84-159 WMITE - C�TV CLERK AINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �CAN.- RV - p.EPARTMENT BLlS�� - MAVOR File �0. � _ ��� � Council Resolution . Presented By � - � �eferred To �� �1���L� Committee: Date 1—sr�� Out of Committee By Date An admiaistrartive Resolutioa ameading the Civil Service Rules concerning appointmeat above the minimum. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 28.B, Subsection 3, so that said Subsection 3 shall read as follows: "3. Appointment may be made to a graded position at any of the curreat steps, e�eeg�-�eage�a#t�*-etepe; prescribed by the Council. However, if appointment is made at a salary step requiriug more experieace than the appointee has acquired ia employment outside the City service ia positions equiv- alent to the position to which he/she is being appointed, thea all other City employees holding the same title shall also be givea credit for the same length of unearned e.�cper- ience in determining salary increases. �Ie�e*se�;-se-#ae�eeee n�e.}-be-me�e-ttae�er-��e#e-seet#e�-�e-en�-�eage�*#��-etePT APPoiat- ment at more than the current entrance salary shall be ma.de only upon recommeadation of the Director of Personnel, sub�ect � to the approval of the Civil Service Commission and the Mayor." ; aad be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 28.B, Subsection 5, so that said Subsection 5 shall read as follows: "5. If any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a higher grade and the minimum rate for the position in the higher grade is at least five per cent higher thaa his present salary, he/she shall be paid the miaimum rate, plus one additional step if he/she has already received a fifteen-year increase: except for appointments made under Subsection 3. of this section (Section 28.B COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher "c'W°� ��� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy t�pproved by 1�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY WHITE - CiTV CLERK �PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - qEPARTMENT �/�/�� BLIJf � - MAVOR File NO. �� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- If any persoa holding a graded position is pramoted to a position in a higher grade and his/her present salary is equal to, more thaa, or less than but within five per cent of, the minimum rate for the higher grade, he/she shall be paid at the next salary step which is at least five per cent higher than his/her present rate, plus oae additional step if he/she has already received a fifteen- year increase. No employee shall be paid at any loagevity step that he/she had not received in the title from which he/she is being promoted: except for those employees who have been appointed under Subsection 3 of this section (Section 28.B)." Approved: Chairman, Ci 1 Service Commis on COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays '�°�O*°� PERSO FICE `� ��'E.� In Favor Masanz li�ssi� scne�bei � _ Against BY Tedesco wllse�r FEB 9 - �gg4 Form A roved b c�t to� Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P-_s d ncil S ta BY By ' �1pp by lNavor. , �EB 14 1984 Ap v y Mayor for S i si to Council / r By B PUSUS�Ea FEB 18 1984 . . ' -- - -----. _ . ..:. - _-_ _ -- -- -- _- _ ___- ---- -- -- , �HITE — CITV CLEFIK �� • � .'��NK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT I., Council :avpRV — OEPARTraENT File NO. . .-�UE — MAVOR � � CITY CLERK Council .Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrartive Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning appointmen� above the mini.mum. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended ia Section 28.B, Subsection 3, so that said Subsection 3 sha7.�. read as follows: "3. Appoiutment may be made to � graded position at aay of the eurrent steps, e�eegt-�eage��.t�*-sleps; prescr3bed by the Council. However, if appointment is made at a salary step requiring more experience than fihe appointee ha.s acquired in employmeaC outside the C3ty service in positions equiv- alent to the position to which he/she is being appointed, then all other City employees holding the same title shall also be given credit for the same length of unearned exper- ience in determining salary increases. �IeWeve�;-se-#se�eese ffie}-be-me�e-na�e�-�k#s-seet�ea-�e-ee}-�eage*a#t�-step.- Appoint- ment at more than the current entrance salary shall be made oaly upon recommendation of the Director of Personnel, sub3ece . to the approval of the Civil Service Commission and the Mayor." - ; and be it FURTI�R RESOLVID, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 28.B, Subsection 5, so that said Subsection 5 shall read as follows: "5. If any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a higher grade aad the minimum rate for the position ia the higher grade is at least five per cent higher than his present salary, he/she shall be paid the minimum rate, plus one additional step if .he/she has already received a fifteen-year increase: e.�ccept for appointments made under Subsection 3. of this sect3on (Section 28.B). COUNCILI�SEN '�'eas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Galies In Favor Masanz Nicasia scneibe� Against BY Tedesco Wflson Form Approved by City Attorney :�dopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B; �\pproved by �lavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council __ _- - - - - ---------- . ---- --- _ __-_ _-_�__------- . - - --- ..------- ----- ----.___.�_ -- - - . ^ � - ^�,1TE — CiTV CLERK ' � - - •:K — FINAN�E G I TY OF .SA I NT �ALT L Council /yy /V :AN4RY — 'jEa4RTMENT File �0•��(�✓ '_'JE — MAVJR i Council Resolution Presented By Referred To �— Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ ! -2- If any person holding a graded position is promote� to a position atn a higher grade and his/her present salary is equal toA �are thaa, or less than �ut withia �ive per cent of, the miaimu� rate for th� higher grade, he/she shall be paid a� the ne�t salar�r �te� whicYa is at �.east five per ceat higtaer than his/her gres�n� rater plua one additioaa�, step �f he/she ha.s already receirr�.d a �i�teen� year increase. No employee shall be paid at atty longevity steg that he/she had not xeceived i�a the title from which he/sh� is beiong promoted: except for those employees who have been appainted under Subsection 3 of this section (Section 28.B)." Approved: � Cha3rman, Civil Servic� Commission COUtiCIL51EN Requested by Department of: `:'eas ��etcher Nays Galles PERSONNEL OFFICE htasanz [n Favor Nicosia scne�bet Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney �.dopted b. Councit: Date "'ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� �.aproved b}� `tavor: Date Appcoved by 6layor for Submission to Coun�il R�• BY � y-�,': PersoanelOffice DEPARTt1ENT —�` /,� Bernard P. VVI�'rxgh`=�Q�!T.�I�T • ' � ��'�-� �, 298-4221 PHQNE P � --h �:_� flATE �V� v� - D�c r �t��19!$� - �� . (Routing,and Exp ation Sheet} - �� Assi n Nunber for Rout�[n Order Cli All Locations for M �oral i ature : � . _._ _..,_ . Department Di rector `.:-� �--�- �' -� ' Ci ty Attorney � �, .`083 - , ' �.. . [; [.; 1 J "! . r . .,�_ ___.� 3 Di rector of Management/Ma,Yor � --: . � , ,. [�.. ,�� �. .._ �,. . :_.0 . Finance and Management Services Director � " ��83 - - City Cterk � f�" � �-: - - Budget Di rector What Wi1T be AGhieved by Takin� Action on the Attached Materi s? (PurposefRationa7e�:_ : Thfs reeolut�on is for the purpoee of allawing more �lezib3li itp admini�tratora- 3�, � �- the m�iag of apgointments� at salaries above the m{�*n. � - � , . _ The requir�t �hat appointments at salaries abave the min t be approved by the Director of Persc�mel,: the Civil Service Cam�issfqn, �sud the M� has pot been cliaaged. Financial , 6t�ci�,e�and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: - None. � . , . _. . _ : � FundinQ Source and Fund Activity Nun�ber Charged�or Credited: - � Attachments (List and Number all Attachments}: � • 1. Resolution and - - 2. Copy for City Cl,erk DEPARTNtE�VT REVIEW . CITY ATFORiVEY REVI�rt . _ � Yes No Cvuncii Reso7ution �tequired? Resolutian Required? Yes� No Yes No Insurance Requi red? . Insurance Suffi cient? Yes � No�j�` Yes No Insurance Attached? . � RQVision of October, t982 � . (�PP RPVPPSP.• Sl(IP f�r '[ttsttructions) ` �'��y ���•``��/\ � . � . CI�`Y' OF S.E).Z\r� �.t�V� V, �� ��� ,�'`: �.y •, . ,�.�;� �t : , . , � �.-,-� r-r;:����'� y 0���`ICP: OF '1'FTF: CIT� COU�CIL ; ;��Y� �;\;::;:;' ,i .: � � . �-.; '�"-_�'''. .-��j D a t e . January 19, 1984 � � �- .,/ . t��`�i� �. . COMM �T7' � E REPORT � TO = 5aln? Pau I Ci�� Cot� n �il - - F�, � (� = (.O i'11 i�71 I l�'G� O h FINAI�CE C H A! R James Scheibel - 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held January 12, 1983. -,���V''ct}' �-p -' ' � 2. Resoluti�on approving a Joint Powers Agreement with the County of Ramsey t�hereby � the City will operate and maintain the Harriet Tsland-Lilydale Regiona2 Park and provide police and fire pro�ection and compensation to Lilyda2e for prose- cution within the park. (Community Services) RPPi20�ltp �-0 j 3. Resolution amending the 1983 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring $45,000 from Unallocated Reserve to Sun Ray Library Renovatio���om�let�no _ (Co�un. Serv.) , rtp.e . Re ol ion app o 'ng addition to the 84 bud�6 t and a �ropriati�S, $2,218,900 � to he 'nanci�ng P and t �th Spendin P1axY f Pa.xks_ Recreatid�Spec�al � _six..l.i At. 7'�• -3. ` � ices. mmunity erv' es) � P. O�l�C-O _ Op��� � � �� �! . � � 5. Resolution amending 1984 budget and transferring $39,368 from Contingent Reserve �� Specified to Public {Vorks Traffic Qperations and I�laintenance (laid over from �/S�OVE, b. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriatino $20,912 to the Financing Plan and �"45,816 to the Spending Plan for Traffic, Signal�s, Lighting -- - bfaintenance Fund. (laid over from 1/S) �Pp�DJ�D '��'�D �- ° � � 7. Ordinance amending Chapter 86 0£ the Saint Paul Administrative Code; providing for the designation by the I�Iayor of a person �,rho would be authorized to sion contracts _,..s__,_ _ _, o on the Mayor's behalf. (laid over from 1/5) �� OV� �UY 1�-�-$''�, � , 8. Resolution approving severance pay payments and providing for those enp2oyees resignin� in 1983 as well as in the four precedino }�ears their severance pay C . _ - s._ . ontions. fPersonnel) �p���� _�-�• . � � 9. Administrative Resolution revising the..series._of technical positions in the Human Rights Department. (Personnel) �P�'�� �"O 1 10. Administrative Resolution changing the title of rfanpoirer Director to Deputy Director-Job Creation and �aining in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti,on. (Personnel) I��OV'�"�'"f"=a'�'�` � .�. � .,. :.�. -- 11. Resolution approving the 1984 Memorandum of ifiderstanding pertaini�.n,��,,to - employees holding the title of Assistant Fire Chief. (Personnel) ��,��'�'� y "�j ......;..�_, .. �.. .. 12. Resolu�Ei� �nd�ng S�t�t� �8. of the Civ i l Ser�ce lai�1�es eaa+ccrnin,� Apper�nt- men� ab�ra 'fi�e I�ni�num. (Fersonne�'. j . YR:,:.::`�:3�/.i��V asieat�ayar:��-�k.`.7�4r�11 13. Resolution approving the 1984 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the St. Paul Police Supervisory Group. (Personnel)�p�J� ��� 14. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 riemorandum of Unclerstanding pertaining to the Civic Center Stage Employees. (Personnel) �,�,.���tl�`�'�°=0 � �,�.�r.:�.:�, 15. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining Agreement bet��reen the City of St. Paul and the Professional Employee Association_ (Person1e11 �!�'�y� �_ � _ 16. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargainina A�reement bet�:een the City of St. Paul and the International Union of Operating Engine�rs, Loca2s �.,.,,.�. _ . 36 and 967. (Personne l) /��„.r.,_�"� t�-O.� � 17. An administrative ordinance amendino the Civil Service Rules ertaining to the � � � position of Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training.- ��/��.�>.��. �. µ �R � p�t1��C18. An ordinance pertaining to the division of manpower programs. A ,� . �°����,a� �ro: � Y,. -��`�::�`�:: i,t::.�.� �iZr.�'Y OF ►.`7.�AI�t'J�' �: .t�v�� ,<;�:..:i"`:�--�y . C� �/-1...�y� �;�� � : � -.-, -, ., �� cou�cxr, � ;�( �`::. !', � o�.���zcr•o�.� 1FtF�: GIT. �':•� ���'����`�'� � ' D O t e . February 1984 �. , :.,-.- � t�; ! 2, �,t� C>`"='•, • . � t:1' / - E;;�::��� '• ��� � '•'`: :z:��-:=•, r�;`':.._.-� �. COMMIT l � E . t� E POR �' - . �- p : � qtn�� PAUt Ci�� Cot���i! � �-� � �� Q � � (i C?I�1�1 I���� O h F INANCE, MANAGEMENT F� PERSONNEL CH A l R James Scheibel - I, �pproval of minutes from mzeting held January 26, 1984. �s��l7�� - 2. Consideration of appoint�ents to the Planning Commission. �,p�A �V2,�, - 3. Presentation of recommendations for budget policies. �4 �Tlt�l�► I��.�tS3� 4. Presentation by Jim Bellus and Dick Thorpe on the transfer of the Job Creation and Training Division to the Planning anc� Economic Detrelopment Department. �Pc�D Ov�R �- �re.�,KS. - - � 5. L�date by Bob Piram of Parks and'Recreat�on Department on Riverfest �rogress.J�3U��I 6. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rat.es o�f Com�ensation by establis}�ir?; � a grade for the necr title of Administrative Assistant--Polzce Dpt. (Personn�l� ' 7. Resolution changing the grade and class specification for�the title of EDP _ Systems and Programming Supervisor and abolishing the title ar_d class speci- fication for Data Base Coordinator. (Personnel) A��� 8. Resolution revising the series of technical positions in the �Iuman Rights U;partment. (Personnel) �"t��.�'+3f,� "" W�d-�- t�f v�va� sssP��� a�r ��7-`� \� ' Q ivil Service Rules concernin� a ointm�n� above the 9. P,esolution amendino the C o PP r..inimur,i. (Personnel) p����'� � !(j. 1�=SGWT10�5� T1�AlJSF�ItR�UG GtJNS F�M �f��[ t��'�r'�""� �`�La6Q" 'td 1Z-4.{.t�ODw.t�16► � �'P�.OAj�j. CITY HA�.L SBVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUi,.bf1�Ii�ESOT.\5510'_ .�.»