84-208 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � �O � C unci Resolution Presented By �'' �/Referred To �� ���L� Committee: Date �—a"�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Zhe Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does reca�nend the follo�wing transfers for the 1984 General Fund Budget: Current A�nded Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER FRQM: General Governanent Accounts Contingent Reserve-General 09060-537 Operating Transfer Out 100,000 -22,200 77,800 � TR�NSF'ER �: ` Planning & Econanic Developnent , Planning and Fconanic Dev. Contribution 06000-537 Operating Transfer Out 1,136,498 +22,200 1,158,698 (to Activity 36020) - ° 1,136,498 +22,200 1,158,698 NET Q�ANGE 0 NOW, �iIIZEE'ORE, BE IT RESC�Vm, �at the City Council adopts these changes to the 1984 Budget. oved, as to funding: Ap�roval R,eco�rnnended: � - . � Finance Director ��' Budget ir tor � For Planning Aide I position for Zoning Section to prepare notices for zoning matters. COUNC[LMEN Requested by epartme Yeas Nays �J'S�� Fletcher � °`ew [n Favor Masanz �I Nicosia YJ scheibe� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date f EB 16 198� Form Approved b City Attorn y Certified P s Council r BY B � t#ppr b Mavor: Dat v EB � 1984 App v d by Mayor r Su ion to Council By _ PUSLISNED FE B 2 5 1984 �F �y—o?a� . � , ��T�!,� P1 anni ng & Economi c Devel.pEPARTI�tEhit� Carole Otto CONTACT 7494 ext. 206 pHONE January 12, 1984 DATE ���� �✓ � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi� Number for Routing Order (Clip All Lxations for Ma�yoral Sign�ture): R����V��7 ,,� Departme�t Director . . ._Y_ ..�.,._..__. , _.,-.__,, � �, , ti._ ..��� ti L�.�.�� City Attorney .tQ'�l 1 �� ����. nt/Ma�yor J A f� � �' i�8� .c�� Finance and Mana ement vi ces � � -b � ��, _:� �FCE�vE�� ��T�r a�;���EY City Clerk 9 ����.�: �� s ,�JAN 17 1984 � Budget Director OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FMANCE AND MANAGEM�NT SERVICES i�hat Will be achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Budget amendments to authorize a Planning Aide I position for the zoning function. � Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Decrease to General Fund Contin�ent Reserve — General Budget and increase to Planning and Economic Development Budget in the amount of $22, 200. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nw�er Charged or Credited: See Attached resolutions Attachments (list and Nwnber all Attachments): 1. Council Resolution amending 1984 General Fund Budget 2. Council Resolution amending 1984 PED Operating Fund Budget 3. Blees, Hames and Bellus, Donovan letters regarding Planning Aide I position for zoning function DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 ISPe RPVPI"SP SidP for �Instructions) �. L/G ��/- ��d�' ' . . �. t�genda Finance bfana�ement � Personnel � February 9, 1984 10. Resolution amending the 1984 budget and transferring �5,000 from Contingent Reserve to PED - Citizen Participation. (PED) /�,� 11. Resolution approving the allocation of the Adopted 1984 Residential Street Paving ($2,079,500) and Lighting ($236,500) Program, aka RSPP, appropriation to specific projects and establishing priorities for the proposed 1985 appro- priation. (Public Works) ��� 12. Resolution approving cooperative arrangement between the Joint City Hall and Courthouse Committee and Ramsey County so as to permit expenditure of funds � for light duty jobs program. �� 13. Resolution amending the 1984 budget and transferring $22,200 to the Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED Operations Fund. (PED) C'ij�� 14. Resolution amend�ing the 1984 budget and transferring �22,200 from Contingent Reserve to PED - Planning � Economic Development Contribution. Cc.y*,70 Additional Items 15. Resolution changing the grade and class specification for the title of �-:.. Computer_Operations Supervisor in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) �.�C.� 16. Resolution establishing the title and class specification for License Enforcement Auditor in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) C�J 17. Resolution authorizing City Council approval of guidelines and decision making process for implementing Work Simpler Competition. ��� �Ucr � (,Jee,� �-