84-169 WHITE - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINANC�E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT //� BLUE - MAVOR File �O. -/`� � Co c ' sol i n . � � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to the appointments by the Mayor of the following named persons to serve as members of the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Committee: Sandra Morris, to fill the unexpired term of Dale Busacker - representing City District 7, Senate District 66. Term to expire on November 1, 1985. Peggy Sletner, to fill the unexpired term of Ann Warwick - representing City District 9, Senate District 65. Term to expire on November 1, 1984 COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nfcosia scheibei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson FEB � �} �98� Form A ove Ci tt ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa:�e ouncil S tar BY I sy- Appr d by Nlavor: Da FEB 15 1984 Appro y Mayor for ' �i tb Council By B Ptt$ustfED FEB 2 5 1984 ._ � C��= ��f�-��q � . .. _ _ . : _ . , .� . � __ _ �.��z:... ��_�.;,, OFFlCE OF TXE MAYOR t t , r, , �q 347 CITY NALL .1�l� � 1 I���t SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 . 298-4323 �::.-,t �_°:: V";'i�:� Application for : Membership for City , Boards, Con¢rcissions and Commi.ttees Name - � Sandra Morri s , Address 470 Van Buren St . Paul Mn 7 Street City Zip District Phone xome� 488-7167 work: 298-5068 Committee(s), Board(s), or Coffiaission(s) in which you are-interested: - Cap� tal Improvement Budget Committee Com�cznity Service/Activitzes ('past •and present): I have been active with the District 7 Planninq Council since____ 1974 . and havQ� a �trona knowledge of the GjB ;�roc c� fr�m my six years as Community Organizer for District 7 . I have served as a Chairman for several committees of the School Board for WPh�,tPr Ma��P't_�hnnl ,� am �, hn�r�l mPmhar nf thP Frn�tn� ('„n�m,�Ln.j �y Association which runs the THomas-Dale Community Center and was an active participant in negotiations with the Wilder Foundation i n n h t a i n i n� t,f j a h u,,,i 1 ri j n� a t 911 L�.f.o n.d �f1,Y` C11 m!T�LL.LI.a �f U S e 1 have participated in many neighborhood functions both as an organizer and worker� Our neighborhood newspaper has been an interest of mine as a non-profit . I have done ma.ny things related to community. Professional Activities: I currently �erve as Executive Director of the Thomas-Dale Community Development Company and actively participate in the University Avenue Development Council and Corporation . As a consultant for the Bethesda lutheran MPdical CPntPr T am participating in the planning of a congregate inter-generational housing site in the North Capital ': � (over) : " * '�. Civic/Professional Organization Memberships: Frogtown Community Association District 7 Planning Council - Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s): " - . _ _ _ � ._ � . . . :-� . ; .. -I have a lon4 term interest in the improvement of relationships between City government and residents .. I also am interested in continuation of improvement of t e qua � y o i e in . u _ e�neriencP within this structure affords me insight into the ,process . ` Are �ou currently serving on any other city committee? If so, which conarrittee(s)/ commission(s)/board(s): None ' Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representation): � . . �.< Other pertinent information: Please Zist 3 references: �� Dal e Busacker 296-3437 2� William A. Sands 224-1371 3� Mark Voerding . 644-3275 • s/so (I�- �1-��►9 " .. � � ' � PEGGY SLETNER PRESE�T ADDRESS: 1 Goo ric�venue St. PauT, MN 55102� P€RSONAL: � Born: August 21, 1954 Height: 5'`8" Health: Excellent �leight: 135 EQUCATION: � �1etropol i tan State Uni versi ty . St. Pau19 MN Senior year - Human ServiceS Administration Degree University of Niinnesota Minneapolis , MN Application �- Bachelor's Degree Liberal Arts St. Jose�hs Academy St. Paul , MfJ - High School Diuloma SKILLS & COMPETENCIES: � CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION � 1976-oresent St. Paul , Minnesota LJest Coast Containerboard Representative - Coroorate olanning and direct customer service with one of the leading paper manufacturer's; functioning as a liason bet�veen suppliers (both internal and external to company operations) and West Coast plants - considering both market and cyclical changes. ►dEST 7TH COMMUNITY CENTER, INC. 1980-present St. Paul , Minnesota � Chief Operating Officer for community center in St. Paul ; directly responsible for all ohases of a community center which serves as 1andlord to other a�gencies, direct programmer for the community, and foca1 point within that part of the city for human services. Position includes plannin� and activity in all aspects of fundraising and grantsmanship, personnel , business administration, direct service programming, and many multi-face�ed nec�otiatians with all levels of qovernment, the community, and private business. DAYTON HUDSON CORPORATION 1982-present Edina , Minnesota • Commissioned Sales Emp1oyee; second month of employment received store award for #1 in sales , June of 1983 received the V.I .P, award from the Chief Operating Officer. Remain among the top 4 in sales. COMP4UNITY REPORTER 1977-1980 St. Paul , Minnesota Advertising Sales Manager/Editor, managed local newspaper completely supported through advertising sales. (This is the only newspaper in the Mpls/St. Paul area that is able to maintain a circulation of 10,000 ttirough completely volunteer efforts deoendent on the sales of ads. ) Prepare budgets , reports and presentations, establish and maintain working relationships with various organizations and businesses. Recruit and train staffing, promote and direct public information system. , ., � „ . HOERNER IJALDORF CORPORATION 1974-1976 St. Paul , Minnesota Production Control ; handled all scheduling for the St. Paul mill utilizing carloading � reports, computer systems, material handling reports and customer requests. HARTZELL MANUFACTURING . 1973-1974 Minneapolis, Minnesota Received all incoming calls and greeted visitors to this tool and die castinq company. Duties later included invoicing and introduction into production control , ADDITIONAL SKILL & COMPETENCY INFORMA7ION: United 1+lay Business Liason - Chamoion International 1977; recruited sma11 business voluntQers and solicited funds from small businesses for the 1977 campaign. Assisted small businesses in setting u� employee participation. St. Pau1 Communieations 1976; Co-Founder of local non-profit agency supported through Citizen Participation monies as well as member of the Board of Directors. Encharged with fiscal management of the monies as well as administering the flow of communication. Minnesota Public Interest �Research Group 1973; Lobbyist for this group financed through student funding sources. Communicated with public officials at all levels of government in many areas of human services including; housing environmental , criminal justice, social justice, youth and senior programming. POSTGRADUATE COURSES AND SEMINARS: Internal Audit Procedures, National Institute of CPA and CIA's. Funding Non-Profits in the 1980's, Community Planning Organization, Inc. University of Wisconsin - Madison, Fiscal Responsibility of Non-Profits t�IISCELLA�VEOUS. Speak and Write Spanish, French; Working Knowledge of com�uters, word processors, Experienced typesetter, key-lining; Extensive Public Speaking, Ad layout and design; Student Body President U of MN; Certified Sailor; type in excess,of 60 WPM, some shorthand. REFEREf�CES: References will be furnished upon requeste • � y ��- �/�i�y' COMMUnITY/CIVIC INVOLVII�iENTS 1983-1984 President, Board of Birectors; West 5eventh Neighborhood Center, Inc. Chief Operating Officer in charge of successful community center oper- ations and board development (see resume for more depth description) . 1983 Member, Salvation Army Co�unity Center Recreation Planning 1982-1983 Finance Chair, West Seventh Neighborhood Center, Inc. Grantsmanship, Financial planning and management, planning and implementation of Fundraising plan, long and short-range planning 1980-1982 President, Board of Directors; West Seventh Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1979-1981 "� Editor and Chairperson of the Boards West 7th Co�unity Reporter 1980 Communications Center Board of Direetors (Ist Board for the Communications Center in West 7th which created the entity) . 1980-1982 Inner Urban Catholic Coalition, Urban Affairs Commision Board of Directors Successfully Co-led effort for non-discrimination to parents with � children 1980-1981 COMPAS, Fort Road Arts Cammittee and Ist Parade Committee 1�76-present Involvements with major political. parties in the State of Minnesota: Activist on many issues and political campaigns, Candidate for State Representative (2 votes short of endorsement) , House Secretary, District Associate Chair and Chair, 4th Distriet Central Committee, State Central Conmittee, Treasurer of local•political campaigns. 1978 International Student Study and TraveZ Center Board of Directors 1977-1978 Student Council Member, University of Minnesota � �977 Student Bod� President, Extension Classes U of�MN 1973-present Multi-faceted involvement with task forces and local committees • 1972 Student Lobbyist, MPIRG (Minneso�a Pciblic Intexest Research Group) 1972 � Instructor, Catholic Youth Center 1972 Teacher for Hammond School for Mentally Handicapped Instruction SEE RESUME ATTACHED FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING BACKGROUI�TD AND INVOLVEMENTS � �� �y i�� R0��t=* o.� "GITY OF S�1INT PAUL � � ;, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ;iigan i�[i � r� �C 34? CITY HALL ���� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR T0: Council President 1lictor Tedesco and Members of the City Council � FRONi: Mayor Georqe Latimer DATE: Februar� 2, 1984 RE: APPOINTMENTS TO THE CIB COMMITTEE Attached for your consideration and apnroval is a Council Resolution appointing Sandra Morris to fill the unexpired term � of Rale Busacker, City District 7, Senate Distric�G 66, term to expire on November 1 , 1985 and Pegq,y Sletner to fill the unexpired term of Ann Warwick, City District 9, Senate District 65, term to expire on November 1 , 1984. The affected Senate and City Districts have approved o�f my intent to submit this resoiution. The resumes of. S1etner and Morris are attached. Thank you, GL/lm attachments c�ae