECTLY CREATE A t�1EASURABLE It�CREASE OF JOBS FOR NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS? YES NO�. IF YES, DESCRIBE. _ . -- • � _ - . 7. ATTACH A NAP SHOWING THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPiiIC AREA OR SITE IS T;iE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVI7IES. Not Applicable 8, IJHQ t�lI l�l. MANA�E THE PROJECT? HISPAt�os,,_Et1.MINNESOTA3 DO TNEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN h'��IdA�IN�SIt�iiLAr� PROJECTS? YES x tr4 IF YES, DESCRIBE. In 1982 Hispanos en Minnesota �as provided short:term da�nage deposits. . .ranging from singles to families and from $50.00 to $235.00. - In 1983 alone 7 loans have been make for a total of $I,400.00. Only one of these4 loans is not in the process of being repaid. (i.e. 85� are repaying their loans.) • . 9. IdILL THE PROPOSED PROJECT BE TIED OR COORDINATED l,'IiH A�Y 4Tf'ER PP,OJECT CR PRO:.RAt�[ (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? YES X NO e IF YES, � DESCRISE, H.E.Me currently provides damage deposits, housing services, ho�sing, and information and referral. This program will be integrated into tne progra�. 2)� City of St. Paul's Lower Income Housing Strategy 1982-1984 - 3) H.E.M. is a Plinnesota Aon Profit Corporation that assists Hispanics in the metrapolitan area in housing and social service related matters and in addition runs a statewide che:�ical abuse service agency. H.E.M. has been in business since 1969. 4) H.E."i. has no operating line item for the provision of danage deposit loans(see :�dZendu�.�. . � � . � Revised �/t4/d3 � . - � Nei Shborho�od Partnershi p Program PED USE OPiLY Dept , Planning & Economic Development Planning District ��J Code No, - 25 td. 4th Street � � Planner-in-Charge ?do� _ St. Paul , Ptinn. 55102 7echnical Support� BR D H P �/ � (612)292-1577 ' Other CD �/ Non CD - , RECEIVFL �Q�y � � 1�$3 - NPP APPLICATIOt� • PLEASE PRINT �R TYPE . PROJ ECT NAP1E: T,r.,�.�T.,. T r,�,,, �T,,,n, ��n��e�,.t _ ,�AT�'�Q�F' i�r ���� � � r. GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBP4ITTING REQUEST - - t�At�E: gISPA*�OS EN MI�TNESO A I � ADDRESS: 203 Prescott Avenue St Paul Minnesota 55107 STREET CITY STAtE �IP TELEPtiONE: 227-0833 DAY7I1�1E COi�;TACT P�RSON FOR 1'HIS REQUtST: Gene rioore TEL'cPHO�E: 227-0833 _ � . ►ti'HAT IS TNE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT? � The provision of interest-free loans to low incor�e..tennants. . In return for'.the interest free loans recipients will be required to perform 1J � hours or more rehabilitation on the rented property.^ In exchange for property rehabilitation landlords will: be rec,uired to reduce their ' . "normal" damage deposit requirements. 2. HOId MUCH NPP MONEY IS BEING REQUESTED? � 18,OJ0.00 _ 3, blHAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATIUN OF (�EIGNBOP,HOOD CONTP,IBUi iGNS? - (SEE Pages 6 & 7) 5 23,094.00 4. �dHAT SPECIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. - a. intakes - demographic - b. loan intakes - financial inventory c. agreements developed: - H.E.M, and Tennant ' - H.E.M. and Propertv Ocaner - - Property Owner and Tennant ' d. loan rena}�nent monitored and reported 1 1) See gr2nt reauest Addendum t�PP �PPLICATION, Page 4 ' . PROJECT NA1iEDAP1AGE DEPOSIT I.OA� FUATD PROGP,rL*�i ` 15. t4ILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITNER THE RETURNIf�i, OF t�PP FUt�D$ TO THE P�EIGNSORNOOD ' � � PARTt�ERSHIP PROGRAP1 OR THE RECYCLING OF NPP FU��DS 4�ITHIN THE PP.OJECT? YES� t�0 - IF YES, DESCRIBE. - � , a. Revolving loan program. ' • 16. C0;�IPLETE PROGRAPI ACTIVITY AP;D BUL�GET FORMS PAuES 5 AND 8. ' � 1 Program Director Y 4 . Gene :ioore Housing Services /� E GNATURE OF IRDIVIDUaL TYPED NAME TITLE Or� ROLE D�T COMPLETING APPLICA ON ' . . � Ricardo Flores Executive Director �� 34/�'3 - 1 NATUt�E r CHIEF OFFICER TYPED ��At•�E . _ TITLE OR ROLE Dk►� . OR PRESIDENT . . -_ . , . ' Revised /14/t� � WeiShbarhood Partnership Program � PED USE OP�LY Dept . Planning & Economic Development Planning District C V✓ Code P�o, - . 25 t+t. 4th Street � � Planner-in-Charge Zc�o� St. Paul , P1inn. 55102 Technical Support� 8R D N P t/+ (612)292-1577 � ' Other CD i/ Non CD - , RECElVFD �F�3' � � 1�83 � . � . NPP APPLICATION � PLEASE PRINT �R TYPE _ - PROJECT NkME: naMarF nFpn�TT 7nau FTrnm vunrRaM . � s GROUP OR ORGANIZATION Sl}8�4ITTING REQUEST - -- F�At4E: hISPA*IOS LN MINATESOTA� IN� ' ADDRESS: 203 Prescott Avenue St Paul Minn��ora 551�7 � STREET CITY STA�E �IP T�LEPHONE: 227-0833 DAY7It�M1E COi;TACT PERSON FOR THIS REQUEST: Gene Moore TEL�PNO(��: 227-0833 � , l�'HAT IS THE PRIMARY PURP.OSE OF THE PROJECT? - The provision of interest-free loans to low incor�e..zennants. • In return for'.the interest free loans recipients will be required to perform 10 � � hours �r more rehabilitation on the rented property. In exch�nge for property rehabilitation landlords will��be reC�ired to reduce their ! "normal" damage deposit requirements. 2. HOW P�UCIi NPP MONEY IS� BEING REQUESTED? � 18,OJ0.00 3, b�HAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATIUN OF �dEIGHBORH00D CO�TP,IBUTIGt:S? (SFE Pages 6 & 7) S 23,094.00 4, IdHAT SPE.CIFIC PROJECT AC7IVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. - a. intakes - demographic - b. loan intakes - financial inventory c. agreements developed: - H.E.M. and Tennant ' - H.E.M. and Property Owner . • - Property Owner and Tennant • d. loan repayment monitored and reported � 1 1) See grant request Addendum � �:PP APPLICATION, Page 6 � PROJECT NAMED�pLAGE DEPOSIT LOAN FUND PROG�.�i , � , . . , - � NEIGH80RHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS OECLARA7ION � . _ . ' 1 . ESTIPIATED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL . + Ih�PROVEMENTS: � . ' NUhSBER OF PARTICI PANTS • . � ' AVERAGE INVESTI�ENT PER PARTICIPANT _ - � TOTAL I NVESTFiENT EQUALS _ � � 2. ESTII•4ATED RESIDEhT.IAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPI�TAL . IMPROVEMEt�TS; � • P1Ut�fBER OF PARTICI PANTS AVERAGE INVESTt�IENT PER PARTICIPANT . � . T07AL TfJVESTt�ENT EE�UALS 5 3, NEW COMP�1ERCIAL DEVELOPNfENT: - - SITE (a) ' - ESTIM�ATED MARKET VALUE $ . '� SITE �b) ' ' . : - - . ESTIMATED tfARKET VALUE � . TOTAL MARKET VAE.UE S � 4. NEW RESI�DcNTIAL DEVELOPh�ENT: � - -- -- -- SITE (a) • � ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE $ � SITE (b) ESTIM�ATED MARKET VALllE $ TOTAL t'�ARKET 4�ALLE 5 5. ESTIt�`J-tTED IN-.KIND-SERVICES (4FFICE SPACE, EQUIPt�ENT, SEr2�lICcS} : SOURCE AND TYPE 1 , See Addendum ' $ 2, ' S 3. S 5. ESTIt�ATED VOLUNTEER LABOR: �Jl1f�1BER OF VOLU�v7EERS i �ra f v rG� , AVEP,AGE HOURS/VOLUfJTEER __ g0 hours � �� TOTAL HOURS x 510/hr. EQUALS Sg00.00 i. ESTI'•�ATEO Sl�lEAT EQUITY: P;Ut;BER OF PARTICI PAWTS 60 ,AVERAGE HOURS/PARTICIPANT 10 hours per varticinant TOTAL HOURS � 600 TOTAL HOURS x �1D/hr. EQU�LS � 56�000.00 f�PP APPLICHTION, Page 3 . PROJECT I�AiiEDe�1AGE DEPOSIT LO+AI� FL'i.D PROGRAM 10. WILL THIS PROJECT BE COMPLETED IN 2 YRS.? YES �0 ,rx : IF hOT, EXPLAIK HO�� IT tdILL BECOtjE SELF-SUSTAINING llITHOUT .FURTHER �'PP FUNDI�G? The program is designed to be a revolving fund. . .since our repayment experience lias been good withaut agreement ,contro2, we anticipate being able to provide damage deposits for many years to come. ' il . WILL THIS PROJECT RESULT IN INCREASED t,AiNTEr;At�CE A��D OPERATI�G COSTS FOR 7ttE CITY? YES P10 X . IF YES, EXPLAIN HOt�J 7HE PROJECT 41ILL PP.Il1ATELY PAY FOR �HOSE COSTS.. 12. NO�J WILL THE PROJECT BENEFIT L0�•J At1D h10�JFRfiTE I.i;COf•iE NOi1S�NOLt�,S? . � a. Reduction in damage deposit requirements � b. Interest free damage deposit loans - c. Liberal repayment schedules based on financiai inventory � •- - � - � d. Establishment of credit for future credit consideration 13, NOW WILL NEIGHBORHOOD CI?IZEN PARTICIPATIOPd BE FOSTERED �URIfdG PROJEC► DEVELUP��,EWT AWD It�iPLEP1ENTATION? a. Property owners will be required to reduce their damage deposit requirements b. Tennants will be required to provide "sweat equity in exchange far tlie interest- free loan. � ��. DOES A PROJECT PLAt�NING COh1��1ITTEE EXIST? YES NO x . IF YES , IDEt�TIFY THE t�Et•?OERSHIP. t�PP AFPLICATION, .Page. 8 ' Project t�ame D�'�1AGE DEPOSIT LOA:� FUt'D PROG; Project Budget: Itemize use of hPP Funds . � � ' � � - Requested � PED ° Cost Category NPP Funds U�e Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* ' 2, Consultant & Contract Services � � 3. Rehabilitation � � 4. Design 5. Construction 6. Equipment �, 1. Acquisition . 8. Relocation � -� 9 Denol i ti on ' � - - � ~ . . � � 10. Other ( * 1 i st) - � . 11 . . � � . . , • . .. . 12• OgeratinQ E .. 13. 14. � �' f 15. � 16. � � 17. ' 18. 19. � 20_ � 21 . . � 22. � � � - i 23. � Total t�.8,o00.006 S 6) See grant request Addendum *Attach Job Descriptions - ?r' needed, use lines 11 -23 to iterrize categories 1 -9. - . � ' • a z a . � � • � �+ -v .� . � � • r+ � . . . . t� - ..�. �-- iy, r� .-, � � � � n c* -�-� � Q c-f O r-ti � ..�. ' � � � Z . � e't , p �G C 'C • � � � • f7i fD . � c�+ c.n . 1 , ' � � � ta __ ._ - - - - '� � � • p G) � . _ _ ( - n . 9 O '-' . � � � • ' . � H fD c+- - -- . � _ - - t., -• �, � _ r �J. � � Q �J. � � � • • � � � � � � � N � .� _ ' � `-j � (� V� O - �.�. O fD �D c'+ ' . � � n w v� c� rr �J J�C� � 7 �J d . � � ��y 1 V 1� � � � � � iJ {/) n Z t� ia N � �. •�Cr1 w p c-t cQ C ,� p �S C7 —'� �O. -�• Q' �-'J � � o O � C "S !!� � �� H I ' p O � N � O 9 z � � ►ri r c � ' oo -„ z � � Z d � o � -v '� O N � � i� a ;. c� i� _ � � . ' , .-. . � HISPANOS EN MINNESOTA AOUSING SERVICES PROGRAM _ (An overview of our request for NPP funding from NPP) - The Housing Services Program is distinctively dif- ferent from o�h-er programs Hispanos en Minnesota has offered. The ser- vices provided by the program range from technical assistance with housing needs to actual rental assistance for eligible clients. . Additionally, the Housing Services Program is current�y the only com- ponent of Hispanos en Minnesota able zo generate a significant part of �its own operating capital. This is achieved by applying the revenue generated from the rental of the organiza.tion�s appartment units toward the maintenance and operating costs of the Housing Services _ Program; in turn our staff is available to directly assist our clients and "program tennants". The program's purpose then is to assist fami- .. lies with housing problems from rental to ownership. ' The Housing Services Program's rental activi�y currently � generates $5,400.00 annually. However, plans are currently under kay to convert the properties from single family units ta duplexes. This • would create a total of four units that would be managed by the • program and would increase the total rental revenue to $18,OU0:00 � annually. � � In I984 we estimate the provision of program services to 25Q individual clients. Une of the services provid�d by the Housing Services Pr�gram of .Hispanos en Minnesota is to assist low and moderate income families to secure adequate and af£ordable transitiona]. housing. (We disting- uish transitional housing from emergency housing. Emergency housing, 'regardless of family size has a 30,60,or 90 day limit. By cantrast, transftional housing is for us, a means to assist families in the resettling process.) Participants in the program are not charged a fee for services. They are, however, charged rent. For a variety of reasons most of the families we serve are in ' need of the skills required to function in a Non-Hispanic enviornment. To assist us and the families in this process, we have established advisory committees within individual neighborhoods an the premise that there will be a direct line of communication by neighbQrhood residents with the resettling family to assure the protection of pro- perty values. � t�;PP APPLICATION, Page 7 . � '. PR�JECT NAt��ED�•.,arF nFpo�TT T�ara �1�: PRnrR�M . . • � . • ' . 8. ESTIt�1ATED CASN DONATIOtQS. . SOURCE 1 . . ' $ -- � 3. � ' 9. ANTICIPA7ED FOUNDATION GRANTS: _ FOUf�DATION(5) 1 . First Bank Systems,Inc. � � � 5 000.00 - 2. 10. OTNER; EXPLAIN H.E.i4. (in kind contribution) . ' ESTII�iATED VALUE � ����,n� � TOiAL NEIGNBORHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS DECLARATION " $ 23 094.00 _ _ 11 . Wt�AT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT THE AEOVE DECLRitA,TiO�JS ARc REkLIST:C? - - The Sweat Equity declarations are tien to the loan program i.e. to receive the loan the applicant must be willin� to perforn sorae-maintenance on the p�vperty- - - for which he/she receives the loan. - . - H.E.M. will be submitting the request for �5,000.00 to First Bamk Systems after the first of the year. Our initial entry to FBS received an encouraging response. ' NISPANIC COI,L*�fUNITY PROFILE • ' GENERAL POPUL.4TION STATISTICS ' _ ,� , The state's comminity is concentrated primarily in the metropolitan area. The breakdown is as follows: ' � MINNESOTA'S HISPANIC POPULATION* - Saint Paul 7,864 � - Minneapolis 4,684 � - - Other Metro Area 9,582 •- . s - _ - Total Metro Area 22,Z30 � - Rural Minnesota _ 9,994 TOTAL STATE 32,124 *Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census, � 19�0. t;?P APPL'ICATION, Page 7 . � '. PR�JECT PdA1��EDA�A�,F nFp��rT T�ara �t�:n PRnGR�M � . 8. ESTIh1ATED CASH DONATIOtJS: � SOURCE 1 , � � '� � 2' � . 3. 9. ANTICIPATED FOUNDATIOt� GRANTS: . ' FOUNDATION(s) le Fi_rst Bank Systems,Inc. � " � 5 000.00 � 2, . � 10. �OTHER; EXPLAIN H.E.t4. (in kind contribution) _ ' ESTIIfiATED VALUE � ����, nn � � TO i AL �tE I GHBOR!'OOD CONTRIBl1TI0h'S QECLARATION " � 23,094.00 .. 11 . WtiaT EVIDENCE IS THERE TH�T THE AEOVE DECLARA�iOFJS �ARE REALIS7:C? . - The Sweat Equity declarations are tien to the loan program i.e. to receive the loan the applicant must be willing to perform some-maintenance oin the p�-operty- - - for which he/she receives the loan. : _ - H.E.M. will be submitting the request for '�5,000.00 to First Bamk Systems after the first of the year. Our initial entry to FBS received an encouragirig response. . . ' , ' � - +r Because we provide an array of services to the Hispanic com- munity not provided elsewhere, e.g. � Property Rental • Housing/Rental Information and Referral � • Damage Deposit Loansl • Transportation � --- •�� • Education/Assistance -Mortgage Acquisition , -Contract for,Deed Agreer�ents we are often considered the source of. first referral with respect to housing and housing related matters. We are requesting $18,000.00 from the NPP for a revolving damage deposit loan fun3. By providing damage deposit loans to our client families we will be in a position to assist families who by .. statistical definition (see attached Hispanic Co�unity Profile) . _ - find it difficult to cope without financial assistance. ' The Housing Services Program is tlie franework of our a�- plication. Our appeal to the NPP is an essential element within that � fxamework. _ - - - H.E.M. has no operating line item for the provision of danage deposit loans. In 1983/84 all operating funds have been specifically � program related i.e. services and support. Despite the Zack of a designated damage deposit fund, in 1983 we assisted six fanilies with funds totaling a]_most $1,500.00. We did this by reducing selected line items (including salaries). Obviously we cannot continue along this vein. � � � As the financial ,information within the accompanying app2ica- 'tion demonstrates, -with� a• grant from the NPP in the initial Zoan phase we will be able to assist approximately 60 families! Qr put another way, when compared to the number of clients we expect to service in 1984, about 25Y of the need. 1. While the purpose of the Housing Program is to approach the housing needs of the Hispanic client syste�nically, our appeal to the NPP is to provide the funds for only a portion of the program i.e. damage deposit loans. The loans we have been able to rsake available to clients to date has directly impacted on line iter�s within our oper- tating budget. � AGE OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD FOR HISPANIC . � � NON-HISPANIC FAMILIES, 1978 • 3or - ' . � * * � ** * ** Hispanics 20y * * * - * * � _ � * * * � Total � � * Families ---� � . * _. - 10% * * * * � * � * * � . * * * * * � � * * � � � � . � � �: * � � * � * * � * �r � * � * �r 14-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ years years years years years years � - Source: Statistical Abstracts of the United States, Table -- - . 59, Page 45. . _��� 40y 30y � �C 7C !�C 3C Zoy *� �� �� �� �� . *� �� �� �� *� *� ,�� �* �* *� �* : ioi ** �� �� �� *� �� �� �� �� �* �� *� ,�� �* ** *� �� �� ** �* �* �* �* *� ��• �� �� �* �* �� �� �� �* �� �� �:� �� *� �� 1 pers 2 pers 3 pers 4 pers S pers 6 pers 7 or more NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF HOUSEHOLD ' �* ** Hispanics Total Families Source: Statistical Abstracts of the United States, Table 59, Page 45. � The following analysis is a synthesis of data compiled - � from a combination of national trends and county and metropo- litan statisCics. . Some general observations regarding th.e Hispanic popu- lation provide a context in which the statistical�con- _ + siderations can be evaluated. The sources from which the data is drawn cover a time period ranging from 1978 to 1981. It should be noted that although the data is not specifically current, it is, even beyond the present recession, commonly accepted and understood that jus as the conditions described . took time to develop, a study need not be the measure of assurance that the conditions as described stil] have not � changed. . . ` � , • - - -T-he Ratio .of Dependence, or number of persons rely on the �family head, is considerably larger for Hispanics than for non-Hispanics, i.e. , every • wage earner in an Hispanic family must support 2.5 persons on their income, while for � non-Hispanic households, only 1.9 persons depend on usually much larger income(s). - The Iack of sufficient spendable income avail- able to Hispanics has the overall effect of _ driving developers away from Hispanic . ' . � - communities. ` A. In 1975, 59y of the non-Hispanic population .over the age of 14 worked full time during some part of the year, was er�ployed for SO to 52 weeks, while only 51y of the employed �� Hispanics worked the full year. ' [Given the much higher rates of non-Hispanic youth in schools, in comparfson to Hispanics, the tendency os for these figures to show even greater disparity.J B. 57Y of all Rispanics are renters. [This . represents a figure taken from the U.S. • � Bureau of Census Update in 1977, that is not inclusive of the recent Cuban, Puerto Rican and Central American immigrations. The figure given here is therefore very probably low. By way of comparison, 43% of the majority of the U.S. population � is composed of renters.] C. Only 10% of Hispanic women and 24� of Hispanic men have completed either college or technical training. D. 26% of Hispanic men and 47% of single Hispanic women earn below the poverty level. . � , , � rledian Income in 1977 of Spanish Fami•iies by Type of Spanish Origin _ - +� 18,000 Dollars . 16,000 � 14,000 • 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,OOC 4,000 . 2,000 0 Total Mexican Puerto Cuban Central Other Not of Rican or South Spanish Spanish American Origin Origin(1) (1) Includes persons who did not report on origin. � . . ?t . ��,:,agr�p:��c In��r.�.�ticn . ----- -- -•--- -------- - - --------- - - ----�-- - P.. Y.e�d �� 5oss��o'_d: Perer.den�s/rc:cEr:��� �`h?_�� � .iI. IIZc��:l'uEIl�S:COil�?iIiFC�.. C�L tl@:._ :'•.��ti:�I.=�I"it:_r� :.�'jC <:?:. , - � ----------^-----------------�^-----^-------_ ... ... `.----------�-------------------------------------------^----- n � � ---"-�'�--'--�---�--'-'-----'�-------�-� ___.��.------ -^-��^--��.� f. `. _"_--^-----------------------^---'-----------------r»--------- r 7 --^-- .__^__----------------------------- ----��---------�-__ c -- � ^---------^_._---------------------'-----'------------------�-- ' � -____�_--------'-----------'-----'----------'-------------------- 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ �� --- ------------------------------------------------------ R. �nr�'�y:�en� Hi�.�ory -- �r r t t � � t ...t :. � �'4.t-�''c . {r''- _'" -,t .y�,P c,� �.�r.: �ni- 'i=� -=�� ='�• - -- -•• ---- _ 1 _.. `'' --------------------------------------------------------- o ' C. �ncone � ..Ci4�..Ii r�' Ci Ti1�C�^lt�' . f:i.�CiCw:i� . v•7'.::��i Wor}:nar.'s Comg r---------- --------- 4;el�rre c a n�^ � ,.F.,U ,� r�-�i. j G=r. .A._•�_ . ---------- --------- riti��- r T-t � l C..���"t • C . -t s 1 T ^��Y '1 ^f �-.�t� • . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . r _���__1.Z���Ji.��_��_��__���_���� �_����.��__ � � ' The consequence of the foregoing circumstances . portrayed by the date can be more ,readily appreciated when ' placed in the context of the McKni�ht and Minneapolis/St. Paul �Family Housing Fund. "The inCent of the project is to meet the need . f of providing affordable homes for the yaung with a particular interest in the expansion of housing . stock for moderate income families (those wfth household incomes of approximately $16,800 to $23,100 annually, for a family of four) ." Comment: As shown above, the average Hispanic � � � family earns below $16,800, and is � more likely than the non-Hispanic ' - --- •�- family to have a family of four. _. "A new three-bedroom rental unit at Current develop- . ment costs of $45,000, and inferest rates of 13�, would rent for about $650.00 per month. � Such costs clearly exceed a reasonable expenditure for the average Twin City family making the metropolitan area's median annual income of S21,000 per year." .. Comment:. The average young Hispanic family has a - � - combined income of less than $18,000.00. - � These mutually exclusive conditians are further exacerbated by. the education and employment data described � � above. • The scenario these figures project for the future�of - the Hispanic (without political or. philanthropic intevention) is portrayed by means of the graph below: Market Rate - Housing* � Employment & Incom Gap ' Hispanie Population Ability to pay for Housing 1980 1981 1982 1983 *Factors: 1.) Taaes (both FederaZ and State). 2.) Rising costs of npkeep and rsaintenance. . 3.) Maintenance/Repair costs of public works. 4.� Supply and Demand pressures for lar e. fa�ily rental units (when available�. . • f . • � tt`�-��fr_�c C►� 1•�T�t.i ':.<<�.�1'.�._rpric-r�,r> - ' '�..~.��.�' i . i?C'JS�:ti: _. -RF"- ���� , ._ .c "- • I . _��+:':''_"�Irf,�:r_:� �E„'A =�'•�== -• . � __r.�,.._�rle�.. ��� �:\%rif? � �_ _t ...rL • r..� .. .. ~+.� . , �OC�.�� C�=:ir'�1..�7_s+--°-- - --Lt�c. - --"=' --��• -�' ='t ��.. �.it �.�, tT ������°�������'���.���`»�������_�r�'�._����'�`�'' . . ?�rr.;ar.e�± Ad��'e�� Ci� �^�,) . c i � a. •c r_.•�^+'Y ci �� _ .:.:.�. .�tree� �-�'r' , .. - H�vc y�i ever be�.^. �i, �;�w �' - _;;y '�_=c.:e? �''= ----- ',=_--- -- - . _ �� j C'S� W:1P:1�-------------------- ,c • i. L�,� r •t-•�� k'h�=re did vc�u � �rs� r �� F:_:. • -------------------------- . _ Reycrr_d 5y ' rCv'15�T1 i�'1Y' reF?x�a:.i �.S��.i.�G::Eri�. Gi �=•I v,J��i�..� . 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' ` . - +r Damage Deposit Loan Fund Program � Budget Summary NPP Request. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . .$18,000.00* H.E.M.(in-kind contribution). . . . . . . 11,194.00 Foundations(loan funds). . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000.00* Sweat Equity... . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . 6,900.00 � - Total Program Budget:$41,094.00 - � . *Total Loan Funds Available. . . . . . . . .$20,000.00 - FBS. : . . . .$ 5,000.00 ' � - Npp. . . . . . 15,000.00 . • . . . . Budget Request - - +� f rom the Neighborborhood Partnership Program for the � Damage Deposit Loan Fund Program � • (Hispanos en Minnesota) Administrat-�ve expense: - - • Executive Director(@3% of $24,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$890.00 • Bookeeper( @5y of $16,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 840.00 FICA. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116.00 Unemployment Compensation. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23�.00 �dorkers Compensation. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I4.00 Total Administrative Expense:$1,990.00 .. Operating Expense: _ _ - Housing Counselor(@65� of $16,000).. . . . . . . . . .. . . ..$9,000.00 FICA. . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 62d.00 • Unemployment Compensation. . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . . .. . . . . . 620.00 Workers Compensation. . . ... . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. 290.00 Secretary(@S% of $I2,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .$ 600.00 FICA. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . 39.00 . Unemployment Compensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 42.00 Workers Comper.sation. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . 12.00 Supplies. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ...... .$ 65.00 Postage. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . 80.00 Telephone. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . 540.00 Equipment Rental. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . ... ... . 180.00 Printing. . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . 60.00 Occupancy. . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . 7'S.00 Mileage(@40 miles per month .17 per mile). . • •• •• •• 81.00 Total Operating Expense:$12,204.00 Tatal Administrative and Operating Expense:$14,194.�0 Less In—Kind Contributions: 12 ,194.U0 Administrative and Operating Expenses -requested from NPP:$ 3,000.00 Damage Deposit Loan Funds requested from NPP: 15,000.00 Total Amount Requested from RPP:S18,000.00 � II. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on ' between and - � (tenant) (property owner) - � obligates the tenant to perform maintenance duties as herein desribed in exchange for a reduction in the damage deposit. Maintenance agreement: . ; • - . . . ' ' AGREEMENT " • I. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on between . � and , (tenant) (property owner} and Hispanos en Minnesota, Inc. a Minnesota Corporation (H.E.M.) . allows for the loan of the sum of $ • by Hispanos en � Minnesota and • under the following terms (.tenant) ! . � and conditions: � THAT THE SUM of $ be paid by H.E.M. to the property of the rental premises located at , St. Paul, Minnesota, in payment of the security deposit on said premisesr . � - THAT assume full respsonsiblity - ' (tenant) _ for the repayment of said sum at a minimum of $ per month, each and every month, until said sum is repaid in full . and in accordance with the following repayment schedule: . . � � � . III. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on between . � H.E.M. , and (tenant) (property owner) delineates their respective responsibilities with respect to this agreement as herein described: � A�) � will repay the damage deposit (tenant�-- --� - • - . loan to H.E.M. according to the repayment schedule listed above. ' 1) SHOULD THE TENANT DEFAULT ON REPAYMENT, t1�e damage deposit, less damages, and that amount of the damage deposit to which the tenant is entitled, is inmediately returned to H.E.M. 2) SHOULD THE TENANT•VACATE THE PREMISES BEFORE TH� DAMAGE .. DEPOSIT LOAN IS REPAID IN FULL, the damage deposit, less . - damages and the anount to which the tenant is entitled, "- is immediately returned to A.E.M., :' 3. SHOULD THE TENANT DAMAGE THE PROPERTY BEYOND THE PALUE OF THE DAMAGE DEPOSIT, -� (tenant) . is solely responsible for the additionaZ expense. B.� __� _ agrees to the following: (property owner) 1) SHdULD THE ABOVE NAMED TErANT DEFAULT ON THE LOAN AGREEMENT WITH H.E.M. the property owner will immediately return the damage deposit to h, less damages to the rented property (for which he/she � will provide an explanation of the damages and written documentation of the estimated repair cost(s)] and the amount to which the tenant is entitled [which the property owner will obtain from H.E.M.] . . 2) SAOULD THE TENANT DAMAGE THE PROPERTY BEYOr'D T�iE VALUE OF THE DAi,iAGE DEPOSIT, the property owner understands that H.E.M. is limited in its liability to the dar_mage deposit already provided. � 3) SHOULD THE CURRENT PROPERTY O�tiTNER DISPOSE OF THE PROPERTY, it is her/his responsibility to com�uni- cate the contents and intent of this agreement to the new property owner. . . . . • � . . � Attached, and therefore made a part of this agreement is a document entitled CONDITIONS OF DAMAGE DEPOSIT. - IN WITNESS hereof, the parties have hereto executed � this agreement this day of , I9 . Subscribed and sworn before me this � (TENANT) day of , 19 . (PROPERTY 041NER) � NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires AISPANOS EN MINI3ESOTA, INC . • � . . ' �r . (.'n�r�T�^-•C^•�� r.� T';+�y►i�rr �`r,_,c��rY . . �������������...������....������� . . �^ y' ' '_" 7r, L _ _ �� _ ' `.�. ' '' �' i�,"'� _ ! _' .7 S � ' _ � e� ��j..y,�� L,��i��aa 1::J a � Z U�r Y��ti r.� � � • • � •�_ .� .r�,.�•=v� �.. :��---�� == =•`'� :r�_ =='�1 ri;.;.:e�., �.`._ �:_.i•.:::.::� C•=;:���ii:.:�= "�:. _..�. , - - - - � - '- - - •--� ..-- - - - -- - •�•- -�- ^___ ...rc �_�'C-^ �Q� � L'. . :�.+_� ^� r.'_ = C•��_. � i ".= s....= . _. . _.. -- - .'.: :. ' r�_,cr=y+�r.� �::�i:�e��~ _r.�__:��__. . 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You have destgned a program whicti will enable ten�nts to move fnto . units they othen:ise 'could not afford. _ - .. -- The St. Paul. Tenants Union is an organization c.�hich is co:r.mitted � • bo naintaining decent and affordable housing. k'e provide advocacy/counseling services to our menbers on a number of issues. One �f the most comron problens our mer�bers have is an inability to freely move because of the hish costs involved. Itfs extremely difficult for someone faced �.•ith paying b��h the first month's rent and a damage deposit prior to raoving in. A program such as the Dar..a�e Deposit Loan Program addresses , this important need snd,beyond providing dfrect :uonetary assistance, the program has a uniqUe attribute. Unlike many programs, the Dana�;e Aeposit Loan Program doesn't si:�ply givc noney ac.•ay. kfien people are asked to repay the loan, it gives them tt�e responsibility� and an incentive to devclop or malntain rheir credit ra[ing. Octr ors:�ni�ation �:orl:s with peop2e to develop self sufficienc�, azd c;e support those prograr�s �.•ith the sar.►e soals in nind. If c.�e can be of any assistance, please le[ us knoi:. Sincercly, <,,,, ,`j • , �u�� � � Charles 0. Lentz � President, P,oard of birectors S[. Paul Tenants L'nion , - �Z�iL2� � d� �Q f1-�e;rGpo(i:an Councii � -F.`�;� �� 300 f�4etro �quare Bui{ding � � ��'I� � Seventh �r,d Robert Streeu ' �,� �,�.—�!,�, � St. Pau�, !�in�esota 55101 � � - # �'>.,,. r' i elepF►onP (G121 291-6359 � '�,n�:�i.:� November 30, 1983 � . . Gene Moore � hispanos en riinnesota . � 203 Prescott St. St. Paul , I�Iinn 55107 Ds ar Ger..e : _. I looked over your proposal af Agreement for repay�ent - of security deposit. It looks very good. I hope every thing works out for you. Good_luck. Sincerel� , . �G i� _ - -- - �c�-� � atalie Mcveal � Metro HRA • ;,r� �a�oi �i:nr.� .. . _ . . . - . ' Revised 9/14/83 � . � LT �y��5/ - Nei ghboi-hood Partnershi p Prngram PED USE 0"�LY Dept , Planning & Economic Development Planning District fT Code No. 25 W. 4th Street Planner-in-Charge �. �i St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Technical Support BR D N P� (612)292-1577 Other • CD c/ Non CD . - . �ECEIV�� ���� i 1983 NPP APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT OR aYPE PROJECT tvAP•1E: Ramsey Hill Association Crime Prevention Pro�ram GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBF�ITTING REQUEST �At�!E• Ra�rsey Hill Association ADDRESS; 307 Laurel Avenue St. Paul ��T 55102 STREET CITY S?Ai � ZIP TELEPHOhE: 227-4193 DAYTIME CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS REQUEST: Lois Stevens TELEP�iOhE : � 927-3544 1 . IdHAT IS TNE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT? ' The Ramsey Hi11 Association seeks funds to coordinate a crime prevention progran that coill have three basic components: 1.) To develop a "Neighborhood Crime Statistics r�odel" to accurately de.f'ine and �aeasure crine as it relates to the neighborhood population and � circu�stances. 2.) To organize 90% of the bolcks as crime Block Clubs for education, information sharing and developing local active involveu�ent in the crime program. 3.) To schedule and coordinate a Cit�zens Observation Patrol whose tnree tearns of two persons ea�h �*ill patrol the neighborhood during times of high crime incidence. 4.) To publish and mail a monthly crime prevention newsletter to every househcld and business is the neiohborhood. 2, HOW ;�1UCH IvPP �fONEY IS BEING REQUESTED? � 32,000 3. WHAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD CON7RIBUTIOP�S? (SEE .Pages 6 & 7) � 121,400 4 , 4JHAT SPECIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. - P.. �evelop a model for the collection and interpretation of crime statistics. The nodel will provide a clear picture of the Ramsey Hill neighborhood's pattern of crime and help the residen� kno�ti� iahere 2nd how to focus their crire prevention efforts. To develop a "I�eighborhood Crir�e Statistics T1ode1" P.amsey Hill Assoc�ation will tiork witn the St. Paul Police Dept. 's Crime .�nalysis Unit to: 1. ) pin-point lccal patterns of crime; Z.) correlate demogr�phic data with cri:.ie statistics; 3. ) develop correlations with environmental factors. The :;ode.l �aill p:ovide a bnsis for evaluation of the Crime Prevention Project as it proceeds by measuring changes, trends ar�d effects of the 'program. � B. Increase the awareness and involve�:,ent of residents and businesses in reducing crime by organizing 90% of the blocks into Block Clubs. The Clubs will provide a forum for co��-nunicatin; intor:aation about crine and how to prevent it. Block Clubs will als� address other block � co:�cer:�s that might be contributing to cri.r.:e,such as inadequate lightin;, littered alleys etc. C. i.H�, will coordinate a Citizens Obser�ation Patrol w'nose purpose t,-il1 be to create a crine prev�ntion presence in the neighborhood 'e, patrolling during the times of cri�:�inal activiey to observe suspicious persons or vehicles, to report and follow-up ;,Tith the police an;� cri:ninal t.ctivity observed and to retain a record of their obser�-ations. D. Publish and mail a monthly Crime Prevention \Tewsletter to every nousehold and business in ti nci�hberhood to provide information on cri-e prevention, to report statistics and to encourage YPSIfjPriYc *n hnrrr-ia invnl�TCA in tho rr;�+? rrPtrontinn 2Ctii>1T_�•_ ' NPP APPLICATION, Paqe 2 �ROJECT hA��iE RF:A Crime Prevention ' . � 5. WHAT NEEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACH OF THE PROJECT'S PROPOSED ACTIVITIES (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFERENCE NEEDS FROI�1 EITHER A CITYL�IIDE PLAN, DISTRICT PLAN, DISTRICT COUNCIL P.NNUAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATIOP� GOALS OR OTHER DOCUN'iEN7ATI0N. Data provided �y the Crime Analysis Unit of the Police Department clearly show that the Ramsey Hill neighborhood is one of the highest crime areas in St. Paul. Statistics for 1983 seem to indicate that the incidence of crime in the neighborhood will be less that it was in 1982, however, the data �also show that crime in the Ramsey Hill area is still significantly higher than in other St. Paul neighborhoods. . Data for 1983 showed that while the city-wide rate for total offenses decreased .2%, the P.a�sey liill neighborhood increased an average of 13. 4% in total offenses over 1981. The Police reporting grids in the neiohborhood ranked among t�e top 10 grids with the highest number of crimes for ever}• type of cri�e reported. The recent annual Citizen Participation goals for the Su�..�it-L�niversity Pla�ning Council listed crime preveniton as an important objective for the Council to address in 1983-84. In r s nse o cit 'z n c ce v rime t e. ou cil as dopted it as one of five activities w�ii��i wil� cons�i�u�e g�ie ��8�-��+ �ro ra� �ni�ia�tive r��,s�noa�f�c��J��g`L j�.��REASE OF u06S 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT INTEND�TO DIRECTLY CRE. ,7� �_.... � FOR P�EIGH3CRn0i�G RESID�iVTS't YES NO x . IF YES, DESCRIBE. 7. ATTACH A MAP SHOWING THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC AREA OR SITE � � IS THE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. See Attachli.ent 1 8. 41H0 WILL MANAGE THE PROJECT? RHp, Crime Prevention Com.n. and Board of Di ec � DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN MANAGIN SII��ILAR PROJECTS? YES � NO IF YES, DESCRIBE. The Crine Prevention Committee is composed of RHA members, neighbor residents and business owners. Because crime touches all aspects of our neighborhood and represents a major barrier to the continued revitalization of the community, the Ra�sey Hill Association Board has determined that the active participation of both business owners and residents would be a critical factor in the project's success. The cor�position of the Co�ittee, therefore, accurately reflects the dit�erse interests, concerns and skills within our co*zmunity. The e�:perience and background among the members of the Cor�ittee insure the sound and careful .:,anage.:aen�t of the project. (See Attachment 2 for a list cf Crime Prevention Co:�u-r.ittee -:e�bers and yttachment 3 for a copy of the Association' s B}�lav:s.) 9. I�;ILL THE °ROPOSED PROJECT BE TIED OR COORDINATED t�.I�� fi�vY OTH�R rROJECT OR PROGRA1�i (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? YES� NO IF YES, DESCRiBE, T�e program will coordinate its efforts with: The St. PaLl Police Depart�:;ent, the Depart- :�ent of Housing and Building Inspections the Department of Public i•;er�:s, the Su:,..��it-L'niversity ?lanning Council, the Inner City Youth Lea;ue, the aurora-St. ::�tnor.'j 31ock C1ub, the idest 7th St. Cri,-ne Victim /L;itness Center, otner neighborizood associations in S-u area, tne State .:;��artment of Public Safety and the Selb}/��estern 3usiness :�sseciation. , �;PP APPLICATION, Page 3 ' PROJECT tdAME RHA Crime Prevention . � 10. WILL THIS PROJECT BE COMPLETED IN 2 YRS.? YES NO x . IF NOT; EXPLAIN H041 IT WILL BECOtdE SELF-SUSTAINING blITHOUT FURTHER NPP FUNDING? . Until the program greatly exceeds its present program goals, the need for some program components may continue. Some of these services may be continued on the basis of nembership fees for residents and businesses, services to commercial concerns for fee, or community fund raising events. � , . . 11 . WILL T4IS PROJECT RESULT IN INCREASED MAIr;TEnANCE AI�D OPERATING COSTS FOR THE CITY? YcS NO X . IF YES , EXPLAIN HOW THE PROJECT WILL PRIVkTELY PAY FOR THOSE COSTS. 12. HOW WILL THE PROJcCT BENEFIT LOI�J AND NODERATE INCOME HOUSEHOLDS? . In addition to reducing residents' anxiety about crime, another important effect of reducing crime will be an iuiproved commerical climate and the resulting jobs that will occur from the continued development of SeTby Avenue. " ' 13. HOW WILL NEIGHBORHOOD CITIZEN PARTICIPATIOI� BE FOSTERED DURI�G PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEhiENTATION? By organizing 90% of the blocks in the P.amsey Hill neighborhood, we hope to secure participation from 75% of the residents in the community. Our Citizens Observation Patrol will involve at least 200 different volunteers. 14, DOES A PP,OJECT PLAIdNING COtr1�1ITTEE EXIST? YES x NO IF YES , IDEt�TIFY THE h1EI��BERSHIP. See Attachment 2 !;PP AP?LICATION, Page 4 PROJECT hdAME RI:A Crime Prevention 15. tJILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER THE RETURNI�G OF hPP FU��DS TO TNE P�EIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PROGRAh1 OR 7HE RECYCLING OF NPP FUWDS 1dITHIN THE PROJECT? YES NO x . . IF YES, DESCRIBE. . 15. COt•1PLETE PROGRAM ACTIVITY AND BUDGET FORMS PAGES 5 Af�D 8. �'lY.Alt"� Ci � vnE ��i�l/J ����l.J(�'�/-� �C��S J�E�;FJ+.'S �Y'EUCt1. `O►��rit '� 1,�� r83 SIG�'URE OF I�DIVIDUAL TYPED NAME TITLE OR ROLE DATE � COMPLETING APPLICA7ION ��,� C:!x�rI�s 5K►'�e� �;E.S�c1 E;,-�. �?N .4 '`13 c�l�� SIGNA URE 6F CHI'E��F'�OFF CE TYPED NAME TITLE OR ROLE DATc OR PRESIDC�� . � � . , ' , a z N N 9 O I--� N i--+ i-, F-' r� i--� > O n Z7 � � , . . . � < <+ � N � f-r Pt �"t � V C� lJ� � W N F-� R f) ' �• W fD (D fD F�'- K CJ �, a � Q1 "J' � O W G fT R � H 'C CJ� �"C .'y M `�.7' C R (D CJ1 rt "'C �J C R C� W � R � �i. G < (D ln rt rr f� W fD tn K G � (D O (D � O 7 fD O O W �u "" � rt fu W -'. t— m n� C o ov r� o < w cn w oo a' N• n C � < n � � C m � C • � ►-� r• w t� a: a� •• � rn � m c o aa r-� oa w r� n w c �' � �n r� G. •• cn c� N c� � w o w w � � �� n � N• v�i m cr � E �' w o c�o r� c�i � o r� c�o r �� n � � U� C"� I-�+ N f) G� fD 9 rt rt �' O �-t� R B � v rt 'Y � R I-� �-+ O ... fA 1--� ri fD rt � N O W ri O N fD fD � f� h�• x Ui G. F�• • ..+• O r� c� w c� w v� • �o � �o n n � o a � � a o r� n �o c� �n < � z �' n � a o � � r1 0 � �' �i �o o° � � a� v r�r c � ,��n � c � o w c�v- r,: m ,. n. � r� � � � oo r-� m o a rr N � � n ro .. v� �oo n G '< c -� fJ m Cs. � x f� rt �C C �-i I� O F� �' 1-r i-��O fD !� h� rt tn fD � y R O G �' O �C F�+� ri A� W � • O �-n (D O M O M m C 1-� A� F-� p, ta fD � f) W M •• F-+ (D 9 N F� � �C O t-n rt "'�7 t-h"�7 i� F�'7 � O fD fJ �"'4 �-S ¢� C F-+ A> C C SU (7 Vi ►-� !� O fJ fD fJ �' O "O � � A c� fD rt UJ f9 N `W � C� F" � fA f� 9 :r � f� � h'- C. c"�' U7 � m w � n m ' r-n � � a c rr rr n �n r� � � n � G sv n v� o r• ce �o n, c �• o r• co � o t� r• m w o • N• +� � ,� F+� � CL tn rr fD R� O � G N rt � �-i r� O tn F� � 0� S� • C� (D � rt U fD C7" F'� �' f� rt � O rt fD f� fD tn O � F-�^O .� G � r� o � � � a c� ' �+ �• a � • � n r� � � c c � n �r o � N• o o re -� v, � n R .. rr c� rr o r� -~"O w f� � A� C � �n 1-J rt ru � F-• �i � (D �t n rr fD ri rn �' n £ f� U� • O O G ^� C� fJ F�• rt .: rt ro I--+ O F1• tn tn 0.� � � C G' rt rt I--� v: I� �-r O I-� 'i7 OC fD � (D rt fD I--� V: t�• C � r � O � � n a N• su c� cn a' w r� r� o � cr o o c. r � Kw :� � � cnco oa � n ao �n o �ta w �n � cr n a � • h � v� C c o ru c� v� va cn 1-� O tn (D C A: Cs r G � r� � r �' W c o c cn w o E n �s a cn c� r� C a u� � ay c rn �s w r� �u rn �t o R o fJ W x F-� fq W R S R O C� C r"r O fD r-n F-'� ►'S � o�o � � � a n °o r � v� r� ° nnn R o �n w x �n a. a ro � �s � c� r� n �• o w �o u� ►-; rr r� � t-� x w � a w ►� Rc� v� � o � nR � :. w �r � v� � F� W h-+ fJ C K � ri A� fD � O fD , A' a c �n r°-, 3 fD f°-� � �e N w o y N � � (p G. v � ri v fA O� tA d� A� 'O �O ."7 v'� "O �D '.0 'C W N CJ '� W 'C7 O� 't7 W - t'� I rt I � �i 1 ►i 1 rt 1 � rt I �+-� � rt r's �S n w �c su oo a o ►-� o � o � a o v� � a o � o � o � o • r� r� c�. p �. p �. p c�. �p u. o c�. � �. � rr � rt 8 � fD (D fD O fD � �-t O fD � fD D fJ ; 0 0 0 � � � � � 9 a � o � � � � �r � n � � A. �. .L`. � � R O rt O rt O i n :� I rt ^' rt .:+ rt .� -J c� � rt N n rr p 7 � W rt 'V� (n �n v� � � rT �' t�t .:J � v� rt fn rt U� rr O m � O m ' m tn c�r .�. cD tn r� m � t-� n .: rr � n �' w r m F+• rr s+ rt s� rr s� -�• < . . �t r� u� a� cn w �n a a� :� � h, a� h, r� �-, o �. w w n n n oo n a� ov n R n n n R � � M M f7 rr a� rr c� rr w • n rn n r� rr � r� c� � rt rt .: � M F�fi rn c'r R K r'{ r'i � fJ fD (D Ll. f7 C3. �T t3. rt i'!. fJ ;� 0. t3. !]+ n n n m c� s� r� r� ru m �t c� n+ w m � fD t7 �'i I"1 K rt �"i rt . �"i fT rt rY fD C� (D (D (D N (D fD fJ (D rn . I r. C R ""' p'S ''d � � � tiC`�,, a '"O fJ f7 � '� � '� /�'�- rt � � ,'3 r� F"' N D Z � O o Sv fD � � � "'C� � O C� t� F1• ` tn N � tn t�. � C C'� O . I-� F�. F� � (7 t�• ""'' O fD fD � �..t i.._, ,-r � oa R tn � N n rr —+ �' n' t:�� n d �C C -r•c� (D fD � C� '� W �i � o� � C N � r�-r r* _ �D � n � � � C � C rt ^ � N �Ji f) h. ~ I`f+ � � prn t� o n I c� � 5 � „_�. � O O (*J n O� �a � J. i C • �j � a O rt � ��. F�+. r � � .�. � B �v � � ^ � � � o � �o o v n , �^, n � o � f � m � � �' o o � ' �, ,.� r � n. �, � � w ' � � I " r• i R n a �. . .f, � I �� �.n -n i. . • W 1 I I I I 1 1 ^ O O O O O � O � � O I I I I 1 I � � � � _ O i N 'D �✓ -- �;PP APPLICRTIO�d, Page 6 .PROJECT NAME RHA Crime Prevention � ' NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRIBUTIO�S DECLARATION . 1 . E�TIf•1ATED COt�1MERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL Ih1PROVEMEMTS: PdU!•16ER OF PARTI�IPANTS AVERA6E INVESTMENT PER PARTICIPAN7 . � TOTAL INVESTMEPIT fQUaLS � 2. ESTII��ATED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPI+TAL I1IPROVEh':ENTS; • idUt�iBER OF PARTICI PANTS AVERAGE INUESTPiENT PER PARTICIPANT TOTAL I��VESTMENT EQUALS 5 3. NEW COMNiERCIAL DEVELOPN►£NT: �SITE (a) . ESTIP"�ATED hSARKET VALUE $ SITE (b) ESTIMATED h1ARKET VALUE $ . TOTAL MARKET VALUE � 4. NEW RESiDENTIAL DEVELOPh1ENT; � - SITE (a) . � ESTIMATED NARKET VALUE $ SITE (b) ESTIMATED h1ARKET VALUE � TOTAL MARKET VALUE $ _ 5. ESTIh14TED IN-KIND-SERVICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIPfrENT, SERVICES) : SOURCE AND TYPE 1 . Clerical/Bookkeeping � � ___?,_400 _ z , Programmer .and Computer � 2.000 3, Patsol Mileage S 2.600 6. ESTIN�AiED VOLUNTEER LABOR: �;U1iBER OF VOLUNTEERS Patro1: 200 people @ 36 nrs. ea. = 572,000 AVE�AGE HOURS/VOLU�TEER oc aptains: 60 peo�le @44 �irs ea. _ $28,800 :deighbor oo ean-up: 50 people C 4 hrs ea. _ $2,000 TOTAL HOURS x 510/hr. EQUALS $ 102,800 i, cSTIt1ATED Sl•lEAT EQUITY: F�Uf�3ER OF PARTICI PAt�TS� , AVE^AGE"HOURS/PARTICIPANT TOTAL HOURS • • TOTAL hOURS x S10/rr. EQUAIS S , , . � . . � z W ' W W W ^,.� O N N • N N n � � � A W N F-r rt L�. O � C� l!�'. .L� W < .� �i rt (A O .r, .� R � O 'O 7, C O � "ri 9 E W F� (D fD R R t7 O tn � x t/) f) H O fn � fD ,.�r � � �" A� � C O fD CT fD (D O N N rt rt ri I�• O G �-t f� fD n A% � rt G f� � fD , .•• r ' fD F� ►-+ r'i 'l7 tn F+• �'i � �i r't C C f� N fJ h-+ G � tn f� �t < 1--+ rD ►► � �G 'L7 G R� fD QQ fl� R � E •• fD G'� fD !A .j "CS T 1-+� '17 R C "C � F-�• '7 y C'� 'L7 rr O f� ri r� r O �' (D � rt •• rt C �'S F; C n K � n n � 9 A� P> �' m rr rr G C � fA � fD rt W G W � fi n V, fJ fD O rr O O fD � p ,,,�� R F� N ID W .� (D O U1 � O � O F'h F'� F� O G" "•T R G' a' fT "� ¢� �, r't � h-+ C fD �-i � � ui rt � � rn O h+� O O (D 1-� �-i rt I-+ F+• B f� � O ^G I-+� fD � A� �' fD rt O C+� f) c� "� t--' f) fD 7 (D � v' tD ? �, � Z N W m n � O w rt ��O Fd r• rr x fD � G7 m �-+ G � oo fD :+ �. � �o w a o � � w �o � w � � o n �- � s� n v, R ra � � � w E o o � � n. 7 n K n rt rt co c� K w - o �� c r w � � J � �t � � n n n - � w W �t w. ►-� r� w � o co rt c s� �' �' ° n �n ' . rr �+. r• � �u w � n m � �t � o w n c �o w �' c. a a' r• cn � � wn � � n � �v o E • a �e � � � N• c•::n o c� ��e �u � w� � : �s t rr r� � r• o ... N.�o � � n w � :� n t-� rr � cn rr n � cn w r� rr �c a n � w n n �• rr w .�• � < � � o a r-� n r� o c� R '�..7' R O 'C7 A1 rt_ F� rt Q7 r'7 O �+ N F'• •G £. F=• C U= F'' � O G C^i � 7�' `C O � I� rt � r. Cl. (D I� rt F=- ri C rt rt tn 0� 'C h� � • ri O F�• rr "� O O. l� i,+'� � I-+ fD r O G "" n V: rt r C � fD F-� Cr O O O C� F� O O C� r'S O (n .�' ? G. C fD C • u� O � f� O (A � ri R fA � � � O :J � G -' fC T. Vi F1• !A rt O (� (D rt K � I-� n (A C fD O fJ OQ C fD C • Z J� 0� n • O K�--Ql._�"i W U� �' O- �C fD ---• fD -F+�-�-i•-- -CT.,r fJ rr �� fJ N F� a �"t . a rr G v, c �n ►-� o � �C a w v� � � ^- rr r N• o v� w n. �n m �n r„ a n r� n � � � a o ao a � � � � .. • � � cn n c n x c� n U w n �� .� �n r� � �+ � n X w n �' w n w N• w C r� r� � � - � r� o � b � • � �+ w n � � cu r� � v� �� u� o o w r• � 0o N H (D h+� � (D I-, n C r-r rt O n rn oo v' rt fJ � � � o �-d x��oa a • w � N• n rt o o � � c - b �p � G � p.i (p n F� O (D O f) Cr C O C rt rt ' t� O ri �C fD tA G 9 C� rr �f3. rt cY � T i-+ rt O I-� W' '� �' �-n o a � v, m �' c r• w < n ru w ^. o � � n � c E ,. � � r+ � n � n, ro o � c: � o � oa r� o N- � w � �-d � w ro � o� � cn � �n � n x � � c �c � fD I-, rt ,� O f't � J � rt C O C (A K �' � h-+ 7' P� I-� .`� E W 09 (n K � F-+ C'i L7 F+�'O 'L7 i.� fD � � fD C F� I�• O � O rr < tt, 7 �-r � �-t A� G. � O • w � � n n � c� r a o r� o n a �n r� o � � r� x • � c x � _ � I"'� ri tD �"i R !'� F'• 1 J T r 1^j .� ;1J � • O H � � � � � O �: rn n • cn w O O � rT O O O O O O. ' rt - � a I � 0 � � I � G rr � ry � 7 ? � � r�i O - OC � (D r+ VJ 00 0o QC rt rr :� O O �'' � R i..r �. '�'.dy` w • I'A' (��+ {� F^+,� J J rI PJ Y V� O J. • 1r � � �/ � W � � � � � J � r r-i cG � ' � � � � � � � u R � . sU Ll. R �+„ t"� c"r rn ___.__..:. fD 1'D rt � • fD. .. _ . ri _ _ ' � '� • _ fD "S o �, , � � � � � � ' � � y a ° a � � � � � � � � � �- > _° _ � � � . . . - ' - . _ N f� c'f' J�� . . . ..... . . . .. .� ' .....�� _ � Z J I'3J ni � (D b4 .b � .... N ^^7 V � rt !,-� G O c'� Z > (� ri fD tn ri � � O Cu v In "� � �. C) . ,c� � � � rv r `*�? '� �o u � o � � -s ~ • � � �-n o n r-, � o � -cn o o � � N ri If `� S ro � .�. p '-t � O O fD O W � O O� !n � fD � � r, r�• � o I � ' O T C Z I � ' � '� � � N � � . . , , . . � Z � rn u� � 'v � � v. 0 0 0 � '_ • -v � rr = u� ^o cn � rr ro ro `'* "° �i �' t'�o n � tD o n C r�o� ..r� � � W � C � OD C� C r� �' c� , - (� � � v, �o �n �' < r� w A � � a � R o a o c co � v, -'i • W C � W ~ � �C F+� � � � rr � � Z O � (zD � H O ? � r�r �..* f�D = °� o � !'' tGJ� f�D fD � � y . � ffi O' 'O fD � G7 fD (�p ,rt fD O -; F-'• � � Vi tA . � . � `G �-t 'n fu' O F-+ rt �.,* cJ� ' F� ,� !n C�i F� fJ ty _ � O • rt p. R N �. ' i-r, w o � F+• rr o G � G F-+ .L� ..+ G fD n f-' I P� :. �i N• . � .rt C7 Q� fD �. (fi O !Z1 I-+ � � ft (� '-'_ '_._ _ .:. _r'i �"S (D ' � CT O C " _�_ . . ._.. (!� O C� CJ O C � �T"� � fJ a Vi C tn � . rr ri I rt F'• fC .': �J C W C � O w � �v a w r� a r+, rt ' 0o K (n F-+• C7 tn F+• tn U: G� - 1� r-r G O - rt ' (D O `G C ' W �'i C� m cn p r• n a w w a� N• � � n n G � rt 'C7 n. �'i �" R (D O i-i F'• fD fD � , ` � �' � � u� rn �: .� v, w Ua m r c� � � R f'1 C f7 O R � • � p% I rt A: C � t''• C� � � . �-t _ fD r-S rS O � �-i O � � t't �D r'i R rt a 0'v^ R � ni rt � n �.' � ri G .� rt G .�" (D c+ . G O F-+ C� !n ]" y c-t J• R � `G ft (D rt W p �. N rt f� A� �-i fD �-n � • � rr rT (D rr � � N f�i � fD M a rS � A� K O. n rt CL c�h � . . . _.�__:. . - rt � � � O � . . . fD • p ' ri I . - . . � � � —{ iy, rti. � t�i� ''j O 0 � �-r� "C7 lL] C.�. c'+ � � � �.. b O CD fD � . . � � N f'� rf J . . ... . . . . .. . _.. . ... . . ._ II> . . . ... ...__. . . _ ... ._ _. .- --'--- " rt �� Z O �J �J IT � � �'"!1 � N• � � I� � � �L .�Y. � � � r � n r� < a � N• � r• o � � o � z n oa �� � �n� tJ � � r� :� � W • , . i!i O .r C �' N F- � 1-�• C I-� � 'J• �'i , U' ri rt fD rr fJ :� U: O �'� F+• � � � G U� I O I tA � J �' � � c� r• c� C o � = - � � • Q' r C c a o X '� .o '� fC t� o � o C 0: � r* •• .P .. II rt C C Z ''� � rt 1 �-t 7� ^" ln �n r U; � O fD i O N•�fD C C N 1-• y O O C z � ° �• n o � r-, � � � . . Cn F-+ G fJ� O f't "d G fD II O F=• _ - O •-A R '1%•v � v i� � � . (n --� C � �S C� .-. I W (!, r• F-• l.n � ..� � O � r : O C C 1 O :.% 'r• r � � -' � :� � O O :1=� '" I-• F�• G ^7. � (�;J `-� C fD Jw : '.f. N p rt U i hPP APPLICATION, Page 7 � PROJECT �AME RHA Crime Prevention . , 8. ESTI�iATED CASH. DONATIONS; SOURCE 1 . Commercial S 1,000 2, esi ents 5 1,000 . 3, - S 9. ANTICIPATED FOUNDATION GRANTS: � FOUWDATION(s) 1 . � 2. � 10. OThER• EXPLAIN��Light-up Ramsey Hill" According to NSP, if I00 homeowners left eir ront an ac yar ig ts on a nig t t e cost to the homeowner would be approximately $4.00 per �onth. ' ESTIN�ATED VALUE $ 9,600 TOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD • CONTRIBUTIONS DECLARATION y 121,400 , 11 , k�HAT✓EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT THE ABOVE DECLARATIO«S ARE REALISTIC? Many of Che pledges to serve as a patrol or block captain volunteer have already been secured. . As stated earlier there is tremendous neig'hborhood support to solve the problems related to crime in our neighborhood. People have willingly come forward to do their fair share. Volunteers have already been identified to develop the Crime Statistics Model and we have secured pledges from a neighbor �oho is a cor.►puter progra�r.�-ner and anotner neighbor who owns a micro computer. We are confident that the interest and enthusiasm generated by this project will insure that the pledges made will be kept. I;PP APPLICATION, Page 8 . Project Name P.HA Crine Prevention ' � Project Budget: Itemize use of NPP Funds . � , " � Requested PED Cost Category NPP Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* See Attachment 4 $�5,000 �2. Consultant & Contract Services 3. Rehabilitation ; 4. Design 5. Construction 6. Equipment 7. Acquisition 8. Relocation 9. Demolition � 10. Other ( * list) �� , Printing or purchasing of educational _ 3,000 materials, pamphlets for distribution. 12. � 13. Crir�e Prevention Newsletter - 20 Issues 13,000 Printing - 200 issue 14. Mail list and mailing - $150/issue � Bul Postage - 300 issue 15. 16. Niscellaneous office su lies/ ostage 1,000 17. _ ___ __ --- ---�— � – � 18. 19. � 20. I � , 21 . � 22. , . I ' 23. . � Total S 32,000 S_ *Attach Job Descriptions T� nee�Gd, use l.ines 11 -23 to itemize categories 1 -9. ' ATTACHMENT 1 AREl� OF THE RAMSEY HILL ' ASSOCIATION Saint Paul. Minneaota . � � � . . � r_9* NCO DU - A �o / o � 2 � UlARO L AVE. 1 � r� J IC HART AVE. / / 0 �,4'v J � , H LL - AVE. '�O �/� S A a= m m � � DmOm �� ° � , ��♦� DAYT AVE. �<� � �'O � C SELBY A� \ --- 2 m m � Z ° LAUREL � AVE. O 47 Z � Z Z w t- x z t o �� �4,. c r . �°�x�� � 3 > r ASHLAND AVE. P�� J � � / 0 � �n D �. HOLLT A� ��� / � �.y 1 � � J o` J � Z t�� PORTLAND AV E. J , � �� �' 1 � � � `4 J RAMSET HILL SUMMIT ' A� �, �� suMMiT g ".'"_ � /�9 r �a � � H LL : r��` G N SU1�� rJ4'� � GRAJ`D AYE. C� � Yt � T � � ti � �on�w uc.ce��ro a 4�,. Fal...s.M.il�.SSOCJI(1� ? QO 'C AII R��MS ReseMd 14E2 c o�' st'� The numbers represent St. Paul Police f 4��'� Department reporting grids. ' / �`� , � � (C� � . • I�� i(( � `�/` Ramsc�• F-�ill �ssoci�tion L ��y,�� i�v J��rn../I �����r♦ wn�AA.✓A.�d�{� �I Perl , � ' ATTACHMENT2 • Crime Prevention Management Committee Lois Stevens, Chairperson: Ms. Stevens, resident of the neighborhood for six years is employed by MedCenters Health Care, Inc, as the Director �f Administration. She has had experience managing the financial and administrative structure of a Health Naintenance Organization and has � served as Administrative Director of the Corsnunity-University Health Car� Center. Kim Christianson: Is a resident of 13 years in tne Ramsey Hili area, as well as, the owner of Singer-B2nson Eiectric located at 524 Selby Avenue. M r. Christianson has served as co-coordinator �f tne Citizens' Observation Patrol. M ark Christensen: Mr. Christensen is a real estate broker and developer and property owner in Ramsey Hill. He has been a resident in the neighborhood since 1977 and is curr�ntly serving as crcoordinator of the Citizens' Observation Patrol. James Lynden: Is an attorney in private practice with the Stringer Law. Firm. As legal architect of the Hist�rical Hill District Ordinar.ce and frequent legal advisor to the Ramsey Nill Board of Directors, he will provide legal counsel and guidance to the project management. *ir. Lynden has lived in the neighborhood for over 15 vears. J�hn McQuillan: Is the owner of McQuillan Rros. Plumbing and Heating of 415 Selby Avenue. The company has been in business in Ramsey Hiil since 1894 ' and at its present location since 1914. Mr. McQuiiian is a me��er �f the Selby District Commercial Club and the Selby-Western Business Association. He is presently expanding his office by building a maj�r new building with 18,000 square feet of space. J ohn Rupp: Mr. Rupp is a partner in Dacotah and Woodland Park Conpanies and is an active developer in the Selby-k'estern area. He has been a resident � of the Ramsey Hill Neighborhood since 1972. Charles Skrief: A resident of the Ramsey Hill area for 5 years, :�r. Skrief is an attorney with the Minneapolis So�iety of Fine Arts and is currently the Vice President of the Rar�sey Hill Board of Directors. John �,'hitmore: Mr. i�?hitmore has beea a resident of t�e Ramsev Hill neighborhood for three years. ??e :�or'�cs for iocai title insurance companies. He has recentiy performed much of tne cris�e statistical analysis devel�ped by the comnittee. Kay Wagers: As a .member of the Ramsey Hiil Board, �1s. �'agers has been active in coordinating the najor Ra��sey 'r'.i11 Biock Captain effort and other community events of the Association. She has hee;� a res�dent s.�ce � 1974. ' . Directory ' ATTACHr�NT 3 - THE BY—LA4�lS OF THE RAMSEY H I LL ASSOC I AT I Ofd - �AS AMENDED �CTOBER 12, 1981) ARTICLE I P`�EMBERSH I P Section 1. Vating Membership. Persons who have attained their ei�hteenth birthday and reside in the area of the Association as described in the A�-ticles of Incorporation and as subsequently amended shall be eligible for voting r�ember- ship upon the payment of dues in the annual amount established by the Board of Directors. Section 2. Associate Membership. Persor� �:�ho subscribe to the purposes of this Association, have attained their eibhteenth birthday, and live outside the area of the Association shall be eligible for associate membership upon the payment of dues in the annual amount established by the Board of Directors. Section 3. Benefactor Membership. Business and commercial enterprises and non-profit groups and associations organized for civic, educational, corrununity eaelfare, religious, horticultural, recreational, and/or social purposes and which subscribe to the purposes of this Association shall be eligible for bene- factor membership upon the approval of the Board of Directors and pa;�rnent of dues in the annual amo�.mt established by the Board of Directors. Section 4. Special Membership. The Board of Directors may elect to special membership any person or organization not othenaise qualifying for membership. . Section 5. Rights, Privileges , Responsibilities , and Obligations of Membership. Only voting m�nbers of this Association shall vote on matters brought before the membership at its meetings. Each voting member shall have one vote only at the meeting of the membership. Associate, benefactor, and special nembers shall not have the right to vote at meetings of the membership. In accordance �,�ith the rules of conduct of ineetin� as established by the Board of Directors, all members of the Association may attend and be heard at the meetings of the membership and of the Board of Directors and its various com- } mittees. f111 members of the Association shall be kePt ad��ised and informed of �" � the acti��ities of the Association and of• t}�e proceedings of the Board of �� ; Directors and of the meetings of t}�e membership. . �--+3 r� I�` � ll-� (� I�'� �tj ,� �. '' I:amsey �il► �ssociation i. SActint�Rr J..n,rr o/e Auiorir rr+pAbo.AooO.in.Si.Paal Directory • THE BY-LAWS OF THE RAMSEY HILL ASSOCIATION ARTICLE II GOVERNMENT Section 1. Board of Directors. The general management of the affairs of the /�ssociation shall be vested in the Board of Directors ���ho shall be selected as provided in Article IV of tJiese �By-La�,�s. The number of �Directors shall be fifteen. - Section 2. Officers. The major officers of the Association shall con- sist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, selected by the Board of Directors, as provided by Article IV of these By-Laws. ARTICLE III i�EETINGS OF MEMBERS AND DIRECTORS Section 1. Annual Meeting of Members. The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held no later than the third Tuesday evening of October of each year, corrunencing with the year-1982. 2�'otice of the time and place of holding the annual meeting shall be mailed to each member at least 10 days prior thereto. Section 2. Special Meetings of Members . Special meetings of inembers may be called by the President, �aith the approval of the E,�ecutive Cojmnittee, or by � the President or Secretary upon request of 10 members to such officer in k*riting. �Vritten notice of the meeting shall be conveyed to each member at least 5 da.rs previous to the meeting, and at such special meetings there shall only be con- sidered such business as is �1�ecified in the notice of the meeting. � Section 3. Quorum for Members' Meeting. At all meetin;s of the Associa- tion, either annual or special, 10 percent of the ni.unber of �-oting members shall constitute a quonun. If a quonun is not present, the voting members then present may adjourn the meeting to a day and hour fixed by them. • Section 4. Order of Business. The Board of Dii-ectors shall establish and maintain an order of business l:nder �,�hich the agendas for meetin;s of the Board of Directors and of the membership are developed and sl�all adopt a standard m:�.nual of rules of order to govern tlle proceedings of these meetings. f e� Section 5. Meetings of Board. The Board of Directors shall meet in �, � : re�u lar sessions from t i m e t o t i m e a t a t i m e an d p l a c e s e t u�� t h e E o a r d o f ' - ' Directors. ;�'otice of the meeting shall be b�= mail or telephone at least 10 '�' da��s prior to the time appointed for the meetin,. Special meetings of the Board (1•� of Directors may be called by the President, �ahen he or she dee:ns necessar��, or �,`"'� tne Secretary shall, at tlle request in �.�ritin� of t�:�o ne„�bers of the.Foard, 4' i�;sue a call for a special meeting of the Board. , i;; RamseS� Hitl Association i r tiACp�n�!Ar fuiw�a�o hiilenr nri(hbmhor.d is(.SL Pou! . . . � � Directory . TI-IE BY-LAWS OF TNE RANISEY H I LL ASSOC IATI ON Section 6. Quorum fur Board Meeting. A majority of the Board of Uirectors shall constitute a quonun. � �1RTICLE IV 1 , � ' ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Section 1. Election of Directors. The Directors of the Associa�ion shall be elected at the annual meeting. At the annual meeting of the members in October, 1981, eight Directors shall be elected for a term of two years and one Director shall be elected for a term of one year. Annually thereafter, Directors shall be elected for tkro-year terms to replace those Directors �4�hose tei:��, have expired at the annual meeting for that year. Each voting member shall be en- titled to one vote for each Director to be elected and the candidate recei�Ting a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. Section 2. Eligibility. tlny voting member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to be a member of the Board of Directors. Section 3. Election of Officers. The Board of Directors, at its first regular meeting after the anr�ual meeting, shall elect from among its members a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such minor � officers as the Board of Directors shall establish. Ufficers elected shall hold office for a term of one year or until new officers are elected, whiche��er occurs later. Section 4. Vacancies in Office. If a vacancy occurs amon� the officers or in the Board of Directors, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Board of Directors, except as provided in Artic�e V. aRTICLE V DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section l. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer and preside at the meetings of the ,�ssociation and of the Board of Directors and �,..��_ of the F�cecutive �or�nittee, and shall be a member ex officio, �,ith the right to - ' a ��ote, of all corrunittees except the \ominatin� Committee. He or she shali also, �� = at the annual meeting of the Association and at such other times as he or she ��` ro er commur�icate to the Association or to the Board of Directors such deems p p , �!� � matters and �nake such suggestions as may in his or her opinion tend to promote �..,� j,' '� the purposes of the Association and shall perform such ot}ler duties as are ;: �`�' necessarily incidental to the President. . , is: i' � I�amsey I-�iIl Association �I� lhcpmp�At Juiur�nf o hisrorir nrithbo.nou0 in.5�.Paul • 6 . Directory � . THE BY-LAws OF THE RAMSEY HILL ASSOCIATION Section 2. Vice President. In the death or absence of the President, the Vice President shall perfonn the duties of the President, and, in the absence of both the Presid�nt and Vice President, the Treasurer shall preside and asstune the duties of the Pi-esident. The Vice Presi�ent shall be responsible for monitoring tne functions and activities of the various corrunittees of the Board of Directors � and shall see to their effective operation and shall perfonn such other duties , as may be required by t}ie By-Laws, the President, or the. Board of Directors. Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors; shall, if requested, read such minutes at the close of each meeting for approval; shall give all notices for meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the By-Laws, the President, or tlle Board of Directors. Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of all receipts and monies of the Association, deposit them in the name of the Association in a bank approved by the Board of Directors, and disburse funds as ordered or author- ized by the Board of Directors. He or she shall keep regular accounts of receipts and disbursements, submit records when requested, and as deemed appraPriate by the Board of Directors give an itemized statement at regular meetings of the il Association. He or she shall sign chec}s and withdrai�al slips on behalf of the ; Association upon any and all of its bank accounts, and the sa�ne shall be honored on his or her signature alone. The Treasurer"shall maintain an accurate register of inembers and shall collect all membership fees, dues, and charges due from members, and perfoim such other duties as may be required by the By-Laws, the � President, or the Board of Directors. Section 5. Execution of Instruments. The President and the Secretary or Treasurer shall, upon being so directed by the Board, sign all leases, contracts, or other instnunents in writing. � ARTICLE VI DUTIES AND POWERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Management of Association. Tne Board of Directors shall have general charge and management of the affairs , funds, �.�d property of the ,'�ssocia- • tion. The Board shall ha1�e full poiaer and it shall be the Board's duty to carry our t}�e purposes of the Association according to its �.rticles of Inco7poration and B�--La�.�s. The Board may appoint such co;n�iittees as it deems necessary and it �; �nay vote the expenditure of monies as it dee�:s necessar�- or advisable. � Section 2. No Autihority to Impose Liability on tie�bers . T'he Board of . '�' Directors shall not impose any liability or le��� an�' a�sessment upon the nembers , [[� except as otherwise pro��ided in these By-La1��s. 1 , 3 �� Ramsey I�ill �.ssociation 1w �Acpin�IAt fulurr of i Aislwit ntiFhAnrAooE in.SL Pou/ . 7 • _ Directory � THE BY-LAWS OF THE RAMSEY HILL ASSOCIATION ARTICLE VII • COMMITTEES Section 1 . Executive Committee. There shall be elcctec] annually by the 13oard of llirectors at least t�ao members thereof �+�ho, W1tI1 the Presiclent, Vicc • I'resident, 5ecretary, and Treasul-er, shall constitute an Executi��e Corrunittee. 'I'he Faecutive Committee may act on behalf of the Association in any matter ��hen t}le Board of Directors is not in session, reporting to the Board of Directors for its ratification of their action at each ret;ular or si�ccial meeting called for the purpose. Four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Tleetings may be called by the President, who shall sen�e as chair��erson of the Executive CoTrunittee, or b}� three members of the E�ecutive Corr�nittee. Section 2. Committee on Nominations . During the month of July in eacli year, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating CorrIInittee of five members, no �ore than three of whom shall be members of the Board, �ti�hose duty it shall be to nominate candidates for Directors to be elected at the next annual meeting. The Nominating Corrunittee shall notify the Secretary in �ariting at least 20 days before the date of the annual meeting of the names of such candidates, ti+�ho ha��e agreed to serve, arid the Secretary except as herein othenaise pro�tided, shall mail a copy thereof to the last recorded addresses of each member simultaneously with the notice of the annual meetinb. Nothing herein shall prevent other rlo�in- ation.= for Di:�e�to�•s from being made also, providcd >uch ;�omi,z;�t;on:;, enciorsed with the names of not less than 10 members of the �Cssociation, are submitted to tl�e Secretary at least five days prior to the annual meeting of t)1e As�ociation. � 5uch nominations shall be coTrmiunicated to the membership either prior to or at the time of the annual meeting. Section 3. Standing Committees. At the 1=irst meetin, of the Board of Directors after their election, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Presi- dent st�al� , sitbject to Board approval, appoint the chairpersons of the corrur►ittees as established by the Board of Directors from time to time. The members of such committees shall hold office until the appointment of their successors. Section 4. Special Committees. The President may, at any time, appoint special corrffnittees on any subject for which there are no standing com-nittees. aRTICLE VIII i�EMBERSHIP DUES AND REGISTRATION Section 1. Annual Dues for Voting and Associate Members . The Board of ��-� Directors shall establish the annual amol�nt of dues for ��otin� and associate " ' membership to bc assessed on the basis of h'ousellolcls. Each separate famil�• unit �`� � ; and each separate mailin� address is considered to constitute a household for � ; purposes of this Article. 'I7�ere shall be no limit on the rnrnber of voting me;:�bers �k' ,��., in any one houschold, but the names of all voting members must be registered �tiith � the Treasurer. �;� �, !; ,;� Ramsey Hil! �ssociafion '.'r �n.:p�nt rhr/��rr�/o tiumrit nrixAbMnuod in.G. Pou! . 4 ' , Directory THE BY-LAWS OF THE RAMSEY HILL ASSOCIATION � . Section 2. Annual Dues for Other Classes �of Membership. The Board of . Directors shall establish the annual amount of dues for membership for the other � classes of inembership. + . Section- 3. Time for Payment of Dues. The initial dues of a member shall be paid at the same time the application is submitted to the Association and � annually thereafter the dues shall be payable during the first month of the fis- cal year. Section 4. Loss of Privileges. Any me;nber ���hose dues are unpaid for a period of 30 days shall cease to be a member in good standing and shall not be entitled to participate in any of the deliberatior�s of, or to vote in, the affairs of the Association. Section 5. Loss of Membership. Any m°mber whose dues remain unpaid for a further 60-day period, i.e. , 90 days from the beginning of the fiscal year, shall automatically forfeit membership and cease to be a member. ARTICLE IX � FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of October . . and end on the last day of September during each twel�re-month period. . • ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS These By-Laws may be amended, repealed, or altered in j�fiole or in part by . a majority vote of the members present at a re�ular or special meeting of the Association, provided notice of the proposed amen�ent has been s�ated in the call for the meeting. , �� � ? . _� , � �L,,�: . �f�� . . ; �� Rarr�sey Hi11 �ssociation �1 Shayint iAr/urur�oJ a huroric nrirhborhood in.SL Paul � ' � . ' ATTACHMENT 4 Proiect Coordinator Job Description (50% time) Reporting to: Ramsey Hill Association Board of Directors (Pionthly) � Crime Prevention Committee (Daily) � Qualifications: High school graduate�wi�h substantial experience in community organizing. Ability to manage volunteers and complex scheduling. Ability or experience in developing neighborhood crime prevention and educational programs. Duties: 1. Work with Crime Prevention Committee to develop educational materials for distribution to the Block Clubs. 2. In cooperation with the Committee, establish communication network for Block Clubs. Assist in scheduling meetings of same. 3. As soon as possible, assume responsibility for scheduling the volunteers of the Citizens Observation Patrols. 4. Develop feed-back system from Block Clubs to group of volunteers developing Neighborhood Crime Statistics Model. 5. Provide support services to the Neighborhood Crime Statistics Model group. 6. With volunteer assistance prepare monthly crime prevention newsletter and arrange for distribution to all residents. � 7. Provide Committee and the Ramsey Aill Association Board of Directors with reports as needed on program progress. 8. Assist Committee to report to funding source as required. 9. Work with appropriate City or State agencies or other neighborhood organizations in insure accomplishment of project objectives. 10. Perform other tasks 2s assigned by the Committee. Salar}� Range: $14,500 - $16,500 annual salary. Six month review in the first year, annual thereafter. �'�,.^.�.. . ��j�� •� �;� CI'1'1'' OF �►.�-'AIitiTT PAUL • . ,�'-1' _ -:;::. r;� '.�'. �: `� :��:; !� OFFICF; OF THF. CITY COII\TCIL � :.�:=-- �.. `._,,,.,;' ,: •_:.� l'.'ILLIA�vI L. W1l..SON . MARTHA N. C033 Co�,ncilman :'�lay 31, 1983 L�a„�xc�ve .a�a� �1rs. Lois Stevens, Chairperson � Ramsey Nili Association's Crime Prevention Committee � 307 Laurel Avenue St. Paul , I�1N 55102 � Dear �•frs. Stevens: I am pleased to write a letter in support of the Ramse.y Nill �sscciation' s Crime Prevention Program. As one �•tho lives in the general area and has �vorked with your organization, I can contiden�ly say that this program will greatly benefit the neighborhood. The Association has over the years demonstrated its value to the neighborhood and securing financial support of this proposal would greatl,y enhance RHA's effort. An enhanced program �rill allow residents to more effectively participate in activities geared tov�ard the overall reduction of crime in the area. This in turn, b�l�� not enly provide opportunities for a more effective and responsive relationship b°t4veen the community and city government; but, also serves to remove the barrier that the accelerating crim2 rate has posed to the continued economic redevelopment of this neighborhood.. ' As a member of the St. Paul City Council , and one with a long standing � record in support of citizen participation, I see this program as a means for creating a more self-reliant communit,y. I believe further that the skills imparted to residents through this crime prevention block club program will prove to be the tools for maintaining a strong and cohesive neighborhood. I commend ihe Ramsey Hi i i Association's Crime Preven��o� Co,.^�^:itt�� for t.he fine work it has done and unequivocally support their funding request for this program. 2�spectfully, . � ' i ,� ,: �,t�„Ua-m� _-T-�-� t�!illiam L. 1�Jilson Councilman t�lL:d/j bm . . CiTY I I:�I.L SEVENTH �=LOOR SAINT PAt,'L, MIII�ESOTA SSlU2 612/2°S-46�5 ' �;�.,� � . � ... "�::..�� � CiTY O� SAlNT PAUL ::`'��rr e.��,:y, . . =� .'.., :��-.. DEPARTMENT OF POLICE <, f ,,. =C N�� �� jj11111° " 11�rn. W. �'vlcCutcheon, Chief of Police ....� ini I It u. ^E ' - 101 East Tenth Street � , �u• d '�'.t,:.�.u� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 612-291-1111 GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR - May 27, 1983 Mr. Kim Christianson � Ramsey Hill Assoc.- Foot Patroi 524 Selby St. Paul , MN 55102 . Dear Mr. Christianson: As a St. Paul Police Officer, I have worked with the Ramsey Hill Association since 1978. In that time, the members of your organization have demonstrated not only a concerned interest in their neighborhood but a willingness to in- vest the time and energy necessary to make improvements. Your plans for a neighborhood foot patrol , again, reflect the willingness of Ramsey Hill citizens to do more than discuss neighborhood problems. The time and energy you' ve already invested make a clear statement to the City's government, as well as to the local criminal element, on how things should, and will be in Ramsey Hill . I wish you much success in your program. �� - Sincerely, William W. McCu�tcheon CHIEF OF POLICE /�Z �Q�� Thomas Walsh, SERGEANT Patirol Staff TW:np � � ,. .�.,-..,-�.-r-t�--�•�� � 4r ��yh r ��' ^?�Ii.� ^M1 � � st � , �% � ,.�� ��..- � � JLV �1`"4 fa.C.d�., �_' .. � � `'�-- x-�' � 'r' �,1����J��, � • "' � �� :.� • � �f-`• ��t"�a T'tr yI� , T -� � . i ' ,y�Z��.'1 .,71VPU�t �,�< r• � ,� -,� - _ y : � F.� ti�. '+�iLT[,A Y.. -.��, .1 ���-�:s � �__ �� �ql-'���t� . 1',�� �j_�. ;��". .,,,�,�,,�� 239 ese�Cr�. cgve. cSE. nau.l, G�-�uzn. 55102 .a.:�.,,,'��r. .���,.�• � , May 23 , � 1°33 To F'hom It May Concern, This letter is written in strong support of �he RaMSey Hill Association' s request for funds to assist in its efforts of fighting crime in the area. t�'e have been members of the Ramse;� Hill P.ssociatior. since 1972 and know from first hand knok-lecge that it ha_s a largE neighborhood representatior. in its membership and that �its . leadership has always acted responsibly and 4:itn gcod sense. Their effort already through its bloc� membersnip p-ogram has proved very effective in alertina all of us �c. crime prevention. We endorse the work of the Ramsey Hill Association anci give it our strongest support in its request for funding . Sincerely, /� �/, � , ��" ��- ,�--�.� �c ,� � �; Rev. Msgr. A.mbrose V. Hayden Pastor � ' ����t■. �f�ar����'� `ir���i�L.l:�.� Mailing Address: 1427 Washington Ave. So.,Minneapolis,n�N 55454 � � E6'(2} ��€•�-��C�4 �im Smith,Coordinator EAST METRO AREA WEST METRO AREA COMMUNITY OFFICES: COMMUNITY OFFICES: 3801 Nicollet /�ve. So., Mpis. 900 Albion, St. Paul 2400 Plymouth Ave. No., Mpis. 1021 Marion St., St. Paul _ 985 Ruth St., St. Paul ' rlay 24, 1983 ` . . . Kay ti4age rs Ramsey Hi11 Association 412 Holly Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 De ar his. Wage rs : I �.�ould like to commend you and the other members of the Ramsey Hi:ll Association. Since the beginning of your organization in 1972, you and the other members of your organization have made tremendous strides in improving the neighborhood. The aspect that especially interests me and our organization is your crime prevention program. You have organized your blocks to be almost self-sufficient in stopping crime in your area, and your weekend patrol is a great idea and seems to be working � effectively. I only wish that the �ahole of St . Paul was as �,�ell organized and had the enthusiasm that Ramsey Hill Association has. Keep up the excellent work. If we can be of any assist ance, please feel free to call upon us. Sincerely, �� . __.l ,� ; � / `� ' : '�,1 �'`-d' c� Jos _J..�Carus Victim Assistance �Vorker St. Paul Crime Victim Center A Program of Minnesota Citizens Council on Crime and Justice formerly Correctional Service of Minnesota Uni,ed v:!ay Agency Ec�__ _._. _ ._r.'�� Er^p�cyer . ' �._ -, _ .�.��...., f�., r.Irno\iir. -. �o^�•nrS p•p�r';�•�eG+ `••; .. � . _ ' _. .. � -- - -• ._ .._...�'s � . . . ' ` D0�'ALD M. AIOE Room 309 State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota SS155 (61?) 296-4264 ����.�;� State of Minnesota Niay 26 , 1983 Neighborhood Partnership Program City of St . Paul City Hall Annex St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir or t�;adam: I am writing in support of the Ramsey Hill Crime Preven�ion Com- mittee ' s application for a grant to sapport �heir efforts over the next two years . You are aware , I 'm sure , of the increasing crime rate in the Ra;n- sey Hill neighborhood. In light of the slightly declining overall city crime rate , help in the form of a neighborhood crime preven- tion. committee is clearly needed . The group is requesting a grant of approximately $72 , 000 . In view of the large capital investment and improvement funds ( $19-20 mil- lion ) now being dedicated to the Selby-Western area , this would seem to be a proposal which would be supportive of those major investments . In order to encourage businesses to commit them- selves to this redevelopment area, an effective, realistic crime prevention program is essential . As I understand the proposal , the crime prevention committee will use the funds to develop a neighborhood crime statistics model as well as a block organization structure , and to organize a citizens ' observation patrol . This group is industrious and their goals are valuable to the w�ll-being of a historic St . Paul neighborhood , Gs well as to a major city redevelopment effort . I en�husiastically support their efiortsf and believe this grant proposal deserves city support . �� � Since��ly, � � � � � �� �� � � . Donald M . N,oe State Senator � D I�:i�, . c r CO'�f�1ITTEES • Go��ernmertal Oner::t?ons. Ch.+irr.;::n • "i'a��� :ird "r:;� f..,��� • Rul�� an�i Adrnini>tr::t;or� • Hcalth and Human Scr�ice� J ' . ROBERT T.R��fONO,VT.,CMAIRMAN 110•vAliD N.BAY.ER,JR.,TENN. JEHNINGS PANDOLrM.W.VA. � � �p��N M.CNAiEE.R.I. � Lt01'O BENTSEN,TEX. � /,�,/�N K,SIMPSON,WYO. ' WEMIN N.lURD1CK,N.DAK. � JAMCS ABD�+OR,6.D�[K. GARY MART.COLO• STCVE SYMMS,IDANO DANIEL►ATRICK MOYNIMAN,N.�(. . I'C7E V.DOMENICI.N.MEX. GEORGE J.MITCNELL.MAINC '�,���rf e� ,��af es �erraf e � D�VE DNRENlCRGE11,MIHN. MA%BAUCUS,MOMT. GORIXIN NUMPMMEY,N,N, . COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PU�UC WORKS � CAILEY GUARD,STAFf DIRECT011 JOMN W,VAGO,JR..MINORITY tT/1/F DIRECTOR WqSHINGTON. D.C. 20510 June 7 , 1983 Cornmunity Development Division Planning and Economic Development Departnent City of St . Paul City Hall Annex 25 lti'. 4th St . St . Paul , AinT 55101 Dear Sir or bladam, The �tamsey Hill Association has applied for a grant through the Neighborhood Participation Program in order to conduct a crime surveillance and prevention program. � This letter is to convey my support for the Association' s efforts and to request your consideration and approval of the funds applied for . As you may be aware , the Ramsey Hill neighborhood ccntains the city' s highest crime areas , according to Police Depart�rent statis- tics . Efforts by the residents themselves to prevent crimes and im rove neighUorhood safety are to be commended , Your approval o tu to conduct this program would provide benefits to R�msey Hill , as rell as the city of St . Paul . S.i cerely, � � •� ave Duren e �ger �U�St�.�'s Senator DD :pcl . •� � . . Revised 9/14/83 r � . �1f= O(�o�J` � �Leighborhood Partnership Program PED USE Ot�LY Dept . Planning & Economic Developrrent Planning District ,3 Code No. 25 W. 4th Street Planner-in-Charge z�o/1 5�. Paul , Minn. 55102 Technical Support BR D H P� (612)292-1577 Other CD ✓Non CD . RECEIVEQ��t� � 1g83 NPP APPLICATION PLEASE PRIfvT OR TYPE � . PROJECT NAP•1E: Riverview Social/Phvsical Improvement Proiect � __ GRGUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBP4ITTING REQUEST i�A�1E: j,�est Side Nei�hborhood Hous�n� Services ADDRESS; 1 East Geor e Saint Paul MN 55114 STREET CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHO!�E: 292-8710 DAYTIME CO�,'TACT PERSON FOR THIS REQUEST: Alex—Edmund S. DaHin*_en TELEPHO��E: 292-8710 i , k'HAT IS THE PRIMA,RY PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT? T?�Q primary pur�oses are neig�borhood revitalization and increased corn:nunity pride. New equip�ent and promotional mate:ials will allow a group of neighborhood residents to expand an already existing block crime � watch to a larger area involving more people and a more orgar.ized approach. The impreved . crir.�e watch will provide better protection against vandalism and bur�lary and will create an atmosphere in wnich more people will want to Live and�reinvest. Priva�e oc:ners of co�rmercial and residential property will do �xternal -rehabilitation, new cons��uc�ion and other inprovements in the area. Address Pos�s will enhance the app2arance oi :�omes and malce th� address easy to find in emergency situations. Bleachers at E1 Rio Vista Playground will �rovi�e facili*_ies that are needed in the neibhborl:ood. 2 , HOW t�1UCH P�PP I�fONEY IS BEING REQUESTED? S 23.680.00 3. WNAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATION OF NEIGHBORNOOD CONTRIBU7IOhS? (SEE Pages 6 & 7) 5132.340.00 4 , l,'H�T SPECIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. � a) Provide staff assistance to help organize and e::pand existir.g crime watch p�ogram. b) Purchase base unit and walkie talkies. c) Design. and prir.t neighborhood crime watch stickers, promotional brochure, meeting fliers, posters. d) Proinote, purchase and install 70 address posts. e) Design and contract for installation of bleachers at E1 Rio Vista Playground. , . � � • . ' � , (rPP APPLIC�ITIC�N, P3qe 2 PROJECT NAf�1E Riverview Social/Phvsic�� '�.� ' ~ Ir.,pr,,v,•-,,�n� �-��ec* ; 5. blHAT NEEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACH OF THE PROJECT'S PROPOSED I�CTIVITIES • (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFERENCE NEEDS FROM EITHER A CITYWIDE PLAN, DISTRICT � PLAN, DISTRICT COUNCIL ANNUAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATION GOALS OR OTHER DOCU(�ENTATION. a) Crir:e Prevention (District 3 Plan, adopted by City Council 6/4/81 ; p.29): � 4:SC0 supports the continuation of educational crime prevention programs and the group purchasing of dead-bolt locks and installation services. These programs can be coordinated with neighborhood rehab efforts in ITA and NHS areas. � The Team Police shouYd concentrate crime prevention activities in the higher crime areas en the t+'est Side. A co.mprehensive program in these areas could serve as a pilot project, wiLh expansion possible elsewhere on the ���est Side and the City. St. Paul Police CommUnity Liason Officer Sargent Tom tdalsh at a community meeting on l0;li/83 praised the Riverview Neighborhood Crime T;atch effectiveness. (Conti e i Attache- 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT INTE�D TO DIRECTLY CRtATE A f•iEP,Sl1RABLE INCP,EAS� 0� JSOBS�ment A. ). FOR NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS? YES x ��0 . IF YES, DESCRIBE. Temporary jobs will be created. The part time staff person to work on crime prevention will be hired from the neighborhood. A local contractpr will be hired to build part of the addres,s posts and do the installation. A local contractor wi11 be hired to build , the bleachers at E1 Rio Vista Playground. 7. ATTACN A t•1kP SH04JING THE PROJECT BOUi�DARIES IF A SPECIFIC G�(3�RAPHIC ARcA OR SITE IS THE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. (See Attachement $) $, blHO tJILL MANAGE THE PROJECT? Alex-Edmund S. DaHinten DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN MA�dAGING SIN�ILAR PROJECTS? YES� NO IF YES, DESCRIBE. Alex is the WSI�HS staff inember who organized the Riverview Neighborhood Crime t+'atch and who has been staffing it since. He has organized various other groups and has been instrumental in keeping them al�ve. Alex 'r�as managed the WSNHS Nei�hborhood Preservation Project -a project dealing with landscapin� and home exterior improvements on a .;�atching fund basis . He has managed other landscaping projects as well. 9 t�;I�L iHE PP.OPOSED PP.OJECT BE TIED OR COORDINATED t�;ITH AP�Y O-::ER rROJEC+ 0� PP�OGRF,tfi (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? YES_� NO IF YES, DESCRIBE, The project ���i11 be coordinated �.aitn ��-�e ?-.S:�HS revitalization and reinvestment strategies in the area. In fact , the R. N. Crir:� �;atcn grew out of the t�IS�iiS Neighborhood Preservation Pro jcct.; a pro ject w�thin '�HS ' Tar��t .^.rea , desi�ned to ir�prove the exterior of homes and lots , to stimulate �=ide and �er���cence in the residents ' capacity to renew their neighborhoed. Prer;..ises =_ecurity �'e��i�es ha-.�e been available to the residents thro���'r� t:'SNY.S Innav�tive insurarce rro`ram. �tree� Paving has been coordinated throuoh a successful proposal submitted bv ::5:�:�S and t'�e �.'�. Cri;:,e iJatch, supported by �:SCO. The People ' s Park i*�pro�-e�:ents �.ill �e coor- ��:ra��=c •.:i�'� �his project . Address Posts have been used tc enhar.ce tne aapeara:�ce of her�.�= :.nd :o make them easy to find in emerbencies. :•,`S:�H� •::iil be ready to ass,�s i-�e^e- ....... . .. .:: �.� � 02^S CO reirvest d5 DdT'C Of C:lt TTBCC,`, �i?l� �vlll nC'E''.^ ��1..,.,!�.i1'.1� ;. :i�dl':.''i\' ; •• � . . �, �:�PP APPLICATIOf�, Page 3 PROJECT NA��E Riverview Social�Physical � Improvemen� t'roject 10. WILL THIS PROJECT BE COMPLETED IN 2 YRS .? YES x NO . IF NOT, EXPLAIt� HOW IT WILL BECOME SELF-SUSTAINIHG 4lI7HOUT FURTHER NPP FUNDING? The project is expected to be completed in two years and is also planned to be self—sustaining by the continued volunteer efforts of residents in the neighborhood. Specifically, the park imp.rovement�, are exp�_cted to be completed during the first year of the program. The address posts will be completed by the end of the. two year program, thaough it is expected that most will be set up during the first year. The Crime Watch organization stage is expected to be completed during the first year, -�hen outrech staff is available. In the second and subsequent years Crime [,'atch activities will be continued through volunteers using the equipment obtained through the NPP. li . WILL THIS PROJECT RESULT IN INCREASED MAINTENANCE A�•�D OPEP,ATING COSTS FOR iHE CITY? YES NO X . IF YES, EXPLAIN HOW THE PROJECT 1�JILL PRIVATELY PAY FOR THOSE COSTS . 12. HOW WILL THE PROJECT BENEFIT LOt� AND t�10DERATE INCO��E HOUSEHOLDS? E1 Rio Vista Playground is located in, and tne Crime Prevention expansion is targeted ' � for parts of the neighborhood where the percentage of families and individuals whose incomes fall below the poverty level is the high�est. �'he area has the highest concentration of people whose primary language is not English. The crime watch will provide some protection and security to residents in tihat the police often call a "ho*_ grid" area. The address posts coill be offered on a 'sliding scale ' and installed free of charge to low income households. 13. HOW WILL NEIGHBORHOOD CITIZtN PARTICIPATION BE FOSTERED DURIi�;G PROJECT DEVELOPMEIv'T AND It�iPLEMENTATION? Citizen participation will be fostered by hol�ing monthly meetings in the crime watch areas, by the distribution of fliers and articles in the local newspaper, by involving residents in all phases of the project including planning and implementation. 14, bOES A PROJECT PL�t�NING C4���f�1ITTEE EXIST? YES XX t�0 IF Y'r.S , IDE�r'TIFY THE r�E�f�EERSHIP. The Z��SNHS Neighborhood Partnership Program Task Force: 1) Chairman: Rev. Tim Johnson. Pastor, Cherokee Park United Church; member, 6;SNHS Community Services Committee, t-:est Side resident. 2) Ron Bloch. WSCO staff . West Side resident. • 3) Joe Collins. Staff, City of Saint Paul Housing Inforr::ation Office ; member, tdSNHS Corununity Services Committee and 4;SNHS Business Committee. µ� Robert Smoot. Riverview Neighborhood Crime 4'atch Coordinstor; .,,e�-ber :,'S:�HS and WSCO Boards ; Chairman, Community Services Com�nittee. �:'est Side resident . �) Peggy Foster. President , �tiSi�HS Board; merr�ber, ZtiSCO Board; ��:e:�ber, ��S:�HS Committees. b:est Side resident . � 6) Elaine Saline. Tlember, k'SNHS Com,-nuni'ty Services Com-:ittee . �dest Side resident . ' \ �lnv_Fra-'.iinr� S_ T1aHinran_ I�.'�?�}�S ctAff. �pillSlilE'SS'7itTl .`�a�' 1C1C�"'.25 , Ja^;es �1�i11�", Larry }{O4.'E' dild hPP APPLICATION, Page 4 � PROJECT NAMf_ Riverview �ocial %rn� �,. a, ✓ . - � I�or���emen*_ P:o�e�t 15. tJILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER THE RETURhING OF NPP FU�JDS TO THE P;cIGNBORN00D . PARTNERSHIP PROGRAPI OR THE RECYCLING OF I�PP FUI�DS IdITHIN TNE PP,OJECT? YES P�O�. IF YES, DESCRIBE. � • 16. C01�1PLETE PROGRAP•1 ACTIVITY AND EI�DGET FORMS P�GES 5 �ND 8. f ✓ �c r- —�`' ,� ,,`.,. c �],av—Frlmttnc� T1aHi n �- ' g*C�r 1 �/1 R'� SIGNATUR OF INDIV UAL TYPED NAtfE TITL OR R Lt DAiE' COMPLET NG APPLIC TION � `-���`,;'G�� P o�v �� \HS Prasi c3anr � � � ' SiG�'l�7'�1 E OF C!-IIEF OFF CER YPED t�AN�E TITLE OR POLE �a � P, PRESIDENT i r � . . . � ,' • ' , � . Z C�7 n �'aj � ' � r� � � � 1 r• '1 1 v� I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I r• ,�, r000 c� o �. z r* r� o �-+ rooHro ro-x � � y �-c 5' o � o r• w ro �-t B � n 9 � c w co � � �, � o cr � n o � �n ov v m oo ^o w n n � ..o � g o r� w � � r• w � � c� � � � � ro �. � o n n �v < to 00 � � � � �' n cfl ►-, n 7 G 'C £ r• M � r• 9 C w � C N 'O �D �n c7 fD O f� �"f F'• Vl N � N fD N N (D N V7 D� G � D � O R O R R � fD � fD (D � (D (D �"t (D C� �'�' � . 'U � rn fD � � � K O rt O N R O � rt R � O a-� G H O C3. C� by (D w r-r 'T7 r-n (D 'Ll r+� A: R r• �� a Z n � rc r• r tD � 7' r� l� r+ cn r- O ,�, cD .. � v a n re n r� m s� � o w �o �n � a ]' rt r• cD �G C� r• �-t � .0 � � .0 (D c< C '� • G� O � �n f� � C� C a. C C � iL tn < tn r• C7 �' OQ � R� r• r-�- � tn fp fD. rr (io r• tD Q- �i 'd L+ "0 r• r* � � . � C> :J < r-f rn (D 3 �-i 3 n W G� (D h-� W N r-� n. d fD fD fD i"R Z a 7 r-• tn r• r• tn � fv• � A� �"n � � o. R c� �• �e �, R rt � � R O �'i r* Q-�� � . . . ._ N h+ � !!1 e�'f� . h�, !D . . fD � N � O G� C'i � W tn rt r-n 3 C `C7 r� O m o a R n x � = n' w 'o � �� � v n o � a� � � . (/� r�. T. � !A �"S � �"S R � h+• (D N R h'• `C N � . QC G1 [D � �"' � � w n c� w x tn �' � cn ' �-t r• c� G. £ rD (D r'f G� SU t!� {J1 "'�, R (D t� !� ? rS � � R _ r O � a �. �, � � �� zv� a �. � - C C C C C '17 Sv O �D C C C n 7 OJ � � � '� �i G 'O W e- r p . . . (p y (D (D (D � �' � � � `'C � . . . - - . - W R W' W W � � R W W � n O O - O O �' � � � � � rp ct - „ lJ � .. .. .. � r; (D W � � cy- �. � rf � .�. C - . i-.. .. r+ �-+ �. �+ �+ � .. � � p .�. �p �O �O Vr �D �O� � �O Vr � � • , � � � � � � � �. � � � � `c � � � � d ,� oo .� r �.,. - � � � � � E E EE � � E � E � � � -9 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � z z z z z z z z z z z z N � o „� � z x s � � � z � �. sz o . v� cn cn cn �n cn cn v� cn v� cn cn -o c� cJ. o c� rn � � � � � y tn� � J '�•\ � •L �J CJ !D � lD r-: ,7. - r• �4. � .Ep '�fi 'j < "� � N W (�'� � � n � N �' � �. � G x p �� W � ct;D PJ r'' �� O � � � � �' � f^u p 0 C � � � J O '� �i � O R �I: � �i C�i C'�' � C�i . � n ,} . + O O `t r• � C C' y t�. �. • r. � `� K ? • '�t '�{ F' I ^ � J � � N i� • „ .. C � Z �. f���' ' F+ lli O � ,7. F'� � C t p C C C1 'o tJ N (A Q ("-/ 0 � � C � � � �;PP APPLICATION, Page 6 PROJECT NAME • � '� --`� Rive view Sncial/Ph•<< -ral �_t.. . Improve...�_nt r�o�ec�� � ��'' ' � NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS DECLARATION - l . ESTI��ATED COt�fMERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL . IMPROVEMENTS; NUhiBER OF PARTICIPANTS 3 AVERAGE INVES7MENT PER PARTZCIPANT���n �nn nn TOTAL INVESTME��T EQUALS 5 60.000.00 2, ESTIF1ATED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL . , I��SPROVEMENTS; P;U116ER OF PARTICI PAt�TS �o AVERAGE INVESTMENT PER PARTICIPANT�,c�r��p nn TOTAL INVEST�1ENT EQUALS � �o.���_�� 3. NEW CONMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: SITE (a) ESTIM�ATED t�IARKET V�1LUE � SITE (b) ' � ESTINATED h1ARKET VALUE 5 TOTAL PiARKET VALUE S 4. NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPNENT: � - SITE (a ) � ESTiMATED P1ARY.ET VALUE � SITE (b) ESTI MATtD hiARKET VALUE � TOTAL P�iARKET VALUE 5 _ 5. ESTIMATED IN-KIND-SERVICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIP�'ENT, SERVICES) : SOURCE AND TYPE 1 . ,, , � -L��O�•�� 2. Pro 'ect Su ervision ' 3. General Overhead � -1-{���'�� 6. ESTII�ATED VOLUNTEER LABOR: i�Ul�BER OF VOLUPdTEERS 150 AVEr2nGE HOURS/VOLUNTEER 19 TOTAI. HOURS x 510/hr. EQUALS $ 2�_ �n 7. ESTI,';ATED S4rEAT EQUITY: �'U�'BER OF PARTICIPAI�TS , A���Rr.GE HOURS/PARTICIPANT TOTAL HOURS T07;�L NOURS x $10/nr. EQUn!S S ''• .; . • ��PP .APPLICATION, Page 7 . PROJECT r�Ar�E D:..,,_..: .,.., �„r��z������,��ca1 . :-. r � . . Improvement Project 8. ESTIMATEfl CASH DONATIONS: � , SOURCE 1 . � 2. �3. � 9. ANTICIPATED FOUNDATION GRANTS: � FOUNDATION(s) 1 . • � - . �' 2. � 10. OTHER; EXPLAIN ESTIh1ATED VALUE S TOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS DECLARATION � 132,340.0�' il . WHAT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT THE A60VE DECLARATiO��S ARE REALISTIC? � Conversations with three busineemen and five home owners nave given us specific commitments for improvements on their properties�. Three years of nei�hborhood rehabilitation experience allows WSNHS staff to malce reasonable estimates of numbers and costs of improvements which could be reasonably be expected given the oroanization and marketinQ efforts which will be undertaken. In-kind services are based on actual rental and staff costs incurred by WSNHS. The estimate of volunteer hours is based on WSNHS experience with the pilot Crime Watch program begun in a three block area. With the organization efforts of a half-time staff person and the availability of support through the equipment and informational materials to be provided through the Neighborhood Partnership Program grant, it is felt that the volunteer estimate is a reasonable one. , • i NPP APPLICATION, Page 8 Project Name Riverview Social /Phv�ical Project� Bud�get: Itemize use of NPP Funds . Improvement Project •, Cost Cate or Requested PED ' 9 Y 1�PP Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* 9 000.00 � 2. Consultant & Contract Services � 3. Rehabilitation � 4. Design 5. Construction 59,680.00 ; 6. Equipment �4 350.00 7. Acquisition 8. Relocation 9� Demolition � � � � 10. Other ( * list) � � r �, 11 . � 12. � . . . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. � � � . ; 18. a I � � J. LO. ; � I � 21 . , , a 22 . , � � -� 23. _ — � T0�31 S '3 ,o80.0U 5_ � ����_ ',���cn Job Descript�ons (see �cc�c��:�er,t c) - i ` nee�ed, use 1 i nes 11 -23 �o i te�,-��e categori es 1 -9. . � • NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Riverview So'cial/Physical ' ' • Improvement Project Attachement A , Continued from page 2 # 5 "Crime Prevention" City of Saint Pau1 Mayor George Latimer expressed satisfaction on the number of burglaries reduced by the Riverview Neighborhood Crime Watch (St. Paul Dispatch, Wednesday, November 2, 1983; p.7A) . b) Playground Improvement (District 3 Plan, adopted by City Council 6/4/81 ; p. 28) : The City Parks and Recreation Division should provide additional improvements to playgrounds as needed according to the desires of the neighborhood. Plan for Parks and Recreation adopted by City Council 9/8/79; p.20: Existing Facilities Insofar as possible, existing facilities should be developed according to the stand3rds discussed in this chapter. Completing the development of facilities at existing sites should have priority over the development of facilities at new sites. Anderson & Berdie, Assoc. Riverview Community Survey 9/75; pages 37 & 39: Responses, in percentages, of all respondents concerning whether the West Side/ Riverview Area needs to improve the quality of selected community features: yes no don' t know Playground facilities (buildings, equipment, etc) 44% 28% 28% Same question -non senior citizen respondents- 58% 27% 15% .. . � IiEIGHBORH00D PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM , Riverview Social/Physical ` Improvement Project ATTACHEMENT B Projec[ area shown in black below. � � � � 11 � -� � � �' `� S'' ., `�j ,� .�- . _! `` ti,i� �- ,��;�. �� � \ �- �. • ( , �\ �i++ ;�. ./-•���•.� � �—�'��_� . ��•\ .♦ i�v ' ,�� � � �� � t• ` \ 4�c \ •I(• .\ \ -- , j; ��� j � L; � i _�� ,'�// � I ;! � ` '�/ �< / �_� '_�-. I • ( 'I � f �:�, �� �� .� � `� \` \'�-- _ •-•�__ "_� '/ � �/ '�'� �- � � - . /. � 4��/ . i \ . .�� � __ '�\ �:/ ,• .�� \ �:i '" ``, \\'� , -% `'' — \ `\�. .'i ' ./, A j ^'\ � ,, \�. 1.\\ `\ - 1\ Y� . . � , • ' � / ' � ��\` .. \ / � t�� � 1\\y! / . ' .�.,�� � / . ' `/ �� ��.�/ � � `,\. �` • � . ` ` _ � � / • � �1�' •y ; \� .� \, / •, �o • " � � . ,—._��� � � ,�, ��� ( . �' - .- ^- � /�! . '...�,_.���. —. _ ..;�, , ', ,,j.:- �\\ - ) �.I�. .�r'�\ \ � � \ .— --- � -- -°- ! � /� - ' . - f . �� _ \�`�\ . �`' �/ - =-��s„��__. —-..-�:�;�� _ - � �` � � � ��y:• .... _�_- ----� - - � ' Qk•"�-'t_ _—- �� � . , NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM ' Riverview Social/Physical • Improvement Project Attachment C Job Description Crime Watch Outreach Worker The Crime �+'atch butreach Worker is responsible to the [ti'S�HS Executive Direct�r, with day-to-day direction provided by the �tiS\HS Program Coordinator. Duties and Responsibilities: 1) Contacting individuals/families in the Crime Watch area to provide information on the program and encourage participation. 2) Organizing block groups and recruiting block captains in response to the residents' needs. -3) Assigning equipment and scheduling its use. ' 4) Informing other appropiate West Side organizations/agencies, about the Crime Watch program and generating publicity through ads, newspaper articles, etc. . - 5) Developing and disseminating informational materials for the Crime Watch area in response to the residents ' needs. 6) Maintaining all necessary records to meet the Neighborhood Partnership Program requirements including the documentation of private match. 7) Providing necessary staff support to Crime Watch volunteer efforts. 8) Coordinating Crime Watch activities with other 4iSNHS neighborhood ' improvement activities including the Innovative Insurance Program and the various rehabilitation loan programs. 9) Other responsibilities as assigned by the Program Coordinator. t:ei ghborh,00d Partnershi p Program P�D USE G��LY (;� �' a?S/ �ept . Planning & Economic Development Plonr�ing Dis�ri'ct �_ Code ��o . %5 td, 4th Street Pl �nner-in-Charge .�'•.icu�1 �� , ?aul�, 1Sinn. 55i02 Tecf�nical Support BR D H ✓ P r/ ; �12)292-1571 , � � t O�her „-•� ,� ;1 1 ���3 CD ✓,�on CD . _ h�C�1'v� " - t�PP APPLICATION � PLtASE PRINT OR TYPc ) . � � =�OJECT N�;�1c: OLD H,4RDI�G PLACE , INC. :;=.�UP OR O�GANIZATION SU3��ITTI�6 REQUEST I , � :;,::,;��; Old F,arding Place , Inc. ' '�D�ESS : 2200 ��orth Cen�ral Li fe To��;er St. Paul , (ii nnesota 55101 ��- SiATE �1P STRttT CIiY �ELEPF,O��E: 292-1661 D.AY7il;� 778-8028 Pe�er D. Valenty _�E�.;�;;F : 202_1651 T_ COPrTACT P�RSON FOR THIS RE'�UEST: Yr'i 11 i am F. Y.oepp 1 , �;nAT IS THE PRIIriARY PURPOSE OF TH� PROJECT? The re�se and rehab of the N�ounds Park Junior i-,i5h School site , a surplus school .�ite, by GHP a �non-profit community controlled developr�nt company established by the - Oayton' s Bluff Dist'rict 4 Community Council �o adoress t���o neignbornood needs: (See . � attachment - NRA Resolution - Tenative Developer S�a�us) A comnuni��� mulii -service faci 1 i ty an� lo►,r/moder��e income housi ng. _ 2 , HOId h1UCN hPP I�SONEY IS BEItvG REQUESTED? � 250,000.00 3. 41!'�T IS THE 70TAL DECLkRATION 0� hEIG�-iBOP.�{OOD COI�TP.IBUTI0+�5? � 2�500,000.00 (SEE Pages 6 & 7) 4 . 4JHAT SPECIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE P�OPOSED? FL�ASE LIST. � 1 . a) � There will be made available io provid�rs of human services �0,00� to 75,000 square reet of space at less than rarket rates. The .� services are now scattered tnrougfi out the Gay.ton ' s BIuT; Community. �he estabiishm�nt oT a centralized communi �y center managed 6y FS�rri cic Com�nuni ty Cen�er ��ri 11 provi d� a �.�i de range of SOC1d� 521"VlCES c5 1'�'2�� d5 OrFiCE dlld F1"CG1"at'; S�ZC° f01" ilGri-G`'OTi � O1"�cfllZci,lOf15 . c!'id comT�Ulll Ly Ql'OUPS . I h2 1'c���2 'J i cC i.i V i�i `c ���o��i �ed by i."D c=1uV i Cc 01'�dlll - z��i ons wi 11 i nc i u�e recrecti�n : Gnd educ��i c;'� �s �.,�°11 as �:��.i �� -,�d cul �ural relGied progracr.s . `L VrCCAi"�-�tion af i��ro existing �recr�a�ianzl f�c; � i �ies : � b)� Parkti:�y Li�tle League - c 1 JGJ�1 i ss C�T-:.�ni �y Ce�ter ',�F ;-,PPLICATION, Page 2 � rROJECT ��A��E ��� N�+°�I�'�� PLACE , I,�C. . . . . . . � 1-;!'AT NEEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY E�,C� Or THE PR.OJECT 'S PROPOSED �CT?1�ITItS (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFERENCE �dEEDS FRO�•1 EITHER A CITYI�!IDE PLA11, DISiRICT PLAIr', DISTRICT COUNCIL ANt�UAL CITIZE« PkRTICiFkTIO�� GO�,LS OR OT�ER DOCU'•Sct�TRiIC�'�. A need for: � l . A centrally located multi-service center. . � (See attachments - United Iday �nd Anderson , Eerdie �,ssociates studies. ) 2. Conforms to City`s multi-se rvice plan. : � 3. Resol uti on of 1 as t �1arch. 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT I1�TEIvD TO DIR�CTLY C�EhTE A IiE�;SURr,BLE IhCR�F,SE OF JOBS FOR I�EIGH60Rh00D RESIDEI�TS? YES� ��0 IF 1'ES, DESCRIBE. 1 . An immediate increase in jobs will be realized in the construction of this �roject. Dayton' s Bluff has a large number of residents employed in tiie construction trade. 2. Permanent new jobs ►-ri 11 be created once tne mul ti -servi ce center becomes ful l•y operational . I�Je envision these jobs will include program directors , s�a�f ar�d maintenance personnel . 7. fiTTACH A MAP SFiOWI��G TFiE PROJECT BOU��DARIES IF A SPECIF?C GEO�°APHIC AP,EA OR SIiE � � IS THE FOCUS OF PROJEC7 AC7IVITIES. See attached site plan: 8. !�;HO I�;ILL MANAGE THE PROJECT? O1d�fHa�GI�G S1II�ILAR PR JECiS? r YES���p�ni v .�n�-Pr DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN IF YES, DESCRIBE. � 1 . Old Harding Place, Inc. Directors have a �ti�ide range of expertise. Including managem°nt of hospitals, elderly housing projects , and health related programs. ONP� ►-�ill employ an executive directer to manage the facility. 2. I��errick Community Center is currently o�erating and manage Dayton ' s Bluff' s hu,��an services needs from another location. � . ,?LL �;,E rr.OPGSED FP,OJEC7 EE 7T=D OR CO�aD:��;,��t� ',;I-H ;°,��Y 0���� `��OJ�CT G= ��;v:;=, .:� ,(�;..�!:C 0� PP.IVnTE? YES X I�O1L IF YES,� D�SCRiEE, �'�1 �' !-:a rdi ng P1 ace Inc.. �•;i 11 cocrdi r��te �-ri �n bo�h ;ri v��2 and �u51 i c fui;di ;-.g �cr �he � r .,. ���.. a �- i C c c'' ^E�GS G i �re communi ty. It 1 S Ei�VI Si or�ed �ilct i Undi ng i 1 vTl t,.�l i.�d 1',c) Y;1 I I_ c_; � _ � � ,:1�1'iC�: �O�i'�Uillty Center 1t1 ,�1'OV1G�lf1� �r�° r2°G�u S�i"'�lCcS '0 L�a� �C!1� 5 6� U�T . ,�i50 , '+ � � �� r^vt" � C!lC-��T"i,i C��,ci.� :.i�,5 � ����: Cc �d� -i �,��e �ounda�i ons �•ri 11 be zpN r acned b G �' �nd '�r-ocran�i ng needs for t'r�e nei gi��borhood. Pr-i v��e fi r:.nci ng „i i 1 �l so �� us�� �o r�_�,-�10� tfie housi ng. ;;-� ,;r PLIC�TIO�;, Page 3 P�OJcCT ��n,'c 0±D �-.��?:;G GLP,CE , :;;C. ., , 1�0. i,'ILL TNIS PROJECT BE COl��PIETED It� 2 YRS . ? YES X ?�0 ? F ���QT, _EXPL�;ifa FO:; IT �dILL BECO��� SEI�F-SUSTAINI?�G tdIiHOUT FURTHER 1;PP FU'�DI1�6? � � . ii , �•'iLL T!�i1S i'r�OJECT RESULT I�� Il�CREA,SED I�'�.?�;i��;,=',"��CE �,"�D Cr�=.�i_:';� _�S"S FC� i�;_ �iTY? � = �z�ES '�0 IF 1'ES , E);�LAih F,G';; ihr r?C�_=CT t�;iLL �Di;r,- ; �j,�� -0?, i �;CS� CGSiS . �� �. To the contrary: By resol uti on of DSD4CC the Ci ty �;�i 11 be ab?e �o rE� i r�qui sh �n� maintenance responsibilities concerning the �i�unds Park Ele����nt�ry School . IJnat should be noted is the fact that City expenses �•�ill decrease ti;�nile this project ��rill add t�xable property to tne City. ;2. NOtJ w'ILL THE PROJECT BE�EFIT LO;J ���D F10DER,=`.TE It�C01�c �OUS�FOL��? The outreach programs of the Dayton' s Bluff Community Center rrill be ����de avaiiable � .at no cost or no�i nal cost for �he .progrGms orrered. Tnese pro�ra;,�s are outl i ned in part in �he attached brochure. � . ]3. hOW WILL hEIGHBORH00D CITIZEN PARiiCIP�TIO�v BE FOSTERED D'.!':�,� y��GJ�Ci DEV�LO�f;Er,� AP,D It�PLEN�EI�TATION? Parti ci pa�i on by the nei ghbornood began i n ��1arch of 1 °81 ���i t?� �ne i ncepti on o� the tlounds Park Juni or Hi gh Task Force and ��ras fol l o�•,ed by �he T�sk =orce on ComSi ned Activities which has lead to the inception of OHP, �•�orking in close conjunction ���ith DSD4CC. , OHP has �een meeting �•rith ihe neigh�ornood to discuss �he re�.:se ef t'�= buildin�. ?n c���l �1011 > i•��rrick Com�unity Cen�Er cfld G`+� rieVe 1"ccCn�G CUi. �C� r�;,r;;-,�;_,; �V ��l'V1C° to ce� thei r i r�put ' `" '� n�end �o recr-u'� � vol +,�n'--r r,� � �o �� ..i n��i n ,,. ni gn oi-�ani za�i ons • ��= v" ' ^ s,�ndGrd„ of �r ora�;Ti n9 r r �.h-_�r�'.�uq��� c�eler. - - _S _ �_';�_ =�' ";'� u;,��S i; r;O��C��L;',����1��G CQui�,;•il i � Lt =�1 � . t'cS X i;0 1 � ' ' "-,,�c�c'-;iP . 1 .� i✓�..�.JI . Gl d �ardi ng P1 ace , Inc. Bo�rd o� Di ,-2ctors i ncl udes �h° �o� �;.�i-=° o��i c�rs of 'f Gi s�ri ct 4 �Gii;'�un i �j� �OuliCl � 'i reSE ''i��"Dc,"S c � ' ' 1;' �!l G �'"� ;�d,�t0i1 � S b� U i , , ' • ' � -„ !,� � , t. ,.S f th�e Eoard o` �' re���rs o` 0'-'P i nc i u�-�ng n�� c�-`r;�.,�c r-s' c-�r:- , pro�essionals o � �� � � •;;or-k �s �i';e project co��ri ��ee �or C�;P. �=? i�rLICnTIO��, Page 4 • PKO,;�Ci �;�.i',E .�_C „r.�DI;;G PL�C- , 1';C. ` . � l �. �•�jLL THE PROJECT RESULT It� EITNER THE P.ETURrdI��G OF i;°P ru(+�5 i0 i:�� „EiG:-'.���'�:'�'.:D ���i1;E�SHIP PROGRAi•1 OR TNE P,ECYCLI��G OF P�PP �U�,DS 1;IT�:;; �;'E r��J�Ci? Y=� '�� y . I F 1'E5, DESCRIBE. �� � . . . C�;�?L�TE PROG �t, . ,CTI1!I7Y h;:D EUvGci F�R;•'.S r.=�=S � A';� 8. , 1 �� ,.u;,� /���� j�� � 3 .� ��' l�i. F. KOEPP SIG(��,TUR,E OF 'lIiDIVIDUAL ►YPED �';=,i��c I I iLE GR ;�0!E ' r`,�� CO���LEiII;G APPLICATIOt� .�., �� r ; , , ,��___,__. .� -��� 1�� pETER vALEi�'i Y PRESIDc�dT � �ii �^� - . .— �. � � SIG��ATURE�OF CHIEF OFF CER iYFcD 1;fi,'��t 7iTL� �r =CLE ' L`r��� . '—U'r�"P R E S I D E tvT � ' �-- , � z . ' � o � � � . < < � J � � � � � � . � � O O �• r �. �7 f J �. N Cr � � � � � n � -� r c* c* o �, - C Oy <• Q Z . �1 "'/• � V (�_� \ � � ✓ � � � y �J � c � ' J ^ . ' � � �1 f• � � � . N i`j . � . � � r . � � � , 'S !D • � � ' � � � � - r � I � 0 � � _ � C J � J. J. N c'F V� �G C� n fC � � rr �t f'�^. fD � Z — r., �o �, 1 -S !h c"r 'S t!� • O c+ � O cT 0 . . J. � J• �' � � � � . . . � L �J n GJ J � . �-r O c'f � tt - � CJ � fJ ,� � t./� G rt �. A� cT �' C ,� � � � o �. .� � � �c � � � � � � � J �^J V '�, O Z r' ;� � fD � ' � G � O � �J J J � � � � � 2 � � � � N � O �� � � . �V � � `� . p ' .. J .. ^� O (7 i''J �..r , -� � � � C1 � .-.+ � �--� L]. !n l� ct � � J. � J. .�.� (^ � n J y Z . . (� J CJ � � � -_ I_ f� � i I �O n � 'c - _ �v � G ,� , I = I C c ' � �� = I C � I —• — �� _ � � C � I � ` I� — C C � � �G7 = C C �` O I �� I ` I � I i� ,� � r i `. i i i;^� i {� I � , C.' , — �� a"� ,_ � � � . �. � � � _ i � .^� �' � ' � _ � I � -r ;rYL1Lr,I iUf�, rage v rr�vv��� �.�,�.� --- t�'E I GHBORHOOD CO��T RI BUT IG��S D�CL�+r',�.i I G�� , . � 1 . �S i TIS.A i ED COi�11•tERCIAL PROPERTY FI XED CAPI TAL � � I���r�OVEl�Et�TS : � f;Uh,3�R OF PAR7ICIPANTS AVERAGE I tJVESTf•iENT PER PART I CI PAI�T TOTAL INVESTI����T EQUfiLS S � %. EST?��ATED RESIDEI�TIAL PROPERTY FIY,ED CAPITAL � I!�r^r,OVEh'E�r'TS . � : I . �;Ui��ER OF PAP,7ICI P�,NTS ' AVEP,�GE It�VES?�1E��T PER PARTICIP,�,��T "i OTAL I i;1'tS i��;EIdT Ei�;,'��c � 3. I�cl�1 CO!ihiERCIAL DEVELOPf�fENT: SITE (a) Co��-nunity Center ESTIt'�ATED t'�ARY.ET VALUE S 2 ,600,000 SITE (b) � , � ESTIt�ATED J��HRKET VALUE 5 � TOi�L ���R��� ti'�.'-�= S 2,500,C00 _ 4 , I�EW 2ESIDENiIAI. DEVELOP��t�T: . SITE (a ) � . ESTIr�fATED 1.ARKET VALUE � _ � SITE (b) ESTI i�A i ED 1•iARY.ET VALUE � � TOTAL f'�RY.ET VhLUE S _ �. ESTIt14TED IN-KIND-SERVICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIPI�iEtJT, SER;�ICLS) : SOURCE �A��D TYPE 1 . Temporar Office S ace - 2 v r S 20.000 est. 2 , erv�ces o roress�onals S 10,G00 est. 3, S _ . �S i II•1AT�� VOLUf�7EER LhB�R: I�U;�:,�� OF 1!OLUfJTEE�S � �.`�'=�i=.�c �;GURS/VOLUi��TEER TOTfi,L NOURS x. 510;hr• �'�'•'='-� � �� - -�- -�p c!t�'T EQUITY , _� , _, ., . , ri . ''��''•'.��� GF �A�TiCI P�+!�TS �,'. � _=.;;= „��'J�S/P�,RTICIPAC�;T TO i r,L NOLRS • ' TOTAL hOURS a =1 �/�;r . -�'��.=_S S �r^ n?�LiC�TiO'1, Page 7 . r�u�c!� ;,n,�,c � � ... .1. ,, L ��. , ,�... �. CSTI,•;ATED CASH DO+��ATI01tS: � , SOU^n'CE 1 . S . 2 . -� 3, S 9. �;�TICI?ATED FOUfJDATIO;� GRkt�TS : 5 � FQU��DATIO�r(s) 1 . S 2, J. OTn��: EXPLAIN A fund �aisina co�Ti�tee nas �een activated bv � . OHP. The qoal is �a comaletelv �ur�d ihe communit�� center needs �52,500,000) . This �•rould reduce tr�e cost o` �r- communitvi center frcm S2 ,600,000 to 5100 000. Previously includ�� � ES7I1':�TED VALU� S in Item ;;o. 3 TOTAL �EIG`iBORH00D C0�ITRIBUi IO<<S DECLARATIOft 5 2,600,000 � 1 , i,'IiAT EVIDEI�CE IS IHERE THfiT TNt �"-.�01�E DECLA,R�I?OidS ARE P,�ALISIIC? � Oi d Hardi ng Pl ace , Inc. has recei v:.d strcng com-�uni ty support for i �s pl�nnzd develop- ' m�nt. Three financial institutions have indicated tnat if the land acquisi �ion pro- gram is reasonable, that funding o� ihe projec� can �e achieved. The surrounding residents have , by petition , agreed to rezone the site to alio��a seveniy-three (73) units of housing, a community center and open space to include b�ll fields and improvements to the Bayliss Center. ihe support for the project has been indica�ed by the �iRA Board by grantin g Old Harding Place, Inc. Developer Siatus. ' Therefore, OHP has engaged an architect ror the planned development. Steenberg-Nenkel has rzviewed the project and has given p�reliminary cost estimates . The Board of OHP has been �-�orking on this prject dilioently for nearly one year znd has been a�,�arded �25 ,000 start funding from hS��SHIP rounda�ion. The temporary o��ice .use at 2200 �or�h Central Life Toti�rer has been donated by To�•;n Square Law Center, Inc. in an effort to move the project for��rard. ihc Eoard of OHP has rr�t all deadlines to date and is optimistic that th � planned c�`�elop;rr�nt can be completed in t'r,e L�ri1� ailot�ed. ',�? n='r� ICr';iIOiJ, Page 8 Pt-Oj�C� �;'c.',_ i,' p ii;=.4i.7Ii;= F;.-.C� � '�;, . �—. ='�•o�ect EudGet: Itemize use of P;PP Funds . , • - ---.-..�u--- _, -- � reaues-ed ��� Cost Category I;�p Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* 2. Consultant & Contract Services 3. P,ehabilitation S 250 ,000 � I ' � 4. Desicn - ' 5. Co�,s�r��ction � � 6. Equipment I � 7. Acquisition I 8. Relocation I � 9. De�nol i ti on ( 10. Other * list I � ) 11 . ( iz. . 13. l 14. I 15. �� 16. 17. 18. � � ; � i � ��� � ' , � i � � � I `°" � � � � � � �, . � , � ' ; I� � ; ,? � r ; ! �': _ _ � ;✓ - �� I��i.O� � !� �"'�� �_ � � � _..c;� �cb DescriDtiG�S ' . , _ �.c ' � � — ^ .� � �.f- , �C r�,'.:Pr.^ . �'G . ' � - . ._ _ . - . . � ���C� L .� _ - � � � I . WM. F. KOEPP & ASSOC�ATES ' SUITE ZZOO� NORTH CE2r'TRAL L� Tou�a Ar Towx SQUARE �f�}S MI:�TIvESOTA SYREET ' ST. PAUL, MI:�ESOTA S5�OI TELEPHOI.'E W1LLIAM F.KOEPP 612-292•1661 December 1, 1983 RICHARD L.MATYKIEWICZ . I n^r . James Zdon Citv of St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development Division of Planning ?_5 t.aest Fourth Street St. paul , Minnesota 55102 R.e : Old Harding Place, Inc . • NPP Formal Application Dear Mr . Zdon: � Enclosed you will find Old harding place, Inc . ' s formal apnlication for the development of the Mounds ?ark �7unior Hiqh School site. ��e enclose the formal application alonq � with evidence of financial interest by :�iller and Schroeder and Union Bank and Trust of ?��inneapolis. Their interest remains with the project and discussions continue with . them durinq this period of anplica�ion. If you have anv questions rec?arding our application, please f_eel free to c�ll me at 292-1661 . / Sinc/p� e11y, ��� / 1;. �/ � . �� �� � �� �� '� �� . � , r [•�ILLIAM F. �iOFP? T�FK : lms � OLD HARDING PLACE, INC. C01�1MUNITY CENTER DEVELOP��IENT COST � Development Cost . Land . S 255,000 Landscaping and Improvements ( • 100,000 Construction - Auditorium and Theater 1 ) Construction 5300,000 2) Equipment 215 ,000 5 515.000 � . - Gymnasium 15,000 square feet @ 510.00 per square foot 150,000 - Remodeling of Existing Building 22,500 square feet @ �20.00 per square foot 450,000 Architectural , Legal Consulting, Marketing, � and Administrative Services 300,000 �inancing - one year @ 15% 200,000 New entry way and commons area 500,000 Contingency 5% - Financing fees and mortgage costs 130,000 � � 52,600,000 SOURCES OF FUNDING 1 ) Neighborhood Partnership Program S 250,000 . 2) Funding from Private Foundation 1 ,000,000 3) Sale of Housing Units (Estimate) �50,000 4) hiortgage Proceeds 1 ,000,000 SL,oUU,UUU OLD HARDING PLACE, INC. � t�1ULTI-USE CEIJTER One Year Pro Froma Statement. � of � Income and Expense � + . . Income : Rental Income 5 305 ,000 Vacancy Rate 5% _.15 ,250 � 239,750 Othe r Revenue Grant & Special Contribution 40,000 Effective Gross Income �,L��1 Operating Expenses: Administrator � 65,100 Ut� lities , Gas , Electricity, Naintenance, Water 82,500 ftepl acerrMnt & Improvement � reserve 1� of Mortgage 10,000 Debt Service on (PITI) � �1 ,000,000 25 years @ 12°d 130,000 Total Expense � 228,200 Cash Flow � 101 .550 . � � WM. F. KOEPP & A.SSOCIATES SU1TE ZZOO, NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TO�VEA A'r TOWN SQUARE 44S MINNESOTA STREET ST. PAUL, MIIvNESO'fA SS 101 TELEPHONE WILLIAM F.KOEPP 611-?9?-1661 RICHARD L.MATYKIEWICZ OLD HARDIN;G PLACE, INC. . Housing Analysis Information furnished to Old Harding Place , Inc. from the City of St. Paul recommends that there is a need and a demand for rradern housing based on the statistical analysis of the MLS Market Information. The refore, the price range ofsold properties in District 716 reflects the following: * - 6.8% of the property sold was in a range of 525,000 to �40,000 * - 28.6% of the property sold was in a range of 540,000 to 555,000 . � * - 52.1% of the property sold was in a range of ?55,000 to �70,000 * - 9.8� of the property sold was in a range of �70,000 to �85,000 It is the interest of Old Harding Place, Inc. to blend its housing .program into this range of housing. (See attached Exibit A. ) Of the seventy-three (73) units planned, it is estimated that: 9 units or 12.4% will be priced in the S65,000 range � 24 units or 32.8�� will be priced in theS58,000 range 40 units of 54.8% will be price in the 570,000 to $85 ,000 range This blending of new housing to the community �,�ill provide the community ����ith modern new housing in an affordable range. The need to reduce the land price is based on the fact that : 1 ) Only 1 /3 of the land is marketable for housing on the site ; and 2) To provide affordable housing, the price of land per u.nit canrot be excessive so that the c�nstruction costs and financing costs ' increase the selling price to the degree of non-marF:etability of the horr�s in the area. A typical unit of approximately 1 ,250 square feet is anticipated to cost approximately: � 62,125 to construct Land valued at: 2,162 per �unit Architectural�, Financing, . t�1arketability and Sales � •16,750 per unit COST PER UNIT S 81 ,037 The analysis indicates that the price range of the ne�•� units exceeds the higher range of homes sold. G!e presently are undertaking a review of the construction costs in order to place the units in the �70 ,000 to . �15,000 range. Financing Sources � OHP has Rade appl i cati on for mortgage fundi ng unde r the �°�i rr.eapol i s/ . St. Paul Family Housing Program, Phase II . Our preliminary applicated filed in July, 1983 reflects the maximum use of these funds. Hot•rever, the delay created due to falling interest rates has created a delay in Phase II funding as indicated by Victoria Murray's letter of August 25, 1°83 r�hich is attached. � Other fundin9 sources have been discussed �•1ith: 1 ) Ifiiller & Schroeder Municipals , Inc. 2) Union Bank � Trust A) Pension Funds i ) Interi um Loan ii ) Take-out Funding These parties have indicated a ��rillingness �o r"und th,e �roj�ci subject to its financial feasability. , * Furnished by Planning and Economic Developr��ent, City of St. ?aul . "The Feasabi 1 i ty Stucy , ('��rE:et Fnal}�si s and npprai sal of I�ounds Par•E: �..�. ,..� u; ,,t, c�c-,.,.,� �� t„� �nrr�nn Flmni�; �t. SEE Dc�.G�S io cr,d 17- . t�hl�il H OLD HARDING PLACE, INC. • COST ESTIMATION OF HOUSING PROGRAM - TOTAL 40 UNITS 24 UNITS 9 UNITS Land � 145,000 ( 5 86 ,500 $ 36,000 5 22,500 Construction Costs 3,673,400 2,485,000 828,400 360,000 Architectural , Consulting, Legal , �f�arketing, Sales 675,000 370,000 222,000 83,000 Financing 550,000 300,000 180,000 70,000 � 5,043,400 COST PER UNIT 40 UNITS 24 UNITS 9 UNITS Land � 2,162 �, 1 ,500 S 2,500 � Construction 62,125 34,516 40,000 Architectural , Consulting, Legal , . Marketing, Sales , Expenses and Administration 9,250 9,250 9,250 Financing 7 ,500 7,5�0 7,500 'Cost Per Unit � 81 ,037 � 52,766 5 59,250 Suggested Sales Price $ 86 ,000 � 58,000 � 65,000 �� ' � �""�'""""" • CITY OF SA(NT PAUL '� �„* o,• . eA • � . '� � _ �: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING nND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT '° • � • " DIVISION OF HOUSING (:,� ���i�ti�nu .� v,,.- uti((�11(It ��r' 25 V�est fourth S�rccl;S�inl Piul,Min�csota,55702 �;�J� �y 612-292-1577 ���i��� �..• .'' �:4iu•.lu�:� GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR August 25, 1983 I , � �Y1r. ��'illiam F. Koepp Old Harding Place 2200 N. Central Life Tower St. Paul, h9N 55101 RE: t�9inneapolis/Saint Paul Family Housing Program - Phase II Dear Mr. Koepp: \C�hen FHA interest rates rose to 13yz% a few v.�eeks ago, a decision was made to � extend Phase I of the A4inneapolis/Saint Paul Family Housing Program. Approximately $13 million dollai until A7rg1�1984, wae also decidedsto postponebPhase II so that theed to extend Phase p � � ` two do not compete with each other. Your proposed project(s) will be kept on file until the Phase II issue draws near. Although � the bond market is so unpredictable, I anticipate a bond sale and commencement of Phase tI during the first half of 1984, provided a favorable interest rate can be achieved. • If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 292-1577. Sincerely, . ���`I�iGL��. Victoria A�• Murray Project iVianager VA'IM/bkd � .� ��� �j_ �:i�'`�1,� ` . � �'• �% �� � � 0 � � :� , t('- C4:..����r;,, � `��C/ �!'F::.l"'�.';��� lr Y � � a ~%`, S �,�,.�3�y'` _%� 1=`�`��j� A[1D TRUST i E�:�� _ �s��..:.�.:cs.�:� :� . �� � ;� � � September 6, 1983 � ��. . � � � . . ;a • � .� _� Pir. Peter D. Valenty, President :�� Old Harding Place, Inc. 2200 North Central Life Tower ;� 445 i•:ii�ne�u�a St. :, St. Paul, Mn 55101 , � � rir. Valenty, _� Thank you for giving Union Bank and . Trust Company an opportunity to be � part of your development. It is a very unique proposal with many advantages. Your current commitment for such a large amount of land dedicated to open spaces and the community center, leaves the residential portion (which is about one third of the total area) to bear the cost of the entire land acquisition. The ability of the number of proposed units to '� � bear this amount of debt is questionable. I am not suggesting that you in- crease the number of units, because this would alter the project. It is .� just that you are purchasing approximately nine acres and. then dedicating ::� almost six acres of that to open spaces and community services through �:'� , the Planned Unit Development procedure. This makes the land unusable for any other purpose, greatly limiting its saleability and therefore its :; mortgageability. -� '�� Should you find a way to remedy. this situation, please contact me so we =� ' can continue our efforts to provide financing for your project. .� � � , Sincere?y, � ' C�,. � � � -i.�, ' ��-' 1�/� � �' C . ' Melvin A. Krech i Real Estate Loan Officer � � ; . I � . '.�,.�`�r . • � Union Bank And Trust • 312 Centia� Avenue . n�:nr,��,a�s ;� _�ita =5•, �� � e 6: ,_7°„_�_ y , Tou Frre Minnesota(800)862-G002 , • Toll Frce Olher Sletrs(800)328-6122 ►f� �� • ; i i� . �! � . � � a . '� � Milier & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. Northwestem Financial Center,7900 Xerxes A�-enue Soulh. 1•1i,�neapolis, !•5inne,�,ta 55�_�1 � (G12)Y,31-I�J� • I , September 9, 1983 - Mr. Peter D. Valenty, President Old Harding Place; Inc. 2200 North Central Life Tower 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Peter: Upon review of Old Harding Place plans for development of the Mounds Park Junior High site, it is my opinion that your plans as �resently outlined are too costly. Given the facts that . approximately 2/3 of the site will remain for community use (ball fields, Bayliss Center and r:.ulti-service building) the $500,000 price makes cost of developing 73 units of housing on the remaining 1/3 too expensive. The $6,849 per unit cost designated for acquisition is beyond the means of reasonable financing. If in fact your Planned Unit ' Development were to be altered to the eatent of increasi.ng the number of private units or to increase the amount of land shared in common with the 73 units, financing misht be possible. However, those alternatives, as you explained, are not feasible as far as the Dayton's Bluff Community or more irnportantly, the - adjoining residents are concerned. As I see it, the onl} rer.�ining solution is to reduce the cost of the 12nd in proportion �o the anount of land designated for ' private housing. Should �•cu �e successFul in reducin� ��our land , acquisition price to a more �easible f��ure Ge at `iilier S Schroeder will find a way to get }�o�� �roject ofr the ground. Please feel free to give r,.e � call if I can be or an}- assistance. Sincerel}• , � / • �j� �/��( /�� , . �' / George R. .�cMahon Financial Consultant GR?�I/jms H-�.._.�_ -�� �,,��, , , ��„�. _ _ . . . M 0 T I 0 N I.tHEREAS the Dayton's Bluff/District 4 Community Council has advanced the cause of maximum community use and benefit of the Mounds Park Jr High School site, and h'NEP,EAS the Dayton's Bluff/District 4 Conmunity Council inaugurated and supported the activity of the Joint T2sk Force on Multiple Coru*:unity use of the iiounds Park Jr High site, thereby providing zhe broadest representation of all org2niz2tions and agencies in our com��,unity, and t,'HEREAS the recom�nendation of the Joint Task Force, aft�r consultation w�ith all appropriate organizations (to include the St Paul City Council, the School Board, and other interested parties), has been the forn2tion of a not-for-profit development corporation to initiate the processes required to insure the objectives cited above and to represent the I"-�' me,;:bership of the Dayton's Bluff/District 4 Co� �unity, Council in pro- tecting their collective and co��on interests in the preservation of the maxinun amount of land and building space for comnunity use as is feasible under the prevailing circur�stances, therefore be it �i� RESOLVED that the Dayton's Bluff/District 4 Com-nunity Council authorizes and supports the incorporation of a not-for-profit development corpora- _ tion to achieve the objectiyes cited above, and be it further RESOLZ'ED that the inclusion of the first three Officers (President, lst Vice-president, and 2nd Vice-president) of the Da}�ton' s Bluff/District 4 � Co;ru-�unit5• Council as members of the Bcard of Directors of the aforenen- tioned developnent corporation is hereby endorsed and authorization of those o�ficers to represent the Council in that corporation hereby ' e�:tended. . ,� , , ,, . 'i�OL1S(�iG AwD REDEVELOPMENT AUTMOR(TY OF THE CITY�OF SQIi�T PAUL, h11NNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING SECRETARY . � � The undersigned hereby certifies as foll'ows : . 1 ) That she is the duly appointed, qualified and acting Assistant Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, herein called the "Local Public Agency. " � 2) That the attached RESOLUTION N0. 83-6/8-5 is a true and correct copy of the resoiution as adopted on the $th � day of June � � �g83� 3) That the seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under � such official seal ; and 4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certificate. I� WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , hlinnesota, � this llth day of July , 1983. , � ; • /��7�' i ����._� � %��L�����L _� r`, ✓" - Assis�an� Secretar}' ( SEAL ) ' � . , / " ' " . _ " . � ' R E S O L U T I O. N 83-6/8-S • RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A «AIV�R OF . THE ADVERTISING REQUIRE!•:EI�T Ai:D DT'- SIGNATION OF A TENTATIVE D�VELOPER FOR THE htOUNDS PARK JUNIOR HIGH SITE, . DA1'TON'S BLUFF DISTRICT 4 wHEREAS, Mounds Park Junior High was declared surplus property by the School ' Board on August 9, 1981, and referred tc� the City of� eaintforupubliclreusesornpri- in tenns of the City's interest in acquiring the p- P Y vate redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Econo:�ic Develo�ment/Housing and P.ede- velopment Authority (P�D/H�� has been woYkinc wi�n the Dayton's Bluff Community residents in developing a feas'ible alternative for the development of this site since June, 1982; and WHEREAS, on Ap ril 7, 1983, PED/HRA received a proposal from Old Harding Place (OHP) , a group of area residents acoversftheloenovationrofetheer.istingaschoolrstruc- corpoa�ation, which their proposal ture �into community use space for providers of hu,:�an services, as well as twenty- one (21) units of housing within the strucutre �.itn an additional fifty-two (52) newly constructed housing units on the land surrounding the school; and WHEREAS, development of this �site is essential and should be accomplished with r,eigh�orhood participation if at all possible and in order to achieve this goal, PED/HRA has been working with OHP and the School 3oardltandrrive at a mutually ac- . � ceptable proposal for the development of this property WHEREAS, to further assist OHP in evaluating the '-`�zSTOValtofothehfollowongsed • project, HRA/PED staff is requesting consideration and pp plan endorsed by City Council at their meeting of May 26, 1983: 1. ) That the Housing and Redevelopment F.u;�ority' s Board of Corunissioners • designate OHP tentative developer of this site for a period of six (6) months; 2. ) That OHP reimburse the School District �or tne outdoor maintenance costs of the site for the six (b) month p�-ioc anc secure li�'-1ity �.^.surance; • ;. ) That the School District delay tne ceec=nS �- �PE s��ject site to the City/ H R�, until such time that OHP has secL�ed t�e r.ecessary `l�z���rc co�anit' ments and is prepared to close on the p�operty; r�•, p;;p �e e_=�ablist�ec at 4. ) That tne accuisition price of tne r'�?`- �5 • �,•i�hout tne builcing S500,000, reflecting the current �'a='�e c� thE site . k•hich also represents the high cos�s GCC��,��P�' ��'"' `'�'�„��li�G��c� : , ' ;;g �tself . and necates any realistic value to tn? ��- �= ' �P �C --Z �.^.�._� �SeS li:Vii_ 'C�. � c�• 5. ) Tnat if the above pzoposal is acce���-= ^, ` ` _ ��L1 (::.- . ��� ��ir'S .- �ill be executed betweer� �^� �-- �':' �= 5`'`� �' ' ^ - i,g_eemer,t ' f - � acce�:-ing �:�e -e•-�'�s a-;c its representing agent) , School so�=� -^c C'r.� cpnditions; and , _ �_;-:�iine :or ce°.�a_.. i; _T=_ Lc be �;�u��Jr,s HP,;;�:?ED staff and Ol-:P will de�e _ -- � , , * . ' . , ' , 6/8/83 � completed at specified intervals during tl�is six (6) month assist in the determination as to the feasibility of this project at t�heeearliest time; and ��HEREAS, if OHP's proposal is unable to be implemented within the six month period, and the HRA chooses to solicit private development interest � (6, construction on the entire site, readjustment to the ac uisition °r new addressed to cover the costs of demolition and other factors. P'ice will be � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Ithe� HRA Board of Cor,imissioners, that k•aiver of the advertisement policy for Mounds Park Junior High Site is hereby approved. FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that OHP, a non-profit corporation, is hereby named tentative developer of. the t,ounds Park Junior High Site, District 9, for a period of six (6) months in which to complete all required documentation in order to proceed to a public hearing and sv�sequent sale/development of this site. t I . J . .;eic�borh�od Partnership Program R_D US= G�+LY , ��3� C�?�t , P1�nni�n9 & �Econor,�ic DevelopTent Planning uistritt � Cod2 ��� , ��� i,', 4th Street P1anr�Er-in-Charge .�. j�,�oh SL. Paul , t•;inn. 55102 Technicel Suppor� E� D � H P r� �c12)��2-1577 / G�h_r � — � r r�IL J' 1 1 ���.V � �ii�/� lr� V ��1�n l.D . . �tl �,�,.�t r.J . �' . t,FP APPLICAZIO!� PLEASE PRInT O� TYrc . � -,vJC�� t�.-�,i1C. "-GOi.C:':1C DeveZo�.>�Ei.� O: �c��)'�J=:}� n_?= �=,�'u? QR 0'L,A1r'IZA,J IO,� SU5;�IITTI�Ju REQUEST . ,,� I';._ntyre CG.^.�ET for �i_`tea Chil ��ren .i,-.i'�L, E30 Laurel ,venue �L. =�-' .:i--`-'--° ���^' . .��;;LSS • . STRtET CITI' S�r,T�c^ �Io i ELEPi;O'dE ; 291-1024 C�Y i it•'E rC��!'IfiCI PERSOf� FOR THIS RE'�UEST 3. L. ._cl�t�_e i=!�F;�Oi;c . -°'-��'-� tr � 1 . 1,'yAT IS THE PRIh1AP,Y PURPOSE OF ThE PROJECT? �e?-�abilitZtion of physical structLre at E�� La����l ar,� r::�-s:cal _--aro���.-:e^t � to acjacezt vaca^t lot. 2. NOId h�UCH hPP WiOtdEY IS 6EING REQUESTED? S Sn �nn nn . 3, ldNhT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATION OF t�EIGHBORN00D COP�iP.IBUTIO!�S? . c, 55, 700.00 (SEE Pages 6 & 7) � , l•;NAT SPECIFIC PROJcCT ACTIVITIES AiZE PROPOSED? PL�ASE LIST . � 1. Physical irprovenent to vacant lot 2. pl'1j�S1C21 2"fl�:cbili�ation of ��rL'C�UT2 2� 530 L���rel ��'�-�f= . P F;FPLIC�.iIOI�, Page 2 � PR`J�cCT F;�!•iE .._.. �..-.__ ,: .c.'_ ----._ . _ ..�'. .'^-�.1� . =='` � �.. l:'!-;AT i�;EEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADORESSED BY EkCH OF THE P�OJECT 'S P�GPOS�D �CiI`��Ii?rS � (Q��SiION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFcRE1�CE I•�EEDS F�O;i EIiI-�cR A CIi'ii•;I�c PLr.'�, DiS�P,ICi FLfif�', DI STRICT COUNC IL ANNUAL C ITI ZEt� P�,RT I C I PA i I Oh! GO�.LS OR GTN�R DOCU(��I+TA i IO���. r"h.•�.ical rehab of t:�� 630 Laurel strt:cture will �����cc e�= •"• �'- ...= _-�e:��r.�_ c.s�s , ; 5 I 11 E: �E �_ce ^� �:�•:t:l E-::�-_-.-.�s�: ;:s .:c 1 �s eli;:�ir,ate encrg}' wa te. t :•:i a'-=o �= � �• `' � '` �cr t`�e c`�ildren. The kitchen �ill prGV_Ge h;:- lur.cc•�s t:, �•.e c••-1 __ca e=j•ec=�11� t`:;:�•� children fro:a loa inco�;,e fa;ailies. F;:�'S' 1 �rJV@.ZeT1t t0 the VGC2r�t 10�`.. 'll� C1=^:iil"ci.o ;;C'io::_=..�,:i�' �.:� �Lt t�:�i-��3 - iG3 liri , . �� -'_�? s sa`e place tor the c`il?re:�, t� :: • . � ..-1' �i�- �- -- - - `-v= �'�= �`- �`-- ,_- ,_�� slots •'�ich ::ill reduce tra�`;c c-;,,,•cG,�:-,T :�_ �-;; -` ' - - �.�- � � �r.�^ � ..- .'� r�s� :,cur s.� - i • 6. GOES TYE PROPOSED PROJEC7 II�TEP�D TO DiREC i LY CP.tAi E �, '�Er•S'v�'`.�Lt i�;C%��.St G� Jv�S FOR �lEI.GHBORNOOD P,ESIDENTS? YES :: ���0 IF Y�S, D�SCRIBc. •s =o �L.�� �';e p:..�:�.,, -.:c:. r� �,,...:s=�s Cne o` t'�e objectives of t�is project � r � � •; -- -^ ``- ", " iiClil�j'r@t5 Center fOr Gi�ted Chi1��flZ. i^:S '_':=1..GE5 D=1�^_+':� �=:. . -�C:�'1 L'7 tC• , ;�-. co�e for �u�ure u.. F �� 1•�,�h c �e for a hot lll.^.C�'1 r0^"c„• ^Zo :';p�- uu�. ;.-?c+"c.^.. ��il C=EEi.e two fulltiaae jobs for neighborhood resiZeTts: coe':: and :ood service ,:�r':er. . • 7. ATTfiCH A hiAP SHOLlI(�G THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES IF A SPECIfIC GEO�pL,°"1C AREA GR S?�� � IS TNE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. t„ ,-:r.�� ,._:, �..�_. ' - � ^` �-•°��`�.s 8. �dHO tdILL 1�'iA��AGE THE PROJECT? , i;� n-�� � F^�F� '" . DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE II� I��AI�AGI��6 SII��ILAR PP,OJEC►S? YES •: 1N0 IF YES, DESCRIBE. , 'vi. V. McIntyre supervised early partial rehab ::ork to �acility Yuse: i:geni sspervised 2nd r�aaaged reh2}J Of �c=c��':�Z1 CC'^'=�'=-}' �G'���• ._ n�nZ=r (1- ,^�^^;r."� � p � � l,��r�l���.iC� �;j L n...��� � i � � _�_l,� , , :���: , ' . ;'I!' -�� GROPOSED P�OJ�CT �E 7IE� C ,� ' ' _ ` ' " iF Y�S, G�SC�iGE , (r��!:C OR PRIU�iE? YES �';0 .. "o? �PpLICA7I0tJ, P�ge 3 P,P,OJECT tiAt•SE �=���-.`c ��'.'E'-�=r:��',- ^` =�''-`,•/��= � ,,, ' � .. , �rea 10. t�lILL THIS PP,OJECT BE COPtPLETED IN 2 YRS. ? YES � t�0 . IF f�GT , �XF_',i�; HG:; IT 1�'ILL °ECOt•�E SELF-SUSTAINING 4JITHOUT FUP.THER (dPP FUNDIt�G? 0= the SO,G��.�� rcc_este�, �:cInt�re Center for Gifted C`ildren is see'.{i�a an i:�terest `=en, 10 year l�an, in t`:e 2-:�un� of 20�000.00. 2nd $30,000.00 in the for�., of � �_:nt f:�..—, . :'? _rc� �-:. . ( . ' 1 . l�lILl T;-!IS PnOJECT RESULT IR I��CntAScD 1iAIf;T�F�r.�dCE Ai;D OP�rATIi�G C�S-S t:�;, '�_ �=?Y? 1'cS ��0 �. IF YES � EaPLAIl� H04d TN� PROv�CT 'v:ILL r�I!'nTELY ��,t' ��=. �=�'�S� ����5 . 12. HOId WILL THE PROJECT BEtdEFI► LO;�� �f�D I•10GEP,hTE I��C01•SE HGUS��,OI�S? � This project will benefit low �r.d r:,o�erate incc.�,e householcs by: . 1. Providing hot lunches, free of char�e, to children fro-� lc.:�: =o -::u�=a�e incc�� e fa.uilies particip�ting in t::e p_�s���. 2• U52 Of the physical structure for V�Ti�uS CO:Ta'1'1T'ilt}' L::7C�=�nc• � 3. Providino a safe and e^closed out�oor env-_ro�ent _.._ �.;u�.o �=':�1=- -� to play. �+• �y sponsor�ng v2Z10U5 recreat�onal 3Ct1.�1�1e5 i0I' )'GU'1� C�1��=e+� �ri . the neiShborhood. 13. HOW WILL NEIGHBORHOOD CITIZEN PARTICI�PAiIOi� BE FOSTE�ED DUR?'�G P�OJ�C� �r`��LC??'�EP�T kI�D IN�PLEN�ENTATION? ;,merever possible co.:���cn la�orers ti-�11 be '�:_e� `r-�� -:e`_�::_�rhoo� residen�s and various rehab jobs will be su'� ccntr�cted to ne:�:�c.�r::eo� l :cer.sed CC^itrsctors. In addition� pa�8.^.t5 O� S�li�CI1�5 i85ia��1� -��'�i:+ �L�� �D1� --�=`:0:,.�. aill cc::i�ro^ise over °0`/. of the volu:�teer ��d s;,eat 1fiD01'. ;�, DOES F� P�OJ�CT ?L�I�Ir'IP;G CO;uiIT7�E E.ISt? YES � I�0 IF YcS , . ..� ,�: r , �=._ „'�,.��P.SH I P. , ���, ,1. V. ::cIn�yre Gl c::� 'e:.c, . , �'L'S�t :'^P;�1 3. t. ..C1'�j1E .,6- L_-:'_� 3_adley . :;C;.;°=t T c�15 „?P F,PPLICATION, Page 4 ' PP.OJcCT P,tif�E �"r�'� 'r ��••�� ��,�,:,� -r -� �� ����le , . � , ._ea ��, I�;ILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER THE RETURNI�;G OF I��PP FU��DS TO THE �;EIG!'3G��r�D PARTt�ERSHIP PROGRAh1 OR THE RECYCLING OF NPP FUtdDS IdITHIPJ THE P?OJECT? YES ; ;,0 � IF YES, DESCRIBE. � � . . 1.=,. CC�'.?LETE PRO�RA1�1 ACTIVITY APti!D E�DGET r0����5 ���ES 5 ,4���D 8. ,'!. � �•1 �} a 7� � � �. L. ticlnt� re Director 11-30-83 /�' /� /; . . �• ' �J �'. SIGlr'ATURE F I,i�; IVIDUAL TYPED i•;?.1•i� i ITLE GR ROLE DATr C0�IPLETI�G APP CATIOt� � � _�. ' � , ;d� V. Mclnt}'r� Chair*�an �1-30 �3 � � ), ,1 � 1.: ���-�-�--- — � i � �AT� SIG�';�, U �9F �iIEF OFF CER TYPED NA�•1E i I7L� OR P,0_� OR PP,ES�E�T • • � . , > � n • r. - �J h+ �. � • < . �-} �- � � -.. �- C� "'� N n . � y > • � � o � n �, o -' � < � z � �• �{ V (�� � y \ � V l" J � � L� • � .'D fD , � � Z �'•` CT Y _ � �. : � x ' _ � I � R � � G < I r :� f� :� R n � R . � - :"' � . O ' y � � ' . � � � � � J ('S � V� � � r rs -+• < O -+• � � � � r �C v v rJ � r � rt M `^ � � � W :.a � � ri t"� v�i > O O � ~ O fJ �• � � r• n � � c"� � � H �r'i �. n rT � • c: n � � J L'J , C: n � = r. r. � r, r; � � I �7 �`� � O (� � I � � �� � ..�, j � .... � (� �� C C I -�, - � i , �- � � • � C "S ' � � C i �, C j f: � . � C - I r i ... v, — � I = I � I _t � . y� l,^ � � � � � r� ' •� I .'�i v ' --� � � :. � � I • • 1 C'� y i � �: . � ( . G I • ' � i� i -. ''? A�►%PLICATIO(J, Page 6 PROJECT Id;;1�E �co-:o-:c �c-�::lo�-.e��t �: �c.c;•.-/�alc :►r�a ;,- , �EIGHBORHOOD COP�TP,IBU7IOf;S DECLARATIO�J � , 1 , cS i If•�ATED COt�111ERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL I f�?ROVE!�Et�TS : NUi•SSER OF PARTICI PANTS AV ERAGE I NVESTI�IEt�T PER PART I CI PANT . TOTAL .I;J��EST��IENT EQUfiLS S , ' EST?I•�ATED RESIDE�TIAL PROPERTY FIY,ED CAPITAL I1•iPROVEMENTS; � � I . � hUf•,3ER OF PARTICIPAtyTS A1�E2AGE ItdVEST��1EhT PER PARTICIPi;IvT TOTaL I',VES7h,E�vT EQUkLS S 3, i�Eld CONMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: SITE (a) ESTIh'�ATED f��ARKET VALUE 5 , SITE (b) � S ' ESTINATED fiARKET UALUE . TOTAL �;nRY.ET VALU� S 4. PdEW RESIDE�TIAL DEVELOP���ENT: " - SITE (a ) � . � ESTIh1ATED PIARKET VALUE s SITE (b) ESTIi•iATED Ni1�RY.ET VALUE � � TGTnL f�iAP,KET VALUE S _ 5, ESTIh1�TED I1�-Y.IND-SERVICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIr���I�T, ScRVICES) : SOURCE A�vD TYPE 1 . rScintvre� O�Ffice Sca e S ti�n,n� 2. �„t,;�,•-,ent S �!1���ln Office Sur.vl'_"es & 5 ; ,�,��,�,,�_ 3. Acr::inistratives Serv�ces — �.. EST?I•1ATED VOLU��1'EER LP,BOR: I�Uf,3ER OF VOLUIdTEERS =� AVE��GE HOURS/1�OLUPJTEER =� iGTF�L 'r�0UR5 x S10/hr. �uUALS � = ���•�� 7. EST:"ATED S;�;EA7 EQUITY: !;U'•���� 0 F FART I C I PAI�i S �'� iJ , r,','c�=,G� 'r,QURS/??,RTICIPA��'T ���— . TOTAL NOURS � � • <. n^n,np IOIAL HOI,P,S x S1V/�r • E��'.�!S � ;;�P h�PPLIC�TIO;d, Pdge 7 PROJECT ��RF�E �co�.c:::c :;cvelo;.:-:er:� cr � --�b!(�_'-'- .:_e:. ' . o. ESTIf�ATED CASH DOP�ATIOt•�5: � � SOU2CE 1 , r�clntyre Ce;iter for Gifted Children c� 7,C!��.0� 2, S 3. � ?, h'�TICIFAiED FOUNDATIOty GRAt�TS: rCUI�DkTIOW(s ) 1 �°T•=r/Tentzti��el•. --� ,'��'�';���,-- �:;�,��, ��^-�•',� s 1� C^� �� 2. ^.' �-;-:iu�sor./ie:�t�Ci"c?y� i ' ��e� i:; i`''�" .- S '8,"'^�.��0 . Uv;� ' u. �OTHER: EXPLAIN � � I `-� � � ESTI1�'�,i ED !�ALUE $ _ TOTAL NEIGHBOP,HOOD COi�TRIBUTIONS DECLARL,TION S 55,�oo.eo 11 . 1ti'HAT EVIDEi�CE IS TNERE THAT TNE /�50�'E DECLARATIOidS F��E P,EI;LIST?C? r;cIntyre Center for Gifted Children h�s a proven t_ac': record :�:t!: sc:-�e cf t'.-.? le�Zino � foundat'ions in the tw�in cities ar�a: 0�'�� t�e ?ast �e» �e�rs, i� :as �ecei�'ed �;_�.�ts tOtd�1710 rore th2il ySl%��D�Q��� frc� Si!C�1 P�C.':i].;lu'i. �F:S��i.11�25 25 C�2 �LTS?� ?'C:.^�c�l:.^7 the St. Faul Fovndation, St. Paul Cc:-:�anies, I3_; C�rporat-�c^, �:.".. :.-�'���-� � ���� ��� � City of St. Paul Co:��u�ity Develop-:ent ?rogrs�. Local neighborhood social service organizatior.s have con�r�`utc� -�_e t'.:an ;�,000.0� • to support the programs sponsored by ?:cZntyre Center `or Gi�ted C�::ldr�:�. :ach year the parents raise close to $lO,OC�.00 to purchsse vazio::5 E'�;L=r='E:+�, s��rort and suYple.-�ent various educational progra;ls sponsored by r:cInt;�e C���=r For Gifted Children �;PP ;,rPLiCRTION, Pdge 8 . Project I;'c�,;e �=�^��=� ���•eto;;-;e::;. c_ :;et�>•/. :;� e ::r ea Project Eudget: Itemize use of ��PP Funds . , . � . . Requested r"ED Cost Category WPP Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* 2. Consultant & Con�ract Services � � 3. Rehabilitation �o. 0^^.00 4. Desiqn - 5. Censtruction 6. Equipment (Co.^�erical Stove, ref�. dis�. S,C�0.0� 7. Acquisition 8. Relocation 9. Demolition I � 10. Other ( * list) I 11 . 9hysical I.-nprov�aent to vacant lot 5,000.00 � . ,2. � � 13. ' 14. 15. 16. 17. � I 18. � � 1°• � # �o.. � � I Y 21 . ; � . I � C 22. � , r ► , I' a . I 23. � I To�a 1 � �- ;r.�tac'r� Job Descriptions ' ; ^����d, use lines 11 -23 to itemize catecories 1 -9 . ; . . , . '. � . .�l. ' � ( ���� »% � � , � . I ' ' � I � ' � ; � I � � -� , : � '� � .J � ' � i :._-_J '"". ! { ; , �— _J , I U i ti � � � __� � 1 ` , � � � i = v^ r„ r� �� LJ � ' � � �' I 't- � . ; � v i N � ;� � _ � I � . .. ._ G � ; � `. -� � � '. . � � c :\``.-: �— z, � .�-� �`' , �' .���=� z I c ; ; �:. ._._ . .- _ _ � � � � � : .—, �_` --- cN (b �, �" ; - - =-�--- C � � , —_ .-.. .. =:� � Z� �'� � ��-�`--� ---- i aa -� � � � � � �� ' � � ; � � � � : i , 1 ' 4 ��LFHA CONSTRUCTION CO, k— � �`-��`���� < «."�^�'r ' ".'" " -•.- (�cYi�iC� CF ALFNA b ON.EGA SA45 INC.) � � l097 PAYhlE AYE. Pogc 1 of 5 Poges 5�., PAUL, I�tiNNESOTA 55101 . 774•5555 ��_____� .__^.�...-...---_ ._.. __ ..� ^-�� ._�� _. _.__�__. __. .. • _ _.._ ____._ ..._._ - -.__-------- •-------- •--� _.. . .••- �•---—._._--r-.,�,-_._._� ...._. _'-.-.'•__.�.��..�. ec': 30 1C0 .I c,t''S �Tn��•:e Cer.ter ]�'ove,::ber , . 3 �G5':tui, �1 Z.':1-'?1 nV2. • Snlu - �GB L0::.7iC;': :=a 1. ;•::�. 104 Sk2•� . — JOc en,:tiE n�J'eCl Ge:. �,R _. . . =''-''0%4 �._ ....__._Bonnie_1•;clntvre_ --- -----------•---�- -----. ..__._ _. . -- -----------, � . . `; . . � . =: �:.,�� �:,:,: --��. -_;;,�,:t�;��� _;,� .�... �.._____-- -- -----�-�--- ----�---- -.__••___� ....� ...� .. __._�.�.._.��.7` - - ' - ----•Lr^�—�'J.���� . . . . . _.�:��� 0� :;�-SCri00L: � <— Co:,�ractor ��ill secure all permits. :����IOR ,•+':.LL P�1•SIT�: Co*�tractor will stud in all exterior �;alls �•:ith �:4 stucs 16" o:� center. Contractor will install �z" sheetrock throu�hout all exterior wzlls. Cellulose insulation will be blo4m into each s�ud opening � tr11S rril? �ive �n additional R value of '11. �i:�IvATE: Cor.trzctor will use �c6 studs - this would give an adcitiona.l = value of � �9. cosT: 5800.a� �ILII�'�: Contractor to insta.l.l vents into the sidekall for cross venzil�tion to code. Coritrzctor to instzll fire retardent ?�c4� ceiling tiles at tae E' ceilirg nei�'r.t, o`L excep� in the gym which will be a 9`6" ceilirg to allow for ventil2tion above t�F_; :su 1�t�on._____,_____ _ _--.-__.._ _____------,..r- -- ---_`., . .�:=; . . : -�.` � •t i C.i��1: �1A1� 1 1 i�;i � ii' '�i r� i: .� t � :�- �r .. . _ '� __�,� � . , . " . � r �i�. ! __" __ _._ __�'__.____"__ ����F.RS 1 C � — - .. ;n;n���li:.e mJ^.net �-��r` --- - - ' ` ' _ ..•c��:�eC. :•!: �vori ,'z11 be tOrnLtetrd ,, e ".• . . .... _ . . .. _` , c'�lE�eliC���Ci'.:e'.�.,r irOm e'JOvE .�-:�!�::::iCry in�•Olv�n^y f•.t�c , . . .. . . ..i�n ptOC'S.a'.,�, v:i11�i.=.D•'T�F"a� E+trd`C�.';c CvCr dn0 abJ��P ir•P __ _ _ . c . ` - ��^=C7C� . � � . , � 'c_' DC�r✓onS�Lle 'Jr eF:e�'S ceuSE7 bv 5'��•e: ecUOenis. o�G��'er hiJT:. -.;S �.. .,. - .' � c_ \,, . _-._��1. _ . - -- . .. L•:..,�.......� `c:.•.:.cl. J+vr�er to ca•rY tire. icrna0o entl c�:'�e• nCCrssnry insurance. µ;_�I*. ^ �.�y. . .. :'t- �..Irfr C... _', Dr ... �.mE��:Cf�m(�(�^S�I�Gn I�SUtenC[. . . _ ' " _' _" .._' . - . . . .. .... ,..�...,�.--.�� .�.._�. .- -•-.�-�'-. . . .. . � . . . . . . . . . •'r�` ��� - .' "_" " " . .. .. . _ ... - . ._ ..- ,...•.. . ..nrm� ,e'+C CGn7�tiC�.a�e :�:�S1dLlOry 2ntl e'2•�r.•'rLV e:CEU1e0. . _ . • ' . � ..., _ ':e�'•L.._ . e . n...{Ci1rC^..FC�t��C��l +:�II CR rt1eOC d5 Oul�InC-�eJJ�•2. -.... . ce '. ALF;-',A CONSiRUCTI�N CO. �f� �.�I..���t��.�.� . . � -� •� ! • . . . ; . _�. .� (DIYISI�N O� AIPNA G OM'eGA SALES INCJ ( � ' , 10?7 PAYNE AYE, pa�e 2 0{ 5 Pp g c s ST. PAUI, f,�INNESOTA 55101 , _____,._.__ _ . .. ... .. .:.._. . . ,.. 714•5555 �___._... . . .___.. ... _ . . _ . � _�.�----�----.. . _.�....r, �:TE --.-_._-- - ---.. _... .. I _ _�' -- ' --'—_ ' "_'_� cln�ti:e Cer.ter ldove,:ber j0, i;�3 � . �GE iuuF `^ _-��-e� Mre. S�'f`J -- r..�J� _1'.' ' - :Gul, ;'�. 55104 S�.1•� � Q�PnUNE '..:ECi :' :: ::F ` � -I-�0?� ._��_--- ! _✓07e212_E 1`Cl:l�t....o ._�_-._. _ .....-'-'— . - --• . _ .-` -----:,1----- :.�," ;i;�� ;:�1 ':i'����- -�.�:: ,_�_ ' ---.�..._._.._-_.__-'-.--------- . .______—.�.._._--- ---- ---_• _.._.___. _..._.�.,._...� ------- - - - _.V.. � � :-_:�-iC�,:. • <- � � --- Co:tractor will install approxir�ately d7 - 2.x�+ �-o? �n+ �* �°���° =��="`er't li�ht fixtures. Contractor �ill install 10 switcY:es �o acco-.�:ocate eacn :oc�-:, =.�TING: Contractor rrill renove 4 ex_isting iurnaces, Gnd ins�all 4 i-.cr_zcr�al 80,0� • �Z'U furnaces. COritT2CtOT 1+�11 7.TiSLa�1. necesSc..T'j' ai:C�?i,� 1L��O E�C!1 =00.;, k'1 i�'i 1� �j'��� �-" ��.. , a co�on .return. �� c� . y ��rJO�I NG: Contractor to remove existing tile Gnd ir.stall vinyl floor_n�. C;:^:er' s choice of colors and type. Contractor will instzll s��i�Gry r„ouldir.� on a.11 vi::yl areas and e;zhogany base rooulding on all ca�et areas. Contrzctor to :ns�all �,��o�a.ny c�sin� trim on al�. doors and windows. Con�rzctor to install 6 - 4'xj' t�iew w•incow�s in c ►D�0 class rooms. , '__�i .�t - :t.:�:�•t ��' ='�� '�:\� ';}11� �;�i� _ :�i•'�_��.'�v�� �� '��._—� .�� � ____ _. ���___.�.� _ '_._�___�._,� �----'------ '' ---�- � �GLLn°S 5 - � � � -- _-- - -�--''s ... . . ......;�f� _.I� .•.C�k :'.el: LE ..:. �, ., �. . I rf.J^r.� - '�_:" ' ' ' _ u�A �v I:rrdt�On Or Jcu..'io!trbr^ dC,��E �� �t, � �• �I •, f->,.o .. ..J� , `.Qrrq .� �vill Cr�C,'*r d^ f . r. . ., ��tl el.,�_ �..P _ - _ . . - � �y. . ...��Ut,t�C'r'✓. .�Li2 �Ot tlEle�iS .eux�C1 5' i 5 t�e .5 C�+."�e' ... -. � '".'-' _ .' ' . __ .� ,� _-.-�� . �� �_ I� ..� n��L ��- . . ' . . . ,... '[:. . _ Lr, fr 'O :e!�y firE. :N�30L d'�., �CI .r ..[_..ary i .5�r.i'�CE. �,^,�^nh c . . . r t„ � c. ._ � � "-'C,...-[a�^=at�cr insV•e^�ce --- � -� .._ .. _.. _ _. . . - --- � . _ _ . .. . - -�-- _. � _. .._ ' ' '."•._�... . ._..."'.... _ .. _. . . . _ . _ .._. .... . . � . , , �. � � , . , . . . �.,�.�...., �:5 ....._. .. �iCy�G�� rienl veil'L�.r�.3:�_,p���tl�n�^J.C.i.,Ee.C...����. I . _. - -r • , � • — ALPi-{A CONSTRUCTION CO. . `�� C.e���.��c����r : l�'�,,,.��.I ':� ���..i fL,:'�:� . (DIVISiON OF ALF:�A b OMEGA SL�LES INC.) . IG97 PAYhlE AYE. po9� 3 of 5 Poges ' ' ST.' PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI01 • _�. ,. . . .._....,_ . 77�-5555 �_. _,w.--�^_,._.._.__�_. .. . ._^—°--�--.___.__ ....._.._........_.�.---•_�' .___---_., � -- - -•-----•-�-.. . ._ - ----- . . ...-T;--- _._�..�._ ----- ---___._ � ...__--.'__•— DaiE �.•c-E Cv c�e.'.S . Intyre Center November 30, '►983 �06•.cME ; ' �:::el Ave. . S�!^ J05 LOCFT10� _ �L,;.._:,u�. 55�04 s�t•� -- J�e FN64E "..cC7 G:F«TGR „ Bonr.ie 2•;cIntyre _ _.._.---__.____..--.-•---_..___ - .Cc4 .-- ----- .�-,�...._^_ --._.._..._---.._...._____ ....._.... . . .: . , ;�' .�>c�,;�r , i;�.;�:;;,�. - �(;1.�-,-_��_ _._____..... ,��— _...__......_�._..� . ...--•.._..._._.._......_.��.,:.�.��....,r..... ^��_ _ 1�� L Co�tractor to install a 4' vinyl ��zinscott, ��d vinyl floor �:itn sGnitiary oase r�oulding. Co:itractor to install 19' of custom cabinets to s�r�itary corie (forrr.�ca ;ra.�e and doors, etc. ) Contractor to ir.st�ll 16' of �nack bar counter top with overhead cabinets, same specs as above. ��S;�foot upper lines). Contractor to supply and install a comrnercial sink per sanitary code, a sa:.all com�ercial refri�erator-freezer and 6 burner stove wi�h oven. � � r er �*�d mixer with stops, faucet, �l� l' Contractor to install a commercisl ink sP-zY r � { a --� � .�� �� � ' �.�.'��,� �.�J � /',�v-�. ,,f-�✓�.// �-;✓'' a� --�' �� �-,'=' r` �c' , and garbage disposal. r A food warr�ing unit will also be installed. �T�'°.I�:AT�': ;. cor.ti^�ercial dishwasher will be installed. COST: 51,702.00 � ^:-�oor;s: ►��� Contractor to install proper 2"x6" stu@s znd blockin� for existir.g �:all mount ' =too?s. Thi_s is to correct the le�vinF:nroblem _ _ _ _ _ , :�--- ;—. - - �-•- - �,r�.; •,,�.,.�. ,. :� .,:., _� :� _ _ _ _•. / ', � �.tT �� � �i�1t �l;J?� � �.tr?�r�J i ��'�7��� - i; . - - � ' � r.�. _�._—�-_ ".� . .. .•i� ' ,._ :t � � - _�� '_.__ ----•=---- D 0�L A R S i 5 � - •- -="- --�::5 F,,;--�' - : :�.�-.�.� .� :[.':�tiEO. :•I� v.^rk 5hdll bE fOmL'Ir�PO r. r' � I� P �r nqi `" �v 2�;Etet�On pr d'e�iHUO��Ir0'n 2b0�•E SGeC 1iC �n in�� I�nJ � :rd . . �� � �r.�i[n�.�0er5,ef.' w�ll t�!C7m2 "a�1 P�Irt re C G Cf 2�0 t�(� E 1'�E ^ _ ' `- f. _ {[`'r_=D. . �.._�r .�t : , nci Ge rr:�or,s�t'e tor Celavs causeC by str��.es. acc�0e�,.s w ci.er - - :;c.' . ;..Y SE ���I�� _ c'�'1• _ ' ,'-- - r:.,F.: �!S F=.„�� _ � :r„ c: „^rcl. Gvr�er io ce�ry lire. tornado �nd o;ner �ecrs;a•v �nsu•ence �yc, .' �,,'. ' "r. K' H .._..,""� .... �.t � ,J� .,-;..,..^. Gi �:':.t�.mnr�':Com;:•r.:ntiOn InSUran[e. It1 .._ . . _ ...,. ..-. _ .._ . . .. _...._.. ."��"���...�.�—..�.�..�.� _. .. . . '_'.__ ..._. . _ . : ..' ' 1.' �.� � ._.. ..�.. . .�_'" .__ ' ' _ ... ... . . _... . . _. . .. .._.. _'" " 1"_ �""._.��--��..��+....�.�..�_....._.. �`..�'...�.....�"�.- .�.-. - �n,; •,���s e�e :�,�s!�ctor� ano a�e!�er�bv eccea�c�. . _ .....: .,._'.__f.'.... '3:..ae;iJiC•�rrFL�mE�.t v.ill f�C TtlOG 2'+GVII�nEC a^OvC. "'_^'t , �ALPHA CONSTRUCTION CO. � ��!� �.� �.��_:}�: 'L�.i : � �.,�'•...,� : . . tGIYiSION C� ALDidl. G On1£GA SALES INC.3 ' � . 1097 PAYNE AYE. pa � 1} o{ 5 Pc c c s � 4 ST. PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55101 • _ • 774•5555 i. . . .. _. ._ ... . l_-T__.�___��.. __ _._!_._.--� �1-,�Jt�E��2� �rJ� 1c1J '. ._ j _ - `_ _ ._. . . _ _-�---� --- 'r,.� e Center � — � ' I�L='.L'1L ." �� L:.urel �,�e. S'r.�'� - • - aul, 1•;n. 55�04 I.srl� � JG°_Pr-•:E I='=:.C:-:=E:-�'. - , ��-,� , �,,....ie 1�cIr.t•;�° _ ' — 1 JL`� �rr: _ ' ,- :� -- -- ��- '1�. ��� i��l:��.\tn��i�`1t _ _ '��.•�--•-- ... .__� •—__�-.-'--......_.. ..._ ... ... .'-_ .--.... . '-"-.._,�. ....... ...�..^.�.��.� �.�� �......� " `.. �t `.��'�'���__""."' �O_^.tractor �O �2�`.Cti'1 2.'1C :einst2.1� �i1.2 ��:iEI'2 _� :?S �O tiJ? 7'E":�',*P-• �— Cont:actor to iastall five metal bain:oc^ stsl�s k•'t^ �r=-:d�? �-=O=s -'�='��c existing stools. Contractor t0 inst�.11 5� ID°t211 screens 1:=51Q2 '�}'lE 17'i�2_T'1�I' vc�."�'OC::i COO_T'S. Coatractor to install to code vent fans in each oath:oom. Contractor to install 2 coll�psible orna�ental €ates in �re hal?wa� G*:d k_�c:.e� a hall. Contract.or to install 2 rnetal prehung cor��>>erci2.1 ccors i:�o Each b��r:roo�:. T"_se will have push plates and door closers. � Contractor to install adjustable shelving in 1 classroo�n. :i�ICR: Coatractor to install interior exterior en�r�^ce door, �half li�zt nanel), t:<-_s .;_11 include dead bolt and passage lock. (Entrance door fror�, Laurel). �'�l�coy:/��=E`� �l��s. � r._c Contractor 't0 C12t 011t� frame in i0T' a steel ��e.i'.ii2s R:E��l liiSl�.a�eQ GGOr �ti=t?: �Z , � � �^t �afe�v �lasU �Dale Street entr�nce)�__-_------- --..._.�.—.._— -------- ----------_' . `.--___'` ._'`�.'_��..`_'�', � '•,.,i�•,; --=-"-`— • ` — ------�---•------:_' `.._ . " . �_'_. ". __�.------�---t---_ -._._.--�--.�_ _---._ � � � _':.._.-,�f C . ) _- : " �-" 'c _,_� ,c . . � .: .. eC .. _� �.. ..� .._•i :`e" f�i� ctr. , .-. � . .. �. ,. ,.,.. �4. .,r - " "' " . . , _ ,. . � . �.r. .. •,. Ir.ir f �. _ � - '�a . �. i� '1 �. ,M'I 1.. i�'� C '� �II .��TC L F•. �1 J� �. " `^2 � � �� � , : �� ` � . - .. , .nCt b[ir.��nSL�E !G'C ia�s [e:.SCJ� .. _.. a..[�.... . r. -' ' "' '-,c '- '�ct_ . __ ,��, .-_ . � � _ .- .� 4���� :� . , ...... ..�i ... .,•OS �J:. e� .n rv !�•E` �.'6a, dn_. _. � ��pCi.1C•�•Y � _� .� :t. . _ Y�i . , '�C. .. . . .� . . .. i-� ;,•1. �.., .. . .��.. . .:�t.� Ir..�ru'�iC2 .. . . ._ . . .. - _. .:._ ._� ..�`�. .�.... `!. - ._.. ... . ... . . _.. . . . _. _ . . , ' � . :.. . ., . _ ' . . '•'•5'n,'J�� � ' ' l' ' ,..i. � . I . � 1: ,._ �C .. . a. .. .. t� ... . , ..:II�c'�"o7EJ . � .._a....n e . I �'�� � ��.d ��1 Zl�ai � ���\`..���,� / \�\.J�•; t1 1.\.� ALPHA CONSTRUCTION CO. � ' (D11'ISICN CF AL�i1A G ON,EGA SALES INCJ . • 10;7 PAYNE AYE. Po9Q S of S Poges ` ST.' PAUL, MINNES07A 55101 • _...__._. __.__. ... . ...._.. ._ ._..._.._. 774•5555 �__�,.� !_—.__-- -°�.—-'—�_�_....____. .._._. __._.. .. - - ..�_...___.__.� � --�� �crE'_'�_ ._.-_�---' �=-£c:P�.,:__--'---'_�--- " ��-re Center ldove:^ber 30, 19a3 I �oa•,_�e . $�1�� 1 L�1rC'�. AV@. :.aii0t+ JG5 lJ "'c'11� t:7I. ��4 .Sii11Ti' i-_C1Ca --- • JOB Pi+O!+E ��O:E T �1.,4. _ _._.._- -.__i_3onnie t�cItyre �._,.�_.___.._____-__..__._--- . .— ;Vc ._„__.r�.,_...�.-�-..--,�, ..._n,—.r-- . —r- . � ---------_—..._y.:.. . _ ':(�"�ic `.��� 'i� ��ili/��l ����J '� ��i-����� _il'L __.1.�_' ...�.�.r.�.� --_..�_ - —�� . _ . .__� ._.�._._�.�+..rrr_ciY •J ___ �� � _^'"�C1�' C�:�il.• i . • - \ Contractor to cut out, frane znd ir_stall a 4'x5' display ��,indow :ext to t'r,e er.trance. doo.r, this window will be insulated safety glass. =�IOR LAR�SCI+PE AAiD ASPH.4LT: Contractor to install an asphalt track around the playground, parking lot and landscaping per drawing. Contrac�or to install a chain link fence around the zspnalt track - this k�ill have 1 - 4'. gate znd 1 - 8' gate. . � :!':y�jv�i L: � Interior paint and stain. COST: �3+987•5� Contractor to clean up and haul a��ay all debris. <- ro�c —�----- .t. _ ;,<�. �_ ���,� , �.�I��1;t . C 1•��:,_-7 ;:� ,�. �, .�,�.�t� ��---t-- ----- ---- ._�..� , •_ � ,� � � , .�.� ----- DO�L-�S '� S dj,SCi. iZ � -- -�ive t�.cusand, iive hundred, o::e and 12/'10�--------- � == __= _ `�__-•.s ' -- �-a �r"G�rG�:IC'TSLS / i' • i�-,',{ �.3'��� � i//! � � �_ j` -`% . - .. .���eG. :,II v:Or1. :^,a11 Le COmCIeteJ �n t .�,.�.me•�1��e n.cnnF� .'-,.'.:E: 5'� •'��'� `i/� y'l.i `..� � l- l I _/� /��•//� �.` , _ _. �'-- nt�orn abo.•e sc�e��f�c=_i,o„5 �,o�.�•�p c•��� ;K..C}'1G�� 'i�1G,COCl:--,11C2 1 cS1G°�l .. . _ . •- 1 cllEfb:i���C�CP.tdtl0 �' r '_ . ..rn GrOCr1,anQ w�ll u;rome an eri�e Cte�].: GvC� e'�d e C.'c i^�P I `_ `- . . _ ^` ;,v cr '�ti AiSN =1� � , :.�:i ED . . _ . � � . v e[C�d�^15 orG!'�e' h..�e• '-,C C..�j'����^L �� _ .. �.c.t Gr rr:�o•s�t�e o� oe.e s ca�sed bv s:n�es. � , . . � ~ ..i Gwner io co•rY lire. tornado and o�r,er ne:ES'.a'i �ns��a��cc. `� _u�h—__�;,YS. . _ � .:.-.. � ._.... . _ . . c � ,..- c. ::,,,�.rr.er,'s Co^�t,emai�on Inwrance. _ ._ . . - _. .. .._. _. '' ,.`r'..----._....- -_. ___....---^'__. ---^ _..___. .. ..-�- .._ ..__ . _. n __� . ..__ ' �' - -.__. .. . .. _ . . _ __ �, ' �^ I� ;_ s +cc o�t�ons are rt�stanory antl a�e^�reUy arr.:i�•d. � � ` _ � ..r .. ,,..,,�•��.rc•�.FeV�mer.t�.JI C�rt�atle as outl�nra arove. {� -�. '1 . 1/_ . _ . _. - _" - - c ' � :.a-:. . -------- ' , � Kevisea y/ 14/�S ` ' . RECE�'��D '��f�' � � 1983 . , P:ei ghborhood Partnershi p Program PED USE ONLY Dept. Planning & Economic Developnent Planning District s� Code No. 25 W. 4th Street Planner-in-Charge z�o,� St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Technical Support BR D H P ,/ (612j2�2-1577 Other � • CD �/ Non CD • . REC��`�EQ �'�V 3 � 1983 � NPP APPLICATION PLEASE PRI��T OR TYPE PROJECT NAP-1E: EASTSIDE YMCA HOUSE MOVE/FACILITY IMPROVEr�NT PROJECT , � GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SU�P4ITT.ING REQUEST _ .. i�At�iE: St. Paul Area YMCA ADDRESS: 475 Cedar Street St. Paul *�I 55101 STREET CITY STATE ZIP TELFPHONE: 292-4100 � DAYTIt�E CONTACT PERSON. FOR THIS REQUEST: Will Mason TELEPHOPdE: . 292-4104 1 . 4,HAT IS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT? � ' Y . � ' a. To improve YMCA program facilities ' b. To make energy-saving improvements . _ � " c. To upgrade a eurrent Eastside home and move to a City-owned lot . d. To improve a critical parking need -- e. To expand programs offered by the,Eastside Braach Y*iCA 2. HOW hSUCh hP.P 1�10NEY IS BEING REQUESTED? 5 40,000 3, t,`HAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRIBUTIO�S? (SEE "ages 6 & 7) - - - - � 116,200 4, idHAT SPECIFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. . a. Replace glass block windows in swimming pool b. P.eplace single-pane windows throughout the building with triple-paned windows c. Replace hotwater discharge pump making boiler more efficient d. Install zoned heating with self-contained radiator valves e. Reglace/rebuilt air circulating fans throughout bu�lding f. Expand, upgrade, resurvace present parking lot g, � Install Nautilus equipment h. Replace swimming� pool heat exchanger i. Replace sewer system throughout building j . Repair roof scuppers, flashing, etc. � k. Upgrade Women's locker room , 1. Convert lower level to weight-lifting center NPP APPLICATION, .Paae 2 PRO�ECT NAME EASTSIDE YMCA AOUSE M0�'E/FACILITY � � � ' IA'lPROVEPfENT PROJECT 5. 4JHAT NEEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACH OF THE PROJECT'S PROPOSED ACTIVITIES (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBIE, REFERENCE NEEDS FR01�1 EITHER A CITYIJIDE PLAN, DISTRICT PLAN, DISTRICT COUNCIL ANNUAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATION GOALS OR OTHER DOCUI�ENTATION. A marketing research firm, Quatra Marketing Research, conducted a four-part analysis of the community. The results of the study are being .addressed. 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT INTEhD TO DIRECT.LY CREATE A MEASURABLE INCREASE OF J08S FOR NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS? YES x NO . IF YES, DESCRIBE. . Could add three (3) positions to the YMCA. 7. ATTACH A trAP SHOWING THE PROJECT BOU�DARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC AREA OR SITE IS iHE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. 8. WHO I�JILL MANA6E THE PROJECT? Will *lason - Vice President Pro erties S ea YMCA DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN MANAGIN SIr•1ILAR PROJECTS? YES X NO IF YES, DESCRIBE. Responsible for all capital and current operating facility improvements (over $1,000) for the St. Paul Area YMCA - Examples include: a. New Skyway Y b. New Nautilus Center at Midway Branch c. Repair of pool an8 heating systems at rlidway d. Energy conservation projects at South and Northeast 9. Iti�ILL THE PROPOSED PROJECT BE TIED OR COORDI��ATED WITH ANY OTYER PROJECT OR PROGRAM (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? YES NO X . IF YES, DESCRIBE, �� NPP APPLICATION, Page 3 ' RROJECT NAME EASTSIDE YPICA HOUSE MOVE/FACILITY • . . � ROJECT 10. WILL THIS PROJECT BE COMPLETED IN 2 YRS.? YES X NO . IF NOT, EXPLAIN HOW IT k�ILL BECOME SELF-SUSTAINING 4JITHOUT FURTHER NPP FUl�DING? , . � . . . 11 . WILL THIS PROJECT RESULT IN INCREASED �4AINTENANCE AWD OPERATING COSTS FOR THE CITY? YES NO x . IF YES, EXPLAIN HOId THE PROJECT WILL PRIVATELY PAY FOR THOSE COSTS. 12. NOW WILL THE PROJECT BEI�EFIT LO�d AND 110DERATE I�.COME HOUSEHOLDS? � - The relocated house will be upgraded to L�eet c�ty codes and made available . for purchase rather than demolition _ 13. HOW WILL NEIGHBORHOOD CITIZEN PARTICIPATION BE FOSTERED DURING PROJECT DEVELOPMEt�T AND IMPLE�ENTATION? a. Local YMCA Board, made up of community leaders and residents, .have been involved in developing this plan b. PAC�ES staff are involved c. Parking lot will permit more off-street parking, reducing street conjestion 14. DOES A PROJECT PLAt�1�I P;G COP11ii TTEE EXIST? YES X NO I F YES , I DENTI FY THE �"�EISBERSHIP. a. East Branch YMCA Board of "ianagement b. Facility Construction Co�.mittee - General Board of Directors - St. Paul Area Yi�;CA c. Building & Properties Co�ittee - General Board of Directors - St. Paul Area I:�?CA �;?P APPLICATION, Page 4 PROJECT NAME EASTSIDE 1'�1CA HOUSE *10��E/FACILITY ,,.� ' � ' INIPROVE',•1E?�T PROJECT � . � 1 � 15. IJILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER THE RETURNING OF NPP FUtdDS TO THE �NEIGHBORNOOD ' PARTNERSHIP PROGRA�1 OR THE RECYCLIPdG OF NPP FUNDS LJITHIN THE PROJECT? YES t�0 x . j IF YES, DESCRIBE. . ! l . � 16. COf�1PLETE PROGRAM ACTIVITY AND BUDGET FORP1S PfiGES 5 AND 8. �� �(���� Will Mason r/ 1�~ � /� — �,1� � �` SI���ATU� OF INDIVIDUAL TYPED NAME TITLE 0� ROLE DATE � COMPLE7ING APPLICATION � John L, Traver P•resident 11/25/83 / SIGNATURE F CHIEF OFF TYPED NAME _ TITLE OR ROLE DATE . . ✓ OR PRESIDENT . . , ' a z H C � �"� L� i� .'� "ti N r � en-h � . O 'G f�D (�D f�D ."y 'd fD � CJ fD f� C • • �p -�• 7 OQ 'C `G :1 N 00 'O U� 'O 'C "� r'i . �"' < �j e K w w � n n � � � � � � o �. c� w w w w w w su m w a� r� � c� � n e+ � �t a n n n ►-� c. n r n � � c� o o w �. � rr � �u r r� m � r� c� ro �n c. C � . r� � ' r � o r�o ro z ro � c.� d � c� � _ rc � � `n `-' 0 0 o E o r� n r� o r• r� � r� K o� � � �+ n E 8 rn �o o c c� o� � cn � G c � o rr o � ' �o cn n r � m C co � a v� n a ro G ... p M � c!� F� (D t'� a. �' O c� r-c G X tn � cn x r � r w E �-� ro �, � z t+ fn � �C (D G Pt rr x ►i tn C7 cn rt cD (D '.y tA W I� fJ 04 F� R � U: R � � IIr C ri �v rr �r ro 9 w � � o n cn o � c� r� w r� rr � � c� r� r� t-+ � n � t� a rt �s w +� K � ro � v� oo � � � � � � r�i w t� c� o�o � G � � N � � � � n y w � a�-� � � � � o y �' ... o .w o�o � t-' G � C O r r� � U � --- O tn fD rr O F� v" ct £ rt � � µ ri rt W O tn p�p � (p h-'. I C V� QQ �S � p x � h �'' `�-+ O rt � � n � a � � � . ri � . rt ri fD , . � . R ("'7 O � 3 � r-� � � r-� � r-� •'7 D OD 0� N l!� N � N � -N N' O� O� N 1� -� f� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � fD ct 00 00 00 � p OG 00 aD -OO O� 00 OD CO 00 c'h �. • l� 1� W A W W W A W W l� A W .L� -'• < Q J. \ • � � �T '✓ r'C4 � �-�.' ►G y �-4 K� rG �-C K' rC K' K' �-C 3 � � � � � 3 3 � z -v � � � c�i c� c� c� c� c� n c� c� c� c� � � � � v a v � 9 a a 9 9 a � 9 a � n o �. o � o r�e c� �+ � � � cv � in C� crt � J•� � Z J (SJ � � fD — � :_] EA �� I � � � � � I� � W V G� p� N W N O� O� N C�. O � O fp � � J• � lr W O W W N O � O� � ln � �� � O O O O O O O O O O C� C �„� r,,, � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �. � � � c o ;� I� c -s � . rr �- n '_'' ° 9 0 0 • � �- r-� .L I VO I � � . I C � {n t� W :7 ,."�'r. I , � �n I -1 �.7„ O � � z i7 C �� N o.."` � '� Z :-7 p G � .-a �� ,� o � �, .:y . _. � � i o � .� � � — o � � — � c.. r t'J H n �: • . -: -< iJPP APPLICATION, Page 6 �.PROJECT NAME EASTSIDE YMCA HOUSE MOVE/FACILITY� I:iPRaVE*1ENT PROJECT . , . ' NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS DECLARATION l . ESTIt�ATED COh1MERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL Ih1PROVEMENTS: � NUP',BER OF PARTICIPANTS AVERAGE IN1'ESTMENT PER PARTICIP NT � TOTAL INVESTMENT EQUALS 5 2: ESTII�iATED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL It�iPROVEMENTS: � P�Ut�SBER OF PARTICI PANtS AVERAGE INVESTh1ENT PER PARTICIPANT TOTAL II�VESTMENT EQUALS S 35,800 3. NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: �SITE (a) ESTIP'�ATED MARKET VALUE � SITE (b) � ESTIWiATED MARKET VALUE $ TOTAL� t�iARY.ET VALUE S 4. NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPt�IENT: _ SITE (a) . ESTIMATE� MARKET VALUE $ 4,200 � SITE (b) �STI�1iATED MARKET VALUE $ TOTAL MARKET VALUE $ 4,200 _ 5. ESTIM�ATED IN-KIND-SERVICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIPtdENT, SERVICES) ; SOURCE�AND TYPE 1 . � 2' � 3. 6. ESTII�IATED VOLUNTEER LABOR: ��U��3ER OF VOLUNTEERS 60 AVEP,AGE HOURS/VOLUhTEER 10 TOTAL HOURS x $10/hr. EQUALS 5 6,000 7. ESTII'ATED SWEAT EQUITY: • �;U�iBER OF PARTICI PANTS� ,AUERhGE 'HOURS/PARTICIPAPJT TOTAL HOURS TOTAL HOURS x S10/hr. EQUALS S ;;�P�:A�PLICA7ION, Page 7 PROJECT NAME EASTSIDE YMCA HOUSE *iOVE/FACILITY ' . IrfPROVEMENT PROJECT 3. ESTIhSATED CASH DONATIONS: SOURCE 1 . 3-M �� 45,100 2, YPiCA Boar o Management wi raise � 45,100 . 3, - � 9, ANTICIPATED FOl1NDATION GRANTS: � FOU�DATION(s) 1 . � � � 2 � 10. OTHER: EXPLAIN 3-M Arcade Emplovees Membershi,g Subsidv � valued at $26 000 ESTIMATED UALUE � 26,000 TOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD • CONTRIBUTIONS DECLARATION � $ 40,000 � 11 . WNAT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT THE P.80VE DECLARATIONS ARE REALISTIC? Quotations from housemover and general contractor in 1982 + 8% � ��;PP APPLICATION, Page 8 . Project Name EASTSIDE Y*SCA HOUSE *10VE/ � FACILITY I.4PROVi,i•IEI�T PROJECT Project Budget: Itemize use of NPP Funds . , � Cost Cate or Requested PED 9 Y NPP Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* --- 2. Consultant & �Contract Services --- 3. Rehabilitation 14,000 i , � 4. Design --- -�� . --- 5. Construction 18,200 . 6. Equipment 7. Acquisition 4,200 i 8. Relocation I -� 9. Demolition 3,600 � 10. Other ( * list) - � 11 . 12. - � 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. � 20. ; � 21 . � 22. 23. + . � � Total 5 ao,000 s_ , *At�ach Job Descriptions ? r r�eded, use lines 11 -23 to itemize categories 1 -9. ' i_ t'''''`��'�' :,._..c� _ �,,`:..'.:.�:;:�.��.;:-,s�-v-� . v_, �...,,, �..'.i.Z.r"'�2.�."L'Z'tif8":S��S���5.::�5'L'�.}-�.�1 t"s's�=�:�,�� ����� /V l A � � r n .; � _:, . � ,;� . .• � .., , �, � y , � . , 3 � �! .! �.a� -� ' � . ,� � -..`;�'- � � •...X 4 !�-♦ . �' �.{1(.K INl1' tY , � � �j �a� � �; i � �� � t} � 1 �7 ~ ��•� '��� �i � e'-i � �0.SZ' � �C: i �� ,t � i� n ..,,�., t `> ;� -��_,-..-�-�----� `� � �; �v�+�i�.•.;�, , , � � .� ..-.,-. .�..��._. = - :� -- -- - , � � �Y� �a t� --� i (' t + � �.h�l. C .A �-4'j U ���%U i,`r� h �7 Ld �r �.�-�i' g V � '2� � � : ��- ��'�I�.11'� ..`i� . ; I �� � g �' 1 � ; , , , �+ l:i � �=»=- � � t7 '�`�-4'. �V^�-I..i'1+i�i�•' � �-� J �i �r'�_""_...�._ E....-. "' _.�,..<. _.....� ' i ...;•. .r; y..�:':�.;.._,-:�..:�...'r �'�^ —-- ... . � �'��` �h�"�'������ �i.��'Y � � �I . .; , . ;, i� , i r1` 's ! I { � •' '; `t��(�r�Z rR� ~'�� ��! �v� ; ' � � (� .��, r i,� � �1 F+ � '< � � /4 f { � �; � �c-. ti'r-�;��_ �•���Ct=:; -;�.4 �a ' � � � i . � I• ' �a --j k1 �v.:�'7�.F�;,:...�r'��'.�.i- . . -r:r 7 •`, f n �••• :�:i i:�a`i:.,�✓�i.s �, I �, ; w ,- �„ � �� ` �` ' f.�t.,.'::� P i_G+�v�.� ; , � ; s� � • ; � �: � � , � ✓ , — � � y � ; L'c � � `�' `x !��l � ! ► i i �' � ► .: f� �i + f � ��I � .�A `)' t�/��/��7�� � , i � � � Y,r"T�,.�y T 4c ��. • ,� 1 _ ± "��"r'�.i'..z:�`^���°�"''...__.,. .,._,.....�..4� .����, �___ �..�, j; y ! ,, --,_ ; � q Z -�� .� � , u" s �i �. � :� � i � . � j � �, � � � �, .� , :_` I � ' C? ! J _ f � : 1 2 ��____,_.�.. ►;° ---. - -- ` � : � � �� 1 °� � : , .,-; � �� r i � 1 -�. ` ` � �� � � , ; � i . _ � t �� + � , _� ---z � ( i � g� � �, r � c �.�� r � . � `� 8�- `?�� � � 1 �1c- � hr= _ �, . _ . ; ��_ � . , . , t -D Berm „ . . •S�deu�a�k U O - 57' . . S, � .o � � � � , . r � � � X x f° � � . � � t n X• -a . � P �' O R ... `0 � 3 . --- • • � � .o � � D x h o � � � � � � r� n' .o � � x- s fi � °0 ;� D .� O O x �, .. • � O � 0 � O � � X � p� �o '� O 0 0 � ` � x � , � � � x� � r3 -�3 0�, � - k. •3 , � s� �� �y °° ; . � �� �� ..o, n b j rt�' x �n n � ; � S fs oo �ac . 7 U � C �0 � f n � � 'D � x .p 3 3 � � o N _ � � �D X � � � h` � � � � • r,���� �,�q�,� � . 6u�P�,»Q dJw), dN . � I APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW • • C[TY OF SAINT PAUL Site Plan Review �i Application is hereby made to the Planning Commission for Site Plan Review under the provisions of Section 62.108 of the Zoning Code for the project and property described beiow: P�OJECT NAME: Resurfacing Parking Lot � . PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCATION• 1071-73 Arcade Street (Corner Cook and Arcade) LCG.�L DESCR[PTION: • I ' . O�'ti'ER: Name St. P ul Area YM� Address �+75 Cedar Street p 2 2-k100 hone 9 �PPLICAn'T: Name St. Paul Area YMCA Address �+75 Cedar Street Phone 292-�+100 TYPE OF USE: Resurfacing Existing Parkin,g Lot - Black Top Attach written narrative describing the development and type of use. PROJECT COST ESTIMf�TE: � $5,88� Site Improvements (utilities, drainage facilities, paving, lighting) 9�+8 Landscaping (planting materials, sodding/seeding) �5.828 TOTAL . Ten copies of a site plan are submitted which include the following information as described on the attached "Site P1an Review Requirement": I��x !04 � Property boundaries• Drainage Plan Building locations and Parking areas, loading docks, etc. dimensions on and within Landscape Plan 25 feet of property Utility Plan Roadways, access Easement locations Grading Plan Development Summary fi Filing Fee of $ 50.00 is paid as required (see "Site P1an Review Requirements"). •h�plicant's signature � � Date 11_8-8� City Agent �` � �. ��. Y/'TC',�1 If you have any questions, please contact: St. Paul Zoning Office � 1100 City Hall Annex 25 1�'est Fourth Street Saint Paul, 1�'�innesota 55102 • • (298-4l54) 410I 1/1/82 � '�'��� �`��\�, �T �'st. t�aul �re� Y��A x _.:... �s,+ �� i�'' 1� J� GeneralOffice ' �y 475 Cedar Street,St. Paul,Minnesota 55101 Telephone(612)292-4100 Richard Hoffmann,Chairman of the General Board John l.Traver, P�esident " November 25, 1983 ; ~ � Neighborhood Partnership Progra� . � o j Department of Planning & ' , i_ � � Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, rfN 55102 . _ �� .' "' ..�.�V ATTN: Mr. James Zdon .;:� - - Dear Mr. Zdon: -.::,.:.,_ -:..• = The St. Paul Area YMCA is pleased to submit, on behalf of the Eastside : � Branch YMCA, a project involving leadership and cooperation between � industry, community, and agency for the betterment of a local community. :;�-° ' The application and supporting data are attached. + + Lest there be concern�for the future of the Eastside Brancy YMCA, let ���4 ��•, me assure you that everything possible is being done to insure its °Y � continued operation. The �following motion -�aas passed at the September ��� ��� 20, 1983, General Board meeting, after neariy a year of study: "It was ,� ,�.'-.t,� moved, seconded and carried to approve the recovery-rehabilitation plan � for the East Branch as outlined in Exhibit C". �r �'♦ ;� Members of the staff and board will be available to answer questions or . � .�� provide additional information upon request. f�� Sincerely, ` ,_ ��,• I } 3.�C.�` ���y�.. � � � �.. _r.. � �St� �`''. �` '�Rr�`,�r��. Will Piason, �3 Vice President ��� lp ;;� j Enclosures �}�. t � _ ..r......� . ` • ���- �y�..�/ ' � PED USE OItLY ;,�; yi��o��h�od Partnership Program ' :.��;;t , �lanning & Economic Gevelo�pment Planning Distr•ict S Code tdo. _� ;ti� , 4th Street Planner-in-Charge -]���o�� _.. ��ul , i•�i nn , 55102 Techni cal Suppo rt BR �D .. � P� ' ,-, � )�02-1571 . / G�ner . ;,, �� �p V Ivon CD R�CEf��ED ��L 1 1�33 NPP ApPLICATIOy . . � PLEkSE PRIh;T OR TYPE . � �� .�� a 0 ^ c.S�^1 �� r I Fnp\ " . ;:�T ,,r.� :E : ► a�r,r F„�acation ,rrr-nti� �'��=��'-�-� � ..; _�? ;;�; QRG;itIZATIOI� SU3��IT J II�G REQUEST ° St. Pzul Urban League ` � ~ � St. Paul , 1��innesota 55102 401 Selby Avenue -�:�cSS: CIiY STAiE ZiP � � �STREET ': ���P;-;O��t : �zl ��a_�771 DAYTIIIE CC,;iACT PERSOi� FOR THIS REQUEST: Richard Rolle TELEFHOt�E: 224'_ 5_ ? t•;a�T IS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE P�OJECT? ao� The Labor Education Advancement Program is ddisadvantaged protec�edlclass people�?�±o opportunities for economically and socially �Qcing and mcnitoring their are unskilled and untrained by locating , recru��aiging programs and in `he corstruc- training and employmer.t in the appren�icesnip _ ` � tion industry. ' �2 . NO'�1 �iUCH hiPP I�i0�1EY IS BEItrG REQUESTED? � 25:,000 � IdHAT IS TNE TOTAL DECLARATIO�� OF fyEIGNBORH00D CONTP,IBUTIOh�S? � 25j,p0�0' J. Y (SEE Pages 6 & 7) �� l�li�r,T SPECI FIC PROJECT ACTIVITI ES F�RE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST • � , T � sessment ir►tervieti•1s ti�lith at least 150 protelaedn�oaderlto1deterr�sneh�hh� 1 , �o cond�ct as , � • in the construction rie express ed an i nteres t i n +•,or�c�ng � - r trade they �are interes�ed in and in some cases �,:heiher they are iob rea y. ,,r�ft o - � motivate, guide, assist and p1Gce at leas� 50 or �re �naividuals ii�ter•�;,�� 2. � o recru� t, � o � Gms . in�o registered apprenticesnip ti-aining p ' 9 '� ' 1 enticeabl e aee and �•;ho ha��e p� -e�iency i ^ . ;o �ssist men cnd ��romen who are over th.e cpP ' � �o erter t��e construct-�1 n �nd ciher J �ai�ticular trade gained througn t�;ork eaperi ��nc� c�r ne ,ti or4:e��s �,�ill be ,cc�d. �ir��custrial trades as journey��,or�:ers . Ten (10) � ) '�' . e �5 individuals into ecc�pat=�ers rererred �o �s "c.��er � . To recruit, assist and plac . � y obs �or �;:or�en. s;;illed" jobs , includina non-trad� �ional j • � �'� rotected class peopie in gaining E��t1�Y }O d `'CCd L10!lc� �i:�1S�'i �::'�i C'1 1';f1C'. 5. � o css;st �� P nhance tlieir e,�:plo`,'�'�ility. :i^� i ,n,j !;� t'EC�'1V,C'(� 111� � E ' . . , . . � .. 6. • Disseminate information regarding apprenticeships and jcb opportunities in construc- � tion through media and social channels normally in contact witfi- the targeted clientele. 7. 1�laintain lists and files of prospective training applicants , trainees and graduates of training" programs for at least 6 months; main�ain files on construction contrac- - tors , composition of their vrork forces, tr•aining slots and jo6 openings ; local craft unions , construction vrorkers, entry .requirements, test and intervievr dates, and . �results of individual applications. . �. Establish an effective ��;orking relatibnship ti�rith Federal �,�d �State officials , local , state and federal. agencies , con�ractors and eontractor e1•�aniza�ions , labor manage- ment oroups and union offii ci al s i n order to faci 1 i �ate cc�-:�uni cati on ar;d a steady rloiv of accurate information affecting �he trainirg proc;•�-r.s , job oppci-tuni�ies ard ti�e interests of prospective, current �nd past traine�s , . 9. Establish and maintain a referral service v;hich will provide up-to-date information to contractors regarding unemployed training program gr�duates ti�;f�o might take advan- tage of any job opportunities . . 10. I�1ake all arrangements� for participant entry into a speci;ic apprenticeship a�nd verify entry. � 11. I�;aintain records , reports , financial and personnel accounts in a manner v�hich is agree- able �o the Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry. . 12. Prepare such timely and current reports as deemed necessary by tne ��innesota Depart- ment of Labor & Industry. This ���i11 be donz on mon�hly basis . I3. Prepare a special report LEAP Program Implementatien and Supportive Services Con- tractor Training Tracking and Follovr-up) at the conclusion or' �he contract. 13. Establish linkages with community groups and local govern:�,ental agencies throughout the City of St. Paul in order to recruit protected class people. , ; � t�,:, , t��;, I'3ye � f'I?UJEl:1� i;�l��t L��,N ;;;;%aT I;cEDS ARE BEI�'G DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACH OF THE PP,OJECT'S PROPQSED ACTIVITIES (��UEST10f� 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFEREP�CE I�EEDS FP,Oi•1 EITHER A CiTYI•lIDE PLAf�, DISTRICT ;�';:I�, DISTRICT COUt�CIL Ai�IJUAL CITIZEi� PARTICIPA7I01� GOkLS OR OTHER DOCUi•iEisTATI01�. �=utreach activities �;�e engage in to establish lin4;ages �i��ith lccal community groups and local govern�nental agencies in order� to recruit ninorities and ti�romen. � . �. '.'_:�,�en and mi nori ti es wi 11 be hel ped to gai n access to the bui 1 di ng trades occupations • � ������ �i�)taE:e and assessment, career, counseling, �utoring, job referral and r�ferral to _ :���c►- service aaenciES. � . ��CS TNE PROPOS'EU PR6JECT ZNTEt�D ?0 pI'FtC(�Y CRt�TE A I•�A�U�k6!E INCP,EhS� OF J08S -�J2 I,EIGNSORHOOD RESIDENTS? YES x ��0 . IF YES, DESCRIBE. i he program ob,j ecti ve i s to p�i ac.e_o,r1e , hundred - f i f ty (150 j r.'�i nori ti es and femal es who reside in the �jty� of St. Paul area . � Fifty will be placed into an apprenticeship program and another ten will be placed in an advanced +Xaining py�ogran the other ninety vrill - be placed in other jobs. � ' . �,TTACH A �1AP ShOWIPlG THE Pr2OJECT SOUP�DARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEUGRAPNIC �REA OR SITc iS THE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. . !�:NO 4�1ILL t��AI�AGE THE PROJECT? Ri chard Rol l e � � DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE i�� MA(�A6II�G S1�iIL�R PROJECTS? YES x r,0 If YES, DESCRIBE. Richard ,Rolle administers �he On-The Job Trainee Program ��rhich provides supportive services to contractors engaging in high�•ray Construction for the �State. This program �-ecruits trainees..to work .on var.ibus state hiah�•!ay projects . ihis program is de- s i qned to i ncreas the number of mi nori ti es and ti•romen, parti ci pati ng i n hi gh�•ray con- s�r�.�cti on. ,;:LL ���E FP.O�OSED °P,OJECT 8E TIFD OR CO'�RDIhA��D 1�;IiN AIdY OTN�R F�O�tCT Ot� ?nOGrA1�1 ; �`..'�LIC GR PP.IVATE? 1'ES X P;0 IF YES , CESCRi6c , -�.� La��r Education Fpprenticeship Progr?m ��rill ha��e ,^'or�:in°s rElaLi�ns�hoPherLeeliti�erers :;lcv;r,e�-�t and training agenc�es , the constiucticn � n..�st�y .�E�, � �er:ic�s . The program will have an oraoir�g cocrerv��ve ��ela�iur.ships ���ith ��',i ;,nesota ,:_;.�r�r:ent o�` Labor and..Industry (grartor ) , o�'r,er �� �e �nc co'�✓ernr,;ent agenies �nd S-" _ - �icici . �.; ��L 1�i-.� 1 ���, i'a ge :� � F'RUJEC f ��tih�t � � , . . . , � � ' - i ��. I,ILL THIS PROJECT BE COt�PLETED IN 2 YRS . ? YES t�0 x IF NOT , E1;PLAI� N0� IT � ;;ILL BEC01•1E SELF-SUSTAIt�ItdG YlITHOUT FURTHER t1PP FUIvDI��G? . I��e ��,ill seek funding from the state�,' public or the private sector. � '���?LL THIS PROJECT RESULT If� INCR�ASED f�,AII�TE���,`�CE AIdO OFtRtiiI��G �GSiS rOr. i�;� Ci7Y? ';cS I;0 x , IF YcS , EXPLAI�� HOl� THc FP,OJ�CT t�JILL PRI`'1i�LY �r+Y �C' �r;��Sc CCSiS . ,%, IiOitl 1ti'ILL THE PROJECT BEt�EFIT L01�1 Atr'D I•'�ODcRATE IPdC01'1c IiOUSEHOLDS? Lo��� and moderate income households ti��ill be placed in apprenticeship training/construction in order to acquire the necessary skills to be placed the occupations in the building trades . � - HO�J 4�ILL ��'EIGHBORHOOD CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Bc FOSTERED DU�I�;G °�OJtCT G�'�'�LC-�1E��T ; .�. n1�D II•iPLE�iENTATION? An Rdv,i�sory Committee will be composed of persons fm�mt�eel�i1156et�,embers�fromltB•AfT• , St. Paul working environment. Represented °bliceutilities , private sector, and the n. I .C. , St. Paul Building Trades , A.G.C. , P t �m ti�;her�ver possible and to vccational scho�ls . Their purpose is to assist the prog '� provide primary inforc�ation and guidance. � T ; ';'=S , ��.'�;1F1' =;� ' �'O�S� n r^r�OJ�CT PLAI;t�I�dG C01'Si�i1TT�E EXIST? Y�S X I�0 ' " ' ,,`,,;,��SH1P. . , com rises the G�enc, ' s `'�-��G �� � �e�-^ SrU! ' s Pl�nni ng and Program Corr�„�i ttee - P " , �;PP APPLICA7ION, Page 4 ' PR4JECT t;AtSE LE�P " • � . , . 1 �, lr'ILL THE PROJECT RESUIT IN EITHER THE RETURtr'It�G OF NPP FU��DS TO TF�E f;cIGHBORF?OOD PkRiI�ERSHIP PROGRAh1 OR THE RECYCLI1dG OF P�PP FUr�DS tJITHIN T�E PROJECT? YES 10 X IF YES, DESCRIBE. � ' . • ' � . ( , � lo. CO!•1r'LETE PROGRAM ACTIVITY AND BUGuET FOR��1S r�,G�S 5 �P�D 8. R. Ro11 e Economi c Dev. �_ � _� S fvATURE F I�DIVIDUAL TYPED �dF�,N�c TIiLE OR P,OL� DATE COh1PLETIN APPLICATION � ��� W.M. k'ilson Executive Dir. , . ��� � � ` f� — �� SI6�RTURE OF CHIEF OFF C : TYPED f�kl•�t iITLE OR rOLE GAic JR PRESIDENT � . . �; ' � • D � � mz -ricn -Ic� c�'i -nw � c< � ''' � J � . .-. 00m �-• oc � r000 .�o-+,z .; >> ° r � c -�t z c� ---� ►-� �-. r� .,v, oc� -� �. z, ; . p ,..., � � . p �-+ ocnm � �D�D �, ,. '� • ' ZZ �--, yOZb � � Z00� � r-+"� "�� _ . t_. c-� c� z -1 � c� r' �-. cn --� .r o m �•--� � m r-: .., i .., c c� � T � z -n r-o cn v, .. i • < � 0 �--� DDG> ►-' � � m'� � � � A ;� C t� � A m �r _.� c� r' = v � � cNr� i --z-► � -vo � oc--a c� � � ,rt G O � � r ` r N � �7 � 9 � r2n0 N "'' c � i , C � � �-. �-+ D -IZGD -ID < . � � C -GO � OfD p .�. r� � i �...� c� z --� -� v � m c� �-r (7 p S N 2 Z Z O Z � � � �G � -' � , � �--� c� � -I m -n m � H .., .. i . cc-�� --� � ozm ? � cnc� o � orn r�. �-, cn �-+ = --a --in � o � crmcr° o r., r.: m � mc = � -az -Ir � � c� �-• z _ � c� --� mbcn �-, m � omDz ,'� ,:: ' -IC � � � � � Z � n � i � �,� O . . = rro �-. m cno �-, o � o � � � z c� 0 ...-10 ccnn � mcz -� rz Z .. � '-, � � =' -tozzz -I � z �-. ,-, � � mc� cncnm --� -ir � .� G� --� cn c ..: o �--� m �,'p, o � ,__,� -G � <: C'� ^'� r-�1 rr-+ D G --� c./1 � S � N --im '`ICZ �" � S (J'1 O '.'� ,� I� � G� N f- I� �--� Z mm �• � � cn � ` c � � p z . tJ') CJiNON � � Y � � � r --{ mcmn � � �` mv � a� m � om � I O O Z O N �1 N � 'Tl•O � f- � Vf ) rm3 � � �' • D � m � � � � rn N � v� p7NON • 3 � 3 � � � zm z --� z --► �-. . .. z � � p Ql G7 Q1 Ql Q1 rn Ql Ql Ol Ql Ql 61 Cl Ql Ql Q1 C7 . 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I � ' W W W W W W W S.J W W W W W W W W � O OOOOOOS� � 000000 O � � . 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I O� � O� q O� Oo O� OO 0� q CO 00 OJ W L`� W fD rr � .A � � -PA� � �? � '? -P �A � -i� ? � J <• /y� �y.� M �y.� /� �y.� /y� /� /-�� /y� Q�'�Q� /�,,.� O J• � . . X� X_ � �C� K� %- K� K_ %� K- K� K- %� "�" %_ � � . • CA � 00 O� 0o O� 00 W W W 00 00 O� CJ O� G� cr+ cJt cn cn cr cn cri c3i cs� cn cn cn cn cr� cn Cr � r-r �D I h I ' . C � �, 'S (J'� CT r+ � � CJ A� _. ( � . _ � � O fD �� � . � � � J , i fD � �.� i . ��/1 � � `J J i � . . 1V I r j,� " I 1 j , � .--• I CJ (1 I , � I � I . �t � !�' l.�' I _^ _ `� I ..S � . J. ^ � O I C " j O C " O �* o i � p 4 � I ' v� I I, ,{ I i -r— ' j � I , , ; . �' - ( - _ � f I I . trEIG!�BGi;n00D COf�TRIEUTIOF;S GcCLAP.AT?01� , . ESTI��.4TED COf�1hiERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL . ;;•',P?OV��1E��TS : none � • �;U�•�3ER OF PARTICI PANTS � r . . - . ��,1jERAGE INVESTI��EIJT PE� " 1CIPA��T� •^_ _ . TOTAL I��1�ESTI�ENT EQUALS `S ' _ �_ . �STI11�7ED RESIDE�TIAL P?OPERTY FIY,ED CAPITAL ;i��i'�GVE�•+ENTS : ' , ;;'.1�'��cR OF PARTICI P�N7S � n/a ;`'��AGE It�VESTt'�EI�T PER PRP,TICIP�.(vT n � i OTAL ?�;VESTI�E�yT EQUALS S n/a , �;cl•, CO�t1iERCIAL DEVELOPI�ENT : SITE (a) n/a ESTIt15TED I�ARKET VALUE � n/a . SITE (b) • nla . � ESTIN�A7E0 IiARKET VALUE � n/a T07AL Nu"+RY.ET VALUE 5 n/a � . f•1Eld RESID�NTIAL DEVELOPfr�ENT: � : SITE (a ) n/a • � n/a ESTIIiATED 1�1ARKET VALUE � SITE (b) n/a � n/a ESTI1r�ATED IfiARKET VALUE n/a TO i AL t�,�RKET ti�ALUE � — . ESTI1:'�TED IN-KIt�D-SERVICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIPISENT , SERUICES) : � � � $ 2_500.00. SOURCE Atr'D TYPE 1 . � Equipment � 5 �� 68.00 2 , a upervisor � 3. =�"t '.'",icD 1'OLU��TEEr� LA°OR : 15 Advisery Ccmmitee i'�e�,�=�'s , �;U�',��R OF VOLUid`t EERS '��'�r;.�,�t HOURS/VOLU��TEER 3 hr. no. 11, $ 5,400 per year � �l G hr. EQL+LS S 10,8��O.GO i Oi,yL .-i0U2� x ,� / �ST?;',;;�ED SI�tEAT EQUITY: ;;!,';�'���R Gr r�RT1CI ?r.'�TS ',', �;;�.�: HGLRS/ r,'•.RTI C I P„rJT — � TOTA! 1;OU�S 1GTi;L ;tCL=S x �1C/hr . �QU=,LS S _6 ,��c ' , ! � � ��TI11n7ED CASH DOI�ATIONS: . ' � � . . - � . �_. � �GURCE l , : 2 , c� � 3, � � :.;�iICI PATED FOUI�D�TION 6RANTS: : r"��'J��DkTI01�(s) 1 , rgc- Knic�ht Foundation — � �5 ` ��� ; :: . . $ � � _-';�R : EXPLAIN � ESTII�ATED �'�LUt 5 TOTAL t�EIGHBORH00D 25 , 000 COI�TRIBUTIOI�S DECLARATI01� � ��,�AT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT TNE A60VE DECLARATIOI�S ARE RE�LISTIC? ; . ���.ct ;;u�i�et: Ite�nize use of I;PP Funds . -- . . Requested - � FED Cost Category �yPP Funds Use Only 1 . Personnel Salaries* � � 2�,000 - 2. � Consultant � Gon�ract Services � � 3. Rehabilitation �� � , � , ; . � ( 4 . Design � 5. Cons�ruction I � i 6. Equipment � ; 7, Acquisition 8. Relocation 9. Demolition 10. Other ( * 1 i st) ` 11 . Transporation -- I 1 Z. • Con uma_bl e t�a�eri al s . _ _ _ _ _ ( s� _��. 13. 14. I 15. 16. � 17.. I 1�. i . _ ' 1 J• � 1� ^ I , �o. _ � � �' I � ti i . � ' 2� . ; � � . � � 22 . i , I �'�— — �, � L�. . • � TOi.c� 5 L� . ,C�� �_ � � .. . " . ..:c('Yi .. � iT.ris • ' - -- --"' � - � . . . � ' ' . � WM. F. KOEPP & A�SSOCXATES .. SUITE ZZOO, NORTH CPNTRAL Li� To�vEa AT TOWN SQUARE 44S MINNESOTA STREET , ST. PAUL, i�1117NE50TA SS 1 OI TEL'ePHONE VJ1L1_lAM F.KOEPP 611•292-1�651 . RICHARD L.MATYKIEWICZ OLD HARDI��G PLACE, INC. � � Housing Analysis Information furnished to Old Harding Place , Inc. from the City of St. Paul recommends that there is a need and a demand for modern housing based on the statistical analysis of the �'LS Market Information. Therefore, the price range ofsold properties in District 716 reflects the following: � * - 6.8% of the property "sold was in a ra►�ge of 525,000 to �40,000 * - 28.6� of the property sold �;as in a range of 540,000 to �55,000 * - 52.1� of the property sold �ti-as in a range of ?55,000 to 570,000 . * - 9.8°6 af the property sold was in a range of �70,000 to 585,000 It is the interest of Old Harding Place, Inc. to blend its housing �program into this range of housing. (See attached Exibit A. ) Of the seventy-three (73) units planned, it is estimated that: ° units or 12.4% ►�rill be �riced in the 555 ,000 range 24 uni ts or 32.8�� �•�i 11 be pri ced i n ii�e ��3,000 rarge 40 units of 54.8�' ��rill be price in the �i0 ,000 to 585 ,000 range This blending of new housirg to the cc�.��unity ti�;ill provide tne coT��unity with modern new housir,g in an ��`ord�ble r�r�° . The n�ed to r�duce the land price is based on the fact �^z� � 1 ) Only 1 /3 of the 1 and i s r��arketabl e far housi ng on the si te ; �ar,d 2) To provide affordable housing, tne price of lzr�d per unit car�nc� t�e e�:cessi ve so that the construc�� ��'� cos�s �ne fi rancino cos�s . _ , increase the selling price to the degree of non-marE:etability of the homes in the area. A typical unit of approximately 1 ,250 square feet is anticipated to cost approximately: � 62 ,125 to construct Land valued at: 2,162 per unit Architectural�, Financing, � f�larketability and Sales 16,750 per unit COST PER UNI7 5 81 ,�37 The analysis indicates that the price range of the ne�•r units exceeds the higher range of horr�s sold. 41e presently are undertaking a review of the construction costs in order to place the units in the $70 ,OG0 �o - . �7 5,000 ra n ge. � Financing Sources " OHP has rrade appl i cati on for mortgage funding under the ���i nr�apol i s/ St. Paul Family Housing Program, Phase II . Our preliminary applicated filed in July, 1983 reflects the m�ximum use of these funds. However, the delay created due to falling interest rates has created a delay in Phase II funding as indicated by ti'icteria �iurray' s letter of August 25, 1983 which is attached. O�her funding sources have been discussed t�;ith : 1 ) f�1i 11 er & Schroeder N,uni ci pal s , Inc . 2) Union Bank & Trust ;,) Pension Funds ' i ) Interi um Loan . ii ) Take-out runding These parties have indicated a ;ti�illir�:�ness to rurd the �ro,;�c= s'"'_-�_ to its financial feasability. * Furni shed by P1 anni ng ar�d Eccno�.�i c G�vel cr�,�nt, Ci t:� of St. '�'�1.. ,� - -� ��T� r _ __l_ t _ �.. ('��,.a.� 1.' .r��..?' .�n.�� ;c? C �}(] r,�)[r� Ci �iG � ., _ , - ' .-. t Jlt1:tS i I H • . _ OLD HARDING PLACE, INC. � - COST ESTI�SATION OF HOUSING PROGRAI�'i TOTAL 40 UNITS 24 UI•;ITS 9 UNITS Land 5 145,000 5 86 ,500 5 36 ,000 5 22,500 Construction Costs 3,673,400 2 ,485,000 828,400 350,000 Architectural , Consulting, Legal , ��arketing, Sales 675,000 370,000 222,000 83,000 Financing 550,000 300,000 180,000 70,000 � 5,043,400 COST PER UNIT 40 UNITS 24 UWITS 9 UNITS Land � 2,162 � 1 ,500 S 2,500 . � Construction 62,125 34 ,516 40,000 Architectural , Consulting, Legal , Marketing, Sales , Expenses and Administration 9,250 9,250 9,250 Financing 7 ,500 7,500 7,500 Cost Per llnit S 81 ,037 S 52,766 5 59,250 Suggested Sales Price � �6 ,000 S 58,000 5 65,000 , �'`'�';_��'°;'��, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL =,4+: , :�. � : u� ' yj�{ i� � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING nND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT °' ° a " DIVISION OF HOUSING ,i � ,��t�U •� = t 'i,iiIL111 u �; 25 lvcst fourih S�rec�.Saint Paul,��t�nncsota. 55102 �i•,i• �r? 612•292•15T7 .,, r''':,, �... ��``�^~ �ti4nm�u��'� . GEOFGE LATIMER - MAYOR August 25, 19S3 . , � . �'vir. William F. Koepp Old Harding Place 2200 N. Central Life Tower St. Paul, l��iN 55101 RE: Minneapolis/Saint Paul Family Housing Program - Phase II Dear Mr. Koepp: , When FHA interest rates rose to 13si� a few weeks ago, a decision was made to extend Phase I of the Minneapolis/Saint Pau! Family Housing Program. ApproximatEly $13 million dollars of 11 7/890 mortg�ge financing is still available. When we decided . to extend Phase 1 until April, 1984, we also decided to postpcne Phase II so tnat the two do not �ompete with each other. " � Your proposed project(s) will be kept on file until the Phase II issue draws near. Al�hough the bond market is so unpredictable, I anticipate a bond sale and commencement of Phase II during the first half of 1984, provided a favorable interest rate can be acnieved. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 292-1577. Sincerely, �''I� �� ,�u�- �!ictoria ���• vturray Project cVianager ' \'M��1/bkd . r„u F��•c r�������,o�a(a00)UG2•G002 r L�11 F�cc O�hei S�et�ax(bU01 320•fi122 �rj / ` �,� � , .i�1-�1 � . Miiler & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. htorth��esiern Financ���l Ce��ler,7y0U XerxCS Avrnu� S<�uth.Pti�ineopoliti.!•1i��nc>:��t;; 75��.�1 • 1(�12) N�i-15U0 September 9�, 1983 Nr. Peter D. Valenty, President Old Harding Place, Inc. 2200 North Central Life Tower 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, Minnesota SS101 Dear Peter : Upon review of Old Harding Place plaas for development of the Mounds Park Junior High site, it is my opinion that your plans as presently outlined are too costly. Given the facts that approximately 2/3 of the site caill remain £br comnunity use (ball fields, Bayliss Center and nulti-service building) the $500,000 p:ice �-nakes cost of developing 73 units of housing on the remaining � � . 1/3 too er.pensive. The $6,849 per unit cost designated for acquisition is beyond • the means of reasonable financing. If in fact your Planned linit Development were to be altered to the extent of increasing the number of private units or to increase the amount of land shared in common with the 73 units, financing �isht be possible. ' However, those alternatives, as you explained, are not feasible as far as the Dayton 's Blufi Com�nunity or nore importantly, the adjoining residents are concerned. As I see it, the only reraining solutien is to recuce the cest ' of the land in proportion to tne smoun� o� l���d desienated :cr priv�te housing. S:�ould ,�ou be succes=�u1 i� re�ucing ��our la^c accuisition price to a rore feasible fioure c.•e at '.•filier & Sci:roec�r �.�ill find a way to get your project off the greu�d. Please feel free to gi�e �e a call if I can be cf an�� �ssistance. S�.�cerel}• , , �� � . �j' �'�'�,�%��ji�'i . ' �'=��``�i'� � � � N ;•`,ahon G�c:�e R. ,c . _n�-�cia1 Consultant . . • :,,., , : � . ' � ; � • ; . �,..� . . ��;, �?'� '��.- . i j? �! i 3 � � � � (.:' `., '.� � � �i,`.':� FA.F�1~ .q Y.� M� . � T � � �'.� :� �� � `` Af1D TRUST �: � .�,i �s� ::� :,3 I '� i September 6, T983 �� - . ;' >� :s Nir , Peter D. Valenty, President E��= Old Harding Place, Inc. f`3 2200 North Central Life Tower 44.`r i•:1�iutEBUta St. �;:� St. Paul, Mn 55101 rj f%' :�j Mr. Valenty, ' ~', Thank you for �iving Union Bank and.Trust Company �n opportunity to be ��� part of your development. It is a ver� unioue proposal �:ith many advantages. �'; ;'; � Your current commitment for such a l,arge amount of land dedicated to �` open spaces and the community center, le2ves the residential portion `•'.� - (which is about one third of the total area) to bear the cost of the ' ' entire land acquisition. The ability of the nunber of proposed units to ;�: beaz this amount of debt is questionable. I an not suggesting that you in— ^`j crease the number of units, because this would alter the project. It is ��� just that you are purchasing approximately nine acres and then dedicating r��' almost six acres of. that to open spaces and community services through r;; the Planned Unit Development procedure. This makes the land unusable for �= any other purpose, greatly limiting its saleability and therefore its �?. mortoageability. R.� Should you find a way to remedy. this situation, please contact me so we ' can continue our efforts to provide financing for ;our project. f Sincere�y, � ,'' , � L� � ' � 4��,�V � � J.- � � Melvin A. Krech � _� Rea1 Estate Loan Officer . . � . � :3 �� � = ;_� I��/= ; r ' � . I � f , �, .. � , . ' - . �- !�� ��/-a3�r � flei ghborhood Partnershi p Program � � PED USE 4t�LY Dept. Planning & Economic Development Planning Distri•ct � Code t�o. 25 W. 4th Street � Planner-in-Charge ��u�� . St. Paul , Ptinn, 55102 Technical Support BR D H P �j� - (612)292-1577 ' Other � CD Non CD �/ - � ., i �� , � i�LC�t°'4:'�'�_'''� '' • ' . � � . r �� . . �. . " NPP APPLICA7ION . � . PLEASE PRIf�T OR TYPc � . _' . pROJECT NAt�1E• St. Anthoriy Park Central Area Revitalization . . . . � . , - .. - GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBt4ITTIN6 REQUEST - '�AI•iE:� St. Anthony Park Business �& Housing Coaliti on � HDDRtSS• p•0. Fox 80139 . . , � ' St. Faal � I!�i 5�10� � STREET GITY SiATE ZIP TELEPHONE: �-1695 or 646-8884 - -- DAYTIME CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS,�REQUEST:� - Stexart t�icIntash � ' - � TEL��PNONE: �'''16�5 -- .. . . � �, . . 1 . WNAT IS TIiE PRI��IARY �PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT? � ^he prinary purpose of this pro ject is to er,hance �he busi nesS S�'C2. and incrzase - business activity by makir:g it easier fo= residents� especiali;; older pexsons� to . use and enjoy the business area; by allowing the area businesses to exgand �nair � hours into the evening (and hopefully increase the nwnber o� jobs available); and by helping to lower cost to senior citizens of the new church-sponsored housing t�o be built in the neighborhood. — -- - � - ' 2. HOW MUCH NPP t�10NEY- IS, BEING REQUESTED? ; .$, 14'4T.5-00 ;,. WH�`:T IS TNE TOTAL QECLARATIOM QF NEIGHBORHOOQ CONT�IBUTIOt�S? (SEE Pages 6 & 7) 5 1,218,500 ' y � r . . . .. _ ", _ .. .- � 4, tdHAT SPcCTFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? PLEASE LIST. - . � � -- ' _� . _ - . - . . - _. Pedestrian; li�hting `� . � '- .. - - . .. , _. - - • _ Parking bays � . _ � _ . ... . . . _. _._ _ . . - Bus ehelters . '. , ' _. � . - - CL'T'b cuts for handicapped access _ __ _ . Sidekalk pa�fing (brick) . �. � � � Flante�s and street furniture � . Se�.er connector • 19 �-:ousing Units for senior citizens Connezcial rehabilitation including such itens as roofs� hea�in� glants� o�fice r2riovatio:�� building addition for business expan�ion, signage* painting and carpeting. . ' - • • • �� �;PP APPLICATION, Paqe 2 PROJECT NA��iE St. �:nthor.y rark Central �:rea ' ~Revi',.a lization� 5. tdNAT hEEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACH OF THE PROJECT`S PROPOSED ACTIVI�IES (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSIBLE, REFEREP�CE NEEDS FROM EITHER A CIiYt�!IDE PLAN, DISTRICT � PLAN, DISTRICT COUNCIL ANNUAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATION, GO�LS OR OTHER DOCUt•1Et�TA7I0N. T'he proposal d�.rectly addresses a number of ob jectives �nd reconme:�czti o:?s in t�:e . District 12 General District'Plan and Housing Develogrent Plan: --Provide for and encourage the orderly �ro�th and revil�a.b?ization af local retzil ar�d bu�iness services focused to meet existing and project n�arket nen�r.ds. --�r.eourage housing developments that enhance diverstty and choice as oppo:tunities ' for nek• development arise. --Rezone the lots at 2240-2256 Luther Place to R�i-]. for elderly hous�*?g if neede3. . --Fronote bouleva.rd tree replacement .. --Provide for safe pedestrian access and crossin�s throa�hout the district: --Provide smooth & uninterrupted street sur;aces� sidewal:s and c�.:rbs on all distric� s�re --Frovide an adequate nwraber of bus shelters in� the comr�:uni�y. 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJECT INTE��D TO DIRECTLY CREATE A hSEASUR�;BLE IidCRE��E OF JOBS FOR NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS.? YES NO X . IF YES, DESCRIBE. - _ __ It wi1Z not directly creat an increase but it is hoped that by v�rtue of having the businesses open longer hours due to increased li�hting and other security mea- sures� there will be additional jobs available to residents of the neighbort-iood. , .. • r. -r � . . . . . . . . 7. ATTACH A MAP SHOWING THE PROJECT BOU�dDARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC AREA OR SITE . IS THE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. 8. t�;HO WILL MANAGE THE PROJEC7? 'Ann'��Copeland, Distri c� 12 Cor^mu:�i ty Organiz�r DO THEY HA�E DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN MANAGING SIWiILAR PRO�iECTS? YES Y. c;0 IF YES, DESCRIBE. I;s� Copeland has been C.O. in D-12 for four yzars and is faniliar wi�h St. Paul re�uirements regarding CIB and CDBG projects an3 monies. She t-,as xoxked �ith nei�hbbrhood residents and businesses in planning and carrying out a grar�t proposal fron the riinnesota. Pollution Control Agency that involved sfatirg activities 1�.o be. done, supervising the person responsi.ble for organizing tnem, planning a budget _ and keeping records of money spent, meeting report deadlines, and doning a final evaluation. She has also worked With the various- ci�y ae�art�«en�s��cn street and lign�ing Hork so that she knoxs the personnel� and procedurss tt�at�will be inro2vzd. °. tdILL THE PROPOSED PROJECT BE TIED OR COORDINATED t�JITH ANY OTHER PROJECT OR PROGRAP�i (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? YES X NO . IF YES, DESC�IBE, The Luther Flace Housing Corpora.tion is planning a 19 unit housin� cievelopa:�ent for senior citizens. Approximately �25,000 of the I��P monies �ill be used for � connector to the sewer on Como Avenue. This amount �ri].1 �e deducted iro�t the • unit expens� to help keep the prices as low �.s possible. T".�e pro�ect is being :?a.»i:ed by the members of the St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church. ��r'P �APPLICATIOfd, Page 3 � PROJECT NAl�tE St, i.lvThony Fark Central Arga , � . . . • � �vlta iza on 10. IdILL THIS PROJECT BE COMPLETEQ IN 2 YRS.? YES � h0 IF t�(QT, �EXPL4It� NO:t�I7 � WILL BECO��{E SELF-SUSTAINI�6 4lITHOUT FURTHER NPP FU�DIt�G? � . . , ' • ' � , . 11 . �dILL TNIS PROJECT RESULT IN INCREASED t��AINTEhANCE At�Q OPEP.ATING COSTS FOP. INc CITY? YES tr'0 Y. . IF YES, EXPLAIN HOW THE P�OJECT 411LL PRIVATELY �l�Y �OR THGS� COSTS. There will be no ad3itional maintenance costs to tt-,e city �ec�c:se oA th:s nro ject, In the preliminary diseussions about this prcposa.l, the loca]. merchan�s ;^�ave agreed to have the new. li�hts attz�hed to their r�eters, T}:ey h0.ve also agr�ed to absorb - -- the costs of maintanance to the p�blic in,provenents� 12. HO'rJ k'ILL THE PROJECT BE�cFI7 L01J F,ND t��ODEFATt IPdCO�;c HO��tHOLDS? - • The 19 units of senior housing will accomrnodat� moderate =n�or�e senior ci�iz�ns in • the neighborhood who want to move out of larger hones that a.�e expensive to hea� and naintain on iixed retirement i.ncomes. It will a�so o�.en up those hores to _ . _ . younger families. �3, rOt�� WiLI t�EIGHBORH00D CITIZEPd PARTICIPAiIOt� SE FOSi�RED �URiE�:G ��cO�=CT G���!Or►'•�c;;E A'�.D iifPLEh1ENTA7I0N? Freliminary discussions of this project have been he?d witn �he busine�s ar.3 professior�al �.ssociation to obta.in their agreerr,ent to and endorsem�n4 of this prcpasal. The project has also been discussed xith the Luther Flace housing Corp. ar,d with the �istrict 1� Cor�.nTanity Council. As the pro ject proceeds, the r�Ei�hbornood will be iur�:�er �nfarned throu�h persan�.l letters to contingent properties; articles in the PAF.K hL'GL�; �he ,ont�ly mee�:inos of the business associa�ion, the St. Antro::y P2?°k Asscc�a�ior�, and the �istrict 12 Council; ar.d a Distr?ct 12 To�n r:eeting w�,en specffic p14ns are avai2- abie for r�sz dents to see and cor.:;r;ent upor.. ��;, DOES A P20JECT PLA�f�I PdG COh'iMI TTEE EXI ST? YES X P�0 I F YES , I�cF;T i FY ►�-!E I��!igER �iIP �es��en� = t�; merc�:ar�t = !:; housing corporation = F:C Ster,�.?"t I•;cIntosh� M�R . . Joe i•:ichels, l�i�R ?ichard Slirtd, i'�R t;arvin Cha�,gle, 2�i ' . Glen S'�avholt� HC, R �;oo�row '�horstenson� HC�R Cyn�;'r,`:.a Ahlgren� HC� I� � tiPP �PPLICATION, Page 4 ' PROJECT NAt•tE St. Antho:�y P�rk Cen�ral Erea . , ' � - � P,evi�,alization 15. t•;ILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER THE RETURNIP�G OF t�PP FUhDS TO THE �P;EIGHBOP.N�OD � � PARTPJERSHIP PROGRAP1 OR TNf RECYCLItr'G OF P�PP FUNDS tJITHII� THE PROJECT? YES t�;(��. � IF YES, DESCRIBE. ' - , 1�. COt•iPLETE PROGRAM ACTIVITY A(�D BUDGET FORh�S PAGES 5 At�D 8. . . . . r - - � , - Ann Copeland � Cor�.munity Or��.nizQr D�ce*�ber 1� 3983 " SIGNATU E 0 INDIVI AL � TYPED NAME � TiTLE OR ROLE DATE COhiPLE IPdG APPLICATION � ' � � • . � � Stewart 1'cIntosh Presi�?e_�t P n^'���=�-�.9�3 . IG���ATURE F CHIEF OFF C R TYPED P�AC�E i ITLE OR P.OLE DA►� - . OR RESIDENT St. tin�hony Fark . . _ � ' � � � � � � � nusiness & Professional Assn. . . . ' • .. . . � z � F-� F-� �-' �O � � O� Vs �' W fV H . A "7 N F-+ p . . . . . . . . . � � _ . . t p Cy C] F-� (n Cd (!) �± �'.� tiJ h7 A 'b -�' '� ' . N O �O E' Y' fD w F-� C SU � (D � �'�' 'C N . � R� o � � G� N H K c�. -� r w � �' c� �G m a � x' a� c� ��°, '-< Oq fD O t O ►i Ul c+ G� t� U► n � K � s� r-� � cs � � o �+- � a ►+ N 1-+ (D f] ' N K m � G r-f , � K F-� . S9 � � � � R� (�D P� N � fi O H J. O x � � co oa � �e ,..y �: � z K � < :. � v� u, . cn o � �* • m � F�+�, N cr R� c+ K ►" � � sv W c~i- GG K d � � � � m � G� 4� C c�* � t`� -s ' F-� ►� � t-� . R. � �'+ t7'� � o a cu F-n w �a � K < � a �' . � N � H � �:. � � r� c� � a r- � !-i �"N x � Y ._. . K O . N cK'� W o ?�.' i�t+ n f.,. � cD • fi N F'� tfl N - - - � � � ' _ — � � - • O F-� F� F-� FJ N F-� �Np F� i-� 1-� F� F-� � � O�� � � p W p � OD � � � � �`W � n • �" V� ln ln ln � -- ln ln ln Vt lh lt�.._ C� ci- - . � . . `.'. J� J� � Q J• ' � � . � � � � � � � . . ! � � ►d c� � �-+ x ti c� c� t� � n �; c� n r� c� d � � � c� o m � o � o o ►� o o a o o ►b � � �, p ti � K rz � �+ w w � K w � w w �� �; � F-' A F� U1 � t-' F-+ cD !-' F-' N � F'� �' < F� N �+ F-'' fA F'` fA W N� � � f'f t" c+ W F� � �'i F+ c+ c�- c+ c�- c+ c+ � � � -' r� � a oa o w K W �# ►� N- �. � N � C] F�-+ � � � � � � � � � �+ fD � . R� ~ b c�o < R� �. R� � � � — . . � ! ;r. z a � � � • ~ F"' � .�• 1-.' f c-!� et- � � • p O �. � \ c 0 Y � c�t �' N � O O O O O � � • � 4 F-'� 1 N O i � � I �A � O VNi F-� lNi+ W N O W N W � I F._+ •. � . . � . . . � ` � � � 0 0 0 o v� a o � o o � -v � ;= o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o cs. -o � �� O O O O O O O O O O v� O O - . , , , 5 . con ° d _ t --Provide sPCUre and attended hicycle �arking at a�nropriat? '�ocations . --Develop and maintain a socially and econ�nically balanc�d district which . can accommodatP a variety of business and f�mily t���s , offeri�ng a full range of choice , and allor:ir,g ►`or gro�:t� , cFange , and expansion over tir�e . ��PP�APPLIC;�TIOPd, Page 6 . � PROJECT fr'AtaE Revit�li�ation , . _ ,� NEIGHBORHOOD CO��TRIBUTIONS DECLARATIOH 1 . ESTIi•�Ai ED COtih1ERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL � ,� � It�PROVEt�1ENTS: . � ' . 11 � ` NUi•iBER OF PARTICIPANTS ' � ` A1'ERAGE INVEST�dENT PER PARTICIPANT � c� - � . TOTAL I NVES i F1Et�T EQUALS $ 178�OCO 2: ' ESTI!•tATED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL I I•iPr20VEMENTS: � �UIi5ER OF PARTICIPANTS • AVERAGE It�VESTt�SENT PER PARTICIPP,fJT TO�AL I PJVESTI•�ENT EQUALS � 3, t�Elti' COMI�ERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: ' '" SITE (a) S-�, .P.nthony Assoc. Bldg • ESTItf�ATED M�4'�c���,�A`E�c cos $ 40,000 SITE (b} ' " ESTI�rATED NARKET VALUE S � � TOTAL ���RKET VALUE 5 40�ooa �. NEW RESIDENT?AL DEVELOPMENT: _ SITE (a ) Lulther Place uousing r . EST I hiA.��D,;�$��F�a'l�'.��.`�}fX CCST S 1,SZ�0-s?�o SITE (b) ESTIf•SATED t�'�ARKET VALl1E 5 TOTAL ��t���X��� S 1�000,00� _ investnent 5, tSTif:4TED IN-KIND-SERVICES (OFFICE SPhCE, EQUI����tNT, SER'!ICES; : SOURCE'AtJD TYPE l . ; s 2. . 5 3, S 7. ESTIiiAicD VOLUNTEER LABOR; � �dU�i�ER OF VQLUPJTEERS AVERAGE NOURS/VOLUhTEER - TOTF�L NOURS x S10/nr. EQUALS $ : 7. ESTIiiATED S41EAT EQUITY: �� NUi�BER 4F PARTICI PANTS 2 ,AVtP.AGE HOURS/PARTICIPANT �> TOTAL HOURS TOTAL HOURS x $10/hr. EQUALS � 500 td^a ."."PLICl�TIO��, Page 7 . � . PROJECT ��lAtiE �evit,�.liza�ion � 3. ESTIt�ATED CASH DONATIONS: SOURCE 1 . � 3. � t 9, kIJTICI?ATED FOUNDATION GRANTS: FOU��DATIOh(s) 1 . � � � - 2, S i0. OTHER: EXPLAIN � . ES7I1�1ATED VALUE S TOTAL NEiGHBORH00D COidTRIBUTIONS DECLARRTiON $ 1,218,500 11 , 4JHAT cVIDEP�CE IS THERE ThAT THE A50V� DE�LAKr1►i4idS P,R� P.�A!ISTIC? . , The merchants and other. groups were polled and 'nave given� w-ritten or• verba.]. estimates of the cost of the projects they plan. To guard a�ainst ove�-optimi�m� _. _. the figtitres they gave were reduced by at least 20 p�rcent. . �, � ' t��P APPLICATION, Page. 8 � � Project hla�e �evitaJl�za�ion _ _ . . - - � Project Budget: Itemize use of NPP Funds . ' Requested PED � Cost Category NPP Funds Use Only l . Personnel Salaries* ' 2. Consultant & Contract Services 3. Rehabilitation . 4. Design -- ��,�C� . 5. Construction 1}t�54C 6. Equipment � ' �� 7. Acquisition 8. R�location . 9. Demolition I - 10. Other ( * list � � 11 . : . : _ ._ :_ . . ... - � 12. " � . 13. 14. � t f � 15. I i i 16. � + i 17. . 18. 19. - � 20_ '� � i i 2� . 'v 22. � u 23. I � � Total 4 1�4,500 5_ *Attach Job Descriptions - If needed, use lines 11 -23 to ite�r�ze cateaories 1-9. J _ - � '` a � � - - — - ---� ° Q i-L-� v -V .v --�- � r , � � ' ��.., _..� .�.. � � �/ � -- - �u _Q_ .�' • � r O � O � O G O � � � � � � O •�7 - - - -�-� � [3 � �- ' - r� , � o a � D o� . Q o e C� o � � �COURRAY � • - - - • f�flGH � . [� S-62 i O � C� � O � (� , � O ' �' � - r - � � LUTHER THEOLOG/CAL ��' � ' 0 � SEM/NARY � �j. O i O , Q /'� . � O ' --- � - �, p � � � � _ _ -- : , � `,�� � --�O ---�- -- -� � 0\�� �p � •'� �`t►`" \ d� �� ` � ; ' � `� � � \ O � , � . \ O . � O .� � • � �} • �--� � 0 � . � Q = � , ' � t � • . �� Q 4 0 ,' �, � t � � ` � O ► �1 ', Q O � ` �` '/ � r � ` > ' Q �`J � 0 i, ,''� . � � , � . ♦ v �- � ` � �' b o 0 0 � ''�-� '�' � ° � _ � , � ; O �, (' ,, � o � t . , - - ,,, ,, , , , � � . � � � p � , �_ � � c• � O �` `� . Q .� ` � � � r �� � � ` � fl� �`` _� � � ' �� �° �� � P O � � - - .- . � o ,� O — � � Q ��_. � ` � � Q • � t��s b,,' � l � �� O o , . o �� ' `:, ~`"� t � '�o � \ � O � �� � , . �_�-- - ` `` � ��-•{ � \��` � C• '. 1,,� � „ � '�� o o \ � �, o ��, � o G o�� . ( � O 0 � ��51� t� ��1 •�` � `� � �� � �i O_. � � 'O �� � �� ' . .� � _��" -� - a°, o ° � , , o \� o � _o _�< - :, - . C� ,.�.� � � n , , . � � ��.�as� �_ichborhood Partnership Program - PED USE C�;LY �:pt , Planning & Econonic Dc•relop�nent Plarning Distri'ct /� Code �,o . 'S l,'. 4��h Street Planner-in-C�.arge Tr� -.r .�1� �� . Fa ul , ISi nn. 55102 Techni ca 1 Suppo rt 8R D H ��' ;612)292-1577 O�ner "-r J �� 1 ��� CD I�on CD c/ F„= �,`��`� � L', .` NFP AP�LICAiION - PLtASE PRI�i OR TYPE . . '=-�J�CT f�AP�iE: East Grand Avenue Com�nercial �rea I��nro•�e�e�:s . — ; . ��.vUP 0� ORGA1�'IZATI01� SU311ITTI��'G REQUEST ' . �;.,,-� , �r2nd A��enue Bus�ness Asscc . ar.�d Su :�:^�_� Hi11 ^,�scc . - -- -c - � .'.�DRESS : 928 Lincoln St . ?aul ;'ir.r.eso�� ;�10; STREET CITY ST�iE �i? - LEPHO�E; 222 -1222 ' ` �A'iT I i'�� CO'�TACT PERSOh FOR THIS REQUEST: r�uth Arms�'i.T'O:'?= ItLEh'^���E : 2�� _., ;�; 1 , tdNAT IS THE PRIl�ARY PURPOSE OF THE PROJEC7? . The Droject will improve the Grand Avenue stree�sc��° =�°� c=�'�'°°'": �a�e znd Victoria. These improvsm�nts will include 1 ) s���e; �-_�:���r__ c�signed to highlight �he cor*:nercial areas ; � ) sh�de tr°es t� =ii 1 �r. �-..�s� left by elm remcval ; ar.d 3 ) �build�::g �acadE ar:d s�V�� �:':_ _ o-:° �,,-':�,s ;_� o;,; the individuzl busine�ses . '�'here ��ill be or�e ne�.� bui_' cin= �::d ���o �r.aj or facade reconstructions in addition �o snaller _rci•��_�1uG1 sr o� :�-:;�rc��e- :r:e�ts. These changes will implement part of the plan cra��:� ::� ��� �ne �rand � o �-� , � �� =y= w:-:o1= �lar �ven�ie !ask Fcrce , Summer 1 ,83 , and will be a major s �..;, �c��G_ .. �::., �cr::�le�ion . 2 . �HOId fiUCN hPP IfO��EY IS BEItyG REQUESTED? C� 25�, 000 _ ;, 4,HAT IS THE TOTAL DECLARATION OF I�EIGH80P.HOOD CONTRIBUTI0I�S? S 1 , �L�L�00 (SEE Pages 6 & 7) � , IdNAT SPEC�IFIC PROJECT ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED? P�EASE L?ST. � Grotto Associates Building '��rrill Lynch Realty Buildir.g �ara Co�,:�any �uiiding , �-:ayber .?sscc . : �C i.02'_2 CI'O�5?11� P2rlk�na I.,OT, _ _ � v =�c�c� and si��: ;r:,rrove-°n�s �y s...__,er cus,..ess� - , -__-'�%--- � _ �"'� _.- c .,,...,.���.*..ents cy Grander.aa�e ✓r:;ar�.�cy a:-�n „-�s ..� �__ . . _. _ _ - - - -. �- � . !r?j p'�•:!2'_: � S , a r._ L�i�t�2 r.v b i g � �='O'. ..��c;:�S ...:° � l,::,� ,. '�_ -_ � - - - -- - � �._, �101 �E _Ii.��,1Q�d �71 t.r' _S ��r�� arL . _ C _ � V ^ 1= jS d� CC:':^�''_'C=c.1 ?":��u°S G"c l�JA �i.T'cE� ��1 � � _ .. .�1�' :c.:C �1'2E5 �O _ 11 l �;Z c�;,,�S . c I��P I;FFLICATIOfJ, P�ae 2 � PROJECT �ta!'�E r.. �rar.d Cc�.:,:;erciai I � •ov 5. ���HA7 r�EEDS ARE BEING DIRECTLY ADDRESSED BY EACN OF THE PROJECT 'S PROPOSED ACTIVITIES (QUESTION 4)? IF POSSi6LE, REFERE�EN PARTICIPATIONTGOALS ORTOTH�R DOCUI��EDTATIONT PIAN, QISTRICT COUi�CIL ANNUAL CITIZ The developments of Grotto Assoc: and Hayber' Assoc . will renovate two existing structures , creating two new retail/office complexes . t�errill . Lyncl: build•ing will better serve an existing area • business . Light�ing. trees � si�n and facade improvements will er.hance �he er.tire area. Parking �ot improvement will create new parking and imgreve traffic flow . All this is in accord with the Grand Aven'ue Task Force Report .co„�ple�ed in the Sur�mer of 1983 • ' 6. DOES THE PROPOSED PROJEC7 INTEND TO DIRECTLY CREATE A I'�EASURABLE IRCREASE OF JOBS FOR i�EIGKBORH00D RESIDENTS? YES x NO . IF YES, DESCRIBE. Both the Grotto Assoc . a.nd Hayber Assoc . retail/eifice complexes at Grotto and at Victoria will create a substantial r.umber ef nei�: jobs . Offices , shops , and restaurznts will replace a large empty building and the Ope'rz Company Building that was being used inefficiently for s�;t stor�.ge and building, i . e . few jobs , l�ts ef space . 7. ATTkCH A t�IAP SNOWING THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES IF A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC P.REA OR SITE . ' ZS THE FOCUS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES. 8. 1�;H0 �lILL �"iANAGE 7HE PROJECT? A committee ( see ' item 14 ) staffed bv GkBA and SHA DO THEY HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN MAN IN SII�ILAR PROJECTS? YES x �0 IF YES, DESCRIBE. . Three members of the committee are commercial developers , three are businessmen in the area, and one member is a real e�iate agent. All have some experience in similar projects . � t�lILL TNE PP.OPOSED FROJECI BE TIED OR COOP,DIfd.=±IED 1�!ITH A��Y OTHER P�OJ�CT OK PROGRr^-;1�1 (FU�i.IC OR PRIVATE? YES x tv0 IF YES; �`ESCRIBE , � •;;�� �-: ::� �or.ed develop�:;e:^ �s o� Gro�to ..�soci= ��s �- _^e previo _y e ;, • -u �.... • �_ �.:�Cl 2„d Gro '��O, �';S j'�DET' r�.SSCC1.�i.ES 2.� . :�C�02'1c c.;-i�Mr�-�nr + �IZE "',.~r,� Lynch �u�id�no �.t 825 Grand . APr'LIC�TIOt�, Page 3 PROJECT t1R11E �• �='ar.d Co-�:�:erc:al Improve . . , �O. t,�ILI THIS PROJECT BE COhtPLETED IN 2 YRS.? YES X i�0 IF r;OT , E'i,?LAIt� HC:! IT IdILL BEC01•tE SELF-SUSTAINIt�G 1dITH0UT FURTHER t�PP FUNDI��G? � � 11 . WiLL THIS PROJECT RESULT IN I��CREASED t�1AIfdTE�;A�CE Af�D OPE��TIr�G COSTS =0R T�E CITY? 1'cS P;0 X IF YES , EXPLkIN HObJ THE PP,OJECT 1dILL PRI,�kiEl.Y P�Y FGR THOSE COSTS. Property okTners or business ok�ners will pay for mair.tenar.ce �nd operating co�� of both lighting and trees . 12. HOW WIIL T�E PROJECT BENEFIT LOIJ AND �SODERAiE II�C01•1E HOUSEHOLDS? ^iany of the newly created jobs will be unskilled or se�i-s�illed i�! the new effices and retail outlets . , i3, HOk WILL n'EIG!iBORH00D CITIZEt� PARTICIPATIOP� BE FOSTERED DURII�G pDOJECT DEVELOP?�1E�T Af�D It1iPLEt•iE��f7ATI0N? As .a combined commercial and resider.tial area , Grand �.verue r.as traditionally maintained z high level of cooperation bet�.��en ine ne�g�borhood people and the business community. These plar,s have been a jo�r.t effort ; the implementation will be as well . � I F 1'ES , I G�'�i i =Y THt ;� � , D0�5 A P�OJECT PLAttI�II�G C011,;ITTEE EXIST? YES ,: t�0 I,�����RSHIP. . G�==. ::�embers : Don Bober, Jim Solum, .Irer.e deVir.ney , a~:.:. �_... '.'--1er . L �� � H �c :'a::cy �c�,•:�e; , �:�d �" ' ���:::ers : Peggy indoo , Bob Casselnar.� , :.a=:r �- J' , � �-- .. .. -.���h ?;rT�s�ro.^.g - • �.::.. _s U::thmer. , Gro�to As°ociates ;a-. =:���er � ;;ayber Associates - ':F? ;PPLICATION, Page 4 • PROJECT fdkf'E �•Grar.d Co�r:r�erc_al ?�.r,ro•:e �)5, l,'ILL THE PROJECT RESULT IN EITHER TF{E RETURt�If�1G OF NPP FUI�DS TO THE �h;EIGHBOP,NOOD PARTtr'ERSHIP PROGRAM OR THE RECYCLING OF NPP FUNDS t�ITHIId THE PROJECT? YES P,OX IF YES, OESCRIBE. � � �6, C01�1PLETE PROGRAM ACTIVITY A��D BUDGET FOR1�1S r�GES 5 Af�D 8. , SHA/ RLth Armstrong Dist 16 CO 12/01 /83 S1G� tURE OF I�DIVIDUA TYPED NAhSE TITLE OR ROLE D,4TE C PLETI�! PPLICATION � , /� Don Bober Pres . GAB� 12/01 /83� �� l �S ,nP�T! E O CH EF OFF CE TYPED NA►��E TITLE O� ROLE DkTE R PRESIDE�lf _ �.\ ;,,�-��C��'•; C-C_-s�/�ti- L•�e l a n d L a r s c n �r e s . S?'A 12/01 /8 3 ��� . _ J . , . . . . • > . ' • OG � � Vi � �. W N � n - � v � `-' `'� �"' � � � - /� � m (D '-i • �„J� Fi (� Y' F�� �• � . � � �� � . � � . n � � � '(D `.3 �D ���D �1 i� ��'�' Q' • "� C+ �• r- CJ N• Ci- fJ .-•. C� (D (D (D CD Q• (D y ? 'L3 'C (D 'C V1 C+ N CD CO I-�' '"S � � za � 'i �. V-' c+ c+ c+ 3 t'i r* -� A� (D c� fn f-+ . • N. • 'b . 9 > tD ..�+. o .-.. - �.� a c�-+ oJo a� w�d rn o v�i `< " �. � z �,. � �s < o � o . � N. .�.r� ca� c+ c� o c� cn � �, � `'' — c�• � m m OC F'• < a F-'• � p `� � c" . 3 � m m - ta� �m �cn � � a �� O t-� c+ c+ • 1J oU � g N � � � � c� r , C � . . {�. �. O cD O c�" � p� ¢ • � O J ` � O U� Ln . F'� V� � CT I-� F'• 1.1� 00 C� O �i O c+ O F'' �c . � O�Q�N O ! � In � .� f� '"� cD � � �U*� C (D � O . ' CD �G � � � c+ tL ?� = d � `C3 �. �. c� �i �i N• (� cC cu '! f� in C� �7 N ...- � �-; r � cJ� � c+ � OR `�n � N `�� � ~ � p C� CD !!� �' "� � ~ R+ � LA UD C� � {'R f� (D (� �i I-' �-' � �� F�• c+ c@) P� i--' � Q�p � �N� p Cr tA Cb �'� . y � O � � � �� ¢. fD O O 3 0 � � N N. (D Q� � � � (D F� CC � � `� Sv � • K tn N �..� . �CD � � . . � (D .' N t") • � G � S� � � � N' Q% � g � � � F-� F-' � � c+ � � B � � � ~' ~ � � m � :Dfi � cn � • . � �. ..,. ,.� y `�-i � � � � ' p �. ` � � � � � � r+ . . � . 1 j � � �. � � � Q{"� � � � � � � . . � � � � � f"* . � r'� r ('� . d � ` �G n a' n C'� C� "d "d b � � � -s �-i y > o n � � � 8 � F�• f''' C � . < p � � o � O �+ C� c+ � c+ < � p� p � � � n c* g F"i O � f-'• ''i +S� �+ � p� H � c+ P� c+ �' � � � �.� c�r � F�. (� � Q C�' f� N � � c��. c+ c+ 1�• c+ (D c+ _ � � • � � � � � _ � � . � ¢ ¢ r � � . � =4 . — . �..� � � :� .,q � � ('� ? � ^ � �`'* IJ O G � J . C' =C � W D w � p O � �-+� r' � J � ti � �r J O � � � p � o �., I '`; � � � � � p� O CO � ,� _ ^ J. � '� �"-� � �O O O O � � � ��J `� . `/ `/ � �� . I N �. ��. • � � . � . -, _� O O ^ � � � � � � � ,- � • � � � � � � lJ � \i i G � _ ' Q - :� � 2-2 2Z i : ' � . �. (;?P /,PP►_ ICkTI01y, Page 6 �PROJECT �r'At�E �• Grz:-:d Cc�rercial I° • . � . � ' � t�EIGHBORH00D CONTRIBUT301J5 DECLARf;TIOPi ? . ESTItiA7ED COt1hSERCIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPI7AL . IP�PROVEI�ENTS; Facade and sign improvements . See pg. 5 ► • items l� & 5 � NUf•i3ER OF PARTICIPANTS � ' AVERAGE INVESTl��ENT PER PARTICIP NT_ � - TOTAL I�dVESTffEt�T EQUALS 5 ,2 . onn _ �. ESTII•1ATED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FIXED CAPITAL If��PROVEt�+ENTS: ��Uf1BER OF PARTICIPANTS � AI�ERAGE INVESTh1ENT PER PARTICIPANT C�00 TOTAL INVESTI�9ENT EQUALS 5 3, r�EW COMMERCiAL DEVELOPMENT: 3 developments , Grotto Assoc Hayber Assoc , . and Nerrill Lynch. See pg. 5 � SITE (a j items 1 , 2 & 3 ESTIN►ATED 1��ARKET VALUE � , , SITE (b) ' ESTIh1ATED N�ARKE� VALUE � TOTAL htRRY.ET VALUE C 1 , 8CO3 C�00 4. �EW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPt�1Et�T: SITE •(a ) ' � � ESTIt�iATED PiARKET VALUE � SITE (b1 ESTII•1ATED MARKET VALUE � TOTAL f�iARKET VALUE S 000 _ 5. ESTItf'rITED I�l-KIND-SERYICES (OFFICE SPACE, EQUIP�iENT, SER1'ICES) : SOURCE ANO TYPE 1 . Use of Dis� 1 6 and GABA 'offices 5 500 2 , an equiprrent . . S S 3. �, ESi II•��TED VOLUf�TEER LkBOR: �, t�Ul'��cR OF VOLUNTEERS Dist 16 and GABA staff time , A't��RkGE HOURS/VOLUNTEER � � � no rs TOTAL NOURS x $10/hr. EQUALS �, 1 ;+�0 ' . cSi I!�:r.TED SI�;EAT EQUITY: � ��U��BER OF PARTICI PAf�TS h`d�RnGE HOURS/PARTICIPANT TOTAL HOURS `.�;;; ' TOi;L HOURS x S10/rrr. �C�-!%�LS 5 �. APrLICATIOt�, Pa�ge 7 . . PROJECT PtAI��E E. Grand Cc�r..erc_ai i��:;ro�:e.^. - _ , 8. ESTIItATED CASH. DOf�ATI0IJS; • SOURCE 1 . - � C00 2, S — 3, 9 . R��lTICIPATED FO�l�i1DATI0N GRANTS : • � ' 000 FOUI�DATION(s ) 1 . � _ $ 2. ; 0. OTHER:. EXPLAIN � � ESTIt'�TED VALUE 5 TOTAL NEIGHBORNOOD . CO�J7RISUTIOi�S DECLARl�TIOf� $ i , 8�L, 000 11 . �,�HAT EVIDENCE IS THERE 7HA7 TNE A60VE DECLARATIO�lS ARE REALISiIC? . This ir.fermation has been compiled z�ter cateful stu�y by c.o.^..^:��tee r�embers and staff, with the assistznce of the City ?lar?ni�g �epari�er.� . ��FP AFPLICATION, Page 8 rro�ec� 11G,iiC . � �-..� --......-- ----- -..r Pr•oject Budget: Itemize use of NPP Funds . . , . . � Requested PED� Cost Category NPP Funds Use Only l . Personnel Salaries* 2. Consultsnt & Con�ract Services � - � � 3. Rehabilitation . . . ; , 4. Desiqn ' � A - 5. Ccns�ructjon Li hts , trees rates $2 100 . , 6. Equipment � 7 . Acquisition 8. Relocation� � 9. Demolition 10. Other ( * list 11 . Site nrenaration i . e . concrete _ � ��� � or asphalt., remoaal ' $� 00 " 13, Sod purchase and layin� �8 000 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. � 19. � � 20_ 21 . . ' 2 2 . �—� 23. � S �� � �,�r� � ' Total `� `' , `""' _ • �r,t��cn Job Cescri ptions ., • ` , � Tr _ �ced, us� lines 11 -23 to ite�„-� ze cate�oT-� s � -9. . . � � . -- _.._._..__..___�._ ,• � ' I . � _ � ! • � , � � � j �I � � : , , ( � i ' ' � ' I /�� I � � � , � � ' � I � • ' � - � • 1 I � . r ��� � I � � � � , r� � � � � � � � i ! 1 � � I ; • z � � ' ! , ? 1 j � � ' i > � 1 � � ' I • . C � • i I � i i (`--�•1 � I ; ! J I � �! ; ; � . ; . 1 _.; J ; , �, .�— . �;-,� -; � . , - - ---(-,- -�g-- r �� • ��"`�e �-. 6 � __':� � �_ ..-- - � NC .,�� NL .`� r+C �._ ':t ul NL ►�iL \ . . ;�'.P,N D vL �--, NL '-' . !�L u1 � ;1 �� �e gL► ii1 _:.'� �1�;� '_ 8_ '`/�41 � _ . .. '. !~ ._ . �' . 3 . � - -- ---� � �� �. � � � � � -� � _= ` ' -------- -�- . . -, . . . .. ._.. ... . ' - --;. � , 1, i� ' � • , i . , , ,� ; , - I � i �� �T� '> ' � . � t ' � ( � � ; � ! �---, . ' , � � ��: ; � � , ; ; � . � � - -. • ; . � • ; � - - - -- i . , � � , i � � � i i � I I � � ! � � � � . . � _� i � � � � I — .�y � � � -----`----'– - 11 E'..J .. ��.5-, ',/i Y "-`�' _. � " - .. - . • 5-,[E�` l'6�T a ��`�i.,`� `;G,,� �/ � ����� �� " ' r - - � - -_ - ' C f 1�;, � .. . , , . __ . __... ... ' . .._.__ � -- �-�----------� , „� , '', 1 .__ -. _ �-=', � ' .� � . , ; , �� ' . � " ' � � ; . I �. i , c� � : ; , _ : � �. � � � � ��- � ' • � j -._ . . 0 � ; i � � �� '. I i � :�� (. -• 1 ' I - � � �• : • r , �, �: _ _ _ ' � _. ._ � • �-• - � - �' � -- �- Q r - • 1 � / ) � � . J � 3�: __ j. �_ � H� ._. kLv -� �;. ! ��i ' -- l r- G , . • ' - �-- .. �J�" � .� NL ,. . u� _�L ' '' '�• ti�� . - ---- -- ��- � �� -�-� � ,:l ��`'1, t"'_�- I - - --- � ---- -. . � _� - - � � � . - I ' `� ' ; : i `� • , ' , � � � � � ' � � i i j ; � --,_,� ,.� � ; ; ; � ; ,, f-- � � i , ,• ` ��, ! ! I , ' � �- ' 1 �__� _, • J I � • - [� � ` -.' , � . , , /, � i i ' � � ' • � � � � �� � _ � r . � - ✓ � • I2/29/83 Attachnent B �T �y�a�s/ NPP: 2nd Cycle Funding Stipulations 1 . Lower Payne Avenue Residential Improvement Program Recommended fundin.g of $97,500 is only for the Housing/Neighborhood Rehabili- tation portion of the proposal . It is recommended that the East Side Neighbor- hood Development Company reapply to the 3rd cycle of the NPP for the "Owner Built" proposal . 2. Physical Rehabilitation on Payne Avenue Recommended funding of $150,000 is only for program efforts on the stretch of Payne between Minnehaha and Case. 3. Riverview Social/Physica1 Improvement The .West Side Neighbor�hood Housing Services shou1d rent or lease equipment for its crime watch program rather than purchase it. 4. Damage Deposit Loan Program Program guidelines should; � (1_) require that loan recipients pay one-half af the damage deposit; and (2) be restricted to families with two or more children. 5. St. Anthony Park Central Area Revitalization Recommended funding of $100,000 to exclude any funding for the sewer connector to the proposed Luther Place Housing. _ �lT* o, CIT1� OF SAINT PAUL �F ��—°�`5� a� e ° GO~` � 'y OFFICE OF TH�E MAYOR � : � �� 'iii;i'ii`i ; __ � � �a 347 CITY HALL u.. ' SAiNT PAUL, MINNE$OTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR January 17, 1984 Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council 719 City liall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) Funding Recommendations Dear President Tedesco and Members of the City Council : I am pleased to forward for your review and action the funding recommendations for the NPP's second cycle. On January 13, 1984, the Planning Commission re- viewed twelve app1ications and decided to recommend funding for eight� I support these recommendations. The eight projects recommended by the Planning Commission, PED and me are: 1. Lower Payne Avenue Residential Improvement Program; 2. Lower Rice Street Commercial Revitalization; 3. Physica1 Rehabilitation on Payne Avenue; 4. Damage Deposit Loan Fund; 5. Riverview Social/Physical Improvement Proj�ct; 6. Ramsey Hill Association Crime Prevention Program; 7. Sts Anthony Park Central Area Revitalization; and 8. East Grand Avenue Commercial Area Deve1opment. These recommendations are based on a rating system that follows program criteria and also includes recommendations from the Capital Budget Improvement Committee and district councils. The ratings, funding recommendations and in some cases funding stipulations are shown on the sheets attached to the Planning Commission resolution. �� (�iF ��/o?Sr January 17, 1984 Page - 2 - Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council 719 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: NPP Funding Recommendations Selecting eight projects within a budget of $750,000 (six CDBG projects - $500,000; and two CIB projects - $250,000) did require sca1ing back each project's original funding request. Fortunately, the recommended budgets and stipulations leave each funded project in a workable state. I continue to be pleased with the ov�rall response of the neighborhoods and the quality af the NPP applications, and I would urge swift City Council selection of the second cycle projects. If you have questions about project details, you can call James Zdon (7494, ext. 302) of the PED staff. Sincere1y, . r atimer � Mayor . GL:JZ/pmk attachments , . �i= ����s r �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;�,�,,;, OI�`FIC� OF TATC CITY COIINCIL s�s�ua�9ose �'����� D a t e : February 21, 1984 COMM (TT � E RE PORT TO = Sq�nt Paut Cifiy Couhcil F R � M � C o rm m i t t e e O h CITY DEVELOPMENT � TRANSPORTATION C H A I R" Councilman Bob I'letcher Resolution approving funding recommendations for the Neighborhood Partnership Program Second Cycle Funding. At its meeting of February 8, 1984, the City Development Cormnittee recormnended approval of resolution for second cycle funding af Neighborhood Partnership with change in the Damage Deposit Loan Fund to increase funding from $9,000 to $12,000, and with recommendation _ that stipulations as listed in A�tachment B, be dropped. (This matter was referred to Committee on February 2, 1984) . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'i'PAUL„ MINNESOTA 55102 . -+��TY �, CIT�..' OF SAINT PAUL �� ; • �' z OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Q . M p � �11������1 7 3 �� Illl lllil s . � �... � l47 CITY HALL . SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55]02 GEORGE LATIb1ER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR January I7, 1984 - '��-����i��-.'��1;� 'J A N 2 419�4 � Council President Vic�or Tedesco a�d Members of the Ci�y Council COUNC1L.JvIA1V kUEiEttl fi.tl'CHEN� 719 City Hail Saint Pau1 , Minnesota 557.02 RE: Neighborhaad Par�nership Program (NPP) Funding Recommendations Dear President Tedesco and Members of the Gity Council : I am pleased to forward for your review and action the funding recommer�dations for the NPP's second cyc1e. On January 13, 1984s the Plannfing Commission re- viewed twelve applications and decided to recommend funding for eight. Y suppar� these recommendations. . The eight projects recommended by the Planning Commission, PED and me are: 1. Lower Payne Avenue Residential lmprovement Program; . . 2. Lower Rice Street Commercial Revitalizations � 3. Physical Rehabilitation on Payne Avenue; 4, Damage Deposit Loan Fund; 5. Riverview Socia1/Physicai Improvemen� Project; 6. Ramsey Hi11 Association Crime Prevenfiion Program; 7. St. Anthony Park Central Area Revi�alization; and 8, East Grand Avenue Commercial Area Development.' These recommendations are based on a rating system that follows program criteria and also includes recommendations from the Capital Budget� Improvement Committee and district councils . The ratings, funding recommendations and in some cases funding stipulations are shown on the shee�s �ttached to the Planning Commissior� resolution . , ' January 17, 1984 Page - 2 - Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council 719 City Hall - Saint Paul , hfinnesota 55102 RE: NPP Funding Recommendations Selecting eight projects within a budget of $750,000 (six CDBG projects - $50�,000; and two CIB projects - $250,000) did require sca1ing back each project's original funding request. Fortunately, the recommended budgets and stipulations leave each funded project in a workable sta�e� I continue to be pleased with the overal1 response of the neighborhoods and t{te quality of the NPP applications, and I would urge s�if� City Council se1ec�tion of the second cycle projects. . If you have questions about project details, you can call James Zdon (7�49�, ext. 302) of the PEO staff. Sincerely, � � r atimer � Mayor . � . GL:JZ/pmk attachments MHITE - CITV CLERK � . � �1NK - FINwNCE � � � � 7� � COUflCll � �ANARY�-. DEPAqTMENT . . � � G 1 TY O F SA I NT PA U L File N O. �LUE -MAYOH . . . � . G'ou�cil .�Zeso��tio� �resented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on February 24, 1983, the S�. Paul City Council approved the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) , C.F. 270893; and WHEREAS, the purpase of the NPP is to improve the ecanomiG, physical , and environment�l conditions in St. Paul 's neighbarhoods by a1lowing neighborhood residents , businesses and property owners to define needs and develop neighborhood programs to meet their needs; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Econom�c Development (PED) has received twelve NPP applications for the second cyc1e of the NPP; and WHEREAS, PED, the P1anning Commission, Capi�a1 Improvement Budget Commit�ee, and the Mayor have evaluated the twelve applica�ions and forwarded their recorr�nnendations �o �he City Counci1 ; and _ WHEREAS, approval of projects at this point means the projects have five moi�ths to work with PED to develop detailed agreements about what each partner will do; nowy therefore, be i t . ... RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Counci1 approves the furrding priorities and budgets for eight projects as shown on Attachmen� A (dated 12/29/83) , and the funding stipulations on Attachment B �dated 12/29/83) and , be it . . FURTHER RESOLVED, that �he Saint Paul City Counci1 wis�(�es to extend its . � . appreciation to a11 the app1icants for their time and effort in developing proposals for the second cycle o�F the Neighborhood Par�Cnership Program. a COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays '" Fletcher Galles Ifl F8V0[ Masanz Nlcosla � + . scne�bei Against BY 7adesco Wllson . Form Approv Cit ttorn �dopted by Council: Date :ertified Passed by Cuunc.il Secretary BY f3}• _ ^ � a- ---� -� �.-+ -' �o q v Qi Cn W W .N _, .-+ �n 2� � i � O . . . . . i i . . • rn � N N • • J� .P r r.� J. � n c, -� m N � r m m o � � o v r r C �-* u, fl, �-t. �.. a a � -� a, .�• w �- o o p <+ � cn � . p � c --i � cn o n -v � �-+ < 3 0 '� � L •-� � G? -v o� _. r-i- r� 'S O A, r-h �D � 'S N � N Q, � N ('D N � fD "'S n 'm � D -v o -s n �n � o = ro � � -s cn -�• < -s v � � o c� �-+ � -s � J. J. Q � a < '< -' J � v c� -�• -s -s c�• ^ � -s -s �-r o -s n -� n. � �• � rn o • a a �+ � o � o �o a -� a w .� c�. a, Q. .�. � � c� n.' � _ < � o � -, n, �. < a � c� I �7 J -' O (D : C Ct Q J. ct �. f7t � �D � -' C1 �D �G I �D C+ � n. � � n � -{ w p � �. -� � -� r� � .�. rp � � � � �n D�G c+ a 3 -' ro •� o � `o tn o � n+ ro m �'* z -, c � -s v+ r-r � c� rn < � � o �n D �- a tn � �+ a � ci � < ro -v -�• � D ro � D c+ � -�• < a c-r c-r c+ y � �. Q. 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"S z N � �0 (J� Q1 CJ'1 O -' N W N tJ� CT7 W -'. � (Il .. .. � �. .. .. .. .. u C+ < O O Cn O N v O � W O O O O f'� a✓ 0 • O O O O O O O � tD . O O O �' �'}' � O O O O O O O O O �A O O O � � O � O Q � a � . � p O � � � V.� n� , p (� tv W W (D N N N N W W W W W J� O c-r J� .A G -� U'i O� 00 N -A c.r't (Ji t0 O � -�' (D . . fD � I �� U'� (,Tl N �U O I � f� . � c-+ . ? e� N N N � C �D • O' Q' -1 r+ c-h C") p O O O -� r+ �'�' � ' y a a r+ r -� -� �n � __�. -� c,� tr�r �.r� ru v iv J J c.n � � -� Tt c� Ut U'� Cn J � '' COI� N -' :T J� :D C O O O O O O tT� U'� �A �l �.D O v v � � L � O O O O O O O O Cn O O O cTi --'• �D J O O O O O O 1 1 I t O O � O O O � _ O O O O O O OI O O O O O O O O O O O. * I 1 t 1 �F 7F 7f �} �D �. , . . ' `'_..«...._,_ ..._.. . ��. � Attachi��ent B � � NpP: 2nd Cycle Funding Stipulations 1 . Lower Payne Avenue Residential Improvement Program Recommended funding of �97 ,500 is only for the Housing/Neighborhood Rehabili- tation portion of the proposal . It is recommended that the East Side t�eighbor- hood Development Company reapply to the 3rd cycle of the NPP for the "Owner Built" proposal . 2 . Phy5lCal Ri.-1�i�bilitation on Payne Avenu� ' Recomm�_�r�dcd i-u�iding of �150,U00 is or�ly for program efforts on the stretch of Payne bct�•reen Minnehaha and Case. 3. Riverview Social/Physical Improvement The West Side Neighborhood Housing Services should rent or lease equipment for its crime watch program rather than purchase it. 4. Damage Deposit Loan Program � � Program guidelines should; (1 ) require that loan recipients pay one-half of the damage deposit; and (2) be restricted to famil.ies with two or more children. . 5. St. Anthony Park Central Area Revitalization � Recommended funding of �100,000 to exclude any funding for the se�•ler connector to the proposed Luther Place Housing.