00-1122�- ' - Council File # 00 � ���� ORIG(�1AL creen sheet # 106994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Referred To Resolution # t�UllLLltll.lCC : L6l.0 WF�REAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Cultural Capital Investment (Cultural STAR) Prograxn, C.F. 94-1OQ5; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Program is funded with ten percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales taY on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec. 46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to fiu-ther cuitural and visitor service activities; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Board and the PEA Credit Committee recommend approval of a$300,000 loan to the RiverCentre Authority to complete planning and architectural designs for the new Roy Wilkins Auditorium; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Board and PED staff recommend approval of three (3} mid-year grants: the Rivertown Market, the Rose Ensemble and the Vietnamese Cultural Association of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the year 2000 portion of the multi-yeaz grant to the Science Museum of Minnesota (CF 95-1459 and CF 96-1568) is $306,746; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends changes to the 2000 budget as listed per Attaclunent A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council approves the funding the five (5) Cultural STAR projects and the budget amendments per Attachment A. 39 ` 40 41 42 43 44 Budget Duector 45 5,,.�(.I�Lf��`��Zl'���tif/v Off ce of Financial Services 80-1\3.� Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment By: FOrm Approved by C� _ .� Adopted by Council: Date �, (� ,'Z.e p� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy BY� B 'C``�.e+. �,�+-,�._---- Z Approved by Mayor f r Su mission to Council Approved by Mayor: Dat�� � �� / �� /J gp s//ila�ii l/a.lA��i�� By. GW ''(f � l � � • •1 � ATTACHMENT A flQ-«la- FINANCING PLAN - CURRENT CHANGE I PROPOSED , Cultural STAR Tax Revenue BUDGET BUDGET Undesigoated Adopted Budget - City Sales Ta�c ; GL-930-90399-1404 135,483.00i (138,483_00J' 0_00�,` P7-930-90399-7304-00000 551,498.6'I� (551,498.67) 0.001� ,', STAR Proaram - Interast on Investmentc ' � � � ! P7-930-90309-66D2-00000 0.001 33,00O.00l 38,000.00;j P7-930-90310-6602-00000 � 0.00! 100,000.00� 10QOOO.00jI �! Loan Program - Repayment of Loan � � �i ;% P7-930-90369-6922-00000 I 0.00 58,000.00� SS,OOO.00�I '�Trensfer from HRA Debt Service Fund {Sales Tax) I �I li P7-930-90310-7304-00000 788,501.39 (788,501.39� O.00I i P7-930-903047304-00000 1,038,301.93 1,287,483.00I 2,325,784.93 TOTALS 2,516,784.93 0.00 2,516,784.93 I I � �I SPENDING PLAN - Cultural STAR Loa�s aad Grants � ji STAR# I PROJECT NAME CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGHT Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tax P7-930-90399-0547-7�999 698,045.54 (669,532.00 28,513.54I Direct Project Costs; I I P7-930-90309-0558-770D0 O.OD 9,000.00 9,OOO.DOI P7-930-90310-0558-77000 0.00 32,857.00 32,857.00 Loan and Grant Closing Fees: � I p7_g30-90309-0555-77000 O.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 i P7-930-90310-0558-77000 0,00 16,429.00 16,429.QOI � Cuiturai STAR Grent Program I � � P7-930-90310-0547-77XXX I 788,501.39� 0.00 788,501.39 I I Cultural STAR Mid-Year Grant Progrem I P7-930-90310-0547-77410 20,000.00 (8,500.00 11,500.00 � 98-500 Science Museum of Minnesota Project � � �� � P7-930-90310-0547-77104 � 1,010 238.00I 306,746.00I 1,316 984.00I I 00-552 Rivertown Market � I � P7-930-90310-0547-77194 0.00 2,00O.00I 2,000.00 I 00-553 Tbe Rose Ensemble � � ' I I P7-930-90310-0547-77416 0.00 1,SOO.00I 1,500.00� � 00-554 Vietnamese Cultural Association of MN I � I P7-930-90310-0547-77417 O.OQ 5,000.00 5,00O.00I I 00-550 ! Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority � I P7-930-90309-0547-77418 0.�0 300,000.00 300,000.001 TOTALS 2,516,784.93 0.00 2,516,784.93 GnPARTh"�NT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Ptauuiug and Economic Dev CONTACI'PERSON &PHONE: JeffNelson x66560 NNST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY �ATE) 11-29-2000 DATE IN117ATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106994 Oe,.,�.�,�.. i 1-15-2000 IN1T'IALlDATE INI'ITAUDATE � 1 DEPARTMENf DIl2. � 5 CITY COTJAICII. ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORl3EY CITY CLERK NIJMBER ?�NANCSAI, SERV DIIi. b FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR ?�POR (OR ASST.) _ CIVlI. SERVICE CObIMISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF S I G NA'1TI BE PAGES I_(CLIP ALL LOCATI FOR SIGNAI'IJRE) acr[oN xEQu�srEn: Approval of Cultural STAR Boazd recommendations and changes to the 2000 C�tltural STAR Spending Plan. RECObIMENDATTONS: Approve (A} or Reject (R) PLAI�NING COMI�4ISSION CIB COMMITIEE CIViL SERVICE COMbIlSSION _A CULTURALSTARBOARD PERSONAL SERVICE CON'I'RAGTS MUST ANSWER'I'IIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfvm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No _ 2. Has this personJfirm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a skill not normally possessed by any cutteut city employee? Yes No Eaplain aIl yes auswer5 on separate sheet and a[tach to green sheet INTTIATIIVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT'ONITY (WLo, WLat, When, Where, Why): Cycle 6 of the Cultural Capital Inveshnent (STAR) Program mid-year grants and loans. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Projects will strengthen the Cultural District, increase the number of visitars downtown and support the growth of local cultural organizations. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVAN'I'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Projects will not take place or will be of limited scope. TOTAL AMOUNI' OF 1RANSACTION: $ 669,532 FONDING SOURCE: Sates Tax Revenue FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUEBUDGETED:YES ACTMTY NUMBER: P9-930-90399-0547-77999 arG'r�3 f �';�t� T '� ����J �- ' - Council File # 00 � ���� ORIG(�1AL creen sheet # 106994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Referred To Resolution # t�UllLLltll.lCC : L6l.0 WF�REAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Cultural Capital Investment (Cultural STAR) Prograxn, C.F. 94-1OQ5; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Program is funded with ten percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales taY on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec. 46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to fiu-ther cuitural and visitor service activities; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Board and the PEA Credit Committee recommend approval of a$300,000 loan to the RiverCentre Authority to complete planning and architectural designs for the new Roy Wilkins Auditorium; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Board and PED staff recommend approval of three (3} mid-year grants: the Rivertown Market, the Rose Ensemble and the Vietnamese Cultural Association of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the year 2000 portion of the multi-yeaz grant to the Science Museum of Minnesota (CF 95-1459 and CF 96-1568) is $306,746; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends changes to the 2000 budget as listed per Attaclunent A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council approves the funding the five (5) Cultural STAR projects and the budget amendments per Attachment A. 39 ` 40 41 42 43 44 Budget Duector 45 5,,.�(.I�Lf��`��Zl'���tif/v Off ce of Financial Services 80-1\3.� Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment By: FOrm Approved by C� _ .� Adopted by Council: Date �, (� ,'Z.e p� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy BY� B 'C``�.e+. �,�+-,�._---- Z Approved by Mayor f r Su mission to Council Approved by Mayor: Dat�� � �� / �� /J gp s//ila�ii l/a.lA��i�� By. GW ''(f � l � � • •1 � ATTACHMENT A flQ-«la- FINANCING PLAN - CURRENT CHANGE I PROPOSED , Cultural STAR Tax Revenue BUDGET BUDGET Undesigoated Adopted Budget - City Sales Ta�c ; GL-930-90399-1404 135,483.00i (138,483_00J' 0_00�,` P7-930-90399-7304-00000 551,498.6'I� (551,498.67) 0.001� ,', STAR Proaram - Interast on Investmentc ' � � � ! P7-930-90309-66D2-00000 0.001 33,00O.00l 38,000.00;j P7-930-90310-6602-00000 � 0.00! 100,000.00� 10QOOO.00jI �! Loan Program - Repayment of Loan � � �i ;% P7-930-90369-6922-00000 I 0.00 58,000.00� SS,OOO.00�I '�Trensfer from HRA Debt Service Fund {Sales Tax) I �I li P7-930-90310-7304-00000 788,501.39 (788,501.39� O.00I i P7-930-903047304-00000 1,038,301.93 1,287,483.00I 2,325,784.93 TOTALS 2,516,784.93 0.00 2,516,784.93 I I � �I SPENDING PLAN - Cultural STAR Loa�s aad Grants � ji STAR# I PROJECT NAME CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGHT Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tax P7-930-90399-0547-7�999 698,045.54 (669,532.00 28,513.54I Direct Project Costs; I I P7-930-90309-0558-770D0 O.OD 9,000.00 9,OOO.DOI P7-930-90310-0558-77000 0.00 32,857.00 32,857.00 Loan and Grant Closing Fees: � I p7_g30-90309-0555-77000 O.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 i P7-930-90310-0558-77000 0,00 16,429.00 16,429.QOI � Cuiturai STAR Grent Program I � � P7-930-90310-0547-77XXX I 788,501.39� 0.00 788,501.39 I I Cultural STAR Mid-Year Grant Progrem I P7-930-90310-0547-77410 20,000.00 (8,500.00 11,500.00 � 98-500 Science Museum of Minnesota Project � � �� � P7-930-90310-0547-77104 � 1,010 238.00I 306,746.00I 1,316 984.00I I 00-552 Rivertown Market � I � P7-930-90310-0547-77194 0.00 2,00O.00I 2,000.00 I 00-553 Tbe Rose Ensemble � � ' I I P7-930-90310-0547-77416 0.00 1,SOO.00I 1,500.00� � 00-554 Vietnamese Cultural Association of MN I � I P7-930-90310-0547-77417 O.OQ 5,000.00 5,00O.00I I 00-550 ! Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority � I P7-930-90309-0547-77418 0.�0 300,000.00 300,000.001 TOTALS 2,516,784.93 0.00 2,516,784.93 GnPARTh"�NT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Ptauuiug and Economic Dev CONTACI'PERSON &PHONE: JeffNelson x66560 NNST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY �ATE) 11-29-2000 DATE IN117ATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106994 Oe,.,�.�,�.. i 1-15-2000 IN1T'IALlDATE INI'ITAUDATE � 1 DEPARTMENf DIl2. � 5 CITY COTJAICII. ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORl3EY CITY CLERK NIJMBER ?�NANCSAI, SERV DIIi. b FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR ?�POR (OR ASST.) _ CIVlI. SERVICE CObIMISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF S I G NA'1TI BE PAGES I_(CLIP ALL LOCATI FOR SIGNAI'IJRE) acr[oN xEQu�srEn: Approval of Cultural STAR Boazd recommendations and changes to the 2000 C�tltural STAR Spending Plan. RECObIMENDATTONS: Approve (A} or Reject (R) PLAI�NING COMI�4ISSION CIB COMMITIEE CIViL SERVICE COMbIlSSION _A CULTURALSTARBOARD PERSONAL SERVICE CON'I'RAGTS MUST ANSWER'I'IIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfvm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No _ 2. Has this personJfirm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a skill not normally possessed by any cutteut city employee? Yes No Eaplain aIl yes auswer5 on separate sheet and a[tach to green sheet INTTIATIIVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT'ONITY (WLo, WLat, When, Where, Why): Cycle 6 of the Cultural Capital Inveshnent (STAR) Program mid-year grants and loans. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Projects will strengthen the Cultural District, increase the number of visitars downtown and support the growth of local cultural organizations. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVAN'I'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Projects will not take place or will be of limited scope. TOTAL AMOUNI' OF 1RANSACTION: $ 669,532 FONDING SOURCE: Sates Tax Revenue FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUEBUDGETED:YES ACTMTY NUMBER: P9-930-90399-0547-77999 arG'r�3 f �';�t� T '� ����J �- ' - Council File # 00 � ���� ORIG(�1AL creen sheet # 106994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Referred To Resolution # t�UllLLltll.lCC : L6l.0 WF�REAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Cultural Capital Investment (Cultural STAR) Prograxn, C.F. 94-1OQ5; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Program is funded with ten percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales taY on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec. 46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to fiu-ther cuitural and visitor service activities; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Board and the PEA Credit Committee recommend approval of a$300,000 loan to the RiverCentre Authority to complete planning and architectural designs for the new Roy Wilkins Auditorium; and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Board and PED staff recommend approval of three (3} mid-year grants: the Rivertown Market, the Rose Ensemble and the Vietnamese Cultural Association of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the year 2000 portion of the multi-yeaz grant to the Science Museum of Minnesota (CF 95-1459 and CF 96-1568) is $306,746; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends changes to the 2000 budget as listed per Attaclunent A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council approves the funding the five (5) Cultural STAR projects and the budget amendments per Attachment A. 39 ` 40 41 42 43 44 Budget Duector 45 5,,.�(.I�Lf��`��Zl'���tif/v Off ce of Financial Services 80-1\3.� Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment By: FOrm Approved by C� _ .� Adopted by Council: Date �, (� ,'Z.e p� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy BY� B 'C``�.e+. �,�+-,�._---- Z Approved by Mayor f r Su mission to Council Approved by Mayor: Dat�� � �� / �� /J gp s//ila�ii l/a.lA��i�� By. GW ''(f � l � � • •1 � ATTACHMENT A flQ-«la- FINANCING PLAN - CURRENT CHANGE I PROPOSED , Cultural STAR Tax Revenue BUDGET BUDGET Undesigoated Adopted Budget - City Sales Ta�c ; GL-930-90399-1404 135,483.00i (138,483_00J' 0_00�,` P7-930-90399-7304-00000 551,498.6'I� (551,498.67) 0.001� ,', STAR Proaram - Interast on Investmentc ' � � � ! P7-930-90309-66D2-00000 0.001 33,00O.00l 38,000.00;j P7-930-90310-6602-00000 � 0.00! 100,000.00� 10QOOO.00jI �! Loan Program - Repayment of Loan � � �i ;% P7-930-90369-6922-00000 I 0.00 58,000.00� SS,OOO.00�I '�Trensfer from HRA Debt Service Fund {Sales Tax) I �I li P7-930-90310-7304-00000 788,501.39 (788,501.39� O.00I i P7-930-903047304-00000 1,038,301.93 1,287,483.00I 2,325,784.93 TOTALS 2,516,784.93 0.00 2,516,784.93 I I � �I SPENDING PLAN - Cultural STAR Loa�s aad Grants � ji STAR# I PROJECT NAME CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGHT Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tax P7-930-90399-0547-7�999 698,045.54 (669,532.00 28,513.54I Direct Project Costs; I I P7-930-90309-0558-770D0 O.OD 9,000.00 9,OOO.DOI P7-930-90310-0558-77000 0.00 32,857.00 32,857.00 Loan and Grant Closing Fees: � I p7_g30-90309-0555-77000 O.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 i P7-930-90310-0558-77000 0,00 16,429.00 16,429.QOI � Cuiturai STAR Grent Program I � � P7-930-90310-0547-77XXX I 788,501.39� 0.00 788,501.39 I I Cultural STAR Mid-Year Grant Progrem I P7-930-90310-0547-77410 20,000.00 (8,500.00 11,500.00 � 98-500 Science Museum of Minnesota Project � � �� � P7-930-90310-0547-77104 � 1,010 238.00I 306,746.00I 1,316 984.00I I 00-552 Rivertown Market � I � P7-930-90310-0547-77194 0.00 2,00O.00I 2,000.00 I 00-553 Tbe Rose Ensemble � � ' I I P7-930-90310-0547-77416 0.00 1,SOO.00I 1,500.00� � 00-554 Vietnamese Cultural Association of MN I � I P7-930-90310-0547-77417 O.OQ 5,000.00 5,00O.00I I 00-550 ! Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority � I P7-930-90309-0547-77418 0.�0 300,000.00 300,000.001 TOTALS 2,516,784.93 0.00 2,516,784.93 GnPARTh"�NT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Ptauuiug and Economic Dev CONTACI'PERSON &PHONE: JeffNelson x66560 NNST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY �ATE) 11-29-2000 DATE IN117ATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106994 Oe,.,�.�,�.. i 1-15-2000 IN1T'IALlDATE INI'ITAUDATE � 1 DEPARTMENf DIl2. � 5 CITY COTJAICII. ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORl3EY CITY CLERK NIJMBER ?�NANCSAI, SERV DIIi. b FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR ?�POR (OR ASST.) _ CIVlI. SERVICE CObIMISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF S I G NA'1TI BE PAGES I_(CLIP ALL LOCATI FOR SIGNAI'IJRE) acr[oN xEQu�srEn: Approval of Cultural STAR Boazd recommendations and changes to the 2000 C�tltural STAR Spending Plan. RECObIMENDATTONS: Approve (A} or Reject (R) PLAI�NING COMI�4ISSION CIB COMMITIEE CIViL SERVICE COMbIlSSION _A CULTURALSTARBOARD PERSONAL SERVICE CON'I'RAGTS MUST ANSWER'I'IIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfvm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No _ 2. Has this personJfirm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a skill not normally possessed by any cutteut city employee? Yes No Eaplain aIl yes auswer5 on separate sheet and a[tach to green sheet INTTIATIIVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT'ONITY (WLo, WLat, When, Where, Why): Cycle 6 of the Cultural Capital Inveshnent (STAR) Program mid-year grants and loans. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Projects will strengthen the Cultural District, increase the number of visitars downtown and support the growth of local cultural organizations. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVAN'I'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Projects will not take place or will be of limited scope. TOTAL AMOUNI' OF 1RANSACTION: $ 669,532 FONDING SOURCE: Sates Tax Revenue FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUEBUDGETED:YES ACTMTY NUMBER: P9-930-90399-0547-77999 arG'r�3 f �';�t� T '� ����J